Early Bird Activity Book

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Early Bird Activity Book


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General Conference Youth Ministries Department

Early Bird
Activity Book



General Conference Youth Ministries Department

Produced by: Adrian Gutierrez Perez
General Conference Youth Ministries Department Wilbert Hilario (ClicArt)
12501 Old Columbia Pike Had Graphic Inc.
Silver Spring, MD 20904 [email protected]

Departmental Director: Gary Blanchard Photos by: © Shutterstock

Associate Youth Director: Pako Mokgwane
Associate Youth Director: Andrés J. Peralta Resources:
Editor-in-Chief: Andrés J. Peralta Gomez, Ada. “Adventist Adventurer Awards.” Adventist Ad-
Departmental Advisor: Abner De Los Santos venturer Awards - Wikibooks.org. North American Division
Senior Editorial Assistant: Kenia Reyes-de León Club Ministries, 2014. Web. 26 July 2017. <https://en.wiki-
Project Manager: Mark O’Ffill
Content Contributors: Mark O’Ffill Gooch, Jennifer A. Eager Beaver Leader’s Guide with 23
Ted & Betsy Burgdorff Themed Meeting Plans. 3rd ed. Lincoln, Neb.: Advent-
Source, 2007, 2015. Print.
Copy Editor: Mark O’Ffill
For information
Cover & Interior Designer: Email: [email protected]
Jonatan Tejel Website: youth.adventist.org
Isaac Chia

4 | Early Bird Workbook

Early Bird Checklist
Name: Date Started: Date Completed:

Basic Requirements My Family Instructor Checklist

1. Recite the Adventurer Law 1. I Have a Family Basic Requirements
2. Complete the Story Listening II award a. Say the fifth commandment: “Honor 1.
your father and your mother” (Exodus 2.
3. Complete the Birds award 20:12) 3.
2. Families Care for Each Other My God
My God a. Complete the Helping at Home 1.
award a.
1. God’s Plan to Save Me
3. My Family Helps Me Care for Myself b.
a. Color a story chart or lapbook about
the people in the Bible who prayed: a. Complete the Fire Safety award
Samuel, Daniel, Jonah, David
b. Learn how to pray independently
c. Earn the Jesus Star award
My World a.
1. The World of Friends
2. God’s Message to Me c.
a. Complete the My Community Friends
a. Complete the Bible Friends award My Self
3. God’s Power in My Life 1.
2. The World of Other People a.
a. Have a regular family worship time
a. Complete the Playing with Friends 2.
in your home. Keep a record
award a.
b. Ask someone you know why they
pray 3. The World of Nature 3.
a. Complete the Scavenger Hunt award a.
c. Complete the God’s World award
The World of Nature My Family

My Self 4. Other awards that may be earned by

Early Birds include:
1. I Am Special • Alphabet Fun 2.
a. Complete the Left & Right award
• Animal Homes
2. I Can Make Wise Choices • Animals
a. Complete the Manners Fun award • Beginning Biking
My World
• Beginning Swimming
3. I Can Care for My Body 1.
• Birds
a. Complete the Know Your Body award a.
• Crayons & Markers 2.
• Gadgets and Sand, a.
• Jigsaw Puzzle, 3.
• Pets. a.

Little Lamb Workbook | 5


“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the
kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

–Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

This passage is often illustrated with a group of angelic children sitting attentively at
Jesus’ feet. And perhaps this was the first picture that popped into your mind when
you agreed to lead your church’s Early Bird level. However, now that you’ve had time to
think about it, the picture may have quickly changed to a group of active five Year Olds
running around the room while you stand helplessly in their midst. Hopefully, the reality
will be somewhere in between these two pictures!

This guide was developed to assist parents and Early Bird leaders who want to work
with children as they develop physically and spiritually. The Early Bird level can be used
as part of the Adventurer Club in your church or by a group of parents who want to use
a curriculum to assist them in teaching their children skills and values.

Early Bird activities should be fun and kid-centered. Remember that children of this age
look to adults to set the pace of the meetings and model how they should respond to
situations. So . . . take a deep breath, say a prayer, and keep your sense of humor. Your
adventures with Early Birds are about to begin!

