Ferritic Nitrocarburizing of Plain Carbon Steels: Scholarship at Uwindsor

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Scholarship at UWindsor
Electronic Theses and Dissertations


Ferritic Nitrocarburizing of Plain Carbon Steels

Madhavan Manivannan
University of Windsor

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Manivannan, Madhavan, "Ferritic Nitrocarburizing of Plain Carbon Steels" (2015). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 5486.

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Ferritic Nitrocarburizing of Plain Carbon Steels


Madhavan Manivannan

A Dissertation
Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies
through the Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
at the University of Windsor

Windsor, Ontario, Canada


© 2015 Madhavan Manivannan

Ferritic Nitrocarburizing of Plain Carbon Steels


Madhavan Manivannan


K. Li, External Examiner
Oakland University

J. Johrendt
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering

R.J. Bowers
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering

W. Altenhof
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering

D. O. Northwood, Co-Advisor
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering

V. Stoilov, Co-Advisor
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering

13th May 2015


This dissertation includes [4] original papers that have been previously

published/submitted for publication in peer reviewed journals, as follows:

Dissertation Publication title/full citation Publication status


Finite Element Simulations of Geometric

Chapter 4,5 Distortions in Ferritic Nitrocarburized SAE 1010 “published”
Plain Carbon Steel/Manivannan, M., Stoilov, V.,
and Northwood, D.O., Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Thermal Process
Modeling and Computer Simulation, pp. 139-144,
June 16, 2014, Orlando, FL, USA
Chapter 4,5 The Use of Navy C-rings to Study, and Predict,
Distortion in Heat Treated Components:
Experimental Measurements and Computer “published”
Modeling/Manivannan, M., Northwood, D.O., and
Stoilov, V., 2014, International Heat Treatment
and Surface Engineering, 8(4), pp. 168-175
Chapter 6 Ferritic Nitrocarburizing of SAE 1010 Plain
Carbon Steel Parts/Manivannan, M., Stoilov, V., “published”
and Northwood, D.O., 2015, SAE International
Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 8(2), pp.
Chapter 6 Numerical Model of the Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
of SAE 1010 Plain Carbon Steel/Manivannan, M., “published”
Stoilov, V., and Northwood, D.O., European
Conference on Heat Treatment 2015 & 22nd
IFHTSE Congress, May 20-22, 2015, Venice, Italy

I hereby declare this dissertation incorporates the outcome of a joint research under

the supervision of Dr. Derek O. Northwood and Dr. Vesselin Stoilov. I am aware of the

University of Windsor Senate Policy on Authorship and I certify that I have properly

acknowledged the contribution of other researchers to my dissertation, and have obtained

written permission from each of the co-authors to include the above material in my


I certify that, with the above qualification, this dissertation, and the research to

which it refers, is the product of my own work.

I certify that I have obtained a written permission from the copyright owner(s) to

include the above published material(s) in my thesis. I certify that the above material

describes work completed during my registration as graduate student at the University of


I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, my dissertation does not infringe upon

anyone’s copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques,

quotations, or any other material from the work of other people included in my

dissertation, published or otherwise, are fully acknowledged in accordance with the

standard referencing practices. Furthermore, to the extent that I have included copyrighted

material that surpasses the bounds of fair dealing within the meaning of the Canada

Copyright Act, I certify that I have obtained a written permission from the copyright

owner(s) to include such material(s) in my dissertation.

I declare that this is a true copy of my dissertation, including any final revisions, as

approved by my dissertation committee and the Graduate Studies office, and that this

dissertation has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other University or



Nitrocarburizing is a case hardening process which improves the hardness and

wear resistance of a component, but results in geometric distortions. Torque converter

pistons (automotive component) and Navy C-ring specimens (measuring tool) made from

SAE 1010 plain carbon steel were used for the distortion analysis. Navy C-rings are

generally used for studying the dimensional changes of a material before analyzing the

dimensional changes of the actual component. Navy C-rings of varying thicknesses were

used to analyze the effect of distortions with the change in thickness. Finite element

simulations of Navy C-rings and torque converter pistons were developed to study the

effect of nitrocarburizing process on distortions. For thinner specimens, the predicted

distortions compare favorably with the experimental values. However, the thicker C-ring

specimens showed high prediction error. To better understand the prediction difference of

the different C-rings and TC pistons, an empirical ratio (bulk volume to nitrocarburized

volume (V/VN)) was introduced. The V/VN ratio will not only help to separate the

nitrocarburized surface dominant and bulk dominant specimens, but also provide a better

comparison of the C-ring size with the actual component.

The reduction of bulk volume to nitrocarburized volume (V/VN) ratio led to a

decrease in both the C-ring’s inner diameter (ID) and gap width (GW) distortion, and a

small increase in outer diameter (OD) distortion.

A composition-depth profile simulation model was also developed to predict the

local distortion due to nitrocarburized phases. The local distortion results showed that the

γ′-phase (Fe4N) in the diffusion zone dominates the overall magnitude of distortion.

The residual stress distribution for 1-step nitrocarburizing treatment was

successfully modeled and validated against the experimental stress. The surface stress for

one-step nitrocarburizing treatment was found to be tensile in nature. This tensile (surface)

residual stress was further reduced by introducing 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments.

Using the nitrogen profile model for 2-step nitrocarburizing, it was found that the

additional γ′-Fe4N phase at the surface resulted in a notable residual (tensile) stress

reduction. Also, the simulated 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments produced a same level of

distortion as 1-step nitrocarburizing treatments. Therefore, the proposed 2-step

nitrocarburizing treatments could potentially improve both the surface quality and fatigue



This dissertation is dedicated to my family


First, I would like to thank my academic supervisors, Dr. Derek O. Northwood and Dr.

Vesselin Stoilov for their time, technical support and guidance during my graduate studies.

I would like to extend my thanks to the committee members, Dr. William Altenhof, Dr.

Randy Bowers, and Dr. Jennifer Johrendt for their support and advice.

I would also like to acknowledge the support of Mr. Andy Jenner, and Dr. Gang Li.

Finally, the financial support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of

Canada (NSERC), the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and

Technology (QEII-GSST) program and the University of Windsor (A.R. & E.G. Ferriss

Graduate Endowment Award, Dr. Ross H. Paul Scholarship) are graciously acknowledged.



ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... VI

DEDICATION.............................................................................................................. VIII

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... IX

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... XIV

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... XVI

LIST OF APPENDICES .......................................................................................... XXIV

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/SYMBOLS................................................................ XXV

NOMENCLATURE .................................................................................................. XXVI

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................1

1.1 Research Objectives and Approach ............................................................................3

1.2 Dissertation Outline ....................................................................................................3

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ..........................................................................5

2.1 Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (FNC).................................................................................5

2.1.1 Ion or plasma nitrocarburizing ...........................................................................9

2.1.2 Fluidized bed nitrocarburizing ..........................................................................10

2.1.3 Salt bath nitrocarburizing .................................................................................11

2.1.4 Gas nitrocarburizing .........................................................................................13

2.1.5 Vacuum nitrocarburizing...................................................................................14

2.2 Residual stress ..........................................................................................................15

2.3 Distortion ..................................................................................................................19

2.3.1 Distortion prevention methods ..........................................................................22

2.4 Types and use of Navy C-rings .................................................................................23

2.5 Modeling ...................................................................................................................27

2.5.1 Distortion modeling ...........................................................................................30

2.5.2 Composition-Depth profiles: experimental and modeling ................................37

2.5.3 Residual Stress Modeling ..................................................................................43

CHAPTER 3 ANALYTICAL APPROACH .................................................................47

3.1 Distortion reduction ..................................................................................................48

3.1.1 Navy C-ring geometry .......................................................................................49

3.1.2 Materials............................................................................................................49

3.1.4 Heat treatment conditions .................................................................................51

3.1.5 Sample preparation and optical microscopy .....................................................52

3.1.6 Nano-indentation measurements .......................................................................53

3.1.7 Experimental distortion measurements .............................................................54

3.1.8 Numerical (FEM) distortion prediction ............................................................55

3.1.9 Composition-depth profile numerical simulation ..............................................56

3.1.10 Composition-depth profile measurements (experimental) ..............................57

3.2 Reduction in surface residual stress .........................................................................58


TORQUE CONVERTER PISTONS .............................................................................59

4.1 Material Properties ...................................................................................................59

4.2 Navy C-ring Probe ....................................................................................................60

4.3 Navy C-ring Finite Element Models .........................................................................61

4.3.1 Boundary Conditions .........................................................................................62

4.3.2 Discretization of the C-ring models...................................................................63

4.4 Simulation Procedure of C-ring models ...................................................................64

4.5 Axisymmetric Torque Converter Piston Model.........................................................65

4.6 Simulation procedure of axisymmetric TC piston model ..........................................66


5.1 Distortion results of Navy C-rings ............................................................................68

5.2 Bulk Volume/Nitrocarburized Volume Ratio ............................................................74

5.3 Distortion results of torque converter (TC) pistons ..................................................76


6.1 Carbon and nitrogen composition-depth profile simulation ....................................80

6.2 Microstructure of torque converter (TC) piston samples .........................................83

6.3 Composition-depth profile results.............................................................................85

6.4 Residual stress determination – 1-step nitrocarburizing ..........................................87

6.5 N composition-depth profile model for two-step nitrocarburizing treatments .........90

6.5.1 Composition-depth profile results – varying the 1st step temperature ..............93

6.5.2 Composition-depth profile results – varying the 2nd step temperature .............95

6.5.3 Composition-depth profile results – varying the 1st step N wt. % .....................97

6.5.4 Composition-depth profile results – increased process time ............................98

6.6 Residual stress determination – 2-step nitrocarburizing ........................................102

CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ...........................................105

7.1 Conclusions .............................................................................................................105

7.2 Major advances .......................................................................................................108

7.3 Suggestions for future work ....................................................................................108

REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................110

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................124

Appendix A ....................................................................................................................124

A.1 MATLAB program files for a single-step nitrocarburizing treatment ...............124

A.2 MATLAB program files for a two-step nitrocarburizing treatment ...................126

VITA AUCTORIS .........................................................................................................130


Table 2.1: Characteristics of carburizing methods for AISI 8620 steel [19] ...................... 10

Table 2.2: Surface residual stress values of TC pistons after FNC and CN [28] ............... 16

Table 2.3: Residual stresses due to salt bath nitrocarburizing (NC) and carbonitriding (CN)

[31] ...................................................................................................................................... 18

Table 2.4: Change in OD, ID, GW and flatness distortions of nitrocarburized and

carbonitrided 1010 Navy C-rings [44] ................................................................................ 25

Table 2.5: Hardness and distortion values of Navy C-ring specimens made from HSS 6-5-

2 after vacuum heat treatment [45] ..................................................................................... 26

Table 2.6: Summary of the distortion modeling ................................................................. 36

Table 2.7: Summary of the composition profile modeling ................................................. 42

Table 2.8: Summary of the residual stress-depth profile modeling .................................... 46

Table 3.1: Elemental compositions of SAE 1010 plain carbon steel [44] .......................... 50

Table 3.2: Heat treatment and specimen details ................................................................. 52

Table 4.1: Material properties used in the FEM models ..................................................... 60

Table 4.2: Mesh sensitivity study in a C-ring (C3) model .................................................. 63

Table 4.3: Details about the C-ring elements...................................................................... 64

Table 4.4: Finite element simulation set up for C-ring models .......................................... 65

Table 4.5: Finite element simulation set up for TC pistons ................................................ 67

Table 5.1: Measured ID, OD and GW distortions for nitrocarburized C-rings .................. 69

Table 5.2: C-ring’s Gap Width (GW) distortion results – Top location ............................. 69

Table 5.3: C-ring’s Gap Width (GW) distortion results – Middle location....................... 70

Table 5.4: C-ring’s Gap Width (GW) distortion results – Bottom location ....................... 70

Table 5.5 Comparison of the measured Outer Diameter (OD) distortion with the predicted

OD distortion ...................................................................................................................... 72

Table 5.6: Comparison of the measured Inner Diameter (ID) distortion with the simulated

results .................................................................................................................................. 73

Table 5.7: V/VN ratio of Navy C-rings and TC pistons ...................................................... 75

Table 5.8: Experimental ID and OD distortions for nitrocarburized TC pistons................ 78

Table 5.9: Comparison of measured and predicted OD distortion of TC pistons............... 79

Table 5.10: Comparison of measured and predicted ID distortion of TC pistons .............. 79

Table 6.1: Composition of nitrogen in ε, γ′ and α phases [94, 95] ..................................... 83

Table 6.2: Partial molar volume, predicted phase thickness and distortion........................ 86

Table 6.3: CMM measured distortion values of SAE 1010 torque converter piston .......... 87

Table 6.4: Comparison of measured and predicted surface residual stresses of

nitrocarburized SAE 1010 torque converter pistons. .......................................................... 90

Table 6.5: Simulated two step heat treatment conditions and N compositions .................. 92

Table 6.6: Predicted local distortions for two-step nitrocarburizing treatments ............... 102


Figure 2.1: Ferritic nitrocarburized gear and other components [6]. .................................... 5

Figure 2.2: Optical micrographs (a-g) showing different types of compound layers on α-

iron substrate by nitrocarburizing at 580oC [9]..................................................................... 6

Figure 2.3: Phase diagram of Fe-N-C system at 570oC (logarithmic concentration scales)

[13]. ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 2.4: AISI 1020 isopleth predicted using Thermo-Calc [14] ...................................... 8

Figure 2.5: Optical micrographs of nitrided (823 K (549oC) / 5 hrs, 60/40 vol.% NH3/H2)

iron specimen ((a) before annealing & (b) after annealing) [15]. ......................................... 9

Figure 2.6: Schematic diagrams of ion nitrocarburizing system [17, 18] (x is carbon-carrier

gas) . ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 2.7: Schematic diagram of Korund-300 installation for fluidized bed

nitrocarburizing treatment [21]. .......................................................................................... 11

Figure 2.8: (a) & (b) Salt bath nitriding/nitrocarburizing furnaces [20]. ............................ 12

Figure 2.9: Compound layer thickness vs. treatment time for mild steel, QT steel and hot

worked steel (12%Cr-steel cast iron) [23]. ......................................................................... 12

Figure 2.10: Schematic diagram of bell-type gas nitriding furnace, (a) heating bell and (b)

cooling bell [20]. ................................................................................................................. 13

Figure 2.11: Schematic diagram of gas nitriding / nitrocarburizing furnace (pit-

type) [24]. ............................................................................................................................ 14

Figure 2.12: Schematic of a horizontal vacuum nitriding/nitrocarburizing furnace

[25]. ..................................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 2.13: Microhardness and residual stress depth profiles of H11 tool steel, plasma

nitrocarburized at 580oC/8 hrs (C1), 580oC/16 hrs (C2), 580oC/24 hrs (C3), and 580oC/32

hrs (C4) [29]........................................................................................................................ 16

Figure 2.14: Residual stress-depth profiles of ε-phase iron nitride layer [30]. ................... 17

Figure 2.15: Residual stress-depth profile of a low carbon steel specimen that was vacuum

annealed at 900oC/1hr+ nitrocarburized at 570oC/3hrs and artificial aged at 170oC/45min

((a) before fatigue, (b) after fatigue) [32]. .......................................................................... 18

Figure 2.16: Flatness change of SAE 1010 torque converter (TC) pistons, gas ferritic

nitrocarburized at 510oC/15hrs, 540oC/10hrs, 565oC/5hrs and 595oC/4hrs [28]. ............... 19

Figure 2.17: Distortion comparison of FNC vs. SR + FNC front rotor, adapted from [35].

............................................................................................................................................. 21

Figure 2.18: (a) Finished bearing ring, (b) Inner radius change and surface residual stresses

of the ring due to turning [36]. ............................................................................................ 21

Figure 2.19: (a) Navy C-ring dimensions as used by French [37], and (b) Navy C-ring

specimen used by Webster and Laird [38] (dimensions in inches). ................................... 23

Figure 2.20: Dimensions of Navy C-rings used by (a) Bates et al. [40], and (b) Leskovsek

and Ule [41]. ....................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 2.21: (a) Size and (b) shape distortion changes of carburized SAE Navy C-rings:

carburizing treatments: 1) 927oC/6h (carbon potential 0.9), 2) 927oC/6h (carbon potential

1.0), 3) 927oC/6h (carbon potential 1.1), 4) 954oC/4h (carbon potential 0.9), 5) 954oC/4h

(carbon potential 1.0), 6) 954oC/4h (carbon potential 1.1) and 7) 954oC/4h (carbon

potential 1.2) [48]................................................................................................................ 27

Figure 2.22: (a) Carbon composition profile and (b) residual stress distributions for a

carburized + water quenched long cylinder steel containing molybdenum [57]. ............... 28

Figure 2.23: (a) Temperature history (experimental and computed) at centre of tool steel

block during gas quenching, (b) Distortion of gas quenched (3 bar N2) ORVAR

SUPREME tool steel block (experimental and computed). The distortion is magnified 50

times [58]. ........................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 2.24 : (a) Dimensional changes of a C-ring specimen before heat treatment (m and

n dimensions) and after heat treatment (m’ and n’ dimensions), (b) distortion simulation

(displacement magnification 20X) [60]. ............................................................................. 30

Figure 2.25: Computed Gap Width (GW) vs. time curve [61]. .......................................... 31

Figure 2.26: (a) Finite element model of one half of the C-ring, (b) Gap width (opening

displacement) distortion of AISI 8620 carburized C-ring [62]. .......................................... 31

Figure 2.27: Distortion engineering procedure by Zoch [34]. ............................................ 32

Figure 2.28: (a) 100 mm long C-ring, (b) comparison of experiment and simulation

distortion results, (c) banana effect, and (d) barrel or bobbin effect [63]. .......................... 33

Figure 2.29: Comparison of measured and predicted distortion (DANTE model) showing

the "bowing" of AMS 6308 coupon [64]. ........................................................................... 33

Figure 2.30: Radial displacement contour and distortion comparison of bore and tip

distortion of AISI 4320H gear component [65]. ................................................................. 34

Figure 2.31: (a) – Geometry of a simplified large gear, (b) – Distortion comparison at

seven points [66]. ................................................................................................................ 35

Figure 2.32: (a) Carbon steel ring specimen geometry (dimensions in mm), (b) Measured

and predicted distortion results at location 1 (outer diameter) and 2 (inner diameter) [67].

