So What Volume 1 Issue 3 - 1994

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H A T !

Copy of actual set

1982 list. Nov. ’82


“Saxon could also use a fast, hot guitar
played of the Eddie Van Halen ilk. Opening
quartet Metallica had one, but little else. The
local group needs considerable development
to overcome a pervasive awkwardness.”
LA Times, March 29, 1982

HA T !
Features Departments
A Day in the Life of a ENTER MAILMAN 3
Dedicated Metallifan
THE METALLIYEARS 10 What’s happened, happening,
Part 1 – “Bang ‘Em Hard” and gonna happen!


The Complete Story Behind Your Questions Answered
the Set

Local Chapters Taking Shape

Special Edition Demo Bootleg


Behold The Creative Spirit


Want to meet one?
Want to be one?
Find out how.

Shortest Straw #3 Plus…
A DAY IN THE LIFE 26  What’s Happening with the
Co-Ordinating Press for Italian Fan Club

A Word From Our Sponsors 26


If this ain’t your magazine, get your P.O. BOX 18327
own copy! HOW??? KNOXVILLE, TN
Join the Metallica Club! 37928-2327
For more details, send a self addressed, USA
stamped envelope to: •Overseas fans, please include an
international response coupon•
ell here we are – on the road again! At time of writing the tour is about six

weeks old. Things are going great! Aside from all the usual things associated with a
Metallica tour, the Metallica Club stuff is going well and seems to be well received
by all involved. PUBLISHER


And I suppose there always has to be a but!

PO BOX 18327

The one “complaint” we are hearing – “I picked up my tickets as directed, the per-

son before (after) me had backstage passes. I didn’t! What gives?”

TN 37928-2327

Well, here’s what gives…

After we finished selling tickets through the Club we decided we would like to give
everyone who bought tickets at least one backstage pass. We looked at all the num-

bers closely and realized… There was just too many!!! Dilemma number one –
Should we give everyone passes, knowing not everyone would get backstage -or-
should we give no-one backstage passes?

The solution? No good solution! So, we decided that, unannounced, we would ran-

domly choose, at each show, a number of Club members to get backstage passes.

Why? Here follows our reasoning:


Unannounced – because that way we would not build up any hopes, only to disap-

point people, this way people would be pleasantly surprised.


Why some if not all? – Because we thought it would be better to at least please

SOME people than disappoint ALL. The numbers are chosen completely randomly.

The obvious complaint – “If I had known what was going on I wouldn’t have felt as

if I had been forgotten, while others got to go back stage.” Agreed!! Absolutely

agreed!! Just really goes to show that whatever decision we had come to – some
people would still have been upset.

THE GOOD NEWS!!!! Anyone buying tickets through the Club who did not get a

backstage pass this tour, will be given highest priority next tour!!!! Computers are ©1994 THE METALLICA CLUB INC.
wonderful things for being able to keep track of things like this.

I hope that explains to everyone what is going on, I am sure some of you will dis-
agree with the decision – but, we really did (and still do!) think it was the fairest

way of doing things!


‘Till next time…


Tony Smith


Dear James, Lars, Kirk, and Jason, ever had in my life, and was treated like royalty
I just wanna thank you guys for helping me (once the security guards saw where we were sit-
get through a lot of shit that has gone on in my ting). I was also fortunate enough to get after
life. I would have never made it without you. I show passes and got to meet you!! It was clearly
go to this fucking Baptist school and they’re real the highlight of my life, and I just wanted to say
strict. They say your music is Satan’s music and thanks for having a dream come true. You guys
all this fucking crap. Your music is the best fuck- really know how to take care of your fans.
ing way to help teens get out their aggressions JENNIFER R.
and shit from all the fuss and crap that goes on in SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY
their lives. So here’s a screamin’ “FUCK YEA”
to you guys and to everything Metallica stands
for. Dear Jaymz, Jason, Kirk and Lars,
MICHAEL S. This is a very special thank you goin’ out to
RIO HONDO, TEXAS Metallica and especially yew, Jaymz for the out-
rageous Grand Prize win for Shortest Straw #1.
Dear Guys, Just received the stuff from the Club. Thanx,
I just had to write to you guys to let you Jaymz, for pickin’ my entry. When I mailed them
know how fantastic you are. On June 14, 1994, I in, I sent very strong vibes for you to pick mine.
went to see you at the Mann Music Center in Guess it worked. definitely reinforced my devo-
Philadelphia. I had purchased my tickets through tion to Metallica.
The Metallica Club and had no idea where I was JENNA D.
sitting until I got there. I had the best seats I’ve STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK


James, Lars, Kirk, Jason They go on to say things like you have fallen myself and almost did, but I put one of your
First of all I’d just like to say thank you for prey to the masses. These are the people that, if albums on and it inspired me to keep trying. I
being the best band on earth. I’ve got a few they were really listening to your music, they know this probably doesn’t make any sense,
problems. I just got my first issue of SO would know that it is just a progression of your but it’s true and I just wanted to say thank
WHAT!. It’s not the magazine that is my prob- songs from the past like “Fade To Black” from you from the bottom of my heart for being so
lem, it’s excellent and long overdue. I have a “Ride The Lightning” (really great) or “One” true to all your fans. Without Metallica this
problem with some of the stuff written by some from “And Justice For All.” These are the peo- world would be fucking boring. Someday I
weasels who could be the biggest posers on ple that write about things they know nothing would love to meet you, but I know that’s
earth. What troubles me is the shit about you about. I feel Metallica is a whole lot more than impossible so I’ll just keep on rocking to you
guys selling out. “I never imagined that greed the music; you love your fans, you support your guys.
would overcome Metallica, my former favorite fans, and give more than any band I know. BRIAN C.
group.” (excerpt from pg. 4 SO WHAT! Volume PAULINE B. FRANKSVILLE, WISCONSIN
1, Issue 1). That line irritated me so greatly that BADEN, PENNSYLVANIA
I figured I’d tell you that not everybody is as Dear James, Lars, Kirk and Jason,
close-minded as that, and if at all possible I’d Dear Metallica, I’ve been a fan for almost 4 years now. A
like to tell the person that wrote that shit to eat a I am a dedicated fan of yours for as long as problem I’ve faced, that you could probably
fat dick. The punk that wrote that crap also said I can remember. I am a Christian teenager, and relate to, is the stereotype of all teenagers that
something about being a true fan. Wrong! A true after reading some of the letters in ‘Enter are fans of metal music. A lot of times people
fan might open his/her mind up to a new sound. Mailman’ I have just one thing to say to the ass- (usually adults) label fans of metal as freaks,
Another thing I found odd in the Enter holes who are claiming that you have anti- troublemakers or druggies. I’m so sick of people
Mailman section was the bible bash- saying your music is satanic or a bad
ers that were writing in. I don’t influence. Once, when I was leaving a
understand where satanism or athe- guitar store proudly wearing a
ism fits in. Maybe “Jump In The Metallica shirt and hat, some dude
Fire” gave them the wrong idea (it’s standing on the corner of the street
amazing how people draw conclu- hurried up and went into his pocket
sions). Seriously, I hope you have and took out some flyer as soon as he
read that shit and laughed as hard at saw me. He ran up to me and gave it
it as I did. Anyway, these Christian to me. It said, “Get help, get the
teens telling Metallica what to do cocaine monkey off your back.” What
bullshit is just a crock as far as I’m the heck! He acted like since I was
concerned. It’s like they look at wearing a Metallica shirt, he could
album covers and decide who is label me as a user and a troublemaker.
going to burn in hell. Well, if you Also, around here, I hear
guys are going to burn, at least I’ll people saying they used to like your
get to meet you then (ha ha!). latest album, but it got too popular.
RYAN K. That’s a bunch of bull. How can pop-
EXCELSIOR, MINNESOTA ularity determine if something’s cool
or not? Some people say that Cliff
To Kirk wouldn’t have approved of the Black
Hi, I would like to take a few album. I totally disagree. From what I
minutes of your time. Everyone has a know and have read about him, he
hero, a god, and a role model. To me, loved melodic music and harmonies
hero, god, and role model spell Kirk and that is more of what the latest
Hammett. You are the greatest. I album is about. Personally, I think the
bought Binge & Purge just to watch Metallica album is an awesome album
your solo. Believe me when I say it and will always be. Metallica will
was the best $80 I have ever spent. always rule!
Don’t get me wrong–without Jaymz, DANVILLE, IL
Lars, and Jason there wouldn’t be a
Metallica. But without Kirk, I wouldn’t have a Christian lyrics, “To Hell with all of you.” I Dear Jaymz, Larz, Kirk & Jason:
hero. If I had two wishes to make they would be want to see (and hear) more of the same old I just got the mail about 5 minutes before
1) My new baby girl Cierra has a healthy life Metallica. It’s all in what you interpret the lyrics starting this letter, and amid the usual pile of
and 2) to one day shake your hand. to be. As for anyone who still thinks the lyrics junk, bills, and my dad’s magazines I saw the
REDWOOD VALLEY, influence devil worship and all that other fuck- Metallica Club News Update postcard. I almost
CALIFORNIA ing bullshit…blow it out your ass!!! Metallica ran into the path of an oncoming car when I read
rules! you guyz would be on tour this summer!
Dear Lars, James, Kirk & Jason, OLD BETHPAGE, NY THANK YOU SO MUCH… this year has
Just for starters I think you guys are the sucked so far & now I have something to really
BEST. You know, it really irritates me when I Dear Lars, look forward to! I missed out the last time the
read about jerks that say things like, “What’s so I just wanted to tell you that you guys are band came to MA (it’s really hard to get
special about Metallica?” from Hit Parader. the fucking greatest. Without Metallica’s tix–bands sell out in under an hour!) Special
Then someone wrote in your 1st issue of SO music to inspire me, I probably would not be ticket arrangements for club members would be
WHAT! about how disgusted they were with here. Recently I got so bummed out about not GREAT…certainly better than listening to the
your last effort, referring to the “Black Album.” being in a band, I thought about killing busy signal at Ticketmaster! By the way, the


Club kix ass and I’m really enjoying it so far. capture the fancy of a few, people not familiar
SO WHAT! rules, too. Thanx again! with your music may be turned off completely.
Dear Lars,
I am not your average fan. I am a psycho Metallica,
fan. I am sure Lars is never going to see this let- I got my club shit today and it’s kickin’!
ter, so whoever is reading this please tell Lars I I’ve been a fan for 11 years, since I was a
want to have his baby. young shit of thirteen. I have since chopped
JENNIFER B. my hair to get a job so I can buy Metallica
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK stuff. Thanks, Jason, for getting your hair cut.
Now I don’t feel so bad.
Metallica, BRIAN S.
First, I want to thank you for the Club stuff. SUMRALL, MISSISSIPPI
Great stuff, the mag is just what I expected.
The greatest thank you is for your music. Hey!
You helped me through some tough times. It’s The way I figure it the guys in Metallica
now 3 years since I lost my girlfriend by car owe me about $1,000 bucks and about 12 hours
accident. Your music was my hold on to live. of boring wasted time. Let me explain. I, over
NETHERLANDS the past couple of years since I’ve been driving
have received quite a few speeding tickets that
Dear Guys, total over $1,000 dollars. (It would be about
First off, I need to let off some steam. You real low times. Just when I’ve about lost all $1,300 bucks except I’ve taken two defensive
know the book “METALLICA: A Visual hope I’ll turn on my radio (which is my only driving courses, 6 hours each.) Every single time
Documentary” by Mark Putterford and Xavier form of freedom) and hear one of your jams. I’ve been pulled over I was listening to, of
Russell? Well, look at page 59, a page devoted It’s during your music that I can shut my eyes course, Metallica! So if you guys weren’t so
to our favorite bassist, Jasun Newkid. Whoever and see there is hope when all seems lost. We fucking metal, I would never feel the need to
put these pictures together really fucked up. This have our own radio station here (only broad- speed.
person had the goddamned audacity to put a pic- cast here in the institution), and I request what By the way, one of my tickets was dropped
ture of the bassist from “Extreme” on the page few songs they have everyday. I want you because the cop was an avid Metallica fan!
(second from top, purple shirt). That picture was guys to know you’re more than a band to me, ANITRA G.
obviously taken from the Freddy Mercury you’re my life blood and key to inner freedom. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
Tribute concert. I didn’t know how to complain To the fellow club members. Have fun,
to the authors, so I thought I’d let you know of but keep it clean. I hope none of you ever have To Jason, James, Kirk, and Lars,
my irate, two-cents’ worth. to see my dark side of the world. Take care, When I saw Jason and Cliff play in the
Also from the first issue, I’d like to apolo- stay free, and jam to “One” for this caged rat! videos, I fell in love with them and the bass gui-
gize on behalf of “fans” such as the one from ALBERT R. tar. I now have been playing bass for about a
Port Royal, SC. You’ve made it quite clear that PENDLETON, INDIANA year… thanks to Jason and Cliff, I’ve discov-
Metallica means change and trying different ered a hidden talent in me.
things. These are the same kinda “fans” who Dear Club, KELLY S.
think “Ride The Lightning” meant a sellout from I thought that you might not mind getting a AUSTRALIA
“Kill ’Em All”. Your true fans are still behind parent’s point of view on Metallica and the club.
you, guys. We see it as intense, beautiful music, brilliant, Dear Metallica,
Oh, yes, and the Tipper Gore fan from thought provoking lyrics and an organization that I would like to say “Thanks.” Through the
Mobile, AL. “‘Exit Light’ means ‘leave Jesus’”? sees its members as individuals – not numbers in Metallica music, I got a better understanding of
Not only that, but in “Nothing Else Matters”, a computer. Thank you for your personal touch my son, his feelings, and we actually became
James says “Every day for us something new”. that really makes the Metallica Club different. friends. I’ve been to both concerts in our area
“For is quite similar to “four”, and “four” in Obviously the band cares a great deal about its and I really had a great time.
Japanese sounds identical to the word for fans. DORIS G.
“death”. Therefore, “Nothing Else Matters” is SANDI R. PISCATAWAY, NEW JERSEY
about daily death, right? ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN
PHOENIX, ARIZONA Dear Club, This feature will publish your
I thoroughly enjoy the music of Metallica. letters to us. We will print as many as
Dear Gods of Heavy Metal, Since I am such a big fan, I would also like to space allows–usually without editorial
I’m writing from inside a 6" by 8" foot buy shirts and other items with Metallica sym- comment (unless we just cannot resist!).
prison cell in “Hell Hole” Indiana. I want to bols. Send your letter with membership


thank you guys for just being who you are, There is, however, one negative point that number, name, address, etc. to:
and for the mind melting music you pour your stands out in my mind. I am not allowed to buy
hearts and souls into. shirts with obscene artwork or vulgar language
As you can probably guess prison is the printed on them. Therefore, only a small selec- ENTER MAILMAN
most boring and lonely place on earth. I can tion of merchandise is available to fans like me. PO Box 18327
honestly say if it wasn’t for your music I’d
have committed suicide a long time ago. You
T-shirts with the band emblem and pictures of
the members would be great! Are mutilated
Knoxville, TN 37928-2327
guys have unknowingly carried me thru some skeletons really a necessity? Although they may USA

Roaming America
A Day in the Life of a Dedicated Metallifan
by Heather Wiley

A ll of you reading this are already big Metallica

fans. But, what about being able to travel from
show to show, experience the snake pit, and attend
aftershows night after night. Believe it or not, there are
You’re probably asking – just what is an after-
show like? You may be very surprised to find out it’s
NOT the party atmosphere portrayed by other bands.
No loud music, no heavy drinking, no drugs. This is a
time to sit and visit for the fans and the band. A time to
8:10 pm
We’re in the pit and the lights go down with the
intro film starting. The crowd goes nuts. It’s kind of
hard to see the monitor in the back of the pit with all
the people, but I can see most of it. The intro music
a small number of fans who do this day after day, week relax and unwind. starts and it’s time for 3 hours of madness and mayhem.
after week, and month after month, because when To experience this, first you have to have a As I turn my attention to the stage, I look out into the
Metallica is on tour, WE’RE on tour. You can call us valid aftershow pass. You meet in a designated section tapers section and see all the red lights blinking. I know
crazy, stupid, or what have you, but we’re some of the of the stands. After waiting there for 15 minutes or a few friends up there and know they’re ready and
most dedicated people when it comes to touring. more, you’re led into a room underneath the stands. working. Tonight’s show seems extra good. The sound
Being on the road has many hazards. The rule Once inside, you sometimes wait an hour or more for is crisp and clear. James is grinning at the crowd and
of the road is that anything and everything is possible. the band to come out. playing his guitar with ease. Lars is making faces and is
Speeding tickets, flat tires, and dead batteries are com- The fans at the aftershows vary widely from pounding the shit out of his drums. Kirk’s solo sounds
mon. In fact, I know of one person that had at least ten young to old, male to female, and sometimes there’s a excellent, even Jason’s solo is a little different than the
flats and a ticket from each state. Weather is one of the major “slut alert”. One of the most interesting though, is night before.
worst hazards that can happen to you. Floods and torna- a cat named Chewey, who’s been to aftershows all over
dos in the summer, ice and snow in the winter. When I the U.S. and it is even rumored that he sometimes stole 11:45 pm
was travelling in ’93 from Amherst, Mass back home the spotlight from the guys. Anyway, conversations The show is over and everyone is emotionally and
to Ohio, what should have been a 14–15 hour drive range from songs, to outside interests like bootlegs, to physically drained, but now it is time for the aftershow.
ended up being a 22 hour drive-through-hell in bliz- the best and worst shows, etc. Gifts for the guys always We go to the directed section of stands and wait. As we
zard-like conditions. Hunger and lack of sleep are other show up. From info on their favorite subjects, to make our way down the hallway and our passes are
factors you have to deal with. You find some of the bootlegs of their band of choice, to painting and pic- being checked, someone tries to get in without one,
weirdest places to eat, especially at 3 or 4 in the morn- tures. All is appreciated. The shows and the aftershows he’s caught and is sent the other way. When we get to
ing. (Halo Burger). You get used to getting lost and are why we keep going from show to show. It’s like an the room, there is soda, tables, and chairs for us.
making wrong turns and all of this on 2–3 hours of addiction that you just can’t kick. In the following, I
sleep or less. Especially, when it’s too cold to sleep in 1:00 am
hope to make real the experience of “being on tour” as The band appears one by one, and you can feel
the car and you have to keep going. There are times a fan.
when you only have enough money for gas, so you the excitement in the air. Soft murmurs begin and turn
can’t eat until you get to the bank machine in the next into conversation.
DAY 1 “Hey! Where’d you get that bootleg?? Shit, I
city. Sometimes loneliness is found on the road. Some 11:00 am
of us have befriended a few people on the road crew don’t even have that one!!”
We’ve just finished 8 hours of driving from last “I got it at a record store on my way here.”
and have ended up helping them deal with their loneli- night’s show. It’s time to get some sleep at our hotel.
ness, to have a familiar face to talk to. “Well, go over and tell Tony, we want one, too.”
This and many other problems are worth it at 3:00 pm “Great show!”
the end of the day because the reward you get is to see It’s time to get up and ready. Last night’s show is “Ya, but last night’s was better I thought.”
a HELL OF A SHOW, talk to the guys, and then do it the topic of conversation. Especially the incident in “Really?”
all over again the next night. The snake pit is part of which a so-called “fan” threw an M-80 on the stage, “Ya, the adrenaline was there.”
the reward. You get a view that no one else does blew a hole in it, and injured a road crew member And so the conversations continue.
because it’s up close and personal. You can see the (thankfully, he’s okay and not seriously injured). With 2:00 am
band come on stage before anyone else. Not a night the problems of pyro the past year, it pisses us all off. For those of us riding the buses, we have to leave
goes by where James doesn’t slap hands with the peo- Some of our other travel companions knock on the door for the 8-hour drive to the next city, so we miss the rest
ple along the railing in the pit; Lars makes faces at you to meet us for the show. of the aftershow. Everyone else will go back to the
or taps the railing with his drumsticks on his way to the 6:00 pm hotel and drive up the next day.
drums; Jason smiling at you or pointing someone out in We arrive at the arena. With tomorrow being the When we get on the bus there is Taco Bell for
the pit; or Kirk walking along, playing guitar and with day off, some of us are riding the buses to spend the everyone to eat. Some of the people sit in the front
intense eye contact, looks at you. It gives you the great- day with some friends on the crew. We have to carry lounge, while the rest of us go to the back lounge to
est feeling on earth! The best and last part is the after- our bags to the buses. Hopefully, local security won’t eat. We talk about the latest gossip circulating among
show. The people you meet, the conversations you hear hassle us. It’s cold tonight, but the fans seem pumped the crew. The one and only annoying thing about the
are definitely worth experiencing, even if it is only with energy. Apparently, there’s a mix up with the bus is that they go 85-90 mph and you feel every pot-
once. It is something you’ll never forget. This is where guest list, but everything is worked out. This happens hole and bump it hits. This makes it hard to eat, drink,
most of us that travel have met. every once in a while. and sleep, but after a while you get used to it.


