Cot 1 Quarter 1 Lesson Plan

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School Damayohan Elementary School Grade VI

Teacher Learning
Mrs. Maria Theresa C. Aquino Area
Daily Date/Time Quarter First
Lesson Log

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of…

2.Enumerate technique in separating mixtures such as decantation,

evaporation, filtration, sieving, and using magnet…
B. Performance The learners should be able to…
Standards Enumerate and describe techniques in separating mixtures (approximate of
10 separation mixtures)
C. Learning K- Enumerate and describe techniques in separating mixtures (S6MT-1d-f-2.1)
Competencies/Obje U- Be attentive and understand the techniques in separating mixtures.
ctives D- Collaborate with their group members in their activities in the techniques
of separating mixtures.
II. CONTENT Main Topic: Enumeration of Technique in separating mixtures
Sub Topic: Separation of Mixtures
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides
2. Materials Real objects, pictures of separating mixtures technique
3. References Science Beyong Borders
4. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, youtube
5. Processes Observing, experimenting, inferring
6. Value Be careful in handling materials
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or A. Warming Up
presenting the new 1.WOULD YOU RATHER game
Identifying whether the following mixture is a solution, suspension, or

B. Establishing a Say: You have learned already about mixtures, wherein we combine
purpose for the substances to from mixtures, now you will learn some of the things by
lesson which we can separate the mixtures that we did combine.
Presenting Present one way to separate mixture.
examples/instances of the
new lesson

Talk about the picture. How do we separate dirt from water?

Present through a powerpoint presentation the ways to separate it.
1. Decantation
2. Evaporation
3. Filtration
4. Sieving/ sifter
5. Using magnet
C. Discussing new Among the techniques presented to you, which technique did your
concepts and mother, father, or any family member have done or able to do any of
practicing new skill the following?

D. Discussing new Group work: Differentiated instruction

concepts and Implementing of rules
practicing new skillPresenting of rubrics
EXPLORE Each group is assigned on the technique they have to learn and try to
do the following
1. Read about decantation. Giving examples of decantation
2. Video viewing about evaporation. Explain how evaporation
separate mixtures of saltwater.
3. Show how filtration take place. Why filtration is important in
drinking water.
4. Give examples of how magnet works in separating substances.
5. Sieve the flour and stones. Describe how sieving separate
mixtures. Explain why is important to sieve.
E. Developing Mastery Presentation and reporting by group.
(Leads to Formative Giving of grades by using rubrics.
Criteria Required points Points acquired
1.Everyone in the
group participated
2. Made a clean and
organize graphic
3. followed the
directions and rules
of activity.
4. Discussed the
activity with a soft
5.Got all the correct
answer, if not, give 2
F. Finding practical Discuss different ways of separating mixtures.
applications of
concepts and skills Your mother is sewing uniform. Then suddenly the needle fell from the
in daily living floor. How can you help your mother find the needle on the floor? Why
ENGAGE/ELABORATE do you think sewing is important? Sewers are of great help in the

G. Generalization What have you learned today?

ELABORATE/ Let learners generate their learnings of the day.
H. Evaluating learning Which among the words below enumerates the techniques in separating
EVALUATE mixtures? Choose the letters and write them on your paper.
a. Decantation
b. Evaporation
c. Cooking vegetables
d. Filtration
e. Making fruit salad
f. Sieving/sifting
g. Steaming fish
h. Use of magnet
I. Additional activities Give 5 examples of solutions and identify the solute and solvent.
for application or


What You Need: (By Group)/ Individual

1 pc spoon

4 pcs of mixing bowl/ any plastic container

Can you
Did the resulting mixtures look the
1 teaspoon of the following the
pairs of materials:
Solid Materials same throughout?
mixtures easily?
white sugar and iodized salt, cornstarch and creamer, iodized salt and vetsin, flour and baby powder
Yes No Yes No
white sugar and iodized salt

and creamer
to Do:

iodized salt1.and vetsin

Prepare one teaspoon of each of the materials listed in the table.
flour and baby powder
2. Using spoon, mix/combine the pairs of solid materials (listed in the table) in the mixing bowl or
any plastic container.
Cornstarch and flour
3. After mixing/combining the materials, observe what happens.
Alcohol and water
4. Record your observations on the table below by checking the proper column.
Cup of coffee and tea

Tap water and rain water

Coconut milk and water

Oil and water

Guide Questions:

1. Which pair of materials can you identify/ distinguish easily after mixing/combining them?

2. Did the resulting mixtures look the same throughout?


3. Which mixtures looked the same throughout?


1. Is there a change in the property of each solid material in the mixture?


2. Compare and contrast the physical state of each solid before and after each was mixed?

3. What liquid materials mixed completely? What made this happen?


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