............................................................................................................................................. 35

Figure 2.33: Nitrogen and carbon concentration profiles measured using EPMA on

nitrocarburized Fe-0.8C (wt. %) and Fe alloys [68]. .......................................................... 37

Figure 2.34: Special ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) process for increased N2 and C

contents [69]........................................................................................................................ 37

Figure 2.35: Nitrogen concentration profile for nitrided 4140 steel (measured vs.

computed) [70]. ................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 2.36: Predicted nitrogen composition-depth profiles for pulse plasma nitride pure

iron. The experimental data (∆ symbol) were acquired from Yan et al. [72], (a) T=773K

(500oC) & (b) T= 793K (520oC) (1 represents ε phase, 2 is γ′ and 3 represents α phase)

[71]. ..................................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 2.37: Predicted and experimental nitrogen, carbon composition profiles of plasma

nitrocarburized austenitic stainless steel [73]. .................................................................... 39

Figure 2.38: Simulated and experimental nitrogen depth profiles of plasma nitrided AISI

316L (400oC/2hrs) with different N diffusion coefficients [76]. ........................................ 40

Figure 2.39: (a) schematic of housing, (b) plate-like component ....................................... 41

Figure 2.40: Nitrogen composition-depth profiles (measured and calculated) [77]. .......... 41

Figure 2.41: Predicted bore deformation for housing (case 1) and plate-like (case 2)

components due to 2 different FNC treatments [77]. ......................................................... 42

Figure 2.42: Predicted and measured axial residual stress of a carburized AMS 6308 steel

coupon [64]. ........................................................................................................................ 43

Figure 2.43: (a) – Predicted hoop residual stress map (MPa), (b) - Residual stress-depth

profiles for a gas nitrided (550oC/120 hrs) tubular sample [78]. ........................................ 44

Figure 2.44: Residual stress-depth profiles at the center of the Almen strip, (a) 2.44 mm

thick and (b) 3.18 mm thick [79]. ....................................................................................... 44

Figure 2.45: Residual stress-depth profiles for the nitrided Fe-Al specimen (experimental

and predicted) [81]. ............................................................................................................. 45

Figure 3.1: Overview of the research plan. ......................................................................... 47

Figure 3.2: (a) Torque converter (TC), and (b) TC cross section [82]. .............................. 48

Figure 3.3: (a, b) Navy C-ring specimen geometry, (c) schematic for Navy C-rings C1, C2

and C3 (dimensions in mm). ............................................................................................... 49

Figure 3.4: Geometry of torque converter (TC) piston. ...................................................... 51

Figure 3.5: Schematic process diagram of the ferritic nitrocarburizing treatment. ............ 51

Figure 3.6: A light optical microscope (Leitz Laborlux 12 ME). ....................................... 53

Figure 3.7: (a) Hysitron (Ubi1) nanomechanical instrument, (b) loading-unloading

response for a SAE 1010 C-ring after FNC. ....................................................................... 54

Figure 3.8: PRISMO coordinate measuring machine (CMM) [83]. ................................... 55

Figure 3.9: Schematic of nitrogen composition-depth profile due to 1-step nitrocarburizing

treatment. ............................................................................................................................ 56

Figure 3.10: Schematic of the simulated nitrogen composition-depth profile due to 2-step

nitrocarburizing treatment. .................................................................................................. 57

Figure 3.11: Cameca SX50 Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) at Earth Sciences,

University of Toronto [84]. ................................................................................................. 58

Figure 4.1: Navy C-ring geometry dimensions................................................................... 61

Figure 4.2: Compound layer comparison of the Navy C-ring probe model and the optical

micrograph showing the compound layer of SAE 1010 steel............................................. 62

Figure 4.3: Half symmetric geometry of meshed Navy C-rings with varying thicknesses

19mm (C1), 10mm (C2), 3mm (C3). .................................................................................. 64

Figure 4.4: (a) Cross section of the torque Converter (TC) piston, (b) axisymmetric TC

piston model. ....................................................................................................................... 66

Figure 5.1: C-ring’s GW distortion measurement locations ............................................... 68

Figure 5.2: Measured and predicted gap width (GW) distortion profiles of Navy C-rings

((a) top, (b) middle & (c) bottom locations). ...................................................................... 71

Figure 5.3: Outer Diameter (OD) distortion profile of Navy C-rings (measured and

predicted). ........................................................................................................................... 73

Figure 5.4: Inner diameter (ID) distortion profile of Navy C-rings (measured and

predicted). ........................................................................................................................... 74

Figure 5.5: V/VN ratio vs. absolute errors for GW & ID distortions of Navy C-rings. ...... 76

Figure 5.6: V/VN ratio vs. absolute errors for OD distortions of Navy C-rings. ................ 76

Figure 6.1: Experimental nitrogen profiles for vacuum nitrocarburized (580oC/10hrs) and

gas nitrocarburized (580oC/10hrs) TC piston samples. ...................................................... 80

Figure 6.2: Simulated nitrogen composition-depth profiles ............................................... 82

Figure 6.3: (a), (b) and (c) Optical micrographs of SAE 1010 TC piston specimen

subjected to vacuum ferritic nitrocarburizing at 580oC/10hrs. ........................................... 84

Figure 6.4: (a), (b) and (c) Optical micrographs of SAE 1010 TC piston specimen

subjected to gas ferritic nitrocarburizing at 565oC/5hrs. .................................................... 84

Figure 6.5: Carbon composition depth profile of SAE 1010 steel TC pistons measured

using EPMA. ....................................................................................................................... 85

Figure 6.6: Comparison of experimental and simulated nitrogen-profiling results of SAE

1010 nitrocarburized TC pistons ((a) – at the surface, (b) overall). ................................... 86

Figure 6.7: Predicted residual stress-depth profiles for FNC heat treatments (580oC/10hrs

and 565oC/5hrs). ................................................................................................................. 89

Figure 6.8: Simulated nitrogen composition-depth profile due to 2-step nitrocarburizing

process ‘A’ (595oC / 3.6 hrs / 8% + 427oC / 1.4 hrs / 3%). ................................................ 94

Figure 6.9: Predicted nitrogen composition-depth profile due to two-step nitrocarburizing

process ‘B’ (580oC/3.6 hrs/8% + 427oC/1.4 hrs/3%). ........................................................ 94

Figure 6.10: Predicted nitrogen composition-depth profile due to two-step

nitrocarburizing process ‘C’ (565oC / 3.6 hrs / 8% + 427oC / 1.4 hrs / 3%). ...................... 95

Figure 6.11: Predicted N composition-depth profiles for heat treatment ‘A’ and ‘D’

(595oC/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477oC/1.4hrs/3wt.%). ...................................................................... 95

Figure 6.12: Predicted N composition-depth profile for heat treatment ‘B’ and ‘E’

(580oC/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477oC/1.4hrs/3wt.%). ...................................................................... 96

Figure 6.13: Predicted N composition-depth profile for heat treatment ‘C’ and ‘F’

(565oC/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477oC/1.4hrs/3wt.%). ...................................................................... 96

Figure 6.14: Predicted N composition-depth profiles for heat treatment ‘G’

(595oC/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427oC/1.4hrs/3wt.%) and heat treatment ‘H’

(580oC/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427oC/1.4hrs/3wt.%). ...................................................................... 97

Figure 6.15: Predicted N composition-depth profile for heat treatment ‘I’

(565oC/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427oC/1.4hrs/3wt.%). ...................................................................... 98

Figure 6.16: Predicted N composition-depth profile for heat treatment ‘J’

(595oC/10hrs/8wt.%+427oC/2.7hrs/3wt.%). ....................................................................... 99

Figure 6.17: Simulated nitrogen composition-depth profile due to two-step

nitrocarburizing process (580oC/10hrs/8% + 427oC/2.7hrs/3%). ....................................... 99

Figure 6.18: Simulated nitrogen composition-depth profile due to two-step

nitrocarburizing process (565oC/10hrs/8% + 427oC/2.7hrs/3%). ..................................... 100

Figure 6.19: Residual stress distribution due to 2-step nitrocarburizing process. ............ 104


Appendix A: MATLAB program files for 1-step & 2-step nitrocarburizing



OD Outer Diameter

ID Inner Diameter

GW Gap Width

LRO Lateral Run Out

TC Torque Converter

FNC Ferritic Nitrocarburizing

CL Compound Layer

CN Carbo-Nitriding

EPMA Electron Probe Micro Analyzer

CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine

GDOES Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy

FEM Finite Element Method

FDM Finite Difference Method

XRD X-Ray Diffraction


E Young’s modulus

σ stress

ν Poisson’s ratio

ρ density

c elemental composition

D diffusion coefficient

t diffusion time

h heat transfer coefficient

T temperature

Vε partial molar volume of ε phase

Vγ’ partial molar volume of γ′ phase

lε thickness of ε phase

lγ’ thickness of γ′ phase

Δlε local distortion due to ε phase

Δlγ’ local distortion due to γ′ phase in the compound layer

Δlγ’in diff. zone local distortion due to γ′ phase in the diffusion zone

̂ Cauchy stress tensor

G shear modulus

K compressibility

εε strains due to ε phase

εγ’ strains due to γ′ phase

M molar fraction

σε residual stress due to ε phase

σγ’ residual stress due to γ′ phase


Surface engineering is used to improve properties like corrosion or wear

resistance that are not present in the bulk material. It also improves the quality,

performance and life-cycle cost of the products, which are widely used in industries like

automotive, aerospace, electronics and construction. The common surface engineering

treatments are mechanical, thermo-mechanical, thermal, thermo-chemical,

electrochemical & chemical, and physical techniques [1]. Heat treatments involving

carburizing, nitriding, carbonitriding, and nitrocarburizing are a class of thermo-chemical

surface engineering methods. The carburizing process produces a thick high-carbon

martensitic case by adding carbon in the steel surface at elevated temperatures (800-

1090oC) in the austenitic phase field. The main differences between carburizing and

carbonitriding are the ammonia addition and the lower temperature range (705-900oC) in

the carbonitriding process. The nitriding and nitrocarburizing processes, on the other

hand, produce a thin compound layer at relatively lower temperatures (495-650oC) in the

ferritic phase field.

Ferritic nitrocarburizing is a case hardening process in which gases, like

methane/propane, ammonia and nitrogen, react with the metallic surface at 500-650oC.

Ferritic nitrocarburizing offers excellent scuffing, wear and fatigue resistance by

producing a thin compound layer (containing ε-Fe2-3(C, N), γ′-Fe4 (N, C), cementite

(Fe3C) and various alloy carbides and nitrides) on the material surface. The thickness of

the compound layer is usually in the range of 5 to 30 µm. Ferritic nitrocarburizing is

widely used to case harden torque converter pistons, brake rotors, gears, pinion shafts and

other wear components. The highlights of nitrocarburizing are smaller distortion than

carbonitriding and no phase transformation in the bulk material [2]. However, this

smaller distortion, if left untreated, could lead to performance issues in the automotive

component. Machining or straightening the surface can eliminate the distortion but

requires additional work hours and cost. Moreover, machining will reduce the thickness

of nitrocarburized layer thereby reducing service performance of the component.

Residual stresses, which are developed during the manufacturing process

conditions, often lead to distortion. Although residual stress results in dimensional

changes of a material, it can provide resistance to crack initiation [3]. Any heat treatment

process is a major source for distortion [4].

Navy C-rings are generally used as a test specimen to observe the dimensional

distortion before analyzing an actual component (torque converter piston) for distortion.

To better understand the distortion mechanisms, SAE 1010 Navy C-rings with three

different thicknesses (2.8, 10, 19 mm) were used. These 3 different thicknesses were

chosen to report the distortion due to change in geometry of C-rings. Torque converter

(TC) piston is an automotive component that is used to measure and calculate distortion

for the application of the process in practice.

The numerical simulation of heat treatment conditions were started initially in the

mid-1970s [5]. The heat treatment simulations were mainly developed to predict the

residual stresses and distortion. In this study, numerical techniques including finite

element method (FEM) and finite difference method (FDM) are used to understand the

distortion mechanisms in Navy C-ring probe and Torque Converter (TC) piston


1.1 Research Objectives and Approach

The main focus of this research is to methodically examine the distortion in

nitrocarburized SAE 1010 Navy C-ring and torque converter piston specimens. Finite

element models of Navy C-rings and torque converter pistons were developed to predict

the distortion trend. The predicted distortion results were compared with the experimental


An electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA) was used to measure the composition-

depth profiles of nitrocarburized torque converter piston specimens. Using the

composition profiles, a numerical model was developed using finite difference method to

predict the compound layer thickness and distortion due to nitrocarburizing treatment.

The predicted composition-depth profiles were compared with the experimental profiles.

Also, the surface residual stress was predicted and compared against the experimental

surface residual stress.

Based on the distortion analyses and residual stress distribution after

nitrocarburizing treatments, a two-step nitrocarburizing technique is suggested, which

should produce smaller distortion than single stage nitrocarburizing, while improving the

surface characteristics in the automotive component.

1.2 Dissertation Outline

Chapter 2 presents a literature review of ferritic nitrocarburizing process, residual

stresses, distortion, and modeling of distortion and residual stress.

Chapter 3 shows the analytical approach taken to solve the distortion problem.

Experimental and numerical investigations are discussed in detail about the distortion

calculation, N profiles and residual stresses.

Chapter 4 presents the finite element simulations of Navy C-rings and torque

converter (TC) pistons.

Chapter 5 shows the validation of the finite element simulations of Navy C-rings

and TC pistons.

Chapter 6 discusses the composition-depth profile simulation models, which are

used to predict the distortion due to the nitrocarburized phases.

Chapter 7 highlights the summary and conclusions arising from this study and

provides suggestions for future work.


The objective of the literature survey is to understand the ferritic nitrocarburizing

process, distortion mechanisms, distortion prediction methods, composition-depth

profiling and residual stress modeling.

2.1 Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (FNC)

Ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) was first introduced in 1947 in a cyanide, salt-

based batch process. The FNC process was later refined as a gaseous ferritic

nitrocarburizing process by Lucas Industries in 1961 [6]. Many engineering components

like rocker-arm spacers, textile machinery gears, pump cylinder blocks, jet nozzles,

crank-shafts and drive shafts are case-hardened using nitrocarburizing treatments [7].

Gear steels made of SAE 4140, 5160, 8620 and certain tool steels are also surface

engineered using the ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) process [8]. There are different

types of ferritic nitrocarburizing processes in the automotive industry: gas, ion or plasma,

fluidized bed, vacuum and salt bath. Figure 2.1 shows the automotive components that

have been ferritic nitrocarburized.

Figure 2.1: Ferritic nitrocarburized gear and other components [6].

The nitrocarburizing process is carried out in the ferritic region of the Fe-C phase

diagram. After nitrocarburizing, the surface of the part exhibits two distinct regions,

namely a compound layer and diffusion zone. These two regions are the main reason for

providing high resistance to wear and corrosion in nitrocarburized materials. The

compound layer can be a single-phase layer containing ε - Fe2-3(N, C) or a dual-phase

layer containing both ε and γ′. Leineweber et al. [9] reported the types of the compound

layer microstructures that can be formed on the α-iron substrate upon nitrocarburizing

(see Fig. 2.2):

(1) γ′ layers,
(2) ε/γ′ layers,
(3) ε/ε+γ′ layers,
(4) ε layers + cementite, and
(5) cementite (θ) layers

Figure 2.2: Optical micrographs (a-g) showing different types of compound layers

on α-iron substrate by nitrocarburizing at 580oC [9].

The phase transformation sequence in the nitrocarburizing surface of carbon steels

was found contradictory. Bell et al. [10] reported the nitrocarburized phase

transformation of carbon steels in the following form:   N  C     '. Mittemeijer

[11] presented the phase sequence of the compound layer due to gas nitrocarburizing as:

  N  C       ' . They both reported ε-phase formation before γ’. However,

Chen et al. [12] reported γ’ to ε phase transformation. They demonstrated the formation

mechanism of nitrocarburized phases as follows:   N  C    N  C   ' N  C   .

Microstructural examination in the transition layer (between the compound layer and the

diffusion zone) suggested that an intermediate phase state γ (austenite) was first produced

before the pearlite colonies, and the γ phase was transformed into γ’ during the ferritic

nitrocarburizing process.

Figure 2.3 shows the Fe-N-C phase diagram, where α gets transformed to α+ γ’

(point b, assuming negligible C wt. %). With the increase in N wt. %, ε phase will occur

from the α+ γ’ region (producing γ’ to ε phase transformation).

Figure 2.3: Phase diagram of Fe-N-C system at 570oC (logarithmic concentration

scales) [13].

Yang and Sisson Jr. [14] simulated the phase evolution of carbon steels to predict

the first forming phase. The first nitride phase was reported to be ε-phase during the

nitriding process. They have concluded that a single γ′-phase is not possible in carbon

steels: see isopleth in Figure 2.4 which shows no single γ′ phase region at typical

nitriding/nitrocarburizing temperatures.

Figure 2.4: AISI 1020 isopleth predicted using Thermo-Calc [14]

An interesting regrowth of γ′ sublayer was reported by Liapina et al. [15]. In their

study, an iron cast rod specimen was subjected to gas nitriding at 823 K (550oC) for 5hrs

followed by water quenching. The specimen was then annealed at 630 K (356oC) for 120

hrs and cold water quenched. Figure 2.5 shows the increase in γ′ sublayer at the cost of ε

phase due to the annealing process. Therefore, an individual γ′-phase is possible for iron


Figure 2.5: Optical micrographs of nitrided (823 K (549oC) / 5 hrs, 60/40 vol.%

NH3/H2) iron specimen ((a) before annealing & (b) after annealing) [15].

The compound layer thickness depends on the type of ferritic nitrocarburizing

(FNC) process. The maximum thickness of the compound layer due to FNC was

observed to be approximately 40µm [16]. The different types of nitrocarburizing

processes are briefly discussed in sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.5.

2.1.1 Ion or plasma nitrocarburizing

Ion or plasma nitrocarburizing is a low pressure thermochemical treatment in

which nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon producing gases were utilized to produce a

compound layer (ε) and diffusion zone on the steel surface. A glow discharge with a high

ionization level is generated around the parts. The schematic of ion nitrocarburizing

systems are shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6: Schematic diagrams of ion nitrocarburizing system [17, 18] (x is

carbon-carrier gas) .
Cherian [19] has reported a microwave atmospheric plasma technology called

AtmoPlasTM to carburize the steel parts. The technology reduced the heating cycle times

and energy by reaching high temperature in seconds. By using microwave carburizing

technology, surface carbon concentration, case depth uniformity, and retained austenite

were found to be better than the conventional processes (see Table 2.1).

