Copper Guidance Notes

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Guidance Notes for Applicant Producers

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Listing of Copper – Grade A Brands

Guidance Notes for Applicant Producers

1. Copper producers wishing to apply for LME brand registration will only be considered provided that they
satisfy the following criteria (the “Core Listing Requirements”):

i) The producer has been in business for at least 12 months.

ii) The production plant has been in production for a minimum of 12 months or, if in the opinion of
the LME Copper Committee, adequate production capacity utilisation and satisfactory quality
has been achieved at an earlier date.
iii) The production plant has the capacity to produce a minimum of 15,000mt per annum of Grade A
copper cathodes.

2. The producer is required to choose a Category 1-5 Member to process their brand application (see
Rulebook Part 7, Rule 1) on their behalf. Thereafter, all correspondence will be via the selected Member
Company. A list of Category 1-5 Members expressing a general willingness to assist producers list their
brands can be found here

3. Production from more than one production plant must be separately listed. Each production plant must
have a different brand name.

4. Producers will be required to comply with the LME’s Responsible Sourcing Policy.

5. The application is in two stages and all documentation must be submitted in English.

6. The LME and LMEC reserve the right to discuss without restriction, any information provided with any
regulatory body; any third party provider of KYC, screening or other monitoring services; or any other
persons or organisations, as the LME/LMEC may in their absolute discretion decide, and to make such
other enquiries as they think fit (including using the information provided by the producer in such

7. Payment of the brand listing fee is required at Stage One of the application process. The fee is
US$65,000 plus UK VAT and is non-refundable1.

Value Added Tax (VAT): Under current UK legislation, the LME understands that LME members
established in the UK submitting applications for their own production operations or for third party producers
must pay UK VAT to the LME at the ruling rate at the time of application, regardless of domicile of the
producer. LME members should only on-charge UK VAT to producers established in the UK. LME members
not established in the UK making applications do not have to pay UK VAT to the LME regardless of the
location of the production operations. This information is for guidance only and relevant parties should
always seek their own advice in relation to tax matters. The LME will have no liability for reliance on the
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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Stage One
The producer is to supply the following information in a letter on their headed notepaper addressed to the
LME (the “Application Letter”)2:

1. The name of the LME Member processing their application.

2. The full name and address of the producer to be listed by the LME.

3. Brief details of the history of the producer.

4. Details of the ownership of the producer.

5. The address of the production plant.

6. The first date of production of the plant.

7. The name of the brand subject of the application.

8. The first date of production from which the producer guarantees the brand as meeting

9. The design capacity.

10. The current annualised use of capacity.

11. The monthly production figures for the previous 12 months.

12. The brand name for any non-Grade A copper cathodes not recycled in the production plant
which must differ from the brand name used for the application.

13. The names of three testers the producer intends to use for testing (Stage Two). The testers
must be from the list of LME Approved Testers of Copper provided at the end of the Guidance
Notes. The producer will need to provide evidence of the testers’ willingness to test with their

The Application Letter must be signed and dated. The signatory should state their position within the
producer company.
The Copper Committee will provide approval of the nominated testers as part of Stage Two.
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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

The following information (the “Additional Listing Requirements”) is to be provided by attachments to the
covering Application Letter:

A. The following financial information:

(i) The latest three consecutive profitable externally audited financial statements of the
producer, where available;
(ii) In the event that the producer cannot provide three consecutive profitable externally audited
financial statements, the parent company of the producer must provide three consecutive
profitable externally audited financial statements and a signed Letter of Support4 regarding
the financial position of the producer5;
(iii) Confirmation there has been no restructuring of the producer over the last three years and
there is no ongoing restructuring; and
(iv) Evidence that the capital net worth of the producer6 is a minimum of US$2 million.

B. A copy of the incorporation certificate of the producer.

C. Photographs of the cathode and of strapped bundles (side and top profile), including close up of clips
stating the brand name or of the brand name continuously marked on the straps. It must be clear
from the photographs that the copper is strapped in two dimensions.

