Supercritical CO2 Recompression Brayton Cycle Completed Assembly Description - Sandia National Laboratories

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Unlimited Release
Printed October 2012

Supercritical CO2 Recompression

Brayton Cycle: Completed Assembly
Jim Pasch, Tom Conboy, Darryn Fleming, and Gary Rochau

Prepared by
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550

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Unlimited Release
Printed October 2012

Supercritical CO2 Recompression Brayton Cycle:

Completed Assembly Description

James Pasch, Thomas M. Conboy, Darryn Fleming, and Gary E. Rochau

Department Names
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-MS1136


Through multi-year funding from DOE-NE, Sandia National Labs supercritical

carbon dioxide (SCO2) closed Brayton cycle (CBC) research and development team
have recently overseen the completion of the SCO2 CBC recompression test
assembly (TA), and delivery from the development contractor’s facility to Sandia,
Albuquerque. The primary components of the completed TA include two turbo-
alternator-compressors and associated motor/controllers, three printed circuit heat
exchangers, and six shell-and-tube heaters and associated controllers. Principal
supporting components include a cooling tower, electricity-dissipating load bank, and
leakage flow management equipment. With this milestone completed, significant
increase in CBC R&D is anticipated with the objective of advancing the technology
readiness level of components seen by industry as immature. This report presents
detailed descriptions of all components and operating software necessary to operate
the recompression CBC.

Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Table of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 6
Table of Tables ............................................................................................................................... 7
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 8
Nomenclature .................................................................................................................................. 9
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11
2 Description of Delivered Test Assembly Components ........................................................... 15
2.1 Turbo-Alternator-Compressors ..................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 Radial Compressor Wheels ............................................................................. 17
2.1.2 Radial Turbine Wheels ................................................................................... 18
2.1.3 Motor Alternator ............................................................................................. 20
2.1.4 Gas Foil Bearings............................................................................................ 20
2.1.5 Motor Controllers............................................................................................ 21
2.2 High-Temperature PCHE Recuperator ......................................................................... 21
2.3 Low-Temperature PCHE Recuperator .......................................................................... 22
2.4 Gas Chiller .................................................................................................................... 23
2.5 Heating system .............................................................................................................. 23
2.5.1 130-kW S-CO2 Heaters ................................................................................... 23
2.5.2 Heater Controllers ........................................................................................... 25
2.6 175-kWe Load Banks ................................................................................................... 25
2.7 Evaporative Cooler (220-kW rated) and Cooling Pumps ............................................. 25
2.8 Hydro-Pac Gas Scavenging Pump ................................................................................ 27
2.9 Overspeed Resistors ...................................................................................................... 28
2.10 Instrumentation ............................................................................................................. 29
2.11 Piping ............................................................................................................................ 30
2.12 Support structures ......................................................................................................... 30
2.13 Inventory Expansion Tanks .......................................................................................... 30
2.14 Ancillary Components .................................................................................................. 30
2.15 Software ........................................................................................................................ 31
3 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 34
4 References ............................................................................................................................... 36

Figure 1-1. Schematic of the delivered S-CO2 split-flow TA. ..................................................... 12
Figure 1-2. State points and component performance of the split-flow TA at design
conditions. ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2-1. SolidWorks schematic of the delivered split-flow recompression loop.................... 15
Figure 2-2. Cross section of the TAC. ......................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-3. Main compressor (left) and recompressor (right) wheels. ........................................ 17
Figure 2-4. Main compressor performance map. ......................................................................... 18
Figure 2-5. Recompressor turbine (left) and main compressor turbine (right). ........................... 19
Figure 2-6. Main compressor turbine performance map. ............................................................. 19
Figure 2-7. Gas foil journal bearing (left) and thrust bearing on thrust disk (right). ................... 20
Figure 2-8. S-CO2 high-temperature PCHE recuperator. ............................................................ 21
Figure 2-9. S-CO2 LT PCHE recuperator. .................................................................................... 22
Figure 2-10. Watlow immersion heating element (130-kW heating capacity). ........................... 24
Figure 2-11. Avtron load banks. .................................................................................................. 26
Figure 2-12. Evaporative Cooler.................................................................................................. 27
Figure 2-13. The new Hydro-Pac Scavenging Pump and Watlow® Heater Controllers. ........... 28
Figure 2-14. Overspeed resistor cabinet. ..................................................................................... 29
Figure 2-15. Three servo valves (red components) that control the cooling
flow path and TAC-A isolation functions. .................................................................................... 31
Figure 2-16. GUI that displays the TA operational data. ............................................................. 32