Table 2.1: Characteristics of carburizing methods for AISI 8620 steel [19]

Characteristic/ Conventional gas Vacuum AtmoPlas carburized

property carburized carburized
Total 142min boost + Carburizing zone 112min boost + 80min
carburizing 110min diffuse + time =205 min diffuse + 20min
time 20min temp.drop = temp.drop = 212min
Case depth ~0.035 in. (~0.9mm) ~0.035 in. ~0.045 in. (~1.14mm)
Depth of retained austenite (%)
Corner ~15-30% to ~15-30% to ~5-20% to ~0.0067in
microstructure ~0.0125in ~0.0067 in (~0.172mm)
(~0.319mm) (~0.319mm)
Surface ~10-20% to ~5-15% to ~5-20% to ~0.0058in
microstructure ~0.0046in ~0.0095 in (~0.148mm)
(~0.119mm) (~0.243mm)

2.1.2 Fluidized bed nitrocarburizing

In fluidized bed nitrocarburizing treatment, ammonia, compressed air and

methane are blown to fluidize the catalyst (Al-Ni-Mg or aluminum oxide). The finely

divided aluminum oxide will then transfer the heat from the heating medium to the

workpiece. The heating medium can be electric or gas [20]. Figure 2.7 shows the

schematic diagram of Korund-300 fluidized bed furnace.

Figure 2.7: Schematic diagram of Korund-300 installation for fluidized bed

nitrocarburizing treatment [21].

[1) body of the shaft furnace, 2) retort, 3) header 4) container, 5) catalyst, 6) heater, 7) heat insulation, 8) thermocouple,
9) current feedthrough, 10) cover, 11, 12) body and chamber of the device for gas cleaning, 13) catalyst, 14) heater, 15)
heat insulation, 16) thermocouple, 17) gas inlet, 18) current feedthrough, 19) plug cock, 20) body of gas distribution
panel, 21) air rotameter, 22) ammonia rotameter, 23) natural gas rotameter, 24) mixer, 25) pipe for feeding gas-air
mixture to retort, 26) flange coupling, 27) pressure regulator in the natural gas feed line, 28) ammonia manifold, 29)
ammonia cylinders, 30) pressure regulator in the ammonia feed line, 31, 32) millivoltmeter, 33) power supply cabinet,
34) body of quenching tank, 35) quenching tank, 36) safety grate, 37) oil, 38) water jacket, 39) water feed, 40) header,
41) water discharge, 42) flume for sucking off oil vapors, 43) air duct, 44) washing tank, 45) steam inlet, 46) cold water
feed, 47) oil arresting compartment, 48) compressed air feed, 49) oil discharge, 50) water discharge, 51) oil vapor
arrester, 52) funnel, 53) hinged funnel, 54) combined extract and input ventilation, 55) monorail, 56) monorail hoist,
57) choke, 58), valve] [21].

2.1.3 Salt bath nitrocarburizing

In salt bath nitrocarburizing treatment, the automotive part is immersed in a

molten salt (NaCN, Na2CO3) containing nitrogen and carbon. The nitrogen and carbon

from the salt will then react with the part’s surface forming a compound layer and

diffusion zone. The externally heated salt bath furnaces are shown in Figure 2.8. Recent

development in the salt bath nitriding/nitrocarburizing treatment resulted in using a

regenerable non-cyanide salt bath that produces no waste salt [22].

(a) (b)

Figure 2.8: (a) & (b) Salt bath nitriding/nitrocarburizing furnaces [20].

TUFFTRIDE® is a salt bath nitrocarburizing process that takes place in a TF1

bath (containing alkali cyanate and alkali carbonate) at 480-630oC [23]. Figure 2.9 shows

the compound layer thickness after TUFFTRIDE® treatment (580oC/1-2hrs) for mild

steel, QT steel and hot worked steel (12%Cr-steel cast iron). It was found that the

thickness of the compound layer changes with the treatment time and material type. Mild

steel produced thicker compound layer than QT steel and 12%Cr-steel cast iron.

Figure 2.9: Compound layer thickness vs. treatment time for mild steel, QT steel

and hot worked steel (12%Cr-steel cast iron) [23].

2.1.4 Gas nitrocarburizing

Gas nitrocarburizing employs ammonia and hydrocarbon or carbon bearing gases

(like CO2, CO) into the steel surface to produce a compound layer and diffusion zone.

The ammonia and CO2 + CO gases dissociate according to the Equations 2.1 to 2.6 [24].

The atomic nitrogen and carbon are needed for the diffusion to take place at the steel


Gas nitriding/nitrocarburizing process can be carried out using bell-type and pit-

type furnaces, which are schematically shown in Figure 2.10 and 2.11. Using a bell-type

furnace, a uniform compound layer can be attained at the steel surface due to the

temperature uniformity caused by the internal fan.

2NH 3  2N  3H 2 (nitriding reaction) (2.1)

H 2 +CO 2  CO+H 2 O (2.2)

NH 3  CO  HCN  H 2 O (2.3)

2CO  CO 2 +C (carburizing reaction) (2.4)

2NH 3  CO 2  H 2O  (NH 4 ) 2 HCO3 (2.5)

NH 3 +CO 2 +H 2 O  NH 4 HCO3 (2.6)

(a) (b)
Figure 2.10: Schematic diagram of bell-type gas nitriding furnace, (a) heating bell

and (b) cooling bell [20].

Figure 2.11: Schematic diagram of gas nitriding / nitrocarburizing furnace

(pit-type) [24].

2.1.5 Vacuum nitrocarburizing

In vacuum nitrocarburizing treatment, the air is completely evacuated from the

furnace. Then the ammonia and carbon producing gases are passed into the hot chamber

to case harden the workload. Figure 2.12 shows the schematic diagram of a single-

chamber, front loading vacuum furnace. The cooling gas inlet and outlet will be used to

furnace cool the workload after nitrocarburizing.

Figure 2.12: Schematic of a horizontal vacuum nitriding/nitrocarburizing

furnace [25].

2.2 Residual stress

Residual stress prediction should be part of any heat treatment modeling because

residual stress affects the distortion, fatigue performance and corrosion resistance of a

component. A large amount of residual stress may cause the component to fail

prematurely. Ericsson [26] stated that the evolution of large residual stresses due to

thermal and thermochemical heat treatments was caused by the following reasons:

a) thermal stresses due to thermal expansion or contraction of a homogeneous

material in a temperature gradient field,

b) different thermal expansion coefficients of the various phases in a multiphase


c) density changes due to phase transformations in the metal

d) growth stresses of reaction products formed on the surface or as precipitates,

e) chemical composition gradients below the surface

In thermochemical heat treatments like nitriding and nitrocarburizing, residual

stresses are also the result of cohesion of the misfitting compound layer to the ferritic

substrate and cohesion within the compound layer [27]. Compressive residual stress

obtained in the surface of an automotive component is considered beneficial, since it can

prevent crack propagation and improve fatigue endurance. However, tensile residual

stresses exist in the ε-nitride surface layer due to nitrocarburization. Nan et al. [28]

reported tensile residual stresses for SAE 1010 torque converter (TC) pistons after ferritic

nitrocarburizing (FNC) process but compressive stresses for a carbonitriding (CN)

process (see Table 2.2). The tensile stress values for the ε-phase compound layer varied

from 76.5 to 268.2 MPa for all processing scenarios studied.

Table 2.2: Surface residual stress values of TC pistons after FNC and CN [28]

Heat treatment Surface residual stress (MPa)

Gas FNC + Nitrogen cooling (510oC / 15 hrs) 122.0 ± 10.3
Gas FNC + Nitrogen cooling (540oC / 10 hrs) 146.9 ± 19.3
Gas FNC + Nitrogen cooling (565oC / 5 hrs) 268.2 ± 26.2
Gas FNC + Nitrogen cooling (595 C / 4 hrs) 76.5 ± 22.8
Ion FNC (560oC / 15 hrs) 186.2 ± 21.4
Ion FNC (525oC / 24 hrs) 224.1 ± 18.6
Gas FNC (N potential) + Nitrogen cooling (525oC / 52 hrs) 172.4 ± 9.7
Gas FNC (N potential) + Nitrogen cooling (570oC / 4 hrs) 241.3 ± 23.4
Vacuum FNC (580oC / 10 hrs) 262.7 ± 20.0
Gas FNC + quenching (580oC / 2 hrs + water quench) 252.3 ± 19.3
Gas carbonitriding (850oC / 4 hrs + 100oC oil quench) -188.9 ± 26.2

Leskovsek et al. [29] reported the microhardness and residual stress distribution

of plasma nitrocarburized H11 steel (see Fig. 2.13). The surface hardness increases with

longer plasma nitrocarburizing time while the surface residual stress (tensile) decreases

with increase in heat treatment time. Higher tensile residual stresses are not considered to

be good enough to protect the steel from wear and fatigue.

Figure 2.13: Microhardness and residual stress depth profiles of H11 tool steel,

plasma nitrocarburized at 580oC/8 hrs (C1), 580oC/16 hrs (C2), 580oC/24 hrs (C3),

and 580oC/32 hrs (C4) [29].

The residual stresses in the ε-phase iron nitride (within 2µm depth) have been

measured using ψ-tilt and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction methods [30]. The ε-phase

was produced on the part’s surface using a two-stage gas nitriding treatment. Figure 2.14

shows tensile residual stress at the ε-phase varied in the range of 200-1200MPa. The

residual stress values measured using the X-ray penetration is plotted as Tau profile

(open circles) and the predicted residual stress is plotted as Z-profile (solid line). The

dotted line represents the reconstructed tau profile calculated from the Z-profile.

Figure 2.14: Residual stress-depth profiles of ε-phase iron nitride layer [30].

In contrast to the tensile stresses of ε-phase iron nitride mentioned above,

compressive residual stresses were observed in the ε-phase of salt bath nitrocarburized

AISI O2 tool steel (see Table 2.3). Before salt bath nitrocarburizing, the samples were

annealed at 760oC for 1hr and tempered at 600oC for 1hr [31]. The surface residual

stresses of ε-Fe3N changed from -251±51 MPa to -276±30 MPa. Thomas and Bell [32]

have also reported compressive residual stress on the compound layer of annealed + gas

nitrocarburized low carbon steel specimen. Figure 2.15 (a) & (b) presents the

compressive surface residual stress profiles measured before and after fatigue testing. An

almost complete fading of the residual stress occurred on the early stages of fatigue (see

Fig. 2.15(b)).

Table 2.3: Residual stresses due to salt bath nitrocarburizing (NC) and

carbonitriding (CN) [31]

Heat treatment Nitride layers NC (MPa) CN (MPa)

Fe3N (113) Feα (211) Fe4N (200) γ (311)
NC (570 C/1hr) very thin - -239±38 - -
NC (570oC/3hrs) Fe3N>Fe4N<Feα -251±51 -259±67 -266±60 -
NC (570oC/4hrs) Fe3N=Fe4N>Feα -252±51 -411±82 -254±83 -
NC 570oC/5hrs Fe3N>Fe4N<Feα -268±55 -353±97 -281±75 -
NC 570oC/6hrs Fe3N>Feα -276±30 -340±35 - -
CN No - -122±38 - -52±15
quench to

(a) (b)

Figure 2.15: Residual stress-depth profile of a low carbon steel specimen that was

vacuum annealed at 900oC/1hr+ nitrocarburized at 570oC/3hrs and artificial aged at

170oC/45min ((a) before fatigue, (b) after fatigue) [32].

Therefore, the surface stress for ε-phase in nitrocarburized tool steel (AISI O2)

can be compressive but the ε-phase for nitrocarburized carbon steels (SAE 1010) are

tensile in nature.

2.3 Distortion

Distortion can be defined as an inconsistent size or shape change of a material

caused by the manufacturing process conditions. Two types of distortions are produced

by the surface engineering treatments. They are size distortion and shape distortion. Size

distortion is caused by the change in volume between the base material and the surface

layer. Diameter changes and gap width changes are reported as size distortion. Materials

that undergo twisting, bending and curving without any change in volume produce shape

distortion. The changes in roundness, flatness and cylindricity are termed as shape

distortion. Figure 2.16 shows the change in flatness (shape distortion) of nitrocarburized

torque converter pistons. The mean of flatness change values ranged from 15.64% to


Figure 2.16: Flatness change of SAE 1010 torque converter (TC) pistons, gas ferritic

nitrocarburized at 510oC/15hrs, 540oC/10hrs, 565oC/5hrs and 595oC/4hrs [28].

In the automotive and other industries, distortion can occur due to various reasons.

Zoch [33] points out that minimizing distortion is not only a quality concern but is also an

economic concern since between 20 and 40% of the production cost for components such

as bearing races are due to machining costs to eliminate distortion. The carriers of

“distortion potential” include [34]:

a) Geometry

b) Chemical composition / segregation

c) Microstructure/ grain size

d) Residual stress

e) Temperature

f) Mechanical history

The geometry and chemical composition are the two factors that are related to

distortion even before subjecting the component to heat treatment. The microstructural

changes, residual stresses and temperature resulting from the heat treatment will also

produce distortion.

Holly et al. [35] from General Motors Company found that the stress relieved (SR)

FNC rotors showed lower distortion (lateral run out (LRO)) than as-machined FNC

rotors. The stress relief was performed at 607±15oC for 3hrs followed by furnace cooling

prior to FNC treatment. The FNC cast iron brake rotor exhibited better wear and

corrosion protection than the standard non FNC brake rotor after extended parking. By

providing excellent scaling resistance and static corrosion performance, FNC rotors can

also help to decrease the brake pulsation [35]. Figure 2.17 compares the distortion (LRO)

of FNC and stress relieved FNC front rotors.


LRO, mm
0.01 AVE
0 AVE+3σ

Figure 2.17: Distortion comparison of FNC vs. SR + FNC front rotor, adapted from


Although distortion is significantly influenced by heat treatment, machining

before heat treatment can give rise to distortion as well. Brinksmeier et al. [36] reported

the dimensional deviations of SAE 52100 steel bearing rings (see Fig. 2.18(a)) due to a

turning (soft machining) process. After machining, polygonal type deviations occurred

due to the elastic deformation caused by fixing the workpiece in the chuck. The inner

radius change was attributed to the locally varying residual stresses that enlarged the

bearing ring (Fig. 2.18(b)).

(a) (b)

Figure 2.18: (a) Finished bearing ring, (b) Inner radius change and surface residual

stresses of the ring due to turning [36].

2.3.1 Distortion prevention methods

Distortion is difficult to eliminate, but can be prevented by taking necessary steps

before and during heat treatment. The following methods were used to obviate distortion

in heat treated parts [3]:

(a) Straightening - It helps to relieve the residual stresses in plain carbon and

low-alloy steels. The major disadvantage of straightening is the loss of

fatigue properties and crack initiation.

(b) Support and restraint fixtures - Restraint fixtures are used during rapid

cooling operation to control the dimensional changes of the parts. Support

fixtures are used for parts that deliver sufficient self-restraint.

(c) Quenching fixtures - Quenching fixture helps to prevent distortion during

water or oil quenching. However, it requires accurate positioning,

unobstructed quenchant flow, and an arrangement for draining the hot


(d) Pressure quenching - Using high pressure (5 MPa) and a turbulent gas flow,

the heat treated parts are uniformly cooled to produce lower distortion.

(e) Press quenching - It is applied to a specific geometry like flat circular

diaphragms of spring steel where direct quenching is difficult.

(f) Rolling die quenching - In rolling die quench machine, the heat treated

parts are placed on the rollers and the rolls turn to minimize distortion.

(g) Stress relieving - To reduce distortion, residual stresses are released by

subcritical annealing or normalizing treatment prior to the final machining

operation. Plain carbon and low-alloy steels are stress relieved at

temperatures of 550-650oC.

2.4 Types and use of Navy C-rings

The Navy C-ring is the common type of specimen used for observing dimensional

changes due to heat treatment. Before analyzing an automotive component for distortion,

Navy C-ring specimens machined from the material of interest are heat treated to observe

any distortion. It is generally presumed that the dimensional change of a Navy C-ring

specimen is comparable with the change in dimensions of the actual component.

Navy C-rings have been widely used in different dimensions according to their

application. In the late 1920s, French [37] started using C-shaped gauges to study

distortion and cracking, primarily in quenched steels. He reported that the thin and heavy

sections of C-ring specimens, Figure 2.19(a), prevent uniform cooling thereby offering a

means to promote distortion. Another type of Navy C-ring that was used to check the size

and shape change distortion was the ‘modified Navy C-ring’. The dimensions of the

modified Navy C-ring test specimens are shown in Fig. 2.20. It is evident that the outer

diameter (OD) of the Bates C-ring (refer to Fig.2.20(a)) was reduced by half compared to

the OD dimension reported by Webster and Laird [38] (see Fig.2.19(b)).

(a) (b)
Figure 2.19: (a) Navy C-ring dimensions as used by French [37], and (b) Navy C-

ring specimen used by Webster and Laird [38] (dimensions in inches).

Leskovsek et al. [39] found that the hardness values of modified Navy C-ring

specimens and the metallographic specimens were comparable under identical heat

treatment conditions. Based on this hardness comparison, they also assumed that the

microstructure of modified Navy C-ring specimens will be similar to the metallographic

specimens under the same heat treatment conditions.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.20: Dimensions of Navy C-rings used by (a) Bates et al. [40], and (b)

Leskovsek and Ule [41].

Bates et al. [40] reported that the notched C-ring has greater crack sensitivity over

and above distortion. Also the dimensions of the notched C-ring (Fig. 2.20 (a)) and the C-

ring in Fig. 2.20 (b) are similar to the one used by French (see Fig.2.19 (a)).

Nan et al. [28, 42-44] used Navy C-ring specimens to study the distortion in

ferritic nitrocarburized SAE 1010 plain carbon steel. Ion, vacuum and gas ferritic

nitrocarburizing processes were applied to the Navy C-rings with varying thicknesses to

analyze distortion. Table 2.4 shows the inner diameter (ID), outer diameter (OD), gap

width (GW) and flatness distortions of nitrocarburized and carbonitrided SAE 1010 C-

ring specimens [44]. Nitrocarburized C-rings have lower ID, OD, GW and flatness

distortions than the carbonitrided C-rings.

Table 2.4: Change in OD, ID, GW and flatness distortions of nitrocarburized and

carbonitrided 1010 Navy C-rings [44]

Change in Change in Change in Change in

Heat Treatment ID, % OD, % GW, % flatness, mm

Gas ferritic nitrocarburizing

565oC/5hrs+N2 cooling 0.0201 0.0438 0.0311 0.0001

Gas carbonitriding

850oC/4hrs+oil quench (100oC) 0.1565 0.1146 2.4424 -0.0038

Distortion in high-speed steel was studied by Leskovsek and Ule [41] using the

Navy C-ring specimens shown in Figure 2.20 (b). Table 2.5 shows the distortion values

of high-speed steel Navy C-ring specimens used by Leskovsek [45]. The parameter ‘A’

denotes the outer diameter (OD), ‘B’ is the inner diameter (ID) and ‘D’ is the gap width

(GW) of C-rings (refer Fig. 2.20 (b)). The deep cryogenic treatment at -196oC in liquid

nitrogen caused greater dimensional stability (outer and inner diameters A and B) after

subsequent tempering, but increased the gap width distortion (ΔD). He attributed the

increase in gap width distortion to the transformational and thermal stresses.

