TNA Journal 96-188

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Adventure Chapter R At night, you go to Sara’s tavern and wait until Gustigh arrives with

some friends and sit at a table. You talk to Sara about the plans, and

Dangerous Games
she introduces you to Raskem, a romantic bard.
A) Ask him for details about the drinks and cards. [4]
B) Ask him about the most beautiful women, then ask Tyrun to dis-
If you have Gustigh, the Noble, as your NPC, you need to change him tract him while you break into his home. [13]
for another. Then, remove him from your Character Deck.

1 Zalir calls you to his weapon shop and blurts out, “I suspect Gustigh 4 Raskem says, “Of course! We have mainly six types of drinks. Here,
have a menu of the drinks and their effects. Whenever you are on a
Redfield is hiding some important information about his contacts with drinking game or meeting the love of your life, I recommend you to think
the Third Eye, wizards, and even pirates. When he was drunk, my contact carefully about your next drink choice.” [5]
learned that he knew something big related to the Kemet and, for some
reason, refused to share it with us. Please find a way to extract this in-
formation from him without violence - he is a powerful noble and could 5 You sit at the table with Gustigh. After some chatting, he invites
make life difficult for us. He is at Sara’s Tavern every night.” you to have some fun with him. “Ah, in this war, this night could be our
last. Let us make merry! First, we will have a drinking contest. Drinking
A) “Can Sara use her power to discover it?” [2] makes cards so much more fun.”
B) “Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed?” [3]
C) (Fast Action Mode) “Say no more. Just lead the way, and we will
follow you to the letter.” [25]

2 Zalir says, “Something is going on with him. Sara already tried

but failed.” [3]

3 Zalir: “I suggest you talk to him at the tavern. I can think of two pos-
sibilities. As he loves drinks, women, and card games, you could drink
with him and then play some cards. Or maybe
you can ask my friend Tyrun to help you; he
is a shapeshifter that could distract him as
a beautiful maid dancer while you invade
his home and search for documents.”

Drinking Contest
1 - Tamera Juice - D20-2 = 2
2 - Hangedelf Pale Ale - D20 = 3
3 - Noble’s Double Wine - D20+2 = 4
4 - Central Sea Rum - D20+3 = 5
5 - Ubellian Fire Mead - D20+7 = 6
6 - Malrokian Booze - D20+12 = 8
All heroes enter the contest. Each hero has one attempt to impress
Each drink has its own strength (HP token) and how impressive it is
to down a glass of said drink (FC earned).
• Put each hero’s token on slot 0 of the track.
• Choose a drink.
• Roll a d20 and add its strength. Increase the token by the result.
• The hero gains the number of shown on the drink.
• You can repeat this how many times you wish (even the same
drink), but if your token is 31 or more at any time, you lose all .
Gustigh got 8 . You need to get more to win.
If the hero gained 8 or less (including zero): it is a failure.
If the hero gained 9 : it is a success.
If the hero gained 10 or more: it is a success, and the hero gains 1
Empowered Token.
Go to [6].

96 • Tanares Adventures
6 “Well, let us start our real game. As people say, the fate of a man 7 Gustigh: “I had so much fun. You are my best friends. I know exactly
is decided by the destiny cards.” He looks at Sara and starts to laugh. what you want, and I trust you for this. My daughter lost part of her
memories to Kemet magic. She will go to a special island seeking a com-
Start the game Imperial Number. ponent for a ritual. I believe this could restore her to her former self. Can
you see her at my home?”
• Shuffle your 5 Destiny He gives you directions, and you arrive at his home. A beautiful girl
Cards. opens the door. “My dad said the Wharf heroes would eventually come
here, and I should talk to you. I think we both need each other. You need
• Make two piles of 2 information about the Kemet, and I need a dragon egg for a magical
cards (one for you and ritual. I am Cheryl.” [21]
the other for Gustigh).
Reveal one card on
each pile. 8 Gustigh: “I had so much fun. Thank you for making my night
so joyful. I know exactly what you want to know, but I did not say
• The last card is not a thing, ok? There is a fortress on Turtlehead where the Kemet keep
revealed unless you the prisoners resistant to their psychosurgery. If a prisoner named Elise
cheat. is still alive, search for her there.”
• For each victory in the drinking
contest, you get a chance to cheat. You go to the Ironhand Outpost to use their portal to Turtlepoint.
Sedura is not there, but a major greets you without looking up: “To use
• Guess if the sum of both your cards is odd or even. Then, reveal the portal, you need to fill three forms and wait ten business days to…
the other card. Gustigh always chooses even and reveals his card.
• You can win (you guess correctly, and Gustigh does not), lose (you He then realizes who you are and changes his approach:
guess wrongly and Gustigh correctly), or draw (none or both guess “Oh, sorry, you are the ‘Wharf Heroes.’ Of course, feel free to use any
correctly). portal you wish.”
Each hero plays one round. A) Inform him about Gustigh. He might have other important infor-
If you won more than lost, Go to [7]. mation; it is a crime not to share it. [9]
B) Keep the secret. Gustigh may be full of mysteries, but he trusted
If you lost more or equal than won, Go to [8]. you with this information. [10]

Journal • 97
9 Withholding this information could hurt thousands of people. You
explain to the major, and he immediately sends some Ironhand soldiers
to find the man. Put (Slot 0). Go to [11]

10 This could help the war, but not at the cost of betraying your word.
You keep your secret. [11]

11 You arrive at a portal near the fortress occupied by the Kemet and
sneak through the main door, taking out some guards on your way
in. The Kemet are not expecting invaders. You infiltrate the fortress,
searching for the prisoners or at least some information about them.
Eventually, you find an improvised armory with a list of prisoners and
their weapons. You quickly and silently overpower the two guards,
tying them up and interrogating them about Elise.
Guard 1: “She is trouble. She calls herself Bromeliad and is very danger-
ous. She stabbed one of our own.”
Bastard Sword, Crossbow, Dagger, Whip, War Hammer.
Guard 2: “I remember it was difficult to catch her because her close
Choose the weapon you believe was hers. Go to [12].
combat skills are unmatched.”

12 You use the information to search the fortress for Bromeliad.

Take her NPC Card from the deck (Week 4). DO NOT assign her
for any hero now.

98 • Tanares Adventures
The correct weapon is the dagger. If you chose this weapon, on I have some paintings of them on Gnomish scrolls. Hey, I only use them
Slot 1. Otherwise, Bromeliad cannot use it and improvises a weapon. for inspiration to write my love songs, ok? Unfortunately, I cannot part
with them, but you can take a look.”
As Bromeliad leaves the cell, a magic alarm starts to blare, and the
guards on the fortress prepare to fight. Here is the list:
• Jorana, the most vigorous and beautiful Amazon.
Bromeliad: “Let me fight by your side; you will be surprised what we
can do together. It is time for payback. Here, someone, take my mask.” • Niary, the elf archer that has got me thinking about half-elves.
Choose a hero to get the Key Token. • Juliet, the winter sorcerer that warms my heart.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 37: “Prison Break.” • Nezaleya, no song will ever do the Imperial dancer justice.

13 Raskem: “Of course, the heart’s delights are my specialty. According Look at the images and try to memorize the details. They will be
helpful later. Go to [18].
to the people here, I have the list of the most beautiful girls. Even better,

Journal • 99
14 Check your answers: Please, tell me your next letter.
• Niary’s arrow fletching is Red (orange or brown are acceptable).
• Nezaleya is using 11 metalic pieces. Your Gus”
• Jorana’s cape is Red. Go to [17]
For each mistake, some parts of the shapeshifter were not perfectly
changed, and a hero loses 1 (losing confidence) 17 You go to the Ironhand Outpost to use their portal to Turtlepoint.
Sedura is not there, but a major welcomes you inattentively. You ask for
Tyrun: “Ok, now you can go to Gustigh’s home and search for… what- more information about the fortress and permission to use the portal.
ever you are looking for. I will dance to Raskem’s music and get his He says, “To use the portal, you need to fill three forms and wait ten
attention. Count on me. I owe Zalir a lot.” business days to… Oh, sorry for my mistake, Wharf Heroes! Of course,
feel free to use any portal you wish.”
Go to [15].
A) Tell him about Gustigh. He might have other important informa-

15 You quickly arrive at Gustigh’s home, and now you must infiltrate
tion; it is a crime not to share it. [9]
B) Ignore this matter. You can handle it after you return from the for-
inside. There are no guards, but you need to be fast. Zalir said that tress with more information. [19]
Gustigh is very careful and well-informed. You break into his home
by the window and rush to his room. You can hear there is another
person in the house. [26] 18 You go with Tyrun to a discrete place and describe the beautiful
women shown by the bard. The show is about to begin, and you do
16 You reach Gustigh’s room. There is a vault, and you see some not have much time. He tries to change himself but begins to run into
some serious challenges.
documents on a desk, including a curious letter:
“I am sorry, I need to remember the details of their pictures to change
“For Elise, myself correctly; unfortunately, Raskem showed me some hours ago.
The show is about to begin, so we must hurry. I have some questions
Thank you for the information. No one would suspect the Kemet are for you:”
taking prisoners to the Turtlehead fortress. Try to escape as soon as
possible. The Ironhand cannot be trusted with this information because 1 - What is the color of the Niary’s arrow fletching?
any mistake on their part would alert the Kemet, who would, in turn,
2 - How many metallic pieces is Nezaleya using?
have all prisoners executed.
3 - What is the color of Jorana’s cape?
In the last letter, you mentioned you found vital information for the war.
Memorize your answers. Go to [14]

100 • Tanares Adventures

19 This could help the war, but you think it is better to get the in- Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card) to fend
off the Kemet while saving as many pirates as possible.
formation on the fortress before taking conclusions. You say nothing
to the major. [11] (13+: success | 12-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Battle of Oceans (Mastery) - Your expertise in sea
20 The hero with the lowest HP takes 15 DMG, and you all are
battles will be decisive here.
+3 if the hero has any attack with 2 or more targets - The more
paralyzed. Soon, you see a woman coming in your direction with a
rapier. She is Cheryl, Gustigh’s daughter. Kemet dropped at once, the better.

“My name is Cheryl. I activated the defenses of our house, but do not Critical Success (20+): You fought with ease and managed to save two
worry, the spell is temporary. My dad said the ‘Wharf heroes’ would pirates. The hero gains 2 .
come here eventually, and I should talk to you. I think we both have Success (13-20): You fought well but saved only one pirate. The hero
something the other wants. You need information about the Kemet, and gains 1 .
I need to get part of my memory back by getting a dragon egg for a rit-
ual. We can supposedly find it on a special island.” Failure (12-): You had difficulty fighting the enemies and could not
protect some of the crew. The hero takes 4 DMG.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
Go to [23]
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Relic Hunting (Mastery) - Your expertise in dealing 23 Captain Dorro is missing, but Cheryl helps with the navigation.
with traps will greatly help. You arrive at the island and start to search for the eggs. You see Cheryl
using shining crystals to guide you through the island, and you man-
+3 to roll if you are Lizz, Morlogh, Sedrik, or Vanarus (hero) - Your
age to find two eggs.
unusual nature seems to influence the trap.
Cheryl says, “We need to protect these eggs at any cost. There is another
3 or more heroes succeed (13+): You manage to free yourself before creature coming. Be on your guard. If you wish, I can help you.”
the spell ends.
2 or more heroes fail (12-): You become free from the spell when it A hero may change their NPC Card for Cheryl. Pick her NPC Card
ends, but you suffer a secondary effect. All heroes take 5 DMG. on the City Deck (week 4) and make the necessary adjustments to
remove the power of the other NPC and apply this one.
Go to [21].
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 36: “ If two heads are
better than…”

24 Garion rushes to embrace and kiss her: “Cheryl, I thought I lost

you. I have been searching for you for ages.”
At first, she was not understanding, but the kiss brought back memo-
ries: “I remember when we were young. We spent all the days together…
Oh, so many good memories.” She starts to remember other facts.
Cheryl says, “You need to help. There are prisoners in a fortress on
Turtlehead, the people who resisted their spell to transform them into
mindless drones. These prisoners
wait for a Kemet named Gullog to
perform the ritual. Please, Garion,
help me. We cannot let this happen
to them. I can give you the exact
21 Cheryl says, “There is a pirate ship heading in that direction. They
location. Let us look for a prisoner
called Elise.”
know how to evade the Kemet ships. Please, can you help me? I remem-
ber I discovered something important, but the Kemet arrested me and You leave Gustigh’s home.
applied their psychosurgery on me. I partially resisted, but they took Cheryl takes two scrolls and
some of my memories before these pirates rescued me.” approaches Garion. “Now I re-
After she shows that the Kemet branded her, you agree to help Cheryl, member something… Can you
even knowing this may not yield much information. If Garion is on please explain to me who these
the team, go to [24]. Otherwise, go to [22]. women are in the
pictures? Did
22 You go to the beach, where some pirates await you. A very hand- you search for
them too?”
some half-elf says, “Come on! We must go! We are behind schedule. I
am Captain Dorro. Lady Cheryl, please make yourself comfortable.” ...
The crew is reduced, forcing the heroes to serve as hands on the lower
deck. After a couple of hours, you hear some noise on the upper deck ...
and rush upstairs. Several Kemet scouts boarded the boat: “We have
already captured your captain for interrogation. Now it is time to Go to [17].
kill you all!”

Journal • 101
25 You seek Gustigh’s friend, Tyrun, for help. With the powers of 27 You reach close to the vault to open it.
a shapeshifter, Tyrun can pretend to be an attractive female for the A) Use a crowbar. [31]
purposes of distraction, while you break into the home for additional
information. To improve the chances of Success, you consult Raskem, B) Use an explosive. [32]
a bard that lives on Sara’s Tavern, to memorize the best female descrip- C) Use a saw. [33]
tion and guide Tyrun’s transformation. Unfortunately, the ruse does D) Try using a code to open it. [34]
not work, and a spell paralyzes you as you invade the noble’s home.
E) Return to the room. [26]
Spend 3 any way your Team can. The hero with the lowest HP takes
20 DMG, other heroes take 5 DMG.
Alert to your ruse, Cheryl, the daughter of Gustigh, offers to forgive
28 On the table, you see many scrolls with symbols you can’t under-
stand. There is a locked drawer that requires a key to open.
your trespass if you bring her dragon eggs. The eggs can recover her
A) Return to the room. [26]
memories from when she was a Kemet prisoner. The information she
possesses will provide important information about Kemet opera- B) Use the golden key on the drawer. [36]
tions in the Storm Oceans... A hero may change its NPC Card for that C) Use the silver key in the drawer. [37]
of “Cheryl” (Week 4). If you do, apply Cheryl’s power, and undo the D) Use the copper key on the drawer. [38]
swapped NPC’s Quest Power. E) Use the white key on the white key. [39]
You sail to the Storm Islands. Using magic crystals, you find the eggs. F) Use the black key on the drawer. [40]
A hero gains 1 . But a unique creature is approaching… G) Use a crowbar to open the drawer. [35]
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 36: “If two heads are better…” H) Use a saw to open the drawer. [50]

29 In the closet, you find a saw, some papers, a rope, and a small
26 You don’t have much time! You must open the vault in this room box
before Gustigh’s guards find you. with a gem inside.
Place the Time Token on slot 6. It will be reduced whenever A) Check the papers. [41]
you take actions that consume too much time. B) Check the small box. [42]
If, at any moment, the Time Token reaches 0, go to [20]. C) Check the portrait of Niary. [43]
Pay attention to the image; to open the vault, you can only use things D) Check the portrait of Bromeliad. [44]
found inside the room. D) Return to the room. [26]
A) Open the vault. [27]
B) Check the table. [28]
C) Check the closet. [29]
D) Check the shelves. [30]

102 • Tanares Adventures

30 You get to the shelves; what do you want to check? 45 There are many documents on the shelves; most were useless, but
A) Check the documents. [45] one had content that got your attention:
B) Check the books. [46] “The password leaked, but worry not, I just changed it as you instruct-
C) Check the portrait of Gustigh. [47] ed. I used the colors as you commanded, Mr. Gustigh. Following your
D) Check the portrait of Cheryl. [48] preferences, no document contains the complete code.” -1 Time, go
to [30].
E) Return to the room. [26]

31 You find a crowbar close to the plants and force the vault open, 46 You see many different volumes from “A Tale of Goblins” se-
ries of books and some collections of books about the Kemets. It
but it’s too sturdy. -1 Time. [27]
seems Gustigh takes outstanding care of these books, but there is

32 You search the whole room for explosives, but there is nothing else. [30]

none. -2 Time. [27]

47 You search for a portrait of Gustigh, but you find none.

33 You find a saw in the closet, but there is no way it can open a Time -1, go to [30]

vault. -1 Time. [27]

48 You find a portrait of Cheryl. On the other side, you can read
34 The vault requires 4 numbers to open. Magic runes protect it; if “Father, I got the original scrolls of the first book “A Tale of Goblins.”
I know you will love it. I also got you the news on the Kemet gener-
you try a wrong password, it will trigger an alarm. als and the Kemet text you were looking for. With love, Cheryl.” [30].
A) Try a code. Choose four numbers. Then go to [49] to check the answer.
B) Go back and find another way to open it. [27] 49 The correct answer is 3-5-4-5.
35 You use the crowbar, it takes some time, but you open it. If the password is correct, the vault opens. Go to [16].
If the password is wrong, the alarm sounds. Go to [20].
Time -1, go to [40].

36 You find it on the desk, but it does not open the drawer. [28] 50 It takes a long time to open the
drawer with a saw, but you do
37 You find it near the plants, but it does not open the drawer. [28] it. Time -2, go to [40].
38 You searched the whole room for a copper key but found none.
Time -1, go to [28].

39 You searched the room for a white key but found none. Time
-1, go to [28].

40 You open the drawer. Inside, you find a paper:

“Cheryl, to open the vault, remember my favorite story and my
new topic of study. The numbers are there; pay attention to the
colors.” [26]

41 There are many papers inside, and it takes time to

read them. Time -1.
Most were useless, but one catches your attention:
“The most precious of the three keys opens the wine cellar, while
the less precious one is for my drawer. Don’t lose them!”. [26]

42 You find a big gem inside a box. Gain 1 [29]

43 You search for a portrait of Niary but find none.
Time -1, go to [29]

44 You found a portrait of Bromeliad with a love letter ad-

dressed to Gustigh on the other side. It seems very sincere and
shows a different side of them. This somehow lifts your spirits. A
hero gains 1 . Go to [29].

Journal • 103
Adventure Chapter S Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
Nightmares From The Past +1 to all rolls per Relic Hunting (Mastery) - The expertise of a relic
hunter always requires attention to the surprises along the way.
1 Gathered in Huradrin’s hut, you and Sara discuss the importance
of investigating the history of the Dwarven Kingdom’s fall to see if +3 to roll if the hero wears no armor on its art- Being unloaded at this
there is a connection with the Kemet. Although dangerous, prepar- moment can be decisive!
ing a ritual to view the penumbral echos of the past will grant insight If a hero succeeds (13+): That hero avoided the falling rocks just in
into what happened. time, unscathed.
Huradrin: “The ritual is complex. I will have to prepare a location, but
we need to gather rare ingredients; unfortunately, they can only be found If a hero fails (12-): That hero could not make it out, and you are pelted
in UnderTanares.” with boulders. Take 3 DMG.

Sara: “We will find it while Huradrin focuses on preparing the ritual. I Go to [2].
have had a strange feeling over the past few days; perhaps this journey
will let me know why.”
2 Part of the tunnel collapsed under a torrent of rocks, blocking your
Following a trail pointed out by Huradrin, you note that Sara seems way back. You have fallen into a trap; now, you hope to find who is
restless and constantly alert. She explains that the veil between this responsible and a way out.
world and the Penumbral Plane is weaker here, perhaps because of You light a torch, revealing a vast, half-ruined stone gallery. Sara says
the locals’ widespread fear, thus interfering with her gifts. that the ingredients are nearby and senses you are being stalked.
A) (Fast Action Mode) Let Sara guide the party. Go to [30]. It becomes clear that getting the ingredients quickly and leaving this
B) If you want to explore by yourself, keep reading. place is the best choice, so you split to search around.
You find a cave, taking you deeper and deeper. Sara seems to have de-
veloped a sudden migraine when you all hear the rumbling of rocks. Go to [3].
The ceiling is collapsing!

104 • Tanares Adventures

3 Sara is still suffering from migraines and can barely move around. 7 You go past the stone arc and find what looks like a primitive stone
You must find the ingredients Hudradin needs. ruin. Further ahead, you find an altar dedicated to the sun and moon.
Each hero MUST choose one place to investigate. If you are a Healer: The altar seems to fill you with divine energy. You
Keep note of the letter each hero chooses. gain 2 Empowered Tokens.
Then check each of the hero’s locations, one by one, until you read
the four locations. If you are a Controller: The altar seems to resonate with ancient mys-
tical powers. You gain 1 .
After you read four locations, you MUST go to [14].
A) Search the narrow opening in the wall. [4] You hear screams from afar and decide to rush back.
B) Check the pile of rubble. [5] Go back to [3].
C) Look into the pool of water. [6]
D) Go to the stone arc. [7] 8 It is the corpse of a Basilisk, probably dead for almost a week.
E) Analyze the pestilent beast carcass. [8] You were trying to see what could have killed it, but you hear Sara’s
scream and rush to her aid. Go back to [3].
F) Check the noise on the stones to the north. [9]
G) Investigate the dark depression on the floor. [10]
H) Cross the luminescent fungus formation. [11]
I) Approach the floating glowing sphere. [12]
J) Stay with Sara and protect her. [13]

4 You search this tunnel, which is longer than you

expected and ends in a small cave room. You hear a
scream from outside, and you start running back! Gain
1 Distracted Token.
Go back to [3].

5 Near the pile of rubble and bones, you notice an object

hidden inside and decide to inspect it.
Make a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
+3 if the hero is a Tactician - You have experience with
traps and avoiding them.
Success (13+): You trigger a poisoned spike trap hidden in
the rubble but avoid it in time.
Failure (12-): A small poisoned spike hits your hand.
Take 2 DMG and gain 2 Bleeding Tokens.

Before you could look further, you hear Sara’s scream

and rush to her aid.
Go back to [3].

6 You approach the lake, filled with stale turbid water.

You hear a scream behind, but as you run, a tentacle
leaves the water and tries to grab your legs.
If your AND are both 3- (ignore NPCs):
The tentacle grabs you causing you to fall. You at-
tack it forcing the creature to release you. Take 5
DMG and Flip an Attack Card.

If either your OR is 4+ (ignore NPCs): You

manage to free yourself from the creature. You run
back to Sara to see if everything is ok. Gain 1 .
Go back to [3].

Journal • 105
9 You go north looking for a noise you heard in a small stone forma- 11 The fungi release colorful glowing spores that impregnate you as
tion. As you get closer, you see a group of rats running between them. you pass by them. Gain 1 and 3 Weakened Tokens.
You look closer, finding food remains; someone else ate here and You feel a little dizzy; then you hear a scream. You try to rush in its
left crumbs around. direction, but your balance seems off for a moment.
You see someone in the shadows moving in the same direction you Go back to [3].
came. As you run back, you hear Sara’s scream.
Make a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
12 You enter a room where you can see a bright light source at the
(14+: success | 12-: failure) center. It’s a naturally high concentration of mana; its source would
require more study to learn.
+2 if the hero has Movement 6+ - Speed is crucial now.
+2 per attack card with a benefit that allows you to MOVE - Movement Getting close to it fills you with energy. You gain 1 and
techniques can grant you an edge. Charge 2 Skills.
Success (14+): You arrive quickly, prepared to protect Sara. Gain 2 While trying to understand where such energy comes from, you hear
Protected Tokens. a scream from afar and run back to find the others. Go back to [3].
Failure (13-): The shadow moved so fast you could barely keep you;
you arrived still trying to understand what was happening. Gain 1
Distracted Token.
13 You stay with Sara to protect her since her intense headache is
debilitating her.
Go to [3]. You see from the shadows someone emerging! You prepare to fight as
Sara screams, partially from the surprise and partially from her pain.
10 The hole is dark, but you can hear a rising hustle sound Protecting her caused you to take a crossbow bolt embedded in acid.
coming your way.
You take 6 DMG. Your attacker is a woman holding a blade and
Make a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). crossbow and carrying many flasks and potions.
(13+: success | 12-: failure) You attack and force her back. Flip an attack card.
+1 to all rolls per Relic Hunting (Mastery) - Exploring deep caverns is Sara looks at you, grateful that you risked your life for her. You gain
the best way to learn what this sound is. 1 Preserved Token. Go back to [3].
-3 if the Hero art portrays some light source - Sudden light will cause
it to be even worse. 14 If at least one hero chose B, E, F, or I: You got to Sara in time to
Success (13+): You recognize the sound as a flock of dire bats, and you protect her from the attacker. Go to [15].
jump to the ground and stay still so they pass by harmlessly.
If no hero was on B, E, F, or I: All of you left Sara alone. You were too
Failure (12-): A flock of dire bats flies out of the chasm. Scared they at- far to reach her in time. Sara got captured by someone! Go to [29].
tack you before fleeing! You take 6 DMG and gain 1 Bleeding Token.
Then, you hear screams from afar and
decide to rush back. 15 You get back to Sara just in time; you chase down the woman
that was aiming for Sara’s life, and as the rest of you arrive, you are
Go back to [3]. able to corner her.
You see a young woman with colorful hair, neither of you recognize
her. Surrounded, she is forced to surrender.
You ask who he is and what she wants, and she answers briefly,
“Magenta, a witch hunter. I was here to kill a witch.” She looks at Sara.

A) Confiscate her equipment and let her go. [16]

B) She is too dangerous to be kept alive. [17]
C) Ask where she came from and why she was hunting Sara. [18]

16 She thanks you for sparing her life, “thank you for the lenience.
I would never harm innocents. All I can say in my defense is that this
woman is a witch, and of that, I am sure.” You keep her weapons and
release her, asking her if she knows where to find the components you
need. She has many alchemical ingredients and gives you the ones
you want. Gain 1 random Level II Melee Weapon Card. Go to [19].

17 You end her life painlessly. You realize that her equipment is exotic
and custom-made, and it can be worth something to the right person.
Gain 1 Loot Card. Remove the “Magenta, The Witch Hunter” card
from the campaign; it can no longer be acquired.Go to [20].

106 • Tanares Adventures

18 Magenta describes a nightmare with tentacles swirling. She heard a brewed potion. Breathing in its fumes, you fall back into an endless
abyss until your vision is entirely dark. Each Hero gains 1 . Go to [21]
voice, ominous and deep, speaking in a language she had never learned,

yet she could understand:
“Your world is doomed by witches, so you specialize in hunting them. I You hear a guttural roar in the darkness. Before you understand
can help you in your crusade. If you kill a single Purple Witch from my what is happening, a huge Chimera chases you out of a mine. Along
world named Sara”. with you is Huradrin and a group of Dwarves, one of which is old and
carries a sword that seems familiar to you.
Sara is surprised by the revelation and worried about what Magenta’s
otherwordly patron knows or wants. One of the dwarfs looking at the elder, says, “We are all being punished
Nevertheless, Sara reaches out her hand to the witch hunter “I may be because of your cursed son! It is you and your son that Dorsi wants, not
seen as a witch, but I never harmed any innocent. That thing was trying us!” He pushes the elder, who ends up falling. The elder dwarf says:
to use you; believe me, if I ever do wrong, you can take my life anytime.” “Leave me behind and help the younger ones. Our fortress is crumbling,
and you won’t have time to escape if you try to help me.”
Sara’s word sounded truthful, her hand extended; everything told
Magenta that taking it was the right thing to do, so she did. “I will A) Help the elderly dwarf, distancing him from the other dwarves. [22]
trust you, Sara. I hope I can help fix what I did wrong, and you can help B) Follow the dwarves who are fleeing before the cave collapses. [25]
me to find who is trying to use me.” Sara nods in agreement.
Add Magenta Hero Card to the Character Deck. [19] 22 You run towards the dwarf as the cave collapses behind you,
blocking your passage. The Chimera closes in for the kill. One of you
19 Trying to change the subject about her being a witch, Sara starts
can still block the monster’s attack.
collecting the necessary ingredients and pressing you to go back as A) Choose a hero to take the attack, protecting the elder dwarf. [23]
Huradrin is waiting.
B) Let the Chimera strike the elder dwarf. [24]
Not wanting to press things further right now, you allow her to slip
this time. Go to [20]. 23 One of you stands before the attack and receives the impact. The
chosen hero takes 12 DMG.The blow is so powerful that a wall crum-
20 You search for an exit from the underground, returning to
bles, opening a new path too small for the Chimera to enter.
Huradrin’s hut, which is relieved to see you finally back. Huradrin thanks you and hugs the elder. The elder looks Huradrin in
the eyes. “You are stubborn, Huradrin. You should have left me behind
He asks Sara to prepare the ingredients and for you to come with him to save yourself.”
to a clearing full of magic symbols on the ground. Sara serves you the
The elder hands his sword to Huradrin and runs back to block the
Chimera as it bangs against the walls to get in and catch you all.
The old dwarf orders you to continue without him. Holding a shiny
amulet in the shape of a dragon and pointing at the huge creature, he
gives you time to run. Without looking back, you notice an explosion
of fire. Huradrin is the only one who looks back, tears streaming down
his face. Put (slot 6). [26]

24 The attack shreds the elder, and the impact causes a new collapse,
opening a path on the wall. Huradrin cries out for his father’s death,
and with no alternatives, you take the new route. Put (slot 7). [26]

25 Huradrin sheds tears down his face, shouting, “FATHER!” You

run along with the other dwarves down the corridor, reaching a stone
bridge, when another collapse occurs, closing part of the bridge.
The dwarf who was harassing Huradrin’s father slips from the bridge
and starts crying out for Huradrin’s help.
A) You ask Huradrin to let him fall. [27]
B) You ask Huradrin to save him. [28]

26 The stone bridge begins to collapse, leaving some dwarves strand-

ed. You again hear the roar of the Chimera behind you.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 33: “Trip(ping) to the Past”

27 Huradrin is furious and says that the curse is everyone’s fault; he

should never have pushed his father. The dwarf, with no strength left
to keep holding, falls into the black abyss. Put (slot 9). [26]

Journal • 107
28 Huradrin pulls him up with some difficulty, and the weeping 30 A woman appeared from the shadows to attack Sara, but you
(slot 8). [26]
dwarf hugs him, regretting his actions. Put where ready and protected her. You captured the attacker, a Witch
Hunter called Magenta, that claims Sara is a witch.

29 You arrive too late and see a shadow figure running through a You left her alive but took her weapons. Gain 1 Random Level II
Melee Weapon Card.
tunnel carrying an unconscious Sara with her.
After a quick underground chase, you finally see the light ahead. The Sara acquired the necessary ingredients, and you returned to Huradrin
sudden difference in luminosity blinds you for a moment, and you for the ritual. You all drank the prepared potion and entered deep vi-
see a young woman with bright hair looking down at you from the sions of the past from when the Dwarven Kingdom fell.
top of a cliff.
Each hero gains 1
You can hear her voice, low yet firm, “You should not have stood in my
way. I have a job to do. I will extract what that witch knows and then Now inside the visions, you are running away from the Chimera on
finish her off. Go back, or I will get rid of you first.” ancient dwarven tunnels. Huradrin and some dwarves are with you.

