Development of Brake Pad For Automobile Using Orga

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166 Advances in Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering Application IX

M. Chen et al. (Eds.)

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Development of Brake Pad for Automobile

Using Organic Wastes as Reinforcement
Joseph ABUTU a, Ibrahim Ogu SADIQ b,1, Noseh Ali DAN-ASABE a and Taiwo
Adetunji ALABI c
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Taraba State University, Jalingo-Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna-
Department of Planning and Policy Analysis, National Productivity Centre, Abuja-

Abstract. In this work, locally sourced organic wastes were used to produce brake
pad using Taguchi experimental design. Organic wastes selected for production
include seashell and snot apple fiber while graphite, ceramic wastes and araldite
were used as friction modifier, abrasive and binder respectively. Nine samples
were produced using Taguchi design technique by varying percentage composition
and adopting constant process parameters. Sample characterization was carried out
by investigating the tribological properties (wear rate and friction coefficient). The
experimental findings revealed that optimal wear rate of the developed brake pad
can be obtained using seashell (105.5g), snot apple fiber (4.5g), araldite (50g),
ceramic (24g) and graphite (22g) while the optimal friction coefficient can be
obtained using seashell (96g), snot apple fiber (4g), araldite (40g), ceramic (20g)
and graphite (22g). Based on the results obtained, it can concluded that the
selected organic wastes can effectively serve as reinforcement materials in the
production of brake pads.

Keywords. Reinforcement, binder, friction, abrasive, brake pad

1. Introduction

Brake pads are heterogeneous material composed of different elements with each
constituent element having its own functions which include improvement of frictional
properties at low and high temperature reduce noise prolong life, increase strength and
rigidity as well as reduce porosity [1]. Dagwa and Ibhadode [2] have revealed that
changes in the weight percentage or types of elements in the brake pads formulation
may result to the alternation of the chemical, mechanical and physical properties of the
brake pad materials developed. Over the years asbestos have been used as
reinforcement materials in the development of brake pads for automobile. However,
due to the carcinogenic nature of the material, it has lost favour. Hence, there is need to
find a possible replacement for asbestos. Several materials have been used as substitute

Ibrahim Ogu SADIQ, Corresponding author, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal
University of Technology, Minna-Nigeria; E-mail: [email protected].
J. Abutu et al. / Development of Brake Pad for Automobile Using Organic Wastes 167

for asbestos in the development of brake pad using non-hazardous reinforcement

materials [3].
In addition, Ole–Von et al. [4] have revealed that the use of antimony as friction
modifier in commercial brake pads posed a human cancer risk due to considerable
concentrations of Sb in the material. As a result, there is also need to find new friction
modifier such as graphite in the development of brake pad material with commercially
viability and environmental acceptability.
Garcia et al. [5] have utilized rice husks as reinforcement material and revealed
that the agricultural product can be utilised as filler in brake pad production. Nakagawa
et al. (2015) also utilized metal fibres in the production of brake pads so as to counter
the environmental pollution caused by asbestos and revealed that it performed
effectively. Though, poor resistance to corrosion was recorded which may be attributed
to the presence of the metal particles in the composite. In addition, Abutu et al. [3] and
Abutu et al. [6] have utilized coconut shells and seashell respectively as reinforcement
material and found that the two performed better when compared with a commercially
available brake pads. Also, Lawal et al. [7] utilized grinded waste tyre scrap (rubber) as
reinforcement materials and found that the formulated optimal sample degraded
between 149.9 and 478.4 °C, with a peak degradation at temperature at 394.8 °C.
Therefore, in this work, a brake pad will be developed using seashell and snot apple
fiber as reinforcement materials and thereafter characterized by investigating the
tribological properties.

2. Materials and Methods

This section deals with the experimental methods and details of the materials used for
the conduct of the research.

2.1. Materials

In this work, seashells sourced from Lagos bar beach-Nigeria and snot apple fiber
obtained from Numan-Adamawa State were used as reinforcement material while
graphite obtained used 1.5V dry cells and ceramics gotten from damaged ceramic
products were used as friction modifier and abrasive respectively. Also, araldite (VISA:
Modified Acrylic Adhesive) was used binder.