It’s time to leave and we drive straight through to

the next city (6 hours away) only stopping off to get an
hour of sleep. We’re starting to run low on money and
are going to have to watch what we spend.

We decide to get a hotel (but we only pay for one
person and sneak the rest of us in) and go back to sleep
for a while.
6:00 pm
We get to the venue and meet some of our other
travel companions that we last saw a few days ago.
We go inside after waiting in line. On the way to
the snake pit, local security gives us a small hassle.
They want to see our ticket stubs and don’t pay any
attention to our pit passes and won’t let us through.
This is sometimes a daily occurrence. Luckily, we see a
crew member who helps clear up the situation.
8:30 pm–12:00 am
DAY 2 – DAY OFF A brilliant show again. Tonight before the begin-
We wake up about 10, check into the hotel, and ning of “Am I Evil?”, Kirk, Jason, and Lars are throw-
go back to sleep for a few hours. The day off for the ing pieces of ice at each other across the snakepit. You “Hey! Where’d you get that shirt??” (It’s a boot-
crew, at least, is spent relaxing. Some go to doctors can tell they are having a good time. leg Metallica shirt.)
appointments, to a movie, or shopping at the local mall 12:15 am “Outside when I was waiting in line.”
to buy necessities, such as shoes and socks. These are Aftershow!! Tonight’s room is a little different, “Oh okay, that’s kinda cool.”
needed because you’re on your feet all day and you go though. It’s a very, very small room, with about a hun- During the aftershow, good-byes, thank-yous and
through them quite quickly. dred people crammed in there. We’re packed like sar- we’ll-see-ya-soon’s are exchanged. It’s all kinda sad
dines. A room like this for an aftershow is uncommon, but happy because we all know we’ll see each other
DAY 3 fortunately, we only experienced this once. As we are again. As we leave, a few of our entourage decide that
The crew is woken up early so they can be on the waiting for the band, we suddenly realize that we don’t we have to go to at least one more show. It is decided
buses by 7:15 am and go to the arena to work. The rest know where we’re going for tomorrow’s show. that we will go to a couple of next week’s shows.
of us wake up later and arrive at 11:00 am. The day is Fortunately, we find a crew member that has a road
spent setting up the stage. Today’s arena is smaller than charter with him, and we find out where we are going. 2:00 am
usual, so things are a little crunched. If you’ve never A road charter is a sheet of paper that is posted around We leave to make our way home. There is a 12
seen a stage being set up, especially one as massive as the backstage area that lists that night’s showtime and hour drive ahead of us, and we only have enough
Metallica’s you ain’t seen nothing. curfew, the next city, and how many miles and hours of money for gas and maybe some coffee. The only place
My job for the day is to put the canvas siding on driving there is. Tomorrow’s drive is 8 hours. to stop after a couple of hours has a drunk creepy guy
the lighting rigs, tape down the set list (pretty simple The guys arrive and the ritual of signing auto- walking around, so we trade drivers and drive on while
for what the rest of the crew is doing) and put guitar graphs, taking pictures, and joke telling begins. the other sleeps.
picks on the 8 microphones, which can’t be done until “Hey! How much stuff do you have for us to sign Yes…this is what it is like on tour with Metallica,
an hour before the show because local security will tonight??” but to us, it’s worth the flat tires, speeding tickets and
take them. “Not too much.” weather. It’s an adventure of a lifetime and not one of
“That’s what you always say, give it here.” us would trade it for anything else in the world. As of
8:20–11:50 pm
The aftershow ends quietly. Everyone is very now, our jobs are on standby for our vacation time
It’s showtime and all is well.
tired (including the band) and there is still a show to do because of the upcoming tour. We’re ready to do it all
12:00 am over again “cause we’ll never stop, we’ll never quit,
It’s time for the aftershow, and those of us that tomorrow before the next day off.
cause we’re Metallica.”
worked with the crew, are worn. We’re drinking coffee C-YA ON THE ROAD!!!!
like it’s going out of style. The conversations of DAY 5
tonight’s aftershow are pretty calm. “Hey! I remember We don’t get our wake up call at the hotel, so
you!! You were at a show last summer and the only we’re 2 hours off schedule. We shower, throw some
one with a southern accent.” “Ya, I sure was.” (Good clothes on, and speed outta there! This results in a
memory guys.) speeding ticket a couple hours later.
2:30 am 7:30 pm
We get to the arena in time. Speeding ticket and
all we make it in one piece.
8:10–11:00 pm
Showtime!! Tonight’s show is a little unusual,
though. There’s a law about having no fireworks or
pyro, so there is no pyro for “One”. The show also ends
about a half hour early because James’ throat is bother-
ing him and making it hard for him to sing. Besides
these two things, the show is great as always.
11:15 pm
Aftershow time!! A few people from last night’s
show try to use their now invalid passes. Not going to
work!! The room for tonight’s aftershow is 100 times
better than last night’s. There’s plenty of room for
everyone. Tonight is sad in a way, because it’s the last
show for some of us, so it’s a little emotional. The band
comes out one by one, smiling and happy because the
day off is tomorrow and time for some R & R. The
conversations pick up.


We would also like for our mem-

NEWS’N’VIEWS BACKSTAGE bers to be aware that we have
changed t-shirt companies. What this
means is that for a while it may take
PASSES a bit longer for your t-shirt to arrive.
We hope this doesn’t cause an incon-
AVAILABLE venience. When the transition has
been made, we will then be able to
process orders much more quickly.
Backstage passes for upcoming
summer shows are available to mem-
bers who bought their tickets through KIRK?
the Metallica Club. Since there is a Well, it had to happen. After
limited number of passes, we have Kirk got his chin pierced what more
taken a random selection of numbers could he do? While in New York, the
BACK and given backstage passes to these ever-changing Kirk decided to get
people. The people who were not dreadlocks. The curly tresses were
chosen at this time will be first to transformed into long black ropes
ISSUES receive backstage passes at the next which could be quite dangerous
drawing. while he’s headbanging! Whip it,
If you didn’t join The Metallica
Club until recently, you have proba-
bly missed out on issues I and II of EXTRA BIG METALLICA
“SO WHAT!”. Or perhaps you want
to cut out some of the pictures to put NEWS
up on your wall, but you don’t want Some of our club members have GOES ON
to ruin your only copy. Don’t written to us stating that they needed
despair! Just send us a note stating their club t-shirt in a size larger than LINE
which issue(s) you want and a check XL. (Remember–cotton shirts will Metallica fans can now get news
for $5.00 per issue (this includes shrink after a few washings.) So now and information on Metallica by E-
postage and handling) and we will we have club t-shirts available in size Mail. If you are not a Metallica Club
send it out to you. XXL. member, but wish to become one,


you can also apply through this ser- sees fit. city, and its songs avidly tackled
vice. For America On-Line the code Did the town honestly expect to mental health and the politics of free-
is MET CLUB. The Metallica folder host a quiet outdoor heavy metal con- dom while most metal bands were
is under Music Forums > Music cert?!?!! We wonder what the town still stuck on babes and booze.
Message Center > Permanent Artists thought of Pantera when they played Metallica’s brand of devastatingly
/ Collection > Metallica. You can there on June 28. precise speed-rock, while riff-heavy
write in comments, reviews, and and brutally baroque, is still fresh,
even send in articles which may be energetic and intelligent.”
published in “SO WHAT!” METALLICA But we already knew that, right?!
The rest of the world is just catching
THEY SAVE On Wednesday, June 8, 1994,
Metallica played at the Jones Beach
Amphitheater in Long Island, New STORM
THE BEST York. Here is an excerpt from a
review written by Greg Fasolino for TORONTO
FOR LAST? Newsday, published June 11, 1994: Here is an excerpt from a review
As many of you know, May 30th “Is heavy metal dead? Though written by Ira Band for the Toronto
kicked off the SHIT IN THE SHEDS fast times seem lean, hard rock has Sun:
‘94 Tour. Thanks to a club member, never gone away for the Beavis & “A gloriously sunny afternoon
we have a little news to share about Butt-head set. If few acts from the and picture-perfect sunset greeted the
the show in Darien Lake. genre’s glory years of excess remain 20,000 heavy-metal fans who
The 20,000 Metallica fans had a strong, at least vital forces such as descended on Molson Park yesterday
wonderful time, however, it seems Metallica still rise to the challenge. (Saturday, June 4, 1994).
the town folk didn’t enjoy it too The fact that the group has no new “But that didn’t stop Metallica
much. The show at Darien Lake album to promote and that the moti- from whipping up a thunderous
Performing Arts Center disturbed a vation for this summer tour is lack of storm of sound, a lightning-sharp
few neighbors. To quote Anthony anything else to do only reinforces array of flash pots and pulsating
Cardinale’s article in The Buffalo the headbanger ethos. banks of multi-colored bulbs.
News, “Darien Lake’s general man- “Metallica’s set was chock full of “The crowd…cheered wildly as
ager apologized to residents primal mosh anthems such as ‘Seek the band bounded onstage with a
Wednesday (June 1) for allowing the and Destroy’ and ‘Whiplash’ plus a hyperdriven romp through the rarely
heavy metal band Metallica to ruin fierce medley of early material that played song, ‘Breadfan.’
their Memorial Day weekend with served as an Encyclopedia Metallica “‘Wherever I May Roam,’
loud music and obscene language.” of riffs. Flashing strobes and explo- ‘Harvester of Sorrow’ and ‘Welcome
The amphitheater is part of a sive sound effects heightened the Home’ followed, gathering more
park, which, despite Metallica play- shell-shocked mood of ‘One,’ a song acceleration and energy as they pro-
ing there, “lost money when many which – alongside such classics as gressed. Metallica are masters of
campers attending the Praise ‘94 ‘Welcome Home (Sanitarium),’ ‘For speed-metal and their seemingly end-
Christian Weekend cancelled and left Whom the Bell Tolls’ and ‘Enter less touring schedule hasn’t slowed
during the weekend because of the Sandman’ – illustrated why Metallica or tired the band a bit.
noise and obscene language in ripped through the moribund carcass “Love or hate their explosive
Metallica vocals.” One town resident of ‘80’s metal in the first place. sound, you couldn’t criticize their
suggested that the park should give Alienation and anger were the band’s unstoppable stamina or ability to put
the town board $10,000 to use at it buzzwords when Seattle was just a on a pyrotechnically precise con-

Having documented
Metallica’s progress W
pen these series of retrospective features on
Metallica, it certainly brought back some fond
On the face of it, the orange and black
Maxell C46 that arrived that day back in 1982
hen Club president Tony Smith asked me to was no different from any other tape. It had been
sent to me by Patrick Scott, a tape trading buddy
from Southern California, who had already told
memories of the underground tape trading scene me in his previous correspondence that he would
from day one, UK
in the early eighties. Everyone involved in the be sending me a demo from a band put together
scene back then was basically tired of the rather by his friend Lars Ulrich. Well, there was nothing
journalist Bernard
mundane record releases being churned out by the special in that, as it seemed that just about every-
major labels, and was hungry in our search for the one involved in tape trading either had a friend in
Doe takes a
undiscovered talent that was Fifteen minutes of a band or was putting their own
retrospective look
emerging on the global under- outfit together. And, I’m afraid,
ground, whether it be through mayhem had virtually even after reading Patrick’s glow-
at the band’s rise to
hard-to-find independent vinyl ing remarks about this band called
releases or demo and live tapes. made my whole record Metallica, it didn’t have me thrust-
fame in the first of
Ironically, my first chance to and tape collection ing the demo tape into my cassette
taste the metallus maximus sounds deck in eager anticipation. To be
a series of features
of Metallica could well have disap- seem obsolete, such honest, the demo probably laid in
based on the
peared at the flick of the fast-for- the pile of ‘to-be-listened-to
ward button on my cassette deck. was the impact of my (maybe?) tapes’ for a few days
original interviews
You see, I was so heavily involved first Metallica aural before I even bothered to check it
in this tape trading phenomena that out.
with Lars Ulrich
the volume of tapes arriving at my Well, needless to say, when I did
household in England on a daily finally get around to giving
that appeared in assault.
basis was so great that the contents were more in Metallica a blast, I was in for the shock of my
the cult English
danger of becoming mere catalogue numbers than life! Just one listen to “Hit The Lights”, “The
items of listening pleasure. I’m afraid that some Mechanix” (later reworked as “The Four
based Metal Forces
magazine. twelve years on many tapes still remain unplayed! Horsemen” for the debut “Kill ‘Em All”),

“Motorbreath”, and “Jump In The Fire”, and I was quite literally nal “Metal Massacre” compilation album in 1982. But it was the
blown away!! Fifteen minutes of mayhem had virtually made my band’s aforementioned demo tapes that were circulating at the
whole record and tape collection seem obsolete, such was the time which did more than anything to gain the quartet such a
impact of my first Metallica aural assault. large underground following. So I began by asking Lars just how
Later that year the legendary “No Life ‘Til aware he was of the vast cult following that was
Leather” demo arrived accompanied by a brief note “…there’s still a lot emerging worldwide on the strength of those
from Lars. “Great to hear you like us,” it read,
scribbled on the back of a live photo. “A t-shirt is of bands around demos? “Well, before I had got the band together I’d
on the way.” today who are not been into underground metal myself,” revealed the
Said shirt duly arrived a few days later embla- drummer. “And I’d moved to America from
zoned with the now famed Metallica logo and the Denmark just about the time when things were
immortal words “The Young Metal Attack!” Well, really happening in Europe back in 1979/1980. In
aware of this
Lars may look back in embarrassment at that par- Los Angeles at that time there were very few peo-
ticular choice of slogan, but I for one certainly metal that exists.” ple into underground metal, so I got to know all the

wore my first Metallica shirt with pride as the right people like Ron Quintana (Editor of cult San
underground buzz on the band reached fever pitch. Francisco based fanzine Metal Mania) and Brian Slagel (Editor
By the time “Kill ‘Em All” was released in August 1983, I of Heavy Metal Revue and boss of Metal Blade Records). So,
had progressed (?) from the tape trading scene into the wonder- when Metallica first started making all these tapes like “No Life
fully corrupt world of music journalism, by launching the UK ‘Til Leather”, I knew that by sending copies to all the principle
based fanzine Metal Forces. Originally brought out as a one-off people in the tape trading scene, like KJ Doughton (later to run
issue, Metal Forces, like Metallica, was a huge success, and its the first official Metallica fan club ‘Metal Militia’), Patrick Scott
continued publication through the years enabled me to interview and yourself, that you would send them on to 10 or 20 more peo-
Metallica (mainly Lars) at every stage of their career. ple and it would just kind of spread out into the underground fol-
My first meeting with Lars came in early ‘84. Metallica were lowing.
in Europe to play their first dates on this side of the Atlantic “It’s strange, because there’s still a lot of bands around today
before beginning work on “Ride The Lightning” at the Sweet who are not aware of this underground metal that exists. I guess I
Silence Studios in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the time, the band was just lucky because I used to be a headbanger and was a part
were due to support New York trio The Rods on a UK tour. But of that scene.”
this was later cancelled due to poor ticket sales – The Rods not Although Metallica’s popularity had been spreading like
having the pulling power the promoters had hoped. However, the wildfire across the metal globe, the band themselves were not so
UK Metallica fans were rewarded with two, rather
hastily arranged, gigs at the famed Marquee Club in
Lars had flown into London ahead of the rest of
the members. Unfortunately, the band had just had
over 40,000 grand worth of equipment stolen in
Boston, so the drummer had come over ahead of
schedule to organize the hiring of new equipment.
Still, despite the problems, Lars’ first port of call
was Shades record store in the heart of Soho,
London. The fanatical record collector had not
wasted the opportunity to check-out the latest hot
releases at what, at the time, was arguably the finest
record store for metal in Europe, if not the world.
Indeed, Shades was very much the place to
hang out in the mid-eighties in London, and it was
no surprise that Lars was to become a frequent visi-
tor to the store on subsequent jaunts to the capital.
Having met up with Lars on his initial visit to
Shades, we arranged to set up an interview for the
following evening. The venue was a local bar just
across the road from the London offices of Music
For Nations, the record label who had licensed Metallica’s first happy being located in Los Angeles, so on February 12th, 1983
three albums for the European territory. they packed their bags and headed north to set up base in San
What follows is a retrospective appraisal of that very first Francisco.
interview that Lars gave on European soil in 1984, and kicks off “We never really got on with the L.A. audiences too well,”
a series of features which will follow Metallica through five reckons Lars. “We had a loyal 200 or so people, but it never real-
albums and ten years of views and comments tracing their rise to ly spread beyond that. In those early days L.A. was still very
fame. So, strap yourself tightly to the Metallica Time Machine as much poseur and glam and we were really the first band to do
we travel back to 1984 where a youthful and enthusiastic Lars something different from all the Mötley Crüe and Ratt-sounding
Ulrich prepares to speak… bands. Me and James were interested in all the British metal and
Now, Metallica’s first appearance on vinyl was of course that was naturally influencing our own musical style.
with the track “Hit The Lights”, featured on Metal Blade’s origi- “We first started going up the coast to San Francisco in the