6 | Early Bird Workbook

The Early Bird Level
This section contains an overview of the Early
Bird level. You’ll get an idea of how Early Birds fit
into Adventurer Club Ministries and the goals and
requirements of the Early Bird level.

Early Bird Workbook | 7

Adventurer Logo

AD R Jesus




8 | Early Bird Workbook

Early Bird Goals

01 Demonstrate God’s love for children.

02 Promote the values expressed in the Adventurer

Pledge and Law.

03 Create an environment where all children

can contribute.

04 Encourage children to have fun.

Adventurer Pledge
Because Jesus loves me,
I will always do my best.

Adventurer Law
Jesus can help me to:

• Be obedient • Be attentive
• Be pure • Be helpful
• Be true • Be cheerful
• Be kind • Be thoughtful
• Be respectful • Be reverent

Adventurer Song
We are Adventurers
At home, at school, at play
We are Adventurers
We’re learning every day
To be honest, kind, and true
To be like Jesus through and through
We are Adventurers!

Early Bird Workbook | 9

The Early Bird Curriculum

One of your responsibilities as leader is to encourage the physical, mental, and

spiritual development of each child. The Early Bird level requirements were created
to assist you with this responsibility. The requirements are organized into five areas:
Basic, My God, My Self, My Family, and My World. Each child will complete most of the
requirements as part of the Early Bird Lessons. The completion of each requirement
will be noted in the lesson so you can put a star or sticker by the child’s name on the
Early Bird record chart. At the end of the Early Bird year, each child completing all the
requirements will receive an Eaarly Bird pin.

It is very important for leaders to understand that not all Early Birds will be at the
same developmental level or have the same physical abilities, so you’ll need to be
flexible in how the children complete these requirements. It is up to you to interpret
how the children fulfill these requirements. For example, not all children will be able
to tie their shoes. Instead, they might be able to velcro their shoes or put on their
shoes. Flexibility and creativity are the keys to ensuring the success of each Early Bird.
As always, these activities should be fun for you and the children.

Parent involvement is important to success. In some cases, making them aware of

what is “normal” for five year olds helps them train their child at home towards the
goals introduced at Adventurers.

10 | Early Bird Workbook

Characteristics of Early Birds
This section gives you and your staff a quick
overview of what to expect and what not to expect
from Early Birds.

Early Bird Workbook | 11

What You Need to Know
About Early Birds
In the book Child Guidance (Review and Herald, 1954), Ellen White encourages
parents to understand the developmental needs of their children. This section helps
you with just that—understanding the physical, cognitive, and social characteristics
of Early Birds. Remember that children develop at their own pace, so some children
in your club may not have reached these markers, and others will have passed them.
Make sure you focus on the specific needs of each child and not just the stages.

12 | Early Bird Workbook

Physical Characteristics
• Have difficulty controlling large body movements.
• Can control large motor skills more easily than fine motor skills.
• Struggle to control volume of speech.
• Can take themselves to the bathroom, though accidents occasionally happen.
• Can dress themselves with slight assistance.

Cognitive Characteristics
• Have short attention spans.
• Learn actively.
• Focus on one thing at a time.
• Need specific directions.
• Require consistency.
• Can confuse reality and fiction.
• Want to make their own decisions.
• Are literal.

Early Bird Workbook | 13

Social Characteristics
• Can take turns but may not share well.
• May appear to be know-it-alls.
• Are competitive and like to win.
• Can see only their own point of view.
• Are upset or embarrassed by criticism.
• Have tantrums or tattle to test authority.
• Respond well to encouragement and rewards.
• Can jump and hop easier than they can write or color.
• May appear clumsy, fall off of chairs, or bump into other children.
• Are noisy.
• Need short activities that can be completed in one sitting.
• Follow directions that are given one step at a time.
• Enjoy role playing instead of memorizing.
• Like to play with their “best” friend and won’t voluntarily include others.

Spiritual Characteristics
James Fowler, a Christian counselor, researcher, and specialist in children’s
development, has identified
seven stages in the development of faith; three of which are closely associated with
and parallel cognitive and psychological development in childhood.