She makes a high-pitched whistle, and then some mercenaries get out As you were crossing a bridge, when one of the dwarves fell and
from behind the cliff and walk in your direction. was holding on the edge. He has the one that caused Huradrin’s fa-
ther’s death so you asked Huradrin to leave him behind. He agreed.
You see a dark-skinned dwarf holding a chained basilisk getting an Put (Slot 9).
axe and speaking loudly, “you will have to pay double for these extras”.
The stone bridge begins to collapse, leaving some of the dwarves
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 35: “Witch Hunt” stranded. From behind you hear the Chimera’s roar approaching you.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 33: “Trip(ping) to the Past”

108 • Tanares Adventures

Adventure Chapter T 5 The third attack is extraordinarily more powerful than the other
Talessa’s Tower ones; the dummy explodes. Is that the power of a dragonblade com-
bo? Is that the power of a dragon? Maybe both. The hero who deliv-
ered that last blow feels more powerful than ever, as if any creature
1 As per Talessa’s recommendation after your last meeting, you climb
the mountains once again to await your next steps. “Greetings. Follow
could be rivaled.
• If the last mark placed was a Claw, the hero who placed it gains
me and try not to get lost.” an Empowered Token, and the Red Dragon Token increases by 1.
Avatar Dragons Cult • If the last mark placed was a Scale, the hero who placed it gains a
Guided by her glow, you walk through vast corridors, full of bifurca- Protected Token, and the Blue Dragon Token increases by 1.
tions, an hour up and an hour down, until you have a distinct feeling
• If the last mark placed was a Wing, the hero who placed it gains 1
that you are lost, and sunlight reveals the end of the cave, and a mag-
nificent stone tower. and can choose to increase the Red Dragon Token or the Blue
Dragon Token by 1. The dummies then magically disappear, and
D.E.A.T.H. you return to the main hall.
“Behold the Sacred Dragon Tower! Built by ancient Avatar Dragon wor-
shipers, it’s a refuge for dragonblades of the highest order and an import- Go to [3]
ant repository of draconic knowledge. Be warned: all those who mali-
ciously intend to share its secrets are swiftly silenced.”
If you are Gaknak (hero), keep reading. Otherwise, Go to [2].
6 The dummies magically disappear after the last hit. There is nothing
else in the room, so you return to the main hall. [3]
You have heard about this place and feel inspired to be here. In addi-
tion, the link with your Draconic Spirit is stronger than ever. You gain
1 Empowered Token and 1 . Go to [2].
7 Arriving in the great forge room, you see four shelves with materials
to forge magical weapons and armor. Next to the forge, you see a metal
construct. It greets you and introduces itself as “Ingot, the Blacksmith.”
2 You enter the tower through huge magical gates, revealing a spiral Ingot says he will forge a weapon for you, reflecting the draconic es-
sence of the team.
structure with countless floors above and below you; there are count-
less books, carcasses, and dragon scales everywhere.
“Here we have a distinctive portal that will take you to one of the Avatar
Dragons currently under the threat of joining Zarumag and become cor-
rupted by the Kemet and the Cult of the Shadow Wing,” Talessa says, “we
need to rely on their good health to preserve their Nexus. Then, Azymor
and Kelorth must be found and not confronted, but to do so, you must
first attune to their elemental essences to make this action possible, just
as a dragonblade does.” [3].

3 Place the Red Dragon Token and Blue Dragon Token at slot 0 of the
HP Track. They track your Essences of Fire (Red) and Ice (Blue). Then
choose below where to visit. You cannot enter the same room twice.
A) In the Dragonblades’ Training Room. Go to [4]
B) In the Dragonblades’ Forge. Go to [7]
C) In the Dragonblades’ Library. Go to [9]
D) In the Dragonblades’ Lab. Go to [13]
E) In the Drakery, where dragonblades train drakes. Go to [19]
F) (Only if you have at least two of the same type of essence). Return
to Talessa. Go to [23]
G) (Fast Action Mode) Ask Talessa to direct your every move. Go to [28]

4 Four combat training dummies magically spawn just as you step into
the room. The walls, floor, and ceiling are covered in draconic runes. A
deep voice speaks to you: “Offense, defense, response. Three movements,
three different actions. Two to open and one to close. Wing, Claw, and
Scale, all power in three, two to enrage and one to discharge. Each soul
a movement, each power a purpose, each synchronization an essence.”
You realize that in your hands, one of the three symbols of the dragon-
blades appeared: Wing, Claw, and Scale. The Claw appears in the hands
of Brutes, Bruisers, and Shooters. The Scale, in the hands of Tanks,
Commanders, and Healers. The Wing, in the hands of Controllers
and Tacticians.
One hero at a time must make a Basic Attack against one of the dum-
mies. Their Defense is 15. When a hero hits a dummy, the mark on its
hand appears on the dummy. A hero may make another Basic Attack
only when all others have taken their turns. When three dummies have
marks on their bodies, stop the attacks and remember the last mark
placed. If the three marks are different, go to [5]. Otherwise, go to [6].

Journal • 109
He asks each of you to go to one of the four shelves and choose one
of the two special materials. He warns that choices can result in suc- 9 The library is wondrous. Its vast walls look miles long and are al-
cess or failure, and that only an attentive and balanced Team can most entirely occupied by books from all ages. In the center of the
reap the rewards. room, you see a pedestal holding what appears to be a basin filled
with magical fluid.
Each hero, on the order established by the team, must choose one of After looking inside, you go into an instant trance, and your minds
two special materials on the shelves and give it to Ingot: absorb decades of draconic knowledge in just a few seconds. You be-
come familiarized with the behavior of dragons on the battlefield, and
First hero — A vial of Ruby or Diamond dust? one of their tactics in particular catches your eye.
Second hero — A heart fiber of a Red or White dragon?
Each hero must choose: defensive and offensive tactics?
Third hero — A stone inscribed with a magic rune of Fire or Ice?
Then, sum the of the heroes who chose offensive tactics. Compare
Each hero, on the order established by the team, must choose one of it with the total of the heroes who chose defensive tactics.
Fourth hero — A vial of a Hot or Cold-robbing oil?
A) If the offensive group has the highest , go to [10]
Go to [8] B) If the defensive group has the highest , go to [11]
C) If there’s a tie, go to [12]
8 As you hand the materials, Ingot begins to work at high speed, its
figure blurring as the hammer pounds with no visible pause between
one hit and the next. In a loud buzz, the furnace heats and cools very
10 Your Team has managed to understand the Avatar Dragons’ of-
fensive tactics; you’ll defend from their maneuvers better. Increase the
fast. Everything else in the room looks normal. When Ingot is done, Red Dragon Token by 1. Each hero gains 1 Protected Token. Go to [3]
it presents the resulting weapon:
• “Ruby dust, Red dragon heart fiber, Fire rune, Cold-robbing oil”
— If three of these items have been chosen, Ingot forges a Flaming
11 Your Team has managed to understand the Avatar Dragons’ de-
fensive tactics; you’ll target them more effectively. Increase the Blue
Sword with temporary magical properties. A hero may equip a Dragon Token by 1. Each hero gains 1 Empowered Token. Go to [3]
Weapon Card with this name (this Journey Phase, only). Increase
the Red Dragon Token by 1.
• “Diamond dust, White dragon heart fiber, Ice rune, Heat-robbing 12 Your Team has managed to understand the Avatar Dragons’ tactics
oil” — If three of these items have been chosen, Ingot forges a to gain some advantage when facing them in combat. Having gathered
the knowledge you considered necessary, you return to the main hall.
Frost Axe with temporary magical properties. A hero may equip a
Increase either the Red Dragon Token or the Blue Dragon Token by
Weapon Card with this name (this Journey Phase, only). Increase 1. If the Blue Dragon Token has been increased, each hero gains
the Blue Dragon Token by 1. 1 Protected Token. If the Red Dragon Token has been in-
• Otherwise, Ingot says there has been a conflict with the items, and creased, each hero gains 1 Empowered Token. Go to [3]
gives you a bunch of indistinct metallic fragments.
Ingot walks to the corner of the forge and says that both it and the
forge will need a lot of time to recover from all this effort. [3]

110 • Tanares Adventures

13 You enter a laboratory, at the center of which an elf seems to be 15 Mada is impressed and says he has never seen a group perform
waiting for you. His name is Mada Osneruol, and when he sees you, the ritual with such mastery.
he says: “FINALLY! Come, come soon. Time is short; let’s do this rit-
If you chose the Plane of Water: Each hero gains 2 Protected Tokens.
ual right away.”
If you chose the Plane of Fire: Each hero gains 2 Empowered Tokens.
The first step is to choose which of the two planes will be the source of
the energy you will receive. If you choose the Plane of Water, increase Then, Go to [18]
the Blue Dragon Token by 1. If you choose the Plane of Fire, increase
the Red Dragon Token by 1.
16 Mada says that, while not perfect, you were able to per-
For the ritual, each of you must perform a specific task. Choose a hero form the ritual.
to perform each of the following activities:
If you chose the Plane of Water: Each hero gains 1 Protected Token.
• Write mystical runes in the center of the circle.
If you chose the Plane of Fire: Each hero gains 1 Empowered Token.
• Chant the ritual’s magic words.
Then, Go to [18].
• Quickly catch various ingredients while performing the ritual.
• Use the body as a channel for the energy generated by the ritual.
After choosing a hero for each activity, Go to [14]
17 Despite your efforts, you cannot perform the ritual correctly; it
fails. Furthermore, a surge of energy from the elemental plane you
chose explodes on your face. Each hero takes 5 DMG. Go to [18]

14 Check if the hero performing each task has 3 or more of the 18 Mada says that, during the ritual, he was conjuring a powerful
Ability it requires (ignore NPC Cards). If it does, the hero succeeds;
otherwise, it fails. magic to prevent elementals from accessing the plane of Tanares. He
is exhausted and will only recover in a few days, and the ritual cannot
The Abilities that each task requires are: be performed without the magical wards. Mada then wishes you good
luck and leaves to rest. You return to the main hall. Go to [3]
• Writing mystical runes:
• Chanting the magic words:
19 You climb a long staircase leading to an open area of the Dragon
• Catching ingredients: Tower. Positioned in front of the entrance is a blue orb that glows
brightly. As you step further into the area, you notice that all the drakes
• Serving as a channel for the energy: shiver with cold. In the center of the room, there is an extinguished
If all 4 heroes succeeded, Go to [15]. If only 2 or 3 heroes succeed- pyre, and next to it there is a pedestal where the entrance orb seems
ed, Go to [16]. If only 1 or none succeeded, Go to [17] to fit. A drake in one of the nests, different from the others, seems des-
perate, crying and observing a crack on the edge of the flight ramp. He
seems to be trying to catch something. You decide to:
A) Fit the orb on the pedestal by the fire. Go to [20]
B) Try to figure out what the drake is after. Go to [21]

20 You ignore the desperate drake and place the orb on the pedestal
next to the pyre; it lights up automatically. Increase the Blue Dragon
Token by 1. The room temperature rises, and the drakes no longer seem
cold. You hear a cry from the desperate drake. It seems that whatever
she was trying to catch fell out of the crack, so she dives to the
ground. You return to the main hall as there is nothing
more to be done here.
Go to [3].

Journal • 111
21 As you approach the desperate drake, you realize that it is a fe- 23 Talessa awaits you in a large hall in the basement of the tower,
male and that she is apparently trying to catch an egg that is about to next to a large multi-colored mirror whose reflection looks more like
fall. The best way to help her is to split up the heroes, distracting the the surface of a lake.
mother while trying to pick up the egg quickly. However, accomplish-
ing this task seems risky as the mother drake seems desperate, and “Well done! You have managed in a few hours to master techniques and
some of you may get hurt or fall. Observing the situation, you decide: knowledge that others would take decades to perfect, so use this knowl-
edge with extreme wisdom and keep your learning with you. Finding
A) Help the drake. Go to [22] the lair of an Avatar Dragon is the goal of many hunters, but you will
B) The risk seems too high, and you’d better put the blue orb on the be able to find them by attuning to their essence and connecting to their
pedestal next to the pyre. Go to [20] link with the Elemental Plane. Be careful: this is a path of no return.”

22 Choose two heroes to distract the drake and two heroes to try A) If the value of your Red Dragon Token is higher, Go to [24]
B) If the value of your Blue Dragon Token is higher, Go to [25]
to catch the egg.
C) If the values of the Red and Blue Dragon Tokens are tied,
Add up the of the heroes you chose to distract the mother with choose between going to [24] or [25]
the of the heroes you chose to try to get the egg. If the final result
is 10 or higher, you pull it off without a hitch; otherwise, each hero
takes 5 DMG from the desperate drake. 24 As you approach it, the mirror turns red like fire, revealing a misty
locale. Talessa wishes you good luck and asks you to quickly step across
Realizing that all her eggs are back in her nest, the drake calms down it. If you have 4 or more Essences of Fire, put (Slot 1). Go to [26]
and nests them, paying no further attention to you. The pyre in the

center of the room magically lights up, and the orb at the entrance
disappears. Increase the Red Dragon Token by 1. You notice that now As you approach it, the mirror turns ice blue, revealing a misty
the drakes in the room are no longer cold. You return to the main hall locale. Talessa wishes you good luck and asks you to enter quickly.
as there is nothing more to be done here. [3] If you have 4 or more Essences of Ice, put (Slot 1). Go to [27]

26 You are led into a cave filled with flames and lava, leading you
to conclude that you are somewhere in the Fire Pits. Sounds of battle
quickly come to your attention, revealing kemet attacking a colossal
red dragon that has apparently grown further irritated by the presence
of more invaders in its territory. You are facing Azymor.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 39: “Azymor”

27 You emerge inside an icy cavern, where you can hear the
sounds of battle and the vibration of a roar that makes everything
shake. A vast wall of ice separates you from two huge dragons:
one ice-white and the other ethereal. Around you, kemet seem
to be facing ice golems, possibly created by Kelorth.

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 45: “Kelorth”

28 You visit the dragonblades’ library and laboratory.

In the library, you come across a basin filled with magic
fluid. Looking at it puts you in a trance; your mind in-
stantly absorbs decades of draconic knowledge. You
learn dragons’ defensive maneuvers. Each hero gains
1 Empowered Token.
In the laboratory, you meet Mada Osneruol , an elf
who teaches you a ritual to connect you with the Ice
element. Despite your efforts, you fail to learn it, and
it backfires. Each hero takes 5 DMG.
Without sufficient connection with an Avatar, Talessa
directs you to the Drakery, where you accomplish the
challenge of docking a blue orb next to a pedestal. A
portal awaits you in the hall; it takes you to an icy cavern
where a glass wall separates you from two huge draconic
shapes: one white as ice; the other looks ethereal. Kemet
troops protect the wall from two ice golems — you al-
ready know which side to join.

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 45:


112 • Tanares Adventures

Adventure Chapter U 3 You flee the tower, followed by Huradrin as penumbral creatures
keep spawning! Outside, you see many injured people and blood ev-
Fear of the Dark erywhere. Some wizards have dark corrosions on their bodies, indi-
cating penumbral corruption.
1 In the morning, Huradrin calls you into his lab to talk about his re- Grace Sung flies in the air with magic and shouts: “Everyone stays calm!
cent Kemet discoveries: “I believe I know from where so many of their I will go with the Archwizards to investigate. Everyone who can, please
undead are coming. With your discoveries and my investigations, I found help tend to the wounded!”
who is behind this. A powerful undead being is controlling an ancient
laboratory of undead creation! I couldn’t find where it is on the conti- Each hero can choose one task to help with. The same task can be
nent, but I got some clues on its whereabouts in the Penumbral Plane!” chosen by multiple heroes.
“I need a library with ancient books about the penumbra and the Khepesh
people. The only place I know is the Reginheraht Magical Research Tower.
I need your help to find the tomes, so I can find the correct coordinates TASKS
to open a passage through the Penumbral Plane to reach it. Destroying
it would stop the undead from plaguing the continent!” Heal the Injured: To succeed, you must be a Healer or use 1
First Aid (place it on slot 0 of the HP track. You can't use it during
With this opportunity at hand, you can’t say no to Huradrin. [2] the quest, but it does not count as used at the end of it).
Carry Supplies: Carry Supplies: The hero makes a TEST
2 After traveling by portal and foot, you reach an impressive arcane (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
tower made of bluish glowing crystals. Huradrin hurries inside, and
after talking with Grace Sung, the Tower’s leader, she escorts you to +2 if you are a Brute - Who’s better for feats of strength?
the inner library, where Huradrin can do his research.
Transfer Mana: You can spend 1 to succeed in aiding the wiz-
Huradrin: “It seems this tome has what I was looking for: the location ards to recover some of their power.
of the old Khepesh laboratories! I will try to see through the penumbra
and find the right one now.” Cleanse the Corruption: You succeed in this task if you have an
attack with a DISPEL benefit or effect.
His eyes turn black as he calls for his penumbral powers. He keeps
looking in different directions, but then he screams! Find Poachers Taking Advantage: The hero makes a TEST
(d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
Huradrin: “No! Beware, they are coming for us!” (14+: success | 13-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Prestige with Peoples (Mastery) - Being
The whole place becomes darker, and you hear screams everywhere known by the common folk will help you find and intimidate
as people from all around the tower run in panic. thieves and opportunists.

Despite the commotion, without any explanation, you have the

strange feeling that you are being watched. If 3+ Tasks were done: Go to [4]
Put (Slot 5) - this marks the Penumbral Instability! If 2- Tasks were done: Go to [5]

A) Flee and try to find what is happening and what you can do to
help outside. [3]
4 With your help, the order is restored. This ends up saving many
lives, and the thankful eyes of the people fill your spirits. Each hero
B) (Fast Action Mode) Follow Huradrin’s lead. [24] gains 1 Empowered and 1 Protected Tokens. [6]

Journal • 113
Each hero can individually continue holding the penumbral
creatures, gaining +1 and repeating the roll (including taking

If at least 8+ rolls were made: You hold the line long enough to
grant good respite for the tower troops. Reduce the Penumbral
Instability by 2 (the on the HP Track).

When all heroes decide to stop, the tower guards in the backline
advance to take your place to keep holding the line. [20]

8 You enter the Tower with Grace, Huradrin, and the wizards. The
place seems to blend the actual tower and the penumbral plane; purple
mists swirl everywhere, the walls look distorted, and objects are blurry.
Huradrin is concentrating on finding the rifts, but manifestations of
the emotions of your group take the form of nightmarish creatures!
Each hero must choose one creature to battle, while Sung and her
Wizards will take care of the remaining one.

• 1: An aspect of anger and rage. It feels invincible in a contest of

pure strength.
• 2: An aspect of fear and madness. It can twist your mind against
• 3: An aspect of greed and avarice. It takes power from your
• 4: An aspect of envy and spite. It turns your allies into your
• 5: An aspect of gluttony and destruction. It grows stronger as it
consumes things.
5 You tried your best, but most people are in a panic as so many are
wounded, yet more penumbral creatures swarm the tower to attack.
To make things worse, some people are looting the place during the
chaos. Mages are suffering from exhaustion and penumbral corrup-
tion. Looking at the scene, you can’t help but feel powerless. Each hero
gains 1 Distracted and 1 Weakened Tokens.
Increase the Penumbral Instability by 1 (the on the HP
Track). Go to [6]

6 Grace and the Archwizards return from inside the tower and begin
organizing a plan against the penumbral invasion.
Grace Sung: “We will form two teams, one will make a defensive line
to protect everyone from the penumbral creatures, and the other will
accompany me and some wizards to find and close the rifts to the
penumbral plane!”
Huradrin: “I can sense the rifts. I will go with you, Ms. Sung. My friends
here can help too, either coming with us or defending the people.”
A) Volunteer to help hold the line and defend against the penum-
bral creatures. [7]
B) Help escort Grace and her group to close the penumbral rifts. [8]

7 You offer to join the guards and help protect the small camp being
set outside the tower. Many penumbral creatures keep getting out of
the tower’s many entrances and windows.
Holding the line, you fight the creatures:
Each hero rolls a d20 and takes an amount of DMG equal to their
rolled number minus its Defense Stat (d20-DEF, minimum 0).
Then, each hero gains 1 for killing penumbral beings.
After choosing, go to [9]
114 • Tanares Adventures
9 Apply the effect of the creature each of the heroes chooses C reature N ame
A pply the effect of the creature you
left for grace sung and her wizards to
to fight against. fight

They defeat the creature without much prob-

A pply the effect depending on the crea - 1- Anger lem. Reduce the Penumbral Instability by 3
C reature N ame
ture you choose to fight (the on the HP Track).
You need guile to beat it. Gain 5 Bleeding
1- Anger The creature turns their minds against them,
Tokens, minus 1 per you and your NPC
2- Fear almost killing all. You manage to save them,
but each hero gains 1 Distracted Token.

Your mind works against you. Take 2 DMG for They struggle to win, as their magical items em-
2- Fear power the creature, but in the end, they prevail.
each you have (add your NPC Ability). 3- Greed
Reduce the Penumbral Instability by 1 (the
on the HP Track).
It uses your weapon against you! Flip
All wizards attack you! Each hero takes 5 DMG
3- Greed your Weapon. You take all DMG it would 4- Envy
before you can stop them.
cause to the target.
It eats some of the wizards and becomes in-
It causes you to deeply envy the success of 5- Gluttony sanely powerful! You beat it with much effort,
your allies. Make one Primary Attack of your but each hero takes 10 DMG!
4- Envy
choice against another hero (ignore range and
temporary effects, but roll as normal).
After applying all effects, go to [10]
You quickly deal with the creature before it
5- Gluttony

10 You finally manage to defeat the last penumbral creature. Grace

manages to eat anyone. Each hero gains 1 .

is closing the rifts Huradrin manages to find, reducing the number of

Then apply the effect of the one creature that wasn’t chosen, as it will penumbral creatures appearing.
fight Grace and her apprentices.
Then Huradrin rushes down a stair, looking worried. You follow him
to a huge rift, many times bigger than the others. [11]

11 Grace and the wizards start to close it, but she says: “Something
is wrong! There is some powerful being on the other side trying
to come through!”

Huradrin joins Sung and the wizards and then looks at you: “Get my
notes! I believe the knowledge I need to close it is in the Tome of Void,
but I couldn’t find it in the library! Go, and be on the lookout for more
creatures!” Go to [12].

Journal • 115
12 You go upstairs, trying to avoid the attention of the penumbral 18 You are forced into a quick fight against penumbral creatures at-
beings. Searching the papers that Huradrin was scribbling on, you tracted by your noise while searching for the tome.

The library is huge, so you must know what you are looking for, You quickly eliminated these creatures, but it was no easy fight. Choose
to avoid spending too much time here. a hero to take 10 DMG.
A) Search for a book with a Square Symbol. [13] Increase the Penumbral Instability by 1 (the on the HP Track).
B) Search for a book with a Triangle Symbol. [14] Then, continue searching for the correct tome! Go back to [12]
C) Search for a book with the Circle Symbol. [15]
D) Search for a book with the Star Symbol. [16] 19 - You arrive at the ritual room to deliver the book to Huradrin, who
is concentrating alongside Grace and the wizards to contain the rift.
13 You find the tome and start to read it, but you realize it’s the Tome Huradrin: “Open the book, find the pages about the Khepesh laborato-
of Emotions. Increase the Penumbral Instability by 2 (the on the
HP Track). Go to [17]. ries, and bring it to me. Hurry!”
You bring the tome, and Huradrin starts reading while channeling his
14 You find the tome and start to read it, but you realize it’sonthetheTome magic; some of the wizards are collapsing, having used their powers
past their limit.
of Eyes. Increase the Penumbral Instability by 2 (the HP
Track). Go to [17]. If one of the heroes is an arcane magic wielder (Avelum, Khloet,
Zanac, Orthus, Juliet, Anariel, Catharina, Vaeraunt or Kelanyah)
15 You find the tome. After a quick read through it, you are
it can use 1 to help. For each hero that do, reduce the Penumbral
Instability by 1 (the on the HP Track).
sure you found the Tome of Void. You run back to bring it to
Huradrin! Go to [19]. Go to [21]

16 You find the tome and start to read it, but you realize it’s the Tome 20 You had little time to rest from the battle against the penumbral
of Ungods. Increase the Penumbral Instability by 2 (the on the HP creatures when you hear Huradrin shouts calling for your help.
Track). Go to [17].

17 You found the wrong tome, and this took some time. Your activity
may attract penumbral creatures roaming the tower!

Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).

(13+: success | 12-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) -Your experience on
the penumbral plane will be very useful here.
+4 If you are Baolmu or Ravel (hero) or is it with Ixxita - Who better
to deal with Penumbra than Madwalkers?
3 or more heroes succeed (13+): you can go back to search for the cor-
rect tome without having to face penumbral creatures. Go back to [12]
2 or more heroes fail (12-): Go to [18]

116 • Tanares Adventures

Ahead a purple light approaches, and then you are engulfed by it!
As you open your eyes, you are in an unfamiliar place.
Taking a look around, you see an underground dungeon. On one
side, a huge stone door carved with skulls. By the symbols on it,
you are sure you have found the entrance to the Kemet dark lab.
With no time to lose, you push the stone door open and descend the
stairs behind it. You reach a laboratory room full of reanimated corps-
es and tables filled with many flasks and alchemical components. You
feel some sinister presence there, as though you were being observed.
You are spotted by a Kemet guard, who pulls his bow and commands
his undead minions to attack you!
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 41: “Dark Lab”

Some of the guards you aided notice and help open a path for you to run
into the tower. At the main hall, you see Huradrin waiting, then run-
ning in the direction of a stair, followed by Grace and the other wizards.
Huradrin shouts, “come down here! There is a huge rift, and I
need your help!”
You follow him to find a huge penumbral rift in the main ritual
room of the tower. [11]

21 Huradrin reads the texts, and his entire eyes be-

come pitch black.
Huradrin: “I can use this path to send you to the undead lab-
oratory! Now I know where it is! We will kill two birds with
one stone, as I can diverge the energy from the rift, close it, and
send you to the location. But I will not be able to go with you.”
With no other choice, you trust Huradrin you prepare
to be sent through the penumbra.
If the Penumbral Instability is 6+ (the on the HP
Track): Go to [23].
If the Penumbral Instability is 5- (the on the HP
Track): Go to [22].

22 Huradrin channels all his power into the por-

tal, which glows with a bluish color. “Now enter!”
he says, “I can’t hold for long!”
You enter, and the feeling is as if you were being thrown
into a tunnel, flying at an amazing speed as things pass
around you too quickly to recognize the shapes and forms.
You can feel Huradrin’s power fighting against the terrible
force trying to crush your passage; you hope to arrive before
that thing overpowers the old dwarf.

Journal • 117
23 Huradrin channels all his power into the portal, which glows 24 You help Grace Sung and the tower’s wizards outside. With wide-
spread panic and many wounded, you feel powerless. Each hero gains
with a bluish color. “Now enter!” he says, “I can’t hold for long!” 1 Distracted and 1 Weakened Token.

You enter, and the feeling is as if you were being thrown into a tunnel, Grace and her Archwizards return to the tower with Huradrin while
flying at an amazing speed as things pass around you too quickly to you hold the penumbral creatures back. Each hero takes 6 DMG.
recognize the shapes and forms. Huradrin eventually calls for help as a huge penumbral rift opens in
Then outside the tunnel, you see huge tentacular tendrils that appear the tower. Huradrin wants help to use the rift energy to send you into
Kemet’s dark lab and close the rift simultaneously.
and try to grab and compress the tunnel you are into!
Then you hear a screaming voice of a dwarf, but it’s not Huradrin: It works, but as you cross the portal, a terrible penumbral force attacks
you, trying to break the magic. Huradrin loses concentration upon
“Foul creatures! Why did you bring me here? Kill me already!” hearing the voice of a long-lost friend — you’re tossed into another
Then Huradrins worried voice echoes through the tunnel: plane (the elemental one) when the spell breaks. There you
“Ukhumlim?! Old Stronghope is that you?! Heroes, please, help him!” find a wounded dwarf; devils and elementals surround
you. It becomes clear that you fell into a trap.
Huradrin loses concentration, and the tunnel around you shatters as if
the space was made of glass! All of you fall into Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 42:
“Extraplanar Journey”
complete darkness. Then you see some light,
a chaotic mixture of swirling colors, far be-
low you, getting bigger as you fall into it.
When you open your eyes, you are in a very
strange place. You are not in Tanares
anymore! The elements run wild and
chaotically. Even the ground below
your feet transforms from stone to
water and from water to fire, follow-
ing some strange logic. Close to you,
there is a wounded old dwarf. He no-
tices you and makes a sad smile.
You are surrounded by enemies as if
your arrival was expected.

Devil: “You fell for my master’s trap so eas-

ily. Now it’s time to remove you and this
pathetic dwarf geomancer from his sight!”
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest
42: “Extraplanar Journey”

118 • Tanares Adventures

Adventure Chapter V 3 The captain’s tent is guarded by two sentinels positioned in front
of it and is located amid various patrols. For the plan to succeed, a
Cragplateaus precise, stealthy attack is needed. You time the patrols and approach
stealthily by the back, allowing for two entryways.

1 Sedura calls you in the night. “Tomorrow morning, we will have the
most critical battle. The Cragplateaus Bridge. This is one of the most
A) Cut through the cloth into the tent, with the risk of alerting the
captain inside. Go to [3.1]
strategic locations. We must secure it at any cost. Get ready” B) Go around the tent and take out the two guards, allowing access
through its front. Go to [3.2]
She leaves, and Huradrin comes in shortly after. “I don’t know what to
say. You walk to the battle, but not to victory. The Kemet army marches
to the Bridge, as you know. But in secret, they will send another force, 3.1 You realize the tent’s cloth is a sturdy material and cutting
which will flank you.” through it will make noise. This simple task will require more care
than anticipated to avoid giving your position away.
He takes a deep breath. “Maybe... Maybe you can attack the reinforce-
Choose a hero to makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
ments while they are camping. They are not expecting this. If you can
prevent them from arriving, there is hope for the Ironhand.” He shook (13+: success | 12-: failure)
his head, “On the Bridge, you will face Zisenuh, the strongest of the +3 if the hero is a Tactician. - Agility and precision are the best fea-
Kemet Lords.” tures at this moment.
A) (Fast Action Mode) You ask Huradrin to accompany you on the +2 if the hero has a bladed Weapon equipped (weapon) - A blade
attack; his advice ought to be useful! [12] seems to be the best equipment for the task.
B) If you want to do the sabotage yourself, keep reading. Success (13+): Go to [3.3]
After Huradrin gives you directions, you take a Portal and arrive at an Failure (12-): Go to [3.5]
old Ironhand outpost, near which the Kemet are camping.
Place the Torch Token at Slot 0, representing the risk of being spot-
3.2 You split up and hide by each of the guards, who are not aware
of your presence. You can’t allow the guards to sound the alarm, so you
ted. If it reaches 7, you must return to the Bridge and prepare for take them out swiftly. Choose two heroes. Each flips its highest level
battle. Primary Attack and rolls an attack against DEF 8. If both hit, go to
Place the at Slot 0, representing your mission performance. [3.4]. If only one hits, go to [3.6]. If all miss, go to [3.8]

Then, go to [2] 3.3 You enter the tent undetected. [3.7]

2 Choose an operation (you cannot choose twice an operation): 3.4 You take out the guards undetected and hide their bodies. [3.7]
A) Attack the heavily guarded captain’s tent. High risk, as you cannot
execute the others if you fail. [3] 3.5 Despite the noise, you manage to cut into the tent. The tear is
B) Attack the necromancers’ tent. The Kemet won’t be able to command also easily noticeable to any passing patrols. +1 to Torch Token. If it
their undead forces if you succeed. High risk, as you cannot execute reaches 7, go to [10]. Otherwise, go to [3.10]
the others if you fail. [4]
C) Rig the lieutenants’ quarters with a trap, taking out their middle 3.6 While one of you effortlessly takes out one of the guards, the
chain of command. This will burden the higher officers and disperse other hero struggles to try to contain the guard, covering the guard’s
their troops. Medium risk. [5] mouth to stop him from screaming and receiving a painful bite. The
hero who missed the attack takes 5 DMG. You do manage to over-
D) Sabotage their supplies. Medium risk. [6] power the guard afterward and hide them both beneath some excess
E) Poison their water to hinder them with sickness. Low risk. [7] cloth nearby. Go to [3.10]
F) Poison their food with undead body parts, giving them a taste of
their own medicine. Low risk. [8] 3.7 Inside the tent, you discern six figures: two mannequins holdings
G) If all tasks above have already been executed, go to [9] suits of armor, three zombies wearing the same suit of armor, and the
Kemet captain, whom you surprised. He quickly draws his weapon
and commands the zombies to attack. You then:
A) Concentrate your attacks on the Kemet captain. Go to [3.9]
B) Attack the zombies. Go to [3.11]

3.8 You attack the guards but are unable to surprise them, and they
put up a fight. Each hero who attacked a guard takes 5 DMG. You
manage to take them down, but you realize the Kemet are approach-
ing. You run as fast as you can back to the Ironhand outpost and lose
any Kemet after you. Each hero gains 1 Weakened Token. Mission
failed. Go to [10].