Table 2.5: Hardness and distortion values of Navy C-ring specimens made from

HSS 6-5-2 after vacuum heat treatment [45]

Dimensions of NC specimens, (mm) Difference dimensions, (%)

Group Before vacuum After vacuum   
Vacuum heat of Hardness heat treatment heat treatment   
treatment and Navy HRC   
DCT C-ring A B D A B D A B D
NC1 60.0 63.993 37.011 6.674 63.783 36.891 6.670 - 0.328 - 0.324 - 0.060
1050/80/830/4h/ NC2 59.9 63.991 37.012 6.618 63.783 36.895 6.615 - 0.325 - 0.316 - 0.045
20°C/h/600/25°C NC3 60.2 63.995 37.014 6.650 63.780 36.887 6.645 - 0.336 - 0.343 -
1230/80/2x500°C 0.075
NC4 63.9 63.999 37.034 6.676 63.882 36.926 6.547 - 0.183 - 0.292 - 1.932
1050/80/830/4h/ NC5 64.3 63.996 37.035 6.656 63.882 36.933 6.527 - 0.178 - 0.275 - 1.938
20°C/h/600/25°C NC9 64.7 63.993 37.024 6.674 63.890 36.934 6.586 - 0.161 - 0.243 - 1.318
NC6 65.4 63.997 37.024 6.676 63.959 36.999 6.674 - 0.059 - 0.067 - 0.030
1050/80/830/4h/ NC7 65.4 63.998 37.018 6.673 63.957 36.994 6.669 - 0.064 - 0.065 - 0.060
20°C/h/600/25°C NC8 65.6 63.993 37.010 6.675 63.956 36.983 6.664 - 0.044 - 0.073 - 0.165
NC10 66.0 63.998 37.017 6.636 64.008 37.017 6.631 + 0.016 0.000 - 0.090
1050/80/830/4h/ NC11 66.0 63.997 37.017 6.636 64.011 37.016 6.627 + 0.022 - 0.003 - 0.136
20°C/h/600/25°C NC12 66.0 63.996 37.025 6.637 64.011 37.030 6.624 + 0.023 + 0.013 - 0.196
NC13 59.0 63.989 37.025 6.656 63.982 37.033 6.700 - 0.011 + 0.022 + 0.661
1050/80/830/4h/ NC14 59.0 63.994 37.017 6.635 63.988 37.025 6.678 - 0.009 + 0.022 + 0.648
20°C/h/600/25°C NC15 59.0 63.998 37.015 6.634 63.988 37.020 6.673 - 0.016 + 0.013 + 0.588

Northwood et al. [28, 42-44, 46-51] have worked extensively on Navy C-rings to

determine distortion (size and shape) and residual stress in PS-18, SAE 8620, 4320 and

1010 steels. Their studies were mainly focused on minimizing distortion due to heat

treatment processes such as carburizing, carbonitriding and nitrocarburizing. Figure 2.21

(a, b) shows the size and shape distortion changes of carburized SAE 8620 C-rings. After

carburizing at 927/954oC, the C-rings were oil quenched (70oC) and tempered (149oC) to

improve dimensional stability. The results showed that the distortions are increased by

the increase in retained austenite and residual stress.

Figure 2.21: (a) Size and (b) shape distortion changes of carburized SAE Navy C-

rings: carburizing treatments: 1) 927oC/6h (carbon potential 0.9), 2) 927oC/6h

(carbon potential 1.0), 3) 927oC/6h (carbon potential 1.1), 4) 954oC/4h (carbon

potential 0.9), 5) 954oC/4h (carbon potential 1.0), 6) 954oC/4h (carbon potential 1.1)

and 7) 954oC/4h (carbon potential 1.2) [48].

2.5 Modeling

The use of high speed computations provided a new method to calculate internal

stresses and associated distortions. Computer modeling helps in preventing multiple

experimental attempts to develop a heat treatment practice that minimizes the distortion,

time and cost. It also became a useful tool to improve our understanding of the

mechanisms causing distortion.

Convergence analysis/mesh sensitivity is an important step in the finite element

simulation process. It is performed to reduce the discretization error in the mesh. The

element size is gradually decreased with every model and the final result (for example:

stress, displacement) is estimated repeatedly. By further decreasing the element size, the

final result of the current and previous model will eventually become the same. The

convergence error is then calculated by the percentage difference between the final result

of the current model and the previous model. This type of approach is called the h-

convergence [52] and with several runs, the discretization error can be significantly


To determine distortion and residual stresses numerically, the temperature field

and the distribution of phases must be known. Inoue and Tanaka [53] published a model

estimating the temperature history including transformation heat and a finite element

model to calculate the residual stresses including transformation strains. Their model has

been refined over several years [54-57]. A finite element code called ‘HEARTS’ was

developed in which all six of the couplings (thermal stress, heat generation due to

deformation, temperature-dependent phase transformation, latent heat due to phase

transformation, transformation stress and transformation plasticity, and stress-induced

transformation) are included. The predicted carbon content after carburization agrees well

with the measured (XRD) carbon composition (see Fig. 2.22(a)). The residual stress

distributions of the carburized steel cylinder specimen showed compressive residual

stress at the surface and later became tensile until 3.5 mm from center (see Fig. 2.22(b)).

(a) (b)

Figure 2.22: (a) Carbon composition profile and (b) residual stress distributions for

a carburized + water quenched long cylinder steel containing molybdenum [57].

Thuvander et al. [58, 59] presented a numerical model to predict distortion during

heat treatment of tool steels using coupled temperature calculation and phase

transformation and subsequent analysis of mechanical response. The simulations have

been carried out with finite element model code ABAQUS with additional routines for

phase transformations. Both diffusion controlled and martensite transformations were

included in the model. Heat treatment simulations for quenching and tempering as well as

case hardening have been performed.

The temperature history of tool steel blocks (ORVAR SUPREME and DIEVAR)

were validated against the measured temperature (see Fig. 2.23(a)). The predicted

distortion of gas quenched tool steel blocks were found be in a good agreement with the

experimental distortion (Fig. 2.23(b)).

(a) (b)

Figure 2.23: (a) Temperature history (experimental and computed) at centre of tool

steel block during gas quenching, (b) Distortion of gas quenched (3 bar N2) ORVAR

SUPREME tool steel block (experimental and computed). The distortion is

magnified 50 times [58].

2.5.1 Distortion modeling

Silva et al [60] reported the distortions of AISI 4140 steel C-rings quenched in oil.

They predicted a 7% error between the experimental and numerical values of the C-ring

Gap Width (GW) and Outer Diameter (OD) distortions. These geometric distortions of

the C-rings were attributed to austenite-martensite transformation at the thicker regions of

the C-ring. Figure 2.24(a, b) shows the gap width distortion and distortion simulation of a

C-ring specimen due to heat treatment.

(a) (b)
Figure 2.24 : (a) Dimensional changes of a C-ring specimen before heat treatment

(m and n dimensions) and after heat treatment (m’ and n’ dimensions), (b)

distortion simulation (displacement magnification 20X) [60].

Hernández-Morales et al. [61] studied the evolution of thermal and stress fields in

a AISI 304 stainless steel modified Navy C-ring probe cooled to 40oC in still water. They

applied an uncoupled thermo-elasto-plastic model to predict the internal stress field and

distortion using DEFORM-HT (commercial software). The model was successfully

validated by comparing the computed and measured thermal response. The measured and

predicted gap length of C-ring also showed a good agreement. They concluded that the

C-ring gap widens at the early stages of quenching due to the thermal contraction of the

tip of the probe and then closes as the thermal contraction of the medium portion of the

probe arm pushes the tip inwards (see Fig. 2.25).

Figure 2.25: Computed Gap Width (GW) vs. time curve [61].

Li et al. [62] developed a finite element model of an AISI 8620 steel C-ring (Fig.

2.26(a)) using DANTE (commercial software) to simulate the furnace heating,

carburization, quenching and tempering processes. Adding carbon lowered the gap width

distortion from 0.05 to 0.02mm (see Fig. 2.26(b)). However quenching increased the

distortion to 0.22mm. The results showed that the gap width distortion of the C-ring was

very sensitive to the heat treatment conditions. The gap width distortion was caused by

the thermal gradient and phase transformation sequence.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.26: (a) Finite element model of one half of the C-ring, (b) Gap width

(opening displacement) distortion of AISI 8620 carburized C-ring [62].

Zoch [34] presented a methodology called “distortion engineering” (see Fig. 2.27)

to understand the dimensional changes of SAE 52100, 4140 and 5120 rings, shafts and

discs/gears. The simulated processes include rolling, forging, milling, heating,

carburizing and quenching. The distortion compensation was found to be difficult for

shafts and discs/gears but the distortion could be compensated successfully for rings.

Hence the material geometry is an important aspect that should be considered to reduce


Figure 2.27: Distortion engineering procedure by Zoch [34].

Nicolas et al. [63] presented the experimental and simulation results of 3-D

distortion identification from quenched ASCOMETAL steel grade C-ring. The C-ring

test part was 100mm long with a 16mm wide opening. The dimensions of outer and inner

diameters were 70 and 45 mm with 11 mm off-centered. The 3-D distortion of C-rings

were reported as ovalization, barrel effect and banana effect (see Fig. 2.28).

(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 2.28: (a) 100 mm long C-ring, (b) comparison of experiment and simulation

distortion results, (c) banana effect, and (d) barrel or bobbin effect [63].

Freborg et al [64] developed a heat treatment simulation model to predict the

residual stress and distortion response in a carburized AMS 6308 steel coupon.

Convective heat transfer coefficients (htc) were calculated from the thermal response of a

304 stainless steel test block and a DANTE (commercial software) thermal model. A

constant heat transfer coefficient (htc) was assumed during gas quenching as the

temperature dependent properties like thermal conductivity and kinematic viscosity have

less effect on htc. Figure 2.29 shows the distortion comparison of an AMS 6308 coupon

that was vacuum carburized + subcritical annealed + austenitized + gas quenched +deep

frozen + double tempered.

Figure 2.29: Comparison of measured and predicted distortion (DANTE model)

showing the "bowing" of AMS 6308 coupon [64].

They have also modeled a heat treatment simulation involving carburization and

oil quenching for AISI 4320H gear component [65]. The radial distortion was predicted

and validated by the experimental measurements (see Fig. 2.30).

Figure 2.30: Radial displacement contour and distortion comparison of bore and tip

distortion of AISI 4320H gear component [65].

Depouhon et al. [66] presented a numerical model to anticipate the distortion in a

simplified large gear due to nitriding (see Fig. 2.31 (a)). The distortion was measured

experimentally using a 3D coordinate measuring machine (CMM) and the predicted

distortion results were validated against the measured distortion. The predicted and

measured distortion were calculated at seven different locations in the gear. The predicted

distortion values reported in Figure 2.31 (b) seem to be in good agreement with the

experimental values. The simulation method assumed that the volumetric eigen strains

were the only source of distortion.

(a) (b)
Figure 2.31: (a) – Geometry of a simplified large gear, (b) – Distortion comparison

at seven points [66].

A mathematical model was developed to predict the distortion, carbon and

nitrogen contents in a carbo-nitrided ASTM 4118 carbon steel specimen (see Fig. 2.32

(a)). The heat treatment starts with heating at 930oC/120 min followed by passing C/N

gas with carbon and nitrogen potentials of 1.1% and 0.3%. The carbo-nitriding process

was carried out for 240 min followed by cooling at 850oC for 40 min. In the end, the

specimen was oil quenched to 60oC. The predicted distortion shows partial agreement

with the experimental results (refer Fig. 2.32 (b)).

(a) (b)
Figure 2.32: (a) Carbon steel ring specimen geometry (dimensions in mm), (b)

Measured and predicted distortion results at location 1 (outer diameter) and 2

(inner diameter) [67].

Table 2.6 is a summary of the distortion modeling discussed in section 2.5.1. The

distortion was predicted mostly for carburizing treatments that involve austenite to

martensite phase transformation. Extensive literature is not available for the distortion

modeling of nitrocarburizing processes.

Table 2.6: Summary of the distortion modeling

Study Material/Heat treatment Compone Core material Agreement

(Ref.) nt of phase with
modeling transformation experiment*
AISI 4140 steel/ austenite to
[60] carburizing C-ring martensite good
[61] AISI 304 stainless steel / modified no phase good
heating(900oC)+Water C-ring transformation
[62] AISI 8620 steel / good
carburizing(925oC/ C-ring austenite to
6hrs)+oil lower bainite &
quench(65oC/10min)+ martensite
[63] ASCOMETAL steel modified not mentioned partial
grade/heating(930oC)+ C-ring
[64] AMS 6308 steel/ notched austenite to
carburizing+anneal+ coupon martensite
austenitize+gas moderate
quench(10 bar N2) +deep
freeze+double temper
[65] AISI 4320H steel/ gear austenite to
Carburizing(927oC/ martensite & partial
15hrs+857oC/1hr)+oil bainite
[66] 32CrMoV13 steel/ gear no phase good
Gas nitriding(120hrs) transformation
[67] ASTM 4118 carbon
steel/carbonitriding ring austenite to partial
(930oC/360min)+cooled martensite &
(850oC/10min)+oil bainite
* ‘good’ denotes <10% difference between experimental and simulated values,

‘moderate’ indicate <25% difference between experimental and simulated values, and

‘partial’ denotes >40% prediction difference.

2.5.2 Composition-Depth profiles: experimental and modeling

Figure 2.33 shows the nitrogen and carbon composition-depth profiles of gas

nitrocarburized Fe-0.8C (wt. %) and Fe alloys. In the compound layer, the concentration

of nitrogen is higher than the carbon concentration during the nitrocarburizing treatment.

This situation can arise when the carbon and nitrogen content in the compound layer

cannot be altered independently of each other.

Figure 2.33: Nitrogen and carbon concentration profiles measured using EPMA on

nitrocarburized Fe-0.8C (wt. %) and Fe alloys [68].

Grafen and Edenhofer [69] have reported a method to overcome this problem by dividing

the nitrocarburizing process in two parts: the first part will have NH3 + CO2 + N2 gases to

increase the nitrogen content while the second part consists of NH3 + C3H8 + N2 gases to

increase the carbon content in the compound layer (see Fig. 2.34).

Figure 2.34: Special ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) process for increased N2 and C

contents [69].

Many researchers have investigated the composition-depth profiles during

nitriding/nitrocarburizing treatments to predict the compound layer growth. Yang and

Sisson Jr. [70] simulated the compound layer growth kinetics of nitrided AISI 4140 steel.

In their work, the N concentration was measured at four different locations (labelled as 1,

2, 3 and 4 in Fig. 2.35) within the surface layer and the solid (red) line indicates the

simulated nitrogen concentration profile. The simulated profile showed good agreement

with the measured results.

Figure 2.35: Nitrogen concentration profile for nitrided 4140 steel (measured

vs. computed) [70].

Keddam [71] presented a kinetic model to simulate the pulse plasma nitriding

process using Fick’s laws of diffusion. He developed a computer simulation program

using Turbo-Pascal language to predict the nitrogen composition profiles at two

temperatures (see Fig. 2.36).

Figure 2.36: Predicted nitrogen composition-depth profiles for pulse plasma nitride

pure iron. The experimental data (∆ symbol) were acquired from Yan et al. [72], (a)

T=773K (500oC) & (b) T= 793K (520oC) (1 represents ε phase, 2 is γ′ and 3

represents α phase) [71].

The model was limited to the compound layer only and the diffusion layer was not

included in the model. The regions 1, 2 and 3 in Fig. 2.36 helps to identify the ε/γ′

interface and γ’/α interface in the nitrogen profiles. The thickness of the nitrided phases

was found to decrease with the increase in process temperature (500 to 520oC).

Finite difference approximation is the most widely known technique used for simulating

the composition profiles of nitriding/nitrocarburizing steels. Gu et al. [73] performed a

numerical simulation of nitrogen and carbon composition-depth profiles using the finite

difference method with the Crank-Nicolson algorithm. The Crank-Nicolson algorithm is

an advanced implicit integration scheme proposed by Crank and Nicolson in 1947 [74]. It

is unconditionally stable and produces better truncation error than the basic implicit

method [75]. Figure 2.37 shows the simulated and experimental composition profiles for

low-temperature plasma nitrocarburized (430oC/30hrs) austenitic stainless steel. The blue

line indicates the nitrogen composition and the red line indicates the carbon composition.

The blue and red dots represent the experimental data measured using glow discharge

optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES). The general trend of the carbon and nitrogen

composition profiles agree well.

Figure 2.37: Predicted and experimental nitrogen, carbon composition profiles of

plasma nitrocarburized austenitic stainless steel [73].

Another example of nitrogen-depth profile simulation using a finite difference method

(Crank-Nicolson) is shown in Figure 2.38. The nitrogen profile in plasma nitrided

(400oC/2hrs) AISI 316L steel was experimentally obtained by GDOES. The diffusion

coefficient values (Do) of nitrogen were changed to predict the best profile

approximation. By comparing the experimental and simulated profiles, Moskalioviene et

al. [76] calculated the best fit (black line) at Do = 0.837 x 10-3cm2/s. It was found that the

nitrogen penetration depth and nitrogen diffusivity depends on the crystalline orientation

of AISI 316L steel (see Fig. 2.38 (b)).

(a) (b)
Figure 2.38: Simulated and experimental nitrogen depth profiles of plasma nitrided

AISI 316L (400oC/2hrs) with different N diffusion coefficients [76].

Torres et al. [77] also developed a numerical model using implicit finite difference

approximation to predict the nitrogen profile and distortion during FNC treatments. The

model was applied to housing (case 1) and plate-like (case 2) components made of sand-

cast ductile iron (Fig. 2.39 (a & b)). They have divided the model into two parts. The first

part of the model calculates the nitrogen profile. A second order kinetic reaction was

included in the model to account for the formation of nitrides.

(a) (b)
Figure 2.39: (a) schematic of housing, (b) plate-like component

The predicted N composition profile (solid line in Fig. 2.40) was in good

agreement with the experimental N profile (measured using GDOES). The second part

takes the nitrogen composition profiles as input and executes structural analysis to predict

the final distortion (see Fig. 2.41). The bore distortion initially decreases with the

distance along the bore, then increases back to the same level.

Figure 2.40: Nitrogen composition-depth profiles (measured and calculated) [77].