Table 2-1. Approximate Dimensions of the HT PCHE Recuperator........................................... 22
Table 2-2. Approximate Dimensions and Flow Area in the LT Recuperator. ............................. 23

Supercritical CO2 (S-CO2) power plants1 offer the potential for better economics because of their
small size, use of standard materials, and improved electrical-power-conversion efficiency at
modest temperature (400–750°C). Sandia National Laboratories (SNL or Sandia) and the U.S.
Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) have operated a S-CO2 Brayton
cycle power system that has been located at Sandia contractor Barber-Nichols Inc. in Arvada,
Colorado, since the program’s inception. This system is one of the first S-CO2 power-producing
Brayton cycles operating in the world. The original design was recently completed and moved
from Barber-Nichols’ facility to Sandia. This report provides a summary description of the
completed design and delivered hardware. The content of this report is intended for unlimited
distribution. A subsequent version of this report with extensive details of the test assembly will
be published with limited distribution.

Dostal, V. Driscoll, M., and Hejzlar, P. “A Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Cycle for Next Generation Nuclear
Reactors,” MIT-ANP-TR-100, March 2004.

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
BNI Barber-Nichols Inc.
DOE-NE U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy
FEA finite-element analysis
GUI graphical user interface
HT high-temperature
LDRD Laboratory Directed Research and Development
LT low-temperature
MAWP maximum allowable working pressure
MGC motor generator controller
OSR overspeed resistor
PCHE printed circuit heat exchanger
R&D research and development
RTD resistive thermocouple devices
S-CO2 supercritical CO2
TA Test Assembly
TAC turbo-alternator-compressor

The DOE Advanced Reactors Program has developed a megawatt class supercritical carbon-
dioxide (S-CO2) Brayton cycle Test Assembly (TA) to investigate the key technical issues for
this power cycle and to confirm model estimates of system performance. The development
process has spanned numerous years as a consequence of incremental funding. The final design
was recently realized in April 2012 with the installation of the final two of six heaters, the
replacement of 1.5-in. diameter piping with 3-in. piping on the hot-flow sections, the
replacement of low-temperature limit seals with seals rated for the design temperature of 811 K
(1000°F), the installation of overspeed resistors (OSRs), and the installation of additional CO2
inventory expansion volume tanks. This report provides a description of the final design, as
delivered from Sandia National Laboratories’ (Sandia or SNL) contractor Barber-Nichols Inc.
(BNI) [1] facilities in Arvada, Colorado, to Sandia’s Building 6630 in Albuquerque, New
Mexico. Where relevant, comparisons of delivered hardware capabilities to the original design
objectives are presented.

A schematic of the split-flow heated recuperated Brayton TA, which was used for the final
testing at BNI in this report period, is shown in Figure 1-1. The image depicts the loop as it
existed during testing in March and April 2012. With the latest upgrades, the TA can achieve the
original design heat input of 780 kW with reduced momentum losses in the hot-flow sections.

The focus of the testing in this reporting period was to expand the envelope of operating
experience, and, most recently, to verify contractual performance following the final upgrades.
Verification at the contractor’s facility was limited in scope for several reasons. Most
importantly, the speed requirement of 75,000 rpm had not yet been achieved because of a
consistently conservative approach to testing that was intentionally used to avoid damaging the
hardware. As a result of both this approach and the incremental nature of the TA development,
operating experience did not advanced to the point of confidently testing the split-flow TA to the
primary design conditions until immediately prior to TA disassembly for transport to Sandia,
which limited the available operating conditions. Regardless, the conservative testing philosophy
made it highly unlikely that the speed, temperature, and pressure design operating conditions
would have been selected as a test objective. Instead, the 811 K (1000°F) requirement was
selected for verification, leaving the remaining requirements to be verified using nonoperational
data or operational data following delivery.