3.9 Despite the zombies, you manage to bring down the Kemet com-
mander before he gets a chance to react and deal with zombies accord-
ingly afterward. Each hero takes 5 DMG and gains 1 . Go to [3.13]

Journal • 119
3.10 As you enter the tent, you notice it is dark, but you see six 4 The Necromancer’s tents seem to have no guards, but by the smell,
near-identical figures, and upon a whispered attack command, four it is probably full of undead. One of you proposes setting fire to the
of them move to attack the heroes. tents so the necromancers burn to death or will be forced out where
you can kill them.
A) Attack all the figures indiscriminately. [3.12]
B) Locate the leader who issued the command and take him out. [3.14] A) Splitting up to burn down the tents, killing the necromancers or
forcing them to leave. [4.1]

3.11 The fight is brutal. The zombies are a mere distraction, and
B) Approach cautiously and check the stalls to know what you are
dealing with. [4.2]
the Kemet commander holds his ground. Taking advantage of this
distraction, the Kemet leader was about to run away. One hero must
use all its strength to stop him, knocking him out before he could leave 4.1 Each hero heads to a different tent to set it on fire. The tents
the tent. Choose a hero to flip its highest level Primary Attack. Then, quickly begin to catch fire, but before the Necromancers leave, many
each hero gains 1 . Go to [3.13] Kemet approach from all sides. The alarm sounds, and you are forced
to flee, running to the portal while they shoot arrows at you...
3.12 You divide to attack. Quickly, one of you realizes that you have Each hero takes 5 DMG and gains 1 Weakened Token.
attacked a dummy, and in the meantime, one of the initially motionless
figures sneaks out of the tent. Arriving at the outpost, you use the portal and return to participate
Seeing that the figure sneaks into the shadows, one of the heroes ex- in the bridge battle. Mission failed. +3 to and go to [10]
pends all its energy to attack and knocks the figure out. But, as it was
next to the exit, it alerted other Kemets. You run as fast as possible to
the portal. +3 to . Mission failed. Go to [10]
4.2 You try to approach cautiously without being noticed by the
Kemet in the camp.

3.13 You take out the Kemet leader and the zombies. The move- Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
ment outside remains the same, and no one seems to have noticed you!
You quickly retreat to a more favorable position. +3 to . Go to [2] +1 to all rolls per Kemet Rumors (Mastery) - Your expertise in deal-
ing with Kemets will be very useful.
3.14 One of you holds the attackers. Three are zombies and a fourth +3 if the hero or NPC are using a cloak or a hood in their Card art
- Thief clothing for a thief activity.
falls to the ground revealing to be a mannequin. You notice one of the
initially immobile figures tries to go to the exit, and you realize that
it is the Kemet leader, whom you attack silently, killing him quickly. 3 or more heroes succeed (13+): Go to [4.3]
A hero takes 10 DMG. Then, each hero gains 1 and can flip a Skill 2 or more heroes fail (12-): +2 to Torch Token. If it reaches 7, Go to
Token. Go to [3.13] [10]. Otherwise, Go to [4.3]

4.3 You find tears in the canvas of one of the tents from which you
can see all the necromancers inside in a deep trance, sitting around a
magic circle on the floor. Maybe this is your only chance to kill them
all without being seen. They seem oblivious to your approach, so you
place yourselves behind each of them to kill them quickly. Each hero
flips a Primary Attack of their choice and rolls an attack against DEF
6. If all heroes hit their attacks, go to [4.4]. Otherwise, go to [4.5]

4.4 You quickly kill all the necromancers, which will certainly affect
the Kemet reinforcements in the bridge battle. Each hero gains 1 .
+3 to 3. Go to [2]

4.5 You attack all the necromancers, but some of them fight before
being killed. Each hero who missed the attack takes 5 DMG and gains
1 Distracted Token. The death of the necromancers will affect the
Kemet reinforcements in the Bridge battle. +3 to . Go to [2]

120 • Tanares Adventures

5 Near the sleeping tents, under a large tree, is a larger tent that ap- 5.2 You take some tools and shim the tree to use a lever stump,
parently belongs to the mid-ranking Kemet. Patrols are constantly making a considerable effort.
passing through the area, so any action needs to be executed quickly.
You approach it amidst the tree roots and see that the number of of- Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
ficers inside is small. (13+: success | 12-: failure)
A) Infiltrate the tent and execute the officers. [5.1] +2 if the hero is a Brute or Bruiser - They are experts at moving
targets by force.
B) Knocking down the tree on top of the tent. [5.2]
+2 if the hero or NPC is wearing metallic armor in their Card
5.1 You wait patiently for a patrol to move away and then
art. - Those who always wear heavy armor are more accustomed to
great efforts.
sneak into the tent.
3 or more heroes succeed (13+): Go to [5.5]
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
2 or more heroes fail (12-): Go to [5.6]
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Kemet Rumors (Mastery) - Your expertise in deal-
ing with Kemets will be very useful.
5.3 You attack the first four in a coordinated fashion, eliminating
them swiftly, while the other two are alerted to the noise and start
+3 if the hero or NPC uses a cloak or a hood in their Card art - Thief searching, but you manage to attack fast enough to kill them before
clothing for a thief activity. they react. Each hero may flip a Skill Token and a Primary Attack
Card. +2 to . Go to [2.]
3 or more heroes succeed (13+): Keep reading.
2 or more heroes fail (12-): +2 To Torch Token. If it reaches 7, go to
[10]. Otherwise, keep reading.
5.4 Your plan didn’t work. Although you quickly eliminated the
first four, the other two were alerted in time to react. Although you
Inside the tent, there appear to be six officers sleeping. Eliminating managed to kill them, you sustained some injuries. Each hero takes
them all will require coordinated action. 5 DMG and gains 1 . +1 to and +2 to Torch Token. If the Torch
Token reaches 7, go to [10]. Otherwise, go to [2]
Choose a player to make a test. They’ll try to coordinate all the
heroes’ attacks 5.5 You make an incredible effort, but the tree falls all at once, de-
A hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). stroying the tent and probably killing its occupants. However, the tree
(13+: success | 12-: failure) crashed as it fell but raised a cloud of dust that enabled you to sneak
out of place. Each hero gains 1 . +1 to and +2 to Torch Token. If
+1 to all rolls per Ironhand Efficiency (Mastery) - The more you have the Torch Token reaches 7, go to [10]. Otherwise, go to [2]
dealt with the Ironhand, the more expertise in coordinating a team
you possess.
+3 to rolls if the hero or NPC is experienced in wars. Rurik,
5.6 You make a considerable effort, you topple the tree, but as it falls
with a great crash, you see some officers coming out of the tent. Despite
Askaran, Vanarus, Nakral, Rokaru, and Jorana (Heroes) or Major the ensuing destruction, some of the officers survived. The dust raised
Simpson, Thana, Vharzog, and Tribin (NPCs). - The experience in by the fallen tree allows you to sneak out. Each hero gains 1 Weakened
wars makes them have a better coordination timing. Token. +1 to and +2 to Torch. If the Torch Token reaches 7, go to
[10]. Otherwise, go to [2]
Success (10+): Go to [5.3]
Failure (9-): Go to [5.4]

Journal • 121
6 To the south of the camp, some wagons loaded with war supplies,
probably for the troops on the Bridge, were pulled by undead ani-
mals. Eliminating or sabotaging the wagons seems like risky tasks,
but performing either should already delay the transport of the sup-
plies. You decide:
A) Eliminate the undead beasts [6.1]
B) Sabotage the wagons [6.2]

6.1 You sneak up on the animals, who seem indifferent to you, and
attack them. The beasts, however, are surprisingly resistant. Each hero

flips a Primary Attack of their choice. You need to complete the mis-
sion, so you decide: You collect some herbs in the woods that produce a poison; not to
kill, but to cause the Kemet a lot of pain, preventing them from fight-
A) Utilize the power of your magic weapons. Go to [6.3] ing correctly. The water stocks are kept separate from the food, and
B) Attack the creatures again. Go to [6.4] many are concentrated near the dormitories. Analyzing the situation,
you come to two possible courses of action:
6.2 You approach the wagons, and the animals seem indifferent to A) Waiting for someone to get water and open a barrel, then
your presence. The wagon appears to have reinforced wheels, but with poison it [7.1]
some time, you could damage the axle so that they break, or you can
B) Sneak up on the barrels and put the poison directly into them. [7.2]
use some barrels of oil to set it ablaze, but this is sure to attract the

attention of the Kemets. You decide:
You wait for some Kemets to approach you to collect water. They
A) Damaging the wagon axle. Go to [6.5] seem distracted, and you see a gap to throw the poison. Each hero rolls
B) Spreading oil and setting fire to the wagons. Go to [6.6] a Basic Attack against DEF 11, adding its to the roll.

6.3 With the power of your weapons, you finally manage to bring If they miss 2 or more attacks, the Kemets realize something is wrong,
although they don’t know exactly what’s happening. +1 to and +1
them down. As they fall, they break some of its gears, alerting some of to Torch Token.
the Kemet. Each hero must flip its weapon. +2 to and +2 to Torch
Token by 1. If the Torch Token reaches 7, go to [10]. Otherwise, go to [2] If they hit 3 or more attacks, the water was poisoned without anyone
noticing. +1 to .
6.4 The creatures fall with the second wave of blows, and you fi- If the Torch Token reaches 7, go to [10]. Otherwise, go to [2]
nally manage to bring them down. As they fall, they break some of its
gears, alerting some of the Kemet. Each hero flips a Primary Attack.
+2 and +1 to Torch Token. If the Torch token reaches 7, go to [10]. 7.2 With the poison in hand, you sneak up to the water, mix it in,
Otherwise, go to [2] and leave with no trouble.

6.5 You take your time but damage the wagon’s axle, so it breaks
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
. Go to [2]
during travel. +2 to
+1 to all rolls per Kemet Rumors (Mastery) - Your expertise in deal-
6.6 You open the barrels and pour the oil into the wagons, set- ing with Kemets will be very useful.
+3 if the hero or NPC uses a cloak or a hood in their Card art - Thief
ting them on fire immediately afterward. One of you starts the crea-
tures running toward the camp with the burning wagon. +2 to clothing for a thief activity.
and +3 to Torch Token. If the Torch Token reaches 7, go to [10]. 3 or more heroes succeed (13+): +1 to .
Otherwise, go to [2]
2 or more heroes fail (12-): +1 to and +1 to Torch Token.
After all heroes finish their tests, +1 to . If the Torch Token reaches
7, go to [10]. Otherwise, go to [2]

122 • Tanares Adventures

8 A tent located east of the camp appears to be a dining hall and pan- 9 Enough time has passed, and you need to get back to the meeting
try. You approach it stealthily and notice a zombie guarding the place point arranged with Sedura. [11]
against the outside and a soldier tending to the supplies inside. You:
A) Attack the soldier first. [8.1] 10 Their latest actions have left the entire camp alert, and any action
from now on will be practically a suicide. All that remains is for them
B) Attack the zombie first. [8.2] to return to the meeting point with Sedura. [11]

8.1 You sneak into the tent and attack the soldier, who is easily de- 11 You meet with Sedura and go over the plan one last time.
feated because he is distracted. Unfortunately, the noise seems to have
caught the zombie’s attention, who enters the tent and knocks over a “You will enter the battle with our new weapon, invading the Bridge
pile of bowls with his clumsy gait, making a lot of noise. +1 to Torch from the East. It will protect you for a time. I will cross the river
Token. If it reaches 7, go to [10]. Otherwise, keep reading. by boat to attack from the other side of the Bridge. But be advised,
General Zisenuh has built a toxic field on the east side, so it will be
You also defeat the undead easily but realize that the noise has drawn
almost impossible to retreat once you are in the top of the Bridge.”
the attention of a Kemet patrol. There is not much time, so you
decide to: Soon after discussing the plan, you receive a report regarding the
Kemet reinforcements.
A) Retreat by the back and change your course of action. [2]
B) Prepare an ambush for the incoming patrol. [8.3] You reach the Bridge by dawn; the Kemet are ready for a fierce fight.
C) Hide traces of your presence to avoid detection. [8.4] Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 40 “The Bridge.”

8.2 You eliminate the undead with extreme ease, and as soon as you 12 You travel with Huradrin to an enemy camp in a forest, and attack
enter the tent, you notice that the soldier is now dozing - apparently, undead who are pulling heavy wagons with supplies destined for the
his tedious work doesn’t demand much attention. You also eliminate bridge. Each hero flips one attack card and its weapon.
the soldier very quickly and continue with your mission. [8.5]
You then decide to poison the troops’ water and food. It doesn’t take
8.3 You hide, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Once they’re long for the Kemet to realize that something is wrong, so you decide
to set fire at their necromancers’ tent so they can’t use undead. The
in, you surprise the patrols and take them out. The Kemet will soon
notice a patrol is missing. +1 to Torch Token. If it reaches 7, go to [10]. fire spreads quickly, putting the whole camp on alert; you are forced
Otherwise, go to [8.5] to flee under a rain of arrows. Each hero takes 5 DMG and gains 1
Weakened Token. At the Ironhand outpost, you take a portal to the
8.4 You reduce the lighting in the tent and hide the bodies as quickly bridge, where the battle is beginning.
as possible. Then you hide and wait for the patrol to arrive. It seems Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 40 “The Bridge.”
that the job was well done: the patrol approached, stayed for a few
moments, and then left. For now, you are safe and can continue with
the mission. [8.5]

8.5 You take advantage of the undead’s body by tearing it apart and
spreading its rotting flesh on the Kemet rations, leaving the food unfit
for consumption. Eating this food while you’re doing it makes you sick
to your stomach, and your appetite won’t be the same for a long time.
+1 to and +1 to Torch Token. Go to [2]

Journal • 123
Adventure Chapter W If you decide to split the Team, decide which group will be with Sara,
and choose TWO alternatives below, but follow just one of them to

the end — you’ll be instructed when to read the other path.
Choose only one option if you’ll stick together.

1hisHuradrin fears his cursed presence may give you a harder time in
former kingdom, but he’d spent long hours talking to Sara about
A) The Central Tunnel. Apparently, it is the main tunnel that leads
to the depths of the cave. You can take this opportunity to take down
how to get to Coastsummits and what one may find there, so you leave the distracted guards by surprise. [3]
Fisherman’s Wharf accompanied by Sara and shortly thereafter find B) The Left Tunnel. Despite its more precarious structure, it seems to
yourself climbing a freezing mountain to the entrance of the now-ex- be one of the enemy’s sources of tameranium. This could be an oppor-
tinct kingdom of Arheimar. tunity to extract a sample and learn more about this valuable crystal. [2]
You descend a steep, winding path, passing by abandoned stone cor- C) The Right Tunnel. You can try to catch the running kemet be-
ridors and halls until you find a large map carved into a stone slab fore he calls for help, or perhaps take a shot at him from a distance.
Maybe you can interrogate him to extract valuable information about
on the wall of a vast chamber; it gives you an idea of the immense,
the operation. [4]
multi-level underground complex hidden in the mountain, and even
below sea level. D) (Fast Action Mode): Just follow Sara’s advice. [16]

2 Not long after entering the left tunnel, you trigger an almost invis-
ible tripwire, placed here to collapse the ceiling on top of the heads of
people like you — or at least trap you inside the tunnel, as large rocks
are falling all the way back to the tunnel’s entrance.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(21+: success | 20-: failure).
+1 to all rolls per Kemet Rumors (Mastery) - You have had your share
of contact with the enemy to know how to best react to their shenanigans.
If Garion or Myr are in this group, the Team automatically passes
the test - They know the way of the tricksters.
If at least 1 hero succeeds (21+): Go to [6.A]
If all heroes fail (20-): Go to [5]

3 You manage to sneak up on the kemet guards. To your surprise,

they are talking about you, the heroes of the Resistance! “We gotta re-
spect them. Imagine fighting a war that is already lost. Even knowing
that Gullog is never wrong, some of us falter. They fight with courage
against the impossible.” Another replies, “Impressive, indeed. Some say
they are fools, but I respect those who fight for what they believe —
even if what they believe is wrong. And they didn’t have the privilege
of growing up knowing the prophecy, like we did.”
A) Reward their respect by fighting with them in fair terms, hon-
orably, refusing to employ underhanded tactics such as a sneak at-
tack. Go to [8.A].
B) There is no honor in war; strike one of the guards from behind to
have an edge in this encounter. Go to [8.B].

4 Choose your approach:

Further ahead, the tunnel splits in three directions: A) Try to shoot down the kemet from a distance. You can’t risk him
fleeing! Go to [10]
• The Central Tunnel is a wide tunnel. You can see three kemet
B) Chase the Kemet. The priority is to capture and interrogate
guards ahead, but they are distracted, talking to each other.
him. Go to [11]
• The Left Tunnel is a narrow, recently opened tunnel with many
mining tools laying around. You can see that the tunnel leads to
tameranium deposits.
5 You run frantically, trying to dodge the falling stones. Sara’s intu-
ition puts her out of harm’s way, but a big chunk hits you on the head.
• The Right Tunnel is a narrow and long tunnel. A kemet scout with Each hero in this tunnel takes 8 DMG. After the dust settles, you see
mining equipment is there, crouched; you can’t see what he is do- that your way back is completely blocked. Go to [6.B].
ing… wait, he notices you! He runs away from you, through this
tunnel, yet he doesn’t scream or alert anyone. 6.A You manage to jump ahead and dodge the falling stones,
but after the dust settles you see that your way back is completely
First, decide if you want to split your team (two heroes in each
blocked. Go to [6.B]
group), or if the four heroes will stick together.

124 • Tanares Adventures

heroes take 10 DMG | Another guard dies | One hero takes 10 DMG |
The last guard dies.
After eliminating all of them, you move straight ahead, following
along the tunnel, which eventually joins the tunnel that was to your
right. Go to [14].

10 Heroes with a ranged weapon can shoot; melee heroes can

improvise an attack by throwing a rock, all in an attempt to kill
the fleeing scout!
Each hero makes an attack (roll a d20).
• Shooters gain +4 on their roll - it’s their specialty.
• Melee heroes have -4 on their roll (throw rock).
10+ = Success (Hit)
9- = Fail (Miss)
If two or more heroes succeed (10+): You kill the scout before he
could flee. Searching his body, you find a glowing bluish gem inside
a small pouch on his belt. It intensely illuminates the place; you can
feel vital energy leaking from the gem as it turns gray and dull. Put
(Slot 4).
If three or more heroes failed (9-): You shot everything you could at
6.B You continue down the tunnel and come across the small tam-
the scout, but he was quick on his feet and turned a corner. You try
following him, but lose sight in the maze-like tunnels. Put (Slot 5),
eranium deposit you saw earlier. You pick up a tool that, albeit aban- if it is empty.
doned and very precarious, could come in handy along the way. A
hero gains the Hook Token. Further ahead, you enter a room; there’s You continue into the tunnel until it eventually connects to the central
a mystical portal in its corner. corridor. [14]
A) Use your newfound tool to extract a tameranium nugget off a wall;
it may be useful in the future. [7].
B) Ignore the ores and cross the portal. [15].

7 You have to hit the rock hard to mine the crystal. It renders the
precarious tool useless, but you do manage to pocket the biggest tam-
eranium nugget you can carry! Discard the Hook Token. Gain 1 Loot
Card (choose the type). Go to [15].

8.A You leave the cover of darkness that kept you hidden and ap-
proach the guards. At first, they were taken aback and incredulous.
However, as you present your intention to fight fairly, they pull their
weapons “my name is Rondas, this is Nemul, and that one Verkas. It
will be an honor to cross blades with the heroes of the resistance.” his
friend complete “I hope Gullog saw our victory today. I prefer to win
now, then wait to be resurrected at the banquet day.”
You can see they are less experienced than you, yet they seem fear-
less in face of a fight. Each hero gains 1 or flips 2 Skill Tokens.
Honor-bound combatants can do both (Rokaru, Sir Erick, Taram, or
M’Bollo). Consider there are 3 guards when you go to [9].

8.B All honor-bound combatants in your group, if any (Rokaru,

Sir Erick, Taram, or M’Bollo) lose all and gain 1 Distracted Token.
You kill one of the guards. You can see the others are less experienced
than you, yet they fearlessly brace for the fight. Consider there are only
2 guards when you go to [9]

9 For every 2 heroes in this group, one of the kemet guards is killed
before he can strike back.
For each kemet survivor, one hero takes 10 DMG, as they strike
back at you.
Repeat the process until all guards die. Then, each hero gains 1 .
Example: 2 heroes against 3 guards — 1 guard dies; 2 survive | Two

Journal • 125
11 Noticing the kemet scout’s movement, you rush toward him to 14 You see a beautiful staircase carved into the stones. Descending it,
surround and intimidate; he surrenders. you suddenly hear a mighty roar that manages to shake the entire place!
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). You feel a rush of icy air touching you and see the figure of a float-
(22+: success | 21-: failure). ing, bright-eyed dwarf looking at you. The figure quickly crosses the
corridor and passes through the wall. Shaken by the scene, you rush
+1 to all rolls per Kemet Rumors (Mastery) - Because of your expe-
down the stairs! If the team has split up and you have not played with
rience with the Kemet, you understand how to deal with their agents.
the other group yet, return to [1] and take the pathway of the other
+2 to roll if you are Katar, Morlogh, Sedrik, or Vanarus (hero) - group. Otherwise, keep reading.
Their monstrous nature can greatly help in this situation!
If you don’t have on slots 3 or 4, the kemet scout has fled; others
If at least 1 hero succeeds (22+): Go to [13]. are alerted to your presence. Put (Slot 5) if it is empty.
If all heroes fail (21-): Go to [12]. Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 43: “Dwarven Kingdom.”

12 You fail to block the kemet scout, and he escapes. All you can do 15 You’re in a newly built tunnel; it looks like it was dug to facilitate
now is go ahead as quickly as possible and try to deal with any guards the transportation of ores. And now you have company! Put (Slot 6).
he may call. You continue moving through this tunnel until it eventual-
ly connects to the central one. Put (Slot 5) if it is empty. Go to [14]. If the team has split up and you have not played with the other group
yet, return to [1] and take their pathway. Otherwise, keep reading.
13 “You can take me, but Gullog is on his way,” the intimidated scout If you don’t have on slots 3 or 4, the kemet scout has fled; others
says, with trembling lips. “This day shall decide the course of the war”. are alerted of your presence. Put (Slot 5) if it is empty.
Suddenly, his eyes go completely dark, and he says: “… no, I know Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 43: “Dwarven Kingdom.”
you can see us. I didn’t tell them about the architect, … I was trying to
captu… Gullhhhh…”.
The scout convulses. Seconds later, his body stops stirring, lifeless. Are
16 You advance through the central tunnel and face a Kemet patrol
in combat but you let a scout in another tunnel flee. Place (Slot
you being watched? 5), and each hero gains 1 and takes 8 DMG. After descending a
Searching his body, you find a glowing bluish gem inside a small beautifully-carved staircase, you cross a few more corridors until you
hear a mighty roar that manages to shake the entire place! You feel a
pouch on his belt. It intensely illuminates the place; you can feel vital
rush of icy air touching you and see the figure of a floating, bright-
energy leaking from the gem as it turns gray and dull. Put (Slot eyed dwarf looking at you. The figure quickly crosses the corridor and
4). You continue into the tunnels until it eventually connects to a passes through the wall. Shaken by the scene, you continue to climb
central hall. [14] down the stairs…
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 43: “Dwarven Kingdom.”

126 • Tanares Adventures

Journal • 127
Adventure Chapter X
Parliament of the Seas
1 Zalir summons you to his shop. With a worried face, he says: “I re-
ceived reports of Kemet activities on the Central Sea. They stole some
secret weapons from the pirates, and we cannot allow them to reach
Gullog. The pirates isolated the Fire Islands, but I am sure the Kemet
will have some trick to bypass it. Please go to Galley’s Town and take
care of the situation. Important pirates are there, and my agents already
warned them about your visit.”

You go to the Ironhand Outpost and teleport to Galley’s Town, a city

on the Central Sea. You arrive there and see a crowd surrounding a
man tied up and being publicly beaten by the citizens and soldiers. He
looks almost dead as a cleric casts a healing spell, and they continue to
hit him. A desperate young woman approaches you, saying: “Please,
you need to help him. You seem very strong and well-armed. They’re
going to execute my father. He swore he would never hurt anyone again.”
A man stops and snarls: “This man killed an entire family in cold
blood to take their money. More than eight people! He deserves worse
than this execution.”
A) Help him. He did terrible things out of desperation but deserves
a second chance. [2]

B) Let them torture him. There are no excuses for such atrocity. This
punishment is fair. [3]
4 He needs to be punished, but what kind of hero would you be if you
let something like this happen and did not intervene? You approach
C) Kill him. He did terrible things, but torture is too far. [4] him and make a decisive blow, killing him. The crowd reacts differ-
D) (Fast Action Mode) Ignore it and follow Zalir’s plan. [22] ently, some applauding, others complaining about why the show has
already ended. A hero gains 1 Protected Token. [5]

2 You create a scene, pretending to attack the man. You miss him and
5 You leave the place to find the ship, where the Parliament is gath-
cut his ropes, releasing him. He flees, saying: “I will spend the rest of
my life repairing my mistake. Thank you for giving me a second chance.” ered. A beautiful pirate woman comes your way and says: “Hi! I am
A hero gains 1 . [5] Larin, and you must be the ones Zalir told me about. They are expect-
ing you. Before entering, you should know that the five most important

3 It is not a good scene to see, but it is justice for these people and can
pirate captains are here. You must adhere to the introduction etiquette
in five steps; REMEMBER it: raise your left hand, curve your head, put
even prevent others from doing the same out of fear. So, in the end, your right hand back, say “Master of the Sea,” and put both hands on
this is a way to protect innocent people, even if it seems evil. A hero your thighs.” [6]
gains 1 Empowered Token. [5]

128 • Tanares Adventures

6 You board the ship, where you see five pirates sitting at a table “Something strange is happening, and no one listened to me. A few days
ago, I was captured by a Kemet captain. I can’t remember anything un-
full of food. Larin introduces you: “My sea lords, these are the heroes til a witch rescued me. She took me to my ship and killed many of my
of Wharfugee.” Then she looks at you and whispers: “Now, make the men. Then, she turned herself in. We brought her as a prisoner, and
movements I taught you.” [20] she asked me to see you as payment for saving my life as if she knew
you would come.”
7 According to your performance, the pirates offer you better or He takes you to the prison, where you see a blindfolded witch in chains
worse food. Check your answer. For each one correct, a hero gains 1 holding a children’s book. She throws it to you and says: “Describe to
Empowered Token. The sequence is 6, 9, 1, 7 and 2. [8] me the cover or read the first page of it. What do you think is more
important, the outside or the inside?”
8 Captain Brakaan: “We know the reason you are here. It’s about the A) Describe the cover to her. [12]
weapon, isn’t it? And you certainly want our help. Right now, we will B) Read the first page. [13]
execute a pirate-killing witch, and after that, we will discuss this matter.
But before we proceed, what do you offer us in return?”
A) You say that the booty collected from the Kemets’ ships could be
12 You describe a purple spider to her. Then, she says: “This is why
a mirror is the most important object. It reflects the outside and all its
left entirely to them. [9] power to attract or repel.” Put (Slot 1). Go to [14].
B) We can request, although not guaranteed, the suspension of your
criminal records with Ironhand when the war is over. [10]
13 You read a small poem for her:
9 Captain Brakaan: “It’s a big thing you are asking, but it is a fair deal as
we need someone to win this war, anyway. Our weapon is very ancient, “I am a big spider.
made in the fires of the legendary Dorsian Forge, so you better recover I made a sin.
it. Let’s drink to celebrate the deal.” [11] I gave you a wish
For your soul and skin.”
10 Captain Brakaan: “It’s not a big deal that you’re offering, but it Then, the witch says: “A mirror can also show your inside when you
pleases us. But since we all need to win this war, it seems logical that talk to it. Only in your solitary moments can you can see your truest
we join forces. As we Gloomfolk say - a good kemet is a dead one.” [11] self.” Put (Slot 2). [14]

11 After the pact is sealed, the other Captains look and whisper
among themselves. Captain Dorro asks you to meet him in his room.
There, he says:

Journal • 129
14 Witch: “I am Ganona, and I knew you would come. I killed those 16 Captain Brakaan: “Now it is time to go. Unfortunately, we cannot
pirates just to see you. I know you seek the big weapon, but I have a better go with you at this time. But select one ship of any captain to use for the
offer: The Mirror of Darkness. It can help you even more for just a small assault. They are equipped with an arcane cannon. Here are the coordi-
cost. All I need is a drop of blood from each one of you.” nates where the Kemet ships were last seen.” [21]
Captain Dorro: “Be careful to believe in these witches. They can only
spread evil. I am fulfilling my promise only because she saved me.” 17 When the blood drops, purple energy flows from her hand, and
you teleport. As usual, you feel the Penumbra, but this time you see
A) Leave the witch. It is more important to take the big weapon flashes of a spider. In the blink of an eye, you arrive at a cave with a
from the Kemet. [15] river. You see many mirrors with spiders on them.
B) She seems powerful, and if she tells the truth, the mirror can
make a big difference in the war. Give her a drop of your blood. [17] Ganona: “Thank you for coming. As I promised, here is the Mirror of
Darkness. This object can unleash a powerful monster on your ene-
mies when it feels you need it.”
15 You decide to leave the prison. Larin takes you to your room and
If you have a female hero: Ganona says: “And there is something else I
serves you food and Central Sea Rum before the execution.
can offer you. Do you want to become a purple witch? There is a price to
When the moment comes, you go to the upper deck and see this be paid. You must sacrifice one person to prove your alliance with The
ship is close to a giant whirlpool. Matron. Remember, she accepts only women.”
Captain Brakaan: “This witch murdered two of our crew. If you have A) In desperate times, desperate measures should be taken. You
mercy, you can shoot her before she is taken by the whirlpool and must sacrifice an NPC. [18]
spends her last moments fighting not to drown.” B) It is tempting, but you cannot lose your humanity to have power.
Refuse the offer. [19]
The witch screams: “You were supposed to come with me. She prom-
ised you would. AAHHH!”. The pirates throw her into the whirlpool.
If you don’t have 36 - “If Two heads are better…”: Dorro says:
“My men are dead because of me. I was foolish to be captured.” and
throws himself into the whirlpool.

Each hero chooses what to do (more heroes doing the

same task improves the chances of success):

• Shoot the witch. If you have a Ranged hero, make

a Primary Attack (flip the card). Melees can only
make Basic Attack with -3 to roll (they improvise a
Ŝ Do not apply Passive Power and effects). She has
DEF 6 and 10 HP.
• Rescue Dorro (if he jumped). You take a rope and
jump in the water. Make a test 15.
• Do nothing

Rescue Dorro: The hero makes a TEST (d20+

Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)

+1 to all rolls per Battle of Oceans (Mastery) - Your

experience in maritime activities will be of great help.

+4 to Azriel or Liana’s roll (hero) - Its life in contact

with water guarantees a great help!

Success (15+): You save Dorro.

Failure (14-): You cannot reach him but return to

the ship safely.

If you kill the witch, each hero gains 1 .