Figure 2.41: Predicted bore deformation for housing (case 1) and plate-like

(case 2) components due to 2 different FNC treatments [77].

Table 2.7 summarizes the composition profile modeling procedures reported in section


Table 2.7: Summary of the composition profile modeling

Component of Agreement
Study Materials / Heat treatment modeling with
(Ref.) experimental
[70] AISI 4140
1.5hr)+oil quench disk good
(54 C)+tempered(579oC/

[71] Pure iron / plasma 15 x 15 x 10mm partial
nitriding(500oC) specimen
[73] AISI 316L steel / plasma -- good
(430oC/30 hrs)
[76] AISI 316L / plasma -- good
nitriding (400oC/2hrs)
[77] Sand cast ductile iron / housing & plate- good
ferritic nitrocarburizing like

* ‘good’ denotes <10% difference between experimental and simulated results, and

‘partial’ denotes incomplete experimental data.

2.5.3 Residual Stress Modeling

Freborg et al. [64] applied an internal state variable (ISV) material model into the

DANTE simulation software to predict the residual stress of a notched AMS 6308 steel

coupon. The results showed compressive residual stress at the surface, which then tended

to become tensile with an increase in depth (see Fig.2.42). There is not much change in

the predicted residual stress values up to 0.6mm depth. At 0.6mm, the X-ray measured

residual (compressive) stress is almost half of the predicted stress.

Figure 2.42: Predicted and measured axial residual stress of a carburized AMS 6308

steel coupon [64].

Depouhon et al. [78] developed a nitriding model to predict the residual stresses

of 32CrMoV13 low alloy steel. The model has two sections: the chemical calculation was

solved by diffusion-reaction-convection model and the mechanical calculation by elasto-

visco-plasticity model. Figure 2.43 shows the predicted hoop residual stress and residual

stress profiles after gas nitriding. The model predicts a compressive stress of

approximately 500 MPa at the nitrided surface, and tensile stresses in the bulk material.

(a) (b)
Figure 2.43: (a) – Predicted hoop residual stress map (MPa), (b) - Residual stress-

depth profiles for a gas nitrided (550oC/120 hrs) tubular sample [78].

A multiphase material model was developed using ABAQUS (finite element

code) with DANTE user subroutines to simulate the residual stresses of a carburized

Almen strip [79]. Almen strip (100 mm long and 20 mm wide) is a calibration test

specimen used to quantify the residual stresses. The experimental residual stress points in

Figure 2.44 were measured using X-ray diffraction [80]. Although the residual stress data

(experimental) was not completely measured, a partial agreement exists between

experimental and simulated residual stresses.

(a) (b)
Figure 2.44: Residual stress-depth profiles at the center of the Almen strip, (a) 2.44

mm thick and (b) 3.18 mm thick [79].

The residual stress gradients of a nitrided Fe-Al specimen was studied using a

cross-sectional transmission X-ray micro-diffraction technique [81]. It was reported that

the Fe-Al specimen cutting can relax the residual stress in the near-surface region. FEM

simulations were developed to estimate the residual stress relaxation using ABAQUS

software. In the FEM model, the stress profile was varied until the predicted stress was

equal to the experimentally measured residual stress. The solid line in Figure 2.45

represents the predicted residual stress of the cross-sectional specimen using FEM. The

residual stress profiles were divided into five regions (I, II, III, IV and V) to understand

the stress gradients. The un-nitrided core (region V) with zero nitrogen has low tensile

stress. With the increase in nitrogen composition, compressive residual stress is

developed in region IV, III and II, but region I ended up with tensile residual stress at the

surface. The results showed that the misfit accommodation of incoherent AlN

precipitation was realized plastically. The AlN phase in Fe-Al specimen is similar to the

γ’ (Fe4N) phase in nitrided/nitrocarburized carbon steels.

Figure 2.45: Residual stress-depth profiles for the nitrided Fe-Al specimen
(experimental and predicted) [81].

Table 2.8 summarizes the residual stress-depth profile modeling discussed in section


Table 2.8: Summary of the residual stress-depth profile modeling

Component Agreement
Study Material / Heat treatment of modeling with
(Ref.) experimental
[64] AMS 6308 steel /
carburizing + anneal + notched partial
austenitize + gas quench (10 coupon
bar N2) + deep freeze +
double temper
[78] 32CrMoV13 steel / gas tubular plate good
nitriding (550oC/120hrs)
[79] SAE 4023 & SAE 4620 steel
/ carburizing Almen strips partial
2hrs+871oC/1.3hr) + oil
quench (177oC) + air cool
[81] Fe-4.7 at.% Al / rectangular
recrystallized (800oC/ specimen good
20min)+gas nitriding
(550oC/30hrs)+water quench

* ‘good’ denotes <10% difference between experimental and simulated results, and

‘partial’ denotes >40% prediction difference.


The main goal of this research is to minimize the distortion and residual stress associated

with the ferritic nitrocarburizing treatment for SAE 1010 plain carbon steel specimens.

To calculate the distortion behaviour, two different specimen types were used, namely:

Navy C-ring (probe) and a torque converter (TC) piston (automotive component). Navy

C-rings were simply used as a measuring tool to observe the geometrical variations due to

the ferritic nitrocarburizing process. Figure 3.1 is an overview of the research plan for

evaluating the distortion of Navy C-rings and torque converter (TC) pistons and

subsequent validation of the simulation results.

To study distortion in ferritic

nitrocarburized SAE 1010 steel

Test specimen – Navy C-ring

Actual component – TC piston

Experimental method Numerical method

TC pistons Navy C-ring test Navy C-ring FEMs TC piston FEMs

CMM measured ID, OD & GW distortions Predicted ID, OD & GW distortions

Measured N Validation of measured & predicted Simulated N

composition distortions composition
profiles V/VN ratio profiles

Validation of measured & predicted

composition profiles
Local distortion due to ε & γ’ phases
Measured surface Predicted surface
Validation of measured & predicted
residual stresses residual stresses
residual stresses
Residual stress distributions for 1-step
& 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments

Figure 3.1: Overview of the research plan.

Torque converter (TC) is used to transmit power from an engine/motor to a

rotating drive load. The components of torque converter include: a pump impeller, a

turbine runner, a stator, and a piston [16]. TC piston (lockup clutch) is used to eliminate

the energy loss due to difference in rotational speeds of turbine and the impeller. TC

piston is ferritic nitrocarburized to improve the fatigue strength and wear resistance.

Figure 3.2(a, b) shows a typical torque converter (TC) and cross section of a torque

converter and piston.

TC in a transmission Piston (spring damper)

(a) (b)

Figure 3.2: (a) Torque converter (TC), and (b) TC cross section [82].

3.1 Distortion reduction

The first part of the research deals with the distortion reduction of nitrocarburized

SAE 1010 steel specimens. To solve the distortion problem, three different Navy C-ring

specimens (thickness: 19, 10, 2.8mm) and torque converter (TC) piston specimens were

used in the experimental and numerical methods. Navy C-ring probes were mainly

chosen to analyze the effect of its thickness on distortion.

3.1.1 Navy C-ring geometry

The Navy C-rings were cut from a bar stock of hot rolled SAE 1010 steel using

electrical discharge machining. Figure 3.3 (a, b & c) shows the geometry of three C-rings

(C1, C2 and C3) that were used to calculate the distortion.

6.35±0.127 GW 6.35±0.127 GW 6.35±0.127 GW

31.75±0.127 31.75±0.127 31.75±0.127


50.8±0.127 OD 50.8±0.127 OD 50.8±0.127 OD Thickness: 19.05±0.127 10.05±0.127 2.8±0.127

(a) C1 C2 C3 (b) C1 C2 C3

19.05 10.05 2.8

6.35 ± 0.127 ±0.127 ±0.127 ±0.127

31.75 ± 0.127


50.8 ± 0.127 C1 C2 C3


Figure 3.3: (a, b) Navy C-ring specimen geometry, (c) schematic for Navy C-

rings C1, C2 and C3 (dimensions in mm).

3.1.2 Materials

The chemical composition of SAE 1010 plain carbon steel specimens used in the

present work is listed in Table 3.1:

Table 3.1: Elemental compositions of SAE 1010 plain carbon steel [44]

Element Wt.%
Carbon (C) 0.12
Manganese (Mn) 0.43
Phosphorus (P) 0.008
Sulfur (S) 0.008
Silicon (Si) 0.03
Chromium (Cr) 0.03
Nickel (Ni) 0.01
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.01
Copper (Cu) 0.02
Plumbum (Pb) Not detected
Aluminum (Al) 0.052
Vanadium (V) 0.001
Columbium (Cb) Not detected
Titanium (Ti) 0.002
Cobalt (Co) Not detected
Tin (Sn) Not detected
Boron (B) 0.0003
Calcium (Ca) 0.0001
Zirconium (Zr) Not detected
Tungsten (W) Not detected

3.1.3 Torque converter piston fabrication

Cold-worked SAE 1010 steel sheets (2.8 mm thick) were used to produce torque

converter (TC) pistons. The SAE 1010 sheets underwent a progressive five-stage

stamping operation to fabricate them into TC pistons [16]. Torque converter pistons were

then subjected to various ferritic nitrocarburizing processes. They have an outer diameter

(OD) of 260 mm and an inner diameter (ID) of 60 mm. Figure 3.4 shows the SAE 1010

steel torque converter (TC) piston geometry.

ID 60 mm
OD 260 mm

Figure 3.4: Geometry of torque converter (TC) piston.

3.1.4 Heat treatment conditions

The basic process scheme of a ferritic nitrocarburizing process is given below

(Fig. 3.5).

Nitrocarburization (525-650oC) Cooling

Temperature, oC

Time, hrs

Figure 3.5: Schematic process diagram of the ferritic nitrocarburizing treatment.

Table 3.2 lists the heat treatment processes that were used in the experimental and

numerical methods. For each of the gas ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) treatments, six

Navy C-rings with three different thicknesses were used for measuring the distortion. The

total number of torque converter (TC) pistons used for each FNC treatment is ten.

Table 3.2: Heat treatment and specimen details

Heat treatment No. of specimens used

Navy C-rings: 6
595oC/ 4hrs + air cooled to
Gas ferritic TC pistons: 10
room temperature
Navy C-rings: 6
565oC/ 5hrs + air cooled to
TC pistons: 10
room temperature

TC pistons: 10
Vacuum ferritic 580oC/ 10hrs + air cooled to

nitrocarburizing room temperature

3.1.5 Sample preparation and optical microscopy

An optical microscope (Leitz Laborlux 12 ME) was used to analyze the

microstructure of the SAE 1010 TC piston samples after ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC)

treatments (see Fig. 3.6). Small sections were cut from the heat treated TC pistons and

mounted in blue diallyl phthalate powder using a Buehler Simplimet mounting press. The

mounted samples were then ground using 240, 320, 400, 600 and 1200 grit silicon carbon

papers. After grinding, samples were polished using 1.0 µm and 0.5 µm alumina powder

suspended in distilled water. The TC piston samples were then etched using 3.5% Nital

solution for 10-15 seconds, followed by a water rinse and ethanol. The following

magnifications were used to finally examine the specimens: 200X, 500X and 1000X.

Figure 3.6: A light optical microscope (Leitz Laborlux 12 ME).

Nitrocarburized microstructures showed a compound layer containing ε-phase

(Fe2-3(C, N)), diffusion zone containing γ′-phase (Fe4N), and ferrite in the core. The

thickness of the compound layer was then measured for different heat treated samples.

3.1.6 Nano-indentation measurements

Nanoindentation testing was used to calculate the Young’s modulus values of the

compound layer and core material (SAE 1010). Figure 3.7(a) shows the instrument used

for nanoindentation (Hysitron Ubi1) in SAE 1010 steel samples. The indentation load is

applied from 0 to 500µN and then from 500µN back to 0µN. When the load is removed

from the indenter (500µN back to 0µN), the specimen will try to recover back to its

original shape due to the elastic strain relaxation. However, the specimen is unable to

fully recover due to plastic deformation. The Young’s modulus of the specimen is

calculated from the slope of the unloading curve of the load-displacement response (see

Fig. 3.7(b)). The depth of indenter penetration was ~ 40nm.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.7: (a) Hysitron (Ubi1) nanomechanical instrument, (b) loading-unloading

response for a SAE 1010 C-ring after FNC.

3.1.7 Experimental distortion measurements

The distortion of C-ring and TC piston specimens were measured using a

PRISMO coordinate measuring machine (CMM) (refer Fig. 3.8). The inner diameter

(ID), outer diameter (OD) and gap width (GW) dimensions were measured by conducting

contact scans on the specimen surface using a mechanical set-up probe. The specimen

features were scanned using Imageware Surface scanning software. The dimensional

accuracy was 0.1 microns.

The ID and OD dimensions were recorded at multiple locations along each

specimen before and after ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) treatment. The ID dimension of

the TC piston specimen was measured at 15mm below the lockup surface and the OD

dimension was measured at 21.5mm below the lockup surface of the TC piston.

The C-ring’s GW dimension was measured at top, middle and bottom positions of

the gap width. The difference in ID, OD and GW dimensions (after FNC – before FNC)

were then calculated for each specimen, and their average values were finally obtained as

geometric distortions.

Figure 3.8: PRISMO coordinate measuring machine (CMM) [83].

3.1.8 Numerical (FEM) distortion prediction

The predicted distortions were calculated from the finite element simulations of

Navy C-rings and torque converter (TC) pistons. The ID and OD distortions were

calculated throughout the inner and outer circumferences of the C-ring model and their

average values were compared with the experimental ID and OD (averaged) distortions.

The GW distortion was predicted at three locations (top, middle and bottom through the

thickness) similar to the experimental GW distortion of the C-rings. The details about the

Navy C-ring FEM models, TC piston FEM models and the distortion results are

discussed in detail in Chapter 4 and 5.

In addition to the predicted ID (inner diameter), OD (outer diameter) and GW

(gap width) distortions, a composition-depth profile simulation model was developed to

predict the local distortion due to ε & γ′ phases (see Chapter 6). The local distortion due

to the nitrocarburized phases will help to better understand and control the distortion


3.1.9 Composition-depth profile numerical simulation

The nitrogen composition-depth profiles were calculated numerically using finite

difference method (FDM). The numerical models are addressed in Chapter 6. Figures 3.9

and 3.10 show the schematic diagrams for the simulated nitrogen composition-depth

profiles due to 1-step and 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments. The simulated composition-

depth profiles of 1-step and 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments were used to calculate the

compound layer (CL) thickness and local distortion due to ε and γ′ phases.
Nitrogen composition,wt.%

ε γ′
from diff.zone

Distance from surface,µm

Figure 3.9: Schematic of nitrogen composition-depth profile due to 1-step

nitrocarburizing treatment.

Nitrogen composition,wt.%

γ'+ε γ'from diff.zone α

Distance from surface,µm

Figure 3.10: Schematic of the simulated nitrogen composition-depth profile due to 2-

step nitrocarburizing treatment.

3.1.10 Composition-depth profile measurements (experimental)

Using electron probe micro analysis (EPMA), quantitative elemental analysis can

be performed at a very small spot size. It is commonly used to analyze geological

materials. Nitrogen and carbon composition profiles of ferritic nitrocarburized TC piston

samples were measured experimentally using a CAMECA SX50 electron probe micro

analyzer (EPMA) at the Earth Sciences Department, University of Toronto (see Fig.


Point analysis along a linear direction was performed on nitrocarburized TC

piston samples perpendicular to the surface. A total of 15 point locations were selected in

the compound layer (on both the sample ends) and core material to measure the

intensities. The measured intensities were then compared with a standard of known

nitrogen and carbon compositions to conduct the quantitative chemical analysis.

Figure 3.11: Cameca SX50 Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) at Earth

Sciences, University of Toronto [84].

3.2 Reduction in surface residual stress

The second part of research deals with the reduction of surface residual stresses in

TC piston specimens after ferritic nitrocarburizing. The surface residual stresses due to 1-

step ferritic nitrocarburizing were predicted and validated against the experimentally

measured stresses. The results showed tensile residual stresses at the TC piston surface.

In order to further reduce the surface (tensile) stress, the residual stress distributions for

the nitrocarburized phases were simulated for a set of 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments

(refer to Chapter 6).



Experimental methods require several repetitions to obtain improvements in heat

treatment processes [85]. Repeated experiments are time consuming and expensive. To

overcome this problem, simulation tools are developed. Numerical simulations using the

finite element method (FEM) are widely used in the automotive industry to save time and

reduce cost in manufacturing processes. The accuracy of the simulation results depend on

providing the correct material data.

Distortion resulting from heat treatment can be calculated using numerical

methods. Two dimensional and three dimensional finite element models were developed

to simulate the heat treatment conditions and to investigate the effect of Navy C-ring and

torque converter (TC) piston geometries on distortion.

4.1 Material Properties

An isotropic fully elastic material model was selected for the Navy C-rings and

torque converter (TC) pistons. Table 4.1 lists the material properties (Young’s modulus,

Poisson’s ratio, thermal expansion coefficient) of the compound layer and bulk material

(SAE 1010 steel) used in the FEM models. The Young’s modulus values were measured

using nano-indentation test. The mean thermal expansion coefficient values were taken

from the literature [86, 87]. The density of SAE 1010 steel is 7.872x103 kg/m3 [86, 88].

The material model has been selected as elastic only, because the maximum yield

strength (from the simulated models) of the C-ring and TC piston are calculated as 78.55

MPa and 54.96 MPa respectively. At 600oC and room temperature, the yield strength of

the SAE 1010 steel are 110 MPa and 305 MPa respectively [89, 90] . Therefore, the

maximum calculated stress do not exceed the yield strength of 1010 steel.

Table 4.1: Material properties used in the FEM models

Young’s Poisson Mean thermal expansion

Material Modulus (E), ratio (ν) coefficient (x10-6), oC-1


Compound layer 205 0.29 7.62 (25oC)

Bulk material 192 0.29 14.6 (0-600oC)

(SAE 1010)

For a low carbon steel (C < 0.3%), the variation of Young’s modulus values with

temperature was found to be less than 20% [91]. Therefore, in the FEM models, the

Young’s modulus values were assumed constant and do not vary with temperature.

4.2 Navy C-ring Probe

Three different Navy C-rings were modeled with dimensions similar to the C-ring

geometries (C1, C2 and C3) shown in section 3.1.1. The Inner Diameter (ID), Outer

Diameter (OD) and Gap Width (GW) of the C-rings were calculated before and after heat

treatment simulations. Figure 4.1 shows the Navy C-ring dimensions used in the FEM


6.35 mm Thickness

31.75mm ID

50.8 mm OD 19 mm 10 mm 2.8 mm
C1 C2 C3

Figure 4.1: Navy C-ring geometry dimensions

4.3 Navy C-ring Finite Element Models

Finite element simulations of Navy C-rings were developed to predict the

distortion of nitrocarburized SAE 1010 steel. Two different heat treatment conditions

(565oC/5hrs + air cooling, and 595oC/4hrs + air cooling) were simulated in this study.