Although the objective of this report is not to present test results, some results from this reporting
period are worthy of mention. Testing in October 2011 expanded the experience envelope for
split-flow operating temperatures and speeds, which approached 644 K (700°F) (the maximum
limit at that time resulting from low-temperature seals) and 59,000 rpm, respectively. Thermal
growth of the recompressor (turbo-alternator-compressor B or TAC-B) rotor shaft caused its
turbine wheel to rub into its shroud. Although this necessitated repairs, the data obtained has
unprecedented value for comparing with model predictions, evaluating turbomachinery
performance maps, assessing recuperator performance, and quantifying certain thermal and
efficiency losses.

Figure 1-1. Schematic of the delivered S-CO2 split-flow TA.

Testing in April 2012 resulted in the production of net power by both TACs simultaneously for
the first time in this program, and, likely, the first time in the world. At one point during the test,
the TAC-B produced 10 kW of power and the main compressor (TAC-A) produced 2 kW.
Although cycle efficiency and total power production were far below optimum, this represented
a major achievement and contributed to the validation of the basic technical premise of the split-
flow design. However, much operational investigation remains to be completed to achieve results
that will persuade industry to invest in this technology.

During the April 2012 testing, two tests were completed that extended the high-temperature
experience with the TA to approximately 672 K (750°F). A third test was stopped before
achieving 811 K (1000°F) as a result of high bearing temperatures. Verifying the safe operation
at the design temperature will take place after reassembly at the Sandia location.

The focus of the next phase of testing at Sandia will be to replicate the latest tests performed at
BNI and compare the results from the two sets of tests. The goal will be to establish the relocated
TA at a performance level at least as high as at BNI, and to understand any observed differences
in the results. Subsequent research will focus on continuing to push the operating limits,
quantifying the system and subsystem performance, determining various sources of losses, and
selectively reducing these losses to achieve the performance necessary to prove the technology to
private industry. A constant objective for the remainder of this project will be to achieve the
original design performance, as presented in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. State points and component performance of the split-flow

TA at design conditions.

The significant hardware comprising the S-CO2 split-flow TA includes two TACs and their
controlling architecture, two Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHE) recuperators, one PCHE
gas cooler, six shell and tube heaters and their controlling architecture, a Hydro-Pac scavenging
pump, CO2 inventory expansion tanks, heat rejection evaporators, electrical power dissipation
load banks, various component cooling circuits, S-CO2 flow piping, and support skids. The
dimensions of this assembly (see Figure 1-1) are 357.0 in. long × 164.7 in. wide × 111.0 in. high.
Note that the Hydro-Pac pump, heat rejection evaporators, and electrical power dissipation load
banks are omitted from this figure.

A Solidworks depiction of the recompression loop design is presented in Figure 2-1. Each
delivered major subassembly is described in this section at a relatively high level. As each
subassembly is related to the original design objectives, the methods and results of the
performance verification are discussed.

Figure 2-1. SolidWorks schematic of the delivered split-flow recompression loop.

2.1 Turbo-Alternator-Compressors
The split-flow Brayton cycle uses TACs (see Figure 2-2) to compress the low-pressure and low-
temperature CO2 to a high pressure at the compressors, then expand the high-pressure and high-
temperature CO2 in the turbines. At and near design conditions, the turbines generate more
power than the compressors and consume inefficiencies, and the remaining power is used to
make electricity in the motor alternator. In the power generation mode, the alternator applies an
electrical load to the TAC’s rotating shaft that is sufficient to maintain the commanded rotational
speed. The applied electrical load represents the power that the TAC would produce for
consumer use.

Figure 2-2. Cross section of the TAC.

The recompressor TAC (TAC-B) takes, as input to the compressor, the flow that discharges from
the low-pressure side of the low-temperature recuperator. At design conditions, the CO2
temperature is approximately 332 K, which is somewhat removed from the critical temperature
of 304 K. At this elevated temperature, the fluid is more compressible than when in the
immediate vicinity of the critical temperature. Therefore, TAC-B consumes more power per unit
mass to compress than the main compressor (TAC-A).

TAC-A takes, as input to the compressor, the flow that discharges from the gas chiller, which is
the coldest point in the circuit. As such, it is also the least compressible. Therefore, TAC-A
consumes less energy per unit mass to compress the fluid than the recompressor.

