Practice Test 3print

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Choose the word which best completes each sentence:
A. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following
1. When she saw me nearly dropped the priceless vase, she __________ in horror.
A. grasped B. grunted C. grumbled D. gasped
2. The little girls were __________ brightly colored hoops around their waists.
A. twirling B. curling C. swirling D. hurling
3. Everyone was __________ with him after he missed the penalty in the last five minutes of the
A. comforting B. feeling C. commiserating D. feeling sorry
4. She is always __________ clichés like “money doesn’t grow on trees” and so on.
A. giving out B. putting out C. butting out D. trotting out
5. He calls her “Funny Face”, but she says it is a(n) __________ of endearment.
A. word B. expression C. phrase D. term
6. He had a momentary _________ of concentration and before he knew it the car had spun out of
A. lapse B. mistake C. slip D. error
7. I wonder what __________ of wisdom good old Professor Maxwell will cast before us in this
morning’s lecture.
A. pearls B. gems C. jewels D. stones
8. . In all _______, he’s already left.
A. odds B. probability C. certainty D. possibilities
9. I have got a _______ headache. I need to take a rest and some aspirin.
A. spitting B. raving C. splitting D. burning
10. A large group of teenagers were __________ around the entrance to the discotheque.
A. mulling B. muddling C. mauling D. milling


Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.

1. I certainly feel a lot __________ since I started going swimming every day.
A. more fit B. fit C. fitter D. fittest
2. _____________ did Tom accept the job.
A. No sooner had you agreed B. Only with your agreement
C. Not until you agree D. Hardly you agreed
3. The cake that I kept __________ after finishing the homework disappeared without a trace. eat B. eating C. having eaten D. to have eaten
4. There was the most fantastic __________ during the opening ceremony.
A. display of fireworks B. firework display
C. firework’s display D. displayed firework
5. Can you tell me the year __________ Australia introduced decimal currency?
A. in which B. when C. that D. which
6. I’d rather _________to the movies yesterday
A. have gone B. go C. had gone D. went
7. ___________ we were not able to go camping last week.
A. It rained such hard that B. It rained so hardly that
C. It was such heavily rained that D. There was so much rain that
8. The letter _________ me of the theft hadn’t been signed.
A. to accuse B. accused C. accusing D. that accuse
9. __________ migrate long distances is well documented.
A. That it is birds B. That birds C. Birds that D. It is that birds
10. I propose the report _________ sent in..
A. would be B. be C. must be D. was


Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences

1. He _________ a great job straight after university because his father is a big fish in city politics.
A. came into B. got through C. walked into D. ran up
2. They ________ the same old excuses last time this happened.
A. made out B. wheeled out C. blotted out D. cut out
3. The police have ___________ on the man they believe to be responsible for the murder.
A. zoomed in B. focused in C. kept in D. zeroed in
4. After years of addiction, he __________ drugs completely.
A. swore off B. swore out C. swore by D. swore in
5. They kept saying they were interested, but they were just ____________ .
A. stringing me along B. laying me around C. catching me out D. taking me on
6. The truth finally ________ about her death when it was broadcast on TV.
A. found out B. hovered out C. sank in D. showed out
7. It has been so successful that they have ____________ for another fortnight.
A. held it over B. held it off C. blown it over D. carried it off
8. I was a little ________ aback at the directness of the question.
A. given B. taken C. held D. brought
9. Her voice _______ as she realized everyone was listening.
A. tapered off B. cut off C. set back D. held out
10. Three years after the accident the lawyers finally managed to ________ a settlement with the
insurance company.
A. hammer out B. pour out C. dump on D. drum out


Passage 1: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the
question. (5 pts)
Another early Native American tribe in what is now the southwestern part of the United States was the
Anasazi. By A. D. 800 the Anasazi Indians were constructing multi-story pueblos-massive, stone
apartment compounds. Each one was virtually a stone town, which is why the Spanish would later call
them pueblos, the Spanish word for towns. These pueblos represent one of the Anasazis' supreme
achievements. At least a dozen large stone houses took shape below the bluffs of Chicago Canyon in
northwest New Mexico. They were built with masonry walls more than a meter thick and adjoining
apartments to accommodate dozens, even hundreds, of families. The largest, later named Pueblo Bonito
(Pretty Town) by the Spanish, rose in five terraced stories, contained more than 800 rooms, and could
have housed a population of 1,000 or more. Besides living quarters, each pueblo included one or more
kivas-circular underground chambers faced with stone. They functioned as sanctuaries where the elders
met to plan festivals, perform ritual dances, settle pueblo affairs, and impart tribal lore to the younger
generation. Some kivas were enormous. Of the 30 or so at pueblo Bonito, two measured 20 meters
across. They contained niches for ceremonial objects, a central fire pit, and holes in the floor for
communicating with the spirits of tribal ancestors.