The C-ring part was partitioned into sections: compound layer and bulk. The compound

layer of C-rings were modeled with a thickness of 13.73 µm for 565oC/5hrs+air cooling

and 19.12 µm for 595oC/4hrs+air cooling. These thickness values were obtained from

the previous work [16]. The material properties of the compound layer and bulk material

(SAE 1010) were applied to the modeled sections of the C-ring (refer to Table 4.1).

Figure 4.2 compares the modeled C-ring sections with the optical micrograph showing

the compound layer.


Figure 4.2: Compound layer comparison of the Navy C-ring probe model and the

optical micrograph showing the compound layer of SAE 1010 steel.

The heat treatment process involving ferritic nitrocarburizing and air cooling does

not involve a phase transformation (in the bulk), so the FEM model will not take into

account any phase transformation phenomenon, e.g. austenite to martensite.

4.3.1 Boundary Conditions

Heat transfer that takes place between the material surface and the surrounding

environment by convection is related to the heat transfer coefficient as follows:

q = h · A · ΔT (4.1)

where h represents the convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 oC), A denotes the heat

transfer area of the surface (m2), q is the heat transferred per unit time (W), and ΔT

denotes the temperature difference (Ts-T∞) between the surface (Ts) and the fluid (T∞)

(oC). This convective heat transfer coefficient (h) was applied as a thermal boundary

condition at all Navy C-ring surfaces in contact with the gas. The heat transfer coefficient

used in the model was 200 W/m2C. In the model, one end of the Navy C-ring half was

fixed at the bottom to avoid rigid body motion.

4.3.2 Discretization of the C-ring models

All parts were assigned with a solid section property in ABAQUS (a commercial

software). Taking advantage of the C-ring symmetry, only half of the C-ring was

modeled. The discretized finite element model of the three different C-rings are

illustrated in Figure 4.3. Linear tetrahedral elements of type C3D4T were selected to

discretize the C-ring parts. The mesh density of the nitrocarburized layer was kept higher

than the bulk material; computer runs with different mesh densities were performed to

make sure that numerical solution for the predicted distortion was mesh independent.

After several computer runs, it was also found that a variable time step of 10-9 to 2000 sec

was appropriate for convergence. Table 4.2 shows the mesh sensitivity study for C3

sample. The total number of elements in each of the C-ring model are listed in Table 4.3.

Table 4.2: Mesh sensitivity study in a C-ring (C3) model

Model No. of GW distortion (top) Relative difference

number elements (mm) between consecutive

iterations (%)

1 114795 -0.0067 --

2 121218 -0.0071 5.6

3 121586 -0.0074 4.1

4 122359 -0.0076 2.6

C1 C2 C3

Figure 4.3: Half symmetric geometry of meshed Navy C-rings with varying

thicknesses 19mm (C1), 10mm (C2), 3mm (C3).

Table 4.3: Details about the C-ring elements

Specimens Total number of Total number of tetrahedral

nodes elements

C1 62860 348199

C2 36416 197330

C3 22999 122359

4.4 Simulation Procedure of C-ring models

A total of six FEM C-ring models were developed (two heat treatments per C-ring

type). The distortion problem was solved using an explicit time integration scheme. Each

FEM model has two operations: heating and cooling (see Table 4.4). The FEM

simulation of the C-ring’s heating operation involved the prediction of the ring expansion

due to the increase in temperature from 27oC to 565oC/595oC. Once expanded at 565 or

595oC for 4-5hrs, the C-ring was considered as completely nitrocarburized by

incorporating the material properties of the ε & γ′ phases. The expanded C-rings were

then passed into the cooling operation (27oC/1.1hr).

Table 4.4: Finite element simulation set up for C-ring models

Operation Parameter Value compound layer
thickness, µm
565oC/ 595oC/
5hrs 4hrs
Specimens C-rings (C1, C2, C3)

1 - Heating Material SAE 1010 steel

Initial temperature 27oC

Heating temperature/time 565oC/5hrs & 595oC/4hrs 13.73 19.12

Specimens Expanded C-rings from operation 1

2 - Cooling Initial temperature 565oC & 595oC

Cooling temperature/time 27oC/1.1 hr

4.5 Axisymmetric Torque Converter Piston Model

Finite element simulations (2D axisymmetric model) of torque converter pistons

were developed. The torque Converter (TC) piston used in this study has a thickness

(2.8mm) which is same as the C3 C-ring type. The same heat treatment conditions that

were used for Navy C-rings were used for TC pistons. The piston part was partitioned

into two sections: compound layer and bulk. The compound layer section was meshed

finer than the bulk material.

The compound layer section was modeled to a thickness of 12.28 µm for

565oC/5hrs+air cooling and 14.22 µm for 595oC/4hrs+air cooling conditions. These

thickness values were obtained from the previous work [16]. Similar to the C-ring model,

the material properties of the compound layer and bulk material (SAE 1010) were applied

separately. The applied thermal and mechanical boundary conditions were similar to the

Navy C-ring probe models. Figure 4.4 (a) & (b) shows the torque converter piston cross

section and axisymmetric FEM model. Triangular elements of type CAX6MT were

selected to discretize the axisymmetric TC piston.


(a) (b)

Figure 4.4: (a) Cross section of the torque Converter (TC) piston, (b)

axisymmetric TC piston model.

4.6 Simulation procedure of axisymmetric TC piston model

Axisymmetric models were developed using an explicit time integration scheme

to simulate the nitrocarburizing processes (565oC/5hrs + air cooling & 595oC/4hrs + air

cooling). The heating and cooling job files were set to run with double precision. The

expanded piston after the heating operation was predefined as the initial state of the

cooling operation. Table 4.5 lists the simulation set-up of the axisymmetric model similar

to the C-ring model.

In order to validate the predicted distortion values, the ID distortion was estimated at

11mm below the lockup surface. Similarly, the OD distortion was estimated at 21.5mm

below the lockup surface (refer to section 3.1.7).

Table 4.5: Finite element simulation set up for TC pistons

Operation Parameter Value compound layer
thickness, µm
565oC/ 595oC/
5hrs 4hrs
Specimens TC piston

1 - Heating Material SAE 1010 steel

Initial temperature 27oC

Heating temperature/time 565oC/5hrs & 595oC/4hrs

Specimens Expanded piston from operation 1 12.28 14.22

2 - Cooling Initial temperature 565oC & 595oC

Cooling temperature/time 27oC/1.1 hr


5.1 Distortion results of Navy C-rings

The distortion occurs either by expansion or contraction of the C-rings due to heat

treatment. Distortion with a negative value indicates the contraction of C-rings after heat

treatment. The predicted C-ring distortions were validated against the measured

distortions (ID, OD and GW).



Figure 5.1: C-ring’s GW distortion measurement locations

The GW distortion was measured at three different locations using a CMM (see

section 3.1.7), which are denoted top, middle and bottom in Fig. 5.1. The C-ring’s gap

width (GW), OD and ID distortions were calculated from the Navy C-ring FEM models

and experimental measurements. The experimentally measured distortion of C-rings were

calculated by subtracting the dimensions (ID, OD and GW) after heat treatment from the

dimensions (ID, OD and GW) recorded before heat treatment. The C-ring’s ID, OD and

GW distortion values were then averaged (6 C-rings per heat treatment = 2C1, 2C2 and

2C3, total=12 C-rings) and are reported in Table 5.1. The absolute errors were estimated

as the difference between measured and predicted distortion.

ID, OD, GW distortion = ID, OD, GW dimensions (after heat treatment) - ID, OD, GW
dimensions (before heat treatment) (5.1)

Absolute error = Measured distortion - Predicted distortion (5.2)

Table 5.1: Measured ID, OD and GW distortions for nitrocarburized C-rings

Heat Gas ferritic nitrocarburizing, Gas ferritic nitrocarburizing,
treatment 595oC/4hrs + air cooling 565oC/5hrs + air cooling
Specimen ID C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3
(thickness) (19mm) (10mm) (2.8mm) (19mm) (10mm) (2.8mm)
OD distortion, 0.0250 0.0235 0.0278 0.0223 0.0224 0.0193
ID distortion, 0.0067 0.0006 -0.0049 0.0064 0.0004 -0.0025
GW distortion 0.0067 -0.0148 -0.0085 0.0043 -0.0144 -0.0117
(top), mm
GW distortion 0.0033 -0.0146 -- -0.0002 -0.0174 --
(middle), mm
GW distortion 0.0055 -0.0155 -0.0125 -0.0003 -0.0173 -0.0124
(bottom), mm

Tables 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 compares the measured and predicted GW distortion results of

the Navy C-rings.

Table 5.2: C-ring’s Gap Width (GW) distortion results – Top location
Heat C-ring V/VN GW distortion (mm), Location: Top
Treatment specimens ratio* Measured Predicted Absolute
595oC/4h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 0.0067 -0.0035 0.0102

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 -0.0148 -0.0109 0.0039

C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 -0.0085 -0.0076 0.0009

565oC/5h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 0.0043 -0.0019 0.0062

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 -0.0144 -0.0042 0.0102

C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 -0.0117 -0.0043 0.0074

* defined as bulk volume (V) to nitrocarburized volume (VN) ratio.

Table 5.3: C-ring’s Gap Width (GW) distortion results – Middle location
Heat C-ring V/VN GW distortion (mm), Location: Middle
Treatment specimens ratio* Measured Predicted Absolute
595oC/4h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 0.0033 -0.0076 0.0109

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 -0.0146 -0.0093 0.0053

C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 -- -0.0062 --

565oC/5h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 -0.0002 -0.0073 0.0071

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 -0.0174 -0.0065 0.0109

C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 -- -0.0046 --

* defined as bulk volume (V) to nitrocarburized volume (VN) ratio.

Table 5.4: C-ring’s Gap Width (GW) distortion results – Bottom location
Heat C-ring V/VN GW distortion (mm), Location: Bottom
Treatment specimens ratio* Measured Predicted Absolute
595oC/4h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 0.0055 -0.0089 0.0144

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 -0.0155 -0.0070 0.0085

C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 -0.0125 -0.0053 0.0072

565oC/5h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 -0.0003 -0.0059 0.0056

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 -0.0173 -0.0048 0.0125

C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 -0.0124 -0.0038 0.0086

* defined as bulk volume (V) to nitrocarburized volume (VN) ratio.

Figure 5.2 shows the measured and predicted gap width (GW) profiles for the

nitrocarburized Navy C-rings. In all three locations (top, middle and bottom), sample C2

exhibited highest GW distortion than C1 and C2 samples. The predicted GW distortion

was in better agreement with the measured GW distortion for sample C2 and C3.

565°C/5h Measured
GW distortion, mm 0.01 565°C/5h Predicted
595°C/4h Measured
0.005 595°C/4h Predicted
C1 (19mm thick) C2 (10mm thick) C3 (2.8mm thick)

565°C/5h Measured
0.01 565°C/5h Predicted
GW distortion, mm

595°C/4h Measured
0.005 595°C/4h Predicted

C1 (19mm thick) C2 (10mm thick) C3 (2.8mm thick)

565°C/5h Measured
0.01 565°C/5h Predicted
GW distortion, mm

595°C/4h Measured
0.005 595°C/4h Predicted
C1 (19mm thick) C2 (10mm thick) C3 (2.8mm thick)
Figure 5.2: Measured and predicted gap width (GW) distortion profiles of Navy C-

rings ((a) top, (b) middle & (c) bottom locations).

The predicted GW distortion (top location) of sample C1 showed C-ring gap

contraction while the measured distortion showed gap expansion, leading to high error.

This could be due to the thickness (19mm) of sample C1. For thicker samples, the

distortion contribution due to bulk material (SAE 1010) will be higher than the distortion

contribution due to nitrocarburized layer.

The measured OD distortion slightly increased with an increase in process

temperature from 565oC to 595oC (see Fig. 5.3). A similar trend profile is observed for

the predicted OD distortion. Tables 5.5 and 5.6 lists the OD and ID distortion results

(measured & predicted) with the change in heat treatment and C-ring thicknesses. The

OD distortion for thicker samples (C1 and C2) resulted in high error, which is similar to

the GW distortion results. Figure 5.3 shows the OD distortion profile with the change in

C-ring thicknesses.

Table 5.5 Comparison of the measured Outer Diameter (OD) distortion with the

predicted OD distortion

Heat C-ring V/VN OD distortion (mm)

Treatment specimens ratio* Measured Predicted Absolute error

595oC/4h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 0.0250 0.0088 0.0162

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 0.0235 0.0064 0.0171

C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 0.0278 0.0184 0.0094

565oC/5h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 0.0223 0.0042 0.0181

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 0.0224 0.0032 0.0192

C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 0.0193 0.0016 0.0177

* defined as bulk volume (V) to nitrocarburized volume (VN) ratio.

565C Measured 565C Predicted
595C Measured 595C Predicted

OD distortion, mm





C1 (19mm) C2 (10mm) C3 (2.8mm)
Figure 5.3: Outer Diameter (OD) distortion profile of Navy C-rings (measured and
There seems to be some sort of uncertainty in the ID distortion of C3 (2.8 mm

thick). The error bar of C3 (see Fig. 5.4) is larger than its measured value. Nevertheless,

the ID distortion prediction follows similar trend of the measured distortion. The

experimental measurements for Navy C-rings have shown that the ID distortion decreases

with the decreasing C-ring thickness (from 19 to 2.8 mm). This trend is confirmed by the

numerically calculated distortions.

Table 5.6: Comparison of the measured Inner Diameter (ID) distortion with the
simulated results
Inner Diameter (ID) (mm)

FNC C-ring V/VN Measured Predicted Absolute

specimens ratio* Distortion Distortion error

595oC/4h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 0.0067 0.0014 0.0053

air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 0.0006 -0.0024 0.0030
C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 -0.0049 -0.0002 0.0047
565oC/5h + C1 (19 mm thick) 381 0.0064 0.0010 0.0054
air cooling C2 (10 mm thick) 200 0.0004 -0.0016 0.002
C3 (2.8 mm thick) 56 -0.0025 -0.0002 0.0023
* defined as bulk volume (V) to nitrocarburized volume (VN) ratio.

565C Measured 565C Predicted
0.01 595C Measured 595C Predicted

ID distortion, mm



C1 C2 C3

Figure 5.4: Inner diameter (ID) distortion profile of Navy C-rings (measured and


The Navy C-ring model results show that the distortion is affected by the

nitrocarburized surface (compound layer) and bulk (core material) modifications due to

heat treatment. The distortion in thinner samples (smaller V/VN ratio) are controlled by

the nitrocarburized layers whereas the distortion in thicker samples are controlled by the

bulk. As the FEM simulations of C-rings didn’t take into account of the bulk volume

modifications and diffusion zone, the simulated distortion for the thicker samples have

higher error values than the thinner sample.

5.2 Bulk Volume/Nitrocarburized Volume Ratio

The GW, ID and OD errors decrease with decrease in C-ring thickness (19 to 2.8

mm). Hence, the thickness of the Navy C-ring becomes an important factor when

comparing the C-ring distortion with the actual component (TC piston). Based on the

nitrocarburized volume (VN) and bulk volume (V) (SAE 1010 steel), an empirical ratio

(V/VN) was introduced to identify the effect of distortion on C-ring thickness. According

to the V/VN ratio, the samples were divided into two categories: nitrocarburized volume

dominant (C3 & TC) and bulk volume dominant (C1 & C2). Table 5.7 lists the V/VN

ratio of three Navy C-rings (C1, C2 and C3) and torque converter (TC) pistons.

The V/VN ratio comparisons of the C-ring helps to recognize the magnitude of

distortion contribution due to nitrocarburized layer and bulk material of thicker and

thinner samples. From the error values (see Figs. 5.5 & 5.6), it is clear that the V/VN ratio

of the C-ring should be lower than 100 to obtain precise distortion prediction. The bulk

volume dominant samples (C1 & C2) exhibited higher error than the nitrocarburized

surface dominant sample (C3). The decrease in V/VN ratio caused lower OD, ID and GW

distortions. The GW distortion values becomes more negative with the decrease in C-ring

thickness. Therefore, the reduction of V/VN ratio led to an overall gap width (GW)


Table 5.7: V/VN ratio of Navy C-rings and TC pistons

Sample Name V/VN ratio

C1 381
C2 200
C3 56
TC 56

0.016 0.006
595C/4h 565C/5h 595C/4h 565C/5h

ID Absolute error, mm
GW (bottom) Absolute

error, mm
0.008 0.003
0.006 0.002
0 0
381 200 56 381 200 56
V/VN ratio V/VN ratio
Figure 5.5: V/VN ratio vs. absolute errors for GW & ID distortions of Navy C-rings.

595C/4h 565C/5h
OD Absolute error, mm





381 200 56
V/VN ratio
Figure 5.6: V/VN ratio vs. absolute errors for OD distortions of Navy C-rings.

5.3 Distortion results of torque converter (TC) pistons

The OD and ID distortions for the TC piston specimens (10 specimens/FNC) due

to nitrocarburizing treatments are listed in Table 5.8. The distortion values of the ten

specimens were averaged and reported as measured distortions.

The OD distortion results showed that the outer diameter of the torque converter

piston shrank by reducing the nitrocarburizing temperature from 595oC to 565oC.

However, the ID distortion results for both nitrocarburizing treatments showed ID

expansion, and the distortion was found to decrease with the decrease in nitrocarburizing

temperature (595oC to 565oC).

The ID distortion of TC pistons were an order of magnitude higher than the ID

distortion of C-rings (see Tables 5.6 and 5.7). The OD distortion of C-rings varied from

0.0193mm to 0.0278mm and the OD distortion for TC pistons are in the range of

-0.0202mm to 0.0301mm. The ID distortion results showed inner diameter expansion in

C-rings (except C3) and pistons. But the OD distortion results showed outer diameter

contraction in the TC pistons and expansion in C-rings. This clearly proves that the OD

distortion of C-rings behave differently than the TC pistons.

Table 5.8 compares the measured and predicted OD distortions for two FNC

treatments (595oC/4h + air cooling and 565oC/5h + air cooling). Although the predicted

OD and ID distortions underestimate their measured distortion values (Tables 5.9 &

5.10), a similar decreasing distortion trend (decline in measured distortion) was observed

for the predicted values with decrease in nitrocarburizing temperature.

