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27 July - TVA-TI-P192-01-EN

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Local regulations may restrict the use of this product to below the conditions quoted.

In the interests of development and improvement of the product, we reserve the right to change the specification without notice. © Copyright 2016

MI Issue 3

Flowmeter for
Saturated and Superheated Steam Service
The Spirax Sarco TVA flowmeter is designed for use on saturated and superheated steam (with the dedicated pressure sensor kit) and
operates on the target principle, by measuring the force produced on a moving cone by the fluid flow. This force is then converted into
density compensated mass flowrate and is transmitted via a single loop powered 4 - 20 mA and pulsed output. TVA flowmeters also
incorporate a totalised flow function and EAI 232C (RS 232) or EAI 485C (RS485) Modbus communications.

Pressure/temperature limits Sizes and pipe connections

DN50, DN80 and DN100
The TVA flowmeter is of wafer design, suitable for fitting between
Temperature °C

the following flanges:

Steam EN 1092 PN16, PN25 and PN40
saturation BS 10 Table H
curve ASME B 16.5 Class 150 and Class 300
Japanese Industrial Standard JIS 20
Korean Standard KS 20

Pressure bar g Note: Spirax Sarco TVA flowmeters should be installed in

pipework manufactured to BS 1600, ASME B 36.10 Schedule 40
The product should not be used in this region due to or EN 10216-2 / EN 10216-5 equivalent. For systems with different
software limitations. standards / schedules , please contact Spirax Sarco.

Maximum design pressure 32 bar g @ 239 °C

Maximum design temperature 239 °C

Minimum design temperature 0 °C (non-freezing)

Horizontal Superheated steam 23 bar g @ 239 °C
Maximum flow Saturated steam 32 bar g @ 239 °C
pressure Vertical
Saturated steam only 7 bar g @ 170 °C

Minimum operating pressure 0.6 bar g

Maximum operating temperature (saturation) 239 °C

Minimum operating temperature 0 °C (non-freezing)

Maximum electronics ambient temperature 55 °C

Maximum electronics humidity level 90% RH (non-condensing)

Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of 52 bar g

High pressure syphon tube assembly

Maximum design pressure 80 bar g

Maximum design temperature 450 °C

Maximum working conditions 60 bar g @ 450 °C

Pressure sensing kit

Maximum operating temperature 125 °C

Minimum operating temperature 0 °C (non-freezing)

Maximum operating pressure 50 bar g

Maximum ambient temperature (cable+connector) 70 °C

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* Sensor cable
* Pressure sensor TVA flowmeter body

Fl ow

Earth cables

Flowmeter stem

* 'U' syphon assembly

Electronics housing
* Items required for
superheat operation

Unit Part Material

Flowmeter body Stainless steel S.316 1.4408 CF8M

Internals 431 S29 / S303 / S304 / S316

TVA Spring Inconel X750 or equivalent

Flowmeter stem Stainless steel 300 series

Electronics housing Aluminium LM25

Cable Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Sensor housing AISI 304 Stainless steel 1.4301

Pressure sensing kit Sensor AISI 630 Stainless steel 1.4542

'O' ring Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR)

Adaptor AISI 431 Stainless steel 1.4057

Tube Carbon steel BS 3602: Part.1 1987 CFS 360 (zinc plated / passivated)

High pressure syphon tube assembly Body Carbon steel

Seat PEEK/ Polymain

Technical data
IP rating IP65 with correct cable glands

Power supply Loop powered

with optional RS485: 24VDC

4-20mA (not available with RS485 option)

Pulsed output (Vmax 28 Vdc R min 10 kW)

Communication port Modbus EIA 232C (RS 232C)

with optional RS485: EIA 485 (RS 485C)

Page 2 of 4 TI-P192-01 MI Issue 3

TVA Flowmeter for Saturated and Superheated Steam Service

Dimensions/weights (approximate) in mm and kg
Size A Flowmeter C D E F G X TVA Superheat 'U' syphon
OD kit
DN50 35 103 322 125 65 250 160 300 2.67 0.3 0.5
DN80 45 138 334 115 65 270 160 300 4.38 0.3 0.5
DN100 60 162 344 155 65 280 160 300 7.28 0.3 0.5

Note: A
Dimension 'X' is a recommended
minimum distance between the pressure X D F
tapping and the flowmeter. However it
can be installed at any distance
provided the cable allows
(Standard cable length is 1 m).

The TVA flowmeter has inbuilt electronics which give a density compensated output. An LCD display is incorporated within the electronics
head. The M750 display unit can be used to provide a remote display function if required, utilising the 4 - 20 mA output.