Each pueblo represented an astonishing amount of well-organized labor. Using only stone and wood tools,
and without benefit of wheels or draft animals, the builders quarried ton upon ton of sandstone from the
canyon walls, cut it into small blocks, hauled the blocks to the construction site, and fitted them together
with mud mortar. Roof beams of pine or fir had to be carried from logging areas in the mountain forests
many kilometers away. Then, to connect the pueblos and to give access to the surrounding tableland, the
architects laid out a system of public roads with stone staircases for ascending cliff faces. In time, the
roads reached out to more than 80 satellite villages within a 60-kilometer radius.

1. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely describes …….

A. how pueblos were built B. another Native American tribe
C. Anasazi crafts and weapons D. Pueblo village in New Mexico
2. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The Anasazi pueblos B. Anasazi festivals of New Mexico
C. The organization of the Anasazi tribe D. The use of Anasazi sanctuaries
3. The word "supreme" in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. most common B. most outstanding C. most expensive D. most convenient
4. The word "They" in line 5 refers to
A. houses B. bluffs C. walls D. families
5. The author mentions that Pueblos bonito had more than 800 rooms as an example of which of the
A. How overcrowded the pueblos could be B. How many ceremonial areas it contained
C. How much sandstone was needed to build it D. How big a pueblo could be
6. The word "settle" in line 9 is closest in meaning to ….
A. sink B. decide C. clarify D. locate
7. It can be inferred from the passage that building a pueblo probably …….
A. required many workers B. cost a lot of money
C. involved the use of farm animals D. relied on sophisticated technology
8. The word "ascending" in line 17 is closest in meaning to
A. arriving at B. carving C. connecting D. climbing
9. It can be inferred from the passage that in addition to pueblos the Anasazis were skilled at building
which of following?
A. Roads B. Barns C. Monuments D. Water systems
10.The pueblos are considered one of the Anasazis' supreme achievements for all of the following
reasons EXCEPT that they were …..
A. very large B. located in forests
C. built with simple tools D. connected in a systematic way

Passage 2: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the
question. (5 pts)

What geologists call the Basin and Range Province in the United States roughly coincides in its northern
portions with the geographic province known as the Great Basin. The Great Basin is hemmed in on the
west by the Sierra Nevada and on the east by the Rocky Mountains; it has no outlet to the sea. The
prevailing winds in the Great Basin are from the west. Warm, moist air from the Pacific Ocean is forced
upward as it crosses the Sierra Nevada. At the higher altitudes it cools and the moisture it carriers is
precipitated as rain or snow on the western slopes of the mountains. That which reaches the Basin is air
wrung dry of moisture. What little water falls there as rain or snow, mostly in the winter months,
evaporates on the broad, flat desert floors. It is, therefore, an environment in which organisms battle for
survival. Along the rare watercourses, cottonwoods and willows eke out a sparse existence. In the upland
ranges, pinon pines and junipers struggle to hold their own.
But the Great Basin has not always been so arid. Many of its dry, closed depressions were once filled with
water. Owens Valley, Panamint Valley, and Death Valley were once a string of interconnected lakes. The
two largest of the ancient lakes of the Great Basin were Lake Lahontan and Lake Bonneville. The Great
Salt Lake is all that remains of the latter, and Pyramid Lake is one of the last briny remnants of the
There seem to have been several periods within the last tens of thousands of years when water
accumulated in these basins. The rise and fall of the lakes were undoubtedly linked to the advances and
retreats of the great ice sheets that covered much of the northern part of the North American continent
during those times. Climatic
changes during the Ice ages sometimes brought cooler, wetter weather to mid-latitude deserts worldwide,
including those of the Great Basin. The broken valleys of the Great Basin provided ready receptacles for
this moisture.
1. What is the geographical relationship between the Basin and Range Province and the Great Basin?
A. The Great Basin is west of the Basin and Range Province.
B. The Great Basin is larger than the Basin and Range Province.
C. The Great Basin is in the northern part of the Basin and Range Province.
D. The Great Basin is mountainous; the Basin and Range Province is flat desert.
2. According to the passage, what does the great Basin lack?
A. Snow B. Dry air C. Winds from the west D. Access to the ocean
3. The word "prevailing" in line 3 is closest in meaning to …….
A. most frequent B. occasional C. gentle D. most dangerous
4. It can be inferred that the climate in the Great Basin is dry because ……..
A. the weather patterns are so turbulent B. the altitude prevents precipitation
C. the winds are not strong enough to carry moisture D. precipitation falls in the nearby mountains
5. The word "it" in line 4 refers to
A. Pacific Ocean B. air C. west D. the Great Basin
6. Why does the author mention cottonwoods and willows in line 8?
A. To demonstrate that certain trees require a lot of water
B. To give examples of trees that are able to survive in a difficult environment
C. To show the beauty of the landscape of the Great Basin
D. To assert that there are more living organisms in the Great Basin than there used to be
7. Why does the author mention Owens Valley, Panamint Valley, and Death Valley in the second
A. To explain their geographical formation
B. To give examples of depressions that once contained water
C. To compare the characteristics of the valleys with the characteristics of the lakes
D. To explain what the Great Basin is like today
8. The words "the former" in line 14 refer to
A. Lake Bonneville B. Lake Lahontan C. The Great Salt Lake D. Pyramid Lake
9. The word "accumulated" in line 19 is closest in meaning to
A. dried B. flooded C. collected D. evaporated
10. According to the passage, the Ice Ages often brought about
A. desert formation B. warmer climates C. broken valleys D. wetter weather