Table 5.8: Experimental ID and OD distortions for nitrocarburized TC pistons

Gas ferritic nitrocarburizing, Gas ferritic nitrocarburizing,

595oC/4hrs + air cooling 565oC/5hrs + air cooling
Specimen OD ID OD ID
No. distortion, distortion, distortion, distortion,
mm mm mm mm
1 0.0382 0.0427 -0.0175 0.0318

2 0.0344 0.0417 -0.0281 0.0317

3 0.0317 0.0405 -0.0280 0.0341

4 0.0226 0.0412 -0.0270 0.0301

5 0.0314 0.0438 -0.0301 0.0335

6 0.0409 0.0403 -0.0236 0.0345

7 0.0251 0.0453 -0.0176 0.0336

8 0.0311 0.0414 -0.0095 0.0360

9 0.0264 0.0433 -0.0087 0.0349

10 0.0192 0.0440 -0.0119 0.0341

average 0.0301 0.0424 -0.0202 0.0334

The ID distortion error of TC pistons seems to drop with the decrease in

nitrocarburizing temperature (595 to 565oC) but contrasting results were obtained for the

OD distortion error. Similar error results were obtained for the C-ring sample C3 which

has the same thickness (2.8mm) as TC piston. Therefore, the dimensions of the

measuring tool (C-ring) play a significant role in relating the distortion results with an

actual component of interest (TC piston).

Table 5.9: Comparison of measured and predicted OD distortion of TC pistons
Sample FNC V/VN OD distortion, mm
ratio Measured Predicted Absolute
595oC/4h + air 56 0.0301 0.0120 0.0181

TC pistons cooling

565oC/5h + air 56 -0.0202 0.0100 0.0302


Table 5.10: Comparison of measured and predicted ID distortion of TC pistons

Sample FNC V/VN ID distortion, mm
ratio Measured Predicted Absolute
595oC/4h + air 56 0.0424 0.0025 0.0399

TC pistons cooling

565oC/5h + air 56 0.0334 0.0020 0.0314



The nitrogen composition-depth profiles of two heat treatment conditions (gas

FNC at 565oC/5hrs and vacuum FNC at 580oC/10hrs) were measured using electron

probe micro analyzer (Fig. 6.1).

580°C/10hrs experimental
8 565°C/5h experimental
Nitrogen composition, wt.%

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Distance from surface,µm

Figure 6.1: Experimental nitrogen profiles for vacuum nitrocarburized

(580oC/10hrs) and gas nitrocarburized (580oC/10hrs) TC piston samples.

6.1 Carbon and nitrogen composition-depth profile simulation

Fick’s second law of diffusion is the governing law of the evolution of the

nitrogen concentration during the ferritic nitrocarburizing process:

c   2c  2c  2c  D  c c c 
 D 2  2  2  +     (6.1)
t  x y z  c  x y z 

where c denotes the element composition, t is the diffusion time, D is the diffusion

coefficient, x, y and z are the spatial coordinates. In the considered system, the diffusion

coefficient is assumed constant (independent of element composition) within the same

phase region (ε, γ’ and α) such that = 0. In addition, the thickness of the system (along

𝜕2 𝑐 𝜕2 𝑐 𝜕2 𝑐
the x axis) is much smaller than any of the other two dimensions 𝜕𝑥 2 ≫ 𝜕𝑦 2 , 𝜕𝑧 2 .

Therefore, the final diffusion equation that was used to calculate the composition profile

is reduced to:

c  2c
D 2 (6.2)
t x

The composition-depth profile simulations are developed using MATLAB, in

which the governing partial differential equations are converted into a set of finite

difference equations. An explicit time integration scheme along with finite centered

difference discretization is used for solving the Equation (6.2) to calculate the nitrogen

composition-depth profile. The following boundary and initial conditions were applied to

the model:

c (x = 0, t) = 8 wt.% (6.3)

c (x = xn, t) = 8 wt.% (6.4)

c (x, 0) = 0 (6.5)

In the present work, xn = 0.0028 m (thickness of torque converter piston). The

simulation procedure takes part in the following manner. First, the initial composition of

nitrogen is stated explicitly. By utilizing the assigned diffusion coefficients and boundary

conditions, new concentration terms are then calculated based on the known ones.

Finally, growth of the phases and their contribution to distortion are predicted. N

composition-depth profiles for the nitrocarburized treatments were generated by

considering ε, γ′ and α as separate layers. Diffusion coefficients for nitrogen in ε, γ′ and

α, phases are given in Equations 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 [71, 92, 93]:

 147600 
 
D N  0.227x104 e RT 
m2/s (6.6)

  73274  
  18.775 
D N e   RT  
m2/s (6.7)

 75150 
 8  RT 
D N  4.67x10 e m2/s (6.8)

where R = 8.32 J/mol K and T is the heat treatment temperature in Kelvin. The above

three equations ((6.6), (6.7) and (6.8)) were used in the numerical model to calculate the

nitrogen diffusivities. The developed model simulates the nitrogen composition-depth

profiles for samples subjected to ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) processes at 580oC/10hrs

and 565oC/5hrs (see Fig.6.2).

580C/10hrs computed
565C/5hrs computed
N2 composition, wt.%

0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000
Distance from surface, µm

Figure 6.2: Simulated nitrogen composition-depth profiles

Distortion is predicted locally using the following relations:

Distortion due to γ′+N+C  ε phase transformation,

V '
Δlε  l (6.9)

Distortion due to α+N+C  γ′ phase transformation,

V '
Δlγ’  l ' (6.10)
V '

where Vε, and Vγ’ are the partial molar volumes of ε & γ′ phases; lε and lγ’ are the thickness

of ε and γ′ phases. ΔVε-γ’ and ΔVγ’-α are the change in partial molar volumes due to the

γ′ ε and α  γ′ phase transformations. From equations (6.9) and (6.10), it is clear that

the thickness of the nitrocarburized layer should be predicted first in order to find the

overall local distortion. The thickness of ε and γ′ phases can be predicted if the

composition of nitrogen in ε, γ′ and α phase regions are known. The threshold nitrogen

compositions required to induce the γ′  ε and α  γ′ phase transformations were taken

from the literature (see Table 6.1).

Table 6.1: Composition of nitrogen in ε, γ′ and α phases [94, 95]

Phases Nitrogen composition, wt.%
ε > 5.56
γ′ > 0.0876 and ≤ 5.56
α ≤ 0.0876

6.2 Microstructure of torque converter (TC) piston samples

Figures 6.3 and 6.4 shows the microstructure of SAE 1010 torque converter piston

sample after vacuum and gas ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) treatments. The ε compound

layer and ferrite grains containing γ′ precipitates in the diffusion zone were evident in the

micrographs. The micrographs were taken at a magnification of 200X, 500X and 1000X.

The compound layer has porous regions at the surface followed by a clean non-porous

region (near the compound layer/diffusion zone interface) (see Fig. 6.3(c)).

(a) (b)

Figure 6.3: (a), (b) and (c) Optical micrographs of SAE 1010 TC piston specimen
subjected to vacuum ferritic nitrocarburizing at 580oC/10hrs.

(a) (b)

Figure 6.4: (a), (b) and (c) Optical micrographs of SAE 1010 TC piston specimen
subjected to gas ferritic nitrocarburizing at 565oC/5hrs.

The compound layer of gas FNC TC piston sample revealed larger pores than the

vacuum FNC piston sample. These pores could affect the surface residual stresses. The

compound layer of the vacuum treated specimen was intact on the bulk material after

polishing. However, the compound layer of gas FNC piston specimen was irregular and

some regions were eaten away (probably due to nital etching).

6.3 Composition-depth profile results

Figure 6.5 presents the carbon composition profiles of SAE 1010 TC piston

specimens subjected to gas FNC and vacuum FNC treatments. At the surface, the gas

ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) treatment (565oC/5hrs) has a higher carbon wt. % than the

vacuum ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) treatment (580oC/10hrs).

565°C/5hrs experimental
Carbon composition, wt.%

580°C/10hrs experimental


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Distance from surface, µm

Figure 6.5: Carbon composition depth profile of SAE 1010 steel TC pistons

measured using EPMA.

However, the vacuum FNC piston sample has a higher nitrogen wt. % than the

gas FNC treated piston (see Fig. 6.6). This observation shows that the nitrogen

penetration hinders the carbon penetration during FNC treatment. The predicted nitrogen

composition profiles were validated by the experimental nitrogen profiles in SAE 1010

torque converter (TC) pistons.

8 8
580C/10hrs simulation
Nitrogen composition, wt.%

580C/10hrs simulation

Nitrogen composition, wt.%

7 580C/10hrs experimental 7
580C/10hrs experimental
6 565C/5hrs simulation 6 565C/5hrs simulation
5 565C/5hrs experimental
5 565C/5hrs experimental
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Distance from surface, µm Distance from surface, µm
(a) (b)
Figure 6.6: Comparison of experimental and simulated nitrogen-profiling results of

SAE 1010 nitrocarburized TC pistons ((a) – at the surface, (b) overall).

Table 6.2 lists the predicted phase thicknesses and local distortions due to

nitrocarburized phases for the FNC treatments (565oC/5hrs and 580oC/10hrs). The phase

thicknesses were first calculated from the simulated N composition profiles using Table

6.1. Using the phase thickness values, the local distortion is then calculated using

Equations 6.9 & 6.10.

Table 6.2: Partial molar volume, predicted phase thickness and distortion
Partial Predicted phase Predicted local
molar ΔVε-γ’, ΔVγ’-α, thickness, µm distortion, µm
Phases volume, x10-6 x10-6 580oC/ 565oC/ 580oC/ 565oC/
x10-6 m3/mol m3/mol 10 hrs 5 hrs 10 hrs 5 hrs
m /mol
ε 8.37 16 10 0.29 0.18

γ’from diffusion zone 8.22 0.15 1.08 84 53 11.04 6.96

α 7.14

Total 11.33 7.14

The predicted distortion is found to be higher for 580oC/10hrs than 565oC/5hrs.

Similarly, the measured distortion for heat treatment (580oC/10hrs) is higher than

565oC/5hrs. Table 6.3 presents the measured ID and OD distortions of nitrocarburized

torque converter pistons.

Table 6.3: CMM measured distortion values of SAE 1010 torque converter piston

Heat Treatment CMM measured distortion

Inner diameter (ID), µm Outer diameter (OD), µm

Gas FNC 565oC/5 hrs 24.64 10.52

Vacuum FNC 580oC/10hrs 35.28 78.38

Although the predicted local distortion cannot really be compared to the inner

diameter and outer diameter distortions of TC piston, the local distortion due to ε and γ′

phases can be applied to any geometry (shape) whereas the global (experimental)

distortion (shown in Table 6.3) is applicable only to a specific geometry such as TC


6.4 Residual stress determination – 1-step nitrocarburizing

The conservation of linear momentum equation, neglecting body forces and

inertia forces, can be expressed as:

div 
ˆ 0 (6.11)

where ̂ is the Cauchy stress tensor.

  xx  yx zx 
 
div   xy  yy zy   0 (6.12)
 
  xz  yz zz 

For 1-dimensional stress state, equation (6.12) is reduced as:

 xx
0 (6.13)

Integrating the above equation yields:

xx  constant (6.14)

Equation (6.14) indicates that the residual stress is constant within a phase. The

residual stresses are predicted using the stress jump at the interface between the two

phases: see Equations 6.15 and 6.16 [96]:

  '    '  M (6.15)
1  G  K

 '     M (6.16)
1  G  K

where G is shear modulus, K is the compressibility, εε, εγ’ are the strains due to ε and γ′

phases and M is the molar fraction of the precipitates. The molar fraction (M) values are

taken from the literature [94]. The compressibility (K) and shear modulus (G) of γ′ are

0.00572 GPa-1 and 62.2 GPa [97, 98] respectively. The compressibility (K) and shear

modulus (G) of ε are 0.0065 GPa-1 (B=154 GPa; K=1/B) and 78 GPa [99, 100]


The strain due to change in volume of the phases can be expressed as:

V '
 '  1 (6.17)
3 V '

 = 1 V '
3 V

Since for the bulk (α phase) σα = 0, equation (6.15) yields

Surface residual (tensile) stress for γ′-phase,  '  25.9 MPa (6.19)

Similarly for the ε phase,

    '     M (6.20)
1  G  K

Surface residual (tensile) stress for ε-phase,   297.9 MPa (6.21)

Figure 6.7 shows the predicted residual stress distribution within the

nitrocarburized torque converter pistons. Nan et al. [16] have reported the residual stress

values of nitrocarburized pistons measured using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. The

residual stresses were measured at the lockup surface of the piston specimen. The

predicted stress value (σε) slightly overestimates the measured residual stress values (see

Table 6.4).

300 565C/5hrs
Residual stress, MPa






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Distance from surface, µm

Figure 6.7: Predicted residual stress-depth profiles for FNC heat treatments

(580oC/10hrs and 565oC/5hrs).

The presence of porosity in the compound layer affects the residual stress

distribution. A heat treatment that produces more pores in the compound layer will have

less tensile stresses. The surface residual stress (tensile) could also be lowered by the

presence of γ′ phase in the compound layer (see section 6.5).

Table 6.4: Comparison of measured and predicted surface residual stresses of

nitrocarburized SAE 1010 torque converter pistons.

Surface residual stress

Heat treatment
Measured Predicted (MPa)
(MPa) ε γ’ sub-layer
Gas ferritic nitrocarburizing
268 ± 26 297.9 25.9

Vacuum ferritic
263 ± 20 297.9 25.9
nitrocarburizing 580oC/10hrs

From Equations 6.15 and 6.16, it is clear that the residual stresses do not have

temperature dependence due to FNC treatments. Therefore, the predicted surface residual

stresses associated with the Gas FNC and vacuum FNC treatments remains the same.

6.5 N composition-depth profile model for two-step nitrocarburizing treatments

The microstructure of 1-step nitrocarburizing treatment produces a single phase

(ε-Fe2-3 (C, N)) compound layer and diffusion zone containing γ′ phase. The surface

residual stresses (tensile) for vacuum ferritic nitrocarburizing (580oC/10hrs) and gas

ferritic nitrocarburizing (565oC/5hrs) treatments were 263±20 MPa and 268±26 MPa

respectively [16]. In order to further reduce the tensile residual stresses and also to

improve the nitrocarburized surface quality, 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments are

introduced in this work. This 2-step treatment can potentially reduce the tensile stress at

the steel surface due to the additional γ′ phase (Fe4N). The phase sequence of the 2-step

nitrocarburizing treatment will be γ′ / ε / γ′diff.zone / α whereas the phase sequence of 1-step

nitrocarburizing is ε / γ′ / α. Based on the N profile model for the 1-step nitrocarburizing

process (refer to section 6.1), the nitrogen composition profiles of 12 different 2-step heat

treatment conditions are simulated in this study.

Table 6.5 lists the heat treatment conditions and nitrogen compositions modeled

to produce a two-phase (γ′ and ε) compound layer. The heat treatment conditions were

designed in four batches (ABC;DEF;GHI;JKL). In the first batch, the 1st step process

temperature was varied from 595oC to 565oC. Then the 2nd step process temperature was

raised by 50oC for heat treatments D, E and F. The 1st step nitrogen compositions of heat

treatments G, H and I was decreased from 8 to 7 wt. %. Finally, the process times were

increased from 3.6hrs to 10hrs and 1.4hrs to 2.7hrs for heat treatments J, K and L. The

parameters involved in heat treatments ‘A’ to ‘L’ were chosen to produce the same level

of distortion as 1-step nitrocarburizing but lowers the surface residual stresses.

The N compostion-depth profile simulation procedure for 2-step nitrocarburizing

treatment was performed in two stages. The first stage simulates the step 1 with a

nitrogen intake composition of 7 or 8 wt. % and the second stage reproduced the step 2

(Table 6.5) with a nitrogen composition of 3 wt. %. Fick’s second law of diffusion (Eqn.

(6.2)) was again used to calculate the composition-depth profiles using the explicit time

integration scheme with finite centered difference discretization.

Table 6.5: Simulated two step heat treatment conditions and N compositions

Heat Step Process Nitrogen composition

treatment number temperature/time (wt. %)
1 595oC/3.6hrs + 8%
A 2 427oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 580oC/3.6hrs + 8%
B 2 427oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 565oC/3.6hrs + 8%
C 2 427oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 595oC/3.6hrs + 8%
D 2 477oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 580oC/3.6hrs + 8%
E 2 477oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 565oC/3.6hrs + 8%
F 2 477oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 595oC/3.6hrs + 7%
G 2 427oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 580oC/3.6hrs + 7%
H 2 427oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 565oC/3.6hrs + 7%
I 2 427oC/1.4hrs 3%
1 595oC/10hrs + 8%
J 2 427oC/2.7hrs 3%
1 580oC/10hrs + 8%
K 2 427oC/2.7hrs 3%
1 565oC/10hrs + 8%
L 2 427oC/2.7hrs 3%

The following boundary and initial conditions were applied to the model: during

the first step nitrocarburizing treatment time (t1), the composition of nitrogen was applied

as c (x=0, t1) = 8 (wt. %). At the start of t2 (2nd step time) the N composition was

dropped to 3 (wt. %), so the N composition was given as c (x=0, t2) = 3 (wt. %).

Similarly, the other end of the specimen’s N compositions were expressed as: c (x=xn, t1)

= 8 wt. % (step 1), c (x=xn, t2) = 3 wt. % (step 2). The model was applied to SAE 1010

steel torque converter (TC) piston. The thickness of the SAE 1010 TC piston specimen

used was 0.0028m (xn). The initial composition of nitrogen in the bulk material is

considered to be zero such that c (x, 0) = 0.

In order to calculate the distortion due to γ′ and ε phases, the N composition-depth

profiles after 2-step treatments were divided into three separate regions (γ′+ε, γ′diff.zone and α

phases) using the threshold nitrogen compositions (see Table 6.1). The thickness of the γ′,

ε and γ′diff.zone phases were initially calculated from the N profiles and the distortion due to

γ′, ε and γ′diff.zone phases were then predicted (refer to Eqns. 6.22, 6.23 and 6.24) assuming

the following surface phase transformation sequence: α  γ′diff.zone ε  γ′.

6.5.1 Composition-depth profile results – varying the 1st step temperature

The simulated nitrogen composition profiles of the first heat treatment batch (A,

B and C) are shown in Figures 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10. A general decreasing nitrogen

penetration was observed with the decrease in 1st step temperature.

7 Heat treatment A: 595°C/3.6hrs+427°C/1.4hrs

Nitrogen composition, wt.%

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100
Distance from surface, µm

Figure 6.8: Simulated nitrogen composition-depth profile due to 2-step

nitrocarburizing process ‘A’ (595oC / 3.6 hrs / 8% + 427oC / 1.4 hrs / 3%).

