Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet
- The legal definition of sexual harassment is outlined in Republic Act No. 7877,
also known as the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995. The law applies to work-
Grooming Phase:
- Building Trust: The perpetrator works to establish trust and emotional bonds with
the victim.
Secret Phase:
- Secrecy and Isolation: The abuse becomes a secret, often accompanied by threats
- Control: The perpetrator exerts control over the victim through fear, shame, or a
sense of obligation.
Disclosure Phase:
- Revelation: The victim may eventually disclose the abuse, either voluntarily or due
to external factors.
- Initial Reactions: The disclosure may lead to disbelief, denial, or blame from family
members or others.
Effects of Incest:
Psychological Effects:
overwhelming emotions.
Emotional Effects:
- Guilt and Shame: Feelings of self-blame and shame may persist, impacting self-
- Fear and Trust Issues: Difficulty trusting others and developing healthy
- Anger and Resentment: Victims may harbor intense anger toward the perpetrator
Social Effects:
- Isolation: Withdrawal from social activities and relationships due to fear or shame.
- Difficulty Forming Intimate Relationships: Trust issues may hinder the ability to
Physical Effects:
- Substance Abuse: Some survivors may turn to substances to cope with emotional
Long-Term Consequences:
unresolved trauma.
- Chronic Health Issues: Long-term stress and trauma may contribute to physical
health problems.
Physical Abuse:
Emotional Abuse:
• Changes in mood or
Sexual Abuse:
Financial Abuse:
Verbal Abuse:
• Malnutrition or dehydration.
Psychological Abuse:
Child abuse: Abuse directed towards a minor. This can include physical, emotional,
Domestic abuse: Abuse within a domestic setting, most commonly between intimate
partners. It can take many forms, including physical, emotional, financial, and sexual.
Elder abuse: Abuse directed towards an older adult. This can include physical,
Workplace abuse: Abuse within a professional setting. This can include harassment,
Neglect: Failure to provide for a person's basic needs, such as food, shelter, or medical
Institutional abuse: Abuse that occurs within an institution, such as a prison or nursing
Digital or Cyber Abuse: Occurs through the use of technology, such as the internet and
Self-Neglect: Occurs when individuals fail to care for themselves adequately, leading to
- Physical Violence:
- Sexual Violence:
assault, marital rape, sexual harassment, and any unwanted sexual advances.
financial decision-making.
- Stalking:
distress. May occur in person or through electronic means, such as online stalking.
- Human Trafficking:
such as female genital mutilation (FGM), honor killings, and forced marriages.
without her consent. Examples include birth control sabotage, forced abortion, or
- Physical abuse: Shaking, hitting, or burning a child can cause physical and
emotional harm.
- Neglect: Failure to provide for a child's basic needs, such as food, shelter, and
- Emotional abuse: Yelling, belittling, or threatening a child can damage their self-
caregivers can traumatize children and increase their risk of experiencing violence
- Gang violence: Involvement in gangs can increase the risk of being attacked or
- Sexual assault: Any unwanted sexual contact or behavior, including
- Human trafficking: Exploiting people for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or organ
Later Life:
- Fraud and financial exploitation: Scams and schemes targeting older adults.
Republic Act No. 9262, known as the "Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children
Act of 2004", is a comprehensive law in the Philippines that defines and addresses
violence against women and their children. RA 9262 defines VAWC as any act or a series
of acts committed by any person against a woman or her child with whom she has or had
a sexual, dating, or marital relationship. These acts result in or are likely to result in