D. A sample clip or section of strap showing the brand name.

E. Drawings of the cathode and a bundle showing all dimensions in mm and weighs in kg and including
how many cathodes in a bundle. The following statements must be added to the drawings;
(i) Each bundle is securely strapped in two dimensions with material protected against
corrosion and of sufficient strength and fixing to permit safe handling by fork lift truck without
bundle distortion and breakage;
(ii) The bundle size and shape is suitable for safe and secure stacking; and
(iii) The bundle assembly and security is such that on removing the security straps it remains an
integral free standing bundle.

F. Each bundle must have the producer, production date and reference stated on the bundle either by
indelible markings or durable plasticised label. Provide a sample if used.

G. A Letter of Undertaking dated and signed on behalf of the producer7.

H. An outline of the production process including a process flow diagram.

In accordance with the form appended to these Guidance Notes.
The LME reserves the right to require a signed Letter of Support from the parent company of a producer in
such circumstances regarding the financial position of the producer as it, in its absolute discretion, considers
The capital net worth of the producer shall be determined on the basis of the permanent capital plus
additional capital disallowables. In particular, permanent capital shall be issued and fully paid ordinary
shares, issued and fully paid preference shares, share premium and other reserves not available for
distribution. A deficit in reserves available for distribution will be deducted when calculating permanent
capital. Additional capital shall be considered other equity reserves (distributable or otherwise) and profit and
loss reserves. Further, disallowable items are considered intangible fixed assets such as goodwill,
development costs etc, investments in subsidiaries and/or other group companies.
In accordance with the form appended to these Guidance Notes.
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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

I. A production site plan/diagram.

J. A paper detailing the sampling and analytical process and advising if any aspect of this work is
outsourced. Show the detection levels used for determining impurities.

K. Analysis data for the previous three months for all grades produced at the plant reporting all
elements of BS EN 1978:2022 specification of Cathode Designation Cu-Cath-1. The detection limits
used for each element are to be tabled. Explanations are to be given if any element is not assessed
batch by batch.

L. A list of names of Continuous Cast Copper Rod (CCR) mills that you have supplied in the last 12
months and confirmation that you have no objection to the LME approaching the named mills for
comments on the applicant brand.

M. A copy of the current ISO 9001 Certificate, or, alternatively, that of ISO/TS 16949.

N. Fulfilment of the Responsible Sourcing requirements8.

(i) Evidence of compliance with one of the 4 LME Tracks:
a. Either a Standard Audit report (as per Track A);
b. or an Audit Report of the LME Red Flag Assessment (as per Track B) if no OECD Red
Flags are identified;
c. or an LME RFA (as per Track C) if no OECD Red Flags are identified;
d. or the LME Secondary Material Sourcing Attestation Form (as per Track D) if the
producer sources 100% secondary material.
(ii) A copy of ISO 14001 Certificate or equivalent.
(iii) A copy of ISO 45001 Certificate or equivalent.

It is the producer’s responsibility to ensure that the information in their application complies with
Part 6 of the LME Rulebook – Special Contract Rules for Copper – Grade A and to ensure that no
testing takes place until approval to do so is given by the LME.

For a more detailed understanding of the Responsible Sourcing requirements, please see the LME Policy
on Responsible Sourcing of LME Listed Brands and the dedicated webpage:
GB/About/Responsibility/Responsible-sourcing .

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Stage Two
On receipt of all information in Stage One, the next steps are as follows:

1. The LME will request such additional information as required.

2. The producer will be informed of the testing programme which is normally three separate quotas of
200mt (produced at approximately intervals) to each tester9 .

3. The LME reserves the right to require that Random Selection is utilised for testing. This requires that
the cathodes for testing are selected at random by an LME Listed Sampler and Assayer (LSA) at the
expense of the producer.

