75 Types of Wood Ranked by Janka Hardness 3 - Print Poster 1

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75 Tools

Types of Wood
Ranked by Hardness
And How They Are Used
Decorative Boats Buoys Matches Paper
Flooring Archery Bows Fencing Surfboards Framing Piano Keys
Railroad Exterior Pallets Toys Snowshoes Baseball Bats
Furniture Cabinetry Ladders Crates Utility Poles Electric
Musical Small Objects Firewood Construction

The Janka hardness test measures how resistant wood is to denting and wear. It measures the force required
to embed a 0.444-inch (11.28 mm) steel ball halfway into the wood sample.
Lbf = Pound-force N = Newtons
5,060 LBf 4,800 LBf 4,570 LBf 4,500 LBf 4,270 LBf
22,500 N 21,000 N 20,340 N 20,000 N 18,990 N
4 0 0 0 LBf

Australian Baraúna Quebracho Guayacan Gidgee

Allocasuarina Schinopsis Schinopsis Lignum vitae Acacia cambagei
luehmannii brasiliensis quebracho-colorado
3,800 LBf 3,710 LBf 3,680 LBf 3,670 LBf 3,664 LBf
17,000 N 16,520 N 16,370 N 16,320 N 16,300 N

Snakewood Verawood Camelthorn African Grey Ironbark

Blackwood Eucalyptus
Brosimum guianense Bulnesia arborea Vachellia erioloba Dalbergia melanoxylon paniculata
3,660 LBf 3,660 LBf 3,630 LBf 3,510 LBf 3,330 LBf
16,260 N 16,260 N 16,150 N 15,620 N 14,800 N

Katalox Black Ironwood Curupay Ipe Camaru

Swartzia cubensis Krugiodendron Anadenanthera Handroanthus spp. Dipteryx odorata
ferreum colubrina
3,260 LBf 3,130 LBf 2,960 LBf 2,940 LBf 2,900 LBf
14,500 N 13,920 N 14,140 N 13,080 N 12,900 N
3 0 0 0 LBf

Desert Bulletwood Cocobolo African Bloodwood

Ironwood Manilkara bidentata Dalbergia retusa Mesquite Brosimum rubescens
Olneya tesota Prosopis africana
2,790 LBf 2,690 LBf 2,680 LBf 2,620 LBf 2,520 LBf
12,410 N 11,950 N 12,920 N 11,640 N 11,190 N

Brazilian Jatoba Live Oak Osage Orange Purpleheart

Rosewood Hymenaea courbaril Quercus virginiana Maclura pomifera Peltogyne spp.
Dalbergia nigra
2,410 LBf 2,400 LBf 2,370 LBf 2,340 LBf 2,330 LBf
10,720 N 10,680 N 10,550 N 10,410 N 10,360 N

Bubinga Santos Blue Gum Honey Spotted Gum

Mahogany Eucalyptus Mesquite
Guibourtia spp. Myroxylon balsamum Prosopis glandulosa Corymbia maculata
2,170 LBf 2,150 LBf 2,140 LBf 2,030 LBf 1,970 LBf
9,640 N 9,550 N 9,520 N 9,030 N 8,760 N
2 0 0 0 LBf

Goncalo Burma Padauk Pignut Karri Mockernut

Alves Pterocarpus Hickory Eucalyptus Hickory
Astronium graveolens macrocarpus Carya glabra diversicolor Carya tomentosa
1,930 LBf 1,860 LBf 1,840 LBf 1,830 LBf 1,810 LBf
8,590 N 8,270 N 7,620 N 8,160 N 8,100 N

Pistachio Jarrah Merbau Zebrawood Shellbark

Pistacia vera Eucalyptus Intsia bijuga Microberlinia Hickory
marginata brazzavillensis Carya laciniosa
1,780 LBf 1,700 LBf 1,550 LBf 1,390 LBf 1,320 LBf
7,940 N 7,560 N 6,900 N 6,200 N 5,870 N

Amendoim Black Locust Plum Apricot White Ash

Pterogyne nitens Robinia pseudoacacia Prunus domestica Prunus armeniaca Fraxinus americana

1,300 LBf 1,210 LBf 1,150 LBf 1,070 LBf 1,060 LBf
5,780 N 5,380 N 5,120 N 4,740 N 4,720 N

American Black Oak Sweet Cherry Teak Southern

Beech Quercus velutina Prunus avium Tectona grandis Red Oak
1 0 0 0 LBf

Fagus grandifolia Quercus falcata

1,010 LBf 950 LBf 910 LBf 900 LBf 900 LBf
4,490 N 4,230 N 4,050 N 4,000 N 4,000 N

Tamo Ash Red Maple Paper Birch Aromatic Honduran

Fraxinus Acer rubrum Betula papyrifera Red Cedar Mahogany
mandshurica Juniperus virginiana Swietenia macrophylla
840 LBf 770 LBf 720 LBf 710 LBf 620 LBf
3,740 N 3,430 N 3,200 N 3,160 N 2,760 N

Northern Sycamore Box Elder Lacewood Douglas Fir

Silky Oak Platanus Acer negundo Panopsis rubescens Pseudotsuga
Cardwellia sublimis occidentalis menziesii
590 LBf 510 LBf 500 LBf 450 LBf 430 LBf
5 0 0 LBf

2,620 N 2,270 N 2,220 N 2,000 N

Tamarack Cypress Eastern Redwood Eastern

Larix larcina Taxodium distichum Hemlock Sequoia Cottonwood
Tsuga canadensis sempervirens Populus deltoides
420 LBf 390 LBf 380 LBf 380 LBf 350 LBf
1,870 N 1,740 N 1,690 N 1,690 N

Western Maritime Pine Sugar Pine Eastern Yellow

White Pine Pinus pinaster Pinus lambertiana White Pine Buckeye
Pinus monticola Pinus strobus Aesculus flava
350 LBf 320 LBf 320 LBf 300 LBf 67 LBf
1,560 N 1,420 N 1,420 N 1,330 N 300 N

Atlantic European Monkey Puzzle Paulownia Balsa

White Cedar Silver Fir Araucaria araucana Paulownia Ochroma pyramidale
Chamaecyparis thyoides Abies alba tomentosa
Sources: wood-database.com

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