A single low-pressure flow discharges from the low-temperature recuperator, where it splits into
two flow paths, one path to each compressor. The fraction of the total flow going to each
compressor is a function of the relative speeds of the two TACs and the thermodynamic state of
the fluid at each inlet. These factors combine to determine each compressor’s discharge pressure.
When the two flows recombine—at the main compressor flow discharge from the low-
temperature recuperator—they must be at the same pressure. Pressure mismatch at this point can
put a compressor into a potentially damaging state of surge. The primary control to avoid surge
is the speed of each TAC, with the magnitude of heat rejection in the gas chiller being of
secondary importance. Minimum and maximum rotational speed for each TAC is 25,000 rpm
and 75,000 rpm, respectively. The motor generator was designed for performance by analysis
using SPEED motor design software and structural finite-element analysis (FEA) on the rotor.

Rotor control was modeled in SPEED, which links the motor design to controlling architecture
design, and the results are confirmed in MATLAB®.

2.1.1 Radial Compressor Wheels

The radial compressor wheels are machined from aluminum 6061 blanks. Two sizes were
designed and manufactured by BNI: a smaller diameter main compressor wheel and a larger
diameter recompressor wheel (see Figure 2-3). The different sizes for these wheels reflect the
large density difference that only 27 K of temperature difference makes when operating near the
critical point at the inlets to the main compressor and recompressor, which have design inlet
conditions of 305.4 K and 332.6 K, respectively. The associated density difference dictates a
35% reduction in the main compressor wheel diameter relative to the recompressor wheel.
BNI generated turbine and compressor performance maps in terms of corrected ideal enthalpy
change from inlet to discharge versus corrected mass flow. The main compressor performance
map is presented in Figure 2-4. The red diamond in the figure indicates the design point.
Maximum efficiencies for the main compressor and the recompressor are 67% and 70%,

Figure 2-3. Main compressor (left) and recompressor (right) wheels.

Figure 2-4. Main compressor performance map.
(The design point is indicated by the red diamond.)

2.1.2 Radial Turbine Wheels

Two radial turbine wheel designs were developed by BNI for the split-flow TA (see Figure 2-5).
Inconel 718 was used for the turbine wheel material because of its ability to withstand high
temperatures and stresses. Both wheels are the same diameter, but have different blade heights.
The main compressor turbine performance map is presented in Figure 2-6, again with the design
point indicated by a red diamond. Maximum efficiencies for the main compressor and the
recompressor turbines are 86% and 87%, respectively.

The hot CO2 exiting the heater is split into two flows upstream of the turbine inlets; each path
flows through its respective turbine, then the separate paths recombine immediately downstream
of the turbine exits. The flow split ratio is naturally set primarily as a function of each turbine’s
speed and slightly different flow area. The maximum turbine inlet temperature is 811 K

Figure 2-5. Recompressor turbine (left) and main compressor turbine (right).

Figure 2-6. Main compressor turbine performance map.

(The design point is indicated by the red diamond.)

2.1.3 Motor Alternator

The motor alternator, assembled by BNI, has two functions. One function is to motor-assist the
rotor shaft during the start transient and at any other time when the TAC is producing less power
than it is consuming. Maximum motoring input power under any condition is 50 kW. The second
function is to apply an electrical load to the rotor shaft at a magnitude necessary to maintain its
speed at a user-set value. The generated current is dissipated in the Avtron load banks. The
maximum alternator processing power is 120 kW. The maximum operating motor alternator
temperature is 450 K (350°F).

2.1.4 Gas Foil Bearings

The journal and thrust bearings (see Figure 2-7) used to maintain the TAC rotor shaft lateral and
axial position have been a project in themselves. The thrust bearing generates a reactive axial
force in response to axial displacement of the shaft. This bearing in particular has received
significant attention from BNI and from within Sandia through an internally funded Laboratory
Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program. The design of the thrust disk foil
bearings and the thrust disk itself have evolved over time to improve thrust load capacity and
simultaneously reduce frictional windage losses. A long-standing thrust disk diameter is being
replaced with a slightly smaller diameter disk in an attempt to reduce windage losses. The
journal bearings are also gas foil bearings that rely on a thin gas film to generate reactive forces
to maintain the rotor shaft in the correct lateral location. These journal bearings are made by
Capstone® Turbine Corporation and have performed well.

