Literature Review On Green Products
Literature Review On Green Products
Literature Review On Green Products
Welcome to the journey of navigating the intricate landscape of green products through the lens of
literature. Crafting a literature review on green products is akin to embarking on an expedition
through a dense jungle of research, where every step requires meticulous planning and execution.
The task demands not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also finesse in
synthesizing and analyzing diverse scholarly works.
The complexity arises from the vast array of sources, ranging from academic journals to conference
papers, books, reports, and online resources, each offering unique insights and perspectives on green
products. Sifting through this multitude of information requires a discerning eye to identify relevant
studies while discerning their credibility and significance.
Moreover, the dynamic nature of the field adds another layer of challenge. As environmental
concerns evolve and technologies advance, the literature continuously expands, requiring constant
vigilance to ensure the review remains current and comprehensive.
In addition to the scholarly aspect, crafting a literature review demands exceptional writing skills. It
necessitates the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and coherently while maintaining a logical
flow of arguments. Each section must seamlessly transition into the next, building a cohesive
narrative that guides the reader through the landscape of green product research.
Amidst these challenges, there exists a beacon of hope for those navigating the tumultuous seas of
literature review writing. ⇒ ⇔ offers a lifeline to scholars and researchers grappling
with the intricacies of academic writing. With a team of seasoned experts well-versed in diverse
fields, ⇒ ⇔ provides tailored assistance in crafting literature reviews that meet the
highest standards of quality and rigor.
By entrusting your literature review on green products to ⇒ ⇔, you can rest assured
that your work will be meticulously researched, thoughtfully crafted, and impeccably written. With
their unwavering commitment to excellence, ⇒ ⇔ empowers you to conquer the
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Don't let the daunting task of writing a literature review on green products deter you from advancing
your research. Embrace the opportunity to delve into the depths of knowledge with the support of ⇒ ⇔ by your side. Together, let us unravel the mysteries of green product research and
pave the way towards a sustainable future.
Overview of different certification labels in Vietnam. It is important for the company to minimize the
negative impact on the society by taking into consideration those products which 2 End of preview
Want to access all the pages. A significant proportion of the articles that refer to China analyse
concrete examples of the economic and environmental benefits of opting for industrial symbiosis or
transforming into eco-industrial parks. The United Nations has established seventeen goals for
sustainable development, which should be addressed by all member countries. The selection of plants
must receive great consideration because they are adjusted to the ability of the roof on each building.
As green roof technology is still emerging, there is limited technical data available at present in
Malaysian climate. They are, however, classified in detailed in Appendix A. Download Free PDF
View PDF Thermal Performance of the Extensive Green Roofs in Hot Dry Climate IJAERS Journal
Green roofs have been used as an environmentally friendly product to encourage sustainable
construction. The publications in all three areas also show that there needs to be more research,
development and innovation and that public awareness of environmental issues needs to be raised,
which requires government financial support and intervention. They felt that the pressure for making
business environment green and behaving in a socially responsible manner essentially comesfrom
Government and its legislation and consumers have nothing to do with it. Different types of LED
products (Source: The analysis of the case studies confirms the conclusions drawn in the
other categories, for example, the need for financing and investment for their implementation, more
research, and more cases implemented that promote the transition and allow for obtaining better
economic results and higher employment. 4.3.5. Indicators “Indicators” represents 4% of the
publications, which corroborates the conclusion of the category on analysing policies in the sense that
they are very few in number. There are different ways of reducing the effects of UHI. It may
occasionally cover information on a particular thematic subject within a specific time frame. The
50.16 KWp On-Grid and Back up combined system at the Institute for Environment and Resource -
IER HCMC (Source: Redsun 2013). This study also proposed structural relationship model between
ISO 26000 efforts and CSR performance in Malaysian automotive industry. It was also observed
that 68% of the journals were indexed in the Web of Science and 47% were in quartile 1, according
to the Journal Citation Reports ( Table 1 ). There is no mention of European countries that have
implemented CE strategies, focusing only on EU strategies. Some papers have proposed measures to
know how the CE has been implemented in certain circumstances and others measure its
performance or impact. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. We use
cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. Green economy and blue economy as
alternative economic models in China (PRC). The fields mainly involved in these articles are:
Environmental Science, Social Science, Energy, Engineering, Economics, Econometrics and Finance,
Business, Management and Accounting. Because of this, companies try, during their actions, to
cause the least harm on natural environment. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This paper investigates
consumer perception and attitude of purchasing eco-friendly products. Green marketing is a creative
opportunity to innovate in ways that make a difference and at the same time achieve business
success. Conclusion Most studies reported findings that generally supported the view that green
space have a beneficial health effect. However, an analysis of these concepts in the fields of
economics and business management is lacking. Having concluded the selection process, the works
not included in the previously selected areas were analysed.