Passage 1: Read the following passage and decide which option A,B, C or D best fits each space.

Spanish Wildlife
Spanish animal life, as throughout Europe, has been (1) ............ to the devastating changes instituted by
man. Many species have disappeared because of over-hunting and loss of habitat, while
others (2) ....... to survival in (3) .......... small numbers. Spain, with more natural spaces than anywhere
else in Western Europe, is often the last (4) .......... for species such as the brown bear and pardel lynx.
Ironically, (5)........... demographics and infrastructure have proven disastrous for some Spain's species,
while beneficial for others. The Iberian lynx, which once ranged as far as the north coast of the
Mediterranean, is now down (6) estimated three breeding pairs in the southern mountains of
Spain. (7) ............ the brown bear, known for its laziness in reproducing, has dwindled to fewer than
100, the result of lost habitats. On the (8) .........., there has been a steady migration of people from the
country to the cities of Spain over the last 30 years. As the countryside has been left devoid
(9) .......... people, vegetation in areas previously (10) .......... to agriculture has returned and such prey
species as Iberian wolves, roe der and wild boar have increased significantly.
1. A. bent B. partial C. tenable D. prone
2. A. cling B. clutch C. embrace D. grip
3. A. preciously B. precautionary C. prominently D. precariously
4. A. castle B. fortification C. bastion D. manor
5. A. shifting B. on-going C. prospering D. affected
6. A. with B. to C. under D. on
7. A. Alternatively B. Likewise C. Otherwise D. Meanwhile
8. A. contrary B. run C. point D. flipside
9. A. of B. from C. to D. off
10. A. saved B. set C. devoted D. adjusted
Passage 2: Read the following passage and decide which option A,B, C or D best fits each space.


A recent issue of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (1) ........ of
second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (2) ........ a language course.
One suggestion is that you (3) ........... whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language. Did
you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The
major (4) ........ will be your own time and effort.
If proof of your level of proficiency is important you must make sure that the course on offer leads to a
(5) ........ qualification. Also, be realistic in your (6) ...... . If you don't set achievable aims you are more
likely to give up. Do not be deceived (7) ........... thinking that the most expensive courses are the best.
(8) ........... around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the
quicker you learn a language the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to
teach herself German by enrolling on a (9) .......... course. Already fluent in four languages and with a
sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (10) ............ progress were high. Three years
on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I
should have consolidated what I'd learn by continuing to study, even if it were by myself."