These stages are:

Primal Faith (ages 0-2)
1-Intuitive-Protective Faith (ages 3-5)
2-Mythic-Literal Faith (ages 6-11)
3-Synthetic-Conventional Faith (age 11-Adolescence)
4-*Individuative-Reflective Faith
5-*Conjunctive Faith
6-*Universalizing Faith
Stage 0 “Primal Faith” is the beginning steps of faith within the arms of their
parents. Stages 3-6 are the faith stages of Pathfinders and adults. He has done

14 | Early Bird Workbook

research and sees that many individuals, even adults, may never develop stages 4-6
unless intentional ongoing spiritual development is a chosen part of their ongoing
deepening relationship with God. In Adventurers we are working with children who
are learning to experience God through stages 1 & 2.

Stage 1 (Little Lambs and

Early Birds)
• Shared experiences - kids love having a community to share their spiritual learning
• Parental - parents are involved in the Adventurer experiences and provide a lot of
the spiritual modeling
• Love & Security - God is real because of the love and security supplied by
caregivers, such as parents and Adventurer leaders
• Concrete Meaning - Truth about the Bible makes sense because of things they can
touch and Bible stories they can relate to. They are unable to think abstractly and
are generally unable to see the world from anyone else’s perspective.
• Experienced Traditions - opening exercises that are always the same, the
Adventurer Pledge and Law that are learned and repeated each session throughout
the years of Adventurers are a part of this experienced tradition. God becomes
more real when things are predictable and they know what to expect from spiritual
activities. Faith is not a thought-out set of ideas, but instead a set of experienced
impressions WITH parents and influencers

Stage 2 Mythical-Literal (Busy

Bees - Helping Hands)
• Compared - Children at this age are able to start to work out the difference
between verified facts and things that might be more fantasy or speculation.
• Trust Circle - Source of religious authority starts to expand past parents and trusted
adults to others in their community like teachers and friends.
• Religion as their Experience - Kids in this age group have a strong interest in
religion. Later in this stage children begin to have the capacity to understand that
others might have different beliefs than them.

Early Bird Workbook | 15

• Duty - following God and his teaching is seen as a duty and honor.
• Concrete Meaning - By default, children in this age group see that prayer to God
is important and expected. They believe that good behavior is rewarded, and bad
behavior is punished. If I am good to God, God will be good to me. Teaching the
reality of God’s GRACE beginning at this stage will allow them to further deepen
their relationship with Jesus as they enter stages 3 & 4.
• Experienced Traditions = Symbol’s Meaning - Symbols of scripture are literal
without added meaning. Bible stories are powerful and real motivators.

Do’s and Don’ts of Discipline

One of the best ways to prevent disciplinary problems is to keep Adventurers busy
and on task. The following strategies will help you manage your Adventurers. And
remember, you’re there to help the children and their families learn to love Jesus;
therefore, it is important that you model love, patience, and a cheerful attitude. You
want the Adventurer Club to be a fun experience for everyone, so try to keep your
sense of humor and compassion even when an Adventurer’s behavior is a problem.

• Have a few short, simple rules and review them often. Sample rules: Be kind to
others. Use good manners. Listen quietly to others. Follow directions. Be positive.
• Use signals to let the children know when you want their attention. Signals can be
just about anything such as quickly turning a light on and off, turning a flashlight
on and off, raising your hand, or using a clicker.
• Use silence. Stop what you are doing and stay quiet until their focus is back on you.
• Make eye contact. Often getting a child to look at you is a good way to get her to
stop what she is doing and focus on you.

16 | Early Bird Workbook

• Use names. If you say an Adventurer’s name followed by a question or directions,
you can usually get him back on track.
• Stand near an Adventurer to get her back on task.
• Ask adults to interact with the children. If adults are happily participating in
the activities, the Adventurers are more likely to model the adults’ behavior.
Additionally, having adults involved can prevent misbehavior from escalating.

• Embarrass or shame a child in front of others or privately
• Overreact
• Lose your temper—no screaming, using threats, or nagging
• Hit or spank
• Insult a child by saying “you’re stupid,” “you’re useless,” “you’re clumsy”
• Use sarcasm
• Compare children
• Label children
• Demand respect—respect is earned
• Expect children to behave as adults

Early Bird Workbook | 17

Early Birds with Disabilities
Learn how every Early Bird can fully participate in
your club by understanding each child and knowing
how to plan inclusive activities.
Including Early Birds with
Special Needs
When you learn that a child with a disability will be a member of your club, you
might initially feel overwhelmed. Don’t worry. Often simple changes to an activity or
requirement are all that is needed. Kids this age with special needs can generally tell
you when they require assistance and if they can’t, their parents or guardians can.
Remember that parents or guardians are not looking to you to discredit a diagnosis
or to offer a “cure” for a condition; rather they are looking to you to welcome and
include their child.