The maximum operating temperature of both the compressor end journal and thrust bearing is
478 K (400°F). The maximum operating temperature of the turbine end journal bearing is 867 K

Figure 2-7. Gas foil journal bearing (left) and thrust bearing on thrust disk (right).

2.1.5 Motor Controllers

The motor generator controller (MGC), part number BNMC-14B-000, was designed by BNI for
use with the various power converter topologies that support the operation of high-speed
turbomachinery [2]. To provide the highest possible flexibility, the system is comprised of a
single Top Level Controller, which functions as the master to an arbitrary number of slave
controllers. Each of the slaves is, in turn, tasked with the operation of individual power
converters. This design is compatible with OSR Cabinets BNPM-13-200 and BNPM-14-200 [3],
and the Avtron load bank, part number K874AD45033.

The MGC system operates on 480 VAC and draws 40 Amps. The controller can supply a
maximum motoring power of 50 kW, and can process a maximum generator power of 120 kW.
A water-cooled circuit is built in to actively remove heat and must therefore have externally
supplied water. To accelerate the rotor to a speed that is greater than the minimum sensorless
speed, the controller includes an open-loop start-up algorithm that must be tuned to the
characteristics of the specific motor. The front panel of the MGC includes a panel display that
indicates TAC speed, voltage, current, and various error messages.

2.2 High-Temperature PCHE Recuperator

A high-temperature printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) was purchased from Heatric (a
division of Meggit [UK] Limited) [4] in November 2009 for use as the high-temperature
recuperator (HT Recup) within the Gen-IV split-flow Brayton loop. This component was the
third PCHE heat exchanger to be installed in the loop. A photo of the installed high-temperature
heat exchanger is shown in Figure 2-8. The heat exchanger was delivered to BNI in October
2010. It is constructed of 316 stainless steel and was designed to transfer 2.3 MW at a flow rate
of 5.7 kg/s with a hot-side inlet temperature of 755 K (900°F) and a maximum allowable
working pressure (MAWP) of 17.2 MPa. The recuperator and support frame were installed in the
split-flow test loop following engineering analysis using the code Caesar II to ensure suitable
accommodation during thermal expansion. The approximate dimensions of the HT Recup are
provided in Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found..

Figure 2-8. S-CO2 high-temperature PCHE recuperator.

Table 2-1. Approximate Dimensions of the HT PCHE Recuperator.

Property Value
HT Recuperator
Channel Width 1.27 mm (0.05 in.)
Channel Depth 0.77mm (0.0303 in.)
Plate Depth 1.69 mm (0.0665 in.)
Flow Area per Channel 0.768 mm2 (0.00119 in.2)
Hydraulic Diameter (Dh) 1.0607 mm (0.0418 in.)
Height 0.296 m (11.65 in.)
Length 0.996 m (39.21 in.)
Width 0.512 m (20.16 in.)
Heat Transfer Area 43 m2 (462.80 ft2)
Core Mass 1410 kg (3108 lbm)

2.3 Low-Temperature PCHE Recuperator

The low-temperature recuperator (LT Recup) was installed in the loop in FY2010. A photo of the
recuperator is provided in Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not
found. Figure 2-9, and the approximate heat transfer and flow dimensions of the recuperator are
provided in

Table 2-2.

Figure 2-9. S-CO2 LT PCHE recuperator.

Table 2-2. Approximate Dimensions and Flow Area in the LT Recuperator.
Property Value
LT Recuperator
Channel Width 0.96 mm (0.0378 in.)
Channel Depth 0.66 mm (0.0260 in.)
Plate Depth 0.97 mm (0.0382 in.)
Flow Area per Channel 0.4976 mm2 (0.000771 in.2)
Hydraulic Diameter (Dh) 0.8873 mm (0.0349 in.)
Height 0.3556 m (14 in.)
Length 0.5842 m (23 in.)
Width 0.254 m (10 in.)
Heat Transfer Area 18 m2 (194 ft2)
Core Mass 248.5 kg (548 lbm)

In general, the LT Recup has smaller flow passages than the HT Recup, and about half the heat
transfer area. As such, its design heat transfer rating is 609 kW in the split-flow configuration. It
was also designed to function as the main recuperator in a simple recuperated Brayton cycle and
transfers 1712 kW of power in this configuration. At 422 K (300°F), the MAWP is 2800 psi.

