Gea S1210

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Mark* VIe Integrated Control

System (ICS) for IGCC Plants

fact sheet

The Mark* VIe ICS is General Electric’snewest and most Control Architecture
advanced plant control system. When applied in Integrated
The same controller hardware and software is used to
Gasification Combined-cycle (IGCC) plants, it provides a
manage the turbine, generator, and plant controls. It uses
common control platform for control of the rotating
distributed I/O on 100 MB Ethernet and a variety of Fieldbus
machinery, heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs),
solutions. Controllers and I/O can be configured for simplex,
power-island balance of plant (BOP), gasification and process
dual, or triple redundancy, and they can be scaled from a
trains, and plant safety systems. This simplifies operation and
small system to a large plant control. Controllers can be
maintenance, and reduces initial and life-cycle cost of the
centralized in one controlled environment or distributed
plant equipment.
through the plant with the I/O. Since all equipment is
The ICS combines the best attributes of turbine and generator configured and controlled with a common tool set, all data is
controls (reliability, availably, and speed) with the flexible and synchronized to ±1 ms, enabling quick data interpretation
distributed properties available in a plant wide distributed and faster recovery from problem events.
control system (DCS). Advanced model-based control
Controllers for turbine, generator, and plant controls
techniques are used to optimize the performance, operability,
communicate peer-to-peer on an Ethernet-based control
and availability of the unit and plant equipment. This single
network, and share a common ControlST* software suite. The
control system provides seamless integration of software on
Mark VIeS, a certified safety-instrumented system, is used for
common networks, operator stations, and engineering tools.
the gasifier, air separation unit, and emergency shutdown
These techniques provide better fuel flexibility for Syngas
systems. The Mark VIeS safety control uses a SIL certified
operation, faster startup, reduced emissions, improved
version of the ControlST software and can be applied to meet
turndown capability, and enhanced grid response.
up to SIL3 applications.


Information Network (PDH) - Ethernet Monitoring

Operator and
Engineers Stations

Control Network (UDH ) - Ethernet

Gas Turbine, HRSG, Gas Turbine, HRSG, Steam Turbine Power Island
Generator, and Static Generator, and Static and Generator Balance of Plant
Starter Controls #1 Starter Controls #2 Controls

Gasification Train #1 Gasification Train #2

Software Environment
TThe ControlST software suite features several
highperformance tools with graphics user interface for ease
of use by operators and maintenance personnel. These tools
include the WorkstationST* application for management of
HMI and Historian functions, and the ToolboxST*
configuration and diagnostic software.
Operators can easily navigate from parameters on screens to
corresponding alarm history, trends, logic diagrams, watch
windows, and browsers by simply right-clicking on the
variable. The alarm management application features 20
different types of data that can be displayed in columns and
sorted to assist readability. Filters are available to manipulate
this data more efficiently. Real-time and historical data can
pass-through these filters to display only specified data types.
Options for viewing historical alarms include Pareto charts Conclusion
with the alarms sorted by priority and frequency of
occurrence. This feature isolates repetitive nuisance alarms The Mark VIe ICS combines the latest advanced controls
so they can be fixed or suppressed. The Alarm Viewer can technology with the best design and operating practices from
display user help messages for process and control over 60 GE-licensed gasification and IGCC plants. High-fidelity
diagnostic alarms. To share information about abnormal simulation of the integrated control system helps optimize the
conditions, user comments can be added to alarm messages. design in the factory and reduces commissioning time and
risk. A common, flexible architecture for the
Maintenance tools include application software represented turbinegenerators, HRSGs, power-island BOP, gasification
in SAMA/IEC self-documenting format with convenient cross trains, and safety systems simplifies operations and
references, which are hyperlinked to navigate between data maintenance, reduces training, and minimizes spare parts
points on different pages. Visualization of the active process inventory. Most of all, it provides a solid foundation for reliable
is achieved with animated block graphics such as showing plant operations.
the current point of operation on a linearization block. If
trending is needed, use the drag-and-drop operation to move Benefits
data points from the SAMA diagrams to trend displays. These • Improved performance, operability, and availability with
displays can capture data as fast as the application software General Electric’s domain knowledge in gasification and
is running i.e. (frame rate). The trending tools not only have all IGCC plants
the basic compliment of features, but they also include • Reduced project management cost and risk with control
advanced features such as statistical tools and spectral system and schedule integration managed by General
analysis, which can be used to quickly isolate frequencies of Electric
interest for analysis. • Less commissioning time and risk with an integrated
system simulation
Simulation • Simplified operations and maintenance with a common
High-fidelity simulation of the process and overall plant software suite for the power island equipment and
performance can play a key role in verification of the system gasification trains
prior to shipment. Unit and plant controls are connected to • Less mean-time-to-repair with a common
dynamic simulators and configured in a common, sitespecific, time-synchronized database for plant diagnostics
network topology to validate installation connectivity and • Lower life-cycle cost with on-going training and reduced
documentation. The ControlST software tools and site spare inventory for one control system versus multiple
operator screens are used in the verification process. systems
This process provides a high degree of confidence in the
complete integrated system before shipment, and reduces
installation time and risk during commissioning. The
simulation can be incorporated into a realistic training
environment for operations and maintenance personnel prior
to installation, and though out the life of the plant.

For further assistance or technical information, contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales Representative.
© 2008 - 2014 General Electric Company, USA. All rights reserved. * Indicates a trademark of General Electric Company and/or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks are
the property of their respective owners.
GEA-S1210A Issued: Sep 2008 Revised: Jul 2014

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