Additionally, the other children and adults look to you to see how to act, so make
sure you treat the child with special needs with the same openness and ease that you
show all of the children.

• Speak directly to the child, not to the adult.
• Recognize that a child’s physical disabilities don’t indicate mental disabilities.
• Ask about the child’s medical or special equipment needs.
• Explain special equipment to all children to alleviate fears. Parents can help explain
in the correct ways.
• Take extra care in planning for the safety of the child with special needs.
• Ensure the meeting facility is handicapped accessible.
• Ask the child how they would prefer to complete a task.
• Foster independence.
• Focus on all children’s strengths.
• Expect reasonable behavior from all children.
• Be flexible.

20 | Early Bird Workbook

Planning Inclusive Activities
At times you will need to substitute or change program requirements in order for
children with special needs to participate. However, this may mean some creative
thinking on your part. Remember that the point is for the activity to be fun and
meaningful for the child. Here are some ideas to get you started.

• Instead of requiring the child with a learning disability to memorize her phone
number and address for the Fire Safety award, have her decorate pre-printed
business cards that she can carry in pockets and her backpack.
• For the autistic child over-stimulated by noise or new places, allow him to watch a
video about a fire station instead of participating in the club field trip for the Fire
Safety award.
• If a child has balance problems, substitute riding a bike with training wheels or
a tricycle for the Beginning Biking award requirement of riding a bike without
training wheels.
• A blind child can make a play-doh/or clay craft instead of drawing a picture or
cutting out pictures, as suggested in a variety of requirements.
• A child with cerebral palsy may not be able to meet the program requirements of
tying shoes, combing hair, brushing teeth, or dressing herself. Ask the child what
new skill she would like to learn. She’ll have some ideas.
• Teach all the children how to use sign language to say the Adventurer Pledge. This
will allow a deaf child or a child with a speech impairment to participate.
• A child with Down syndrome might act out his favorite Sabbath activity instead
of memorizing the fourth commandment, as suggested in the Early Bird program
• Substitute learning the different tastes (sour, sweet, salty, bitter) and explore why
God gave us a variety of tastes for a child with low vision instead of learning the
colors listed in the Early Bird program requirements.

• Invite a special education teacher to talk to the Adventurer staff.
• Visit your local library for books about children with disabilities.

Early Bird Workbook | 21

Early Birds Meetings
Just like baby birds learn flying, eating and nesting skills,
these lessons let your Early Birds experience each of the
learning goals you have for them.

22 | Early Bird Workbook

Your group of Adventurers is part of a larger club, composed of up to six groups. In
many situations, these six groups start and end meetings together, with specialized
group activities just for your age group happening in between.

Elements often include:

• Opening exercises with the whole club (Adventurer song, Adventurer pledge and
law, song service, prayers)
• Group activities (age group)
- Award opportunities
- Games, stories, crafts, activities
- Varied opportunities to experience Jesus
• Closing exercises with the whole club

Activity Tips
Meetings are designed to meet the program goals and most importantly, the
children’s needs. WIth this in mind, the meetings provided in this booklet are
designed to be flexible. Don’t feel as if you must replicate each of them exactly. The
activity suggestions are provided to help you fulfill the requirements listed! The
requirements are developmentally based, which means that at some point during
the year, most in this age group will be able to master or improve their skills to
match this requirement! The teacher helps at the back of each student notebook (or
beginning about page 65 in each notebook) are a huge resource for building meeting
activities. If you have created or seen activities that reach the same requirement goals,
feel free to substitute or reimagine how the kids learn! Just be sure its not “just like
school” but instead is mostly about active, hands-on, interactive learning!

While all of the activities in this section are designed to maximize fun, they also lead
the children to Jesus and enable them to learn about their world, their families, and
themselves. You an intentionally assist the children in recognizing these connections
to Jesus and their world by specifically stating the purpose of the meeting, connecting
the activities to the meeting theme, and asking the children questions that encourage
them to summarize the themes in their own words.

