Assignment 01

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CE 330-S2 Geotechnical Engineering II

Answer ALL Questions
Assume reasonable data if required.
Due date: 12/02/2024

(a) In an unconfined compression test on a saturated clay, the undrained shear strength was
found to be 6 t/m2. find the major principal stress at failure. Draw the Mohr’s circle.
(b) In an unconfined compression test, a remoulded clay sample of 100 mm long and 50
mm in diameter fails under a load of 150 N at 10% strain. What is the shearing
resistance taking into account the effect of change in cross-section of the sample?
(c) Following question 1(b), if the shearing resistance of the undisturbed sample of the
same soil is 0.102 N/mm2. Determine the sensitivity of the soil and hence classify it

(a) In a consolidated drained triaxial test (CD test), a specimen of clay fails at a cell
pressure of 60 kN/m2. The effective shear strength parameters are cʹ = 15 kN/m2 and ɸʹ
= 20°. Determine the compressive strength.
(b) In a drained triaxial compression test, a normally consolidated soil sample fails at
deviator stress of 150 kPa under confining pressure of 50 kPa. Find the angle of internal
friction of the sample.
(c) Data obtained from a drained triaxial test are as follows. Determine the drained shear
strength parameters cʹ and ɸʹ.

Deviator Stress at Peak

Test No. Minor Princ. Stress (kPa)
1 50 191
2 100 226
3 150 261

The state of stress at a point in a soil is represented in figure 1. Find out the following.
(a) Maximum and minimum principal stress. Mention which is maximum, and which is
minimum principal stress.
(b) Maximum and minimum principal stress orientation with respect to plane X and plane
(c) Maximum shear stress.
(d) Maximum shear stress location with respect to plane X and plane Y.
(e) Normal stress and shear stress acting on a plane making 300 with plane Y.

Solve the Q3 with the help of Mohr circle and verify the values obtained from the analytical

A thin layer of silt exists at a depth of 18m below the surface of the ground. The soil above this
level has an average dry density of 16 kN/m3 and an average water content of 28%. The water
table is 5m below ground surface. For same silt soil UCS test performed and from test it is
found that unconfined compressive strength of silt is 100 kN/m3
Estimate the shearing resistance of the silt on a horizontal plane.

The subsoil at a site consists of a 10m thick homogenous layer of sand having the following
properties 𝛾𝑑=1.62 gm/cc, G=2.68, ∅=35° and horizontal stress at middle of the soil layer can
be assumed as two times the vertical stress then,

Determine principal stresses, principal planes and maximum shear stress,
a. If natural water table lies at 2m below ground surface.
b. If during monsoon the water table rises to the ground level.
c. If water table is at larger depth.

Direct shear tests were performed on a dry sandy soil. The size of the specimen was 6 cm x 6
cm. Test data is given below.
Test no. Normal force Shear force at failure
1 120 72
2 180 120
3 400 240
4 600 360
a) Plot normal stress versus shear stress graph and find the shear strength parameters.
b) For a normal stress of 9.5 N/cm2, what shear force is required to cause failure?
c) Plot the Mohr envelop and find the value of principle stresses at failure for Test 3.

The following results were obtained at failure in a series of drained triaxial tests on fully
saturated clay specimens originally 38mm in diameter by 76mm long. Determine the secant
parameter 𝛷′ for each test and the values of tangent parameters c' and 𝛷' for the stress range

All-round pressure (kN/m²) 200 400 600

Axial compression (mm) 7.22 8.36 9.41
Axial load (N) 565 1015 1321
Volume change (ml) 5.25 7.40 9.30

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