If you save Dorro (any hero succeeds), the crew ap-
plauds you and gives you 1 . If you don’t save him,
four pirates go to save him. Three of them die, but one
brings him back almost dead.

Go to [16]

130 • Tanares Adventures

18 Choose an NPC on the Team. After quick combat, you kill it, 21 Choose One Ship.
letting its blood taint the mirror. Remove this NPC from the game.
Choose a female hero to pick up the mirror, except Catharina. A tat- Ship 1: The Dragon (Captain Maryne) inspires the fury. All heroes
too of a spider appears on the hero’s back. gain 1 Empowered Token.
Ganona: “In time, you will feel something different about you, some- Ship 2: The Crow (Captain Black Soul) inspires the protection: All
thing powerful. Now comes the most difficult task: to leave this cave heroes gain 1 Protected Token.
alive. Follow me.”
Ship 3: The Hydra (Captain Liana, or her first mate, if she is one of
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 50: “Pact.” the heroes) inspires the determination: All heroes start with 1 Skill
Token charged.
Go to [19].
Ship 4: The Scorpion (Captain Brakaan) inspires heroism: All heroes
19 You walk for an hour in a dark and frightening cavern. You ar- flip an attack card.
rive at a big tunnel and see a giant spider-shaped monster coming.
Ganona says, “I forgot to tell you. You took her Mirror of Darkness. Ship 5: The Pegasus (Captain Dorro) encourages balance. Each hero
Can you survive now? If you don’t, your blood will be mine, and I will starts with one different bonus of the four above.
make good use of it.”
You take the ship and go to the coordinates. You see a Kemet vessel
She starts a teleportation spell, but you have time for one quick blow coming, and you prepare to be boarded.
before she teleports away. One hero can roll a Primary Attack (flip
it) against DEF 16 (add your item bonus). If it hits, the witch dies, Go to Quest Guide and set up Quest 53 “Battleship.”
and all heroes gain 1 .

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 50: “Pact.”

22 You ignore the situation and continue to search for the pirates.
You leave the crowd and meet Zalir’s pirate contact, Larin. She teach-

es you a pirate’s greeting, successfully introducing you to a group of
Mark (or memorize) the numbers of your actions in the sequence captains. Two heroes gain 1 Empowered Token.
you will perform them. You negotiate with Captain Brakaan to obtain help. Another Captain
• 1 - Put your right hand back • 5 - Raise your head takes you to a witch being held prisoner for killing pirates, as she
saved his life. She tempts you with a magic mirror, but you decline.
• 2 - Put both hands on your • 6 - Raise your left hand
thighs After her execution, they inform you of the coordinates to find the
• 7 - Say “Masters of the Sea”
• 3 - Raise the right hand Kemet vessels. They refuse to go with you but offer Brakaan’s ship;
• 8 - Put your left hand back you take it to the battle. Each hero flips any Attack Card.
• 4 - Say “Sea Lords”
• 9 - Curve your head
Soon, the kemet vessels show up, and you prepare to be boarded.
Go to [7]
Go to Quest Guide and set up Quest 53 “Battleship.”

Journal • 131
Place an on a position of the HP Track equal to 10 + all heroes’
Adventure Chapter Y . This represents the Team Purity, which can decrease or in-
crease by the choices you make.
Mixed Realities • Lordwrath, Ravel, and Baolmu add +2 each, as they can deal
more efficiently with corruption.
1 Huradrin and Zalir call you to talk about a secret plan. While you try to find Huradrin and Zalir, a severely wounded Ironhand
Huradrin: “There are secret portals in Malland we just discovered re- Officer crawls toward you, groaning with every move. At the same time,
cently. We can use them to reach even more places instantly, and you you hear a voice speaking in your mind: “Kill it, kill this creature now.”
know their importance better than anyone. The place is like an oasis of A) Approach the Ironhand to see what is happening to him. [2]
peace in the middle of the region’s chaos, so we will probably not have
much trouble. Probably...” B) Trust the voice and kill the creature from a distance. [5]
Zalir: “But the place does not have only the portals. There is a relic we C) (Fast Action Mode) Until you find Huradrin and Zalir, you can’t
need there. No Relic Hunter dares to seek it, as they call it Penumbral trust anyone; shoot at the man from a distance [25].
Death. I personally don’t believe this, but even if it is true, you are the
Heroes of Wharfugee, after all.”
After ending the meeting, you join them in the quest for the artifact
2 When you get close enough, you start to question whether that
creature at some point was an Ironhand. Decrease the Team Purity
and portals. You travel to Malland, and finally you approach it. Arriving by 1. Before you can take any action, he jumps toward you, and
at the place, you feel as if you are being watched. you hear the mysterious voice again: “Kill it now before it is too late.”
Huradrin: “Zalir and I will stay to guard the place while you get the ar- A) Kill it before it can make anything. [3]
tifact. I feel a strange aura here. Be on your guard.” B) Try to immobilize him. [4]
You enter the dungeon. Strangely enough, no danger is to be seen
inside it. Deeper into the dungeon, you see an artifact emanating a 3 A pool of blood spreads across the floor, and a glimpse of reality
purple light and two messages. appears before your eyes. You were manipulated to believe he was a
creature, but he was a real Ironhand. The same voice you heard laughs.
“A blend between two planes, a vision that evades sight, danger follows Decrease the Team Purity by 6. Go to [6]
ones who bring forbidden knowledge to light.”
“Do not trust in its lies; the eye is sagacious.” 4 You hold the Ironhand, and he keeps moaning in pain. All you had
seen was just an illusion. You help him with his injuries. Increase the
As you take the artifact, a strange feeling creeps up your spine. Its light Team Purity by 5. If there is a Healer on the Team, it gains 1
grows blinding. A hero takes the Key Token. as it can help the Ironhand more efficiently.
After regaining vision, you find yourself elsewhere. Everything seems Ironhand: “Thanks for helping me. A creature disguised as one of my
familiar, but with an uncanny feeling to it. Reality appears to be mixed partners ambushed me. At least I managed to badly wound its leg.”
with the Penumbra.
Helping the Ironhand gives you a sense of accomplishment. Each hero
gains 1 Empowered Token. Go to [6]

132 • Tanares Adventures

5 You shoot the Ironhand, but in the next instant, you are overcome 11 Huradrin: “Are you going crazy? We split to search for you;
with regret as he screams in pain while he dies. The same voice you he’s not here.”
heard laughs. Reduce the Team Purity by 8. Go to [6].
At this moment, the supposed Zalir starts vomiting and convulsing
6 After dealing with the Ironhand, you continue your way to find
before passing out. Decrease the Team Purity by 4. From his
vomit appears a creature. It crawls towards Huradrin and tries
Huradrin and Zalir. When you get close to the artifact’s original loca- to ambush him. The mysterious voice talks once again: “Kill this
tion, there is an abyss on the way that was not there before. The mys- creature! Don’t let it hurt Huradrin.”
terious voice continues: “This abyss is too deep for you to handle, be
careful not to fall. Real or not?” A) Kill the creature before it ambushes Huradrin. [15]
A) Try to jump to the other side of the abyss. [19] B) Ignore the creature; it is just an illusion. [16]
B) Ignore the abyss. It is not real. [7]
12 You keep walking as you don’t have time to lose. After some time,
7 You ignore the existence of the abyss and simply walk over the void. a strange feeling comes to you, an eery silence broken only by that
strange voice: “Look back and see what you have done to Huradrin.”
You hear Zalir’s voice along the way: “See this ring? I think you must
use them to escape this situation and even defeat the Kemet. Now I see
I was wrong to keep it from you.” You see a horrific scene: Huradrin falls to the ground, with his leg se-
verely injured. Next to him, there is another Huradrin standing hold-
A) Look down. [20] ing a dagger. The dagger-wielding Huradrin walks towards you and
B) Keep walking. [8] speaks: “Did you not hear me? This creature appeared from nowhere
and started attacking me. Be careful; there could be more of them here.”
8 A voice comes from the abyss. It is Huradrin’s voice. “You know I At this moment, the injured Huradrin gets up and runs to ambush the
have strange Penumbral Powers. I think I am prepared to show my real dagger-wielding version of himself.
face. But I just want to help you, don’t be scared.”
A) Attack the dagger-wielding Huradrin; he isn’t the real one. [17]
A) Look down. [20]
B) Attack the injured Huradrin; he isn’t the real one. [18]
B) Keep walking. [9]

9 You notice a light with a color unlike any you have ever seen at the in13anYou stab what seems to be Zalir, but it is not. The creature cries
infernal groan and withers away. Increase the Team Purity in
edge of your vision. You also hear Sedura’s voice. “I, Sedura, take you,
4. Each hero gains 1 .
Gullog, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you in good times
and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you until Huradrin notices the motion and sees the creature. He says: “I had not
we find Tamera.” noticed it before. Zalir and I parted ways a while ago to make it easier
It feels as though your every sense urges you to look down. to find you.” [22]

A) Look down. [20]

B) Keep walking. [21]

10 You ask Zalir if he is all right, and he answers you with a groan.
He seems to have a severe injury in his leg. The mysterious voice talks
again:“This is not what you think it is, KILL THIS CREATURE NOW!
A) Kill the supposed Zalir. [13]
B) Try to help him, as he doesn’t seem well. [14]

Journal • 133
14 You approach Zalir to help him, but when you get close enough, 20 As you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back at you. On it,
he vomits on your face and passes out convulsively. A strange creature
was ejected in the vomit, crawling inside your mouth, entering your there is a big purple eye fixed in your direction. Tentacles start to come
body. The chosen Hero is Infected. The hero with the Key Token takes out of the abyss and you run before they can reach you. Decreased the
10 DMG. Decrease the Team Purity by 8. Team Purity in 7. Go to [21]

Huradrin notices the motion and sees the creature. He says: “I had
not noticed it before. Zalir and I split up a while back to make it easier 21 Once you reach the otherby 4.sideWhile
of the abyss, you feel peaceful.
to find you.” Go to [22] Increase the Team Purity you keep walking, you have
a strange feeling of being followed. After walking a little more, you can
see Huradrin and Zalir running toward you.
15 Before it reaches Huradrin, you stab the creature with a single
Huradrin: “I finally found you. There was a flash of purple light back
strike. It cries in an infernal groan and starts to wither. Increase the
Team Purity in 3. Each hero gains 1 . there; when I went to see what happened, you disappeared! Well, do you
have the artifact?”
Huradrin notices the motion and sees the creature. He says: “I had
not noticed it before. Zalir and I split up a while back to find you.” [22] You continue the journey to the Portal, but Zalir is quiet; he is trem-
bling and pale and seems a little sick

16 The creature you thought to be an illusion is real. Huradrin falls A) Question Zalir if he is well. [10]
B) Question Huradrin if he can help Zalir with some kind
to the floor with the creature’s bite. Decrease the Team Purity by 4.
of medicine. [11]
Then, you kill the creature before it can cause more trouble. Each hero C) Keep walking to the Portal. Zalir can deal with a cold. [12]
gains 1 . Go to [22]

17 You attack the Huradrin that holds the dagger, and he falls to the
floor. He says: “What have you done? Why did you attack me?”
You attacked the wrong Huradrin. You look around but don’t find
the other one. Decrease the Team Purity by 5. When you look to
your side, a strange creature ambushes you. The hero with the Key
Token takes 20 DMG.
You attack and defeat the creature. Each hero gains 1 . Then, the real
Huradrin gets up and says: “I had not noticed it before. Zalir and I split
up a while back to make it easier to find you.” Go to [22]

18 You stab the injured Huradrin. Fortunately, you discover that this
Huradrin isn’t the real one, but a strange creature, now crying in an
infernal groan as it withers away. Increase the Team Purity by 5.
Each hero gains 1 . Go to [22]

19 You jump to pass the abyss, only to regret it, as tentacles come
out of it and attack you.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(10+: success | 9-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Movement in the
Penumbra is different from the normal world, and your expertise will
help you in the task.
+3 to Baolmu’s or Ravel’s roll (hero) - Who better to move around in
the Penumbra than a Madwalker? 22 If the Team Purity is 20 or higher, Go to [23].
If all heroes succeed (10+): You evade the tentacles successfully. Otherwise, Go to [24].

If at last one hero fails (9-): The tentacles pull you to the abyss. Take
5 DMG and decrease the Team Purity by 4. 23 Huradrin notices that you seem a little strange, so he takes the
artifact from you and notices its corruption. He says: “Let me carry
Even though you tried to jump as high as possible to the other side, this. I am used to this kind of curse.” Discard the Key Token.
you were not able to cross the abyss. When you think you will fall into
the darkness, you feel the floor. The abyss was just an illusion. You run In a short time, you reach the portals. When you get there, Huradrin
to escape the tentacles. [21] starts its ritual, and the artifact’s light becomes brighter, calling the
attention of everything around. The mysterious voice cries: “COME

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 51: “Portal Defense”

134 • Tanares Adventures

24 The artifact starts to shake in your hand. Huradrin looks at it and 25 You realize that the man was real. Returning to the original arti-
says: “Drop it! No…” fact’s site, you see an abyss that wasn’t there before. Believing it to be
an illusion, you cross the abyss and feel compelled to look into it, but
Before he can finish his words, the artifact light becomes very intense. when you do, it looks back at you. Tentacles stretch toward you and
When you regain your vision, you are on the Penumbra, and the mys- force you to run away. -11 Team Purity ( ).
terious voice talks again: “Come to me, come to give me what is mine.”
Continuing your journey, on the way to the Portal, you look back and
Some creatures appear from the ground and start to corner you. As see two copies of Huradrin: one lying prone and the other holding a
they advance, the artifact starts to shake. Before they can reach you, dagger. You attack the one with the dagger, but he’s the real deal! The
the artifact creates a safe path around you, a path of darkness. Now fallen Huradrin becomes a penumbral creature; you defeat it with dif-
you need to find your way out of here. ficulty. Each hero gains 1 . -5 Team Purity. The hero with the Key
Token takes 20 DMG.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up quest 56: Darkness. The artifact quivers in your hands and takes you to the creature’s lair
and its minions.

Go to the Quest Guide and set up quest 56: Darkness.

Journal • 135
Adventure Chapter Z
Under Thaisan Fields
1 “Unstable”
1 You and Sara are exploring the underground tunnels created by the
Coastsummits’ collapse. She had a strange premonition and wants to
look into the Penumbra for answers.
Tunnels are still collapsing all around you, and you barely escaped the
latest one, which blocked your way back. You find yourselves in a hall,
with the corpse of a dead dwarven bard at its center. Upon inspection,
you discover that the cause of death was a potent acid. Searching its
belongings, you find a roughly sketched map:
Place the XP Token at position 0 of the HP Track, which tracks the
amount of time you spent in these unstable caverns. Go to [1.1]

1.1 Increase the XP Token by 1. Three doorways lead out of this hall.
The first one leads north through a dark corridor from where the dwarf
seems to have come. The second leads south through a steep climb. The
centermost doorway leads into pitch-black darkness, and Sara claims
to feel Penumbral influence emanating from there.
A) Go north. [2]
B) Go through the central doorway. [3]
C) Go south. [4]
D) (Fast Action Mode) Let Sara decide the way. [15]

136 • Tanares Adventures

2 “Webs” 3 “No Bright”
Increase the XP Token by 1. If it’s not your first time here, go to [2.3].
Otherwise, keep reading. Increase the XP Token by 1. The hallway descends, growing darker
As you follow the tunnel, you notice the floor grows stickier with every as you move forward until you reach a hall containing a great cistern
step. It leads you to a great hall covered in cobwebs, from which giant filled with pitch-black liquid. Your light sources grow dimmer, and
spiders hang on the ceiling, their menacing eyes watching your every Sara says this effect is tied to the Penumbra. She can perform a ritual,
move. They approach cautiously to inspect you. but it would be better to have a magical focus.
A) Run for the exit opposite to you. [2.1] A) Attempt Sara’s ritual first, without the focus. [3.1]
B) Return from where you came. Go back to your previous hall B) Keep exploring. [3.2]
([1.1] or [5]).
C) Draw your weapons and brace for combat. [2.2] 3.1 If you already have the Tome Token (orb) or the (Crystal),
go to [3.2]. Otherwise, keep reading.
2.1 Just as you rush forward, the spiders instinctively attack you. Sara tries to attune herself to the Penumbral Plane but fails without
Two heroes gain 1 Bleeding Token. a magical focus. She asks you to find a suitable one. [3.4].
A) If coming from [1.1], go to [5].
B) If coming from [5], go to [1.1].
3.2 Sara can use the object you found for the ritual to transport you
2.2 If you have Gaknak or any hero with fire on its art, you can set the to the Penumbra. You won’t be able to go back the way you came.
spider webs ablaze. In this case, go to [2.4]; otherwise, keep reading. A) Ask her to perform the ritual. [3.3]
The spiders aggressively crawl towards you, followed by a monstrously B) Keep exploring. [3.4]
large one that easily stands out among them. In the fight, you manage
to kill some of them, suffering minor injuries. Each hero takes 3 DMG
and gains 1 [C]. Go to [2.3].
3.3 Sara enters a state of deep concentration; her eyes roll up until her
pupils are no longer visible. The cistern then overflows, filling the hall

2.3 If you set fire to the webs, go to [2.7]. Otherwise, keep reading.
with black liquid. You are submerged as though underwater, yet you
can still breathe. You are suddenly thrust to the ground, finding your-
The hall is nearly empty, with most of the spiders dead or gone. You self completely dry. Discard the Tome Token or the <FC>. Go to [14].
know the spider’s webs and their eggs are valuable materials, which
skilled artisans can use to create various magical products. However,
collecting them could take a while.
3.4 The hall branches into four corridors, one for each cardinal
point. The northern one leads to a partially constructed corridor, the
A) Collect the spider eggs. [2.5] western one to the room containing the dead dwarf, the southern one
B) Collect the spider webs. [2.6] to a corridor containing a small stream of water, and the eastern one
C) Collect nothing and carry on. [2.8] to a winding, curved corridor. You head:

2.4 You set fire to the cobwebs. They easily catch on fire. The en-
A) North. [5]
B) West. [1.1]
tire hall is soon filled with flames, forcing you to seek shelter. After C) South. [4.1]
the fire dies, you see the corpses of various burnt spiders lying on D) East. [6]
the ground. [2.7]

2.5 If you have the Torch Token (already collected the eggs), go
back to [2.3]. Otherwise, keep reading.
You carefully collect the extremely fragile spider eggs. It’s a very
time-consuming process. Grab the Torch Token and increase
the XP Token by 1.
A) Collect the spider webs. [2.6]
B) Carry on exploring. [2.8]

2.6 If you already have the Hook Token (already collected the webs),
go back to [2.3]. Otherwise, keep reading.
You struggle to collect the viscid spider webs. One of the heroes gets
the Hook Token. Increase the XP Token by 1.
A) Collect the spider eggs. [2.5]
B) Carry on exploring. [2.8]

2.7 You continue exploring the cave as nothing is left of interest in

the charred hall.
A) Head south. [1.1]
B) Head east. [5]

2.8 The hall has two doorways: one leading south to the hall with
the dead dwarf, the other leading east with walls that seem to be only
partially complete. You:
A) Head south. [1.1]
B) Head east. [5]

Journal • 137
4 “Big fall” 5 “All dead”
Increase the XP Token by 1. The corridor leads to a great hall, divided Increase the XP Token by 1. You enter a hall with majestic yet ru-
in two by a great abyss, with only a narrow path for you to take. You ined wall engravings. Various dead dwarves and formerly animated
can hear water running down below: undead corpses lie on the ground. The place seems to be the site of a
A) Attempt to cross the narrow path. [4.2] recent battle. A closer look reveals a recent landslide, maybe because
B) Return from where you came. Go back to the previous hall of the Coastsummit’s collapse.
([1.1] or [7]). A) Search the place. [5.1]
B) Keep exploring. [5.2]
4.1 Increase the XP Token by 1. You reach a dead end. Although
you notice two passageways above, you cannot climb to reach them as
the walls are slippery. The only way out is from where you came. [3]
5.1 If it’s not your first time here, go to [5.5]. Otherwise, keep reading.
Though you find no survivors, you discover a nearly caved-in pas-

sage leading to an old warehouse. Inside, you find a chest covered
The path is narrow and covered in moss, only adding to the dan- by rubble and some herbs growing from the remains of the undead,
ger of the crossing. If you have the Hook Token (spider webs), you may which Sara recognizes as the rare “Herb of the Dead.” However,
discard it (to cross safely) and go to [4.3]. Otherwise, keep reading. uncovering the chest or collecting the herbs will take time.
A) Remove the chest from the rubble. [5.3]
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). B) Carefully collect the herb of the dead. [5.4]
(16+: success | 15-: failure). C) Keep exploring. [5.2]
+1 to all rolls per
you in this task.
that you have - Agility and balance help
5.2 The hall has three exits: one to the west, with a sign saying “go
no further” in Dwarvish; one to the south, where you can feel mild
+5 for each Hero, Companion, and NPC with wings, chains, or humidity; and one to the east, with walls made of solid, unworked
sashes in their art. - They can help you hold on better. rock. You decide to go:
A) West. [2].
Success (16+): Go to [4.3]. B) South. [3].
Failure (15-): Go to [4.4]. C) East. [8].

4.3 You overcome the treacherous crossing with a concerted effort 5.3 Increase the XP Token by 1. Your prolonged efforts bear fruit
from all of you. as you succeed in removing the rubble and retrieving the chest.
A) If you came from [1] or [1.1], go to [7]. Gain 1 random Loot card.
B) If you came from [7], go to [1.1]. A) Keep exploring. [5.2]

4.4 After painstakingly inching to the middle of the path, you slip B) Carefully collect the herbs of the dead. [5.4]
and plummet into the abyss below. Each hero that doesn’t have a
winged Companion or wings in their art takes 5 DMG. 5.4 If you already have the Key Token (already collected herbs),
go to [5.5]. Otherwise, keep reading.
You end at the bottom of a small stone passway. Although you can
still see the two passageways above, you cannot climb to reach them Increase the XP Token by 1. It takes a while, but you carefully col-
as the walls are slippery. The only way out is through the northeast- lect some herbs from the fallen undead. Grab the Key Token (herbs).
ern passage. [3]
A) Keep exploring. [5.2]
B) If you have already extracted the chest from the rub-
ble. Go to [5.5].
C) If you didn’t open the chest: Try removing the chest from
the rubble. [5.3]

5.5 The warehouse is empty.

A) Keep exploring. [5.2]
B) If you didn’t collect the herbs: Carefully collect the herb of
the dead. [5.4]
C) If you didn’t open the chest: Try removing the chest from
the rubble. [5.3]

138 • Tanares Adventures

6 “Maze” 7 “Pick up later”
If it’s not your first time here, go to [6.4]. Otherwise, keep reading. Increase the XP Token by 1. You enter a natural formation where the
Increase the XP Token by 1. You enter a curved corridor with nearly stalagmite tips seem to have been cut off at the waist’s height. The
perfectly smooth walls, except for a few furrows spaced at near-exact room has two more exits; further down, you see a carved dragon’s
intervals. As you travel through the corridor, it intersects with another head. You feel its eyes watching you.
one; then, as you go on, you see more and more tunnels forming a maze. A) Head north. [6]
B) Head east. [9]
A) Go back to where you came from. Return to your previous hall C) Head west. [4.1]
([3], [7], [8], [9] or [10]). D) Inspect the statue. [7.1]
B) Enter the maze. Put (Slot 10). Go to [6.1].
6.1 You enter the labyrinth, and it’s near identically rounded corri-
As you approach the statue, you notice that the stalagmites fac-
ing it are charred, and an orb made from dark glass is located inside
dors confuse your senses. its mouth, drawing Sara’s attention: “Holy smoke! I have never seen
such a well-crafted obsidian orb. It would be an amazing magical fo-
If the sum of of all the Team’s heroes and NPCs is 20 or higher, go cus for my visions!”. Sara steps closer to the statue, and her eyes turn
to [6.2]. Otherwise, go to [6.3]. white. “Get away from this orb. It’s too dangerous for me. I don’t have
the agility required; I don’t think anyone does.”
6.2 Despite the confusing corridors, subtle hints in the corridors A) Choose a hero who is most likely to succeed in taking the orb. [7.2]
B) Listen to Sara’s warning and explore elsewhere. [7.7]
can help you orient yourself.
A) Follow the path with the most humidity. [3]
B) Proceed to the tunnel leading to an upper floor. [7] 7.2 If you already have the Tome Token (orb), go to [7.7].
C) Head toward the path with the studiest rocks. [8] Otherwise, keep reading.
D) Move in the direction of the cooler breeze. [9]
E) Follow the tunnel that leads to a deeper area. [10] The chosen hero prepares to pick up the orb; the instant they touch it,
the dragon statue’s mouth quickly snaps shut.
6.3 You get lost in the tunnels and walk for a while but eventually The chosen hero makes a
Card + NPC Card).
TEST (d20+ Hero
manage to find your way out. Increase the XP Token by 1 and roll a d20. (15+: success | 14-: failure).
Result: - Consequence: +2 if the hero is a Tactician. - Coordination and agility
will be essential.
• 1-4: Go to [10].
+3 if there are no items in the hero’s hands on its art (i.e.,
• 5-8: Go to [9]. both hands-free). - Having your hands free makes it easier to
• 9-12: Go to [8]. react with them.
• 13-16: Go to [7]. +15 if you discard the Hook Token (spider webs). - You use the
• 17-20: Go to [3]. web to pull the orb from a safe distance.
Success (15+): Go to [7.3]
6.4 You’re about to head back to the maze. Failure (14-): Go to [7.4]
A) Enter it. [6.2].
B) Return to the previous hall. [6] 7.3 The hero pulls the orb from the closing stone jaws. Gain the Tome
Token (orb). The dragon’s eyes glow, and the entire hall quakes as its
mouth opens once more, revealing a bright light coming from inside it.
A) Run for cover as quickly and far away as you can. [7.5]
B) Put the orb back. [7.6]

7.4 The statue’s mouth closes upon the hero’s hand. The others quick-
ly move to help free their companion from the stone dragon’s jaws,
with the orb remaining firmly within the statue’s mouth.
The hero takes 5 DMG and gains 1 Weakened Token. Go to [7.7].

7.5 You stand back as far as possible and use what little is left of a
stalagmite as cover, just as the dragon’s head breathes flames across
the room. Each hero takes 4 DMG. Go to [7.7].

7.6 The hero who took the orb puts it back in its place, the drag-
on’s mouth reacting to this by quickly closing shut. Discard the Tome
Token (orb). Go to [7.7].

7.7 The statue’s mouth remains closed, and its eyes are watchful of you.
A) Head north. [6].
B) Head east. [9].
C) Head west. [4].
D) Inspect the statue again. [7.1]

Journal • 139
8 “Stone circle” 9 “???”
Increase the XP Token by 1. If you already took the (Crystal), go Increase the XP Token by 1. You enter a hall full of stalagmites and
to [8.7]. Otherwise, keep reading. stalactites. There are two other exits.
You enter a large hall with walls made of solid rock, and in the mid- A) Follow the curved corridor to the north. [6]
dle of it, you see three giant, poorly sculptured humanoid-shaped B) Follow the corridor to the east, from where a light icy
statues holding hands. In their midst is a large crystal floating wind blows. [11]
between them. Sara tells you that the crystal would be a per- C) Follow the corridor to the west, where stalagmites have their
fect magical focus. tip sawed off. [7]
D) Search the place. [9.1]
A) Approach the statues and inspect the crystal. [8.1]
B) Keep exploring. [8.7] 9.1 After searching the place, you find nothing of interest. Increase
the XP Token by 1. Go to [9].
8.1 If you have the (Crystal), go to [8.2]. Otherwise, keep reading.
The crystal changes color depending on the lighting. As you ap-
proach, the statues reveal themselves to be earth elementals. They
shout, sounding like an avalanche: “Do not interfere. We’ve been in 10 “Certain death”
a 200-year-old dispute for this prize, and any interference will invite
our full wrath.” Increase the XP Token by 1. If you have dealt with the worm, go to
[10.1]. Otherwise, keep reading.
A) Take the crystal. [8.3] The tangle of tunnels leads you down to a vast excavated hall. In
B) Ask to join the dispute. If the sum of the Team’s is 10 or the center, you see a massive creature you thought existed only in
higher, go to [8.4]. Otherwise, go to [8.5]. legend: a gigantic worm. It is curled up on itself and appears to be
C) Keep exploring. [8.7] sleeping. You:

8.2 You approach the statues, which up close reveal themselves to A) Return to the maze. [6].
B) Sneak into the creature’s lair and search it. [10.2]
be earth elementals, and are compelled by the elemental gem to move
away. At this point, the crystal, which changes color depending on
the lighting, falls at the group’s feet. As you whisk the crystal off, the 10.1 The vast, empty hall offers a single way out. [6].
elementals’ voices boom with fury: “You’ll pay for this,” as they merge
with the surrounding walls. Choose a hero to gain the Tome Token.
Put (Slot 3). Go to [8.6].
10.2 Once you enter the room, the creature wakes up, turning its
massive grinder of a maw towards you. It seems to hesitate, only ob-
serving you from a distance. You then:

8.3 The hall starts to shake when one of you takes the crystal. In A) If you have the Key Token (herbs): use it to distract
the worm. [10.3]
response, three giant statues attack you. After a tough battle, you de-
feat them. Gain the (Crystal). Each hero takes 8 DMG and gains B) Attack the creature first. [10.4]
1 [C]. Go to [8.6]. C) Slowly back away, returning to the maze. [6]

10.3 You throw the herb on the ground near the creature, to which it
8.4 The elementals are surprised but accept the proposal. They ex- promptly responds by hewing a massive tunnel where the herb landed,
plain that the dispute consists of a game of riddles, but unfortunately, disappearing into it. Discard the Key Token. Go to [10.1].
they haven’t been able to think of one for the last 200 years. You tell
a riddle to the elementals, who cannot solve it after a long time. They
give up and disappear into the ground, leaving you with the crystal 10.4 You attack the creature. Despite its size, it writhes in pain,
and proving the low intelligence of the elementals. Increase the XP spilling rocks and raising a huge dust cloud as it disappears into
Token by 1. Gains the (Crystal). Go to [8.6]. the ground through a vast tunnel that would mean certain death if
you fell into it. Each hero takes 3 DMG. Gain the Wounded Worm
(Fact). Go to [10.1].
8.5 The elementals ignore the proposal. Go back to [8.1] and make
another choice.