The authors have discussed a few literature sources that have focused on green marketing and its
relevance in today's era. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. However, no publications were found in this
category that analyse the social and economic impact of CE implementation. If we continue to
reduce reserves of natural resources without replenishment, we run the risk of ecological collapse.
The last aim is to identify possible gaps in the literature, allowing us to advance some future lines of
research. The review concludes that green marketing is beneficial for society and businesses and
helps maintain goodwill in the competitive market. And if you don’t have enough time to conduct
thorough research, we can help you write a comprehensive literature review that will provide you
with an overview. Next Article in Journal Development of a Universal Design-Based Guide for
Handrails: An Empirical Study for Hong Kong Elderly. However, it must be pointed out that these
concepts will also have an indirect impact on other established goals, such as clean water and
sanitation (6) and life below water (14). The BE, despite very little research found on indicators, has
attempted a mainly economic analysis of its implementation, but this is not reliable as there are no
suitable databases available. Furthermore, a new taxonomy was proposed on the basis of content and
research methodology utilised. Download Free PDF View PDF Evaluation-of-Green-Roof-System-
for-Green-Building-Projects-in-Malaysia Nurhayati Abdul Malek, Ashraf Fauzi, Jamilah Othman
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. Analysing policies highlights the need for financing and investment to
implement these models. However, to achieve the aims established in this SLR, of the resulting 2728
documents only those included in the fields of economics, econometrics, finance, business,
management and accounting were selected, obtaining a total of 785 publications. The results show
that the three concepts vary in their geographical distribution. Analysing the Scopus impact
evaluation of sources with the most publications, 63% were in the first quartile, 21% in the second
and 16% in the third, demonstrating the high standard of the publications and the level of interest in
the subject. The importance of the topics analysed has increased remarkably in recent years. Sixteen
different categories concerning the CE were obtained according to the research topics, 41% of
which were about the first three categories. Dr. Rashad Yazdanifard, Wong FuiYeng Environmental
issue is a sizzling topic nowadays as almost every country’s government and society has started to be
more aware about these issues. The purpose of this study is to identify the important factors that
influence the green purchase intentions of the people. Tourism Articles focused mainly on sustainable
tourism Indicators Different types of sustainability indicators. An attempt has been made to study
the benefits and challenges and make suggestions for using green marketing to gain sustainable
competitive edge. In addition, it is likely to provide important ecological services to urban areas
through lowering of urban heat island (UHI) temperatures, increasing storm water retention and
improves the biodiversity. In most cases, we often use multiple sources to provide an excellent
perspective for your writeup. Retailers across the world are developing g reen strategies and are
working towards developing a low carbon landscape and undertak ing effort s to optimize the
carbon. Considering the BE as the topic with the fewest publications related to this field, most of
which refer to the European Union, we believe that future research could focus on studying the BE
in the field of economics, considering both Asian countries that are applying policies or strategies
and America. Seventeen categories were defined, bearing in mind that such a categorisation can be
subjective. Compared to consumers in the developed countries, the Indian consumer has much less
aware of environmental issues like global warming. As we are analysing publications in the field of
economics and business management, we consider it appropriate to analyse two of the important
categories in the field, “Case study” and “Indicators”, which represent only 4% and 4% of the
publications, respectively. We can assist you in writing a literature review that provides incorporates
both old and new research materials.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. However, on analysing the literature, it
was observed that none of the literature reviews examined focused on the field of economic and
business management. According to Banerjee 2017, in the segment of green products, it has been
analyzed that products should be developed by focusing on the wants of the customers who focus on
environmentally friendly products. Download Free PDF View PDF Sustainability The
Socioeconomic Welfare of Urban Green Areas and Parks; A Literature Review of Available
Evidence Evangelia Avramidou Urban green areas present a lucid example for the harmonious co-
existence of the artificial and natural environments best illustrated by their interdependence and
interconnection in urban spaces. The goal is to identify the key sectors potentially related to the BE,
which are then considered when formulating policies and taking decisions. Like the Handbook for
Green Housing, this tangible product pursues a bottom-up approach by trying to convince people
rather than to force them by regulations. As a result, the temperature and air conditioning power
consumption data within five selected testing rooms with different roof configurations were
recorded, compared and analyzed. It is concluded from the analysis of the results that research in
GSCM is increasing at a faster rate than ever; with theory building more in focus than verification.