1. A. domain B. branch C. field D. area

2. A. wondering B. thinking C. looking D. considering
3. A. assess B. review C. balance D. survey
4. A. change B. cost C. price D. evaluation
5. A. recognized B. understood C. valued D. regarded
6. A. sights B. ends C. objects D. goals
7. A by B. about C. into D. in
8. A. Nose B. Push C. Run D. Shop
9. A. rapid B. crash C. quick D. fast
10. A. achieving B. doing C. gaining D. making
Close test 1: Fill each blank with ONE word.
Relations between Ankara and European capitals have (1) ______ before the highly charged vote on 16
April on expanding the powers of the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Western allies have argued that a vote (2) _________ the proposed constitutional change would
invest him with unparalleled authority and (3) ________ checks and balances at a time when they fear
the Turkish leader is exhibiting worrying signs of (4)_________. Erdoğan has been enraged by recent
bans on visiting Turkish officials rallying “yes” supporters in Germany and the Netherlands.
Highlighting growing friction between Ankara and the bloc, he (5) ______ the spectre of a public vote on
EU membership at the weekend.
“We have a referendum on 16 April. After that we may hold a Brexit-like referendum on the [EU]
negotiations,” he told a Turkish-UK forum (6) _______by the British foreign secretary, Boris Johnson. “No
matter what our nation decides we will obey it. It should be known that our patience, tested in the face of
attitudes displayed by some European countries, has (7) _______.”
The animus – reinforced last week when the leader said he would continue labelling European
politicians “Nazis” if they continued calling him a dictator – has also animated (8) ________ between
Greece and Turkey, and Erdoğan’s comments (9) ______ hours after the Greek defence minister said
armed forces were ready to respond in the event of the country’s sovereignty and (10) _______ integrity
being threatened.

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Close test 2: Fill each blank with ONE word.

The White House Counsel’s Office was informed this month that the Senate Intelligence
Committee, which is (1) __________ Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, wanted to (2)
____________ Mr. Kushner about meetings he arranged with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak,
according to the government officials. The meetings included a (3) ____________ unreported sit-down
with the head of Russia’s state-owned development bank.
Until now, the White House had acknowledged only an early December meeting between Mr.
Kislyak and Mr. Kushner, which (4) ____________ at Trump Tower and was also attended by Michael T.
Flynn, who would briefly serve as the national security adviser.
Later that month, though, Mr. Kislyak requested a second meeting, which Mr. Kushner asked a deputy to
attend in his (5) _____________, officials said. At Mr. Kislyak’s request, Mr. Kushner later met with
Sergey N. Gorkov, the chief of Vnesheconom bank, which the United States placed on its sanctions list
after President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia annexed Crimea and began meddling (6) ___________
A White House spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, confirmed those meetings, saying in an interview that
nothing of consequence was discussed and that they went nowhere. Mr. Gorkov, who previously served
as deputy chairman of the board at Sberbank, Russia’s largest (7) ___________ bank, could not be
reached for comment.
Members of presidential transition teams routinely meet with foreign officials, and there is nothing
inherently improper about sitting down with the Russian ambassador. Part of Mr. Kushner’s role during
the (8) ____________ and the transition was to serve as a chief conduit to foreign governments and
officials, and Ms. Hicks said he met with dozens of officials from a (9) ____________ range of countries.
She added that Mr. Kushner was willing to talk to Senate investigators about the meetings with Mr.
Kislyak and the banker, saying, “He isn’t trying to hide anything and wants to be (10) ___________.”

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Part 1: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the given word. (10 pts)
1. The light is__________ , the color of insomnia and sodium glare. SICK
2. Paule Constable whispers to a technician and there is a flurry of KEY
_________. TENSE
3. Gradually, the light (3)__________ yet somehow softens. Orange melts
into rose-gold, then russet. SCRIPT
4. Illuminated by the glare of her laptop, he smiles. One miracle achieved, a
__________ still to go. THEATRE
5. Even if you’re a regular __________, when it comes to the art of lighting
design you’re probably, well, in the dark. ASSOCIATION
6. An __________ director at the National Theatre and winner of the Olivier
award for best lighting four times, she’s one of the best in the business. WHIZZ
7. The (7)__________ visuals of Curious Incident and War Horse are hers,
and so was the chilly yet elegant illumination of the RSC’s Wolf Hall. COME
8. When she is working on the ______ revival of Angels in America, I ask her
the big question: what do lighting designers do?
9. You create rhythm, pace, move the audience’s focus, control the frame, cut CLOSE
between long shots and (9)______.
Some set designers or directors control their own light, or employ a technician
who implements their instructions. Others, like Constable, see themselves as COLLABORATE
(10)__________ creatives, whose job it is to help conjure the whole world of
a show.