4. The LME will write directly to the testers advising them of their nomination and requirements for

5. Testing shall be in accordance with LME procedures and instructions. The testers selected to
evaluate the brand shall will be expected to undertake thorough sampling of wire-rod and ensure that
there is no contamination from other cathode brands melted immediately prior or immediately
following the applicant brand. Complete chemical analysis for all specified elements together with
spiral elongation (SEN) and AR values and measurement of electrical conductivity will be required.
Testing is to be completed within three months of the arrival of each lot at the testers’ site. On
completion of testing, test reports are required to be provided to the LME.

6. The producer is required to provide the LME with their analysis for the production batches that are
sent to each nominated tester.

7. The LME reserves the right to require testing to be extended, if in its sole opinion, such action is
necessary for evaluation of the brand. The tester to carry out any additional quality testing will be
chosen by the LME. Any additional or extended testing will be for the cost of the producer.

8. The producer and/or LME Member will be responsible for making the testing arrangements with the

9. Subject to the receipt of satisfactory reports from the testers and any need to invoke clause 7 above,
the LME Copper Committee will make a recommendation to the LME Executive Committee that the
brand should be listed as suitable for delivery against the Copper Grade A contract.

10. The LME reserves the right to audit any producers’ operations at any time prior to or post listing of a
brand for verification of any aspect of the listing process at the cost of the producer.

11. From time to time the LME will request producers of a listed brand(s) re-affirm the undertakings
originally given at the time of listing. Failure to comply with the undertakings or supply evidence of
continuing compliance with all listing requirements and Part 6 and Part 7 of the LME’s Rules and
Regulations may result in the delisting of the brand(s). If the producer fails to notify the LME promptly
of any change in the information supplied with the original application, or if any such changes, are in
the LME’s view material, then the LME’s Executive Committee may suspend or delist the brand.

12. The listing of any brand is also subject to the provisions of Rules 3 to 7 of Part 7 of the LME’s Rules
and Regulations.

The testing programme is subject to change at the discretion of the LME and Copper Committee.
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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Draft of Producer’s Letter of Undertaking - Copper

This letter must be issued by the applicant producer on headed paper, signed and dated and show
the signatory’s position.

London Metal Exchange

Physical Operations Department
10 Finsbury Square


In consideration of the LME maintaining our Copper Grade A (insert brand name) Brand in its list of brands
deliverable in fulfilment of its Copper Grade A Contract.

1. We (insert company name) undertake that the quality of our Copper Grade A brand (insert brand
name) produced at (insert name and address of smelter) will meet with the requirements of the LME
Contract for Copper Grade A conforming with the BS EN 1978:2022 Cathode Grade Designation Cu-
CATH-1 and its quality will be maintained in accordance with the lots supplied for testing.
2. We also undertake that any complaints we may receive with regard to the quality will be investigated
without any restriction on the period within which such a claim may be made.
3. We undertake that we will not attempt to restrict (insert brand name) brand from being delivered
against the LME Grade A Copper Contract.
4. We further undertake that any change in ownership, financial status, production practice or any other
material circumstance will be advised to the LME without delay and to comply with Rules 3 to 7
inclusive of Part 7, of the Rules and Regulations of the LME, any amendments thereto and any
Notices issued by the LME [and communicated to us by fax or post or e-mail to the above address].
We fully understand that the LME has the full right to require re-evaluation of the brand of cathodes
the subject of this letter if, in its sole opinion, the LME decides that there is any material change to
the listing conditions and/or any subsequent changes in our production process post-listing.
5. This letter of undertaking shall be governed by English law. The courts of England shall have non-
exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes in relation to this letter of undertaking.

Yours sincerely



Company Name………………………………

Position in company…………………………..

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Draft of Parent Company’s Letter of Support

This letter must be issued by the applicant producer’s parent company on headed paper, signed and
dated and show the signatory’s position.