Nevertheless, it is not until 2015 that the articles on CE and BE become more frequent, highlighting
mainly those related to the CE. By limiting the search to “articles”, “articles in the press”, “reviews”,
“books” and “book chapters”, a total of 3043 publications were obtained. In the case of the CE, the
number of publications on this topic has increased considerably since 2009, and, based on our
analysis of geographical origin, China was shown to be the country where more authors have
published on the topic of the CE, influenced by the 2008 passing of a National Circular Economy
Law. Download Free PDF View PDF Media Mesin: Majalah Teknik Mesin Mini-Review: Green
Roof as a Greenery Solution in Urbanized Settlements and Energy Saving in Buildings Rustam
Efendi Dense population and limited land for greenery are major problems in urban areas. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. The structure of green composites usually bears a resemblance to that of living
materials from which they are made of. However, a common measure to mitigate Urban Heat Island
is to increase urban green spaces such as parks, street trees and green roofs. We use cookies on our
website to ensure you get the best experience. Solar water heater of a town house (Source: BK-IDSE
Co 2012). Mining and Metal Industry contributes to approximately 4-5% of the total world GHG
emissions. Green roofs are also a step towards green energy, to reduce excessive use of energy and
minimize environmental problems. This paper reviews the development of green roofs, where green
roofs have been considered as solution to environmental an. Based on the proposed research model,
research hypotheses are being developed. The products development focuses on forming the green
chemistry. If we continue to reduce reserves of natural resources without replenishment, we run the
risk of ecological collapse. Initial examination of the literature shows evidence of sustainable work in
the areas of product design, supply chain, production technology and waste avoidance activities. In
this project, a green composite panel will be made then its mechanical properties and suitable
applications determined. Green construction technology is one of the world’s leading topics set to
reduce the major impact of the construction industry on the environment, society and the economy.
Green roof is a method of planting on the roof, serves to isolation the heat and help maintaining
plant biodiversity. This chapter is an attempt to draw attention towards sustainable issues in hotel
industry, what are the opportunities' and challenges' the hotels are facing with respect to green
initiatives and how successful the present companies are in incorporating the green practices. This
study shows a model to conduct an empirical study in Malaysian automotive industry in order to
improve CSR performance. Studies of specific sectors, or those related to industrial symbiosis or
eco-industrial parks, are included at the meso level. As can be seen, there is still a long way to go in
terms of measurement.