8.6 You now stand in an empty hall surrounded by solid walls. [8.7]
8.7 The hall branches into three paths: one to the west with partially
finished walls, one to the east that smells of mold, and one to the south
with a curved tunnel.
A) Head west. [5]
B) Head east. [12]
C) Head south. [6]

140 • Tanares Adventures

11 “Cold” 11.4 You take the jewel from the skeleton’s hand and leave the tomb.
The necklace’s pendant shatters as you leave, and the place collapses
Increase the XP Token by 1. If it is not your first time here, go to behind you, sealing the entrance. [11.6].
[11.6]. Otherwise, keep reading.
You come to a small, icy hall with an ancient dwarven tomb in the
southern part. Its stone door appears to have fallen, allowing you to 11.5 One of you slips their hand inside the skeleton’s armor; a few
see that inside it is a large room lined with dozens of finely carved moments later, they find a rough reddish stone, and the voice speaks,
stone coffins. In the background, sitting on a stone throne is a skeleton “May the gem of the elements serve you better than it did me. Now
wearing ancient rusted armor and holding something in its right hand. I can finally find peace.” Then the icy aura vanishes. Put (Slot 1).
A) Examine the tomb closely. [11.1] A) Carefully collect the herbs of the dead. [11.7]
B) Explore elsewhere. [11.8] B) Keep exploring. [11.9]

11.1 You enter the tomb and notice that plants have sprouted from 11.6 You find yourselves in a hall in front of the closed entrance of
some coffins, which Sara recognizes as “grass of the dead,” a rare herb. an ancient dwarven tomb. Your only option is to continue exploring
As you approach the skeleton sitting on the throne, you notice that he elsewhere. [11.8].
holds a necklace with a green pendant in his right hand. Suddenly, you
hear its voice, “Get rid of the trash, and I will reward you!” Then, some
coffins open around you, from which ghouls come out. 11.7 If you already have the Key Token (herbs), go to [11.8].
Otherwise, keep reading.
A) Face the ghouls. [11.2]
B) Try to grab the jewel from the skeleton’s hand. [11.3] Increase the XP Token by 1. It takes a while, but you carefully
collect some herbs from the fallen undead. Gain the Key Token
11.2 As you prepare to fight, even more ghouls come out of(Slot
the cof-
(herb). Now all that is left for you to do is to continue exploring the
underground. [11.8]
fins, and you bravely manage to take them all down. Put 2).
Each hero takes 3 DMG and flips a Primary Attack Card.
You hear a voice from the throne: “Excellent! Come, come closer! For 11.8 There are two exits from the hall; one to the north that smells
your services, I will reward you”. As you approach, the voice contin- musty and one to the west. You go:
ues, “Thank you for removing the garbage left by the gray ones. Take A) North. [12]
my heart, and get your reward.”
B) West. [9]
A) Take the green jewel from the skeleton’s hand. [11.4]
B) Pull the skeleton’s heart. [11.5]

11.3 Choose a hero to approach the skeleton. You quickly grab the
necklace from its hand. At this very moment, a sinister laugh echoes
through the tomb, and more cracks appear across the walls, forcing
you to flee the tomb. The necklace’s pendant shatters as you leave,
and the place collapses behind you, sealing the entrance.
Each hero gains 1 Distracted Token. Go to [11.6].

Journal • 141
12 “Danger Unstable” 14 Every light source you carry seems to have lost its luster. As smoke
Increase the XP Token by 1. You enter a room whose structure seems takes physical form around you, your surroundings transform into
fragile and full of mushrooms. There is a corridor to the northeast of what appears to be a dungeon, and from the movement in the shad-
the room; next, you see a fallen and injured dwarf unconscious. The ows, you feel you are not alone. Then, demons and elementals reveal
themselves, staring menacingly at you.
room contains “Screaming Mushrooms,” which are dangerous be-
cause their screams can collapse the whole tunnel. There are two more
passages in this room, one to the south, which emanates a smell of rot Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 49: “Gazing into the Abyss”.
and death, and one to the northwest, with solid rock walls.
A) Run past the mushrooms, saving the dwarf and taking the north- 15 You follow a dark path and come across a vast lake. Sara says the
east exit to a path of no return. [12.1] room is connected with the Penumbra but fails to manipulate it.
B) Go south, where the air reeks of death. [11] You find a maze-like complex of tunnels and get lost for a long time.
C) Follow the northwest passage, which has walls made of When you find an exit, you see a dwarven tomb hall. Sitting on a stone
solid rock. [8] throne is a skeleton holding a green jewel. When you move to snatch

12.1 You run toward the dwarf; you trigger a mushroom, which
it, several ghouls appear from the coffins, attacking you, but you kill
them. Put (Slot 2). Each hero takes 3 DMG and flips an attack card.
immediately begins to scream, followed by several others. In the blink
of an eye, deafening screams fill the entire place, and the fragile ceil- You run north with the jewel, but the skeleton’s curse turns it into ash.
ing of the room begins to crumble, and the walls begin to crack. [13] Further ahead, you find a dwarf bard in danger and carry him from
a collapsing ceiling. He says he’s looking for three other bards, his
friends. You go ahead to find them. Put the XP Token on 25.

13 The dwarf has a nasty head wound. Gradually, he recovers and Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 47: “Echoes”.
wakes up. At first, he is surprised to see you, but after recovering,
he tells you his name is Bobur, and four other dwarf bards were ac-
companying him: Zazur, Patur, Lulur, and Xabur. From his descrip-
tion, you can recognize Zazur as the dead dwarf who made the map.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to return because of the ceiling’s col-
lapse, yet you can still try to find the other dwarves by going ahead.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 47: “Echoes”.

142 • Tanares Adventures

Adventure Chapter AA
Dwarven Legacy
Dorsian Forge: This legendary Dwarven Forge is located in
Undertanares within the dwarven kingdom of Arheirmar. After de-
feating the gigantic chimera Dorsi on the depths of the earth, the
dwarves used the beast’s fire in its entails remains to create the most
prominent and finest forge Tanares had ever seen. Unfortunately, this
great forge was buried and lost during the first Malrokian Curse.
The symbolism of Dorsi’s heads is a model for Dwarven religion. It
was followed closely by most dwarves in the days of Arheimar. Its
followers significantly dwindled after the kingdom collapsed in the
first Malrokian Curse.
• Lion’s Head = Warriors / Leadership
Ŝ Connection: Rurik and his sons Randrum and Ragnor

• Goat’s Head = Engineering / Crafts

Ŝ Connection: King Ukhumlim Stronghope
1 You enter the magnificent ancient dwarven halls and follow
• Dragon’s Head = Wisdom/Religion Huradrin’s directions to reach the Dorsian Forge. Any dwarves in the
Ŝ Connection: Huradrin
party should take pride in their people’s accomplishments!

• Serpent’s Tail = Doom / Involution As you set camp in a hall with a hallway on the right and a large
ornate door on the left, the ghost of an elder dwarf appears before
Ŝ Connection: Duergar’s brothers, Drogolin and Skrabolin you and says: “Hello adventurers. I am Orgnaek Proudbeard, one of
Hardskin the elder dwarves’ guardian spirits. Dorsi reveals the virtues of a brave
dwarf, represented by the lion’s bravery, the dragon’s wisdom, and the
goat’s tenacity. Take care not to succumb to the serpent’s malicious and
selfish behavior.”
Then, Orgnaek invites you. “Pass through these doors. Overcome the
three challenges of our ancestors and demonstrate that you have the
virtues of Dorsi, and I will be happy to bestow my blessing upon you.
Or go your own way, alone.”

A) Despite straying a bit from the path to the Dorsian Forge, you
decide to accept the ghost’s offer, heading through the door on the
left to face the trials. Go to [3]
B) Deny the invitation and go without the ghost through the
tunnel on the right, keeping to the path recommended by
Huradrin. Go to [2]
C) (Fast Action Mode) Let your intuition blindly guide you. [29]

2 You don’t care about the lore shared by Orgnaek, and move on.
He then curses you: “You will not be able to comprehend our peo-
ple of ancient traditions. You’ve proven yourself unworthy to explore
our hidden wonders underground!” Each Hero gains 1 Distracted
Token. Go to [19]

3 On each test, you will show how much you can understand
the virtues of a true dwarf. Place the XP Token at position 0 in
the HP Track (it will track the number of virtue points gained
during the tests). If Rurik is part of your Team, place the XP
Token at 3 instead of 0.
Lion’s Door: You open the first door to a great hall, where
eight stone statues of dwarven warriors stand on pedestals.
Orgnaek says: “Remember the virtues of a valiant dwarf. Attack
the four dishonorable statues while preserving the brave ones!”
Each Hero must choose a statue to attack. Then, go to [10] to see the

Journal • 143
4 Goat’s Door: After destroying the dishonorable statues, a door at the 5 After forging the two keys, you can fit them in the door. You open it
end of the hall opens. You pass through it and face a narrow hallway and walk down a corridor filled with dwarven inscriptions and runes.
leading to a scorching chamber filled with a few metal-piece piles, an Meanwhile, you see dwarven warrior spirits pass by and hear many
anvil, and a hammer—similar to a small forge. Orgnaek appears and voices. Then the hallway widens and leads to a massive door. Go to [9]
says: “Find the two best pieces of metal, and mold them with the elder’s
anvil to fit the Goat’s door slots—but be quick about it, for you won’t be
able to resist the forge’s heat for long.”
6 The heroes with the Hook and Tome Tokens make the
following test:
Choose two heroes to SEARCH suitable metals (put the Hook and Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
Tome Tokens on the chosen heroes’ Cards), and the other two heroes (14+: success | 13-: failure)
to FORGE the keys (put the Key and Torch Tokens on the chosen
heroes’ Cards). Go to [6] +1 to all rolls per History and Religion (Mastery) – Your expertise in
dwarven history and culture allows you to understand dwarven forging.
+2 if your is 3 or more - Your knowledge makes it easier for you
to select materials.
If the two heroes succeed (14+): You quickly found the best metals
to make the keys. Increase the XP Token by 2.
One or more heroes fail (13-): You took a long time to find the suit-
able metals. All four heroes take 5 DMG each (heroes with capes in
their Card art don’t receive this damage).
Go to [7]

7 The heroes with the Key and Torch Tokens make the following test:
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(14+: success | 13-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per History and Religion (Mastery) - Your expertise in
dwarven kingdoms allows for vast knowledge in forging.
+5 to Rurik’s roll (Hero) - Dwarves of his clan are forging experts!

144 • Tanares Adventures

If the two heroes succeed (14+): You quickly forge the keys. Increase
the XP Token by 2.
One or more heroes fail (13-): You took a long time to forge the keys.
All four heroes take 10 DMG each (heroes with capes in their Card
art don’t receive this damage).
Go to [5]

8 Orgnaek then says: “I appreciate your efforts, but you’ve shown you
misunderstand the necessary virtues of a true dwarf. I will help those
of you who are grievously injured. You have my permission to leave;
the elder dwarves will not interfere!” The Hero with lesser current HP
HEALS their HP to the max.
You return to the path recommended by Huradrin. Go to [19]

9 Dragon’s Door: The polyphony of deep voices continues. You see

a vast ornate door with three holes, one on the left (A), one in the
center (B), and one on the right (C). There are inscriptions on the
underside of the door. Orgnaek approaches and explains the inscrip-
tions instructions: you must choose three heroes to put an arm inside 10 Correct Statues: the Dishonorable Dwarf Statues are A, D, E,
one of the holes. and F (statues with snakes).

As the chosen heroes reach through the holes, sharp arrows impale A) If you choose a dishonorable statue, the eyes of the statue glow
their arms, making each movement agonizing. Then, the voices unite, red and collapse. Increase the XP Token by 1 for each selected dis-
saying: “Decipher the riddles. Show your wisdom or pay with your honorable statue.
blood!” B) If you chose a bold statue, a blue glow appears in the statue’s eyes; it
moves and attacks the Hero who chose wrong. The Hero takes 10 DMG.

Go to [4]

11 As you walk through the Dragon’s Door, Orgnaek appears.

A) If the XP Token position is 7 or lower, go to [8]
B) If the XP Token position is 8 or higher, go to [12]

12 Orgnaek smiles and says, “You have proven that you know and
respect the values and virtues of a true dwarf. The elder spirits now
consider you dwarves.”
Then Orgnaek tells you about two dwarven captains who were cap-
tured by a duergar and imprisoned in an area haunted by cursed
ghosts. You discuss the search for the Dorsian Forge, but Orgnaek
proposes that you give up the quest for the cooling Dorsian Forge,
which will be disabled forever, to save the dwarves. As a reward, he
promises that some of the ghost dwarf lords, once freed by the rituals
known by the imprisoned dwarven captains, will help you during the
war against the Kemet.
A) You decide to help the dwarves. Go to [13]
A) Left hole’s riddle: I have two heads, but only one body. The longer
I stand still, the faster I run. B) You appreciate Orgnaek’s proposal and recognition but decide to
go to Dorsian Forge. Go to [16]
B) Central hole’s riddle: I devour birds and trees. I destroy kings and
cities. I chew on iron and steel. I crush even the toughest Bauronite or
Tameranium to dust! 13 Orgnaek appreciates your efforts to care for the dwarves so nobly.
C) Right hole’s riddle: On a table that can only hold bronze, silver, and To show his gratitude, he blesses you all. Each Hero HEALS 15 (heroes
gold coins, all but two coins are silver. All but two coins are bronze, and already at max HP gain 1 , instead). Go to [15]
all but two coins are gold. How many coins are on the table?
After all three heroes have answered, go to [14] to check if it is

Journal • 145
14 The correct answers are: 18 Wearing the necklace, you head for the flooded chambers.
Orgnaek says that only the two captured dwarves can perform the
A) Hourglass. If you solved the riddle, the arrows release your ritual to free the spirits of the dwarven lords imprisoned in the stones.
arm painlessly as an intense glow covers your entire body. Increase
the XP Token by 2. • If Rurik is on the Team, he discovers that the two captured dwarves
are his missing children.
B) Time. If you solved the riddle, the arrows release your arm pain-
lessly. Shimmering blue energy enters through your arm and heats Orgnaek warns you to be cautious of Skrabolin Hardskin, as he is
your entire body. Gain 10 HP (increasing your maximum HP for this as vile and cunning as a snake. Whoever wears the necklace should
quest). Increase the XP Token by 1. avoid him in combat! After preparation, you and Orgnaek descend a
staircase to the cursed area!
C) Three (one of each). If you solved the riddle, the arrows release
your arm painlessly. The hole glows, and you feel more confident. Gain Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 48: “Stone Spirits”
2 . Increase the XP Token by 1.
Wrong answers: Each Hero who gives an incorrect answer must re-
move their arm without the arrows having retracted. The Hero takes
19 You reach the vast underground chamber, dazzled by the mag-
nificent system of dwarven forges and their potential aid in the war.
10 DMG. You see a central building and twelve gigantic forge cauldrons within
a complex interconnected system. Only four cauldrons are smoking,
After offering blood or wisdom through the riddles, the door opens. while the others appear to be deactivated.
You walk through and arrive in a huge hall. Go to [11]
You get a little closer to the cauldrons and hear something crawling
near one of the tunnels exits and the distant echo of someone climb-
15 Orgnaek explains that you will need a magic necklace, a unique ing stairs below. Apprehensive about who is coming, you decide:
item that will help you withstand this cursed area. He also says that the A) Explore the central building for a better view of the whole place.
Hero, the wearer of the necklace, must have a strong mind to withstand An overview of the complex forging system seems to be the most pru-
its mystical force, lest the wearer’s mind is strained. Choose the Hero dent option. [20]
who will wear the necklace. Go to [17]
B) Go quickly towards the noise, near the tunnel exit. It appears to be
someone injured or trying to escape. [21]
16 Orgnaek appreciates your efforts in overcoming the challenges and C) Investigate the steaming boilers and the traces, papers, and glowing
stones on the floor beside them. It may contain important clues about
respects your decision to head to Dorsian Forge. To show his respect,
who used the forge recently and help one learn to operate them, as
he blesses you with the virtues of the dwarves. Each Hero HEALS 5.
they appear ready to be used. [22]
For testing purposes, consider all heroes to be dwarves. Go to [19]

20 You take the shortest and safest path until you reach the interior
17 The chosen hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). of the central building. It appears to be a large control room filled with
levers and cranks. Runes and gear schematics cover the wall, appearing
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
to be parts of instructions for use. As the room is partially destroyed,
+3 if the Hero is a Controller (Hero) - Their vocations ensured they some noises and schematics cannot be read. Put (Slot 1)
had well-trained minds!
You try to decipher the runes and schemes.
+4 to Ascaran, Vanarus, or Zafara’s roll (Hero) - Their primordial
minds possess a higher will. Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
Success (15+): The necklace has robust mental energy, but you can (23+: success | 22-: failure)
withstand and control it, relieving the force. Place the Torch Token on +1 to all rolls per History and Religion (Mastery) - His expertise in
the Hero Card to mark that they have the necklace. dwarf culture gives him hints on how to decipher.
• If you are the first hero trying to control the necklace, put (Slot 2). +6 to Rurik’s roll (Hero) - Who better to decipher than a dwarf?
• If another hero tried using the necklace before you, put (Slot 3). At least 1 hero succeeds (23+): Go to [23].
Ŝ After a success, go to [18] All heroes fail (22-): Go to [24].

Failure (14-): You feel the necklace has a force greater than you can
handle and receive a metal blow, stunnin you. You take 8 DMG. Then You arrive quickly at the crawling noise and soon encounter an
you can choose a hero that have not tried to use the nacklace to try angry duergar. He brandishes his ax, ready to strike a high-ranking
using it. If you do that hero do this Test. Ironhand. Wounded in the leg, the Ironhand crawls towards the exit.
• If all heroes tried to use the necklance or you decide or none A) Demand that the dwarf spares the Ironhand’s life. The dwarf could
decide to try: Organek says: “I’m sorry, but despite your efforts, explain this complex forge. Go to [25]
you cannot fulfill this quest, so I will look for new adventurers. Be on B) The most combatively skilled Hero among you takes a tactical leap
your way.” You return to the path recommended by Huradrin. [19] and tries to deflect the attack. Go to [26]

146 • Tanares Adventures

22 You find some shiny stones. They are the legendary Evolved stones +3 If the Hero carries a shield in their Card art (Hero) - This is a
good time to wield a shield!
from the rare and natural fusion of Bauronite with Tameranium. Along
with the stones, there are some papers on the floor with the seal of Success (15+): Go to [27]
the Empire, which show instructions on how to heat these stones in Failure (14-): Go to [25]
the boilers to enhance the properties of the objects. They seem to have
been used to build a type of portal much more potent than the portals
the Empire usually uses. You decide: 27 You deflect the duergar’s blow with an awe-inspiring maneuver. He
notices he is outnumbered and shouts as if to warn someone: “It doesn’t
A) Save the fragment of stones to sell them in the city. Surely you can end here—just you wait!” He flees through a passage between the forges.
exchange it for some valuable resources. Put (Slot 5). Go to [28]
From the ground, the injured Ironhand officer sighs in relief and
B) Take the opportunity to use all the ingredients now. With the forge hands you their ring. “Thank you! Take this ring. It will help one of you
and instructions ready, improvise a new recipe that enhances some stand in combat, for he will return and won’t be alone!” Choose which
items from the Team. They will certainly give you a good advantage Hero will wear the magic ring. The Hero gains 1 Preserved Token.
in the fights ahead! Put (Slot 7). Go to [28] Go to [28]

23 You decipher the preserved part of the runes and learn that all the 28 A deafening roar of scalding steam rises from the gears. Four ped-
forges are interconnected and can form a unique and far more power- estals equipped with bright orange materials ascend from the ground.
ful forge! Still apprehensive about being found by someone, you take You stop cautiously approaching the center of the boilers to see the
the opportunity to manipulate some gears. Boilers move and unite. scene up close.
Put (Slot 4). Go to [28]
Two large trapdoors open between the boilers. A dwarf comes from
24 Despite not being able to decipher the runes through the sche- the heat. His bright orange eyes glare with malice as he wields his axe.
He announces: “Finally, some entertainment after so much time spent
matics, you see that all the forges seem interconnected, but you can’t
understand precisely how it works. Go to [28] with these rocks and worthless creatures. The Emperor sent more bugs
for me to squish! Die, vermins!”

25 There was no time. The enraged dark dwarf seems to hear noth- Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 46: “Dorsian Forge”.
ing and delivers the fatal blow to the fallen Ironhand, but an intense
glow on the Ironhand officer’s ring appears to keep him alive, though
severely wounded. Then the dwarf turns to you and says, “Get out of
29 You follow the path to the forge. The ghost curses you. Each Hero
gains 1 Distracted Token. You’re dazzled by the magnificent system
the way! If you are his friends, then you are my enemies. You will die of dwarven forges and their potential use for the war.
with him!” You kill the dwarf but suffer some injuries. A hero takes Combat noises! You run to check it out and find a duergar about to
25 DMG. Go to [28] execute an Ironhand troop. You’re not fast enough to jump in front
of the blow, but the man is in possession of a magic item that saves
26 You believe combat cannot be decided so dishonorably, with a him. Furious, the duergar injures you before you can neutralize him.
A hero takes 15 DMG.
fallen combatant with no chance to defend himself. Choose a hero to
interpose the attack. A deafening roar of gears. Steam hisses from the machinery around.
Four pedestals with orange gears rise from the ground. A dwarf, axe
The chosen hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
in hand, comes from a trapdoor; his bright orange eyes glare with
(15+: success | 14-: failure) malice, announcing your doom.
+4 If the Hero is a Tank. (Hero) - Who better to interpose an attack
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 46: “Dorsian Forge”
than a tank?

Journal • 147
Adventure Chapter BB 2 You all come together and focus on opening the door with brute force!
Under the Mystical Desert Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
If you have the Fact Collapsed Tunnels, the path ahead is blocked.
Discard this Adventure Card and choose another one. You’re still +2 to Brute’s roll (hero) - They know how to push hard!
in the same Journey Phase.
+3 If you have an attack card with MOVE as an effect or benefit -
now’s the time to MOVE!
After activating the lever of the mechanism made by the Kemet archi- 2 or more heroes succeed (15+): You manage to open the door
tect, an immense flood occurred, filling the dwarf mines and sweep- before being caught by the spiders.
ing away everyone present there. Huge waves swallowed everything. 1 or less heroes succeed (14-): You take a while to open the door and
You were taken through endless underground tunnels until you are hit by some spiders. Each hero takes 4 DMG.
reached an ancient dwarven hall, apparently abandoned for centuries.
Go to [5]

3 As you deliver death to many of these hideous beasts, the spiders

1 After a few days, the flooded tunnels already seem familiar. Still, you only seem to grow in number. The situation becomes desperate. It all
depends on the wit of the heroes opening the door.
desperately continue the search for a way to the surface.
After focusing for a while, Sara says, “I followed each water- Heroes on the door
way. They branch even more than you might imagine, but I hav- Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
en’t found any way up. I’ve seen many tunnels and openings, but (15+: success | 14-: failure)
most are flooded. While it would be unwise to go down any fur-
ther, I believe it’s our only choice...” Then Sara lowers her head and +2 to Bruiser and Tank’s roll (hero) - They are experts in fighting
points to a vast rustic tunnel that descends into the darkness. on the defensive!

You continue through the tunnel until you reach a massive door with +3 If you have an attack card with temporary effects - A fast fight
some locks and a crank in the center. You notice webs, several holes in the requires immediate results!
walls, and some dwarf corpses curled up and stuck to the ceiling by webs.
When you try to open the door, it makes a big creaking noise; it is locked. 2 or more heroes succeed (15+): You open the door before being
caught by the spiders.
Suddenly, countless grotesque spiders emerge from the holes, crawling 1 or less heroes succeed (14-): You take a while to open
towards you! Sara focuses on how to open the door, so you decide to: the door and are hit by some spiders. Both heroes on the
door take 4 DMG.
A) Join Sara in trying to force the door open. [2] The others (fighting the spiders) take 10 DMG and gain 1 .
B) Split up: some of you join Sara in trying to unlock the door while
the others fight off the spiders. [3]
C) Have everyone fight the spiders off while Sara tries to find a way Go to [5]
to open the door. [4]
D) (Fast Action Mode) Let Sara lead and join her in open-
ing the door. [10]

148 • Tanares Adventures

4 Focusing your forces against the spiders initially seemed reason- 6 You think you are safe until you realize that the chamber’s exit door
able, but they only grew in number. You will fight to exhaustion until is locked, and the room is filling up with water quickly, spouting from
the last spider is killed. After that, you manage to open the door and several cracks!
follow the tunnel. Each hero takes 10 DMG and gains 1 Go to [5]
You see a system with three small water chambers interconnected.
5 With Sara’s help, you manage to open the enormous door, resem- Just below and already submerged, you find three cranks that seem
to be a part of this chamber system. Sara concentrates on decipher-
bling a floodgate. You hear a loud rush of water, causing you to start
running until you realize that the corridors and chambers beyond the ing the mechanism.
door, although ancient and cracked, are part of a gigantic and complex
system of locks. The rushing sound gives way to reveal a huge wave You need to act fast – otherwise, everyone will drown!
coming towards you. You quickly enter the first chamber that you find
and lock it by activating a crank that closes the entrance hatch so you Flooded Chamber Puzzle
don’t get swallowed! [6]
You focus on deciphering the system’s logic. Sara says, “Quickly, dive in
and turn the cranks! They must be in the correct order to split the water
between the chambers so that the water is level with the pipe mark in
the left and center chambers. Go – I’ll look for some other clue here!

• There are three chambers: the one on the left with 8 liters (full), the
central one with 5 liters (empty), and the one on the right with 3
liters (empty).
• Each movement of the crank transports as much water as possible
from one chamber to another until the other chamber is filled.

• Manage the left and central chamber so they have 4 liters of wa-
ter each, in up to 10 crank movements.If you solve the Flooded
Chamber Puzzle with 10 or less moves, go to [7]
• Otherwise, go to [8]

Journal • 149
9 Your escape from the flooded room leads you to a vast hall where
several other tunnels connect. A map carved in a stone slab on the wall
shows an immense staircase with an ancient system of elevators and
counterweights, which, you reason, must lead to the surface of this
fortress. When you think you’re finally safe, giant water jets emerge
from the tunnels. You are sure that the only exit is the stairs!

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 55: “Sand Castle”

10 You force your way in but don’t close the doors fast enough; some
spiders bite you. Each hero takes 4 DMG.
You realize that you are in a complex system of floodgates; you hear
an increasing sound of water running; it begins to fill your room.
You need to activate levers to open the floodgate system, but some
are already submerged; you dive, and you manage to escape with
Sara’s help. Each hero takes 3 DMG.

7 You dive in and turn the submerged cranks, finding the correct After leaving the flooded room, you discover, with the help of a map
found on a wall, that you are in a complex system of stairs, elevators,
sequence to balance the water levels and opening the front hatch.
Put (Slot 1). Go to [9] and counterweights.

8 You dive but can’t find the correct sequence and start to drown. Each Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 55: “Sand Castle”

hero takes 5 DMG. Luckily, Sara finds the correct order and guides you
to open the compartments before it’s too late, so you escape! Go to [9]

150 • Tanares Adventures

Adventure Chapter CC 2 You ready your weapons and attack the spiders before
they can attack you
Under Turtlepoint Peninsula Each hero chooses one Attack (Basic, Primary, or Special). Flip or
spend its card (if appropriate), as if you were on the board.
If you have the Fact Flooded Tunnels, there’s too much water Then each hero rolls an attack against DEF 5. Add up all Attack DMG
in flooding the path ahead; it’s not safe to continue. Discard this and/or R-DMG dealt.
Adventure Card and choose another one. You’re still in the same
Journey Phase. Ŝ Ignore Passive Powers. You may use items’ active powers (if you
do, flip them to put them on cooldown).

1 You and Sara have been lost in the tunnels for almost a week now. Total Damege Consequence
Your hope of ever finding an exit dwindles each day.
The spiders jump at you before you can eliminate them
While the self-destruction mechanism made the tunnels of the former all! Two heroes that used the attack with less range take
kingdom of Arheimar dangerous and unstable, it also created new ac- 10 DMG and gain 2 Weakened Tokens each. Then each
cess to Undertanares, a deep web of underground passages connecting hero gains 1 .
the entire continent.
You quickly eliminate the spiders before they can react.
You stopped to rest in a cave, but after a while, it started to col- 55+
Each hero gains 1 .
lapse, forcing you to flee into a tunnel filled with huge spiderwebs.
On your path, you see dozens of spiders crawling through the walls Go to [5]
and the ceiling.
A) Attack the spiders before they attack you. [2]
B) Try to pass through the tunnel without disturbing them. [3] 3 You carefully cross the tunnel, trying not to disturb the spiders.
C) Set fire to the webs. [4] Their myriad eyes gaze as you walk past them, but strangely they don’t
D) (Fast Action Mode) Let Sara take the lead. [18] attack you. Put (Slot 1). Go to [5]

4 You light the webs on fire from a safe distance, making the spiders
quickly run in all directions. Some of them attack you. One hero takes
5 DMG and gains 1 Weakened Token. Then each hero gains 1 .

Journal • 151
The fire fills the tunnel with smoke, making breathing hard. With
no other options left, you’re forced to rush through the flames and 13
get away to avoid suffocating. Each hero takes 4 DMG and gains 1 If the chosen hero is female, go to [14].
Distracted Token. [5]
If the chosen hero is male, go to [15].
14 As you touch the chest, the figures carved on it seem to move and
You reach the end of a tunnel finding a collapsed wall. Behind it,
you can see a corridor with a different construction style. You can feel
ancient magic lingering in this place. dance. It opens, and you find a scroll and a magic stone inside. The stone
loses its magic on contact. The hero that opened the chest gains 2 .
You pass through an opened stone doorway. The door suddenly closes
and locks itself behind you. [6] Go back to [6]

6 In the room, you see an altar holding a golden mirror and a stone 15 You try to open the chest,
statue of a medusa. In one corner is a chest carved with motifs of wom- but the spiders carved on it
en dancing with spiders, and in the opposite corner is a barrel carved come to life and attack you!
with mystical inscriptions. The hero that tried to open
the chest takes 5 DMG.
A) Take a closer look at the stone statue. [7]
B) Check the mirror on the altar (only if you didn’t choose this yet). [8] You lose your grip on the
C) Try to open the chest (only if you didn’t choose this yet). [9] chest while fending off the spi-
ders. It hits the ground with a
D) See what is inside the barrel (only if you didn’t choose this yet). [10]
loud “thud,” and then it ages
7 You look closer at the statue. It’s a medusa with an expression of quickly as the magic that kept
it intact for centuries dissi-
anguish; in her hands, she holds the broken pieces of a mirror. As you pates. In front of you now lies
touch the statue, the mirror pieces shine faintly, and the statue turns a pile of dust.
sideways, revealing a passage behind it.
Go back to [6]
A) Take a step back and continue to explore the room. Go back to [6]
B) Enter the passage. [17]
16 The female hero that wore the robe and jewels (on the card’s art)
8 The mirror looks ancient but is still perfectly polished, as you can
gains 2 Empowered Tokens.
see clearly on its surface. An inscription of an ancient prayer is written Place a on that hero’s Armor Card. It can be used as normal,
on the side of the mirror: but keep this cube there to mark which hero is wearing the purple
“We devote to thee, oh Queen, our own reflections, our own souls so robe and jewels.
that we might hold the purple hood and bathe in your power. You who
Go back to [6]
ask so little of us but provide so much, we kneel in your presence, our
eternal Queen.”
A) Speak the prayer. [11] 17 The passage leads to a stair going farther down. From below, you
hear the faint sound of water. As you enter the gallery, the statue moves
B) Break the mirror. [12] back behind you, closing the entrance. You see no way to open it again,
C) Ignore it and examine the other things in the room. [6] leaving you with no other option. You must go ahead.
At the bottom of the stairs, you reach a small room. In one corner is a
9 Choose one hero to try to open the chest, then go to [13] barrel with mystical inscriptions; in the other, a scroll lies on a small
stone stand. Close to the wall, you see a pedestal with a glowing red
orb carved from the cavern stone.
10 Inside the barrel, you find many purple robes and jeweled acces- Part of the ceiling has collapsed, and water is pouring into the room
sories designed for women. quickly. Corpses on the ground begin to move as you proceed inside.
A)Choose a female hero to wear a robe and some jewelry (only if your Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 54: “The Beach”
Team has a female hero). [16]
B)Leave them and examine the other things in the room. Go back to [6]
18 You set fire to the web; some frightened spiders attack you. One
11 As you speak the prayer, you feel a chill. In the mirror, your re- hero takes 5 DMG and gains 1 Weakened Token. Then each hero gains
1 [C]. Soon the entire tunnel fills with smoke and intoxicates everyone.
flection for a moment becomes twisted; then, you feel a strange power
filling you as if recognizing your adoration. Each hero takes 4 DMG and gains 1 Distracted Token.
At the end of the tunnel, you find a door that leads to a carved path;
Each hero gains 2 . Put (Slot 5) and go back to [6] when you cross its threshold, it locks you on the other side, where you
see a large statue of a medusa holding a golden mirror; you find a se-
12 As you break the mirror, you hear a distant female scream that
cret passage when you approach it.
echoes through the room. The passage leads down a staircase to a small room. Again, its door
shuts behind you. Inside the room, you find a barrel, a scroll, and a
If you have Medusa, she gains 2 . If you have Catharina, she gains pedestal with a glowing red orb. And... some undead. Part of the ceil-
2 Weakened Tokens. ing has collapsed, and water pours into the room quickly.
Put (Slot 6) and go back to [6] Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 54: “The Beach”

152 • Tanares Adventures

Adventure Chapter DD 4 You try a diplomatic approach.
Department of Mysteries A) Lie about your business here, hoping to uncover why they’re after
the commoners. [8]
B) Intimidate the wizards, demanding they explain themselves. [9]
1 Sedura summons you, worried: “I found evidence that the Imperial
Arcane Office went rogue and are involved in subversive activities. It 5 As you rush to attack the wizards, you notice one of them hurls a
seems they are based in a hideout inside the biggest Imperial Tiger stat- fireball in your way.
ue at Cragplateus Bridge. Timing is important; they are very evasive, so
ignore distractions.” Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
When you prepare to go, she completes: “They have been behaving (15+: success | 14-: failure)
strangely recently and carrying these stones. Something happened.
They seem to have a secret vault. My spies informed me about interest- +1 to all rolls per Battle of Oceans (Mastery) - Fireballs are often
ing passwords they have, like colored liquids or blood on a picture. But used in arcane cannons in sea battles
I don’t know the details.”
+2 to rolls if your hero’s art has a spell on it - Familiarity with the
You take a portal to the location. When almost there, you see some spell can help you escape it
commoners running away from wizards. One of you notices an
opening in one of the Imperial Tiger statues. If a hero succeeds (15+): Nothing happens.
If a hero fails (14-): The hero takes 8 DMG.
A) Save the commoners, and have the wizards interrogated about As you close in, the wizards attempt to use the commoners as hu-
their hideout. [2] man shields. You then:
B) Focus on the mission, as Sedura warned you that time
is crucial. [3] A) Go all out and rush to eliminate the wizards as quickly as possible. [10]
C) (Fast Action Mode) There’s no time to waste, head to B) Attempt to work around the commoners and defeat them. [11]
the hideout. [41]

2 After a brief chase, the wizards manage to hold down the common- 6explosion.
You cross the bridge carefully, going around the debris from the
Halfway across, you hear some cracks and realize that the
ers. One of them sees you and says: “What are you doing here? These bridge behind is beginning to collapse and start to run.
are Imperial matters! Do not interfere!” A woman commoner begs you
for help, but a wizard kills her. Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
A) Talk to the wizards, hoping to learn more before acting. [4]
B) Attack the wizards. They deserve punishment for killing an inno- +1 if this hero has 6 Movement Points - Being used to running is
cent commoner. [5] very useful in this challenge.