fall of ‘82 to play a few gigs just to get the hell away from L.A. It that could help us with tours, and we would never have got that
was great up there, we were drawing something like 600 or so at kind of support with Shrapnel or Metal Blade. So, next to a major
every gig and making money, which was something we had never label this is definitely the best situation we could be in at this
done in L.A., so we thought maybe we should look into relocat- time…”
ing up there. Soon after Metallica had arrived in New York to begin pre-
“Another thing that played a big role in Metallica moving up production for “Kill ‘Em All”, the band parted company with gui-
to San Francisco was getting our bass player Cliff Burton, who tarist Dave Mustaine, a move that I remember caused shock
lived there, to join the band. We had wanted him in the band ever waves on the Underground scene, but as Lars explained it was a
since we saw him playing in this band called Trauma. At first he split that had been on the cards for quite sometime. “I think
James and I always thought that the initial line-up of
Metallica, with Ron on bass and Dave on lead gui-
tar, wasn’t one that we were going to take all the
way. We always knew that when someone better
came along that Ron and Dave would have to leave.
So, when Cliff came around, out went Ron, and
with Dave, we never really thought that he was as
good a lead guitar player as we wanted for the band.
Also, Dave had a problem that when he drank too
much he would become extremely obnoxious and
very hard to control. A few times he put us in some
very embarrassing situations.
“We knew of Kirk Hammett through Mark
Whitaker our sound man who shared a house with
us when we first moved to San Francisco. At that
time Mark was also manager of Exodus (Kirk’s old
“Then after we had left San Francisco to join
Jonny Z on the East Coast, we encountered a lot of
problems with what we like to refer to now as ‘the
road test’. We had to fire a few roadies who couldn’t
take life on the road, and neither could Dave. We
was a little hesitant, but he finally decided to join us in December wanted to kick him out about a week and a half after leaving San
1982, although part of the agreement was that we moved up to Francisco, but we had such a heavy schedule, what with gigs and
San Francisco because Cliff wanted nothing to do with Los recording the album, that we didn’t know when to send him
Angeles. So, after we had kicked out Ron (McGovney) and spent home. But Jonny Z suggested that we do it as quickly as possible,
five weeks or so getting our stuff together, off we went. so we played a gig on the Saturday night with The Rods and,
“I would like to make it quite clear that we are now 100% after spending all day Sunday sobering up, Dave left on the
based in San Francisco. There have been conflicting reports in the Monday morning and that afternoon Kirk flew in. On the Friday
press about where we are from, but we are definitely San night of the same week we were on stage with Kirk, which shows
Francisco based and I can’t see that situation ever changing.” just how much ability he’s got – he had learned the whole set in
Well, ten years on, Lars and co. have certainly stayed true to just four days!”
their word and remain the Bay Area’s finest export. Asking Dave Mustaine to leave was not an easy task, bearing
Back in 1984 Metallica were signed to the New Jersey based in mind the guitarist’s fiery temper. “I was the one who was defi-
Megaforce Records who had released the debut nitely closest to Dave,” admitted the drummer.
“Kill ‘Em All” album, but they very nearly ended “Being so unpredictable “So I didn’t want to be the one to tell him that he
up on Rocshire Records, a label whose roster was out of the band, and as Cliff was the newest
included Alcatraz (featuring vocalist Graham member he didn’t want to say anything either. So,
Bonnett and Swedish guitar whiz Yngwie scared that Dave might we both pointed to James to do the dirty work!
I think we were all
Malmsteen). Lars explained: “Yeah, Rocshire We all went into the room where Dave was sleep-
brought us in to record an EP during the summer attack us with a meat ing and woke him up. James told him that he was
of ‘82 (a tape that was to become the now famous out and he just stared at us not knowing what to
“No Life ‘Til Leather” demo), but just two days cleaver or something do. He was sitting on the bus going home before I
before we were about to sign the contract to once we told him he think it hit him! Being so unpredictable I think we
release the EP we changed our mind! We had been were all scared that Dave might attack us with a
playing that tape to some different people and the was out of Metallica…” meat cleaver or something once we told him he
response we had got was so overwhelming that we was out of Metallica, so getting rid of him and
decided to wait and see what would happen. Anyway, the people sending him straight back home was definitely the safest way for
at Rocshire didn’t really know too much about what was going on all of us! Ha! Ha!”
in heavy metal. On the subject of line-up changes, it’s interesting to note that
“So we shopped around and talked to Firesign, the people the original conception of Metallica was that it would be a 5-
that handled Riot, Mike Varney of Shrapnel and Brian Slagel’s piece band with a separate frontman out there on lead vocals.
Metal Blade. Then we got a call from Jonny Z at Megaforce and Indeed, that lead vocalist was originally James Hetfield, and
off we went! You see, Jonny Z also runs a management company although the band did play one gig as a 5-piece (in 1982) the

search continued for a competent guitarist until eventually James sounded like if “Kill ‘Em All” had never been released. In one
took over both rhythm and vocal duties. This was seen as a tem- way that’s quite satisfactory, because if you look at, say, the
porary measure at the time whilst Metallica switched their efforts AC/DC-sound with bands like Krokus, Starfighters and Angel
in the search for a raging frontman. And, surprisingly, that search City, it’s still AC/DC who are more than ten times as big as the
was still very much on in 1984 as I spoke to Lars. others. Why? Because they (AC/DC) were the first to do
“Since that day in April ‘82 we’ve probably “…the bands it. So really the bands that go the furthest are those who
auditioned over fifty vocalists,” smiled the Dane. have the most original sound, and with so many people
“We’ve also listened to hundreds of demos from that go the copying the Metallica sound, I guess it means that we
others too, but we still haven’t really found anyone
to fit in with what we are doing. The only person furthest are must be doing something different. Hopefully we will be
able to go as far as we wanna go…”
that we thought may fit in was John Bush of Well, I guess it’s now an understatement to say that
Armored Saint, but he apparently doesn’t want to Metallica are more than a little satisfied with the progress
those who
leave them.” they’ve made in the past ten years. And it was an enthusi-
Well, some eight years later Bush did eventu- astic Lars who sat across the table in 1984 marvelling at
have the
ally leave Armored Saint to team up with Anthrax. most original the progress the band had already made in such a short
But back to Metallica, and I asked Lars about the space of time: “I never in a blue fuckin’ moon,” he
rumours that were rife at the time that Jess Cox, smiled, “believed that, two and a half years after I was in
the former vocalist with New Wave Of British Heavy Metal England as a fan, trying to find out where Motorhead were hang-
combo Tygers Of Pan Tang, had applied for a position in the ing out so I could look at Lemmy for two minutes, that I would
Metallica ranks? be back here playing with my own band. It really gives you a
“Yeah, that’s real funny,” laughed the drummer. “When me feeling that you’re doing something right. I mean, right now back
and James were first putting the band together one of the people in America there’s probably thousands of bands trying to do what
we intended inquiring about was Jess Cox, but now I think our we’re doing.
requirements have gone above a Jess Cox in terms of a voice or “I remember when we first started playing, people in L.A.
even just the way he looks nowadays!” were saying… ‘aarghh Metallica…these guys are almost like
Ironically, several weeks later, Jess Cox was to support punk!’ All these L.A. poseur bands would just look at us and
Metallica as a solo artist at the Marquee Club in London. laugh! Well, right now I’m doing a lot of laughing, because those
As I spoke to Lars for the first time, “Kill ‘Em All” had been guys are still playing the same clubs on Tuesday nights back in
in the stores around seven months and I wondered, looking back, L.A. whilst we’re here in Europe playing the Aardschok Festival
just how happy he was with the finished product? (in Holland) in front of 6,000 people. I’ll be sending a lot of post-
“I guess I should be happy but… As a band we feel that we cards back to those people while I’m in Europe! I think it will be
are pretty confident in what we want and how we want to sound,
incorporating our own ideas and stuff. But during six or seven
weeks of recording the album, we were dealing with these two
guys at the studio who were treating us like kids as though we
didn’t know what we were talking about. So we had a lot of prob-
lems in the studio. In fact, it came to a point where they wouldn’t
allow us into the studio when they were mixing our songs. So
there is a lot of things that we are really dissatisfied with on the
way the album sounds. On the other hand, everyone seems to like
it so…
“I remember when I was a kid, I used to read interviews with
people like Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple) who would say
things like ‘I can’t stand listening to myself play,’ and I used to
wanna yell ‘This guy’s fucking crazy! What’s he talking about?!’ I
knew that if I was in one of the greatest bands in the world then
I’d wanna listen to myself all the time, but now I think I can
understand what he was talking about, Ha! Ha!”
Although “Kill ‘Em All” was Metallica’s first offering to the
metal world, already bands aplenty were beginning to clone our
fab fours unique sound. One upcoming combo out of Los
Angeles who went by the name of Slayer (Yes, that Slayer!) were
being touted as the main culprits. As ever, Mr. Ulrich was quick
to voice his opinion!
“About a year and a half ago (1982) in L.A.,” recalled Lars, us having the last laugh! Ha! Ha!”
“We were headlining and Slayer were at the bottom of a four And with that, a still grinning Ulrich drank the remaining
band bill. They played all cover versions – stuff like (Judas) contents of his beer glass before heading back to his hotel to meet
Priest, (Deep) Purple and (Iron) Maiden songs – and the story is up with the rest of the guys who had just flown in from the States.
that after seeing us play they decided not to play covers anymore, The next time I was to interview Lars was towards the end of
and instead write their own fast heavy metal songs. So, enough ‘84. And in the next issue of SO WHAT! you can read the skin-
said about Slayer! beater’s views as we discuss “Ride The Lightning”, a new record
“There is a lot of new U.S. bands in San Francisco, Chicago deal, new management, accusations from the underground that
and Cleveland that just make you wonder what they would have Metallica had sold out and… well, a whole lot more.
The Complete Story Behind The Set
by Joe Hibbs

K nowing Lars now for about 10 years, two things

are always certain–he always knows exactly what
he wants and I never know when he is going to
call. This was exactly the case when it came time to pre-
pare drums for this last tour.
His new selection was 10, 12, 14, 16 toms and two 18 floor
toms along with 24 bass drums. The snare drums were 6.5 x
14 Bell-Brass snare drums. All of the drum toms, floor
toms, bass drums and snare drums were standard Tama
items. The hardware on the other hand had to be
Early in 1991, out of nowhere, Lars calls from replated.
One on One Recording and announces that him and Every piece of chrome hardware had to be
“I saw and
his drum tech, Flemming, want to stop by and dis- done in black, 1850 pieces of hardware. Cymbal
cuss his drum needs for the upcoming tour. Typical stands had to be torn apart, drums had to be disas-
heard both
Lars, the album is not done yet and he is already sembled, rivets had to be removed, then all of this
thinking about the details of the tour. Needless to had to be put back together. And all of this had to
drum sets in
say, it is always great to see him and it is never a be done by me.
dull moment! action…and The drums being made and the hardware
So Lars explains to me the tour plan and, of being plated all took about four months. All in time
course, the unbelievable stage ideas. He, of course, for the MTV Awards Show that year. I saw and
saves the best for last, his drum set requirements. heard both drum sets in action at the first Metallica
was I totally
Basically, Lars needed two complete drum sets. show in Peoria, Illinois later in 1991, and was I
Yes, two of everything! The drums were basically totally blown away! Leave it to the Metallica gang
blown away!”
Artstar II, all maple shells. Because of a certain look that to put something like that show together. They are the only
Lars wanted, the decision was made to use a single split lug band that would do a show like that, and the only band that
instead of the standard Artstar II hi-tension lug. One other can do a show like that.
change was his drum sizes. In the past, his sizes were 12, And as far as Lars and his drum sets, well all I can say
13, 14, 15 toms, 16 and 18 floor toms, and 24 bass drums. is that Lars Ulrich really makes Tama Drums sound great!


Lars Ulrich’s Equipment List

A. 14" Z Dyno Beat HH F. 20" A Custom Swish
B. 17" A Medium Crash G. 18" Oriental China Crash
C. 18" A Medium Crash H. 19" A Medium Crash
D. 14" Z Dyno Beat HH I. 18" Medium Crash
E. 17" A Medium Crash J. 20" Z Custom China Boy

1. 16 x 24 Bass 5. 6.5 x 4 Bell-Brass Snare
2. 16 x 24 Bass 6. 16 x 18 Floor Tom
3. 11 x 12 Tom Tom 7. 16 x 18 Floor Tom
4. 12 x 13 Tom Tom


Tama Titan Cymbal Boom Stands HC104TB (8) Tom Tom Batterheads – Pinstripes
Tama HP45 Pro Beat Pedals (2) Tom Tom Bottomheads – Ebony
Tama Titan HS90 Snare Stand (1) Bass Batterheads – Pinstripes
Tama Titan HT90 Throne (1) Snare Batterheads – Coded Reverse Dot
Tama Lever-Glide HH95NL Hi-Hat (1) Snare Bottomheads – Embassador Snarehead
Tama X-Hat HH95XH (1)

Regal Tip Elite 5B Lars Ulrich Model

3 4
C 5 D H

6 J

7 F

Q. How does Jaymz write songs with such
Matters,” Bob Rock and Kirk had a disagree-
ment on how the solo should be played. It was
feeling and creativity? I am an aspiring rhythm kind of funny listening to their different per-
/ guitar / vocalist myself. I have learned many spectives on how it should be done. How was

parts to many songs of Metallica, but I cannot the solo played, Bob’s way or Kirk’s way?
come up with a song for nothing. How long TIM O.
had Jaymz been playing when he wrote his TARPON SPRINGS, FLORIDA

first song?
DENNIS H. JAMES: “Jaymz’s way. Kirk never
FLORENCE, KY played a note on ‘Nothing Else Matters’ on
the album.”

“Not long enough by the sound of it,”

says Jaymz. “Around a year and a half.”

Knowing Kirk’s hobby of comics, I

To the “FOUR DRUNKMAN:” Which wonder has he ever seen some of them out
is your favorite Mexican beer and what do you there – Metallica comics and if so, what does

A. A
think about tequila? he think of them?
JAMES: “My favorite Mexican beer is . KIRK: “I think the Metallica comix are
Pacifico, though my favorite Mexican beer highly entertaining. They remind me of what
was called Tequila (no wonder I got so fukt TV might have done if they took the Metallica
up).” story and turned it into a “Movie of the
LARS: “Corona – love it, tequila – love to Week” or a mini-series or something!

hate it.”
KIRK: “I love all Mexican beer, and when I
drink a lot of tequila I just stop thinking alto-

gether.” Did you borrow part of the song
“America” from “West Side Story” for “Don’t
Tread On Me”? (Big argument between a
friend and I.) Were the words for “So What”
I was wondering if Metallica is/was and/or “Am I Evil” ever printed on any of your
planning to record another album. Because releases? What is your musical background?
some of my friends said that they were. If this Formal, private, or just taught yourself train-

is true, what is the name of this album going to ing?

be? CASSI S.
JAMES: “Yes, ‘Tread’ has part of
JAMES: “Do you believe everything ‘America’ in the intro (your friend owes you
your friends say? It’s safe to say a new album a beer). The lyrics to ‘So What’ and ‘Am I
is in the future for us. Where? When? What’s Evil’ were printed on the Japanese CDs
it called? What will I have for dinner? …Who (Sony) if you can read Japanese your OK.
knowz?” Maybe we should translate them in the maga-
KIRK: “ The album is going to be called zine so you can sing along too. I was self
taught (no one would admit to teaching me

‘Let’s Bomb Carrollton’.”
after hearing me now).”
JASON: “I was self taught, mostly from
watching and jamming with other people –
What is the song that is used to open about three formal lessons total.”

your shows before you come on stage?
BLYTHE M. KIRK: “My musical background is partly for-
AUSTRALIA mal, partly private, and partly teaching

JASON: “‘Ecstacy of Gold’ by Ennio
Morricone from ‘The Good, The Bad and

The Ugly’ – Clint Eastwood.”