Early Bird Workbook | 23

The student notebooks are provided to help the kids keep track of what they learned, and to
provide built-out ready-made activities for coloring, creating, and doing. At the same time,
many requirements are “go do it” kind of activities, so there isn’t a page to write out, but
instead a box to check off after the hands-on activity is done.

The teacher guides in the back of each book/PDF are specifically there to help parents-staff
minimize the time needed to prepare to lead the activities! The helps are set up in a way that
naturally completes all the requirements for the awards and investiture pin. When adapting the
activities be sure to remind yourself of the requirement that needs fulfilled.

Also, be aware that the pace of activities will differ from club to club and meeting to meeting.
Sometimes the children will quickly complete everything you planned. It’s good to have a
back-up game or activity for when this happens. Other times, the children may really enjoy an
activity and not want to stop. It’s okay to reschedule or adapt activities that you’ve planned
and continue with something that everyone is enjoying. And if something isn’t going smoothly,
you can stop the activity and redirect the children to something new. However, keeping
things moving “faster” than they may wish, keeps them engaged, and willing to come again,
since they’ve never had time to be “bored.” Finally, flexibility and enthusiasm are the keys to
conducting successful Adventurer group meetings!

Parent Networks
“The Adventurer program was created to assist parents in their important responsibilities as a
child’s primary teachers and evangelizers. …The program aims to strengthen the parent/child
relationship and to further the child’s development in spiritual, physical, mental, and social
areas. Through the Adventurer Program, the church, home, and school can work together with
the parent to develop a mature, happy child.”

In Adventurer ministry, “staff” and “parents” are often synonyms. Many clubs around the world
are created and run by groups of parents with a shared goal -- a club ministry for their kids.
However, in modern settings, parenting is complex. Adventurers provides a great and safe
refuge to help provide a structure, time, as well as spiritual and emotional resources to assist
parents. All parents want to succeed! Adventurers, if planned correctly can provide resources
to help all of us succeed!

Parents are strongly encouraged to be completely involved in the Adventurer program --

volunteering to help with their child’s group, collecting the supplies, providing or serving
snacks, or leading out in field trips. At this stage of development, parents are essential to the
developmental, spiritual, and emotional growth of the children!

24 | Early Bird Workbook

In addition, providing parenting seminars, social events, and shared experiences to
build the adult - parent community will make the Adventurer program even strong.
Friends (parents) working together, in a shared community, make things happen!

Ideas for parent involvement:

• Telling a story / reading a story to the group of Adventurers
• Playing an instrument for singing time
• Field trip planning and implementing
• Snacks
• Crafts and games set up / clean up
• Leading a game or craft
• Telling a story

Ideas to build successful parent communities:

• Family events outside of Adventurers
• Planning and carrying out service projects
• Planting a garden as a group (involve kids, share stories)
• Eat together
• Small group Bible studies after a meeting or on another evening. Stuy stories of
successful (and unsuccessful) parents in the Bible, Teachings of Jesus, or other
subjects the group is interested in
• Arrange prayer breakfasts, pray chats / texting, prayer times -- to pray for each
other, their spouses, relationships, and children.
• Assisting other families groups in need

Early Bird Workbook | 25

Early Bird Scope and Sequence


My God My God
Area Basic Basic
God’s Plan to Save Me God’s Message to Me

Part Class:Lion BrothersPart Class:

Part #:100028148004
Lion Brothers PartLion Brothers
#:100028148027 Part #:100028148028
PC2 Part Drawing PC2
Part Drawing Part
Scale:1/1 Drawing
SIZEa story chart
a. Color
Program: Program:
or lapbook about the
DA Customer: SDA Customer:
Jachens Artist: Brian Jachens people in the Bible
Artist: Brian Jachens
7 Date: 3/2/17 Date: 1/25/17 who prayed: Samuel,
Other: xxx
Recite the Adventurer Recite theOther:
Story Listening,
xxx Early Bird David
Early Bird
Requirements Daniel, Jonah,
Law Law

b. Learn how to pray


Story Listening Birds 40.93mm Crayons and Markers 40.93mm
Bible Friends



See Requirements
Required page for other options

留连布边 Self edge 留连布边 Self edge 留连布边

激光切 Laser Cut 激光切 Laser Cut 激光切
aterial 底布物料 Ground Material 底布物料 Ground Material 底布物料
6228 # 30348 # 30365
1473 # 41473 41473