3 You leave the wizard and commoner chase and head to the Tiger +2 to rolls of heroes with wings on their cards - Wings guarantee
your safety when you fall.
Statue. The shortest way is to run next to the Cragplateus bridge, but the
place is damaged by the recent explosion. The long way is a safe road.
If the hero succeeds (15+): He passes without problems.
A) Risk the short way, as time is of the essence. [6] If the hero fails (14-): It manages to pass but ends up hurting his legs
B) Take the longer, safer way and avoid unnecessary risks. [7] among the rubble, he gains one Bleeding Token.

Journal • 153
The entrance to the complex, another side of the bridge, seems un- You then close in on the wizards:
protected as you reach it. Suddenly you hear a scream coming from
within. You then: A) Go all out and rush to eliminate the wizards as quickly as possible. [18]
B) Attack using your resources sparingly. [19]
A) Rush to investigate the source of the scream. [12]
B) Enter the place cautiously and stealthily. [13] 10 One hero uses its special attack. You annihilate the mages
7 You go to the safer road. When you are approaching the hideout, quickly at the cost of some commoners’ lives. You then notice move-
ment around you, and some glowing monsters appear.
you see a wizard leaning over the body of a dead woman. Next to
her is a half-open leather case and a dagger with blood in his hand. You try to protect the commoners.

A) Take advantage of the wizard’s distraction to attack him. [14] A) Fight the monsters and lure them away. [20]
B) Confront the wizard. [15] B) Rally the commoners and try to lead them to a safer place while
the monsters chase you. [21]
8 You tell the wizard that you are heroes sent to help capture and
11 You slowly take on the wizards, ensuring the commoners are safe.
bring the commoners to the hiding place.
But this strategy costs you blood. Each hero takes 5 DMG.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). When the last mage dies, you notice something strange around.
(15+: success | 14-: failure) Penumbral monsters appear. You try to protect the commoners.

+1 to all rolls per Secrets of the Empire (Mastery) - Knowing the A) Fight the monsters and lure them away. [20]
secrets gives you better arguments to deal with the wizards. B) Rally the commoners and try to lead them to safety while the
monsters chase you. [21]
+3 to rolls of heroes with smiles on their Card - Good liars always
have a smile on their face. 12 As you enter, a wizard comes in from the Imperial Arcane High
Office, trying to protect a commoner girl from what appear to be oth-
3 or more heroes succeed (15+): Go to [16] er wizards. The girl holds a leather case in her hand, and the wizard
2 or more heroes fail (14-): Go to [17] protecting her begins conjuring a spell. Seeing you, the commoner
girl runs towards you and begs, “Help my husband. He is a good man.
9 You threaten them by claiming you know they are traitors to the
Please, heroes!” Faced with the situation you:
A) Stay clear from the affairs of wizards. [22]
Empire and will put an end to his sordid plans. One of them casts a
fireball, which you attempt to evade. B) Do the honorable thing and rush to the defense of
the commoner. [23]
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure) 13 You approach cautiously and see several mages trying to attack a
woman and a mage alone stands between them. He shouts at her to run
+1 to all rolls per Battle of Oceans (Mastery) - Fireballs are often away and prepares to cast a spell. The girl is frozen in place with shock.
used in arcane cannons in sea battles. A) Take the opportunity to try to go around the side pillars without
being seen following your path. [24]
+2 to rolls of heroes who are casting spells on their cards - Famil- B) Watch the confrontation before take any action. [25]
iarity with the spell can help you evade it. C) Help the woman and the wizard defending her. [23]
If a hero succeeds (15+): Nothing happens.
If a hero fails (14-): The hero takes 8 DMG.

154 • Tanares Adventures

14 You knock the wizard out. Then, you notice tears on his face and As the commoners can get away, you follow the wizards. After running
for minutes, you all stop. One wizard turns to you, and before he can
the same ring on both of them, indicating they were married. You feel say anything, he is attacked and killed by a penumbral creature. Soon,
guilty for attacking an innocent. Each hero gains 1 Distracted Token. you are surrounded by penumbral creatures. You then:
Then, you see the leather case. Whatever it is, it seems to have A) Attack the creatures with all your might. [28]
caused the death of the commoner girl and the wizard next to her. B) Attack the creatures, but saving your best resources. [29]
You then:
A) Investigate the suitcase. [26] 17 The wizard doesn’t seem to believe what you are saying, and before
B) Rush to the statue, as you cannot waste more time. [27] you can say anything else, he says, “Wipe them out.” Another wizard
hurls a fireball in your direction, which you try to evade.
15 You call the wizard’s attention, but it is unresponsive. Soon, he Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
talks oddly: “Without you, I have no more reason to live, Josephine. (15+: success | 14-: failure)
You, strangers, just kill me and take this cursed suitcase.” You see
tears in his eyes. +1 to all rolls per Battle of Oceans (Mastery) - Fireballs are often
used in arcane cannons in sea battles.
You ask many questions, but he does not answer and just stares
at the woman. Eventually, he walks away crying. Put (Slot 2).
Then, you look at the suitcase. +2 to rolls of heroes who are casting spells on their cards - Famil-
iarity with the spell can help you evade it.
A) Investigate the case. It may hold the secrets of the mages of the
Imperial High Arcane Office. [26] If a hero succeeds (15+): Nothing happens.
B) This suitcase seems dangerous. Leave it. [27] If a hero fails (14-): That hero takes 10 DMG.

16 The wizard seems to believe you and says he is taking the com- While you are under attack, the commoners flee. About to strike
back, you see that you and the wizards are no longer alone. Penum-
moners to the hideout of the Imperial Arcane Office. Suddenly, you bral creatures surround you and begin killing some of the wizards.
notice a purplish glow next to them. The wizard shouts, “Follow me You then:
and leave the commoners behind; they are worthless. We need to con-
tain the situation.”

Journal • 155
A) Escape with the commoners, heading in the same direction. [30] You ask them many questions, but they are too scared to answer.
B) Fight the creatures to prevent them from hurting anyone else. [29] Eventually, you just let them go. [26]

18 Each hero uses a special attack. You make short work of the 24 As you turn around, you find a secret passage and decide to go
wizards, but then you notice movement around you, and some through it. Along the way, you notice that the whole place is shaking.
glowing monsters appear. The commoners scatter. To protect It could collapse at any moment; you must act quickly. Some stones
them, you decide to: begin to come loose from the ceiling and fall on you.
A) Fight the monsters and lure them away. [20] Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
B) Rally the commoners and try to lead them to safety while the (15+: success | 14-: failure)
monsters chase you. [21]
+1 to all rolls per Battle of Oceans (Mastery) - Dodging rocks is
19 You slowly take on the wizards, ensuring that all the common- similar to dodging projectiles from sea cannons.
ers are safe, and although this strategy has cost you some blood,
you feel stronger and more determined for what lies ahead... Each +2 if this hero is Controler - Controllers have learned to be aware of
hero suffers 5 DMG. After defeating all the wizards, you notice environmental hazards.
a strange movement. Around you appear some glowing mon-
sters. The commoners run, each one to his own side. To protect If a hero succeeds (15+): Nothing happens.
them, you decide to: If a hero fails (14-): That hero takes 10 DMG.

A) Fight the monsters and lure them away. [20] Afterward, you go up a flight of stairs and reach the 6th floor.
B) Rally the commoners and try to lead them to safety while the
monsters chase you. [21] Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 66: “Imperial Vault”

25 You decide not to interfere. The wizards cast a spell, and a portal
20 You attack the monsters and run to a different location. Each starts
hero must flip one attack card of his choice. The monsters strikes appear. But one of the attackers casts a lightning bolt and kills
the woman before the portal is complete.
The hero with the lowest takes 5 DMG.
A) Follow hidden behind the pillars, staying hidden. [24]
When you almost finish them, you see a hulking, monstrously B) Confront the wizards and follow the path up through the
strong, bestial, humanoid creature approaching you, ready to attack. hiding place. [36]
You note a stone hanging from its necklace, similar to the ones
Sedura gave you.
A) Overpower the creature and spare it for interrogation. [32]
B) Attempt to kill the creature before it can injure you. [33]

21 During the chase, one by one, the commoners die, and you
have suffered many attacks. Each hero takes 5 DMG and gains 1
Bleeding Token.
You see no alternative but to kill the creatures. You have a good fight
and kill them all. Then, when you least expect it, you see a hulking,
monstrously strong, bestial, humanoid creature approaching you, ready
to attack. You note a stone hanging from its necklace, similar to the
ones Sedura gave you.
A) Overpower the creature and spare it for interrogation. [32]
B) Attempt to kill the creature before it can injure you. [33]

22 You decide not to interfere. The wizards cast spells against the
commoner and her husband, who in turn cast a teleportation spell
on himself and his beloved to escape. Unfortunately, one of the at-
tackers’ spells materializes a dagger that stabs her in the chest before
the teleportation is complete. Now you must deal with the wizards
on your own, so:
When the last mage dies, you notice something strange around.
Penumbral monsters appear. You try to protect the commoners.
A) You attack the wizards with everything you have. [34]
B) You attack the mages, using your resources sparingly. Put
(Slot 1). Go to [35]

23 You rush the wizards facing the couple and quickly defeat them,
but you take some burnings. Each hero takes 5 DMG.
The woman says: “Thank you for this. We must hurry; more will
come. Please, take the suitcase with you. I would like to have time to
explain, but we fear for our lives.”

156 • Tanares Adventures

26 Opening the suitcase, you see two compartments. On one side, it 27 You arrive at the hiding place, and upon entering, you see a group
contains two paintings. On the other side, it contains five bottles. You of wizards who immediately attack you as soon as they realize your
also find many blank papers. arrival. One of them hurls a fireball at you.
Behind the painting of a colored field, you see some writing: Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
“Josephine, love of my life. I have seen and heard so many things that (15+: success | 14-: failure)
make me sick. I miss our life on the farm. That’s where we met, where
you made me discover my true self and the truth behind the secrets of +1 to all rolls per Battle of Oceans (Mastery) - Fireballs are often
colorful fields and woods. Soon I will be with you and hope never to used in arcane cannons in sea battles.
leave you again.”
+2 to rolls of heroes who are casting spells on their cards -
And behind a painting of a couple, you read this: Familiarity with the spell can help you evade it.
This was the happiest moment of my life If a hero succeeds (15+): Nothing happens.
When my love touched my face If a hero fails (14-): That hero takes 8 DMG.
And asked for me to be his wife
It was the most perfect place After escaping the attack, you prepare to attack. You:
Where we cut the gram with a knife
And I kissed him with all my grace. A) You attack the wizards with everything you have. [34]
B) You attack the mages, using your resources spar-
After reading the letter and ingly. Put (Slot 1).
looking at the items in the case, Go to [35]
you figure that these are the pass-
words Sedura told you about.
28 One hero uses a Special Attack (it is spent). You
A) Try the blood way (a hero choos- make short work of the monsters. Then, when you
es to take DMG from 1 to 20). [40] least expect it, you see a hulking, monstrously strong,
bestial, humanoid creature approaching you, ready to at-
B) Try the liquid way (select one of the flasks) [37] tack. The stone hanging from its necklace is similar to the ones
Sedura gave you.
A) Overpower the creature and spare it for interrogation. [32]
B) Attempt to kill the creature before it can injure you. [33]

Journal • 157
29 Each hero chooses an attack card to flip and suffers 5 DMG. 33 Each hero flips its weapon and gains 1 Protected Token. You
You make short work of the monsters. Then, when you least expect begin investigating the creature to find out more about it, but it is in-
it, you see a hulking, monstrously strong, bestial, humanoid creature terrupted. You realize that you are not alone.
approaching you, ready to attack. The stone hanging from its necklace
is similar to the ones Sedura gave you. Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 61: “Shooting for the Moon”
A) Overpower the creature and spare it for interrogation. [32]
B) Attempt to kill the creature before it can injure you. [33] 34 Each hero must flip his or her highest-level primary attack card.
You defeat the wizards with ease. Go to [31].

35 Each hero chooses an attack card to flip and suffers 5 DMG. You
defeat the wizards, but not without resistance. Go to [31].

36 You attack the wizards:

A) With all you got. [34]
B) Use your resources sparingly. Put (Slot 1). Go to [35]

37 If you chose the pink/yellow one, go to [38]; otherwise, go to [39]

38 You use it on the blank papers, and you see there are writings
on it. They reveal information about the Imperial Arcane Office, its
plans, and some disturbing things about tests and the cult of an an-
cient penumbral creature. Put (Slot 3). You take them with you
and go on your way. [31]

39 You use it on the blank papers. Unfortunately, they disintegrate

in your hands. [31]

40 If the hero took eleven DMG or more, go to [38]; other-

wise, go to [39]
30 You escape, and it seems you’ve lost the creatures. When you fi-
nally relax for a moment, you see a hulking, monstrously strong, bes-
tial, humanoid creature approaching you, ready to attack. The stone 41 You decide to cross Cragplateus Bridge, but some points are still too
hanging from its necklace is similar to the ones Sedura gave you. fragile; a disaster almost occurs. Three heroes gain 1 Bleeding Token.

A) Overpower the creature and spare it for interrogation. [32] You find the hideout and run past its entrance as you hear a scream
B) Attempt to kill the creature before it can injure you. [33] from inside. A mage from the Imperial Arcane High Office is trying
to protect a peasant from other mages. Before they can flee with a
31 You continue the path and find a secret passage. Entering, you teleportation spell, the larger group strikes them — and come for you.
Each hero must flip its attack card of the highest level.
note some quaking, like it could collapse at any moment. You must act
quickly. The ceiling caves in, showering you with debris: After defeating the opposition, you search the hideout and climb a
long staircase hidden by a secret passage leading to the sixth floor. The
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). place suffers frequent tremors and seems about to collapse. Parts of the
(15+: success | 14-: failure) ceiling fall on you. Three heroes take 10 DMG each.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 66: “Imperial Vault”
+1 to all rolls per Battle of Oceans (Mastery) - Dodging rocks is
similar to dodging projectiles from sea cannons.

+2 if this hero is Controller - Controllers have learned to be aware of

environmental hazards.

If a hero succeeds (15+): Nothing happens.

If a hero fails (14-): The hero takes 8 DMG.
Afterward, you go up a flight of stairs, reach the 6th floor, and enter
a vault.

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 66: “Imperial Vault”

32 Each hero chooses an attack card to flip and takes 4 DMG. The
creature seems too strong. You begin to investigate the creature for
more information, but soon, you realize you are not alone.

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 61: “Shooting for the Moon”

158 • Tanares Adventures

Adventure Chapter EE to the Kemet. They decimated our warriors and our hopes. I believe
you will find good allies in the barbarian tribes. Prepare yourselves; a
storm is approaching!”
Fangs and Fury Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
For this Adventure, you cannot equip the NPC Cards “Yviah, the
+3 to roll if the hero’s art has heavy clothes or armor (hero). - A
Frost Giant Queen” and “Trygve, the Werebear.”
good time to be wearing the right clothes.

1 You find Zalir and Sedura at the Ironhand Outpost. Zalir SPECIAL: You may choose to give this bonus to another player
(lending your clothes)
starts talking: +3 to Juliet’s or Oguemir’s roll (hero) - They are used to dealing
“The Kemet attacked the Pylons locations and have a presence in the with cold weather.
territories. To secure these locations, they killed, enslaved, or impris-
If a hero succeeds (13+): That hero barely manages to stay warm.
oned the natives of those regions, especially the northern barbarians
and south Orcs.” If a hero fails (12-): The hero takes 4 DMG.

Sedura: “Our forces were unable to secure these locations, but we need Go to [25]
to get more allies, even those the Empire has always neglected. And
these two groups have many reasons to join us. I need you to travel to
one of these points and convert them into allies.”
4 Irritated, you proceed very slowly, drawing considerable attention.
Put (Slot 1). Go to [37]
A) Head for the frozen north and meet the furious barbarians. [2]
B) Head south and try to appease the vicious orcs. [29] 5 When you tell him that it would be better if he abandons much of
C) (Fast Action Mode) You leave it up to Sedura to decide where you his luggage and entourage, he is clearly annoyed, claiming that you are
should go. [46] breaking the deal that was agreed upon
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
2 You take a portal to the modest and sparsely-populated town of (24+: success | 23-: failure)
Blossom; unfortunately, the local contact does not meet you. With +1 to all rolls per Prestige with Peoples (Mastery) - Your name
zero clues, you decide to: precedes you!
A) Hire a local guide who can safely take you to the region you are +4 to Katar’s roll (hero) - He has the prestige of a true warrior
looking for. Spend any 2 Loots. Go to [3] among the orcs!
B) Gather some information from the local people and proceed at +4 If you have Fire Pits - His actions echoed among the orc
your own risk. [19] people!

3 You hire a native warrior, who knows the surroundings At least 1 hero succeeds (24+): He grudgingly accepts, dismissing
most of his entourage back to Feargus. He shares high-quality supplies
and the local rumors. Her name is Svalanka. She says with you, and you continue on foot. Each hero HEALS 4.
you will follow a long trail to the Great Valley to
find the largest concentration of wildlings in All heroes fail (23-): He yells that you have no word on it and says
Twin Heads Forest. that your insolence will be known. Then he orders his caravan to turn
around and leave you alone in the desert. He carries off some of your
“We Kolbjörnians live with the cold, the
supplies, leaving you destitute. Each hero takes 4 DMG. Remove
savagery of barbarians, and the threat
of Giants, but this is nothing compared from the game the NPC Vharzohg, Tsvetan Orc.

Go to [37]

Journal • 159
6 Under various protests and curses, you give up following him, leav- O
ing Vharzog and his entourage behind.
A) Go alone towards the Kemet concentration, and hope that your
deeds will reach the ears of the Orcs, and facilitate an alliance. [37] H H
B) Return and seek help in the wild Orcs villages under the Red
Mother’s laws. Only if you don’t have a Hook Token. [39]
7 So you descend the icy mountains past several chasms and precipices
when you reach a plateau that seems safe. When you hear a guttural
roar, a huge and ferocious bear appears to attack you. The location is O
not favorable for you.
A) Fighting the giant, the rabid bear seems the best alternative. [8]
B) Quickly climb back up from where you came from. [20]
C) Use the medallion you received. Only if you have the Bear
Medallion. [21] O
8 A fierce battle is fought between you and the big angry bear Urug-Tuk , the Orc sport
near an icy canyon.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). Step 1
Place on the Board Tile as shown on the image:
(22+: success | 21-: failure)
• The 4 hero figures.
+2 If you are a Bruiser or a Tank (hero) - Someone has to be in
• 4 figures to represent each of the orc champions (orc, soldier or
front to deal with the bear.
sentinel figures).
+3 if the hero has flames in the Hero Card art (hero) - It seems
that the bear does not like flames and is always focused on you. Step 2
Each hero will take one turn taking one action.
At least 1 hero succeeds (22+): Go to [10].
• Actions:
All heroes fail (21-): Go to [9]. • A) MOVE 1 your figure, then PUSH 2 an orc champion in [1] of
9 The Bear viciously strikes you. Distribute 10 DMG among the • B) MOVE 2 your figure, then PUSH 1 an orc champion in [1] of
heroes.The noise of combat caused an avalanche. [12]

10 One of you lures him while the other coordinatedly strikes him
If all orcs were pushed to the Altar Tile, the heroes win.
If there is a orc outside the Altar Tile, go to Step 3.
with all their might, all at the same time, knocking him to the ground.
Two heroes gain 1 . Go to [21] Step 3
After each hero took its turn, the orcs will attack them.
11 You accept the challenge, driving the Orcs wild as they scream in • Each Orc deals 2 R-DMG to ALL heroes in [2] of it.
excitement. You descend the mountain to a plain, where they play their • After applying the DMG, go back to Step 2.
primary sport, the Urug-Tuk, which consists of two teams, where the
attackers need to push the defenders to the center, while the defender’s Heroes win when the four Orcs are placed in the Altar Tile.
can’t walk but can hit the attackers with wooden staffs. After you win, go to [28].

160 • Tanares Adventures

12 A huge stone hits the bear’s head, causing him to fall inertly down-
B) Say that you arrived by accident when you were attacked by a White
Bear while searching for barbarian allies against the Kemets. [17]
wards. Put (Slot 5). The gigantic avalanche sweeps you away, rolling
you over and over and over until you all lose consciousness. Slowly you
regain your senses and dig your way out of the snow. To your surprise,
16 She says, “I can offer you help, but I need your word that your Empire
will recognize me as the absolute ruler of this region.”
not only are you alive, but you are standing in front of a stone and ice
palace of gigantic proportions. Crashes can still be heard from you, A) Agree and say she can count on your word, but first, help you find
indicating that a new avalanche may come. and free the barbarians. [18]
A) Enter the gigantic structure quickly. [13] B) Without compromising your word, asking only that she helps point
the way to the barbarians, you will leave in peace. [26]
B) Investigate the surroundings at the risk of remaining outside for
a longer time. [14]
17 She says, “So it was you who killed Trygve, the leader of the barbar-
13 As you enter, you hear a thunderous voice, more like thunder ians? HA, HA, HA! Well, you have just earned my respect.” Two Heroes
gain 1 each. [16]
overhead, saying, “WHO DARES?” Lightning bolts are shot from ev-
erywhere to strike you. Each hero rolls a d20 against his own DEF.
On a hit, the hero takes 5 DMG. Go to [15] 18 Well, she says. Not only point you in the direction of the place
you seek, but I can also bestow you a spark of my power in exchange
14 You notice that the rumblings are not from avalanches. They are for a sacrifice. See if you are willing to pay such a price.
from lightning bolts falling near there. You see scriptures carved into
the portals, something religious of the Giant race. You enter slowly If you discard 1 Week 5 NPC, a Level II Item Card, or 3 Loot
and amicably so as not to be mistaken for enemies. Cards, you receive an enhancement to your weapons of +3 DMG
for the duration of the Quest.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(24+: success | 23-: failure) If you accept, keep reading. Otherwise, go to [26]
+1 to all rolls per Prestige with Peoples (Mastery) - Your prestige
goes across the continent before you. You position your weapons in the center of the hall. Lightning
+2 If the art on your Hero Card looks big and strong (hero). - strikes the weapons from a ceiling opening, energizing them. In ad-
Giants deal best with big people. dition, Yviah says she will create a storm to distract your opponents.

At least 1 hero succeeds (24+): Go to [15]. “GET OUT OF HERE NOW!” she says. Put (Slot 6). Go to [26]
All heroes fail (23-): Go to [13].
19 You do not gather helpful information, forcing you to go alone
15 You advance into the colossal cold structure when you observe in the northernmost direction. The journey is arduous and cold, pass-
ing through uninhabited places. Each hero takes 4 DMG. Until you
a stone throne and a giant blue-skinned woman sitting on it, looking finally reach an even plain, where you walk faster. However, you no-
down at you. One of her hands seems to be holding some magical tice a CRACK below your feet as the surface of a frozen lake gives in
sparks. She tells you: to your weight.
“I am impressed by your courage, or maybe foolishness, in coming here, Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
little ones. I am Yviah, the queen of ice and storms, leader of the Giants
of Kolbjörn. WHAT DO YOU WANT HERE?” (13+: success | 12-: failure)
+4 if the hero is Oguemir (hero). - As a native of the region, he
A) Say that you have come in search of allies against the Kemet, and knows what to do in these moments.
perhaps the Giants can also contribute. [16]

Journal • 161
+4 if the Hero Card art has wings or something that makes it pos-
sible to fly (hero). - Why fall if you can fly? 22 - You say that you are representing the Ironhand and came here
to ask for the help of the barbarian peoples to defeat the Kemets of
If a hero succeeds (13+): The hero manages to move to the safe shore the region. He looks suspicious because the Empire has never truly
before the ice breaks completely. cared about them.
If a hero fails (12-): That hero sink into the freezing water under the Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
ice, but manage to grab onto the plates and crawl out of there to the (24+: success | 23-: failure)
safe shore. Take 4 DMG or flip you Armor Card.
+1 to all rolls per Prestige with Peoples (Mastery) - Your name
Go to [7] precedes you!

20 Before the giant bear can reach you, you throw down ropes and
+4 If you have the Bear Medallion - The inhabitants of the region
respect the bear totem!
start climbing, each helping the other. The bear furiously claws the
At least 1 hero succeeds (24+): Go to [23].
mountainside, trying to climb after you.
All heroes fail (23-): Go to [26]
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
+4 if the hero is Oguemir (hero). - As a native of the region, he 23 He asks you to accompany him to his camp. You arrive at a place
knows what to do in these moments. full of tents, animals, women and children, and a few men. He says that
these are the ones who are still alive and free from all parts of north-
+4 if the hero’s art has Wings (hero). - Why fall if you can fly? ern Kolbjörn, Stravian, and even Ben’net. Survivors of the Kemets.
You will tell him:
3 or more heroes succeed (13+): Go to [21]
2 or more heroes fail (12-): Go to [11] A) Better not to involve them any further in this, and you will con-
tinue on your own to find the Kemets, only needing a direction. [26]

21 Slowly, the bear ends his rage, reducing its size and shape, turn-
B) The help of all those who are left will be necessary, for only together
is it possible to defeat the Kemet and free the prisoners. [24]
ing into a man. You are surprised, and he tells you his name is Tryvge,
leader of the barbarians and protector of these lands. If you have the-
Bear Medallion, keep reading. Otherwise, go to [22]
24 Trygve says he will send some men to help you when the time
comes. He must solve some problems there to keep the tribe safe.
He extends his hand, and you give him the medallion. He smiles, Put (Slot 4). [26]
saying, “Ah yes, I lost it during a fight with the beautiful
Svalanka. Ha, ha! Thank you for giving it back
to me.” He hands you a vial and tells 25 Svalanka finds a cave where you can take shelter until the storm
you to drink it when you are in passes. She gives you the Bear Medallion and tells you that the bar-
danger. barian peoples believe in spiritual animal totems, and it is something
valuable to have.
A hero gains 1 Protected After a while, you arrive in the valley, and she points you in the di-
Token. Go to [22] rection to continue alone and meet the barbarian chieftain named
Trygve. She bids you farewell and wishes you good luck. [7]

26 A direction to the northwest is pointed out, and you leave

imagining that your actions can change the course of events so
you can fulfill your promise to Sedura. On the way, you cross
a vast tundra until you come to a frozen forest. If Oguemir is
on the team, go to [27]. Otherwise, keep reading.
Ahead, you hear heavy feral breathing, encountering an in-
jured Yeti. You approach it cautiously and try to tend to its
wounds. After a few moments, the beast seems to recover
and follows the strongest of you. [27]

27 Crossing the Twin Heads Forest, you spot a ruined

stone building filled with Kemets and caged beasts. You
also see barbarians charging toward the camp, giving
you the perfect opportunity to approach and join
the battle. The hero Oguemir, or the hero with the
highest , gets the Hook Token.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 58:

162 • Tanares Adventures

28 After your show of bravery and might, you manage to push the 31 You are taken to the large dining room, where a vast banquet has
Orcs into the circle, winning the test, to the sound of screams and been set up with excessive food. Each hero HEALS 3. [35]
howls. The Red Mother tends to your injuries and paints you with
your own blood. Each hero gains 2 Empowered Tokens. And she
says you have earned their respect of the Orc. They will join you in
a battle against the Kemet by nightfall. Then, she tells you to go to-
wards the Stromground, looking for the stone path. Grab the Tome
Token. Put (Slot 3). Go to [37]

29 You take an Ironhand vessel and cross the Central Sea to the
Tsvetan province, looking for some Orc leaders. You receive word
that Kemets have been spotted in the unstable lands known as
the Stormgrounds.
A) Go to Feargus, the capital of Tsvetan, to talk to Vharzog, the rul-
ing Orc politician. [30]
B) Go to the Orc villages, and try to find the Red Mother, their spir-
itual leader. [39]

30 In the city, all you see is chaos and commotion. The Ironhand
have difficulty maintaining order, as many Orcs declare support for the
Kemet. In confusion, you make your way to Vharzog’s palace, which
enjoys many luxuries and pleasures for the few, unlike the misery out-
32 (…)
side. If you have Lava Axe , keep reading; otherwise, go to [35]. Each hero rolls a d20. If your result is between 6-20, gain 1 Em-
Grab the Torch Token. powered Token. Go to [35]

33 He thinks it’s fair, so he opens a big chest full of gold and takes a
He is pleased to see you and tells you that the Lava Axe is very well
kept in the Orc’s hands now. What do you choose?
handful. Then, he looks at you and thinks better. He puts back all but
A) A feast with the best food and drink that Tanares can offer. [31] one and gives it to you. Gain 1 . [35]
B) Rest in luxurious quarters with the best company. [32]
C) You demand a reward in gold, in recognition. [33] 34 He is impressed by your display of virtue, and you can hear the
D) Nothing, because you have urgent matters requiring his murmurs of some members of Vharzog’s court. You gain 1 . [35]
attention. [34]
35 From his fancy throne, Vharzog listens. You ask for his support
to lead the Orcs and join forces against the Kemets. He tells you that
he can cooperate, but he needs your help to raise his popularity with
the Orcs and to demand his participation in this mission and your
protection. Will you accept?

