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Unit 7 Test Vocabulary

1 Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the questions. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Do you ever use exchange offices to change your money?
A coin B currency C money
1 When you travel, do you pay for everything credit card or cash?
A by B for C with
2 Do you often use machines in public places, or do you go into banks?
A cash B currency C money
3 Do you like travelling plane?
A by B on C with
4 If you’re on a plane, can you any time sleeping?
A have B spend C take
5 When you want to visit a big city, do you ever a train?
A ride B take C travel
6 Do you usually check in online, to time?
A save B spend C win
7 Do you use a debit card to out money, or do you change currency?
A bring B find C take
8 When you need things for a trip, like a tent or a rucksack, do you buy it or it?
A borrow B lend C take out
9 Do you always time for shopping in Duty Free, when you go to an airport?
A do B have C spend
10 Do you take to get from an airport to a hotel?
A by taxi B in taxi C a taxi

/ 10

2 Read the descriptions and match them to the words (a–k). There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Another word for the money of a country. c a by bike
1 Nice skin is usually very … I b coins
2 Leaves in autumn … red and yellow. K c currency
3 How you travel when cycling. A d drive
4 It covers and protects your body. H e flies
5 When you use your money to buy things. j f lend
6 Can you … me your pen, please? f g port
7 metal money b h skin
8 When you … a car, a bus or a train, it moves. D i smooth
9 A place where ships leave from. G j spend
10 A pilot doesn’t pilot a plane, he/she … it. E k turn

/ 10
3 Complete the text using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
Ice cream is one of the (0) most popular (popular) desserts. But do you know about the journey of vanilla and chocolate
ice cream, the world’s favourite flavours? It’s possibly the (1) longest (long) journey of all your favourite foods. In
Ancient Greece, people ate snow with honey. In Ancient China, there was a dessert with ice, too. Ice and snow, at 0°C,
are (2) colder (cold) than ice cream, which is 0°C–2°C. This means that they were (3) worst(bad)
for people’s teeth. Teeth can break when we eat cold things, but the Greeks and Chinese possibly had (4) stronger
(strong) teeth than us. Was the Greek recipe (5) older (old) than the Chinese one? Nobody knows which one was first.
What we do know is where modern ice cream comes from – France. The English had an (6) earliest (early) recipe with
milk. Later a man from Sicily put eggs and sugar in it too, in his café in Paris in the seventeenth century. This made the
dessert (7) sweetest (sweet). The ingredients travelled a long way, too. Vanilla and chocolate were both from Mexico.
Chocolate was the (8) best (good) drink for men who went to fight against other villages. It was also
(9) hotter
/ 10 (hot) than modern hot chocolate and (10) most bitter(bitter) to drink, because there was no sugar. Sugar
was originally from India. So when you have ice cream on your plate, you have a map in front of you! Enjoy it.

4 Here are some sentences about a famous walk in Spain. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Use no more than THREE words. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 The Camino de Santiago is more important than other walks in Spain.
The Camino de Santiago is the most important walk in Spain.
1 There are many routes, but the part along the north of Spain is more famous than the
others. There are many routes, but the most famous part is along the north of Spain.
2 Some parts of the walk are difficult. Some parts of the walk aren’t very
difficult. Some parts of the walk are more difficult than others.
3 Some months are not good for doing the walk, particularly
July. July is the most particularly for doing the walk.
4 Most of the Camino is flat across the north of Spain. The last 200 km are not flat.
Most of the Camino across the north of Spain is flatter than the last 200 km.
5 There are interesting towns and cities along the Camino, in particular León and
Pamplona. León and Pamplona are more interesting than the other towns and cities along
the Camino.
6 Santiago is in the region of Spain with more wet weather than the rest of
Spain. Santiago is the region that has the most weather in Spain.
7 The Camino along the north is about 767 km. The Camino from Seville to Santiago is 884 km.
The Camino from Seville to Santiago is further away than the Camino along the north.
8 The hotel at the end of the Camino de Santiago is older than all the hotels in the world.
The oldest hotel in the world is in Santiago de Compostela, at the end of the Camino.
9 April, May, June and September are better than the other months for the Camino.
The better months for the Camino are April, May, June and September.
10 The Camino in April is not as crowded as it is in
July. The Camino in July is more crowded than in
April. / 10
5 Read the article about journeys into space. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? There is an example at the
beginning (0).
In the 1950s, when the popular science-fiction programme Journey into Space was on the radio, the idea of space travel was
just a fantastic story. Nowadays, it is still one of our most exciting dreams. We love films and TV series like Star Trek and
Star Wars, but it is also a real possibility. We know a lot more about space now – and some people can go there! Yuri
Gagarin was the first person in space. He went on 12th April 1961 and he flew around the world for 108 minutes. The
Americans wanted to be first, but the Russians were quicker. Alan Shepherd was the second man in space in May 1961, a
month after Gagarin, but his flight was shorter – it was fifteen minutes long. Shepherd also went to the moon. He was the
fifth person there, and the oldest. He also played golf there, so he was the most famous golfer on the moon!

