English NAT 6 - 2012

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ENGLISH Begin Here: 1. The Boy Scouts the pupils entering the school everyday. A. checks Cc. B. check checked D. checking N {na small farming community, everyone tills the soil____to produce good harvest. A. silently B. lazily C. patiently D. honestly 3. Read your speech aloud to to help you decide what improvements to make. A. yourself —C. -itself B. himself D. myself S My mother __allot for us at home like cooking, washing clothes and babysitting. A. do C. done B. doing “ D. does 5. The teacher told the story of the Parable of the Seeds. A. clearly C. excitedly B. swiftly D. softly 22 NATG6- 2, 6. Please record your observations before passing the report. C. himself D. ourselves A. myself B. yourself 7. Which of the following is a simple sentence? A.. He played basketball this morning, B. The honor student for this year. i C._In front of the school officials. D. She took the exam but she i failed. Read the following selections then; answer the questions that'follow. A. Items 8 - 14 itwas raining very hard. Six men | | [with ashen faces slumped on two rows | of make-shift bench and there was no catch for the day. Gloomy skies above gave them intangible pale faces | __None of them knew the color of the sky while their eyes looked upon the waves that swept toward them. These waves were of different colors except for its top, which were foaming white. All of | the men knew the color of the sea. The | horizon narrowed and widened, and dipped and rose and all the time they | were ready for the big waves to swallow | | them quickly. And finally they saw an | island in the horizon. eee J | 8. The men in the story were probably A. tourists C. farmers B. swimmers D. fishermen ENGLISH 9. What would likely happen to the six men? A. They will transfer to another boat. B. They will reach the island safely. €. They will not survive. D. They will cross the sea, 19. What is the general mood shown in the selection? A. happiness B. excitement C. sadness D. fear 11. Which of the following events happened last? A. Itwas raining very hard. ‘B. The horizon narrowed and widened. C._ Finally they saw an island in the horizon, D. Their eyes looked upon the waves of different colors. 23 NATG6- A king was taking a walk in the forest when he met an old man. “lama | king and | reign over a big, wealthy | Kingdom. | rule other countries for | am | a great king,” he told the old man, “lam a king, too,” said the old man | slowly and softly “You are?” the king, surprised as he looked at the worn out clothes of the old man, asked him, "What kingdom do you rule?” “I rule myself,” the old man quietly | answered, 1 | 12. What kind of a man was the king? A. proud B. kind C. humble D. cruel 13. After meeting the old man, the King would probably become A. strict. B. humble. C.. wise. D. greedy, 14. What is the general mood in this ‘story? A. funny Cc. B. happy friendly D._ solemn 4 forest. | ENGLISH 45. What is the sequence of events in the story? He met an old man in the 2. The old man answered the king quietly. 3. Aking took a walk in the forest. 4. The king boasted about the extent of what he rules. oom ’ 1 Everyone from the Grade Vi classes meetings of the clubs every Friday. C. attends D. attend A. attending B. attended 417. The drought that hit our area was now than before. A. harder B. hardest C. more hard D. least hard 48. The presentation of the new food festival now is than last year. A. good C. best B. better D. well 24 19, 20. 24. 22. 8 23. NATC We silently watched that movie about friendship. ‘A. ong, touching, one B. long, one, touching C. touching, long, one D. one, long, touching In our neighborhood, fresh, jul y pomelos are sold kilos. A. at C. by 8. with D. from Everybody their intere ie} to the new teacher by greeting hier warmly every morning. A. shows Cc, show B. showed D. have | say my prayers every morning. A. regular Cc. regulars B. regularly D. regulation Having a flat tire in the middl of deserted highway is the __ experience one could ever h A. bad B. worse C.. bette D. wor ENGLISH 24. The trucks collected the” garbage in our barangay. A. two, dump, big B._ big, two, dump C. two, big, dump D. dump, two, big 25. The green farm land is very visible Iie our window. A. at C. from B. on D. beneath . Items 26 - 30 1 The hatching of a robin’s egg can | | be a 20-hour suspense drama: Inside | the shell the chick wabbles its head. As | it does, the egg tooth, a tough bit of horn | | that sits up like a rose thom on the \ | beak, wears a groove that weakens the | | shell. As the growing bird shifts his | | position, the weakened shell cracks | | open. But this is only the beginning. | Hour after hour the feeble little bird | | breaks off pieces of the shell while the | | mother robin looks on. With one blow, | | she could have him out of there — but | she never directly helps. Finally the | | shell falls back, and the wet, stringy- | necked young thing flaps exhausted on | Ee nest of dried grass. NATGGs. 