Nhs Health Check Programme Literature Review

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The NHS Health Check Programme Literature Review is a comprehensive examination of the

existing literature surrounding the effectiveness, implementation, and outcomes of the NHS Health
Check Programme. This review delves into various scholarly articles, research papers, and reports to
provide a thorough understanding of the program's impact on public health, disease prevention, and
healthcare delivery.

Writing a literature review on the NHS Health Check Programme is no easy task. It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and synthesis of information from a wide range of sources. Researchers
must sift through numerous studies, evaluate their methodologies, findings, and relevance to
construct a cohesive narrative that accurately represents the current state of knowledge on the topic.

One of the challenges of writing a literature review is the sheer volume of information available.
With the NHS Health Check Programme being a topic of significant interest and ongoing research,
navigating through the vast array of literature can be daunting. Moreover, ensuring the inclusion of
relevant studies while filtering out irrelevant or outdated information requires careful attention to
detail and expertise in the subject matter.

Another challenge is the need for objectivity and impartiality in presenting the findings. Researchers
must critically evaluate each study's strengths and limitations, acknowledging potential biases and
conflicts of interest that may influence the results. Maintaining an unbiased perspective is crucial for
ensuring the credibility and reliability of the literature review.

Given the complexities and challenges associated with writing a literature review on the NHS Health
Check Programme, it is advisable for individuals seeking assistance to consider professional help. ⇒
StudyHub.vip ⇔ offers specialized writing services tailored to meet the specific needs of researchers
and academics. With a team of experienced writers who are well-versed in public health, healthcare
policy, and research methodology, ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ can provide comprehensive literature reviews
that adhere to the highest standards of quality and rigor.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, you can rest assured that your work will
be handled with the utmost professionalism and expertise. Whether you need assistance with
literature search, data extraction, analysis, or writing, ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ can offer personalized
support to help you achieve your academic goals. Contact us today to learn more about our services
and how we can assist you in completing your NHS Health Check Programme literature review.
Costs of informal care and productivity losses due to CVD came to ?10.39 billion in 2015, excluding
the direct costs incurred by social care. CD will read the full text of all the documents that have been
included after initial screening. In addition to the material identified for inclusion in the review,
additional information obtained via a survey will also provide rich data on contexts and mechanisms
in different localities, which will enhance our ability to make sense of the data from the documents
identified in the searches. In other words, more searches may be undertaken if we find that we
require more data to develop and test certain parts of our programme theory. Health economic
results suggest that, from a societal perspective, every ?1 spent in further investment would give a
return of ?5.18. From a health and social care perspective it is likely to be cost effective. Be SMART:
examining the experience of implementing the NHS Health Check in UK primary care. As necessary,
we will employ the same decision-making processes as were used during screening in step 2.
References 1. ? Murray CJ, Richards MA, Newton JN, et al. What are the important contexts which
determine whether the different mechanisms produce intended outcomes. They are offered to people
without pre-existing disease aged between 40 and 74, free of charge, every 5 years. Actually there’s
another problem, capturing the people. All of the qualitative studies were considered to be of
medium or high quality, and the three quantitative studies were all of medium quality. Synthesising
data from different documents is often necessary to compile CMOCs, as not all parts of the
configurations will always be articulated in the same document. None of the reviews conducted to
date have effectively used this abundant learning from the local level. Health checks and
cardiovascular risk factor values over six years' follow-up: matched cohort study using electronic
health records in England. Lack of time and staff were also referred to in qualitative interviews with
pharmacy staff. Being able to calculate the return on investment ( ROI ) is important for this, as it
will allow decision makers to make the best options for improving and protecting health. Patients'
perceptions and experiences of cardiovascular disease and diabetes prevention programmes: a
systematic review and framework synthesis using the theoretical domains framework. Don’t worry