线 Thread 线 Thread 线
# 38631 4, #38083 3, #40067 6, 5,
# 38631 后烫胶 1,
# 39459Post-Coat 后烫胶# 38116 6,
085 2, #40676 1, #38769 4, #39031 3,
# 38166 2, 1, 7, 5, # 38159 4,
# 41347 # 3,
41347 2,
26 | Early Bird Workbook
#38428 #38993 # 38168 # 38306
My God My Self
My Self My Self
Area God’s Power I Can Make
I Am Special I Can Care for My Body
in My Life Wise Choices

Lion Brothers Part #:100028148020 Lion BrothersPart Class:

Part #:100028148023
Part Drawing Scale:1/1 Part Drawing
a. Have a regular Program:
Customer: SDA Customer: SDA PRGM2
family worship time
Artist: Brian Jachens Artist: Brian Jachens
Date: 1/25/17 in your home. Keep a Date: 1/25/17
Other: xxx
Requirements record. Other: xxx God’s World

b. Ask someone you

know why they pray

Jesus Star 40.93mm

God’s World Manners Fun 40.93mm
Know Your Body

Left & Right

Self edge 留连布边 Self edge 留连布边

Laser Cut 激光切 Laser Cut 激光切
Ground Material 底布物料 Ground Material 底布物料
40040 # 35522

Thread 线 Thread 线
38631 4 38104 1 38284 4 38132 3 Post-Coat 后烫胶
38652 2,5 38896 3 38896 2 D102 1 # 41347
Early Bird Workbook | 27
My Family My Family
My Family My World
Area Families Care My Family Helps Me
I Have a Family The World of Friends
for Each Other Care for Myself

Part Class:
Lion Brothers Part #:100028148029
Customer: SDA PRGM2
Say the fifth
Artist: Brian Jachens
Date: 1/25/17 commandment:
Other: xxx
Requirements “Honor your father Helping at Home (Helping Mommy)
and your mother”
(Exodus 20:12)

Gadgets and Sand 40.93mm

Home Helper 1 Fire Safety My Community Friends

Jigsaw Puzzle

Self edge 留连布边

Laser Cut 激光切
Ground Material 底布物料
# 30365

Thread 线
38145 4 38116 2 Post-Coat 后烫胶
38168 1 38896 3 # 41347
28 | Early Bird Workbook
Lion Brothers MEETING 14
Part #:100028148026 MEETING
Part 15
Class: MEETING 16
My World Program:
My World
Customer: SDA
Area PRGM2
Artist: Brian Jachens
The World
The World of Nature
Date: 1/25/17 of Other People
Other: xxx Scavenger Hunt
Other meetings: As
time allows earn
Requirements more of the awards
available for this age

Playing with Friends 40.93mm

Scavenger Hunt


Required Award

Self edge 留连布边

Laser Cut 激光切

Ground Material 底布物料

# 35522

Thread 线
# 38631 3 # 38155 1 Post-Coat 后烫胶
# 38144 2,4 # 41347

Early Bird Workbook | 29


1 Recite the Adventurer Law

Adventurer Law
Jesus can help me to:
Be obedient
Be attentive
Be pure
Be helpful
Be true
Be thoughtful
Be kind
Be reverent
Be respectful


2 Complete the Story Listening II award

in page 79

1. Listen to two age-appropriate books, not read before, from the following categories:

a. Bible

b. Missions

c. Friends or family

d. Nature

30 | Early Bird Workbook


2. Tell the person who read to you what you like most about each story. Be sure to tell
them something about the main “character” in each story. (Note taking area for adult
care givers).