London Metal Exchange

Physical Operations Department
10 Finsbury Square


In consideration of (insert applicant producer’s name)’s application for the listing of (insert brand name) by the
LME, in its list of brands deliverable in fulfilment of the LME’s Copper – Grade A contract, we, (insert parent
company’s name), undertake that (applicant producer’s name) is of good financial standing.
We acknowledge that as (insert applicant producer’s name) has not produced (insert brand name) for a period
of three years, (insert applicant producer’s name) is currently unable to satisfy the financial criteria in full for
LME brand registration. As (insert parent company’s name) is the (insert description of the corporate
relationship i.e. majority shareholder) of (insert applicant producer’s name), we can confirm that we support
(insert applicant producer’s name)’s application and that we will provide financial support to (insert applicant
producer’s name) where such support may be required in order to ensure that (insert applicant producer’s
name) remains of good financial standing.
We further undertake that (insert applicant producer’s name) will inform the LME without delay of any change
in its ownership, financial status, production practice or any other material circumstances that may affect the
good financial standing or reputation of (insert applicant producer’s name) and/or (insert brand name).
This letter of support shall be governed by English law. The courts of England shall have non-exclusive
jurisdiction to settle any disputes in relation to this letter of support.

Yours sincerely



Company Name………………………………

Position in company…………………………..

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Strapping Specifications

Steel strapping for all metals.

Polyester strapping for primary aluminium, aluminium alloy, tin, lead and zinc ingots

Strap Size Average Applied Joint Joint Working

Strength Tension Strength Range
(newtons) (newtons) Elongation

Polyester 15.6mm x 0.9mm 6000 3500 Metal 60% 2-3.5%

Polyester 15.6mm x 0.9mm 6000 2500 Friction 80% 2-3.5%
Steel 19mm x 0.63mm 12000 7000 Seal-less 80% 0.1-0.3%
Steel 19mm x 0.63mm 12000 5000 Metal 80% 0.1-0.3%

Polyester strapping upgrade for copper and nickel cathodes

Strap Size Average Applied Joint Joint Working

Strength Tension Strength Range
(newtons) (newtons) Elongation

Polyester 19.0mm x 1.0mm 1000 3500 Metal 60% 2-3.5%

Polyester 19.0mm x 1.0mm 1000 2500 Friction 80% 2-3.5%

Securing of straps

Tool Strap Joint type Maximum applied Joint strength

material tension (newtons)
Manual Polyester Metal seal 3500 60%
Pneumatic Polyester Friction weld 2500 80%
Pneumatic Steel Seal-less 7000 80%
Manual Steel Metal seal 5000 60%

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

LME Approved Testers for

Copper – Grade A Brand Applications

Belgium Contact
Aurubis Belgium NV/SA Mr Martin Sjöberg
31 rue du Marais Tel: +49-40 7883 2251
B-1000 Brussels Mob. +46-709480829
Belgium Email: [email protected]

Canada Contact
Nexans Canada Inc Mr Florin Teglas
460 Durocher Ave. Tel: +1 514 645 2301 X1030
Montreal East, QC, Email: [email protected]
H1B 5H6

China Contact
Guangzhou JCC Copper Product Co., Ltd Mr. Li Shiyin
No. 130 Economic and Technological Zone of Tel: +18520082088
Zengcheng Xintang Town Email: [email protected]
Chuangqiang Road
Zengcheng Area Guangzhou
Jiangxi Copper Company Ltd Mr Xiong Jianping and Mr Zhang Bo
7666, Changdong Avenue Tel: +86 791 8271 0129
Gao Xin District Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Nanchang City
Jiangxi Province 300096
Jiangsu Jiangrun Copper Co., Ltd Mr Yin Jie
Jinhui Industrial Park, Guanlin Town, Tel: + 86-510-87296981
Yixing, Email: [email protected]
Jiangsu, 214251
Nanjing Walsin Metal Co Ltd Mr Zhou Weishan
59, Hengjing Road, Tel: +86 25 8580 5588
Nanjing Economical & Technical Development Email: [email protected]
Jiangsu, 210046
Shandong Province Xiangrui Metal Technology Mr Ning Cai
Co., Ltd Tel: +86 635 6555757
Xiangguang Road, Shifo Town Email: [email protected]
Yanggu County, Liaocheng City
Shandong Province 252327