7 Heat treatment B: 580°C/3.6hrs+427°C/1.4hrs
Nitrogen composition, wt.%

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100
Distance from surface, µm

Figure 6.9: Predicted nitrogen composition-depth profile due to two-step

nitrocarburizing process ‘B’ (580oC/3.6 hrs/8% + 427oC/1.4 hrs/3%).

7 Heat treatment C: 565°C/3.6hrs+427°C/1.4hrs

Nitrogen composition, wt.%

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100
Distance from surface,µm

Figure 6.10: Predicted nitrogen composition-depth profile due to two-step

nitrocarburizing process ‘C’ (565oC / 3.6 hrs / 8% + 427oC / 1.4 hrs / 3%).

6.5.2 Composition-depth profile results – varying the 2nd step temperature

The heat treatment A and D have same 1st step process temperature but different

2nd step temperature. The nitrogen profile for heat treatment D (with higher 2nd step

temperature than B&E) predicted a thicker γ′-phase (purple dotted line) than the heat

treatment A (green dotted line) (see Fig. 6.11). However, the heat treatment A produced a

thicker ε-phase than heat treatment D.

7 Heat treatment A: 595°C/3.6hrs+427°C/1.4hrs
Nitrogen composition, wt.%

6 Heat treatment D: 595°C/3.6hrs+477°C/1.4hrs
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96100
Distance from surface,µm
Figure 6.11: Predicted N composition-depth profiles for heat treatment ‘A’ and ‘D’


7 Heat treatment B: 580°C/3.6hrs+427°C/1.4hrs

Nitrogen composition, wt.%

Heat treatment E: 580°C/3.6hrs+477°C/1.4hrs
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100
Distance from surface,µm

Figure 6.12: Predicted N composition-depth profile for heat treatment ‘B’ and ‘E’


Similar results were obtained for heat treatments B, E and C, F (Figs. 6.12 and

6.13). The higher 2nd step temperature in heat treatments E and F resulted in a thicker γ′-

phase and a thinner ε-phase than heat treatments B and C. The decrease in nitrogen wt. %

are similar for both the set of heat treatments.

7 Heat treatment C: 565°C/3.6hrs+427°C/1.4hrs
6.5 Heat treatment F: 565°C/3.6hrs+477°C/1.4hrs
Nitrogen composition, wt.%

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96100
Distance from surface,µm
Figure 6.13: Predicted N composition-depth profile for heat treatment ‘C’ and ‘F’


6.5.3 Composition-depth profile results – varying the 1st step N wt. %

The third batch of heat treatments G, H and I involves changing the nitrogen

composition (from 8 to 7 wt. %) of the 1st step nitrocarburizing treatment. Decreasing the

N composition (from 8 to 7 wt. %) resulted in the smallest compound layer thickness

compared to the other heat treatments. The heat treatment I has the lowest γ′diff.zone

thickness in the diffusion zone; therefore it results in lower distortion than for heat

treatments G and H. Figures 6.14 (a & b) and 6.15 compare the simulated composition-

depth profiles for heat treatments G, H and I with A&D, B&E and C&F.

7 Heat treatment A:595°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
Nitrogen composition, wt.%

6.5 Heat treatment D:595°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%

6 Heat treatment G:595°C/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96100
Distance from surface,µm
7 Heat treatment B:580°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
Nitrogen composition, wt.%

6.5 Heat treatment E:580°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%

6 Heat treatment H:580°C/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96100
Distance from surface,µm
Figure 6.14: Predicted N composition-depth profiles for heat treatment ‘G’

(595oC/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427oC/1.4hrs/3wt.%) and heat treatment ‘H’


7 Heat treatment C:565°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
6.5 Heat treatment F:565°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
6 Heat treatment I:565°C/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%

Nitrogen composition, wt.%

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96100
Distance from surface,µm

Figure 6.15: Predicted N composition-depth profile for heat treatment ‘I’


6.5.4 Composition-depth profile results – increased process time

Due to longer process times, the nitrogen penetration from the atmosphere to the

steel surface was higher for last heat treatment batch J, K and L (see Figs. 6.16, 6.17 and

6.18). After reaching a peak composition in the compound layer region, the heat

treatments G, H and I (purple lines) have the highest nitrogen wt. % drop while the heat

treatments J, K and L exhibited lowest nitrogen wt. % drop. The decrease in nitrogen

intake (8 to 7wt. %) caused the lowest nitrogen penetration in the compound layer and

diffusion zone of G, H and I. The nitrogen rate of drop is therefore influenced by the

nitrogen intake (from 8 to 7 wt. %) and process times.

7.5 Heat treatment A: 595°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
7 Heat treatment D: 595°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
6.5 Heat treatment G: 595°C/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
Nitrogen composition, wt.% 6 Heat treatment J: 595°C/10hrs/7wt.%+427°C/2.7hrs/3wt.%
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96100104108112116120
Distance from surface, µm
Figure 6.16: Predicted N composition-depth profile for heat treatment ‘J’


7 Heat treatment B: 580°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+427°/1.4hrs/3wt.%
6.5 Heat treatment E: 580°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477°/1.4hrs/3wt.%
6 Heat treatment H: 580°C/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427°/1.4hrs/3wt.%
Nitrogen composition, wt.%

5.5 Heat treatment K: 580°C/10hrs/8wt.%+427°/2.7hrs/3wt.%

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100
Distance from surface, µm

Figure 6.17: Simulated nitrogen composition-depth profile due to two-step

nitrocarburizing process (580oC/10hrs/8% + 427oC/2.7hrs/3%).

Heat treatment C: 565°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
Heat treatment F: 565°C/3.6hrs/8wt.%+477°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%
6.5 Heat treatment I: 565°C/3.6hrs/7wt.%+427°C/1.4hrs/3wt.%

Nitrogen composition, wt.%

Heat treatment L: 565°C/10hrs/8wt.%+427°C/2.7hrs/3wt.%
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96100
Distance from surface, µm

Figure 6.18: Simulated nitrogen composition-depth profile due to two-step

nitrocarburizing process (565oC/10hrs/8% + 427oC/2.7hrs/3%).

The distortion due to the two-step nitrocarburizing treatments were predicted as follows:

Distortion due to α+N+Cγ’diff.zone phase transformation,

V '
Δlγ’ (in diff. zone)  l  'diff .zone (6.22)
V '

Distortion due to γ’ diff.zone+N+Cε phase transformation,

V '
Δlε  l (6.23)

Distortion due to ε+N+Cγ’ phase transformation,

V '
Δlγ’  l ' (6.24)
V '

where Vε, and Vγ’ are the partial molar volumes of ε & γ′ phases; lε and lγ’ are the thickness

of ε and γ′ phases. ΔVγ’-α, ΔVε-γ’, and ΔVγ’-ε are the change in partial molar volumes due

to α  γ′diff.zone, γ′diff.zone  ε and ε  γ′ phase transformations. The total distortion was

calculated by adding together all three distortions (Δlγ′, Δlε, and Δlγ′ (in diff. zone)).

Table 6.6 lists the predicted compound layer (CL) thicknesses and distortion due

to the CL (γ′+ε) & diffusion zone (γ′diff.zone). The results showed that the heat treatment J

(595oC/10hrs/8wt.%N+427oC/2.7hrs/3wt.%N) has the thickest compound layer whereas

the heat treatment I (565oC/3.6hrs/7wt.%N+427oC/1.4hrs/3wt.%N) has the thinnest

compound layer. The heat treatments C, F and I with low 1st step process temperature

resulted in minimum distortion. Heat treatments J, K and L, with longer nitrocarburizing

times, have the highest size distortion.

The local distortion due to γ′ in the 2-phase compound layer is almost constant for

all series of heat treatments except batch DEF. In the compound layer, the distortion due

to ε-phase was higher than the γ′ phase. The total distortion was mostly dominated by the

Δlγ′diff.zone, this could be due to a significant volumetric mismatch between the γ′diff.zone and α

phases in the diffusion zone.

Table 6.6: Predicted local distortions for two-step nitrocarburizing treatments

Heat Predicted phase thickness, µm Predicted local distortion, µm

treatment 2-phase CL (γ’+ε) 2-phase CL (γ’+ε)

lγ’ lε Total lγ’diff.zone Δlγ’ Δlε Δlγ’diff.zone Total

A 2 10 12 60 0.036 0.179 7.883 8.098

B 2 8 10 50 0.036 0.143 6.569 6.748

C 2 6 8 42 0.036 0.108 5.518 5.662

D 4 8 12 60 0.073 0.143 7.883 8.099

E 4 6 10 50 0.073 0.108 6.569 6.750

F 4 4 8 43 0.073 0.072 5.649 5.794

G 2 6 8 63 0.036 0.108 8.277 8.421

H 2 5 7 52 0.036 0.089 6.832 6.957

I 2 3 5 44 0.036 0.054 5.781 5.871

J 2 17 19 100 0.036 0.304 13.138 13.478

K 2 14 16 83 0.036 0.251 10.905 11.192

L 2 11 13 70 0.036 0.197 9.197 9.430

6.6 Residual stress determination – 2-step nitrocarburizing

The residual stress distribution for two-step nitrocarburizing treatment was

predicted in the same way as the residual stress distribution of 1-step nitrocarburizing

treatment (refer section 6.4), except an additional stress jump at the γ′/ε interface was

included in the calculation. The residual stress distribution was calculated according to

the model developed by Kolozsvary et al. [96]:

  'diff .zone     '  M (6.25)
1  G  K

 '     M (6.26)
1  G  K

  '    '  M (6.27)
1  G  K

The residual stress within the compound layer is constant (Eqn. 6.14), similarly

the residual stress values do not vary for diffusion zone and bulk material. Since the

stress is zero for bulk phase (α), the residual stress for γ′diff.zone is initially calculated from

Equation 6.25. Using the γ′diff.zone stress, the residual stress due to ε-phase is then

calculated from Equation 6.26. The residual stress for γ′ is finally calculated from the

stress due to ε phase (Eqn. 6.27).

Two-step nitrocarburizing model results in lower surface (tensile) residual stress

when compared to the surface residual stress in single-step nitrocarburizing process. The

surface residual stress (γ′) was found to be 25.9 MPa and the residual stress of ε was

297.9 MPa. The residual stress for γ’diff.zone (in the diffusion zone) was 25.9 MPa. Figure

6.19 presents the residual stress distribution for 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments C, D

and J. The residual stress distribution changes with the change in compound layer

thicknesses but the pattern remains the same for all heat treatments.

Heat treatment J
300 Heat treatment D

Residual stress, MPa

250 Heat treatment C





0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance from surface, µm

Figure 6.19: Residual stress distribution due to 2-step nitrocarburizing



This dissertation presents the FEM simulation results for nitrocarburized Navy C-

rings and torque converter piston specimens. The study examined the effect of geometry,

heat treatment and nitrogen composition on the distortion of nitrocarburized SAE 1010

plain carbon steel. The developed FEM models can predict the small distortions

associated with the nitrocarburizing treatment.

Using finite difference method, N profile simulation models were then developed

for 1-step and 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments to calculate the local distortion due to

the ε and γ′ phases.

7.1 Conclusions

The following conclusions were drawn from this study:

• The microstructure for 1-step nitrocarburizing revealed a single phase compound

layer (ε) followed by diffusion zone containing γ′ and core material (phase

sequence: ε / γ′ / α). The microstructure of the nitrocarburized surface revealed

porosity in the compound layer. The residual stress of the ε-phase was reported to

be tensile for SAE 1010 Navy C-rings and torque converter piston specimens. The

FNC process should properly balance the surface residual stress and distortion so

that the surface characteristics remains unaltered with the heat treatment that

produces minimum distortion.

• The microstructure for 1-step nitrocarburizing also revealed porosity in the

compound layer. The porosity in the compound layer will also affect the surface

residual stresses.

• Coupled thermo-elastic FEM models were developed to predict the distortion in

C-rings and torque converter pistons. The computed values of ID, OD and GW

distortions underestimates the measured ID,OD and GW distortions of SAE 1010

C-rings and torque converter pistons.

• Based on the obtained distortions, the thickness of the C-ring probe becomes an

important factor in comparing the distortions in the C-rings with those in an actual

component (TC piston). For specimen C1 (19mm thick), the nitrocarburized layer

in the FEM model has no significant effect on distortion leading to high error.

One possible reason for this effect is the heat treatment induced bulk modification

along with the intended surface modification. For thinner samples like torque

converter (TC) piston and C3 (Navy C-ring) specimens, the model seems to

compare favorably with the measured values because the nitrocarburized volume

(smaller V/VN ratio) is dominant over the bulk material volume. The reduction of

the bulk volume to nitrocarburized volume (V/VN) ratio led to a decrease in ID &

GW distortion and an increase in OD distortion.

• The predicted error is high, because the diffusion zone and quantification of bulk

phases are not included in the FEM models of C-rings and TC pistons.

• The gap width (GW) distortion profiles of the C-rings were similar in both

experimental and numerical methods as the C-ring gap tends to contract after heat

treatment. The gap width of C2 specimen shrank more than C1 and C3 specimens.

By comparing the measured and predicted GW distortions (at three different

locations: top, middle, & bottom), it was found that the GW relative error varied

from 10% to 330%.

• The measured OD distortion of C-rings (OD expanded after FNC) behaved

differently than the TC pistons (OD contracted after FNC).

• Although the C-ring acts as a probe to examine the heat treatment stability, the

geometry of C-rings should be carefully selected to match the actual component

of interest for better distortion comparison.

• A composition-depth profile model was developed for predicting the local

distortion due to the ε, γ′ phases. The measured and predicted nitrogen

composition-depth profiles of torque converter pistons were successfully

validated. The measured distortions are calculated from the change in specimen

dimensions and are therefore restricted to a specific geometry. But the local

distortion, estimated from the composition profile model, is not restricted to any

particular material geometries such as C-rings or TC pistons. The local distortion

model also helped to better understand the distortion behavior caused by the

nitrocarburizing treatment.

• The residual stress distributions due to 1-step nitrocarburizing treatments were

successfully developed. Although the stress distributions slightly change with the

phase thickness values, the trend profile is similar for 580oC/10hrs and

565oC/5hrs FNC treatments. The predicted surface (tensile) residual stress

(σε =297.9 MPa) was found to be in close agreement with the experimentally

determined values (242-294 MPa).

• Using the composition-depth profile model, the nitrogen composition-depth

profiles for 2-step nitrocarburizing treatments were optimized to further reduce

the tensile stresses and distortion. The nitrogen composition range for 2-step

nitrocarburizing revealed a two-phase (γ′ and ε) region in the compound layer.

The predicted distortion results showed that the diffusion zone in nitrocarburized

plain carbon steels play a major role in minimizing distortion. This could be due

to a significant volumetric mismatch between the γ’diff.zone and α phases in the

diffusion zone. The predicted residual stress (tensile) distribution showed a

notable stress reduction at the surface due to an additional γ′ phase in the

compound layer, which in fact can result in better fatigue life.

7.2 Major advances

 Use of Navy C-rings: consideration of V/VN ratio with respect to the size of C-

ring and actual component.

 Two-step nitrocarburizing process to obtain γ′-Fe4N phase at the surface and

reduce tensile residual stress.

Potential routes for obtaining desired microstructure

 γ’ / ε / γ’diff.zone / α (2-step nitrocarburizing - present work).

 γ’ / ε / α (1-step nitriding) [101].

7.3 Suggestions for future work

1. In the present work, the heat transfer coefficient was assumed to not vary with

temperature. The change in heat transfer coefficient with temperature can be

estimated in future to improve the model predictions.

2. Experimental nitrogen composition-depth profiles for 2-step nitrocarburizing

treatments can be measured using EPMA to validate the N profile model for 2-

step treatments.

3. The effect of porosity on material properties (such as Young’s modulus) and

residual stress of the compound layer could be studied for different heat treatment


4. The temperature effects on the material properties (such as E(T), σ(T)) could be

estimated to further refine the input data of the FEM models.


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1. Manivannan, M., Stoilov, V., and Northwood, D.O., 2015, “Ferritic

nitrocarburizing of SAE 1010 plain carbon steel parts,” SAE International Journal

of Materials and Manufacturing, 8(2), 482-486.

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3. Manivannan, M., Northwood, D.O., and Stoilov, V., 2014, “Use of Navy C-rings

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4. Manivannan, M., Stoilov, V., and Northwood, D.O., 2014, “Finite element

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Modeling and Computer Simulation,” 139-144, June 16, 2014, Orlando, FL,



Appendix A

An explicit time integration scheme was used to solve the finite difference simulations

involving the one-dimensional diffusion equation for 1-step and 2-step ferritic

nitrocarburizing treatments in TC pistons.

A.1 MATLAB program files for a single-step nitrocarburizing treatment

function [x,z]=heat(T,n,m,L)
u(1:n+1,1)=fx(x)'; % initial condition
u(n+1,1:m+1)=g1(t); % boundary conditions
for j=1:m

% boundary conditions
function g=g1(t)


function g=g0(t)

% initial condition (N composition)

function f=fx(x)

% calculation of N diffusivities
function c=Dcoef(u_conc,n)
end % if
end % if
end %for loop
end %function Dcoef


% Running the heat function file

where n and m represents the total number of spatial and time subdivisions, L

represents the thickness of the torque converter piston and T (in the ‘heat’ file)

denotes the total heat treatment time.

A.2 MATLAB program files for a two-step nitrocarburizing treatment

The MATLAB program files of 1-step nitrocarburizing treatment were modified

to solve the nitrogen composition-depth profile in 2-step nitrocarburizing


function [distr]=heat_new(t1,T1,T2)
u(1:n+1,1)=fx(x)'; % initial condition
u(n+1,1:m+1)=g1(t,t1); % boundary conditions
for j=1:m


% Nitrogen composition (wt. %) input at one end of the TC specimen

function g=g1(t,t1)

% Nitrogen composition (wt. %) input at the other end of the TC specimen

function g=g0(t,t1)


% Initial composition (wt. %) of nitrogen in the bulk

function f=fx(x)

% Nitrogen diffusion coefficients

function c=Dcoef_new(u_conc,n,k,t1,T1,T2)

% Running the heat_new function file



The heat treatment temperature was reported in Kelvin, where T1 represents the
1-step heat treatment temperature & T2 represents the second step temperature
and the heat treatment time was used in seconds (Ttime). The nitrogen
composition was used in wt. %.


NAME: Madhavan Manivannan

PLACE OF BIRTH: Chennai, India


EDUCATION: Anna University, B. Tech., (Chemical &

Electrochemical Engineering) Chennai, India,


University of Windsor, M.A.Sc., (Engineering

Materials) Windsor, ON, 2007-2009

University of Windsor, PhD., (Engineering

Materials) Windsor, ON, 2010-2015


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