we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. In addition, restrictions on face-
to-face contact and increased pressure on health services have created a new impetus to adapt
programme delivery and may speed up the proposed shift to introduce digital methods or other
innovations. Disclaimer The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not
necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. Their ability to help
people make behaviour change often depends on their beliefs about the benefit of the check, their
capability to support change, and their confidence that people will change (annex B). However, it is
timely, as coronavirus (COVID-19) has revealed the true cost of high levels of underlying chronic
disease and its risk factors, accentuated health inequality, and clearly demonstrated the value to
society of good health for all. NHS Health Check comorbidity and management: an observational
matched study in primary care. Through citation searching, one additional article was identified.
Eleven million people (20% of the UK population) lack basic digital skills, or do not use digital
technology at all. I thank the steering committee, as well as the expert panel and stakeholder groups,
for their time, expertise and wisdom. The NHS health check in England: an evaluation of the first 4
years. Our approach will be integrative, valuing the different forms of knowledge that are required to
produce findings capable of informing complex decision-making. 66 A range of audiences will be
interested in the review’s findings and recommendations, including: Policy-makers, decision-makers
and commissioners of NHS Health Checks. Participants: all adults eligible for NHS Health Checks.
In some instances, speculations regarding the cause and consequences of identified errors are
provided. Our survey will be designed in collaboration with our stakeholders and pilot tested prior to
being distributed as an online survey (using Jisc Online Surveys) to all 152 upper-tier and unitary
LAs in England. Introduction Despite improvements in clinical care and reductions in risk factors
such as smoking, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of years of life lost in the
UK, 1 with nearly 400 people dying each day from CVD across England and Wales. 2 To help
reduce this burden of disease, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 3 4 and WHO 5
recommend incorporating primary prevention initiatives. A free NHS Health Check can help someone
reduce these risks and make sure that they stay healthy. Some of our proposed strategies for
identifying additional data are listed above (point 3), but this list is not necessarily exhaustive. Our
survey will be sent to all 152 LAs in England to gather detailed information on programme delivery
(including COVID-19-related changes) and available referral services. CD will undertake this step
with support from GW and EG. A free NHS Health Check can help you reduce these risks and make
sure that you stay healthy. In turn, the NHS Health Check can provide an important gateway into
existing initiatives within the UK life sciences portfolio. If disagreements remain, the matter will be
presented to JK and resolved by majority vote. Both add further local learning which could be used
to help understand what works, for whom, how and in what setting. Evaluation commissioned by
the Tees Primary CareTrusts (PCT) from the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health. To
provide recommendations on tailoring, implementation and design strategies to improve the current
delivery and outcomes of the NHS Health Check programme in different settings, for different
groups. The potential for adding some of these conditions was considered, along with the
underpinning evidence (annex C). These offer the opportunity to transform all aspects of the NHS
Health Check, including accessibility, scale, conduct and delivery. I am also grateful to the Public
Health England ( PHE ) NHS Health Check review team, who carried out research, analysis and
writing at a time when their organisation was undergoing radical change. The NHS Health Check in
England: an evaluation of the first 4 years. Middlesbrough, UK: Centre for Health and Social
Evaluation, 2010. 29. ? NHS Greenwich. Evaluation of NHS Health Check PLUS Community
Outreach Programme in Greenwich. Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes a quarter of
all deaths in the UK and is the largest cause of premature mortality in deprived areas. In England, the
NHS Health Check provides a cornerstone for the prevention of 7 of the top 8 risk factors for early
death and disability identified in the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. NHS health check
programme rapid evidence synthesis. Survey response rates may be adversely affected by COVID-
19 pressures, and we will need to take steps to mitigate these wherever possible. I thank the steering
committee, as well as the expert panel and stakeholder groups, for their time, expertise and wisdom.
It accounts for an estimated ?8.96 billion a year in NHS healthcare costs alone. BMJ disclaims all
liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. It was first launched in