Journal • 163
A) Yes. He can come along, even though it may jeopardize the mis- +4 to Katar’s roll (hero) - He has the prestige of a true warrior
sion. Exchange an NPC equipped by a Hero for the NPC Vharzog, among the orcs!
Tsvetan Orc. [36] +4 If you have 27 - Fire Pits - His actions echoed among the orc
B) No. He cannot come along, for we will not participate in this people!
farce. We will find the Orcs on our own. [39]
At least 1 hero succeeds (24+): Shaarog is clearly annoyed. She bare-
36 He is happy and asks to prepare for the journey. On the palace’s ly contains her hostility, seemingly waiting for an excuse to attack.
balcony, you and Vharzog greet the people of Feargus, showing your- All heroes fail (23-): Shaarog is annoyed by your attitude and orders
selves as heroes who will fight the Kemet, freeing the Orcs. Part of the Orcs to attack. Distribute 20 DMG among the heroes. You may
the population applauds, while others throw stones at you. You walk flip any number of Armor Cards to decrease DMG by 5 for each
part of the way on foot while Vharzog is carried in a luxurious lit- one flipped.
ter, full of trunks and members of his court, which attracts attention,
slowing you down.
Go to [40]
A) Continue in this manner, following Vharzog’s terms. [4]
B) Propose to Vharzog to leave some of his luxuries here, as they are
impractical for the mission. [5]
40 You defeat the Orcs. A horn is blown from a cave on top, echoing
through the mountain, and you see many Orcs entering the caves. You
C) Give up escorting Vharzog and leave him there and follow them and see many Orcs, separated into four groups holding
go on alone [6] the banners of their respective tribes, waiting for the Red Mother, the
old Orc healer who stands in the center. If you have 4 - Lava Axe,
37 You spend hours traversing the arid and hot terrain. Each hero keep reading. Otherwise, go to [45]
whose Force Ability is 2 or lower takes 4 DMG. You finally reach the She greets you by throwing feathers at your feet in gratitude and tells
dangerous region known as Stormground, when, as you advance, the you that the Lava Axe is safe in the Orc’s hands now. Because the Orcs
earth trembles, gushing boiling water everywhere. have put their rivalries aside and gone their old ways again. She offers
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). you a gift that you must choose, focusing on it:
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
+4 to Katar’s roll (hero) - You are used to this environment.
+4 if you have the Tome Token - Your new allies have given you tips
on handling the place.
+4 if you flip your Armor Card. - The powers of your equipment can
help protect you.
If a hero succeeds (13+): The hero manages to dodge in time, avoid-
ing injury.
If a hero fails (12-): That hero cannot dodge it in time and sustain
burns from the boiling water. Take 5 DMG and gain 2 Weakened
Go to [38]

38 You sneak between the hills and observe a place at the

foot of the mountain, where the Kemet are holding several
orc prisoners. Among them, you spot a gigantic Kemet, with
a bone axe implanted in place of one of his arms and many
orcs working while they take slashes.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 67: “Altruism”

39 You know that Orcs are divided into tribes, with the
four largest dominating the others. You head to Tsvetan
Twinspikes, so you can find the Red Mother. As you ad-
vance through the hot, rocky territory filled with caves,
you are approached by a group of Orcs.
An Orc takes the lead and points her weapon at you,
saying: “I am Shaarog, guardian of this sacred ground.
Non Orcs are forbidden to advance.”

You say you have come in peace, seeking the alliance of

the Orcs against the Kemets of the region, and would
like to meet with the Red Mother. Grab the Hook Token.

Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC

(24+: success | 23-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Prestige with Peoples (Mastery) - Your name
precedes you!

164 • Tanares Adventures

A) Leather from a rodent. [41]
B) Skull of a vulture. [42]
C) Bottle with stinky liquid. [43]
D) Prey of a beast. [44]

41 You focus on the survivability of a rodent. Only once, choose a

hero to pay 1 to gain 1 Protected Token. Go to [45]

42 You focus on where you intend(Slot

to go. Pay 1 to get an advan-
tage over your enemies, putting 2). Go to [45]

43 She tells you to ingest it, but its smell and taste are terrible.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(13+: success | 12-: failure)
If a hero succeeds (13+): The hero HEALS 5.
If a hero fails (12-): Nothing happens. A) Yes, you are willing to prove our worth. [11]
B) You cannot risk your lives or waste time here, so you will
Go to [45] go on alone. [37]
C) Go to Feargus and seek help from Vharzog in the Tsvetan capital.
44 She asks each one to pierce your hand with the fang. If so, take 2 Only if you dont have a Torch Token. [30]
DMG to gain 2 Empowered Tokens.

Go to [45]
46 You take a portal to Blossom Town and begin an arduous, cold
journey northbound, where, among other perils, you face a huge bear
that, in an intense fight that starts an avalanche. Each hero takes 4
45 You have a friendly attitude, as you will not keep alive if the Orcs
DMG, then freely distribute 10 DMG among heroes.
attack you. Then, you tell about the Kemet threat in the region, offering When you dig your way out of the snow, you find a frozen palace.
to free the imprisoned orcs and, in return, to count on their support. Upon entering, you are attacked by a giant queen. A hero takes 5
The Orcs are agitated to hear the Red Mother. She looks at you and say: DMG. You tell her that you are looking for allies to fight the Kemet;
she replies she will help as long as the Empire recognizes her as the
“We can ally only with worthy warriors. Prove your strength by
supreme sovereign of that region. You don’t commit, but the giant-
defeating the champions of the 4 tribes in an ancient Orc Challenge.
ess gives you directions to the barbarian lands.
This is our way.”
During the journey, you come across an injured Yeti and tend to its
wounds. The Yeti follows you until you come across a kemet camp
with several caged beasts. Somehow, the barbarians learned about
you and advance against the Kemet, giving you the perfect oppor-
tunity to attack. If Oguemir is in your Team, he gains the Hook
Token. Otherwise, give it to the hero with the highest .
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 58: “Freedom.”

Journal • 165
Adventure Chapter FF 3 You continue the expedition. Suddenly, an unnatural storm starts,
and you have a hard time controlling your boat. Concerned, Artibeus
North Sea says: “This storm must be happening because of Rigus Island, and it
will probably expand to the mainland. But the Kemet ship is heading
in the other direction. Both are very dangerous. I don’t know what to
1in Sedura calls you to her office: “We had reports about some changes
the climate on the north sea. Also, we spotted some kemet activity
decide. Oh, where should we go?”
A) Keep to the original plan and follow the Kemet warship. [4]
there, and they could be related somehow. I need you to investigate
this and solve the situation. Artibeus is our friend there and will help B) Investigate the island to learn about the storm. [5]
you. He should find you in a short time after you arrive. C) (Fast Action Mode) Stick to your plan, and move on quickly. [22]
You take a portal and follow the directions to reach Artibeus’ house.
No one seems to be home, but the door is unlocked, and you go in-
side to check it out, finding five different pets there that come to play
4 Artibeus answers: “Oh, good choice! The storm is dangerous, but
the Kemet are much more. I will use my power to protect this boat.
with you as soon as you enter. A few moments later, Artibeus arrives By the way, if the boat sinks, I can turn myself into a fish. Or a sea
at home, greeting you: “Oh, good. They seem to like you. This is the lion. Or a dolphin.”
best way to tell you are trustable. Tell me, which one did you prefer?”
Choose the pet you most enjoyed and memorize it. Go to [2] Artibeus casts a spell and concentrates on it. It seems to protect the boat
from the storm. After a few hours of sailing, you notice a smaller Kemet
vessel anchored, but the storm does not allow you to see it clearly.
A) Sail around the ship, hoping to use the storm as cover. [6]
B) Sneak to approach, board, and attack the ship. [7]

5 Artibeus answers: “Oh, you read my thoughts! The Kemet are dan-
gerous, but nature can be even more. Did you hear about the Malrokian
Curse? Oh, of course, you did. So you agree that nature is... Never
mind, let’s go there. I will protect our boat.”
Artibeus casts a spell and concentrates on it. It seems to protect the
boat from the storm. You continue sailing for hours and feel the storm
becoming stronger and stronger. If not for the spell, the boat would
be already in pieces. Finally, you reach an island and, strangely, the
storm is not affecting it.
Artibeus warns: “Don’t be happy. The storm continues. But this area
has the sanctuary and powerful weather protections. We have two ap-
proaches to getting to the heart of the island. Pass through the drakes
or the Guardian. Oh, yes, the Guardian is a giant Kraken, and it can
be sleeping, so we will have no problem. But if it awakens… Are you

2 Then Artibeus says: “Now, let’s go find those Kemet bastards. Ah, lucky people?”
A) Pass through the Drakes’ territory. Go to [8]
did I tell you I was already a prisoner in the Phantom Fortress? If not
by Sedura, I would be there. Or maybe not. I could become a bat and B) Push your luck and pass through the Guardian. Go to [9]
escape. No, I think I tried it. Oh, yes, the Kemets! Let’s use my fishing
boat to sail unnoticed by the Kemet patrols. This fog will help us. At
least, I think it will help.” 6 You change course by going around the Kemet vessel. As you sail
You enter the boat and set sail quickly. The visibility is minimal due away, you see a group of strange sea creatures. Their focus seems
to the fog, and the sea is rough. Artibeus says happily: “Ah, look at to be the Kemet Vessel, and you feel like they are about to charge
those stones. They create wards to protect the place, but they must be against the kemet.
in the correct order to work, and these ones are in their full power. Artibeus: “These are dangerous sea predators. You must be fright-
Can you feel the protection? I have no conditions to remember, but ened. Oh, I see you are not. But you should be. I lost account of how
you should look at them closely.” Look at the stones and memorize many fishers and sailors were killed by them. Even children. This is an
their position. Go to [3] excellent opportunity to take them off. The seas will become
safer. Are you heroes? Be the heroes.
A) Attack the creatures. You cannot allow these
monsters to take more lives. [12]
B) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Let
them attack the Kemets, as both will be weak-
ened after the combat. [13]

166 • Tanares Adventures

7 Aided by the storm, you approach the Kemet ship stealthily. While 10 You feel the sea much rougher near the creature, but it seems not
you wait for the right moment to surprise them, you see many bizarre to react. You pass through it with no problems and even find some
undead going in another direction, as if they will attack something. destroyed boats. Mana power flows strong in this region.
This is the perfect opportunity. You board and find only a few undead
there with their necromancer captain, and a brutal combat happens. Each hero may flip 1 Skill Token.

Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). Artibeus: “Ah, I knew it. As I told you from the start, we could pass
(13+: success | 12-: failure) serenely through it. Now, let’s hurry to the heart of this island, while
it still beats...” [17]
Success (13+): You kill the foes so quickly that they don’t have time to react.
Failure (12-): You kill the foes but take a few blows. Take 8 DMG.
After the combat, you begin to destroy the ship but see at a long dis-
tance some spells being cast. These should be the ones attacked by the
undeads. You also notice the bodies of these strange undeads, like a
zombie centaur with a fin.
A) Study their bodies. It can be dangerous, but you can learn
important information. [16]
B) Leave them alone and put fire to make sure it is de-
stroyed for good. [18]

8 You follow the directions Artibeus gives to you. After a

while of a challenging sailing full of rocks near the island,
you arrive at a place that looks like a valley and don’t take
long to draw the attention of some drakes. You see a pack
of five drakes, one of each type, approaching you in an
attack formation.
Artibeus: “Oh, we are on the drake part of the island,
and it is full of… drakes… These creatures hunt in
packs made of one of each color. The alpha usually
is the green one. Oh, we are also on a pack of five…
Well, never mind. You can attack the alpha to scare
the others. Or try to pacify them by hurting the
weaker member and extend your arm in front of
your face.”
A) Attack the green drake with full strength. [14]
B) Try to pacify them. [15]

9 You follow the directions Artibeus gives to you.

He is apprehensive: “I don’t know what can hap-
pen. He should be sleeping. If he is not, please find
a nymph druid named Thalia and tell her I love her. I
have a scroll with a painting of her at home from when
she fought the very first battle of the Arena of Fate.
Roll a d20.
If it is even, it is sleeping. Go to [10]
If it is odd… oh boy… Go to [11]

Journal • 167
11 You reach the region near the Guardian. At first, nothing special Undead: DEF 7
Sea creature: DEF 10
happens, but when you are almost getting to the island, an immense
tentacle slashes your way. Artibeus makes a barrier consuming all his For each hit, a hero gains:
power, including some of your mana, to avoid the attack. Undead: 1 Empowered Token.
The monster attacks again, and this time, it breaks the barrier and Sea Creatures: 1 and 1 Empowered Token.
damage all heroes. Each hero takes 8 DMG and loses 1 .
Go to [19]
Artibeus commands, “Go to the island and fix the problem. Then,
break my stone to return to my home.” You flee, and Artibeus keep
fighting the monster. Eventually, Artibeus returns significantly in-
14 Before even their attack starts, you attack the green drake as hard
as possible. The others don’t react and seem very confused.
jured, saying, “Oh, I think it retreated. Good. Now I can become a
champion of the Arena”. He smiles, but you can see the pain in his Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
eyes. You make the first aid. (15+: success | 14-: failure)
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). 3 or more heroes succeed (15+): You defeat the green drake before
it could even react.
(21+: success | 20-: failure)
2 or more heroes fail (14-): You beat the green drake, but it makes a
+2 to rolls of Healers (hero)
breath of poison. Each hero takes 6 DMG.
At least 1 hero succeeds (21+): You make the first aid successfully. Artibeus says, “That was quick. But, to be honest, I helped you using
All heroes fail (20-): The druid is still in pain, but it keeps following some spells to make the others confused. So don’t try it at home if I am
you. Put (Slot 2). not nearby. I also sensed an interesting thing. I will heal a little the green
drake. The red one wants to be the alpha, so they can have fun while
Go to [17] we continue our journey. Ah, soon, the spell will be over, and they can
return to attack us. But now... They will discuss the relationship. The
oppressor reign of the green drake is over, ha ha.” [17]

15 You follow the instructions, attacking the blue drake and ex-
tending your hand toward the green one. The creature stops be-
fore you, staring at the most physically strong. Even using only
body language, you need to pass confidence.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(14+: success | 13-: failure)
Success (14+): You defeat the creature before it even could react.
Failure (13-): You beat the creature, but it deals some damage to
you. Take 6 DMG.
At least 1 hero succeeds (21+): The drake pack retreats, and you
can pass.
All heroes fail (20-): The leader attacks by surprise, and the other
drakes enter the fray. You emerge victorious after a brutal fight, but
with some injuries. Each hero takes 8 DMG.
Artibeus says, “Wow! Now, we can go. Did the situation was tense? If
I was not here, the situation could be much worse. I would like to cast
12 You attack the creatures hard. a healing spell on you, but I can only heal animals and magic beasts.
Sorry. Unless... Are any of you a magic beast? No?” [17]
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(14+: success | 13-: failure) 16 You take time to study the undead bodies and see many valuable
Success (14+): You defeat the creature before it even could react. notes that later can be used to contain the undead plague..
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
Failure (13-): You beat the creature, but it deals some damage to you.
Take 6 DMG. (22+: success | 21-: failure)
+1 to all heroes’ rolls per Undead Fight (Mastery)
Artibeus looks at you happy: “Oh, you have no idea what you did this +2 to rolls of Healers (hero)
day. You will be remembered here for ages. For years. For months.
Now the sea is a safer place thanks to you. I am very proud to be At least 1 hero succeeds (22+): Mark the Fact The Undead Plague
is Contained (if you don1t have it).
working with you.” [19]
All heroes fail (21-): You did not find helpful information. The hero with
13 You wait for a while and see some bizarre undead fighting
the worst result touched a contaminated place. The hero takes 8 DMG.
against the creatures. At a safe distance, you can make some ranged Go to [19]
attacks to kill them.
Each ranged hero can choose to attack the undead or the sea

168 • Tanares Adventures

17 You continue to walk and arrive at a strange place, beautiful like
a paradise. Artibeus notice the stones, that emit some glow: “The
stones are not correct. We need to fix it. Do you remember the order
of those stones we saw before? I am not sure. I can remember, but it
will take some time.”
Take one of each color and place them in the same order that you
saw the stones when sailing with Artibeus. After this, do 3 Elemental
Puzzles (you are focused on feeling the energy to restore the balance).
Go to [20]

18 These undead is abominations, and it is not worth studying them.

You put fire on the ship and let it burn. You notice that the undead
seems to burn quickly, so they must be vulnerable to the fire. After mak-
ing sure the ship is completely destroyed, you return to your boat. [19]

19 Guided by Artibeus, you sail for about two hours, and eventu-
ally, you get out of the storm. You see an island, and a bizarre kemet
ship made only of bones. You approach it, and Artibeus screams for
the first time: “They messed with the protection stones. I can feel and
taste something disturbing to the environment. Quickly! We must go
21 Check the correct answer by looking at the image and compare
with your cubes.
there and restore it.”
If it is correct, put (Slot 1). Also, for each elemental puzzle correct,
You rush to the island and feel dark magic all over the place. It is not a hero gains 1 or 1 Empowered Token.
hard to find the stones, as they emit some glow.
As there are kemets on the island, you need to find and kill them to
Take one of each color and try to place them in the same order you secure the stones. You keep searching and enter a mausoleum with
saw the stones before (without looking at the image). After this, do 3 strange statues. Some Kemets are guarding these statues with un-
Elemental Puzzles (you are focused on feeling the energy to restore deads. You also see their ship nearby, and it starts to move.
the balance).
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 62: “Sorroweaving”
Go to [21]

20 Check the correct answer by looking at the image and compare 22 Artibeus departs. After a few hours following the kemet battle-
ship, you notice another enemy vessel anchored. You swim across the
with your cubes. icy sea to sneak by. Beginning to feel the effects of the intense cold, a
If it is correct, (Slot 1). Also, for each elemental puzzle correct, a hero sneezes and draws a sentinel’s attention, but he’s quickly neutral-
hero gains 1 or 1 Empowered Token. ized after a brutal fight. Each hero takes 6 DMG.

After you manipulate the stone, some strange phenomena happen. On the island, there is a central mausoleum; a bizarre kemet vessel,
The air becomes hot, then cold, then hot again. Artibeus says: “And made of bones and bodily remains, is anchored nearby, close to a se-
here we start a new Malrokian Curse... Oh, just kidding. It is some- ries of stone blocks similar to those shown by Artibeus, but these are
thing related to the protection wards. I will concentrate here and solve out of order. You try to rearrange them, but you don’t remember the
the problem. Prepare to defend yourselves, as some corrupted crea- order well. Put (Slot 2).
tures are approaching.” You enter the mausoleum and come across kemet that seem to protect
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 57: “Breath of Life” a strange statue; the undead boat starts to move by itself and hurl
body parts at you.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 62: “Sorroweaving”

Journal • 169
If a hero fails (14-): You fall to the ground with no complications,
Adventure Chapter GG but the planar transition twists with your insides, making you vomit.
Take 4 DMG.
Emotionless Go to [5]

1 There are more rumors of people’s disappearances unrelated to the

Kemets’ actions, leading some people to blame the Empire. Zalir calls 5 You pull yourself together and spot a rocky region covered with
you to his hut for a discussion. strange misty undergrowth, brightness flickering in the darkness.
Just as you remember Zalir’s advice, a fire breaks out around you.
“Thidexius, the great Imperial Mage, is going rogue due to the Several people burn in the fire, screaming for help. Start with 3 Team
Emperor’s absence. Something that we imagined Third Eye would be XP, representing the level of your emotions. Put the XP Token on
responsible for, in reality was always the Empire itself, in a covert op- slot 3 and choose:
eration. He’s speeding up some magic processes with no thought of the
consequences, creating a dangerous echo in the Penumbra. I fear he’s A) Try to save the burning people. [6]
causing unspeakable suffering to innocent people. My informants have B) Ignore the burning people and jump out of the fire, protecting
discovered that there is a terrible deed in progress, to be carried out yourself. [7]
soon. You must find him immediately, and the path through Penum- C) Seek a way around the fire and the burning people. [8]
bra may be our only option!”
“Remember, the Penumbra is a dimension sensitive to the actions
performed here, so the greater and more powerful the effect we create, 6 As you approach to save the people, they try to drag you into the
the greater will be its reflection there.” fire along with them.

You agree to investigate and leave, seeking more information. Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
A) Because it is the High Imperial Wizard, you report to Sedura. [2] +1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your expertise
in the penumbral plane makes you react more precisely in these
B) The Penumbra is a dangerous place. Huradrin could give you situations.
some advice.[3] +3 if the hero’s art has a sword, axe, or spear - Equipment can help
C) (Fast Action Mode) Ask Zalir to lead the way. [29] keep people away.

2 You meet with Sedura. The Captain shudders at the sound of If a hero succeeds (15+): You evade the burning people’s grasp, but
their agony affects your mind, leaving you dazed for a few moments.
Thidexius’ name before regaining control of her emotions.
Gain 1 XP.
Sedura: “Ever since I took over as Captain of the Ironhand, I have had If a hero fails (14-): You’re dragged into the fire. You suffer intense
reservations about the lobotomizing process led by Thidexius. He is agony as your body burns. Take 4 DMG. and gain 2 XP. Go to [9]
selfish, ambitious, and pragmatic; for him, the ends always justify the
means. It won’t surprise me if Sara’s vision is true. I think you should
see to it.” Put (Slot 1). Go to [4]

3 You meet with Huradrin and inform him of Zalir´s information:

Huradrin: “You can find the wizard in the Penumbra. Focus on the
tracks of his actions, and ensure you’re not affected by them. The tracks
will lead you to unknown and obscure places. Reality and emotions will
be compromised at times, so be prepared. Take this potion; it will help
you should you become lost. Good luck.” Put (Slot 2). Go to [4]

4 Zalir arrives and explains that the situation has worsened, because
some cross information, reveals that these actions must be connected
with the disappearance of innocent people. So time is of the essence.
He takes you to the Portal of Sara’s Tavern. Zalir: “I wish Sara was
here to help us, but we’ll have to improvise. Try to focus on a flicker-
ing flame that will guide you to the path. Don’t surrender to pain or
suffering, which will lead you into darkness. Good luck!”
You enter the Portal, but instead of going to its exit, you jump out of
the “penumbral tube” and fall into the abyss, looking for clues.

Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).

(15+: success | 14-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your expertise in
the Penumbral plane can help you move in it.
+4 to Ravel’s and Baolmu’s rolls - They are experts at moving in the
Penumbral plane.
If a hero succeeds (15+): You land smoothly without suffering
consequences due to the planar transition.

170 • Tanares Adventures

7 You gain momentum and leap through the fire. 9 The fire, heat, and people disappear, an image taking their place. It
depicts a hall filled with Imperial mages as they perform a torturous
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). magical ritual on someone. In the background of the hall, there is a
(15+: success | 14-: failure) red-robed wizard possibly authorizing the process. Outside, you see
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your expertise in flames everywhere.
the Penumbral plane can help you move in it. You feel the horror and suffering of that person. His emotions
+3 to Ravel’s and Baolmu’s rolls - They are experts at moving in the manifest in energy bursts and leave his body and the Material Plane
Penumbral plane. towards the Penumbra. This is the result of the infamous psychosur-
If a hero succeeds (15+): You try to jump through the fire without gery ritual!
looking at the people, landing unharmed on the other side. Increase
the XP Token by 1 on HP track. A) Find the place in the image, preventing further psychosurgeries.
If a hero fails (14-): As you jump into the fire, your fear of getting [10]
burned causes the heat’s intensity to increase, burning you until you B) Follow the emotions’ energies through the Penumbra in the hope
cross over to the other side. Take 4 DMG and gain 2 XP. Go to [9] of reversing the process. [17]

8 You try to look and focus on a spot beyond the fire and people. 10 You focus on the mages’ actions and teleport to the outskirts of
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). the Imperial Capital, spotting Torygg Addin Zaiba’s Magic Tower in
the Dweomer district. In the streets, people hold lit candles in protest
(15+: success | 14-: failure) against the mages. You enter the tower and observe mages discussing
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your experience on a new psychosurgery process and its immediate implementation as an
the Penumbral Plane helps you to better visualize your surroundings. alternative against the Kemets. You watch them chatting away until
+3 to roll if the hero’s art has bright eyes - Your powerful eyes help they catch you eavesdropping and fling powerful spells at you.
you to visualize and focus through fire.
A) Try to flee the fight with the mages. [11]
If a hero succeeds (10+): You find a bright spot far away, close your B) Confront those mages for more clues. [12]
eyes, and head towards it, ignoring everything around you. Lose 1 XP.
If a hero fails (9-): Trying to divert your attention elsewhere, you can’t
concentrate and end up watching the people suffer. Gain 1 XP.
11 Did the mages detect you, or was it merely a projection of your
emotions? You try to focus so that you can teleport away before
it is too late.
Go to [9] Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your experience on
the penumbral plane helps focus the mind.
+2 to roll if the hero has 3 or more - A quick reaction can be a

Journal • 171
great help.
13 You are transported again to the Phantom Fortress, an Ironhand
If a hero succeeds (15+): As the mages shoot their spells in your di- prison far away from the Imperial Capital, where important prisoners
rection, you try to focus your thoughts elsewhere, ignoring the threat. are taken and lobotomized. Inside the arcane dome, you see rituals per-
Lose 1 XP. formed on children. The experiments obtain new and impressive results
If a hero fails (14-): You try to focus on getting out of there, but can’t as they are observed by a red-robed wizard, judging the processes.
flee in time to escape their spells. Gain 1 Distracted Token and 1 XP. A) Try to save the children from psychosurgeries. [14]
B) Eavesdrop on the conversations to gain intel. [15]
Go to [13]
C) Flee before it’s too late. [16]

12 You concentrate on defense and counterattacking the mages so 14 The children’s emotions affect you directly, so you try to save them.
that you can gain information from them.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure) (15+: success | 14-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your experience on +1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your experience on
the penumbral plane helps you deal with spells on it. the penumbral plane helps you deal with spells on it.
+2 to roll if you have an attack card with MOVE in its benefit or +4 to roll if you have an attack card with a Slowed effect - Slowing
effect - Extra battle movement can be beneficial in this combat. down your movements can help stop them.
If a hero succeeds (15+): With enormous mental effort, you manage
If a hero succeeds (15+): As the mages conjure spells, you avoid them
to break the connection between the children and the ritual, avoiding its
and attack. They receive your blows, then disappear. They say this is
psychosurgery and confusing the mage. You gain 1
a waste of their time, as they need to recruit the Elementalists and
and 1 XP.
utilize their potential as soon as possible. Gain 1 and 1 XP.
If a hero fails (14-): The children’s emotions affect you to the point
If a hero fails (14-): You try to defend yourself and counterattack the of temporary numbness. Gain 1 Distracted Token. Increase the XP
mages all at once, but they evade your blows. They hit you with their Token by 2 on the HP track.
spells. Gain 1 Weakened Token and 2 XP.
Go to [26]
Go to [13]

172 • Tanares Adventures

15 The words seem indistinguishable to you, requiring a lot of con- 16 You force yourself to put the situation aside and focus on
centration to understand. venturing ahead.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card). Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure) (15+: success | 14-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your expertise in the +1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your experience on
Penumbral plane can help you to focus. the penumbral plane helps focus the mind.
+4 If you are Anariel, Kelanyah, or Niary- Your elven ears are of +4 to Ravel’s and Baolmu’s rolls - They are experts at moving in the
great help. Penumbral plane.
If a hero succeeds (15+): You can understand a few words discussing If a hero succeeds (15+): You manage to focus your thoughts else-
the new psychosurgery process: it will take place in all children and will where, ignoring that scene. Lose 1 XP.
be much more efficient than the previous one. Gain 1 Empowered To- If a hero fails (14-): You try to concentrate on getting out of there, but
ken and 1 XP. the children’s emotions echo inside you, making you suffer along with
them. Gain 1 Distracted Token and 1 XP.
If a hero fails (14-): All the children’s emotions hit you, leaving you pow-
erless and paralyzed for a moment. Gain 1 Weakened Token and 2 XP. Go to [26]
Go to [26]
17 You witness a fantastic phenomenon: the detachment of a sentient
being’s emotions, projected in the form of energy into the Penumbra.
There are many of them. They seem to be following a trail.

A) Try to capture one of these projected emotions. [18]

B) Follow the course that most of them are heading. [19]

18 You approach those beautiful, colorful flames of flickering ener-

gy and gradually feel those emotions projected intensify within you.
They present as a flash in your head, stimulating your own emotions
almost uncontrollably.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your experi-
ence on the penumbral plane helps focus the mind.
+4 to Ravel’s and Baolmu’s rolls - Their madwalker minds are
harder to be affected.
If a hero succeeds (15+): You get to hold one of them in
your hands, amazed at the feeling of intimately knowing
the emotional fullness of a sentient being to the point of
being able to control it—with proper preparation. Gain
1 Empowered Token and 1 XP.
If a hero fails (14-): Your own emotions mix with
the projected ones, making you suffer intensely from
all his pains and traumas. It overwhelms you, and
you flee. Gain 1 Weakened Token and 2 XP.
Go to [22]

19 The energy-emotions released in the Penumbra

seem like flickering flames that walk in a vacuum and
slowly join the others, following a course like a river—
but on the way, Penumbral monsters devour the emo-
tions, making them grow in size. Seeing you, they attack.

A) Focus on defense and try to escape them,going

toward the emotions.[20]

B) Attack them, opening the way towards the

emotions. [21]

Journal • 173
20 The creatures advance on you as their mouths gape grotesquely, 25 You try to distract yourself as your body is swallowed up.
trying to swallow you whole. If the slot marked on the XP track is equal
to or greater than your DEF, keep reading. Otherwise, got to [22] Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
You take 10 DMG. Inside the creature’s belly, you continue to struggle
with its tentacles when suddenly, it vomits you away and quickly flees, +1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your experience on
disappearing. Gain 1 XP. Go to [22] the penumbral plane helps focus the mind.
+2 to Controllers’ rolls - Controllers are used to maintaining the
21 You charge at the creature and strike. Make an Attack roll against focus even in dangerous situations.
the value slot marked on the XP Track. If the result is equal or great-
er, read on. Otherwise, go to [22] If a hero succeeds (15+): You keep your eyes closed and loosen your
body, feeling and hearing nothing else. Gain 1 Protected Token and 1 XP.
You knock down the creature, which seems to reduce its size after
your blow. It vomits up the emotions it had ingested and quickl If a hero fails (14-): You struggle to keep your concentration, but the
flees. Lose 1 XP a hero gains 1 Go to [22] vortex makes you panic, swallowing you. Gain 1 Weakened Token

22 Suddenly, a colossal vortex forms in front of you from the wan-

and 2 XP.

dering emotions, swallowing everything. Go to [26]

A) Try to resist being swallowed. [23]
B) Surrender and throw yourself into the vortex.[24]
C) Focus on escaping. [25]

23 You try to hold on to something solid or

even stick weapons in the ground, but the force
of the vortex seems to increase as if it ab-
sorbs your emotions.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card +
NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your
expertise in the Penumbral plane can help you move
in it.
+2 to rolls if the hero’s art has a sword, spear, or
dagger - Pinning it to the ground can be a great help.
If a hero succeeds (15+): You manage to resist at the
expense of all your physical and mental effort. Gain 1
and 1 XP.
If a hero fails (14-): Unable to avoid it, you are violently
drawn into the vortex. Gain 1 Weakened Token and 2 XP.
Go to [26]

24 When the effect gains strength, you simply throw your-

self into it, seeking not to injure yourself.

Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC

(15+: success | 14-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Penumbral Plane (Mastery) - Your
experience on the penumbral plane helps focus the mind.
+3 or hero rolls with a clear smiley on their card art. -
Sometimes, the best way to face the fear is to smile.