Nowadays, the Russians and the Americans work together with fourteen other nationalities on the International Space
Station. The ISS first went into space in 2000 with two Russians, Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev, and an American,
Bill Shepherd. Their journey was 141 days long. There are still people on the ISS now.

Russian Valeri Polyakov spent the longest time in one visit to space. He spent 437 days and eighteen hours there
between 1994 and 1995. The American with the longest time in space is Peggy Whitson. She broke the record in
2017 after 665 days in space (in more than one visit). Her last journey ended on 3rd September 2017 after 288 days.
In that time, she travelled 196.66 million kilometres. That’s a very long journey.
0 In the fifties, Journey into Space wasn’t about a real journey. T
1 The article says the idea of journeys into space are a little boring now. F
2 The article doesn’t say what country Gagarin was from. F
3 Gagarin spent more time in space than Shepherd. F
4 Shepherd was older than all other people who walked on the moon. T
5 Shepherd was also one of the most famous golfers in the world. F
6 More than fifteen countries work together on the ISS project. T
7 One of the first people on the ISS had the same first name or surname as the first two men in space. T
8 Polyakov spent 437 days on more than one space journey. T
9 Whitson spent 665 days on more than one space journey. T
10 Whitson travelled over 196 million kilometres in one journey. T / 10
Unit 9 Test

1 Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
A great film to (0) is The Eagle Huntress, and it’s better (1) the cinema than on TV. It’s a fantastic
film made in the incredible (2) of west Mongolia. What kind of film is it? It’s a (3) but it’s different
from the (4) ones on TV. This one tells a story. The film-(5) went to the (6) of west Mongolia
to film a 13-year-old Kazakh girl called Aisholpan. She is learning to hunt with an eagle, a job that women in
that region (7) do. There is an (8) moment when Aisholpan is going down (9) to catch
a baby eagle, but all the photography is great. It’s a fantastic film with a very (10) story.
0 A look B see C watch
1 A at B in C on
2 A landscape B picture C river
3 A documentary B romantic C sci-fi
4 A horror B thriller C wildlife
5 A makers B people C team
6 A leaves B mountains C sky
7 A rarely B recent C sometime
8 A animation B exciting C scary

9 A grass B lakes C rocks

10 A boring B comedy C interesting

/ 10
2 Read the descriptions and write the words. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 The opposite of interesting. bori ng
1 A type of film: a boy, a girl, funny problems, a happy ending. romantic comedy
2 Water that has salt in it. sea
3 When a show makes people laugh. funny
4 When a film makes you feel worried. scare
5 An exciting film with police and bad guys. t_______
6 A film with lots of magic in it. fancy
7 A TV competition with questions. q___ s___
8 Thin green leaves but not on trees. grass
9 It can fly and sing. bird
10 You watch this to get information about the day. t _ _ n_ _

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3 Complete the following conversations with be + going to. Use the verbs in brackets. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
0 A: Is Anna going to be at your party? (be)
B: Yes, and she is going to bring her new boyfriend. (bring)
1 A: Where are your parents?
B: They’re out shopping. They are going to buy a new TV. (buy)
A: What are going to they are going to do with the old one? (do)
B: I don’t know, but they are not going it to me. (not/give)