2009, aiming to offer a 5-yearly assessment of individual risk of developing coronary heart disease,
stroke, diabetes and chronic renal disease to the population aged between 40 and 74 years. 3 The
Health Check involves measurement of key risk factors and calculation of CVD risk, followed by
discussion and agreement on lifestyle and pharmacological approaches to managing the risk. The
NHS Health Check is a free check-up of your overall health. Our initial programme theory will be
presented to our stakeholder group and refined based on their feedback. Finally, all but two studies
were conducted prior to 2013 and so are more representative of the initial phase of the programme
and may not reflect changes since then. This will have the effect of moving away from individual
risk condition modelling and aspiring towards modelling the cumulative effect of holistic action on
Both are associated with a large burden of morbidity, as described in annex C. Optimal anti-
hypertensive treatment of diagnosed hypertensives averts within 3 years. OpenUrl PubMed 20. ?
McDermott L, Wright AJ, Cornelius V, et al. These were empirical (quantitative and qualitative)
studies of the NHS Health Check. This suggests more could be done to personalise the check and the
support for behaviour change. CINAHL, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature;
HMIC, Health Management Information Consortium; NHS, National Health Service; PRISMA,
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. In particular, they described
how, owing to other commitments, most pharmacists did not have the capacity to perform the initial
assessments as part of the NHS Health Checks. Although the studies included a range of
professionals from different settings, the views reported may, therefore, reflect the opinions of those
who are particularly enthusiastic or negative or have strong views about the NHS Health Check
programme. Exclusion Cardiovascular screening programmes run in countries other than England.
Further, the science of nutrition is particularly contentious and territorial. The full text of included
documents will be uploaded into NVivo (a qualitative data analysis software tool). Initially, studies
were screened by title and abstract for potential relevance to the NHS Health Checks. Recent
examples of questionable nutrition publications from major journals In the following subsection, we
review recent examples of questionable or inaccurate publications related to nutrition. While medical
treatment such as statins may not be appropriate for them, the risk is that their 10-year risk score
could give false reassurance. Patients' perceptions and experiences of cardiovascular disease and
diabetes prevention programmes: a systematic review and framework synthesis using the theoretical
domains framework. The NHS Health Check revealed a surprisingly high level of modifiable risk
factors (more than three-quarters of attendees had at least one elevated risk factor) even among
people aged under 50. This additional searching will greatly increase the amount of relevant data
available to us for the realist review. The meetings will be chaired by GW or VH (our PPI Lead, a
member from the Public Involvement in Pharmacy Studies at Medway School of Pharmacy group).
In so doing, we identified an existing focus on the early steps in our initial programme theory, and
especially on invitation and uptake of the NHS Health Check (see figure 2 ). COVID has moved
health to the top of everyone’s agenda and demonstrated that it is possible to engage rapidly and
effectively, and at scale with the public. Matched cohort study using electronic health records. NHS
health check and healthy lifestyle in Leicester, England: analysis of a survey dataset. Participants
may also have responded in ways that reflected best practice or views they felt they ought to hold
rather than their true views. In light of this particular CMOC and any supporting data, does the
programme theory need to be changed. Each new element of data will be used to refine the theory if
appropriate, and as the theory is refined, included studies will be rescrutinised to search for data
relevant to the revised theory that may have been missed. We will supplement this existing
information with our own survey, by asking questions related to current delivery models (in 2021,
following the COVID-19-related pause to the service) and questions related to options for onward
referral and follow-up of patients after the Health Check encounter. Professor Kevin Fenton blogged
about COPD and the new Smokefree campaign on Huffington Post. Conversely, there has been less
focus on what happens next, in relation to follow-up, onward referral and ongoing support for
lifestyle and behaviour change. In addition, recruiting GPs was consistently reported to have been
difficult, especially from practices performing fewer NHS Health Checks, and the pharmacists who
took part were all from pharmacies already involved in delivering NHS Health Checks; these studies
are therefore at a particular risk of selection bias. NHS Health Check commissioning: Review of
commissioner’s current and potential use of weighted financial remuneration, 2018. ? Pawson R,
Greenhalgh T, Harvey G, et al.