26.. What is the general mood ofsthe selection? A... boring C. melangholic B. dramatic —D. _stispenseful 27. Why does the baby robin take.time in coming out of its shell? A. The baby robin slowly breaks off a piece of the shell B. The baby robin is assisted by the mother in breakingyhis shell 5‘ ©. The young robin rolts around until the egg breaks D.. The young robin waits for the time until the egg breaks open 28. Which of the following statements is a fact? A. The robin works fast to break the shel. B. The hatching of a robin's egg is a very slow process. C. The mother of the robin; makes sure that the egg is» hatched at once. D. The hatching of the robin's egg is similar to the hatehing of the chicken's egg ENGLISH 29. The selection is mainly about A. the weakness of a mother robin B. the formation of a robin's tooth C. the breaking of egg shell D. the hatching of a robin's egg 30. According to the selection, the robin's mother merely as the egg hatches. A. Sooks Cc. B. helps taps D. breaks ; D. Items 31-35 | up it may be, the jeepney always | manages to be elaborately decorated on the outside. Beneath the wind shield | are painted catchy words lifted from | movies, entertainment magazines and | comic books or drawn from the jeepney | driver's own social or fantasy life. Colored plastic bands are taped | around metal railings. Hard plastic cut out designs decorate the seats. Sometimes curtains of cheap materials adorn the windows. Loud paint colors of | red, yellow and green clash against | orange, purple and blue. The jeepney | driver also has to have loud sounds | from his radio and horn constantly on the blare. on No matter how shabby and heat 31. 32. 33. 34, NATGE- . The selection is mainly about the of a jeepney. A. colors C. uniqueness B. price D. movement According to the selection, the jeepney is A. very fast Cc, B. very colorful D. too noisy too cheap What is the general mood shown in a colorful jeepney? A. festive C. B. loud Dz fast slow Which sentence supports the idea that the jeepney is always well decorated? A. There are jeepneys which have loud sounds. B. It does not matter how shabby or heat up it may be C. Loud colors are painted on the outside of the vehicle. D. Plain plastic bands are taper around metal rings. ENCLISH 35. What can you conclude based on the selection? A. Jeepneys are the most beautiful public vehicles. B. Jeepneys are always well decorated, C. Jeepney drivers love to play loud sound in their vehicles. D. Jeepney drivers never get tired driving around. E. Items 36-40 | Aftiend of mine, who was a | classmate in grade school always | thought that cheating is good. He once | said to me, “Why should | study when it is easy to get high grade results without work? The only sin in cheating is being | caught.” And so, despite my repeated | warnings, he was still dishonest during | examinations. But when we took our | high school entrance test, he had a | difficult time. He could not cheat | because the proctors and examiners | were very strict. Thus, he failed and | was bitterly disappointed. He had to feview again for two weeks to re-take | the entrance test. He passed the test | on his second try. Now he believes as | | do, that cheating never par 27 NATG6. 36. The selection is mainly about passing the exams failing in the exams honesty in taking exams pO R> studying hard for the exams 37. What happened to the author's friend when they took the high school entrance exam? A. He passed the exam. B. He failed in the exam. C. He cheated in the exam. D. “He did not finish the exam. 38. Which.among the following statements is an opinion? A. Cheating never pays. B. Cheating may be a choice. C. One cheats if the test is hard, -D. One may cheat provided he does not get caught. ENGLISH 39. What could be the reason why it is better not to cheat? A. B. One can get caught. The test proctor may be very strict, The test will give good results. One can get good grades if one studies hard 28 | | | | | | | NATG6- 40. What is the best conclusion that can be drawn from the selection? A. Cheating is not bad as long as you don't get caught. Studying hard is the best thing you could do before an exam. There are many reasons why one cheats in an exam. The students must study even if they plan to cheat. ** END OF ENGLISH TEST “*

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