System uncertainty, to 95% confidence (2 STD):

(in accordance with ISO 17025)
± 2% of measured value from 10% to 100% of maximum rated flow.

± 0.2% FSD, from 2% to 10% of maximum rated flow.

Turndown : up to 50:1

As the TVA flowmeter is a self contained unit, the uncertainty quoted is for the complete system. Many flowmeters claim a pipeline unit
uncertainty and for a true system uncertainty, the individual uncertainty values of any associated equipment, such as DP cells, need to
be added to the pipeline value.

Pressure drop
The pressure drop across the TVA is nominally 750 mbar (300 ins water gauge) at maximum rated flow for the DN50, and 500 mbar (200
inches water gauge) for the DN80 and DN100.

TVA flowmeter flow capacities and pressure drops

QE litres / min Maximum DP
Flowmeter type
Maximum Minimum Wg m bar

DN50 300 3 300 750

DN80 770 8 200 498

DN100 1 200 12 200 498

TI-P192-01 MI Issue 3 Page 3 of 4

TVA Flowmeter for Saturated and Superheated Steam Service

Sizing the TVA flowmeter for saturated steam (kg/h) (Horizontal orientation)
Maximum flowrates in kg/h at different pressures (bar g).

1 - Maximum steam flowrates are calculated at maximum differential pressure.
2 - For vertical capacities please contact Spirax Sarco.
3 - The table below is a guide only.
4 - For superheated capacities please use the sizing software on our website www.spiraxsarco.com

Size Steam pressure bar g 1 3 5 7 10 12 15 20 25 30 32 bar g

Max. flow 619 859 1 042 1 196 1 395 1 513 1 676 1 918 2 135 2 335 2 409 kg / h
DN50 QE = 300
Min. flow 12 17 21 24 28 30 33 38 43 47 60 kg / h

Max. flow 1 588 2 204 2 674 3 070 3 581 3 885 4 301 4 922 5 480 5 994 6 183 kg / h
DN80 QE = 770
Min. flow 32 44 53 61 72 78 86 98 110 120 128 kg / h

Max. flow 2 475 3 435 4 167 4 784 5 581 6 054 6 703 7 671 8 540 9 341 9 637 kg / h
DN100 QE = 1 200
Min. flow 49 69 83 96 112 121 134 153 171 187 192 kg / h

Safety information, installation and maintenance

For full details see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions (IM-P192-02) supplied with the product.

The following main points are given for guidance only:

1. The TVA flowmeter should be mounted with a minimum of 6 straight pipe diameters upstream and 3 downstream. No valves, fittings or
cross sectional changes are permitted within these pipe lengths. Where an increase in nominal pipe diameter is required, upstream of the
flowmeter, the length of straight pipe should be increased to 12 diameters. Similarly, where a Spirax Sarco TVA is installed downstream
of two 90° bends in two planes, a pressure reducing valve or a partly open valve, 12 upstream pipe diameters should be allowed.

2. It is important that the internal upstream and downstream diameters of pipe are smooth. Ideally seamless pipes should be used and
there should be no intrusive weld beads on the internal diameter. It is also recommended that slip-on flanges are used to avoid this.

3. Care should be taken to install the TVA flowmeter concentrically in the line. If this is not done, flow measurement errors may occur.

4. The TVA flowmeter can be installed in any orientation up to a line pressure of 7 bar g whilst conditions are saturated. When conditions
are superheated then the TVA flowmeter can only be installed in horizontal pipework, with the electronics below the pipeline.

5. As for all steam flowmetering installations, good basic steam engineering practices should be followed:

- Correct line drainage through adequate trapping.

- Good alignment and support of associated pipework.

- Line size changes achieved by the use of eccentric reducers.

- Do not lag (insulate) the TVA body or the mating flanges.

6. The TVA flowmeter must not be installed outside where it can be subjected to driving rain or where it is liable to freeze.

How to order
Saturated Service Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco DN100 TVA flowmeter for installation between EN 1092 PN40 flanges for use on saturated
steam at 10 bar g - Maximum flow 5 581 kg / h.

Superheated Service Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco DN100 TVA flowmeter, Pressure sensing kit and 'U' syphon, for installation between
EN 1092 PN40 flanges for use on superheated steam at 10 bar g.

Note: For details of the optional remote display see the relevant Spirax Sarco M750 literature.

Spare parts and accessories

- Spare electronics front panel (with standard RS 232C Communications)
- Spare electronics front panel (with RS485 Communications converter)

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TVA Flowmeter for Saturated and Superheated Steam Service

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