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Section B-14 Marks

[2] Question 6.

Derive (using Gauss theorem) an expression for the electric field of an infinitely long line of charge
having coulomb/metre. a uniform charge density of

What is the effect over image of candle formed by it?

Question 4.

A ray of monochromatic light travelling in vacuu with speed c, wavelength and frequency f, entem
into a medium of refractive index 1.5. What will be its new speed and wavelength?

Question 5.

]In an experiment on photoelectric effect. the slope of the stopping voltage Vo versus frequency of
incident light is found to be 412\times10^{-13} Vs. Estimate Planck's constant h. ns.6.592\times10^
Js. (Given e =1.6\times10^{-19}c)


Define A.M.U. (Atomic Mass Unit). Write its value in S.I. system.

Question 7.

Plot graphically variation of impedance (Z) against frequency of ac source in series LCR circuit mark
minimum impedance.

Draw the graphs:


(i) Inductive reactance vs frequency of ac source.

(ii) Capacitive reactance vs frequency.

Question 8.

Find the value of magnetic field at 'O' in the following diagram:

Ans. 0.52 x 105 T, Perpendicular into plane of paper.

Section C-27 Marks

[3] Question 12.

A5 µF capacitor is charged by a dc source of 3 volt, in a camera-flash circuit. What is maximum

charge over the plates of capacitor? When energy of capacitor is discharged through a discharge
tube in 50 us, find the power of the flash. Ans. 15 µC, 0.45 W.

Question 10.

Draw the circuit diagram for comparing the emfs of two cells with the help of potentiometer. Find
the expression also.

Question 11.

Using an appropriate diagram, derive the expression for the motional emf (e) developed in a
conductor of length / moving with velocity u perpendicular to uniform magnetic field B. Obtain the
relation for mechanical power consumed to pull the conductor


For the LCR series circuit, using phasor method show that impedance Z of the circuit is given as

where, symbols have their usual meaning.

A sunshine recorder globe of 30 cm diameter is made of glass of refractive index 1.5. A ray enters the
globe parallel to the axis. Find the position from the centre of the sphere where the ray crosses the
Question 14.

[3] A compound microscope consists of an objective of focal length 2 cm and eye-piece of focal
length 5 cm. When an object is placed at a distance of 2.4 cm from objective, the final image is
virtual and is at 25 cm from the eye-piece. Determine the magnifying power of this microscope in
this set-up, Le., normal use.

Ans. -30.

Question 15.

Using Ampere-Circuital law, find the magnetic flux density, B = μο ni at any point inside a current-
carrying long solenoid. µo is permeability of free space inside the solenoid, n is linear turn density of
solenoid and i, the current passing through it.

Question 16.

[3] Draw the energy level diagram of a hydrogen atom, showing first four energy levels corresponding
to n = 1, 2, 3 and 4. Show transitions responsible for:

(i) Absorption spectrum of Lyman series.

(ii) Emission spectrum of Balmer series.


Give an example where energy is converted into matter. Explain it with the help of equation.

Question 18.

(i) Draw a well labelled ray diagram showing formation of image by an astronomical telescope in
normal use. [2]

(ii) A telescope has an objective of focal length 30 cm and an eye-piece of focal length 3.0 cm. It is
focused on a scale distant 2.0 metres. For seeing with relaxed eye, calculate the separation between
the objective and the eye-piece. [3] Ans. (ii) 33 cm.

OR (i) Write the necessary condition for destructive interference.

(ii) The distance between the first and the sixth bright fringes formed in Young's double-slit
experiment is found to be 12.5 mm and the separation between the slits is 0.12 mm and the
Section D-15 Marks

distance of the screen from the slit is 60 cm.. Calculate the fringe width and the wavelength. of light
used (in nm). [4] Ans. (ii) 4545.45 Å

Question 19.

(i) Define equipotential surfaces. Why two equipotential surfaces never cut each other? (ii) A
spherical drop of water carrying

5 x 10-11 C charge has a potential of 500 V at its surface. (a) What is the radius of the drop?

(b) If two such drops combine to form a single drop, what is the potential at the surface of

the new drop so formed? Ans. (ii) (a) 0.9 mm, (b) 793.7

Explain the statement 'Relative permittivity of water is 81'.

An oil drop having 12 excess electrons is held stationary under a uniform electric field of 2.55 x 10
NC-1. The density of the oil is 1.26 & cm³ Estimate the radius of the drop. Given g = -2 9.81 ms Ans.
(ii) 0.98 µm.

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