2.4 Gas Chiller

Excess cycle heat energy is rejected at the gas chiller, itself a PCHE (see Figure 2-15). The heat
removal capacity is approximately 540 kW, which is sufficient to establish the main compressor
inlet CO2 temperature near the critical temperature. Because the cooling mechanism at BNI
relied on evaporating water, the gas chiller effectiveness at that location varied depending on the
current humidity and ambient temperature. The heat removal capacity is maximized on cold, dry
days. If needed, the cooling fluid circuit of the gas cooler can be operated with certain specially
designed fluids to enhance heat removal [5].

2.5 Heating system

2.5.1 130-kW S-CO2 Heaters

Each of the six immersion heaters (see Figure 2-10) provides 130 kW of heat input, providing a
total heating capacity of 780 kW. With these heaters, there is sufficient power to reach high
temperatures (>650 K), and the Brayton loop should be capable of making electrical power in all
configurations, provided sufficient cooling is available. Some configurations should be able to
reach the design temperature of 811K (1000°F). The MAWP for the pressure vessels in which
the heating elements are wired is 17.8 MPa (2585 psi), and each vessel was hydrotested to a
minimum of 23.4 MPa (3400 psi).
The heat system in itself is not the main limiting factor for the operating temperature. Even half
of the heating capacity delivered can establish an operating temperature of 811K, the contracted
objective temperature. Rather, the combined objectives of 811K, 5.7 kg/s flow rate, and a
pressure ratio of 1.8, dictate required heating capacity. Operation at these three conditions
simultaneously has been beyond the capabilities of the TA until now.

Figure 2-10. Watlow immersion heating element (130-kW heating capacity).

2.5.2 Heater Controllers

Each of the six immersion heating elements has its own controlling architecture in its own box
(see Figure 2-10). These control boxes include contact hardware and fuses for 480 VAC power.
The control function operates with an input current range of 4 to 20 mA, where 4 mA
corresponds to zero power and 20 mA corresponds to 100% power for that heating element.
The controls are remotely operated from the human-computer interface and represent one of the
primary operating controls of the TA.

2.6 175-kWe Load Banks

The S-CO2 TA is capable of producing significant power—up to 250 kWe by original design.
This power must be disposed of, either by dissipation or by delivering it to the electrical grid.
While at BNI, the TA was not connected to the electrical grid; therefore, dissipation was the only
option. To accommodate this power dissipation, two 175-kW load banks were ordered from
Avtron. These units were delivered to BNI and installed outdoors (see Figure 2-11), adjacent to
the Brayton cycle laboratory, where the electrical wiring and connections to the MGC were then
completed. When shipped to Sandia, these load banks will be reinstalled in Building 6630. Work
is in progress at Building 6630 to deliver generated power to the local electrical grid. This work
is being funded by a Sandia group motivated to support high-efficiency power generation.

2.7 Evaporative Cooler (220-kW rated) and Cooling Pumps

Evaporative coolers were purchased and installed at the BNI test site. A photograph of one of the
evaporative coolers is shown in Figure 2-12. Sufficient cooling allows the TA to operate at the
design temperature, which, in turn, is necessary to achieve design performance. If sufficient
cooling is lacking, the maximum allowable heat input declines. The Sandia-purchased coolers
provide a cooling capacity at the PCHE gas chiller of 440 kW based on the name plate rating.
This total cooling capability was first used with the main compressor Brayton loop tests
performed in late November and early December 2010 to produce electrical power in the simple
recuperated Brayton cycle configuration, allowing the production of electrical power in this
configuration for the first time. These earlier tests revealed that a larger water pump was
required; therefore, a low-cost water pump was purchased and installed. Two other small water
pumps were purchased to provide upgraded cooling flow for the MGC boxes and
turbomachinery housing, and also for cooling the Hydro-Pac hydraulic pump system. These
pumps share their closed loop water supply and cooling system with the PCHE gas chiller. The
current installation plan for Building 6630 excludes these evaporative coolers because a
different, higher capacity cooling system is being installed.

Figure 2-11. Avtron load banks.

Figure 2-12. Evaporative Cooler.
(The cooler has a name plate cooling capability of 220 kW.)