I have a habit of looking at jewelry peo-

ple wear and wondering what it symbolizes. I
This question is for Kirk in reference to noticed Lars wears a necklace that looks like a
the in-studio portion of the video “A Year And St. Christopher medal. Is he Catholic?
A Half In The Life.” During the laying down GINA F.
of Kirk’s guitar track for “Nothing Else WHITESTONE, NEW YORK
A Q.

ent covers. As for the spelling or the sound

. LARS: “The St. Christopher medal was I recently got the “$5.98 EP Garage quality, they are put out by people who don’t
a gift from my ex-wife. I wear it for good luck Days Re-Revisited…and more.” No one in my give a fuck about the band or know the
while I’m travelling.” family can identify the design on the CD itself, songs. They are out to rip you off (most of

so I was wondering if you could tell me? Do them). Before you buy any music, make the
record store play it for you (most will!)”

letters addressed to Metallica care of Elektra
Records (New York office) get forwarded to

the band?
I haven’t seen anything new from
Pushead. Is he doing anymore designs for
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO I have a question that has plagued my

ARTHUR H. JAMES: “There is no ‘…and more’ in sweet lil’ old Southern self for years. What is
POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK the title of the discontinued/rare $5.98 EP, the name of the song that goes…(music,
which explains you trying to figure out the please)… “Look hard at the darkness/And
. LARS: “Yes he is. One, maybe two this you will see/Just call my name and/I’ll be
design on the CD. The official EP contains
summer tour.” there.” It’s got a great riff and is perfect for

six cover songs and has a picture of the four

of us in black on the cover. I’m not sure what Jaymz’s voice.
design yer talkin about.” KAY C.
JASON: “Yes, we get our letters. We’re trying
Is it possible that Metallica will be tour- to catch up now that the club is in operation. JAMES: “‘The Small Hours’ by
ing with Megadeth in the future so that Dave Please correspond through the club, it’s bet- Holocaust. We covered that song on the
Mustaine can jam with Metallica on the “Kill Garage Days Re-revisited (no longer avail-

ter that way now.”
Em All” tracks? If so, when can we expect able).”

A. Q.
MANKATO, MINNESOTA I recently bought a live Metallica CD
JASON: “No, not likely in the near entitled “Open Graves.” It was recorded in Where the hell was Flemming
future.” Genova, Italy under the label of Moving Rasmussen on the new album? I (we) would
Sound, and was released in Italy. The sound hate to think Metallica was turning to money

LARS: “Don’t hold your breath.” quality in many places is pretty bad, and there and not their fans (true Metallica fans).

are numerous misspellings of song titles and DAVID S.
band member names. I bought this CD for $25 SOUTH BEND, INDIANA
at my local music store. I was wondering, is JAMES: “We felt it was time to taste
Is there a certain row Metallica Club this album a bootleg, and how rare is it? Can some new blood. Bob was a fresh victim. No
members get, (front?!) or is it just anywhere in you tell me anything else about this album or doubt our friends understand needing to

A A.
a certain section at their shows? the concert it contains? move on, and believe me, Bob was slightly
LISA S. BRENDAN M. more expensive.”

. JAMES: “They are assigned by a spit- JAMES: “Definitely a bootleg!! Ask
ting contest! Whoever spits the farthest gets before you buy it. Be careful when buying
put in the back.” that shit. A lot of bootlegs are older ones or The other week I heard from a friend
ones you might already have, but with differ- that Metallica’s plane crashed. I don’t know if
it’s true, but what happened? Is anyone hurt?

Is the plane totaled?
T.J. R.
JAMES: “Do you believe everything
your friend tells you (no, Dad). We’re alive
and relaxing (ya, right) at home, so if our
plane crashed, we forgot to be on it (we also
forgot to buy a plane–we don’t own one).”

Q. Was Cliff buried in San Francisco or

were his ashes spread over a ranch some-

where in the west?
JAMES: “His ashes are spread in a
few of his favorite spots around the Bay area

including a secluded ranch.”

I’ve heard that James was interested in

sports in high school but his parents would
not allow it. So does James or any other
member of the group like to watch college or
pro football? If so, what teams are their

can I get it?)
The “Naked Truth” CD has a pic-
ture of James holding his “Hetfield” in his

Q. Here’s a question for someone who

cares about Metallica fans in Puerto Rico.
When are you going to do the concert that was

suspended because of rain?
LARS: “We tried to plan for this
August, however, both venues were booked
for all of August.”
JAMES: “As soon as it stops raining.”

Q. I wanted to know where James got his

wolf pendant. If someone made it for him or if

he bought it somewhere.
JAMES: “The Great Frog – London.
(Lemmy shops there, woooow).”

Q. What’s that weird Egyptian dance that

Jaymz sometimes does during “Am I Evil?”



JAMES: “It’s a signal to my roadie for
KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE JAMES: “As soon as someone makes 1) a cold beer; 2) turn me up; 3) my zipper
JAMES: “My parents wanted me to Metallica dolls.” broke; 4) all of the above.”

Q. Q.
play football which I loved and did for 2
years. It’s just that my coach didn’t appreci-
ate or allow my long hair so I got more into
music (which was the reason for the hair).

Just curious–what are each of your indi- In “Binge and Purge” what is the riff
I’ve been a crazed Oakland/LA Raiderz fan that James plays before “Unforgiven”?
for hundreds of yearz.” vidual favorite Metallica songs, and do you

have a collective favorite song that you like to

perform? JAMES: “1) just a little somethin’ to
JENNA D. get you in the mood; 2) my attempt at classi-
STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK cal guitar; 3) nothing in particular; 4) all of
Jaymz, how do you usually go about the above.”

LARS: “There are too many to men-
the process of writing lyrics? Your lyrics are tion, but certain songs indicate turning
so vastly different from everyone else’s. (Not points: ‘Whiplash’, ‘For Whom the Bell

to mention vastly superior!) Tolls’, ‘Fade to Black’, ‘Orion’, ‘Enter
MICHAEL B. Sandman’, and ‘Nothing Else Matters’. My I have a question about the San Diego
CROSSLAKE, MINNESOTA favorite songs to perform are ‘Sanitarium’ videos that come with the “Live Shit: Binge &
JAMES: “Usually it starts with a sub- and ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’.” Purge” set. What songs on the 2 SD videos are
ject, or a title, or a beverage. Then the cho- from the second night and which songs are
KIRK: “I fuckin love ‘Sad’ and ‘Sandman’!
rus comes together which usually sums up from the first night? I ask this because I was at
Also ‘Thingy’, ‘Sanitarium’, ‘Harvester’,
the meaning. Then depending on how much the second show (5th row–Thanks for throw-
‘Creep’, ‘Bellz’, and ‘Motorbreath’ cuz they
I want to give away, fill in the verses.” ing drumsticks OVER my head as the show
kick ass!”

ended Larz…Dick!). Did you guys edit both

JAMES: “The Thing That Should Not Be.” shows into one concert video or is the first
tape the first night and the second tape the
second night?? One more question: Will there
I’m curious if you guys have ever be a new album by the summer of 1995 or do
thought of doing some type of Metallica con- Is there a Metallica picture CD with we have to wait for the 21st century?
vention like KISS does every so often? someone naked on it? Who is it?! (And how BRYAN B.
A. A.

LAKESIDE, CALIFORNIA and myself released on Brian Slayer–Metal

Blade. It has skulls on the cover. Later on KIRK: “Probably not, because we’ll be
LARS: “Yes, we did edit both shows
another label picked it up and re-recorded a writing by then. Sorry!”
into one video. We’re planning to go into the

different version. It has a plain grey cover.

studio in January and maybe release some-
thing by fall ’95.”

Jaymz, where did you learn to hunt? As a musician myself, when I play for
Metallica, where do you see yourselves in ten people I need music sheets to remember
rhythm, timing, etc. How do members of

James, who in their right mind in the years from now?
whole of the USA would give you a gun VICENTE T. Metallica remember all the notes, timing and

license? And what the hell were they thinking SAN MARCOS, TEXAS key of songs on stage?

JAMES: “1. Outside (it’s more chal- SPENCER, MASSACHUSETTS
lenging than inside). 2. Still in the studio
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JAMES: “I think the songs are
working on drum sounds.”

JAMES: “Officer Charles Manson.” burned into our brains and couldn’t forget
them if we wanted to. It’s also easier to

remember if you’re the one who wrote it.”

How do you guys manage to stay in
such great shape considering the fact that
There are a couple of Metallica tracks your lives are so hectic with being on tour for

that I haven’t got. I was wondering if you sometimes up to three years? This question goes to James and Jason:
could tell me the catalog numbers and record MICHELE C. why did you guys come up with the idea of
labels they are on. They are “Helpless”, “The ELMWOOD PARK, ILLINOIS James starting a song and then Jason finishing
Small Hours”, “The Wait”, and “Crash it in like “Creeping Death,” “Whiplash,” and
JAMES: “We load and unload our

A. A
Course in Brain Surgery”. “Seek and Destroy”?
JENNY S. own equipment to keep our muscles worked
out (just kidding). Touring itself!! I think CHRISTOPHER A.
sweating for three hours five times a week
LARS: “All of those are on ‘Garage might have something to do with it.” . JASON: “By mistake, fatigue and sore
Days Re-Revisited’ released in Aug. ’87. It throats. We just stumbled upon it and stuck
was never meant to be a fully fledged album, KIRK: “I am preserved from drinking way with it.”
but after one million we thought it would be too much in my younger years–just kidding!
I ride my bike when I’m off tour and being JAMES: “Choose your favorite answer:
cool to delete it. We’re thinking about releas-
on stage is a workout.” • I forgot the words

ing a CD containing all of our ‘loose shit’.”
• I like singing backup vox

• Gives me a chance to run around
• Those are the only songs Jason can
sing and play at the same time
That is unfair men, I have just received • Give my voice a rest”
Who are the original artists that record- a letter informing me that you are going to
ed the following tracks? “The Small Hours”, play some shows in the USA. Why only in
“The Wait”, “Last Caress”, and “Green America? Please think of a European tour.
Hell”? Also, I know “Killing Time” was orig- There are more Metallica fans in Europe than
This section is devoted to answering

inally recorded by “Sweet Savage” in 1981, in America.
but do you know where I can get my hands MANOLIS P. your questions. Primarily about
on a recording containing that track (prefer- ATHENS, GREECE Metallica, but if someone asks an inter-

ably CD)? esting question about an unrelated topic,
LUKE G. JAMES: “These are actually dates
EVANSVILLE, INDIANA that were postponed from last summer (’93). we shall attempt to answer it. Questions
And could you send in your count of fans in about Metallica will either be answered
LARS: “‘The Small Hours’ was origi- US and Europe (your latest census, of by the relevant person in the Metallica
nally recorded by HOLOCAUST, ‘The Wait’ course).

by KILLING JOKE, and ‘Last Caress’ and setup or by the band themselves. Please
‘Green Hell’ by MISFITS. There was a 7" keep questions brief and include your
single released in 1981, and a CD released membership number, name, address,
two years ago (bootleg??) that contains a and telephone number.
compilation of SWEET SAVAGE.” Who’s married in the band? How can I

meet you or get backstage passes? Send questions to:

I read in SO WHAT! that Ron
KIRK: “I’m not married, and if you
want to get backstage, just tell Jason you CLUB
McGouney was in the release of “Hit The play bass.”

Lights” in Metal Massacre 1 compilation, but
in my magazine by Movie Mirror (Aug. 93) it
PO BOX 18327
says that only Lars, James and Lloyd Grant

performed on this. Which one is correct?
Kirk, are you planning to attend the
DONALD M. horror convention in E. Rutherford, NJ in
TN 37928-2327
FLINT, MICHIGAN October again?

LARS: “There were two different ver- ALI B.
sions of ‘Hit The Lights’ recorded for Metal NEWARK, NEW JERSEY
Massacre. The first one was James, Lloyd
We had some big winners in the last
Shortest Straw
Jason in 40 Mom’s interpretation
two first prize winners three second prize winners
years – still of Breadfan.
packing food
at parties to MICHELE MURO
take home Connecticut
‘cause he’s
too cheap to
buy it!!
ABBY Oh shit! It’s that
COMFORT Hetfield guy!
Michigan Run for you life!
on their Massachusetts
way to the
next gig.
How many “fuck”
MISS H. words in “A Year And
PRENTICE A Half In The Life”?
Let’s go Lars… the show’s over! England 109

four third prize winners

Lars finally admits that A replica of Lars’

Metallica’s latest tour has drum set when he
run a bit too long when a first started to jam
groupie that he had on the with James, includ-
Jason’s barbers trying to first leg of the tour has ing the infamous Bang that head that’s
decide which barbering gotten dentures before the falling cymbal. too old to bang!
tool they should use for his tour’s commencement. CORY KOHUT
next haircut. MANUEL FRANKEN
CORY KOHUT Illinois Germany

honorable mentions
Snake Pit Pass Where will Metal Up
BIMAL SHAH Metallica Your Ass!
North Carolina play next?

The Real Discriminating divers

Metallikats choose Metallica.
Illinois New York

for Issue 3

HoW tO wIn PrIzEs

Imagine if you will, a world without Metallica.
Perhaps the boyz never met each other. Maybe GRAND PRIZE:
Jaymz had a voice like “Froggy” from “The Little An autographed Ibanez guitar
Rascals” or Larz had no rhythm. Maybe Jason which Kirk has used on stage!
just wanted to play the bassoon, or Kirk went
into politics. (2) first prizes:
A rare “Road Kill” crew t-shirt from the
What would Jaymz, Larz, Jason, last tour designed by Mark Devito, a VIP
and Kirk be doing now if they laminate from the last tour, and a set of
had never formed a band? autographed drum sticks

Send in your predictions.

(3) second prizes:
A vinyl copy and a CD copy of the European release
of “One”, and a set of autographed drum sticks
(4) third prizes:
A collection of tickets, passes, and other assorted
1. Your entry goodies from previous tours and premier
release parties, and a pair of
2. Your name, address, autographed picks
phone number, and
(very important)
SEND YOUR all entries
3. The entry fee of Shortest Straw #3
will be

$2 per entry
P.O. Box 18327
judged by

Knoxville, TN


R u L z
1. Competition is open only to club members, 2. Members may enter as many times as they wish, but each entry must be
mailed separately, 3. This is a contest of skill, each entry will be examined and judged accordingly, 4. The closing date for
entries is November 31st, 1994, 5. Judges decision is final, and 6. No cash substitutions for prizes are available.
No Life ’Til Leather
warped, as if the tape were left in a hot
car for days, thus offering a dizzy spell
To Listen Or and possibly even a headache to the lis-
o life till leather, we are gonna tener. Little popping sounds throughout
kick some ass tonight!” These the CD render an obvious impression of
Not To Listen… are the infamous opening lyrics to the the poor equipment that may have been
most sought after Metallica demo in his- used in producing it.
That Is The tory. Of course, I’m referring to “No The original version of “The Four
Life ’Til Leather”, recorded by the first Horsemen” is next. It’s called “The
Metallica line up of James, Lars, Dave Mechanix”, has different lyrics, and is
Question Mustaine, and Ron McGovney at missing the melodic, Sweet Home
Bronze records in 1982. Anyone holding Alabama-ish guitar part in the middle.
one of the original tapes that Lars dis- It’s followed by “Motorbreath”, “Seek
tributed among his metal frenzied And Destroy”, “Metal Militia”, “Jump In
friends undoubtedly possesses a true The Fire” (also with different lyrics),
Metallica treasure. When “No Life ’Til and “Phantom Lord”. Then, the “Power
Leather” grew in popularity, dozens of Metal” demos kick in. The sound quali-
bootleg copies were spawned all over ty, although not quite as warped, does
the world. In fact, there are more differ- not get much better. The songs “Hit The
ent versions of this demo out there than Lights”, “The Mecahnix”,
any other. In this article I’m going to tell “Motorbreath”, and “Jump In The Fire”
you about two of the most rare ones are not much different than the versions
available. appearing before them and they sound as
“No Life ’Til Power” is available on if they were recorded on one of those
record (the rarest format) and CD. It’s no-name blank tapes that cost fifty cents
even rumored that a special picture vinyl at dime stores.
was made. It contains the seen song “No This CD is cool to look at, but if
Life ’Til Leather” demo plus the “Power anyone is looking for some historic
Metal” demos. These were supposedly Metallica for pure listening enjoyment, I
the very first demos Metallica ever strongly advise you to NOT purchase
recorded. The cover art depicts a fantasy this CD! It runs $16–$35 and is pretty
oriented scene. An almost nude, muscu- hard to find. It’s best to save your
lar warrior-type man is entwined by a money for the next official Metallica
large snake as he attempts to fight it off album, t-shirt, or whatever.
with a sword. In the background, a hard- However, don’t lose hope in finding
ly clothed woman appears as if she is a good copy of the “No Life ’Til
summoning the snake as a beast-like Leather” demo. One such CD (and sup-
statue observes from behind. posedly record, too) does exist! It is
I am unsure as to exactly how many called “One Last Visit”. The cover
pressings this CD has had, but the par- flaunts an eminent photo of Cliff giving
ticular CD in this review claims to be his all on stage. The quality of “One
“licensed” by Megaforce Records to Last Visit” isn’t quite perfect, but con-
Leatherhead records and was made in sidering the age of the demo, it’s as
Canada. As the disc opens with “Hit close as you’ll probably get on CD.
The Lights” it is immediately obvious There is faint, hissing, background noise
that the sound quality is utterly like that of a tape playing without a
wretched. Hearing James’ young, shrilly Dolby selection. There are no annoying
voice is an intriguing experience, but is popping noises and the sound is not
quickly spoiled by the unbelievably poor warped. It seems to have been recorded
sound quality of this CD. Apparently well. All of the instruments can be even-
these songs were transferred from a ly heard and sound considerably clear.
worn out tape. The music is annoyingly The songs are in a different order than

on “No Life ’Til Power”. They are, in The book itself is a true retrospective moving.
order: “Hit The Lights”, “The of Metallica from an insider that has Chapter 7 are accounts from Brian
Mechanix”, “Motorbreath”, “Jump In seen the band change and grow over the Lew and Ron Quintana sharing memo-
The Fire”, “Seek And Destroy”, “Metal last eleven years. Essentially this book ries from the early days and details on
Militia”, and “Phantom Lord”. After the was written by a fan, for the fans. some early Metallica gigs. There are
“No Life ’Til Leather” demo there are Doughton has really put together an more unbelievable vintage photos in this
two bonus cover tunes. The first, interesting reference into the coming up chapter, including a photo of James with
recorded in 1982, is Sweet Savage’s of the band. Spastik Children, a side band formed by
“Killing Time”. The guys re-recorded Each chapter opens with a Pushead James in the early days when he actually
this tune around 1991 and used it as the illustration and color photo. The book had spare time. Also noteworthy is the
B-side for the “Unforgiven” single. The weaves its way through the Garage photo of James sporting his homemade
other cover tune on “One Last Visit” is Days, when Metallica had not yet seen Spastik Children t-shirt in 1986.
Savage’s “Let It Loose”. vinyl. There is an emphasis on the early Chapter 8 is an interview with James
For those of you who are used to days and many photos never before pub- that was actually done by Doughton
hearing James’ deep, raging roars as he lished. Gems such as two high school himself. Other interviews include
sings, you’ll find this demo to be photos of James, and pictures from the excerpts from a casual interview provid-
remarkably different. You may even first photo session of the band with orig- ed by the late Cliff Burton to Harold
question whether it is really James inal members Dave Mustaine and Ron Oimoen, a friend of the bassist, and a
singing or not. His voice is surprisingly McGovney are priceless pieces of 1992 interview conducted by Brian Lew
high–he’s actually “singing”! This is Metalli-history. The book also looks into of Dave Mustaine allows this book sev-
also interesting pre-Hammett and the early careers of the members before eral insights no other fanzine or autobio-
Burton material. The bass isn’t as joining Metallica. There are photos of graphical account has up till now. It ends
noticeable and the lead guitar parts, Jason and Kirk with their former bands: with a worthy Metalli-merchandise run
played by Dave Mustaine, make dra- Flotsam and Jetsam and Exodus. We down that is worthy of the rest of the
matic differences in the songs that even get a more detailed look into James book.
Metallifans are so used to hearing. pre-Metallica bands Obsession and Overall, “Unbound” is a rare and
For collectors, or anyone interested Leather Charm. There are several vin- personal look into Metallica. An excel-
in some pre-label Metallica, this CD, if tage photos including a live photo of the lent reference for new fans (and you
you can find it, may certainly be worth band in 1982 in which James did not thought you knew all the facts!), and a
picking up. The only downside to it is play guitar and is seen straddling a little collectable hug to the chest for
its price. It ranges from $25–$40 at microphone and toting leather. There are Metalli-freaks like myself who thought
record/CD shows. Running time is only also photos of early flyers and concert they’d seen and read it all.
about 36 minutes. That’s a hefty price set lists which Metallica presented to From Warner Books this book is
for one of the shortest bootlegs out Doughton signed and sometimes cou- priced at $12.94–$14.95, not a bad price
there! pled with little messages. There is a tag at all considering what lies in wait.
reproduction of a postcard sent by Lars