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given in the box.(10 pts)



The EU has approved a $130bn mega-merger between Dow and DuPont, heralding a new round of
agribusiness (1)__________ that environmentalists fear will (2)__________ the future of (3)__________
food production.
Brussels is widely expected to clear another (4)__________between Syngenta and ChemChina in the next
two weeks, with (5)__________ of a marriage between Monsanto and Bayer expected later in the year.
As a condition for Monday’s deal, DuPont will have to sell off large parts of its global pesticides business,
including almost all of its global research and development group.
But the US agrichem giant is the second biggest global seed (6)__________after Monsanto – Dow is the
fifth – and green groups fear that just three mega-corporations could soon be left exercising “a toxic grip”
over the world’s food and countryside.
Adrian Bebb, a (7)_________ for Friends of the Earth, said: “This merger will mean a lack of choice for
farmers and a lack of diversity in our fields. We rapidly need to diversify our farming to adapt to a
changing climate, and having less seeds controlled by fewer corporations raises serious questions about
our ability to feed future generations.”
A letter sent to the commission by a(n) (8)__________of 200 environmental groups on Monday says that
about 60% of commercial seed supplies will be (9)__________ in the hands of just three multinationals if
the mergers are all approved.
The commission though believes that the line it has laid down by enforcing pesticides (10)__________
will help to prevent higher prices or restrictions to market choice, while safeguarding innovation and
pesticide safety.

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.

1 Scanning the breakfast menu, I found myself swiftly lost my appetite: on offer
2 were beetle larva, maggots and frozen mice. Fortunately, spending the night at Sydney’s
3 Taronga Zoo needn’t involve sampling the animals’ meals, though it does entail getting
4 extremely close to all manner of creatures. The Roar and Snore programme, curiously
5 little known in Australia being alone overseas, allows you to spend a night camping in the
6 heart of the zoo, long after the crowds of day trippers have disappeared. And if your
7 experience of zoos is creatures slumped motionless in their closures, or skulking in their
8 dens, then let me assure you that at dusk, the place comes alive and echoes with the din of
9 hundreds of creatures making their presence known. A ferryboat dropped me off at the
10 base of the zoo, which sprawls across a steeply sloping swathe of bushland across the bay
11 from the city. Guides, Steve and Nikki, awaited with bright, enthusiastic smiles. Ten of us
12 had signed up and, in no time at all, we were busily setting tents on a rectangle of grass
13 outside the zoo’s education centre. An adjacent area of gum trees was inhabited by
14 kangaroos, wallabies and an alarmingly inquisitive emu – our first animal encounter.
15 After a quick brief, we set off into the gathering gloom. Steve unlocked a huge
16 metal gate that then chimed ominously behind us. We were in, though not without some
17 trepidation – what had we let ourselves in for? It was just us, a handful of security staff
18 and 2,000 furred and feathered inmates. A gibbon let out a haunting, liquid gobble and
wild possums frolicked noisily through the eucalyptus trees above us, their dark
silhouettes framed against a full moon.

Write your answers here:

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given:
1. He was exasperated with being criticized in public all the time. TEETH
 He was fed .........................................................................................................................
2. The factory is making every possible effort to finish the orders on time. FIRING
 The factory is ......................................................................................................................
3. Forecasters were trying to protect themselves from making the wrong prediction about the storm,
saying that it could bring lots of snow, or it could head away from us. HEDGING
 Forecasters ...........................................................................................................................
4. The software company leaves you no choice – if you don't accept the license, you can't use
the software. BARREL
 The software company has .................................................................................................
5. The comedian made the audience all laugh uncontrollably with his jokes. AISLES
The comedian had.................................................................................................................
6. The door-to-door sales representative was just pretending to be honest and was actually
a swindler. COLORS
 It turned ...............................................................................................................................
7. They were among the first to be innovative and use clay to build contemporary sculptures.
 They were among ...............................................................................................................
8. We decided to go for a walk despite the bad weather. BRAVE

 We decided .........................................................................................................................
9. Rumors of his ill health brought an atmosphere of grief to the celebrations. GLOOM
 Rumors of ...........................................................................................................................
10. He spent the rest of his life helping the poor as a punishment for the crimes he had committed.
 He devoted .........................................................................................................................


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