2 A: Mike is not going to teach us next year. (not/teach)

B: Why not?
A: Because he is going to go back to the USA. (go back)
3 A: Are you going to watch the football match tonight? (watch)
B: No, we are going to watch the film on the other channel. (watch)

4 A: I am not going to go out tonight. (not/go out)

B: Why not?
A: I am too tired. I am going to go to bed at 10.00 (go)

5 A: What are going to do you are going to do next weekend? (do)

B: I am going to bring with my sister in Brighton. (bring)
A Are you going to take the children? (take)
B: No, they are going to stay with their grandmother. (stay)

4 Complete the conversation with the correct letter A–L. There is one extra letter. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
Ian: What are you doing? Molly: 9 H
Molly: 0 C Ian: It sounds interesting. You’re going to love it.
Ian: Are you going to go back to college? Molly: 10 I
Molly: 1D
A Because I want to write to entertain people.
Ian: What are you going to study?
B I’m going to learn how to write plays.
Molly: 2G
C I’m reading about a course.
Ian: Why do you want to do that?
D No, he isn’t. I’m going to do that.
Molly: 3A
E No, I don’t. I often write poems or song
Ian: Have you got an idea for a play?
Molly: 4B
F No, I haven’t. But I’m working with a team.
Ian: What are you working on?
G No, I’m not. I’m going to do an evening
Molly: 5F
Ian: Can one of your team write music?
H No, we aren’t. We want to do it for fun.
Molly: 6J
I Thank you. I’ll call you to tell you about it.
Ian: Is he going to write the words for the songs?
J Yes, Jason can. He’s very good at it and
Molly: 7K
he can also sing.
Ian: Do you need to learn to do that?
K Yes, I do. But I’m not going to study songs.
Molly: 8D
M I’m going to study plays.
Ian: Do you enjoy it?
L We’re going to write a musical.
/ 10

5 Read the article about a popular type of entertainment from the past. Are the sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). There is an example at
the beginning (0).
One type of entertainment was the only type of government talked to the country on the radio, like
entertainment for many people for decades. It is over they do on TV now. The radio was part of life. In the
one hundred years 1960s, rock ‘n’ roll and Motown came to Europe from
old and it helped save lives during World War II. It the USA, and European teenagers, like The Beatles,
brought communities together, and it’s still popular in listened to it to copy it, to make their own music and
houses, offices, shops, cafés and cars. What is it? The dance. Traditional radio stations didn’t like this new,
radio. young, American fashion and didn’t play ‘pop’, but
In Britain, until the ’60s, ‘radio’ meant the BBC. other, new stations did. Millions listened to the radio,
It belonged to the government, and had the news, and pop music became the biggest type of
stories for children, documentaries, plays, cooking entertainment for teenagers.
programmes, and a little music. It was a little boring In the ’70s, the radio moved towards music and
for young people, but families enjoyed listening away from news, plays and documentaries. There
together, and talking about the news. Some drama were more and more pop stars, and more and more
series were popular; neighbours listened to the music.
same series, and then talked about them together, Nowadays, we still have the radio, but we don’t
like TV nowadays. The king or queen and the
usually listen to it except in the car. At home or technology and music change, but we’re going to
at work, we listen online. Times change, have the radio for a long time.

0 A lot of people had a radio as their only A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 6 In the ’60s, different kinds of music arrived in
Europe and young people wanted to make similar
1 The article says the radio was useful during a music.
war. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 7 Not all radio stations liked the new kind of
2 In the ’40s and ’50s, British people listened to the music.
BBC and other stations. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 8 Radio plays ended in the 1970s.
3 Before the ’60s, all the programmes on British A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
radio were for adults.
9 The writer says we don’t listen to radio in the same
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say way now.
4 The radio was good for families because they spent A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
time together.
10 The writer thinks the radio isn’t going to be popular
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say in the future.
5 The drama series on the radio were similar to A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
the drama series on TV today.

/ 10

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