ABEN 60 L1. Engineering Principles of Structure Design

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Laboratory Report No. 1

Engineering Principles of Structure Design


Structural design is a critical aspect of engineering, as it involves creating

buildings, bridges, tunnels, and other structures that can withstand various loads and
forces. This research activity aims to explore the engineering principles that govern
structure design, including the factors that influence the design, materials used, and
design approaches.


1. Understand the principles of structure design, including process, materials,

loads, and approaches.
2. Identify factors that influence structure design, such as purpose, environment,
and loads.
3. Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of materials and design approaches
and determine appropriate choices for specific requirements.


1. Research the Design Process:

The first task is to research the design process.

2. Investigate Materials Used in Structure Design:

The second task is to investigate the materials used in structure design,
including the following:
a. Steel
b. Concrete
c. Timber
d. Masonry

3. Explore Load and Force Calculations:

The third task is to explore load and force calculations, including the
a. Dead Loads
b. Live Loads
c. Wind Loads
d. Seismic Loads

4. Investigate Design Approaches:

The fourth task is to investigate various design approaches used in structure
design, including the following:
a. Static Design
b. Dynamic Design
c. Finite Element Analysis
d. Optimum Design


Your laboratory report should include the following:

1. A title page with your name, student number, course and section, and date.
2. An introduction that outlines the purpose of the laboratory report.
3. A detailed report that summarizes the findings of the research, including the
design process, load and force calculations, and various design
4. This report may include diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to help
illustrate key concepts.
5. A reference list of sources used.

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Make sure to properly cite and reference all sources used in
your laboratory report.


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