Jen Hunt from France to Ron Quintana in which Kimberly Streible
Winchester, Virginia he remarks: “Well it's like the Metallidix Glendale, Arizona
almost made it to Europe eh?? About

by K.J. Doughton
time!” Metallica would see Europe

many more times and even such obscure
places like Jakarta and Moscow were
soon to come!
The Metallica Club Review Feature
The first six chapters take you This will feature your reviews of anything
through the happenings of Metallica. It Metallica: live shows, bootlegs, videos,
is not simply stating facts, but it is official releases, etc.
he name K.J. Doughton may mean wound into a personal account from
something to some of you. band members, managers, and crew If you wish to submit a piece for
Doughton ran the first ever Metallica members that really let you sense the consideration send it to :
fan club from his basement, and is a emotion that was behind everything
renown Metalli-collector himself. This Metallica has enjoyed and endured since SO LET IT BE
particular Metalli-book is superior from they formed the band, and even before!
the start. First of all, it is published by Chapter 4 entitled: “From Masters…To
PO Box 18327
Warner Books, a big publisher with the Mourners” gives a chilling account of
ability and the reputation to make such the bus accident that took Cliff’s life. It Knoxville, TN
a book worth your money. The book’s is told by the people that were actually 37928-2327
cover is black with an embossed gold there, including John Marshall, a mem- USA
Metallica logo and color photo of the ber of the road crew and fill-in guitarist
band placed above a Pushead design for James each time he happens to injure (We are unable to return items)
that sort of melts into the glossy cover. himself. It is a thoughtful account and
A T !
Co-Ordinating Press for Metallica

by Aliza Sherman

the agent for most of Q Prime’s acts, includ-

hat’s it like to work for ing Metallica. That’s how I got to know the
Aliza Sherman works in the
Metallica?”, “Are they nice people working with Q Prime and Q Prime
guys?”, “So, are you into heavy acts including Linda Walker and George
offices of Q-Prime, Metallica’s
metal?” These are some of the typical ques- Knemeyer who worked in the office, Tony
management company,
tions I get asked when people find out that I DiCioccio who was the tour manager for Def
work for Q Prime, the management company Leppard, and Howard Ungerleider who was
amongst her many other
for such bands as Def Leppard, Queensryche, the tour manager for Tesla. When over a year
Tesla, Suicidal Tendencies, Warrior Soul, and later, I decided to leave my job, they told
duties she does a fine job of
of course, Metallica. “Great!”, “Definitely!”, Cliff Burnstein and Peter Mensch (the guru
“No Way!” are usually my answers, although
co-ordinating TV, radio and
managers and co-Presidents of Q Prime) that
for the last answer, I usually mention that I was leaving and recommended me for a job
print interviews for Metallica.
even though I don’t really listen to heavy that had just opened up at Q Prime. Cliff and
metal, I do think that Metallica is the best Peter then asked if I would like to work for
With Metallica being one of
band by far in that musical genre. them.
So how did a girl who lived in North So, here I’ve been, for over four years,
the most in-demand bands, as
Carolina and listened to alternative music and it has definitely been an experience! I
far as press goes, this can
and some classic rock get to New York City started out answering the telephones and
to work for the top heavy metal management assisting everyone else in the office.
sometimes be a very stressful
company in the world? Well, the saying “It’s Answering phones was a great way to meet
who you know” is never as true as it is for people and get to know the artists. As I took
job. It is a job that requires a
the entertainment industry. I started out on more responsibility, I discovered that I
working for a regional booking agency in
lot of imaginative thinking to
loved dealing with the press and basically
Charlotte, NC which booked fraternity par- started coordinating things while Metallica
ensure that the (sometimes
ties, proms and Holiday Inn lounges. When I was on the road. I would work directly with
told my boss that I dreamed of working for their tour manager, keeping track of all radio,
conflicting) needs of
ICM in New York (International Creative TV and print interview schedules, guest lists
Management - at the time the top booking for each show, press lists for each show, and
Metallica, the world press
agency for many huge groups including general organizing for the band’s day-to-day
and the ever inquiring public
Metallica, Def Leppard, etc), he decided to activities.
show off and introduce me to one of the As time went on, I began to speak to the
are considered and equally
agents at ICM whom he knew from years band members more often, getting to know
back. them, especially their preferences for press
balanced. Thus resulting in
varied, widespread and well Well, when the ICM agent’s assistant such as how many phone interviews they
quit, he remembered me and called me up to would do in a day (Lars would do the most,
see if I’d be interested in a job in NY. I really although Jason or Kirk could be convinced to
informed Metallica news,
didn’t want to move to NYC but couldn’t do an extra one now and then. James usually
deny what a great chance it would be, so I had to rest his voice.), how early they’d wake
views and information
took the job. Within 6 months, another agent up (Kirk was the early bird, Jason woke up
in the company asked if I’d work for her (she
being made available to
pretty early as well, but Lars loved to sleep in
was one of the only female agents in the until the last possible moment, usually
those who have an interest
in such things! business at the time), and I agreed. She was because he’d stay up until well past sunrise

the night before. Basically, Lars’ sched- wanted to get out there, too. At a certain Check into the hotel. Staying at
ule was similar to someone working a point, I even asked to be a tour manager, hotels is one of my favorite parts of
“graveyard” shift), and what food and but the opportunity never arose (and I being on the road. Order room service
drink they’d want available to them if was certainly NOT encouraged as it for lunch! Nothing beats room service
they had to go somewhere for an inter- would mean me leaving my duties at the and maid service, since I don’t cook
view (beer). office). very well and hate to clean. What could
I also got to know the guys as real After months and months of beg- be better than dropping your towel on
people - Jason and his love of the blues ging to go out on the road, Cliff and the floor, knowing that when you return
(whenever he’s in NYC we try to catch Peter finally gave me permission. My in the evening, there would be a new,
the Les Paul Trio at Fat Tuesday’s on “role” would be “press liaison”, i.e. I fresh towel hanging on the rack for you.
Monday nights), Kirk and his love of would help out in major cities where
horror movies, comics, and the like, there was a lot of major press to coordi- 1:30pm
Lars and his mind like a steel trap (the nate or in other cities where major press Meet up with a journalist from SKY
guy is absolutely without peer in his was flying to cover the show (especially magazine who I have to “baby-sit”
ability to remember every single thing in international press). Basically, I would which generally means making sure he
the most minute of detail), and James, assist the tour manager, which suited me gets his interviews and keeping track of
the hunter (actually, I spent the first few fine. where he wanders, to whom he speaks,
years a little intimidated of James, the I’ve been lucky enough to travel to and helping him gain any access he
silent type. It wasn’t until the last year places like Mexico City, Toronto and needs to make the story better. We sit in
that I could joke around with him and Rochester (when they performed with my room and talk about the music busi-
talk to him more in-depth. He really is a Aerosmith and the Black Crowes). One ness in general. I can tell he’s trying to
great person). of my favorite trips was to New get some “dirt” on Metallica but I actu-
Eventually, I worked my way up to Orleans… ally have none to offer him (and would-
being able to go on the road with n’t if he paid me!)
Metallica! To me, going on the road was
a goal, not something to be avoided (call SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 2:00pm
me masochistic), and I always hinted to 9:00am Pepper, from Corrosion Of
Cliff and Peter that I really wanted to be Flying to New Orleans. Arrival a Conformity, stops by my room to say
out there, in whatever capacity made few hours later. It is HOT & HUMID. I hello. He’s from the area and is visiting
sense. I’d see Tony, Linda and George look forward to doing a little sightseeing folks. He has brought a friend, and the
going out on the road for various rea- if I can find any spare time. two of them order room service and
sons and sometimes just to be the “man- 1:00pm munch out. I met Pepper through Reed
agement presence” at the show, and I (drummer for COC). I had really wanted
to manage them but things never worked
out (look for my book on “No, You
Can’t Do That Because You’re a Girl -
Sexism in the Music Business”, out
someday, somewhere).

We are all at the venue, awaiting the
arrival of the band. The venue is huge -
the Superdome! I had been to the
Superdome once before to see the local
baseball team, the Pelicans, play many
moons ago.
I make sure that Tony Smith has the
guest list and photographer list for
tonight’s show. I stop by the production
office to say to Jake Berry and Brian
Cellar, the production manager and pro-
duction assistant extraordinaire.
Then I stand outside the backstage
entrance, watching as security men with
walkie talkies give the minute-to-minute
ETA of the band. “They’re about three
blocks away.” “They’re turning the cor-
ner.” “You’ll be seeing them any
minute.” The cars arrive and band mem-
bers file out with friends in tow.

Everyone says hello, then wanders sweets.) brief explanation like the one I gave
around backstage. I make sure Pepper above, telling them “It’s who you
and his friend have the proper passes to 6:30pm know”, and “Sorry, no, but I can get you
get around, and make sure the journalist Run back into FNM’s dressing room an autograph.” I always try to help out
is covered as well. Then I play “Julie, to say hello to Roddy, Billy, Puffy and the fans since I know what it is like to
the Cruise Director” to the journalist, Jim. be a fan. I also tell the girls who ask
leading him around the venue. The place about getting into the business that they
is so huge that people are using little go- 7:00pm should watch how they dress at concerts
carts to get around. Doors have opened and people are - once perceived a bimbo, always a
filing into the venue. The journalist and bimbo. If they really want to be taken
5:30pm I are standing in the middle of the floor, seriously, they shouldn’t be showing
Run into Michael, lead singer for surrounded by kids. He’s interviewing legs and cleavage.
Faith No More, the band who is opening them about why they like Metallica and
up for Metallica and Guns ‘n Roses. they’re all asking me questions - “How 7:15pm
We’ve known each other for years - did you get your job?”, “How can I get The wonderful Head of Metallica
since he first joined FNM. I met him into the music business?”, “Can I meet Security, Bob Bender, and the ever-fan-
when he was hanging out at the Cat the band?”. My answers would be a tastic tour manager Tony Smith ask me
Club in NYC one night to help pass out the
with his manager. He’s coveted snakepit passes
a very cool guy, a little to kids who really look
twisted, but sweet to like they’re Metallica
me, at least. The Guns fans. I scan the crowd,
n’ Roses area is off lim- taking my job seriously,
its. (I did get a chance and being careful to
to go into their hospital- pick the real hard-core
ity room at Giant Metallica-heads and not
Stadium. It was dark the babes in the push-up
with candles and net- bras (even though I get
ting and scarves hang- the feeling that I’m sup-
ing from the walls and posed to be getting the
ceiling to give it babes in there, I end up
ambiance. There were putting more guys in -
rows of beautiful so sue me!).
model-types sitting
around. The only band 7:30pm
members I saw were FNM go on.
Duff, Dizzy, and a The crowd has a mixed
glimpse now-and-then reaction to them, as
of Slash. The security usual. Everyone is wait-
guard Earl had been ing for Metallica!
nice enough to let me in
- I just wanted to take a 8:45pm
peek!) Metallica
unleashed! I always try
6:00pm to watch the start of the
I wander around the show from the floor.
halls, following the Even though I don’t lis-
signs to catering. I ten to this music at
show my laminate home and have to wear
which allows me to eat earplugs when listening
a hot meal. I usually eat to it at the venues, I still
a lot of vegetables and think that Metallica are
carbohydrates to keep totally amazing and
my energy up. Running incredibly powerful. I
around all night can have never seen another
really be exhausting! band put forth the
And of course, I have to amount of energy that
have some dessert! Metallica does - consis-
(Which I usually never tently - and they keep
do - not much into getting better.
12 Midnite rumor). I did get to go to the one in
I’m backstage with the Toronto that was the Sports Bar (there
journalist from SKY maga- were pool tables and a wall-size elec-
zine, trying to make jokes tronic golf game. I left when the strip-
and explain that the guys pers started stripping - it just wasn’t my
will be with him as soon thing, you know?
as they shower and have
dinner. I get him a soda 2:00am
from backstage. He wants I’m ready to break into a song and
to see some of Guns ‘n dance to keep the guy entertained when
Roses so I tell him to run I get the signal that James is ready. Yay!
out and check it out for a I point the journo in the right direction
while (as I know he’ll still and breathe a sigh of relief. “Can I go
have to wait when he gets home now?” I ask Tony Smith and he
back). laughs. About a half hour later, he
assures me he’ll take care of putting
1:00am Lars and the journalist together, so I
We’re still waiting. I get head back to the hotel.
word that James will be
ready first but no definite 2:30am
time that he’ll be ready. I I fill out the menu for breakfast and
can imagine that after the hang it on my doorknob. That’s my
show it’s really hard to get favorite way to wake up at hotels - a
psyched to do an inter- knock on my door and hot breakfast on
I bring the journalist around to view, but I also know how the other side! I always get hot tea with
watch the show from different view- hard it is for someone to arrive that day milk, fresh squeezed orange juice and
points, including getting him into the from London with the sole objective toast.
snakepit for a little while and then get- being to get an interview and to STILL
ting him up to the soundboard with Big be awake! 2:45am
Mick’s permission. Then I decide to let Everyone’s talking about the Guns My feet hurt. My back hurts. My
him roam freely as I run backstage to ‘n Roses party for the evening. After head aches. I crawl into the big bed in
get a drink of juice. every show, they throw a huge party, the big hotel room, thinking of how
usually with a theme, all planned and much fun I had, how much hard work it
10:50pm executed by Axl’s brother. I think the was to run around the venue all night,
I run around the venue in search of theme was Mardi Gras (duh!) and others and how much sleep seems like the per-
the photographers from the local papers. included Toga, Casino, Sports Bar, etc. fect thing to do. My ears are ringing to
They all seem to be missing. I run back all for about $10,000 a pop. (That’s the the tune of “Enter Sandman”.
and forth, looking for anyone with a big
camera bag and cameras around their
necks. The photographers are only
allowed to shoot the last 3 songs prior to
the encore, so if I don’t find them or
they don’t find me in time, they’ll miss
their opportunity to shoot. I finally
round up three of the five photographers
on my list and lead them to Tony Smith
who escorts them into the pit (the space
in front of the stage, not the snakepit).
Tony asks if I can keep track of the pho-
tographers and escort them out of the pit
after the third song, so I watch the show
from the pit and keep an eye on the pho-
tographers who have been known to be
sneaky. Luckily, they don’t give me
much trouble as I motion for them to
leave at the appropriate time (I’m sure
having Bob Bender standing behind
them, pointing toward the wings, didn’t
hurt either!). I made sure I caught the
start to One to see the cool pyro.
This section features the guys themselves! In each issue one (or more) of the guys will write an article about… well, just about anything!
Subjects which we come up with, subjects which you come up with or just stuff that they feel like writing.

