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Parallel and Distributed Computing


Lecture 8
Shared Memory & OpenMP
16th March 2022

Dr. Rana Asif Rehman

CS3006 - Spring 2022

Shared-Memory Programming
 Physically: processors in a computer share access to the
same RAM
 Virtually: threads running on the processors interact with
one another via shared variables in the common address
space of a single process
 Making performance improvements to serial code tends
to be easier with multithreading than with message
passing paradigm
 Message passing usually requires the code/algorithm to be
 Multithreading allows incremental parallelism: take it one loop
at a time

 Clusters today are commonly made up of multiple

processors per compute node; using OpenMP with MPI is
a strategy to improve performance at the two levels (i.e.,
shared and distributed memory)
CS3006 - Spring 2022
Shared-Memory Programming

Processor Processor Processor Processor


Processors interact and synchronize with

each other through shared variables.

CS3006 - Spring 2022

Shared-Memory Programming
(Fork/Join Parallelism)
 Multi-threaded programming is the Master Thread
most common shared-memory
programming methodology. Other threads
 A serial code begins execution. The
process is the master thread or only
executing thread.

 When a parallel portion of the code is
reached, the Master thread can “fork”
more threads to work on it. fork

 When the parallel portion of the code

has completed, the threads “join” join
again, and the master thread
continues executing the serial code

CS3006 - Spring 2022

Shared-Memory vs. Message Passing
 Shared-memory model
 One active thread at start and end of the program
 Number of active threads inside program changes
dynamically during execution.
 Supports incremental parallelism
 the process of converting a sequential program to a parallel
program a little bit at a time
 Message-passing model
 All processes remain active throughout execution of
 Sequential-to-parallel transformation requires major
 No incremental parallelism
Transformation done in one giant step rather than many
tiny steps
CS3006 - Spring 2022
Introduction to OpenMP
 OpenMP has emerged as a standard method for
shared-memory programming
 Same as MPI has become the standard for distributed-
memory programming
 Codes are portable
 Performance is usually good enough

 Consists of compiler directives, Library functions, and

environment variables

 Compiler support
 C, C++ & Fortran
 Intel (icc -openmp), and GNU (gcc -fopenmp)

CS3006 - Spring 2022

How does it work?

 C programs often express data-parallel operations

as for loops

for (i = first; i < size; i += 2)

marked[i] = 1;

 OpenMP makes it easy to indicate when the

iterations of a loop may execute in parallel

 Compiler takes care of generating code that

forks/joins threads and allocates the iterations to

CS3006 - Spring 2022

How does it work ?

 Pragma: a compiler directive in C or C++

 Stands for “pragmatic information”
 A way for the programmer to communicate with the
 Compiler is free to ignore pragmas
 Syntax:
#pragma omp <rest of pragma>
 The pragmas precede the regions that can be
parallelize to flag the compiler that performing
operations in parallel does not affect the program
semantics (i.e., doesn’t affect the program’s logic).

CS3006 - Spring 2022

How does it work?
(parallel for Pragma)

 Format:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
a[i] = b[i] + c[i];

 Compiler must be able to verify total number of

iteration before executing the program, to
parallelize it
 Body of for-loop must not allow premature exits
(e.g., break, return, exit, or goto statements are not
 However, loops with ‘continue’ statement are
allowed as it does not cause the premature exit.
CS3006 - Spring 2022
Canonical [allowed] Shape of for-loop

 Here ‘inc’ can be any constant value

 index   
 
   index 
   index   
     index 
   
for ( index  start ; index   end ;  index   inc )
   index   inc 
    index  index inc 
 
 index  inc index 
 index  index  inc 
 

CS3006 - Spring 2022

Shared and Private Variables
 Shared variable: has same address in execution
context of every thread
 Private variable: has different address in execution
context of every thread
 A thread cannot access the private variables of
another thread
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int b[3];
char *cptr; Stack
int i;
b cptr i
cptr = malloc(1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) i i
b[i] = i;
CS3006 - Spring 2022 Master Thread Thread 1
(Thread 0)
Basic Library Functions
 omp_get_num_procs
int procs = omp_get_num_procs() //number of CPUs/cores in machine

 omp_get_num_threads
int threads = omp_get_num_threads() //# of active threads
//should be called from a parallel region
 omp_get_max_threads
printf(“Only %d threads can be forked\n",omp_get_max_threads());
//can be called outside of a parallel region. Returns value of env.
//variable ‘OMP_NUM_THREADS’
 omp_get_thread_num
printf("Hello from thread id %d\n",omp_get_thread_num());
 omp_set_num_threads –
omp_set_dynamic(0); // disable dynamic adjustment
omp_set_num_threads(4); //setting thread count to 4
CS3006 - Spring 2022

int main(){;
int procs,i,a,b,c,t,m;

// Determine the number of physical processors

procs = omp_get_num_procs();
printf("%d processors/cores\n",procs);

/* Determine max threads defined by default

through the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable */
printf("OMP_NUM_THREADS = %d\n",omp_get_max_threads());

#pragma omp parallel

printf("Hello from thread id %d\n",omp_get_thread_num());

CS3006 - Spring 2022


CS3006 - Spring 2022

1. Kumar, V., Grama, A., Gupta, A., & Karypis, G. (2017). Introduction to parallel computing. Redwood City, CA:

CS3006 - Spring 2022

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