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

China (continued) Contact

Tongguan Copper Rod and Wire Corp Ms Sun Yuanyuan
Binjiang Industrial Park, Tel: +86 562 5860118/5860712
Xihu 2nd Road, Email: [email protected]
Tongling County
Anhui, 244000

France Contact
Nexans France Lens Mr Arnaud Caudreliez
Boulevard du Marais Tel: +33 361 371 031
62301 Lens Email: [email protected]

Germany Contact
Aurubis AG Mr Martin Sjöberg
Hovestrasse 50 Tel: +49-40 7883 2251
20539 Hamburg 36 Email: [email protected]
Deutsche Giessdraht GmbH Mr Martin Sjöberg
Kupferstrasse 5 Tel: +49-40 7883 2251
D-46446 Emmerich Email: [email protected]
Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH Herr H Heitling
(Testing at Deutsche Giessdraht GmbH rod mill) Tel: +49 211 17368-12
Louise Dumont Strasse 25 Email: [email protected]
40211 Dusseldorf

MKM Mansfelder Kupfer und Messing GmbH Herr Klaus-Dieter Palm

Lichtloecherberg 40 Tel: +49 3476 89 2047
D-06333 Hettstedt Email: [email protected]

Greece Contact
Fulgor Greek Electric Cables S.A Mr George Eleftheriadis
Wall Box 11 Tel: +30 6974401622
Soussaki Email: [email protected]
Ag Theodoroi
P.C. 20100

India Contact
Vedanta Limited Mr Rakesh Mishra
Business Square, C-Wing, 2nd Floor Tel: +91 22 6643 4537
Opposite Popular Car Bazar Email: [email protected]
Andheri Kurla Road
Chakala, Andheri (East)
Mumbai 400093, India

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Italy Contact

Aurubis Italia srl Mr Martin Sjöberg

Zona Industriale Tel: +49-40 7883 2251
Pianodardine Email: [email protected]
I-83100 Avellino

Japan Contact
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd Mr Kiyotaka Utsunomiya
1-1-3 Shimaya Tel: +81 6 6466 5517
Konohana-ku Email: [email protected]
Osaka 554-0024

Poland Contact
KGHM Polska Miedz SA Irena Bogucka-Szewc
59-301 Lubin Tel: +48 76 7478 786
ul.M. Sklodowskiej-Curie 48 Email: [email protected]

Russia Contact
ELKAT LLC Mr Viacheslav Efimov
2-nd Kabelnaja ul., 2 Tel: +7 495 673-83-91 (92)
111024 Moscow Email: [email protected]

Spain Contact

CuNext Copper Industries S.L. Soraya Pintor Requena

Avda. de la Fábrica s/n Tel: +34 647542721
14005 – Córdoba Email: [email protected]
Ctra. C17 Km.73.5 Tel: +34 93 859 46 94
08509 – Les Masies de Volgregà Email: [email protected]

Sweden Contact
AB Elektrokoppar Mr Jonas Ciardi
PO Box 914 Tel: +46 4219 5352
S-25109 Mobile: +46 70 761 4726
Helsingborg Email: [email protected]

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Listing of Copper Grade-A Brands

Turkey Contact
Sarkuysan A.S. Mr Sevgur Arslanpay and Mr Canan Cakiroglu
Emek Mahallesi Asiroglu Cad.No 147 Tel: +90 262 676 6600
41700 Darica-Kocaeli Email: [email protected];[email protected]

UAE Contact
Fujairah Gold FZC Mr. A Dinesh Kumar
Free Zone-2, PO Box-3992 Tel: +971 92282166 EXT 115
Fujairah Mobile: +971564597399
(UAE) Email: [email protected]

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