In this issue, Lars shares his ideas on Summer Shit ’94.

ou are three fuckin’ weeks Oh, by the way, I have noticed that a spending the better part of the last year
late!! We are already gettin’ letters lot of you overseas guys have been writ- out of safe distance from each other,
askin’ where the fuck the 3rd issue is!!!” ing and asking why the fuck we aren’t apart from me and Jaymz, who have had
Tony is (somewhat) pissed. It’s no hittin’ areas other than North America a (newfound) interest in going down to
longer “Are you gonna write something this summer, even one or two letters San Jose and cheering on (somewhat
for the mag??” Now it’s “Where is the actually complaining about it, so let me drunkenly) the “San Jose Sharks” hock-
fuckin’ article??” Oh well, how things give you a little insight to why we are ey team, and, in general, gettin’ up to
can change over the course of a few actually out here in the first place…for absolutely no fuckin’ good, the idea
months. But since this has been dubbed fuckin’ fun!!!!!! Yeah, fun…you know, came forth, that flippin’ out for a quick
“The Lars Issue” by the powers that be, like “Let’s go out and play for a little summer run would be a great way of
I better get my gathering the
shit together, troops and
and try and take gettin’ some
we always function best when we have a good “vibe”
myself out of good shit goin’
tour mode for a between the
going and that always comes from hangin’ together.
few and into…. while and have some fuckin’ fun.” four of us, that we then could harness
“Jaymz, do you want any fruit?” We “Okay, done!!” Well, okay, maybe one and bring into the writin’ and recording
are sittin’ at 21,000 feet above some- or two other small reasons along the stages. Now that seems like a good
where, on the way from St. Louis to lines of…. fuckin’ thing
Columbus on our little summer stint, Pretty fuckin’ weird, but it’s actually (knowhatimean??).
and since the deadline for this thing was been close to 4 years since we wrote the Key word being “quick”. Back in
around the time “Ride The Lightning” songs for the last Metallica album and of February, when this whole tour thing
was released, I now sit wondering what course creating and recording studio first surfaced (it came about the
the fuck to drool on about. Well, since album #6 is our main priority, but we (in)famous night that we were entertain-
we are on tour and a lot of you folks always function best when we have a ing our bros from Cincinnati, who were
keep asking “Why?”, among other good “vibe” going and that always visiting courtesy of M-TV and we had
things, here goes. comes from hangin’ together. So after all four had around 47 beers and were


cryin’ in each others min’ on some new

arms about how much shit, throwing ideas at
we missed each each other and gener-
other…(yawn!)), we ally acting like a cou-
agreed 12 weeks ple of 12 year old
would be cool. So get- kids. Fuck man, the
tin’ back to why we new shit is great!!!!
are not doing 9 dates Aaarrrggghh!!! Three
in Romania or the hours later we fell
equivalent, refer back over and when I
to the key word woke up the next
(quick!). The States!! morning I couldn’t
We hadn’t really done remember any of it.
anything in the Oh well, we’ll get it
biggest 50 cities here going again in
for 2 years and last September.
time was the co-head- Hey guess
lining with Guns, so it what? We’ve been
just seemed right. The circling over
States! Outdoors! Columbus for two
Summer! I’ll fuckin’ hours (I told the
take it! Thank you!! most people think that means just from pilots not to land ‘til I wuz done) (just
Also, a few of you have asked me touring, but we actually took it off from fuckin’ kiddin’) (not really!!??) All
why only one show in every joint, when Metallica (didn’t I mention this some- right, so maybe it’s nite time and a few
we usually do many multiples? Well, where before?), so that accounts for the days later and time to fuckin’ sleep
with 50 “playdates”, it seemed cooler to lack of new material in our summer set soon. So you know what… back to that
hit 50 different places so we could hit as in case you wuz wondering. We have a one word – fun. Like I said before, this
many corners of the country as possible fuckin’ avalanche of new ideas that are has been the most fun so far. It’s great
and see as many different of you guys as just waiting to be turned into songs, and seeing your faces when we open with
we could and then save the doubles and it’s been really hard to not break down “Breadfan”, playing a lot of the old shit,
triples for next time. and just start goin’ for it (you know, throwing “God” at you, “Disposable”,
Another (small) reason (mainly itch-like!), especially in the tour “So What” etc. (Speaking of seeing your
from Peter & Cliff) was to fuck with rehearsals, but we are holding out ‘til we faces…when you see Kirk’s new hair-
these stupid (un)written laws that say get back from the tour (straight from the doo!!) Playing a set without all those
that you can’t really go on tour without airport to the writing room, well…give long fuckin’ solos, drinkin’ Coronas and
an album or something to promote. You or take a few). Actually, come to think Lite-Ices, (almost) gettin’ pneumonia in
know, some fuck in a corporate office of it, there was one night. I think it was Ionia (there’s a fuckin’ song title),
saying “Well, you gotta have something the night the “Sharks” lost playoff game playin’ in 105 degrees in Portland, I
to sell to tour!!” “Fuck off!!!” So here #7 to the “Maple_ _ _ _s” and me and could go on for fuckin’ ever! In a weird
we are just fuckin’ touring, doin’ quite Jaymz were drowning our sorrows in my way I wish every tour could be like
fuckin’ well (thank you), not really leftover stash of Danish Tuborg “X-mas this…(you figure it out).
doing interviews (the occasional one beer” and suddenly there we were jam- Finally, a big “fuck-yeah” to all you
slips in once in a while out “Club Members” who made
of old habit! Withdrawal the front rows fuckin’ rock
symptoms!!) and definitely and who hung with us back-
not doing any promotion, stage and let us in on what
having the best time I can time it was. If once in (very
ever remember having on rare) while we are a little
tour!!! Take that, industry!! short, it’s just cuz there is
(Cue: middle finger) already so fuckin’ many of
“Hey Larz, what’s the you, but you know what…we
new shit like? Are you fuckin’ try!!!
gonna play some new
tunes?” “Eh, well…uhm, we
haven’t actually written any-
thing yet!!” “Well, what the
fuck have you been doin’?”
“Well, eh…” When I said
we took (almost) a year off,
So Let It Be Done

The Frayed Endz of Seemore Welcome Home Chicago


Objectives: Objectives:
• to set up a bootleg network • pooling to shows

• to release a newsletter/catalog • swap meets

• to try and get all the shows that have • meeting new people

been taped worldwide of Metallica • video parties


If interested, write to: If interested, write to:

Julie Remke
Steve Patrick
2178 Happy Creek Rd. 5810 Main Street

Seymour, Tennessee 37865, USA Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, USA

Frayed Ends of Sydney The Cheerful Danes


Objectives: Objectives:

• swap meets • listening and swap meets

• Metallica appreciation nights (BBQ and • correspondence between other chapters
Metallica—loud) • help improve “The Metallica Club” by
• jam sessions between members submitting items to “Eye of the Beholder”
If interested, write to: or “Whiplash”
David “Guts” Gale • go to concerts together
• discuss and talk about the latest news
5 Hastings Pl, Campbelltown inside the industry
N.S.W. Australia • get to know as much as possible about

Michiana Militia
Metallica and then make a collection
If interested, write to:
Objectives: Jesper Nielsen
• swap meets Offerlunden 11
• car pooling / caravan / bus rental 9230 Svenstrup, Denmark

The Southwest Sandmen

• to become involved in the community
If interested, write to:
Keith Jaymz Good
722 S. Ironwood Dr.
• swap meets
Mishawaka, Indiana 46544, USA • vehicle pooling

The Warren Metallicats

• Metallica booths set up at special events
such as “Teen Expo’s” and/or car shows
If interested, write to:
Objectives: (no objectives were submitted)
Vicente Tellez
If interested, write to:
1745 Ash Street
The Warren Metallicats
San Marcos, Texas 78666-9107, USA
P.O. Box 666

The Staten Island Metal Militia

Eastpointe, Michigan 48021, USA

Creepin’ Dortmund
Open to all members in New York City,
Objectives: parts of New Jersey across from Staten
• a computer-mailbox, the “MetalliBox”, Island, and parts of Long Island adjacent to
with e.g. “record seek & buy”, New York City

information from the magazine, local Objectives:

activities…. There will be access to • car pools to shows
• swap meets
everyone who has a modem and enough
money for the next telephone bill. • listening parties
• bull sessions
If interested, write to:
• create a monthly newsletter
Leif Jungermann • promote the Metallica Club at concerts
An der Wasserburg 50 • corresponding with other chapters in the
32 D-44379 Dortmund, Germany US and abroad

If interested, write to: Looking for members in the Waterloo/Cedar If interested, write to:
Cheryl DeCicco Falls/Cedar Rapids/Dubuque and Northeast Patricia (Pat) Bernal
88 Brewster Street Iowa area. If interested, write to: 1106 E. Yandell #2
Matthew Schneider
Staten Island, New York 10304, USA El Paso, Texas 79902, USA
210 Jefferson Street

The Carolinas Chapter Seek Buffalo And Destroy

West Union, IA 52175, USA

Open to all members in North and

South Carolina
Milwaukee Metallians Objectives:
• raffles and contests to win Metallica shit
Objectives: • newsletters
Objectives: • Metallibashes (starting at my house) • get togethers at local concerts
• trade stuff • tape trading • tape trading
• car pools to shows • help each other with our collections • jam sessions
• charity work • talk to other chapters
• share ideas If interested, write to:
• monthly newsletter
• newsletters Mark Plehinger
If interested, write to: 4550 Duerr Road
If interested, write to: T.J. Rinaldi
Kris Lindemann Orchard Park, New York 14127, USA
3890 Neuberry Ct. Mark sent us a letter asking us to send
P.O. Box 882 Brookfield, WI 53005, USA
Charlotte, NC 28274, USA him a list of the names and addresses of

Middlesex Area Metallicats

Metallica Club Members in the Buffalo area.

The Bletchley Beholders

Well, since we can’t really do that without

of Justice
Objectives: those members’ permission, we are asking
• jam sessions Buffalo area Club Members to contact Mark
• car pools Plehinger at the address above. He wants to
• tape trading have a huge Metallica listening, trading,
• transportation to gigs
• start my own Metallica fanzine If interested, write to: jamming, and talking party at his house with
• trade bootlegs Samantha Nickerson members. Cool, huh!
• meet other Metallifreaks 7 Briarcliff Rd.
If interested, write to: Hopkinton, MA 01748, USA The London Militia and UK Metal
Militia have merged to form:
The Chicago Blitzkrieg The UK Militia
Akam. Hetfield
1 Lintlaw Place
Objectives: If interested, write to:
Milton Keynes
• monthly meetings Ben Phillips
BUCKS, MK36PZ, England • carpooling to concerts 49 Notts Gardens

Manchester Metal Militia

• listening parties Uplands, Swansea
• design local chapter t-shirt SA20RU, UK
• regional conferences with other chapters
Objectives: • special events between area chapters
• meetings, social get-togethers • newsletter
• swap meets • organize or be involved in charity events
• newsletter/fanzine • encourage parents of younger members to
• carpool to gigs be involved in all aspects of the chapter METALLICA CLUB
• to be a support/advice/”family” group for • promote safety, education
club members (I especially want to
encourage anyone isolated by disability, If interested, write to:
illness, etc. to join in) Larry Warszalek This is a feature that will advertise
• organize events with other chapters 12202 72nd Court upcoming events, oddities and items
If interested, write to: Palos Heights, Illinois 60463, USA from around the world which may be of

Metal Up Your Port

Phoenix Hammett interest to members. We will also
“The Metal Asylum” advertise local Club chapters and their
126 Albion Towers plans. To have an item included in this
Salford feature send it to:
• monthly swap meets
Manchester M5 4AF, UK • jam sessions
Eastern Iowa of the Beholder
If interested, write to:
Jaime Brannan SO LET IT BE DONE
Objectives: P.O. Box 614 PO BOX 18327
• monthly meetings Port Neches, Texas 77651, USA KNOXVILLE, TN 37928-2327

El Paso Blitzkrieg
• tape trading USA
• carpooling to concerts
• listening to parties Sorry! We are unable to return any items!
• newsletters Objectives:
• interaction with other chapters • friendship with other Metallica fans
• possible fanzine • get-togethers for meetings
• to organize an annual Metallica-Festival • carpools 33
What Happens When 3,000 Italian Metallibashers All Get Together?

iving in Italy, over 7,000 miles at the Hammersmith Odeon in London and take part in a project, consisting of the translation of the
from San Francisco, and loving at the Madison Square Garden in New Metallica’s Putterford/Russell book “A Visual Documentary” into
Metallica so much is not that usual. But if York. Italian, adding a special note and writing an introduction with a
I go back to the early days, I can see On August 12th, the Black Album went regret to the critics that the two English journalists launched to
myself listening to a crunching copy of out and Metallica entered the Italian charts the band.
the “No Life ’Til Leather” demo, looking at #10, peaking at #2. To underline the great success of Metallica Italia, that in
hard for a long-awaited copy of “Kill ’Em On September 14th, Metallica Italia the meantime moved and got its own office in via Canova 41 -
All”, standing in the front of the welcomed the band to the Italian Monsters 10126 Torino, the band presented to the club a fantastic CD
Metallica/Venom gig in Milan on the 5th Of Rock 1991 with a special t-shirt. On the award consisting in a 100cm x 70cm frame, with the flags of all
of February, 1984, writing in my old dear front it featured the dates of all the gigs the countries where the “Black Album” went gold or platinum
fanzine about a band, or better, THE Metallica played in Italy and on the back, and 12 CDs to testify to the 12 million copies sold up to July
band, come to conquer the music world. over 600 kids welcome Metallica back to 1993. In the center, a metal label, entitled to Metallica Italia,
It just so happened that a summer Italy with their names. Davide brings the congratulations of Lars, James, Kirk and Jason to the
holiday led me to San Francisco, where I Deambrogio, the drawn (lucky) member, club for its help. Along with it, also PhonoGram Italy presented a
hung around The Record Vault. I knew won the chance to meet the band and to gold record to the club for its 5th anniversary.
Ron Quintana who, god knows why, consignee them the t-shirt. 1994 is a great year for the
decided I was his best friend and intro- Kirk Hammett also invited club. We have a new office, a
duced me into the Bay Area circuit. him on stage to videorecord new employee, and 500 new
Metallica was in town, preparing for their the complete show. members. In addition, the birth
Day On The Green show (1985). I first The club distributed over of The Metallica Club will
met them at Wolfgang’s, all four coming 10,000 flyers at the Monsters allow us to stay closer to the
to see a Savatage show. But the real light- Of Rock festival in Modena band and its activities, to
ning hit me during a secret show which happened at the Berkley’s and printed a special issue of the club’s newsletter receive updated news and to get
Ruthies Inn on August 17, when Metallica played from 1:00 a.m. mailed to 3,000 fans, launching the 1992 subscrip- American promotional material
to 3:00 a.m.–the noisiest show ever performed with all the hardest tions’ campaign. The great promotion made good (won’t it, Tony?!). We aim at
songs, “Kill ’Em All” and “Ride The Lightning” jammed with profits! The club reached 1,400 members! An unbe- 3,500 members and we hope
punk cover version. How could I forget “Drink And Destroy” and lievable success! that the difficult Italian econom-
“Dickplash”, headbanging on stage? In spring 1992, our club took care of the first ic situation will not damage us.
Being Jason Newsted’s pen friend at the time of Flotsam Metallica lyrics book in Italy. Printed by Arcana We actually print a fanzine
And Jetsam, his joining with the band helped me to quiet the Cliff Editrice, “Metallica - tutti i testi con traduzione a mailed to all the members every
Burton’s drama and to tighten my relationship with the four fronte”, features the complete list of Metallica’s 3 months (we already published
horsemen, soon becoming his official supplier of Metallica’s live lyrics on the left page and the Italian translation on 18 issues) where fans can get
recordings. the right page, together with a precise “1981–1991 information on band and club’s
My dream came true in late 1988 when I launched the sub- day-by-day report” on the band activities and a com- activities. We have the complete
scription campaign of the METALLICA ITALIA fanclub with a plete official discography (singles, albums, promos). range of official merchandise
16-page Metallica fanzine titled “The Sky’s The Limit!”, featur- The book sold over 15,000 copies. and records in store and we
ing the story of the band, interviews and news. It sold out 2,700 In July 1992, “Nothing Else Matters” entered always try to get promos and
copies in 3 days during the the Italian singles charts at rarities for our hungry collectors. We have our The Metalli-collec-
Italian “Damage Justice Tour”. #6. tors club, a special service for collectors with a newsletter every
The unbelievable success con- A few months later, the 20 days informing them about the new releases and what the club
vinced me to go on with the “Wherever I May Roam” tour got from around the world. The collectors can also note their
fanclub project. was one of the biggest wanted records or to list their collections to be quoted.
Q-Prime management, chances for the club to show Our latest success has been the offer of the “Live Shit”
PhonoGram Italy and the band its activities. Playing in Rome box: the club has been able to supply over 250 boxes at the lower
officially recognized the club, and Milan in November, the price found in Italy.
its fanzine/newsletter and its shows sold out in a few days, Our members can also listen to Metallica information by
activities aiming at the band’s but since the club authorized phoning 24h/24 to THE METALLIPHONE, where a recorded
promotion in Italy, and after for the advanced sale of the message informs the listeners of the latest news on the band and
the Metal Militia’s closing and tickets, all the on the club.
before The Metallica Club, the members could If you would like to trade,
Metallica Italia fanclub has get their to sell or simply write to our
been the only official fanclub entrance. In members, please don’t hesitate
in the world for 5 years! addition, 70 to contact us. We can print your
A lot of activities took place along these years… I will members were invited to see the show from the small advertisement in our
note the major ones. snake-pit and another 20 got the chance to meet the fanzine and 3,000 Italian
In mid-1990, the club surpassed 1,000 members. band. But the greatest promotion came through a 24- metallibashers will read your
Membership card, club t-shirt, club badge, newsletters, official page color booklet with news on Metallica and on message.
merchandise and competitions are the main things every member the club printed by the fanclub, distributed free in
could get joining the club. 20,000 copies at the venues, and Jason Newsted METALLICA ITALIA,
In May 1991, a METALLICA Special, a 72-page color wearing the club’s t-shirt on stage and during the C.P. 1247, 10100 Torino
magazine published in 9 languages by Metal Hammer, was writ- pre-video. I was also invited to translate the band on Ferrovia, Italy
The Metalliphone:
ten in collaboration with Metal Mike. video during their pre-concert greetings to the fans.
On July 22nd 1991, Metallica Italia, in collaboration with This massive promotion brought the club to
PhonoGram Italy, organized the METALLICA NIGHT, a free 2,600 members and the news of a new open-air gig (011) 663.06.65
party where kids could listen to the new album 20 days before its in June (Torino) kept the fans alive. 30,000 people
release date. Over 1,000 kids attended the party. It was a surprise waited 7 hours in the rain to hear Metallica on June
when, around midnight, Jason Newsted and Kirk Hammett were 22nd and the club distributed a lot of flyers and orga-
announced. Around 1:00 a.m., Kirk and Jason joined the party nized a big party with a collectors’ convention,
and the kidz went nuts! To be honest, even if the international where a lot of rarities were exhibited.
biographies forget it, this happened before the well-known parties In Autumn, Arcana asked again of the club to

The following is a list of additional releases sent in by club members. Some releases may be listed more than once.
We have published these just as they were sent in to us. If we have missed any OFFICIAL products in the
Discography published in the last two issues, please write and let us know.
Send mail to DISCOGRAPHY at our usual address.

LP’s and are so-called jukebox promos.