Within the analytic process set out above, we will use interpretive cross-case comparison to
understand and explain how and why reported outcomes have occurred, for example, by comparing
the elements within the NHS Health Check programme which have produced a particular outcome
against those which have not, to understand how context has influenced reported findings. At all
stages, the existing research demonstrates wide variation in implementation and practice, and
significant uncertainties in relation to understanding this variation and the optimal strategies for
increasing coverage and uptake, delivery models and maximising important patient outcomes.
Atherosclerosis particularly results in coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral arterial disease.
PHE has agreed to send the survey on our behalf through its local networks and send up to two
reminders to non-responders. They will then encounter a service that takes a wider view of their
health and wellbeing. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Data sharing statement All data are available
from the reports or authors of the primary research. Our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s
COVID-19 recovery strategy, 2020. ? NHS. NHS health check, 2020. In addition, recruiting GPs
was consistently reported to have been difficult, especially from practices performing fewer NHS
Health Checks, and the pharmacists who took part were all from pharmacies already involved in
delivering NHS Health Checks; these studies are therefore at a particular risk of selection bias. To
allow for appreciation of the data reviewed in these studies, illustrative quotations have been
included alongside the analytical themes presented. Health economic results suggest that, from a
societal perspective, every ?1 spent in further investment would give a return of ?5.18. From a health
and social care perspective it is likely to be cost effective. This evidence also needs to be combined
with more comprehensive knowledge of the variety of ways in which different localities implement
the NHS Health Check programme. Any disagreements will be resolved by discussion, and if
disagreements remain, JK will be asked for her opinion, and resolution will be by majority vote.
Methods and analysis We aim to understand how the NHS Health Check programme works in
different settings, for different groups, so that we can recommend improvements to maximise
intended outcomes. The provision of NHS health checks in a community setting: an ethnographic
account. Initial programme theory behind NHS Health Checks and some of the processes that may
influence outcomes. It is by combining and analysing this evidence that we seek to answer the
important research questions set out below. Competing interests CD and GW are both members of
the Royal College of General Practitioners (UK) Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment Group. You will
be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. In a
survey of 442 community pharmacists, 19 the three most important perceived barriers to
implementation were lack of time, lack of staff and lack of reimbursement (all reported by over 55%
of respondents). Capitalising on this may be an effective way to reduce pressure on GPs while at the
time empowering pharmacists to take on a wider role within healthcare. 45 Acknowledgments We
thank our patient and public representatives Kathryn Lawrence and Chris Robertson for providing
helpful comments on the findings and the NHS Health Checks Expert Scientific and Clinical
Advisory Panel working group for providing us with the initial literature search conducted by Public
Health England. CD is an information specialist with extensive experience of conducting searches for
complex systematic reviews, particularly realist reviews. Objective 2: to map current delivery across
England This objective will both enable additional material (local knowledge, unpublished
evaluations and examples of best practice and COVID-19-related innovation) to be identified for the
review and provide a comprehensive overview of how different localities across England implement
the NHS Health Check programme. Professor Kevin Fenton blogged about COPD and the new
Smokefree campaign on Huffington Post. In addressing inequality, they differ on whether it is best to
engage with everyone at a younger age or just those who would benefit most, and they are
concerned about the practicality of extending the check to more people (annex D). This is a national,
mandated programme, originally commissioned by Primary Care Trusts across England. In step 1, we
will refine this model within the project team and present it to our stakeholder group for their
feedback. Do health checks improve risk factor detection in primary care. There was evidence from
both quantitative and qualitative studies that some commissioners and general practice (GP)
healthcare professionals were enthusiastic about the programme, whereas others raised concerns
around inequality of uptake, the evidence base and cost-effectiveness. A person having a check
should also be made aware that what is good for their heart is good for their brain.

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