3. Tell the person who read to you “thank you” OR make a craft that you give them that
tells them you are thankful.

Early Bird Workbook | 31



2 The Early Birds award

in page 80

1. Name five birds you can see around your home. (Note taking area for adult care givers)

32 | Early Bird Workbook


2. Name the official bird of your region, province, state, or nation. (Note taking area for
adult care givers)

3. Name three kinds of foods birds eat.

Early Bird Workbook | 33


4. Using a picture of a bird, use a mixture of bird seeds to fill it in to make a bird-seed


34 | Early Bird Workbook


5. Make a bird feeder and hang it outside where you can see it. Count how many birds
come to feed from it.

6. Tell two bible stories that mention a bird. (Note taking area for adult care givers)

7. Know two bird sounds and pretend you are that bird. (Note taking area for adult care

8. Read a book or watch a media clip about a bird(s) you might be able to see in the wild.
(Note taking area for adult care givers)

Early Bird Workbook | 35

MY GOD Jesus Star award

Complete the Jesus Star Requirements:

1. Who created the stars and on what day?

2. How did the wise men know Jesus was born?

3. Identify which direction Jesus will come from?

4. Draw, cut out, or color a star.

5. Locate the North Star. Visit a planetarium or view stars at night.

36 | Early Bird Workbook

Jesus Star award MY GOD

Early Bird Workbook | 37

MY GOD God’s Plan to Save Me

1 Color a story chart or lapbook about people in the Bible

who prayed: Samuel, Daniel, Jonah, David

38 | Early Bird Workbook

God’s Plan to Save Me MY GOD

Early Bird Workbook | 39

MY GOD God’s Plan to Save Me

40 | Early Bird Workbook

God’s Plan to Save Me MY GOD

Early Bird Workbook | 41

MY GOD God’s Plan to Save Me

2 Learn how to pray independently.

42 | Early Bird Workbook

God’s Message to Me MY GOD

1 Complete the Bible Friends award

1. What does it mean to be a friend?

2. Name three Bible Friends.

3. Who is your favorite Bible friend? Tell a story about that person.

4. Dress up and act out a story about a Bible friend.

5. Tell three things you can do to be a friend for Jesus.

• • •

Early Bird Workbook | 43

MY GOD God’s Power in My Life

1 Have a regular family worship time in your home. Keep a record.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Saturday

44 | Early Bird Workbook

God’s Power in My Life MY GOD

2 Ask someone you know why they pray.

3 Complete the God’s World award.

1. Who made our world? (Learn Genesis 1:1).

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MY GOD God’s Power in My Life

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God’s Power in My Life MY GOD

2. Act out the story of creation while someone reads or tells it..

3. Sing a song about your world.

4. Look at a globe or map and show and show where you live (next page).

5. Name five (5) of your favorite things God created for you. (Note taking area for adult care

6. Make a collage, color a picture of God’s world, or take a walk outside and find
things He made.

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MY GOD God’s Power in My Life

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God’s Power in My Life MY GOD

1 Complete the Left & Right award.

1. Play “Simon Says” using left/right.

2. Which hand do you draw with? Print your name.

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MY SELF I Am Special

3. Put red dot stickers on the fingers of your left hand. Put blue dot stickers on your right

Note: Teach this requirement with #4

4. Which side of a faucet is the hot water? Which side is cold?


5. Put your shoes on the correct feet.

6. Practice marching while chanting, “Left, Right, Left.”

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I Can Make Wise Choices MY SELF

1 Complete the Manners Fun award.

1. Learn the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12).

Matthew 7:12

“Therefore, whatever you

want men to do to you, do
also to them, for this is the
Law and the Prophets.”

2. What are five politeness words used in your culture to demonstrate good spoken

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MY SELF I Can Make Wise Choices

3. Draw or cut and paste pictures to illustrate one of these politeness words.

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I Can Make Wise Choices MY SELF

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MY SELF I Can Make Wise Choices

4. Play a game using five politeness words.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





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I Can Care for My Body MY SELF

1 Complete the Know Your Body award.

1. Learn I Corinthians 6:19.

I Corinthians 6:19. (CEB)

“Or don’t you know that

your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit who is in you?
Don’t you know that you
have the Holy Spirit from
God, and you don’t belong
to yourselves?”