2.2. Preparation of Constituent

The seashells and graphite used in this study were prepared by washing, drying for
three days, crushing into smaller pieces, grinding into powder using a grinding machine
and sieving with a mesh size ≥125 µm. However, the graphite rods were extracted from
used 1.5 volts batteries using pliers. In addition, the snot apple fibers were washed
using sodium hydroxide (NaOH), dried for a period of three days, and cut into length of
168 J. Abutu et al. / Development of Brake Pad for Automobile Using Organic Wastes

2.3. Design of Experiment

In this study, Taguchi (L934) was utilized for experimental design. The factor levels
utilized in this study include reinforcement (100-120g), binder (40-60g), abrasive (20-
28g) and friction modifier (10-22g). Also, the experimental design matrix obtained
using Minitab 19 software is presented in table 1.

Table 1. Taguchi L934 Experimental design matrix.

S/No Reinforcement (g) Binder (g) Abrasive (g) Friction modifier (g)
1 100 40 20 10
2 110 50 24 16
3 120 60 28 22
4 100 50 24 22
5 110 60 28 10
6 120 40 20 10
7 100 60 28 16
8 110 40 20 22
9 120 50 24 10

2.4. Production Process

The production of the brake pad samples was carried using a hydraulic press (VOLTZ
Tool, 10000kg) situated at the Hydraulic Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering
Department, Taraba State University, Jalingo-Nigeria. Production was done using
varying composition as shown in table 1 and a constant process parameter (14 MPa
moulding pressure, 160ºC moulding temperature, 12-minute curing time and 1 hour
heat treatment time). The moulding procedure involves pouring a weighed portion of
the araldite into a container followed by the addition of small amount of hardener.
However, the seashell, snot apple fiber, ceramic and graphite were also mixed
thoroughly in a separate container. The overall mixture was thereafter mixed
thoroughly using a manual blender in order to obtain a homogenous mixture and then
transferred into the mould for compression. The produced brake pad samples are shown
in figure 1.

Figure 1. Produced brake pad samples.

2.5. Sample Characterization

Brake pads samples were characterized by investigating their tribological properties

(wear rate and coefficient of friction). The wear rate was carried out in accordance with
ASTM G77 standard using a Bench grinder (MD-3220K; 230V-50Hz-Taiwan) with
J. Abutu et al. / Development of Brake Pad for Automobile Using Organic Wastes 169

disc diameter and speed of 2950 rev/min and 250 mm respectively. Also, coefficient of
friction of the developed samples was measured in accordance with ASTM D203
standard using an inclined plane

3. Results and Discussion

The experimental results obtained from sample characterization along with signal-to
noise ratios are presented in table 2 below. The experimental results showed a wear rate
of 1.34±3.5 x10-6 mg/m and friction coefficient of 0.483±0.557. These results are in
close agreement with the work of Dagwa and Ibhadode [2] who reported coefficient of
friction of 0.35±0.44 and wear rate of 0.17±1.70 x10-6 mg/m. In addition, the main
effect plots which specified the optimal conditions for individual response were
thereafter represented as shown in figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 revealed that the optimal
conditions for wear rate of the developed brake pad can be obtained using seashell
(105.5g), snot apple fiber (4.5g), araldite (50g), ceramic (24g) and graphite (22g) while
figure 3 revealed that the optimal conditions for friction coefficient of the developed
brake pad can be obtained using seashell (96g), snot apple fiber (4g), araldite (40g),
ceramic (20g) and graphite (22g). Zaharudin et al. [8] have revealed that any change
from these optimal conditions may affect the performance of the friction material
during application.
Table 2. Results of sample characterization.
Experimental Signal to noise ratios
Experimental factors results (Db)
snot Wear cient
apple Cera rate of Coeffici
S/ Seashe fiber Araldi mic Graphi (10-6 frictio Wear ent of
N ll (g) (g) te (g) (g) te (g) mg/m) n rate friction
1 96 4 40 20 10 3.5 0.533 -40.6765 -5.4655
2 105.5 4.5 50 24 16 1.44 0.500 -40.6055 -6.0206
3 115 5 60 28 22 1.45 0.516 -39.8784 -5.7470
4 96 4 50 24 22 2.34 0.532 -39.6761 -5.4769
5 105.5 4.5 60 28 10 2.88 0.511 -40.4634 -5.8316
6 115 5 40 20 10 3.07 0.483 -40.1958 -6.3211
7 96 4 60 28 16 3.06 0.523 -40.4700 -5.6300
8 105.5 4.5 40 20 22 1.34 0.557 -40.7891 -5.0829
9 115 5 50 24 10 2.34 0.532 -40.3682 -5.4818