“audiophile vinyl” sticker on sleeve.
US. 1988.
“Kill ’Em All” “Sad But True / Matters”

Testpressing from Greece; Vertigo; Live, black label w/ps, UK
with special labels “Sad But True / So What”

“Ride The Lightning” w/ps (Holland) both 7"
Testpressing from Greece; Vertigo;

with special labels
“Ride The Lightning” “One/Eye Of The Beholder”
White label promo from USA; Elektra; “One” Elektra Backtrax. Cardboard sleeve
mispressed cover Picture disc; UK; Vertigo; Mispressing, made of recycled paper. US. 1993.
“Master Of Puppets” one side is black “Music For Nations”
Testpressing from Greece; Vertigo; “Creeping Death”, “Jump in the Fire”

with special labels (two EPs on one CD) UK/Europe.
“Master Of Puppets” Sorry, no date!
Korea; Vertigo/Phonogram; with “Kill ’Em All” “Don’t Tread On Me”
Breadfan and The Prince (only 7 Picture disc; UK; Music For Nations; Elektra. UK/Europe. 1991
tracks) Mispressing, one side is black “Sad But True / So What / Harvester”
“Denim and Leather” “Jump In The Fire” Live, in cardboard sleeve, Australia
Japan; CBS/Sony; =M.O.P., with OBI- France; Music For Nations “Enter Sandman / One”
strip, insert and poster “Creeping death” Both live, promo CD single w/ps, UK
“…And Justice For All” Holland; Roadrunner; Mispressing, 1993
Very rare official live LP from Korea. “BlitzkrEIg” on back cover

8 songs from Tokyo 5/14/89. 1991. “Creeping Death”

Green vinyl; France; Music For Nations
UK; Vertigo; Mispressing, wrong label METALLICA “LIVE VIDEO PRESS
“Eye Of The Beholder” on side B KIT”
USA; Elektra; normal 7" released in “One” 1993. 13 minutes, Elektra, Directed
Elektra-cover Brazil; Vertigo/Polygram by Adam Dubin, Produced by Juliana
“One” “Enter Sandman” Roberts 10-14-93. Interviews with Lars
White label promo; USA; Elektra; with White label DJ pr.; UK; Vertigo; with and James at the record plant, Sauilito,
edit, in normal 7" PS (Pushead) edit, with Vertigo info sheet and interviews with Wayne Isham and
“One” “Wherever I May Roam” Michael Salomon.
Australia; Vertigo; normal 7" UK/Euro.; Vertigo; Normal cover

“Enter Sandman” instead of gatefold cover
Australia; Vertigo; normal 7" “Wherever I May Roam”
“Harvester of Sorrow” 12" w/ps, but not the gatefold, Germany

7" promo with “Barbablu” on the CBS/Sony Metallican
b-side Contents: Japanese release of Metallica
“Inxs, Shining Star” w/bonus track “So What”, “Don’t Tread
7" promo with “The Unforgiven” on “…And Justice For All” On Me” bandanna, tour t-shirt, rubber
the b-side. Both singles are from Italy Elektra. Double LP promo with snake



ootlegs have always interested me, and are worth a lot less. The colored ones go for
beginning in ’77, when I would ride my about $100. Some people have labeled these
bicycle to a local record store to look three songs as “No Life Til Leather” leftovers,
for Led Zeppelin, Kiss, and Rolling Stones but that’s incorrect, these three songs were done
bootlegs. four months earlier.


First of all, let me give you a short history
of bootlegs. The term “bootleg” came from the
U.S. during Prohibition when alcohol drinkers
hid their bottles in their boots! So, 40 years
later when people started sneaking micro- April ’82–”Power Metal” demos
phones into concerts to record the show, their Songs: “Hit the Lights”, “The Mechanics”,
boots were a great hiding place. Hence the “Motorbreath”, “Jump in the Fire”
analogy to bootleg booze was applied to ille- Place Recorded: Ron’s Garage
gally recorded concert albums and the name Band Members: James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich,
has stuck ever since. There are basically three Dave Mustaine, and Ron McGovney
types of bootlegs: demos, studio out takes, and
First off, the name of this demo was not
live concerts. The demo category is the most
called “Power Metal” which was from the early
exciting to me, as you can hear early practice
business cards. This demo had four songs and
versions of your favorite songs. In this article
was untitled. Years later when these songs were
we will deal with Metallica’s demos first,
put on a bootleg, they used the name “Power
album by album. Except for the “Garage Days
Metal” which Ron McGovney thought up as a
Re-Revisited” because there are no released
way to describe Metallica’s style of music. By
demos for that EP, that I have heard. Maybe
April of ’82, the band had four originals. Two
the guys in the band have some that we don’t
songs were written by Dave Mustaine: “The

1982 — DEMOS
know about!
Mechanics”, and “Jump in the Fire”, and two of
James’ originals: “Hit the Lights”, and
covers and “Hit the Lights” version 2 were the “Motorbreath”. Musically these four recordings
songs they used. Ron gave the tape to the man- showed how much the group had progressed
“Killing Time” / “Let it Loose” – March ’82 both in musicianship and writing songs. “Hit the
agement of the Whiskey. The management at the
Band Members: James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Lights” was far superior to the first version done
Whiskey liked the tape (and didn’t know the
Dave Mustaine, Ron McGovney for Metal Massacre. Next was “The Mechanics”
other two songs were cover tunes) and offered
Place Recorded: Ron’s Garage–13004 Curtis & with lyrics by Dave Mustaine, to this day it’s
them the gig with Saxon. This story has never
King Way, Norwalk, CA 90650 hard to understand the words but the basic story
been told in print anywhere, but this is the true
Original Bands: Killing Time–Sweet Savage, is that of a horny gas station mechanic. Next up
story about that famous Saxon show.
Let it Loose–Savage was “Motorbreath”, the bands’ “love” song writ-
Now for a brief description of the music:
This can be called the band’s first demo not “Killing Time” was performed very close to the ten by James, and had been around since Leather
counting the “Hit the Lights” for Metal Massacre original Sweet Savage version. The backing Charm (James’ second band in high school). The
1. Let me explain the reason for this demo. Ron vocals on the chorus were done by Dave last song on this demo was “Jump in the Fire”.
McGovney was a photographer for Motley Crue Mustaine, his only vocal appearance on a The difference between this version and all later
way back in ’81. He ran into Vince Neil and the Metallica song. Listen to the demo ’82 version versions was the way James sings the chorus and
gang near the Whiskey nightclub. They found out and you’ll notice a one word change done on different words. He holds the note during the
that Saxon was playing at the end of March, and the ’91 B-side version. “Let it Loose” features a word fire, singing it like FIIYOOURR! This was
was looking for a local band to open the shows. great Dave Mustaine guitar solo and a great vocal the only studio version of him singing it that
Ratt was booked for the first two shows (two from James, once again it sounded very close to way, it sounds much different. This demo did not
shows per night), the other slot for the second the original Savage version. This song has never circulate widely at that time as this was still very
night was still open. The guys in Motley Crue been done as a B-side, maybe someday it will! early in the group’s history and most of the L.A.
told Ron McGovney to see the management of These three songs would end up on bootlegs crowd were into Quiet Riot and Motley Crue.
the Whiskey. They asked Ron for a tape of the around 1987. Obviously someone from the These four songs appeared on bootlegs such as
band to hear what they sounded like. Ron told the Whiskey gave a copy of that tape to friends and it “No Life Til Power”, and “Garage Daze”, and
countless other CDs toward the end of the 80’s.


rest of the band they needed a demo tape to get spread from there throughout the world. A 45
the gig with Saxon. So they borrowed a four track rpm 7" record came out in 1987 on Bong Water

recorder and did “Killing Time”, “Let it Loose”, Records, on four colored vinyl editions; red, yel-
and took the second version of “Hit the Lights”, low, green, orange, and black. The four colored
and put these three songs on a tape. The band had ones are the rarest as supposedly only 250 were
no other originals complete at that time, so two made of each color, the black vinyl are a re-issue


interview on KUSF when the band took this of the Beholder”, “One”, “Shortest Straw”,


demo to the station. “Harvester of Sorrow”, “Frayed Ends of Sanity”,
“To Live is to Die”, “Dyers Eve”

These demos just appeared early in 1994 on
a CD called “Rough Justice”. The sound quality
is excellent on this disc, I wonder where the
source tape came from. It is really interesting to
Band Members: Cliff Burton, Kirk Hammett, hear these demos, because half the songs have no
James Hetfield, and Lars Ulrich lyrics, just James singing “Waa Naa Naa”. The
Date: 9/83 (?) version of “One” is the same as the version on the
Place: San Francisco, CA (?) Japanese “One” maxi single. Also unlike most of
Songs: “Ride the Lightning”, “Creeping Death”, the “black” album demos all four members are
playing on these songs except for “One”.

“Fight Fire With Fire”, and “Call of Ktulu”
This is the first set of demos with Kirk in the

band. All the bootlegs I’ve heard have the songs
playing a bit fast. Maybe someday a good copy
will come out. The songs aren’t much different
than the studio “Ride the Lightning” demos. The
Band Members: James Hetfield-guitar and big difference is that at the time these were Band Members: James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich,
vocals, Dave Mustaine-lead guitar, Ron recorded “Call of Ktulu” was titled “When Hell Kirk Hammett, and Jason Newsted
McGovney-bass, and Lars Ulrich-drums. Freezes Over”. I have an interview from Date: 8/90
Place Recorded: Chateau East, Tustin, CA. Cleveland from ’83, where Lars states this.

Place: Lars’ basement, San Francisco, CA
Date: First week of July Songs: “Enter Sandman”, “Sad But True”, “The
Songs: “Hit the Lights”, “The Mechanics”, Unforgiven”, “Wherever I May Roam”, “Holier
“Motorbreath”, “Jump in the Fire”, “Seek and Than Thou” (rough mix), “Nothing Else Matters”
Destroy”, “Phantom Lord”, “Metal Militia”. I know these aren’t from bootlegs, but legal
First off, “No Life” was not recorded in Band Members: Kirk Hammett, Cliff Burton, B-sides. I feel they are worth reviewing in this
Ron’s garage, but at a real recording studio called James Hetfield, and Lars Ulrich
Chateau East in Tustin, California. Second, all of Date: July ’85 (?)
the copies of “No Life” that have appeared on Place: San Francisco, CA (?)
bootlegs are the wrong speed, all the ones I have Songs: “Disposable Heroes”,
heard are slow. I own a copy, given to me by “Battery”, “Welcome Home
Ron McGovney, which is at the right speed. (Sanitarium)”, and “Orion”
Also, two sets of “No Life” exist. Personal There is some debate whether
friends of the band got the unedited copy that had this is a taped rehearsal or a real
all the false starts and flubs left in. The later ver- demo. It sounds more like a
sions that were sent to tape traders around the rehearsal to me, there were no
world, had the false starts edited out. Their ver- vocals on any of the songs. These
sions of the songs are not much different than the four songs existed only on tape for
“Kill ’Em All” version. except “The Mechanics” many years, only recently it
was later rewritten to become “The Four appeared on one bootleg CD. There
Horsemen”, and “Jump in the Fire” has different is a second set of Puppets rehearsal
lyrics than the “Kill ’Em All” version. What else that exists but is not in circulation.
can I say but this was the most revolutionary The five songs on this tape are a

demo in the history of heavy metal, ’nuff said. really rare “Master of Puppets”,
“Disposable Heroes”, “Battery”,

“Orion”, and “Welcome Home
These demos have vocals
except for “Orion”, but what is
really rare is “Sanitarium”. This
Band Members: James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, song has different words than the finished version
Dave Mustaine, and Cliff Burton of Puppets and has none of the chorus at that article. Only a group like Metallica would be cool
Date: 3/83 time. This is one of the rarest Metallica demos enough to legally release demos for their fans to
Place: San Francisco, CA I’ve ever heard. enjoy. My favorite demo is “Wherever I May

Songs: “Whiplash” and “No Remorse” Roam”. The song has almost no lyrics except for
This was the last demo Dave Mustaine ever the title so James sings “Waa Naa Naa” through-
played on, and the only time Dave and Cliff out. The demo for “Enter Sandman” has no
played on studio tracks together. The songs don’t vocals at all. “Sad But True” and “Nothing Else
sound that different except for the guitar solos. Band Members: James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Matters” are both very interesting to hear James
These two songs have only appeared on a couple Kirk Hammett, and Jason Newsted playing the guitar solos. The “Holier Than Thou”
of bootleg records and they are all at the wrong Date: 1/88 (?) rough mix is not really a demo, but a unfinished
speed. It would be wiser to get this demo off a Place: Los Angeles, CA version without backing vocals and a guitar solo.
tape trader like I did. Most people also have the Songs: “Blackened”, “And Justice For All”, “Eye “The Unforgiven” was done at Bayview Studios


in Richman, CA, not in Lars’ basement. Also, all LP’s - MAXIMUS METTALUS (10 trax),
four members were present unlike all the other LIVE BEFORE DEATH PT.1 (2 trax)
demos. It kinda sounds like everyone had drank a CD - LIVE BEFORE DEATH PT.1 (2 trax)
few beers before playing. My personal favorite of Comments: This is the earliest known live
all the Metallica “Black” albums’ B-sides is the recording of Metallica that exists to date. The
“Nothing Else Matters” “elevator” version. The sound is kind of trebly and kind of muffled, but
first time I heard it I liked it better than the origi- since it’s the first known live recording it’s well
nal version. The song is one of the best ballads worth having. The MAXIMUS METALLUS LP
ever written by Metallica. The violins and other is very hard to find and is the only LP that sup-
strings compliment it perfectly. The first time I posedly has all 10 songs from this show appear

10/18/82 S.F., CA; Old

played it at the radio station I work for, I was on the LIVE BEFORE DEATH LP & CD
flooded with positive calls. Everyone wanted to

know where to buy it and what B-side it was on.
If you haven’t heard this one yet go buy it now
before it goes out of print!

LPs - LIVE BEFORE DEATH PT. 1, (6 trax);

Killing Time / Let It Loose

SORT EM OUT (8 trax)

Puppets Demos
Comments: This show was recorded by the band
thru the soundboard but did not sound very good.
The vocals are too loud, the guitars are distorted,
Horsemen of the Apocalypse - LP and the bass is completely inaudible. The drums
Motlen Rock - LP tapes; not on any LP sound like horse hoofbeats coming out of the

Justice Demos
Time For Some Danish Beer - LP Enter the Studio CD 3 Songs speakers. Once again, this is a show worth having
Killing Time / Let It Loose 7" single because it’s a really early performance and for

11/29/82 S.F., CA; Old

One Last Visit - CD the classic Dave Mustaine song intros.

No Life Til Leather

Horsemen of the Apocalypse - CD

numerous other CDs
Japan, 5 track EP “One”
Fanatic Battery; 3 tracks
Rough Justice - All 9 tracks

Metallica “Black Album”

(all versions at wrong speed) no LPs for Justice demos
Metal Militia - LP LPS - PHANTOM LORD (10 trax), METAL-

Demos - Singles w/B-sides

Horsemen of the Apocalypse - LP LICA (Charley’s Record label) (10 trax)
The Devil Shaved Soap and Gasoline-LP CD - NONE TO DATE
No Life til Power -LP Comments: This is the 3rd and final live bootleg
One Last Visit - CD to feature the old lineup of James, Lars, Dave
Outtakes ’82 - ’83 - CD Enter Sandman - LP and CD Mustaine, and Ron McGovney. This show was
Horsemen of the Apocalypse - CD recorded by the band as an example of their live

Power Metal Demos

Wherever I May Roam - LP & CD
numerous other CDs Nothing Else Matters - LP and CD sound. It was not recorded thru the soundboard,
Sad But True - LP and CD but sounds surprisingly good. Even better than
The Unforgiven - LP and CD the two previous S.F. shows. This show was sent
Holier Then Thou (rough mix) / Enter Sandman to tape traders around the country as a live tape
No Life Til Power - LP called “Live Metal Up Your Ass”. It was not as

Whiplash / No Remorse
(12" vinyl only not on CD)
No Life Til Power - CD widely spread as the other demos, some fans in
Holland put it on an LP in 1988. Both of these
LPs are very rare and hard to find. This was also

4/9/83 N.Y.; La’Mours

The LP demo list is complete to the best of Ron McGovney's next to last show.
(all versions at wrong speed)
my knowledge. I didn’t list all the bootleg CDs
Metal Militia - LP

Ride the Lightning Demos

coming out every week. I listed only the most
The Devil Shaved Soap and Gasoline-LP
popular and most common CDs with demo

tracks on them. LPs - UP SHOT (9 trax), CHARLOTTE 3 LP
set (5 trax), ANGELS FROM HELL (5 trax).

(all versions at wrong speed) CD - ANGELS FROM HELL (5 trax)
Garage Daze - LP Comments: This is another historic show in the

Horsemen of the Apocalypse - LP history of Metallica for it was Dave Mustaine’s
Time for Some Danish Beer - LP last recorded show. The sound quality is very
The Devil Shaved Soap and Gasoline-LP poor from an audience recording. I would not

9/18/82 S.F., CA; The Stone 12/18/83 Cleveland, OH;

Let God Sort ’Em Out - LP buy it except for the historical value only.
Outtakes ’82 - ’83 - CD
Horsemen of the Apocalypse - CD
numerous other CDs

Agora Ballroom

FROM 1984. The best interview is the one with sound quality cause I haven’t heard it myself. I
Dave Mustaine. Dave was called by some guy have read that it’s a pretty good recording

12/1/84 Mainz, Germany;

LP - LIVE IN CLEVELAND (10 trax) named Gene, I’m not sure but it sounds like Dave though.
CD - NONE was at work at a phone sales company. He was

Eltzer Hof
Comments: This is the first bootleg to feature still very bitter at being fired from the band and
Kirk Hammett with the band. The sound quality proceeds to put down Metallica constantly. He
is good but it seems that record is a bit too fast. talks about Kirk’s guitar playing, how his songs
This LP is a picture disc with a black and white are harder and faster than Metallica’s, and calls
picture of James playing guitar. This was also the the guys from SLAYER posers! This LP is worth
buying just to hear this interview alone. The LP - METAL UP YOUR ASS (14 trax), CEE
first bootleg to come from the U.S. It is pretty FOUR (14 trax)
easy to find and is usually very inexpensive. This interview only appears on the LP called FUCK-

6/7/84 Frankfurt, Germany;

is also the first live appearance of “Fight Fire ING NUTS.
Comments: This is a great recording and the first
With Fire” and “Creeping Death”.