2.8 Hydro-Pac Gas Scavenging Pump

Sandia purchased a hydraulically driven piston pump from Hydro-Pac to more reliably reduce
the rotor cavity pressure due to leakage, and to reduce windage and allow higher speed operation
without overheating the turbomachinery. This single pump replaces the array of smaller, noisier,
and frequently unreliable Haskel pumps that performed the same function in the previous
configuration. The Hydro-Pac unit was received, installed, and first tested in April and May of
2011. This upgrade was largely responsible for the high shaft speeds and low windage losses
achieved during this period. The Hydro-Pac pump and the Watlow® heater controllers are shown
in Figure 2-13.

Watlow® Heater
Hydro-Pac Pump Controllers

Figure 2-13. The new Hydro-Pac Scavenging Pump and Watlow® Heater Controllers.

2.9 Overspeed Resistors

The rotors can potentially accelerate to damaging rotational speeds during unexpected
anomalous events that can occur during testing and emergency shutdowns. To prevent damage to
the turbomachinery, BNI was contracted to build OSRs for the Sandia TA (see Figure 2-14). One
OSR is dedicated to each TAC and its associated MGC. The OSR is normally ‘on’ without an
actively generated signal from the TAC controller. If this ‘off’ control signal fails or is
intentionally dropped (as during an emergency power off), the OSR activates and load is
transferred away from the normal path to the Avtron load banks and into the OSR. The OSR trips
automatically if the sensed speed exceeds a specified limit above the commanded speed.

Figure 2-14. Overspeed resistor cabinet.
2.10 Instrumentation
Instrumentation on the TA consists of pressures, temperatures, mass flows, and density
measurements. Signals from these measurements are channeled through a National Instruments
signal transfer unit that interfaces with a LabVIEW data acquisition program. Pressure
transducers are a mix of Honeywell and OMEGA brands with rated accuracies of ± 0.25%,
except at the turbine and compressor inlets and discharges, where transducers with accuracies of
± 0.1% have been installed. Temperature measurements are made with resistive thermocouple
devices (RTDs) and thermistors. Temperature accuracies are ± 1.1 K. Micro Motion® Coriolis
flow and density meters are installed upstream of both compressors. Flow and density
measurement accuracies are ± 0.15% and ± 2.0 kg/m3, respectively. Instrumentation output
interface and data processing is accomplished using LabVIEW with a data recording rate of 5 Hz
on all instruments.

2.11 Piping
The CO2 flow piping system is made of 304 and 316 stainless steel, and was designed to
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Power Piping standard B31.1. The piping is
made predominately of two diameters: 3.8 cm (1.5 in.) and 5.1 cm (3.0 in.). Wall thickness
corresponds to schedule 160 pipe. The system maximum operating pressure is 15.2 MPa
(2200 psia).

All welds on the TA are x-ray inspected. Following completion of welds and inspections, all
piping has been hydro proof pressure tested to 23.4 MPa (3400 psi). Note that some piping must
perform to this safety standard while heated, corresponding to a higher proof pressure for
ambient temperature proof testing. A standard procedure is used to relate the ambient
temperature proof pressure that is equivalent to a proof pressure at elevated temperatures. This
procedure was followed in proofing some hot end piping. Burst disks are set to open at 18.6 MPa
(2700 psi).

2.12 Support structures

All components and piping are supported by steel frames, or skids, that are mounted on wheels.
These skids serve three functions: 1) to serve as structural support for the hardware, 2) to allow
the assembly to move during thermal expansion and contraction without breaking, and 3) to
facilitate transportation of the assembly to various test sites.

2.13 Inventory Expansion Tanks

When the TA is between tests and at room temperature, the thermodynamic state of the fill CO2
is the same throughout the system. At test conditions, a large disparity in density exists between
the low-density hot side and the high-density cold side. The high-temperature side effectively
forces CO2 over to the cold side, and can place the components on the cold side in nonoptimal
operating conditions without an inventory management mechanism. The inventory expansion
tanks provide volume into which excess CO2 can flow as the hot side forces the fluid to the cold
side. This allows the assembly to continue to operate at desired conditions throughout a test that
includes temperatures that range from ambient at test startup to 811 K (1000°F) during the test.
These expansion cylinders are designed and manufactured by BNI, and are proof pressure tested
to the same standards as the piping.