Main Effects Plot for SN ratios of Wear rate Main Effects Plot for SN ratios of Coeficient of friction
Data Means Data Means
Seashell (g) snot apple fiber (g) Araldite (g) Ceramic (g) Graphite (g) Seashell (g) snot appl e fiber (g) Araldite (g) Ceramic (g) Graphit e (g)
-4 -5.4

Mean of SN ratios

Mean of SN ratios





-10 -5.9
96.0 105.5 115.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 40 50 60 20 24 28 10 16 22 96.0 105.5 115.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 40 50 60 20 24 28 10 16 22

Signal-to-noise: Smaller is better Signal-to-noise: Larger is better

Figure 2. Main effect plots for wear rate. Figure 3. Main effect plots for Coefficient of friction.
170 J. Abutu et al. / Development of Brake Pad for Automobile Using Organic Wastes

In addition, the contour plots presented in figures 4 and 5 deduce the effect of
changes in two independent variables (seashell and araldite) when the other variables
are kept constant. Figure 4 indicates that the wear rate increases as the seashell
increases with increasing araldite. Careful observations showed that the wear rate of
less than 1.5 x10-6 mg/m can be achieved using seashell of 105.5g and araldite of 45g
and vice versa. Also, figure 5 shows that friction coefficient of the developed brake pad
increases as the seashell increases with decreasing araldite. Careful observations
showed that the friction coefficient of greater than 0.55 can be achieved using seashell
of 103g and araldite of 41g and vice versa.

Contour Plot of Wear rate (10-6 mg/m) vs Seashell (g), Araldite (g)
Wear rate
< 1.5
110.5 1.5 – 2.0
2.0 – 2.5
2.5 – 3.0
108.0 3.0 – 3.5
Seashell (g)

> 3.5





40 45 50 55 60
Araldite (g)

Figure 4. Contour plots for wear rate.

Contour Plot of Coeficient of friction vs Seashell (g), Araldite (g)
Coeficient of
< 0.49
0.49 – 0.50
110.5 0.50 – 0.51
0.51 – 0.52
0.52 – 0.53
108.0 0.53 – 0.54
Seashell (g)

0.54 – 0.55
> 0.55




40 45 50 55 60
Araldite (g)

Figure 5. Contour plots for friction coefficient.

4. Conclusion
In this study, seashell and snot apple fiber were used as non-hazardous reinforcement
material to produce brake pads. The newly developed friction material was investigated
by determining its tribological properties. From the result obtained, the following
conclusion can be drawn.
a) Variation in the brake pad constituents affects the properties of friction materials
as the brake pad samples possesses a wear rate of 1.34±3.5 x10-6 mg/m and
friction coefficient of 0.483±0.557
b) The optimal conditions for wear rate of the developed brake pad can be obtained
using seashell (105.5g), snot apple fiber (4.5g), araldite (50g), ceramic (24g) and
graphite (22g) while the optimal conditions for friction coefficient of the
J. Abutu et al. / Development of Brake Pad for Automobile Using Organic Wastes 171

developed brake pad can be obtained using seashell (96g), snot apple fiber (4g),
araldite (40g), ceramic (20g) and graphite (22g)
c) In the development of brake pad for automobile application, it is recommended
that graphite (friction modifier) of 22grams be used and any alteration in the
value of the constituent materials from the optimal values may lead to a poor
bonding between the resin and its constituent fillers.


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