2/11/84 Zwolle, Holland;

to open with “Fight Fire With Fire” instead of

“Hit the Lights”. The LP called “Metal Up Your

Ass” came from Italy around 1985. It became
very popular and quickly went out of print, so it
LP - FRANKFURT 84 (9 trax) was repressed in the U.S. in 1987, as the LP
CD - NONE TO DATE called “Cee Four”. I assume it was called this
LPs - FUCKING NUTS (11 trax), WEED Comments: This is one of the rarest bootlegs in because it is a double LP, therefore having 4
KILLER AND SUGAR (11 trax), LLIK EM existence, I myself do not have it, or know any- sides. The original pressing from Italy is very
ALL (4 trax) one that does. It is the first Metallica bootleg ever hard to find these days, so it is worth quite a bit.
CD - NONE TO DATE made, coming from Germany in 1984. The U.S. pressing is fairly common and usually
Comments: This is the first double LP bootleg to Supposedly it came on red, clear, black, and mul- reasonably priced, so I highly recommend getting
be released and also the first good recording to ticolored vinyl. This is the last bootleg with the this show. It is also the first bootleg to feature a
surface. This LP is pretty hard to come across band opening with “Hit the Lights”. If you ever live version of “The Call of Ktulu”.
nowadays, so swoop on it if you ever see it. It see this one in a used record store buy it on the
has the first live version of “Ride The Lightning” spot, it won’t be there if you wait and come back.
and two classic interviews. One interview is Lars Collectors have been known to pay over $100 for Continued in the next issue of
and Dan Beehler from the band EXCITER this single LP. I can’t tell you anything about the “SO WHAT!”

by Butch “Taz” Richardson

Confusion surrounds me
a swirling cloud,
my thoughts are private
but whispered aloud.

I can’t find the road

that leads to my life,
filled with darkness
that cuts like a knife.

The blade so sharp

slicing through pain,
it’s not quick relief
but sorrow I gain.

Loved ones turn away

I beg out for help,
I guess I’m alone
but can’t help myself.

I’d search for the stars

but I can’t find the ground, Glenn Jones
my world is filled
with misery abound.

The road comes in view

but I can’t run,
I must face myself
before I can go on.

Ingo Knollmann

by Kimberly Streible

J.P. knelt down, his knee sinking heavily

into the soil beneath him. The autumn
leaves cracked beneath his weight. He rolled
a toothpick around with the tip of his
tongue, tasting the faint tang of steak sauce.
He looked out into the woods. The trees
look particularly crowded, perhaps it was
the remainders of the morning fog. It was
much too dark. The air lapped at his face
with a sharp chill and he felt it travel down
his spine. Maybe, today was not such a
good day for a wolf hunt. Visibility was bad
and this wolf had taken down one hunter a
month earlier. Have to be on your toes, he
told himself the morning he and James
agreed to hunt for the damn thing.
“Are you going to sit there all day, or
we gonna go get this thing?” James asked.
J.P. was startled and he cleared his
throat loudly. The man stood behind him,
towering over him like an old oak tree. The
young man was built like an animal himself.
He was tall, muscular and broad shouldered.
His hair fell past his shoulders and onto his
chest, like the mane of a lion.
Tim Johnson
“Yeah, I was just thinking,” J.P.
“Look, I thought we could make our
own trails today. It would be useless to fol-
low the usual trails. No one has come upon
this wolf without him knowing first. We
have to be unpredictable if we’re going to
surprise this thing.” James looked down at
the old man. His eyes were heavy with
worry, and he could tell that the old man
was having second thoughts. But this was
his idea, the old man was the one all gung-
ho about killing the wolf. And if a wolf hunt
was what the old man wanted, then that was
what he was in for. “I also think we should
split up,” James added, grinning slightly
like a mischievous child.
“Split up?” the old man piped. “What
“It would be easier. Look, I’m faster
than you, and quieter. I can hear you walk-
ing from a mile away. I’ll be just ahead of
James carried his rifle at his side. J.P.
opened his mouth to protest, but said
continued on page 42 Ingo Knollmann

continued from page 41

ed ears, staring at him. He
nothing. James stepped around the trees and flinched, but the eyes were calm
looked over his shoulder. The old man had and still. He slowly moved the gun
stood up. He gripped his rifle in his hand forward pointing the barrel in front
and stepped out into the fog. James smiled. of him. He lifted the gun to his
He wouldn’t let the old man get far without shoulder carefully and slowly. As
a close eye. his thumb touched the hammer, the
“May the best,” he paused, looking for eyes were gone. He lowered the
the appropriate word, “beast win.” James gun slightly. Momentarily he could
said, and disappeared into the arms of dark- see the wolf running between the
ness. trees, but soon it was gone.
James lay his rifle against the side of “Shit,” he muttered, and stum-
the large tree that stood directly outside of bled backward. “Boy! Where are
the abandoned mine shaft and shed his jack- you boy!” he shouted.
et. Just then, as if he’d been bludgeoned, he There was fear in the old
fell to his knees. The burning behind his man’s voice. As he continued to
eyes felt like fire in his skull. He moaned step backward waiting, there was a
and writhed like a snake. The burning trav- rustling from behind. He turned
eled down into his chest and he thrashed sharply and the wolf was on him.
around, flinging off his boots and pulling at They fell to the ground and J.P.
his hair. The ankles of his jeans ripped as looked closely into the eyes. They
his ankles twisted and enlarged. His feet were sharp and piercing like the
stretched and his legs snapped and cracked edge of a dagger. The wolf pulled
as his body began to mutate. The spine back his lips and let his canines
popped and he screamed. It was a horrify- hang inches over the old man’s
ing, guttural howl that a man was not capa- throat. The weight was incredible.
ble of. As the spine contorted and raised his The animal seemed to weigh a ton,
back, he was no longer a man. As his face but the old man was frozen with
was pulled and stretched like clay, he was fear. For once, the power had changed hands
Glenn Jones
no longer a man. As the hair on his body and he lie helpless. He looked back
became a coat, and his eyes were none more into the thing’s eyes and for a sec-
black, he was no longer a man. He was what ond he thought he recognized a
they hunted, and in his own right he was the faint image of the man he knew,
hunter. but then it was gone.
J.P. stepped past the trees and deeper The wolf thrust forward, bury-
into the chill of the woods. He gripped his ing his teeth into the old man’s
rifle and held it only inches in front of his neck. He tore the skin like clay and
chest. He listened for sounds, but it was clamped the bones with his jaw.
deathly quiet. What time was it anyway, he The old man’s eyes stared up at the
wondered. He’d felt as if he had been walk- sky that had broken clear. Blood
ing for hours. That crazy kid was probably trickled from the open hole in his
at the local bar having a beer. What the hell neck and he lay still as the beast
was he doing out here anyway? So the wolf pulled away. There was a faint
had a couple of Petrie’s lamb, so what. A weeping sound, like that of a child
faint sound came from behind him and he and the beast was gone. James
stopped abruptly. retrieved the gun that lie next to
The air was still and he waited. The hair J.P. It was splattered with blood.
stood on the back of his neck like a premo- He stepped back into the forest,
nition or a warning. It came again, over the towards town. He would have to
fog and through the trees. It was a howl, and stop off at the trailer and retrieve a
it came from behind. J.P. knew, as his hands new change of clothes, then he
shook uncontrollably, that he was being would have to tell everyone about
hunted. J.P. They would send a search
He twirled around and searched the dis- party out for the body and he
tance before him. The trees all came togeth- would join them. He wiped a single
er like a big brown blanket. Suddenly he line of blood from underneath his
saw them, through the wall of color. The chin. They would hunt the wolf
eyes, big and black, the grey face and point- again, and he would be ready.
Glenn Jones

by Cory Kohut

Ostracized from your world

I learned to survive

Try to kill my only hope

But you’re the one who will die

I’m the one you fear

When the final Judgement comes
It’s you who will perish in my ashes

But what is this I see

You have begun to appreciate me

Because of success and wealth

You change your evil ways

Now I am the exalted one

But I won’t play your games

I will not put my name to shame

I will overcome Ingo Knollmann

What twisted hypocrisy
you fed to me?

Brian Smith Lorrie Loch


by Eric “Moebius” Morlin

Seductive Romance of inviting
the girl next door to share
my Waffle House booth with me.
Smoking cigarettes,
all hers…
And one thing leads to me and
her, out at the cliffside,
looking over the highway,
as I bite on the back
of her neck…
and she doesn’t even say,
“Hey we just met.”
as I slide my fingers into her
Ingo Knollmann panties, thinking, Damn. There’s
enough moisture here to heal
drought ridden California…
And though we didn’t put on quite
the show I wanted for the traffic
below, she did take the greasy
taste of the food out of my mouth.

44 Jerry Ahkang Glenn Jones


Tara Tower

Herman Boerkamp
This is your section to display your artistic ten-
dencies. We will accept photos, artwork, poetry ANY-
THING… normally we will look for Metallica orient-
ed items, but if we receive something which is just too
good to ignore we will print it!

(Fossilized in Waking)
NO FEES WILL BE PAID. This is just your
chance to publicly display that treasured photo taken

by Eric “Moebius” Morlin

with James, or that piece of artwork that you did
inspired by ‘THE UNFORGIVEN’ or whatever…
One day I woke up, and my DON’T NEED IT BACK.
We cannot use artwork that is larger than 8-1/2"
worry stone was broken x 14", so if your artwork is (drawing or painting) is
had cracked clean through larger than 8-1/2" x 14", please send us a slide or pho-
tograph of the picture.
under the pressure of my You may submit photos, drawings or prose in
dreams… any form (within reason).
Send all materials you wish to be considered to :
One day, I woke up and I’d
been turned into sculpture THE METALLICA CLUB
by the gaze of a girl so
PO BOX 18327
KNOXVILLE, TN 37928-2327
“I have become like some USA
fountain, for the wishin’,”
I said, “Don’t throw coins. FOLLOWING WITH YOUR WORK :
wade out to me, and kiss Cliff 1. Your membership #, name and address details
me open-mouthed” kicks ass 2. A brief explanation of the work

–taste water–
3. The following words : “I hereby guarantee that
at playin’ bass this is my own work and I give permission for it
thrashes & bashes
“drown on my breath…” to be reproduced in ‘SO WHAT !’ (The Metallica
This night we shall swim
Club Magazine).”
4. Your signature and date
to the sculpture garden WE CANNOT ACCEPT ANY WORK
and make love on marbled WITHOUT THE ABOVE.
shores… Gregory Osterhoudt
TRADE. I have over 100 shows on
LIVE METALLICA SHOWS video, over 200 on audio! Send me
AVAILABLE. All tours includ- your list. C-YA
ing ’94 shows. Official releases also HORST BECKER
available including Megaforce, ALTE-HOFSTR. 21
Vertigo and Elektra releases. Write GRUNDAU 63584
for extensive audio/video list. GERMANY
USA many shows to present. Over 100
PHONE: (516) 486-3009 concerts on audio and video.
(Includes audience and soundboard
LIVE METAL UP YOUR ASS. recordings.) Write for list.
Early, rare, and high quality shows BRIAN SMITH
wanted. Several shows for sale / 957 WYE DR.
trade. Your list gets mine. Misfits SEYMOUR, TENNESSEE 37865
stuff too! USA
WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60187 Send your list to receive mine of
USA over 120 Metallica shows. Seeking
PHONE: (708) 690-2454 quality worldwide contacts to trade
with. 1982–1994. Send list to:
Huge selection, best prices. Call or 825 E. ROOSEVELT #217
send for list. High quality. Write to: LOMBARD, ILLINOIS 60148
URB “ALAMOS 2” No. 13

The largest selection of rare LIVE SHIT: Imports and videos.
Metallica audios and videos avail- Huge selection, best prices. Call or
able anywhere. Please send S.A.S.E. write for a list of Metallica shit!
46 USA PHONE OR FAX: (714) 447-8633
BUYERS, Seek and Buy Classified Form
SELLERS,  Please print legibly
Your membership #:
FOR Address:
Telephone: ( )
This feature is in the form of advertise-
ments sent in by club members Business or Private ad (state one):
offering to buy, sell or trade anything
connected with Metallica. This can Your ad will appear exactly as below. If you do not wish certain info
include rare recordings (official or
bootleg), posters, pictures or just about (ie. telephone number) to be in your ad, leave it blank.
any other Metallica related item. We
will not be able to verify advertised
goods, so buyers beware! Before you
part with hard-earned cash or valued
goods, make sure you know what you
are getting and when you are getting
it! If you have any doubts, don’t do it!

Anyone wishing to place an advertise-

ment should use the form supplied
here (or a photocopy of it). No ads will
be accepted in any other form.

Ads will be accepted on a first come

basis and subject to space limitations.
We cannot guarantee in which
particular issue(s) an ad will be placed.
name street address
Ads must be printed clearly, a
minimum of ten words to a maximum
of twenty-five (not including address city province/state zip code

However the ad is submitted to us is

how it will appear in print - so if you country telephone fax number
do not want your telephone number (or
something) advertised DO NOT
include it on the form.
I have enclosed my check or money order # for $10.
Any retail or other type of business
placing an ad must make it clear that Please include above ad in your next available Seek and Buy feature.
they are business advertisers.

Items or services which violate US Please enclose a check or money order for $10 and send to:
laws must not be advertised.
The Metallica Club
The advertising rate is as follows :
max. 25 words including a, and, the
Seek & Buy
Payment in the form of check or P.O. Box 18327
money order must be included when Knoxville, TN 37928-2327
ad is submitted.
The following is a list of club members who wish to correspond with other members.


10631 Mogadore Ave. 610 Fox Street #A
Uniontown, Ohio 44685-9435 Lemoore, California 93245


71 Washington Ave. Karinsgrand 16
Glen Head, New York 11545 Tierp
USA S-81545
2600 N. Brinton Ave. JANET LUTWINIAK
Dixon, Illinois 61021 40 Bromley Place
USA Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003
21345 Ball Ave. PAUL BUETHE
Euclid, Ohio 44123 8902 N. 19th Ave. #3003
USA Phoenix, Arizona 85021-6010
Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124 69-A-15 Sturgozia
USA Pleven
431 Andover Dr.
Pacifica, California 94044 ALBERT “TAZ” RICHARDSON
USA #913615
P.O. Box 30 47-6J
GREGORY OSTERHOUDT Pendleton, Indiana 46064
3 Wantaugh Avenue USA
Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 (Albert wants it to be known that he is in
USA prison.)


3890 Neuberry Ct. 205 Walnut St.
Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005 Princeton, West Virginia 24740


33 Monks Lane (E-MAIL ONLY)
Newbury Internet:
RG14 7HE Bitnet:
United Kingdom JLJOHN Ø5@ UKCC


HHB 1-8 FA, Box 14 318 Grobmyer Ave.
Schofield Barracks, Hawaii 96857 Carrollton, Kentucky 41008


6126 Laramie P.O. Box 604
Humble, Texas 77396 Crosslake, Minnesota 56442-0604


5038 N. 55th Ave. #2053 18 Somerset Street KEVIN COUNTERMINE
Glendale, Arizona 85301 Belfast 100 Genesee Street
USA BT7 295 Attica, New York 14011
N. Ireland USA
3104 West Route 17 #5 KATIA LUCK MARIEKE van KESSEL
Kankakee, Illinois 60901 c/o “Straloch Bavarian Béziershof 31
USA Warmblood Stud” 5627 NR Eindhoven
Sittyton, Straloch Holland
88 Brewster Street Aberdeen, AB2 ORP PHIL BROWER
Staten Island, New York 10304 Scotland 12505 Arbor View Terrace
USA Silver Spring, Maryland 20902
DEANN CATHERMAN 46 Golfview Ave.
5600 Eisenhower Toronto, Ontario M4E 2K1 AKAM. HETFIELD
Hutchinson, Kansas 67502 Canada 1 Lintlaw Place
USA Bletchley
TARA TOWER Milton Keynes
SHAUN A. SPADAFORA 3564 Cedarhill Rd. Bucks
31 Gooch Street Victoria, British Columbia MK3 6PZ
Melrose, Massachusetts 02176 V8P 3Z1 England
USA Canada
Rruga Budi 75/2 15 Hamble Road Vancouver B.C. V6P 2Y4
Tirane Greenmeadow Canada
Albania Swindon
CANNY ROSE SN2 3PF 2712 N. Delaware
JL. Tenis No.20 RT 04/10 England N. St. Paul, Minnesota 55109
Arcamanik USA
Jawa - Barat 40293 426 Colony Court My name is Matt Findon, and I recently
Indonesia Wyckoff, New Jersey 07481 went to see Metallica at Great Woods
USA Perfoming Arts Center, in Mansfield, MA,
JEFF BIELE on June 11. I met a girl with long, curly
15 Brownstone Terrace KIM MEUL blond hair, glasses, and a black/white check-
Hawthorne, New Jersey 07506 Aarschotsestraat 124 ered flannel over a black Metallica t-shirt.
USA 1800 Peutie She was with her mom. Whoever you are, I
Belgium was really attracted to you and your attitude.
BLYTHE MOTTRAM We talked after the show (you had back-
6 Atwell Court SHARON McLAUGHLIN stage passes) and we were next to each other
Kardinya WA 82 Esta Road in the fourth row, seat 27, I think. You seem
Australia 6163 Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 like a very cool girl and I want to find out
USA who you are. Please write to me!!
(can correspond in English, French and ANDREAS HARLANDER 18 Tomahawk Rd.
German) Wilhelm-Weindler-Str. 38a Queensbury, New York 12804
86 Rue de Niedercorn 85435 Erding USA
L-4762 Petange Germany
G.-D. of Luxembourg
JON PIKE If you’re interested in corresponding with
STEVE KLINKE 408 E. Oak, Box 151 other Metallifans, send us your address
5704 Cove Circle Mahomet, Illinois 61853 and we’ll publish it in our next mag.
Madison, Wisconsin 53716 USA Send it to:
ISABELLE LEFORT 10163 Searcy Court
Wherever I May Write
The Metallica Club
14 Allée Hansi Orlando, Florida 32817
93110 Rosny S/Bois USA P.O. Box 18327, Knoxville, TN 37928-2327 , USA
France Pick an address, write to it, and wait on
PHIL JOINNIDES mail to come to you.
PATRICIA (PAT) BERNAL 1st Panzers Militia We cannot be responsible for death or
1106 E. Yandell #2 P.O. Box 843 dismemberment as a result of publishing
your address. You know the risks.
El Paso, Texas 79902 Bellport, New York 11713

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