2.14 Ancillary Components

Flow control in several locations is managed by 120-V motor-controlled valves. Three of these
motors are installed—one to control cooling water flow to the cooling towers, and two to manage
TAC-A isolation operations during startup (see Figure 2-15). The piping and the motors designed
to isolate TAC-A are new and have not yet been tested. This design modification is intended to
prevent TAC-A, when configured with the smaller main compressor wheel, from surging due to
elevated TAC-B discharge pressures during the start ramp to operating conditions.

Figure 2-15. Three servo valves (red components) that control the cooling
flow path and TAC-A isolation functions.
The gas chiller is in the foreground.

Water plumbing lines supply cooling water to the motor controllers, the TAC motor housings,
the Hydro-Pac pump, and the gas chiller. Water pumps are installed to force flow through the
different cooling circuits, and back to the heat rejection cooling towers.

2.15 Software
The primary controls available to the user through the human-machine interface to affect the
operational state of the TA during testing include the following:

 Cooling water flow rate.

 Heater power.
 Rotational speeds for TAC-A and -B.
 Hydro-Pac vacuum piston stroke.

The graphical user interface (GUI) for these controls is constructed in LabVIEW (see
Section 2.10 for more information on instrumentation and LabVIEW data acquisition).

Figure 2-16. GUI that displays the TA operational data.

LabVIEW also provides the programming functionality to read instrumentation cards, process
each data stream through the appropriate voltage-to-reading transformation algorithm, and
display the data on a GUI. Figure 2-16 presents this GUI for a recent representative test. The
human-machine interface includes readouts for all instrumented temperatures, pressures, mass
flows, densities, and speeds. Some real-time calculated parameters found to be useful for safe
operation are also displayed.

Sandia and contractor BNI have designed and fabricated a highly recuperated, closed Brayton
cycle power conversion TA that operates on S-CO2. The design is intended to be versatile,
operating in either simple recuperated or split flow configurations. Expected cycle efficiency is
32% at design conditions of 811 K (1000°F) turbine inlet temperature, 13.8 MPa (2000 psi)
compressor discharge pressure, and TAC rotational speeds of 75,000 rpm. The incremental
funding spread over numerous years, the conservative approach to testing, and the inherent trial
and error nature of new technology research and development (R&D), have all contributed to the
delay of testing at design conditions until after delivery of the system from the contractor to the
SNL facilities. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of the TA capabilities relative to the
original design objectives has yet to be completed. At the time of delivery, the TA had operated
at 672 K, all components had been hydrotested to 22.8 MPa, and rotational speeds of 65,000 rpm
in air for an equivalent design had been achieved. Most importantly, operating at these design
conditions simultaneously is the true test of the design capability. The most demanding
simultaneous operating conditions to date with CO2 have approached 640 K (700°F), 10.6 MPa
(1540 psi), and 59,000 rpm.

BNI has extensive experience in developing turbomachinery, thus mitigating concerns over
untested design objectives. BNI remains available for consultation following TA installation at
Building 6630. It is anticipated that the BNI program manager will attend the first few
commissioning tests of the reassembled TA at SNL to provide expert operational advice.

System functions other than those that contribute directly to operational design conditions will
dictate the cycle performance. Issues of particular note are the facility heat rejection capacity,
windage losses in the rotor cavity, thermal losses in the vicinity of the turbine and from piping,
and thermal environments in the vicinity of the gas foil bearings. Once the TA has been
reassembled and commissioned for operation at Sandia Building 6630, a significant acceleration
in the R&D of this TA is expected with a corresponding acceleration in learning.

1) Barber-Nichols Inc.,, Arvada, CO, USA (2011).

2) Barber-Nichols Inc., “Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual, BNMC-14B-000,

Motor Generator Controller.”

3) Barber-Nichols Inc., “Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual, BNPM-13-200,

BNPM-14-200, Over Speed Resistor (OSR) Cabinet Assemblies.”

4) Heatric Division of Meggitt (UK) Limited,, Dorset, United

Kingdom, 2011.

5) Barber-Nichols Incorporated, “Gas Cooler Specification Super Critical CO2 Test Loop,” July

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