2. Name twelve parts of your body.

3. Draw your body and label the twelve parts.

4. What are knees for?

5. What does your face do for you and others?

6. Name some useful things you can do with your hands.

7. How can you use your mouth for Jesus?

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MY SELF I Can Care for My Body

Cue Cards

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I Have a Family MY FAMILY

1 Say the fifth commandment: “Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12).

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MY FAMILY Families Care for Each Other

1 Complete the Helping at Home award.

1. What body parts do you use to help at home?

2. Circle which of the following you think you could do to help at home or draw your own.

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I Have a Family MY FAMILY

3. From #2, pick one of the ways to help at home and help for one week.

Way to help
Day #1

Day #2

Day #3

Day #4

Day #5

Day #6

Day #7

4. Learn a song about helpers.

5. Have someone read you the story from a Bible or storybook.

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MY FAMILY My Family Helps Me Care for Myself

1 Complete the Fire Safety award.

1. What should you do if your clothes catch on fire?

2. What should you do if there is smoke in your house and it’s hard to breathe?

3. Memorize your phone number and street address.



4. What phone number do you call if there is a fire? What do you tell the person who an-
swers the phone?


5. Either visit a fire department or have a fireman or fire truck and team visit your group.

60 | Early Bird Workbook

The World of Friends MY WORLD

1 Complete the My Community Friends award.

1. Name five (5) different friends who live in your community. (Note taking area for adult
care givers)

2. Make a scrapbook or collage of your neighborhood friends, including at least five (5)
different people (on the next 5 pages).

3. Tell three (3) things that you and your friends can do to make your neighborhood a bet-
ter place. (Note taking area for adult care givers)

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MY WORLD The World of Friends

# 1 - My Friend

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The World of Friends MY WORLD

# 2 - My Friend

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MY WORLD The World of Friends

# 3 - My Friend

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The World of Friends MY WORLD

# 4 - My Friend

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MY WORLD The World of Friends

# 5 - My Friend

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The World of Friends MY WORLD

4. Tell one of your friends that Jesus loves them.

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MY WORLD The World of Friends

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The World of Friends MY WORLD

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MY WORLD The World of Friends

5. Do something nice for a community friend.

What to Do Which Community Friend

6. Make a new friend in your neighborhood.

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The World of Other People MY WORLD

1 Complete the Playing with Friends award.

1. What is a friend?

2. Name three ways you can make friends.

(Note taking area for adult care givers)

3. Name four things you can talk about to be friendly with someone. (Note taking area for
adult care givers)

4. Name four things you need to think about when choosing a friend. (Note taking area for
adult care givers)

5. Name three ways that you can know a person is a right friend for you. (Note taking area
for adult care givers)

6. Did Jesus have friends? Have an adult help you find a story in the Bible about some of
His friends. (Note taking area for adult care givers)

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MY WORLD The World of Other People

7. Make a craft to give to your friend.

8. Do your choice of one of the following:

Learn a song about friends.

Make a scrapbook about a new friend.
Learn or experience a poem about a friend.
Tell a story about a friend.

72 | Early Bird Workbook

The World of Nature MY WORLD

1 Complete the Scavenger Hunt award.

1. Go on a scavenger hunt with one of your parents, a teacher, or another adult.

2. Find two items in nature (acorns, pine cones, nuts, leaves, etc.).

3. Find something relating to a Bible story (small basket = Moses, cotton, lamb’s wool,
stones = altar, multi-colored material Joseph’s coat, etc.). Talk about the story.
4. Find something that is red (flower, piece of material, color crayon, etc.).

5. Find a plastic egg (or another type of container), open it and share with another Early
Bird. (Can put grapes, raisins, candy, or whatever you like.)

Scavenger Hunt award checklist

Requirement 2: Find two items in nature

___ acorns
___ pine cones
___ nuts
___ leaves
___ a tiny wildflower
___ a stick shaped like a letter

Requirement 3: Find something relating to a Bible story

___ small basket = Moses, cotton, lamb’s wool
___ stones = altar, multi-colored material Joseph’s coat

Requirement 4: Find something that is red

___ flower
___ piece of material
___ color crayon

Requirement 5: Find a plastic egg (or another type of container)

___ plastic egg
___ another container

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GENERAL The World of Nature

1 Additional awards which Early Birds could earn.

1. Alphabet Fun

2. Animal Homes

3. Animals*

4. Beginning Biking

5. Beginning Swimming

6. Crayons and Markers*

7. Gadgets and Sand

8. Jigsaw Puzzle*

9. Pets

10. Shapes & Sizes*

11. Sponge Art*

12. Stamping Fun

13. Toys*

* = Suggested award in annual plan, though not required for Early Bird pin.

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