If a hero succeeds (15+): You manage to overcome your

fear and survival instinct and throw yourself into the
vortex’s heart. Gain 1 and 1 XP.
If a hero fails (14-): You end up spinning endlessly, and
your fear only adds to the feeling. Gain 1 Weakened
Token and 2 XP.
Go to [26]

174 • Tanares Adventures

26 In an instant, everything goes dark. A flame lights the dark- 29 You go to Sedura, who tells she has her suspicions about the mage
ness and slowly moves away to a village you recognize as Eb’boria. and encourages your investigation. Each hero gains 1 Protected Token.
Thidexius, the Imperial Mage, leads an attack against it. Before you can Zalir takes you to a portal and an emergency journey through the
do anything, you hear a thousand laughs and several voices speaking penumbra begins. When you land in the penumbra you see people
at the same time: on fire; it engulfs you when you try to help them. Each hero takes 8
“This is where your journey ends. This is where stray emotions meet.
This is where nightmares come to life. And from here, you will never The fire is suddenly put out, replaced by echoes of someone’s memory
leave.” of suffering psychosurgery; the agony is so great that, concentrating
on the place, the Penumbra distorts itself to take you there; you make
A grotesque hostile creature forms before you. the mages responsible retreat. Each hero gains 1 .
The creature can be more or less powerful according to the team’s The shadows then lead you to a similar experience, where now you
focus on controlling the emotions. see what looks like a child having its mind probed in an imperial
Each hero must make an attack roll (with no attack bonus) against facility; this time you’re not fast enough to help. Each hero gains a
Distracted Token.
DEF equal to the XP value. If it exceeds the value, lose 2 XP.
- The team has 3 rounds to kill the monster. Pushed once again through the penumbra, you encounter the arch-
mage, who transforms into a penumbral amalgam and proves too
- Natural 20 is always a success, and natural 1 is always a miss. strong to be defeated. The hero with the highest gains the Tome
- On a miss, the hero takes 5 DMG. Token.
- Heroes may spend 1 to gain +3 on their roll.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 59: “Illusions.”
If the XP Token reaches zero when the third round ends, go to
[27]. Otherwise, go to [28]

27 The creature crumbles after your blows, melting and evaporating

before you. An exit portal opens, revealing the way to the Eb’boria
community. Without a second thought, you go through. When
you get there, you feel a slight discomfort as you return to the
Material Plane. Soon you perceive chaos, where the villagers,
able to control fire, face Imperial Mages who are imple-
menting a mass psychosurgery ritual. They chant magi-
cal words of command that you are trying to memorize.

The hero with the highest gains the Tome Token.

Thidexius sees you and shouts: “You fools! You don’t

know how stupid you are, coming here to try to stop
us! You will not stand in the way of our glorious
Emperor’s plans!”

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 60:


28 The Penumbral Amalgam of Emotions seems

to have grown in power and size as it absorbs your
emotions, drawing you into it. You find yourself in
complete darkness, floating in space. In the dis-
tance, you see lights of lost emotions. With no al-
ternatives, you move while focusing on them, but
when your concentration is shaken, you are strick-
en with intense pain. The most focused among you
take the lead, and images of monsters projected
from your minds appear.
The hero with the highest gains the Tome

Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 59:


Journal • 175
Adventure Chapter HH 2 Choose where to go (you cannot choose the same option twice):
Zarumag Menace A) Ingot, in the Dragonblade Forge. [3]
B) Islair Oloren, in the War Room. [7]

C) Your Dragon Ally, at the cave. [13]
Check if you have on 45- Kelorth or 39 - Azymor. This is your D)If you’ve visited all places (A, B, and C): Start the final
Ally. preparations. [17]
E) (Fast Action Mode — Only if no place has been visited): Let
Now knowing the way, you head for the Dragon Tower to meet Talessa
Talessa decide the best course of action. [19]
to finish what you have started. She is waiting for you in a large and
ornate meeting room. She asks you to sit down for a moment.
3 You enter the forge and meet Ingot, the golem blacksmith.
“By all accounts, the Kemet have gotten what they wanted from the Cult
of the Shadow Wing, leaving Dillsgar, their leader, vulnerable. He must “Yerohaa. I am the best blacksmith in the world. Talessa tells me that
have gathered what few allies he has left and gone into hiding in the you are about to face Zarumag, and if you ask me nicely, I can provide
ruins of Arcana once again, where we can finally stop him. Your dragon something if you help me gather the elemental from the magic field.”
ally is here in a cave near the tower, receiving some care, awaiting for
you. Take your time here and prepare yourselves the best you can.” Go to [4]

“I suggest you meet with Islair Oloren; the elf may give you important
advice. You can visit the forge run by the automaton, Ingot the Golem;
4 While working, Ingot sings out of tune. Choose one (you can’t
choose the same option twice):
or even talk directly to your Avatar Dragon Ally.” Go to [2]
A) Ask it to tell its story. [5]
B) Ask it to start the craft. [6]
C) Leave the Forge. [2]

176 • Tanares Adventures

5 “I was born on a Taii’Maku Illu, and since I remember, I have been “Zarumag is a unique Tanarean creature; as such, he maintains another
form of balance. What balance? Perhaps it is too complex even for me
crafting the best items of Tanares. When my city was attacked, I remem- to explain!”
ber being rescued by Talessa, and I have been here since then. I remember
having a family there, and I will look for them when the war is over. But He picks up some vials and places them before you, “Let’s do a test. If
we must strengthen our army to reclaim our city again, first.” you can convince me that you know what you are doing, I will gladly
pass on my knowledge; if not, I will let ignorance be your ally in this
You hear Talessa’s voice in your mind: quest.”
“The taii’maku did an amazing job on this golem. I don’t know if it was A) If you accept the test, go to [8].
once alive or if they use magic to implant these memories. But they give B) If you don’t want to go through tests, go to [2].
a purpose to the golem’s work, and it feels intense pleasure whenever for
each good item wrought. And here is the interesting part: after craft-
ing an item, his memories reset.” If M´Bollo (hero) is in the Team, it
8 “The image of five great avatars are painted on this table. And here I
have five labeled vials, each containing an essence of each of these drag-
gains 1 . [4] ons. Each label is an abbreviation that identifies the dragon. Obviously,
the essence of Isendden is not part of this test; it’s too rare and important
6 “I can make anything easily with metals, even Bauronite or to play with.” He pockets a vial with the label ‘ED.’ “Your task is simple:
knowing that the order of things is very important, interpret the labels
Tameranium. But I need you to help me because of the magic I need
to infuse on the item. If you can properly solve the magic problem, and drink the essence of your Dragon Ally.”
you will have powerful items that can beat even the Gods…that final
part was a joke.” Islair grabs four vials and places each over the image of a painted
Avatar Dragon:
Choose any Lv. 3 Melee Weapon you don’t own. Attempt 3
On KELORTH, the vial with the abbreviation HR.
“Elemental“ puzzles. You may spend any 5 Loot Cards to buy it; re-
duce this cost by 1 for each puzzle solved correctly. [4] On AZYMOR, the vial with the abbreviation RM.
On THYRA, the vial with the abbreviation RT.
7 You find an elf in the corner, reading a book. He raises his head and On ZARUMAG, the vial with the abbreviation ZR.
looks at each of you, and says: “How do you intend to save Tanares by
upsetting his balance?” Before even waiting for an answer, he closes Each hero must take a sip of a single vial; more than one hero can
his book and continues: drink the same essence. When each hero chooses, check the result
in [12].

Journal • 177
9 “I’m sorry, my fellows, but I believe that your mission will only serve 14 Talessa approaches and says, “Congratulations, heroes! You have
to shake the aforementioned balance. I won’t be able to help you this shown great courage and trust in your companion. You are connected
time.” Put an (Slot 3). Go back to [2]. and ready to face Zarumag.” Each hero (except the Dragon Ally) gains
1 Protect Token. Go to [16]
10 15
“I believe you do not have a complete idea of what you are going
to do, but your knowledge of dragons demonstrates that your intention Talessa approaches and says, “I understand it is not easy to fight
is clear. Take these scrolls, they have my notes about Zarumag.” Put together. May this be a hard lesson, and I hope you learn from your
(Slot 2). Go back to [2]. mistakes. After fighting Zarumag, you won’t have a third chance.” Each
hero (except the Dragon Ally) gains 1 Distracted Token. Go to [16]
11 16
“I don’t know if it’s wisdom or pure connection with your Dragon
Ally; in any case, take these scrolls about Zarumag, and my spell.” Each Talessa heals both dragons. She explains, “The dragon fully trusts
hero gains 1 Empowered Token. Put (Slot 1). Go to [2] you. Use his power with yours, to strike Zarumag as one. This is the only
chance you’ll have.”
12 The HR vial has Thyra’s essence; RM has Zarumag’s essence, RT You hear a voice from your Dragon Ally: “I won’t let you down.
has Kelorth’s essence, and ZR has Azymor’s essence. Zarumag dies today…HRUUUMPH….”
If a hero drank from the vial of your Dragon Ally, it may gain an If your Dragon Ally is Azymor, go to [20]
Empowered Token or charge a Skill Token.
If your Dragon Ally is Kelorth, go to [21]
If it drank from Zarumag’s vial, it takes 10 DMG.
If it drank from any other, that hero gains a Weakened Token.

If fewer than two heroes drank their Dragon Ally’s essence, go to [9].
If two or three did it, go to [10].
If all four heroes drank their Dragon Ally’s
essence, go to [11].

13 Talessa takes you to a large cave

where your Dragon Ally is. Her golden
hand rests upon a wound. You approach
him with a certain amount of discretion, and
he addresses you:

“YOU! HRUUUUMPH... you were the ones responsi-

ble for helping me before... HRUUUUMPH... I can feel
the scent of blood, increasing every day since the invasion...
HRUUUUMPH... I don’t know how long I can bear the call...
but I am in your debt, and I will help you destroy the corrupted
Avatar... HRUUUMPH...”
“Dragons are used to fighting alone,” Talessa says. “You need
to learn how to properly work as a team. Come with me to
Dragonsting Forest again, where you fought Vyrak, the Green
Grab your Dragon Ally’s Attacks (Dragon Collection Box).
Grab Vyrak’s cards, also.
Each dragon has 100 HP/DEF 7. Vyrak starts attacking
(deal 25 DMG on a hit).
Then, choose an attack of your Dragon Ally (ignore its
minion). You must cycle as usual.
A hero may spend 1 to make the Dragon Ally Empowered
3 or Toughened 3 (both before the roll), as if it were a skill
(i.e., all heroes can spend 1 to make it Empowered 12, but
each hero can spend only 1 per turn).
If you win, go to [14]. Otherwise, go to [15].

178 • Tanares Adventures

17 You head once more to the meeting room, where Talessa is waiting 19 Listening to Talessa’s advice, you enter the forge, where Ingot tells
for you: “Well, the time has come for us to begin the Draconic Ritual. you he can try to recover an ancient magic item, but needs your help
For it to come to fruition, I will wait for the exact moment of Zarumag’s to stop the forge gears of the taii’maku. But they’re too strong and you
destruction. Now go!” can’t recover it.

Outside the Tower, the Dragon Ally Avatar is waiting for you, crouch- You then head to the library to obtain scrolls about Zarumag from
ing so you can climb on his back. The Dragon takes off, gaining height Islair Olóren. He gives you a quick test in exchange for your help, each
quickly; the experience is incredible. As you approach Mystical, the of you would have to take a sip of a potion. You choose the potion
Dragon tells you, “Hold tight ...HRUUUUMPH...., because blasts are with Zarumag’s essence and Islair refuses to help you. Put (Slot 3).
coming our way!” Each hero takes 10 DMG.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20 + Hero Card + NPC Card). Finally, you go to the cave where your dragon ally is. There you join
(22+: success | 21-: failure) a ritual of spiritual connection with the dragon and find yourself in
a dreamlike combat with it! You are victorious and gain even more
+1 to the rolls of Tanks and Bruisers - For you, it is like riding a respect from your ally. All heroes (including the Dragon Ally) gain 1
(ginormous) horse. Empowered Token each.
+2 to the rolls of heroes not wearing heavy equipment in their
Card’s illustration - It is easier to hold on when you are lighter. Talessa then announces that you are ready and uses all of the tower’s
power to cast a spell that traps you and Zarumag in a mystical arena,
Success (22+): You hold yourself together well and don’t feel nauseous. where only one side can emerge as the winner.
Failure (21-): You hold on, but the whirls made you sick. Gain 1 Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 72: “Zarumag”
Weakened Token.
Go to [18] 20 “...HRUUUUUUMPH... I am one of the oldest Dragon Avatars
still alive... HRUUUUUMPH...My wrath was provoked thousands of
18 You fly over a battle scene, where a group of kemet is killing the years ago by the conflict of the southern savages...HRUUUUUMPH...I
destroyed their chaotic kingdom, turning it into rivers and lava pits...
Shadow Wing cultists. Your Dragon Ally unleashes his powerful breath,
eliminating everyone in its path. You land next to a wounded Dillsgar, HRUUUUUMPH... since then I have been hunted and threatened, col-
who carries himself with difficulty. “Damn those traitorous Kemet! Do lecting hundreds of territory was invaded by Baleroth’s sol-
they really think I’m disposable? I thank you for finishing them off, but I diers...they somehow drained some of my energy...I wish only to return
was saving a better opportunity to unleash my full power, but it will be to my caves and never be found again...” Go to [2]
now, and you will be my first victims.”

Then he utters some incomprehensible words of power, and his body

21 “My anger was provoked twice... HRUUUUUUUUUMPH...
first by the Kemet and their ambition for power... and then by...
begins to turn dark, until his blackened soul is projected outward and HRUUUUUUUUUMPH... spellcasters fighting their enemies so intense-
becomes a great mass of negative energy, which gradually takes shape, ly that......HRUUUUUUUUUUMPH... attracted me, and Zarumag as
revealing itself to be ZARUMAG! well...we fought in the skies, just as they fought on the ground...a battle
that had no winners, only ...HRUUUUUUUUMPH...death, destruc-
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 72: “Zarumag” tion, and corruption...I migrated west where I imagined I would never
be found, but there were the Kemet, once again...”
Go to [2]

Journal • 179
Adventure Chapter II A) Save Huradrin and flee a dangerous and unnecessary fight. Go to [3]
B) Attempt to destroy the plants as quickly as possible. Go to [4]
Penumbral Secrets C) Warn Huradrin while scaring the plants with lit torches. Go to [5]
D) (Fast Action Mode) Save Huradrin and let him take the lead in
this journey! [16]
1freeHuradrin: “We know that the ritual deprives the Ironhand soldiers of
will; they will only act on officers’ orders. They’re bound to a specif-
ic province and can only leave it with a secret command that only the
2 You keep going, seeing strange shapes, and hearing disturbing
grunts. An intense fear takes hold of you, and the figures manifest
Emperor knows.” into an abomination full of tentacles and glowing eyes. It uses its ten-
He casts a spell and whispers: “The Emperor is alive and hidden under tacles to attack, but you feel paralyzed when you react to it. Then, you
the Arena of Future, in Fisherman’s Wharf. We’ll attempt accessing his hear Huradrin’s voice: “Focus on yourselves; you are heroes capable
mind through the Penumbral Plane and discover the secret command. of conquering your fears. We need to keep our minds strong. Tanares
So Captain Sedura will go on to assemble all soldiers in Tanares to at- depends on us!”
tack the city. This is our best chance to regain Wharf!” Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
• +3 if the hero is a Controller.
You follow Huradrin to the forest, where you go through a portal
• +3 if you choose to use a torch (decrease the Torch Token by 1).
he opened to the Penumbral Plane. You are in the same forest, but
If you have torches remaining, you can use them in other rolls.
everything looks different. Gnarled trees, humidity, and green fog
surround you. Success (13+) You conquer your fears. Nothing happens.
Then, Huradrin says: “Here we are on the Penumbral Plane, the dark Failure (12-) The hero loses 3 Sanity Points.
twin of the Material Plane. Pay attention to your feelings; they can come After all heroes finish their tests, go to [8]
to life and threaten your sanity.”
Each hero places one of their from outside its Mana Pool on the
HP Track position equal to 10+ .
3 As you try to escape, the plants turn to attack you:
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).+3 if
• Ravel and Baolmu have +3 on this, as Madwalkers can withstand the hero is Thalia.
the Penumbral influences better.
• +3 if the hero is a Tactician.
• This represents the hero’s sanity, which can deteriorate in the
Success (13+): You dodge the attacks. Nothing happens.
Penumbral Plane. You will not die if it reaches 0, but it will be
challenging to deal with the Kemet if your mind becomes twisted Failure (12-): The hero gains 1 Bleeding Token.
by madness. After attempting to evade the plants, you pull Huradrin away in time
and run through the woods. You realize that the tense situation and
While Huradrin is calmly closing the portal, tentacles rise from bush-
the fear of the plants make you more scared of the Penumbral Plane.
es resembling monstrous carnivorous plants. The tentacles rush to-
Huradrin tells you to control your emotions; this impulsiveness can
ward Huradrin.
bring more Penumbral Monsters. Each hero loses 2 sanity points. He
also says there was a shortcut to the Arena of Future, but now it’s not
worth returning to. You move on. Go to [2]

4(SlotYou1).attack the plants, and in return, they attack Huradrin. Put

Right after the plants are hit, they direct their attacks on you.
They don’t seem very tough, but their thorny tentacles are dangerous
to anyone near them.
Each hero makes a Basic Attack (HP 1 / DEF 12). There are three
plants. Once all heroes attack, all melee heroes take 8 DMG per
living plant.
• +3 to roll if your hero’s art has fire on it.
Each hero loses 1 sanity point. Every killed plant shrivels and dries,
emitting a strong-smelling smoke. Huradrin says, “Be careful and con-
trol your emotions, as this impulsiveness could bring more Penumbral
Monsters. At least we’ll be able to use the roots of the plants you’ve killed
as torches; they’re one of the few kinds of wood that catch fire here.”
You then light a torch for each plant you killed. Mark the number of
torches by placing the Torch Token on the corresponding number on
the HP Track. Go to [6]

5 You alert Huradrin about the plants. He doesn’t panic and remains
in place, as if he already knew of their presence. You try to light the
torch, but the humidity won’t allow it. The druid says:
“Calm down. The plants will only attack us in self-defense. Their roots
can be used as a torch, but it is not safe to fight them. There are also
many dangerous creatures here.” [6]

180 • Tanares Adventures

6 Huradrin says that there is a dangerous shortcut, but it can save you
time and hide you from the creatures.
A) Take the most dangerous shortcut. The sooner you arrive, the more
time you will have to go through the mind-reading process. Go to [7]
B) Take the longest path, which seems safer. Go to [2]

7 You quicken your pace, reach the heart of the woods, and pass
through a tangle of thorny bushes. Each hero takes 5 DMG. You arrive
at a clearing just near the Arena of Future. Put (Slot 2). Go to [8]

8 You arrive in a clearing and notice four small, smelly, dirty, and
drooling creatures with tribal paints and robes. They approach you.
Huradrin says they’re harmless. At that moment, one of them jumps
and slaps the head of the less intelligent hero with a rock (hero with
the lowest ). Then another runs toward the less charismatic hero
(the hero with the lowest ) and spits in its face. These two heroes
gain 1 Distracted Token each. The other two creatures prepare to in-
sult the other two heroes.
A) You’ve had enough of the insults. Attack the creatures. [9]
B) You allow them to mock the other two heroes and be quiet, waiting
to see what will unfold next. [10]
C) You run towards the Arena of Future, avoiding conflict with the
creatures. [11] 10 The creatures finish mocking you, and then Huradrin says: “You
have controlled your emotions and did not succumb to anger. I’m proud

9 You punish the petulant little creatures and kill them instantly. of you.” Remove all Distracted Tokens from heroes, and each hero re-
covers 1 Sanity Point. Go to [14]
Huradrin says: “No, don’t let anger consume you. It can create more...”
Before Huradrin finishes speaking, the spirits of the creatures unite
into a giant monster, fueled by rage. It has red eyes, large claws, and 11 You decide to avoid the conflict and flee toward the Arena. The
four arms. It attacks you immediately. creatures laugh at you. Their laughs grow louder and follow you the
entire way. Somehow you lose some spirit. Each hero loses 1 . [14]
Penumbral Anger - HP 4/DEF 11.
The creature makes an attack against the hero with the most HP. 12 You arrive at the Arena of Future. Huradrin says: “We are at
the right place.”
• +3 to the creature’s roll if the target is a Brute
• Hit: The hero loses 3 Sanity Points and takes 8 DMG. As you approach, you feel a unique energy on the Penumbra and see
• Miss: Nothing happens images coming directly from the Emperor’s mind.

Then, the four heroes attack (consider the item bonuses). Your body floats, and then you
• -3 to the hero’s roll if it is a Brute fall into a strange void, prob-
• +3 to the hero’s roll if it is a Healer ably his mind’s defenses.
• Hit: The creature takes 1 DMG. Go to the Quest Guide
• Miss: Nothing happens. and set up Quest 68:
If the creature still is alive, repeat the process (it attacks, then the “Order 99”
heroes attack) until it dies.
After brutal combat, you defeat the creature with Huradrin’s help. [14]

Journal • 181
Lords of Arcana painting: “I feel an intense pain and guilt. This feeling.. Oh, for Dorsi, he killed all his brothers and sisters.”

Baleroth: “I feel a strange connection with a... Oh, the Emperor is a

demon—no, he became it using some forbidden magic.”

Emperor on the throne: “I feel lots of conflicting

feelings. Some good, some evil.”

182 • Tanares Adventures

13 Solnertha Challenge: Fighting the Heroes’ Shadows
• Survive three rounds of Shadow Attacks.
• - There are 4 shadows; each one is a copy of a hero
• All heroes start attacking, then all remaining Shadows attack.
• After THREE rounds, the combat ends.
• Each hero can choose:
Ŝ Make a Basic Attack on ANY Shadow (DEF 8). Use the attack
and item bonuses to roll.
Ŝ Dodge: Test (1d20+Hero+NPC card), success: 12+: You
dodge when the Shadow attacks you.
• Whenever a Shadow is hit, its copied hero takes the DMG.
• After two hits on the same Shadow, it is destroyed and gives 2
Empowered Tokens to the hero it copied.
• Shadows always attack their copied hero (hit automatically). The
hero takes 4 DMG and loses 3 Sanity Points.
• If the hero dodged successfully, ignore the attack.

After the shadows disappear, Huradrin says: 15 Huradrin quickly explains the basic operation of the machine
he learned from Solnertha’s mind. “This was a perfect coincidence,” he
“This is terrible news. The Kemets built a unique, gigantic war machine says. “The kemet haven’t used the machine because she awaits instruc-
to invade fortresses. In addition to its immense war power, it can move tions from another general. I will create a portal, and we can attack it
through the Penumbra and reach any place quickly. It could make an before they prepare.”
enormous difference when we start the final push to the city.”
You take the portal and arrive in front of the machine. You see some
He pauses, saddened. “However, if we attack it, the kemet will find out Ironhand Soldiers imprisoned and injured. You quickly free them, but
what we are doing and block us from getting the Emperor’s command the Kemets notice your presence and attack.
word. You need to choose now. Should we take this powerful machine
or increase our number to the final push?” Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 69: “War Machine”

A) Run to the Arena of Future. Numbers are critical for the

city invasion. [12]
16 The plants injure you before you can get rid of them. Each hero
gains 1 Bleeding Token. Then, your fear manifests into a penumbral
B) Ask Huradrin to open a portal and ambush the Kemets to steal creature. Huradrin encourages you not to lose control. With his help,
their War Machine. [15] you can resist and cast it away.

14 You run as fast as possible to reach the Arena of Future. On the You continue your journey and arrive at a clearing with small crea-
tures who mock and insult you. You return the insults by cutting them
way, Hudradrin suddenly stops. in half; from the body parts, an Anger creature manifests and attacks
“Wait. Something’s wrong. I can feel a powerful Kemet protection here. you. The fight is tough, but you win. Each hero takes 8 DMG.
Something of great importance lies nearby.” He pauses to focus. “It is Finally, you arrive at Arena of the Future on the Penumbral Plane and
the mind of Solnertha, the Necromancer General. Quickly, destroy her move toward the Emperor’s mind signature.
mental protection. We need to investigate this.”
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 68: “Order 99”
Huradrin focus and some skeletons materialize and attack you, but
you defeat them quickly. When Huradrin tries to get deeper into her
mind, something strange happens. A shadow of each hero appears in
front of them, blocking the way. They draw their weapons and walk
toward you. [13]

Journal • 183
184 • Tanares Adventures
Journal • 185
Adventure Chapter JJ If you didn’t find the Kemet: He sabotages the city.
If you didn’t find any Sedura, Zalir OR Huradrin: They are less ef-
Save Wharfugee! ficient in their operation later.
If you have perhaps found Sara’s crystal ball: One hero gains 1
1city“Sara comes desperate to talk to you: “I see an imminent attack. The
is burning. We must prepare ourselves, and we don’t have much time.”
Protected Token
Go to [3]
She is very agitated to explain better, but she tries to calm down and
say: “I saw Wharfugee burning. Gullog is coming to attack the city. I
also can see a Kemet spy on the city. Please, find this Kemet and Sedura,
3 You alert the Ironhands to a pos-
sible Kemet attack! With this, they
Huradrin, and Zalir as fast as possible. We need to coordinate a defense. intensify their patrols on the walls.
Also, if you can, I lost one of my crystal balls. Look for it too.” You spend the rest of the time co-
ordinating the people to reduce the
Sara seems too upset, the best thing to do is to find Sedura, Huradrin deaths and assigning your assets to
and Zalir to alert them. different places in the city.
Choose one: Sara comes again, this time a little
A) (Fast Action Mode) Sara has a good sixth sense, let it guide and
find the others to alert them. [10] “Finally, I found you. I had a vision.
B) You yourself will search and alert everyone. Keep reading Gullog and his troops are now resting and preparing for the assault,
which will happen shortly. This gave me an idea. Of course, you can
Check the 4 character images below. Then, go to the previ- defend the city against the Kemet army, as expected.”
ous page. Each player has 2 minutes to find them. When a
player finds one, the next one does not need to find it again. She takes a deep breath: “There is an alternate way to deal with it. I
After you finish, go to [2]. can make a ritual for us to enter Gullog’s dream, making him stop the
attack. Well, technically is not his dream, as he is not sleeping now. It
is a dream buried in the posterior mind of Thav.... Never mind, don’t
bother with the details. It is risky. But if it works, we can stop the attack
with significantly fewer deaths. I know, if we fail, the damage will be
enormous. Well, it is up to you.”
A) Make the ritual. As you can reduce the damage to the city, it is
worth trying. [4]
B) Defend the city. Wharfugee will be in severe trouble should this
plan fails. [6]

4 You rush to the Tavern. When you get there, you go to the basement,
where you see a circle with 5 spiders drawn on the floor. You also see
some smoke and a strange energy.
“We don’t have much time. We must start the ritual at once. Prepare
to have the most unique experience of your life. Even though I never
2 If you find everyone: The Kemet spy is arrested before he can cause used this last resource, I think now it is the time.”
more damage. Also, Huradrin, Sedura, and Zalir gather with Sara to
organize an efficient defense.

186 • Tanares Adventures

You see the spiders glowing in purple, and everything becomes dark. invasion. I don’t know what dangers his mind can throw on you. Be
You have the most strange sensation ever, like losing your body on your guard”. Suddenly, you appear in a room with Sara and Gullog.
and floating in the air. Suddenly, your vision returns, and you are Some kemets and undeads appear too and go in your direction.
in a strange place. You also have a choking sight. Each of you is a
Kemet General. Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 70 - “Gullog’s Dream”.

Choose a kemet general to each hero become, except Baraelmer.

Go to [5]

5 You are in a village and see Baraelmerer talking to a villager elder:

“It is the second month you do not pay your taxes correctly. You already
know three-quarters of everything you produce is ours. So we will make
you remember this number. They will kill 1/4 of your village today. I
personally don’t like it, but I need to be fair. This is what we agreed. My
generals, focus on their soldiers and elders, try to let the workers live.”
The Elder begs, crying: “No, please. This will never happen again. This
month many people were sick.” Baraelmer just ignores him.
The attack starts, and you are compelled to attack the villagers. Each
hero rolls a D20 and sums its Force (ignore the NPCs). Baraelmer
talks to the hero who gets a higher result:
Today you were the best general. You should be proud. You killed
more villagers than any other.” The hero gains 1 Empowered Token.
“In another matter. who is this boy? He killed many soldiers and was
not captured.” You see some soldiers bringing a woman and a boy far
from it.
6 You continue to organize the army and people. Two hours later,
“Release my mom. I swear, if you touch her, I will destroy you all.” you hear sounds of battle and an alarm coming from the walls. Kemet
troops are attacking! Before you can get to the walls, flaming arrows
Baraelmer looks at the boy, respectfully: “I am not a monster. I know cross the sky, hitting some essential parts of the city. The flames are
they want to kill her, but she will be judge for the crime of giving life rising fast, and the Ironhands seem very busy at the wall. You must
to a murder. This is fair. I could order them to kill you, but for your try to save one of the buildings.
bravery, you deserve a second chance.”
A) Save the armory. It is vital to guarantee that the Ironhand will be
You see an image of a mountain, adequately equipped for the final assault. [7]
feeling great pain. Then, you B) Save the Mill. There the troops’ food supply is located, and many
hear Sara’s voice in your heads, soldiers can starve to death, if you do not secure their food, affecting
“Gullog is resisting the their numbers in future battles [8]

7 You arrive at the armory, and the fire has spread to a part of it, but
the equipment can still be saved.
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(15+: success | 14-: failure)
+1 to all rolls per Prestige with Peoples (Mastery) - Your heroic rep-
utation ellicits the help of the villagers.
+3 if a hero has water/ice on its art - The best resources to combat
the fire now!
-3 if you did not find the Kemet Spy - The infiltrated Kemet has pre-
pared some dry straw that increase the fire!
3 or more heroes succeed (15+): You go to the armory, and
with much effort, you are able to extinguish the fire. You can guar-
antee the Ironhands will have good weapons. Each hero gains 1
Empowered Token.
2 or more heroes fail (14-): Despite your best efforts, you could not
control the fire that destroyed the building and caused some burns to
you. Distribute 15 DMG among the heroes.
Go to [9]

8 When you arrive at the mill, the fire has spread to the roof. The
building is still not affected. Some villagers are perplexed watching the
scene. You can coordinate a quick action with them to put out the fire.

Journal • 187
Each hero makes a TEST (d20+ Hero Card + NPC Card).
(24+: success | 23-: failure)
9 Sedura finds you in the way:
“My friends, it is now or never. I see some enemies already inside the
+1 to all rolls per Prestige with Peoples (Mastery) - Your fame makes city. I will protect the east side, go to Tiger square and stop them. I
the peasants more cooperative. trust you, don’t let Wharfugee fall.”
+3 if a hero has water/ice on its art - The best resources to combat You return to Tiger square and see an elite Kemet Team putting fire
the fire now! around. You must stop them and save the structures from the fire.
Fortunately, Sedura thought about this possibility, and some magic
-3 if you did not find the Kemet Spy - The infiltrated Kemet has pre- water is ready to be used.
pared some dry straw that increase the fire!
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 71: “Wharfugee on Fire.”
At least 1 hero succeeds (24+): One of you takes the lead and quickly
coordinates the peasants to get the fire under control and save the
food. Each hero gains 1 Protected Token. 10 You find only Zalir and Sedura, who immediately put their troops
on high alert. Sara tells you she has a plan to invade Gullog’s mind, but
All heroes fail (23-): Despite your best efforts, you could not control it seems too risky; instead, you decide to defend Wharfugee in the thick
the fire that destroyed the building and caused some burns to you. of battle. After two hours organizing town and helping the villagers,
Distribute 10 DMG among the heroes. the sounds of battle reach your ears. Before you can answer the calls
for help, you spot a rain of flaming arrows. Buildings and structures
Go to [9] begin to burn. You decide to save the mill. Commanding a group of
workers, you save the food stored therein, after a serious effort and
some burns. Freely distribute 15 DMG among heroes. Sedura then
comes to you and informs there are kemet arsonists inside the city.
You rush to protect and save Wharfugee.
Go to the Quest Guide and set up Quest 71: “Wharfugee on Fire.”

188 • Tanares Adventures

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