Other than that, the green consumer and branding will be discussed in further in this paper as this
will attract more consumers. Next, is the category “Management Styles” represented by 11% of the
publications, particularly on the CE and the GE. There has been a change in consumer attitudes
towards a green lifestyle and people are actively trying to reduce their impact on the environment. In
order to achieve the goal, the thermal performance of. There are many researchers who believe that
green marketing relates to promotion and advertising of products by focusing on the environmental
characteristics. In Brazil, the potential of biomass from sugar cane is studied, identifying its uses and
applications and demonstrating that it is a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Within this concept we
also find blue bioeconomy, based on the part of the blue economy that uses renewable biological
resources from the sea, for example, fish, seaweed and microorganisms to produce food, materials
and energy. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. This is useful in improving the properties of the green composites,
protecting them against mechanical damage and environmental degradation, and improving their
performance. It is only since 1990s that the researchers have started academically analyzing
consumers' and industry attitude towards green marketing. Authors requiring further information
regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: a b s t r a c t
Manufacturing systems evolution is afunction in multiple external and internal factors. When writing
a literary review, we shall evaluate all primary and secondary literature sources to advise you on what
is most relevant or pertinent. The main source of UHI is the large amount of heat produced from
urban structures, as they absorb and re-radiate solar radiations. Environmental and social aspects and
the availability of resources are addressed to a limited extent in most strategies. The political
documents show us that there are several strategies focused on these issues in many countries,
therefore, this analysis leads us to the conclusion that it is still necessary to continue with the studies
and comparisons of these at the academic level. For the BE, the cases are centred on the food
industry and forestry, mainly analysing possible alternative applications with a lower environmental
impact and cost. Although both China and the EU believe that indicators are essential, none have as
yet been defined by the European Commission, so China’s indicators could potentially be considered
by the EU. However, no publications were found in this category that analyse the social and
economic impact of CE implementation. The United Nations has established seventeen goals for
sustainable development, which should be addressed by all member countries. Literature Review on
Green Marketing Mix Added on 2023-06-09 Show more Subscribe Now Subscribe Now Bookmark
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Literature review on Green Marketing Mix According to Baker 2016, green marketing is considered
as a holistic marketing approach. These platforms are the Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre and the
European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. Although green marketing has been able to
address concerns of green consumers but as anticipated has not shown much expected results from
companies as well as from mainstream consumers' acceptance level. As green roof technology is still
emerging, there is limited technical data available at present in Malaysian climate. It is important for
the company to minimize the negative impact on the society by taking into consideration those
products which 2 End of preview Want to access all the pages. However, the problem with this
indicator is that it is not monetary and therefore does not reflect economic yield. These results are
largely due to the different public policies implemented by respective governments. The effort is also
made to emphasize upon the long term benefits of a Green Manufacturing process and also the
important role which the industries can play in preventing further damage to the environment.
Consumer awareness and motivation continue to drive change in the marketplace, notably through
the introduction of more eco-friendly products. This is what should make us concerned and thinking
about green technology, not just a green phobia, but about how green manufacturing and green
product itself. Geographical origin of the literature on the green economy (GE) according to the
affiliation of the authors (number of articles).
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The study aims to provide initial
observation on the thermal performance of green roof and its effect towards surrounding and
associated significant environmental benefit. One of the efforts can be done is to green the roof,
called green roof. In the EU, one of the methods found to measure the BE is based on detecting
which sectors are either totally or partially related to it and then calculating the income, added value
and employment generated by those sectors. Report this Document Download now Save Save
Literature Review Green Marketing For Later 75% (4) 75% found this document useful (4 votes)
9K views 4 pages Literature Review Green Marketing Uploaded by adi2343sh AI-enhanced
description Green marketing is a term used to identify concern with the environmental consequences
of a variety of marketing activities. In the case of the CE, the number of publications on this topic
has increased considerably since 2009, and, based on our analysis of geographical origin, China was
shown to be the country where more authors have published on the topic of the CE, influenced by
the 2008 passing of a National Circular Economy Law. Within this context, we carry out a
systematic literature review about the BE, the CE and the GE based on analyzing publications within
the field of economics and business management, an area still not addressed. The existing literature
is rich in studies and analyses of implemented policies related to countries where the strategies have
been published, in particular in China and in member states of the European Union. Last, only 4% of
the articles were related to “Indicators”, all published in 2017. It has been analyzed that role of the
marketer in managing the product focuses on offering product designers by taking into consideration
the market-driven trends and also request from the customers. GSCM is one of the recent
innovations for the enhancement of capabilities of Supply Chain Management. The first is the use of
just one database (Scopus), although we justify this because it contains more publications and
journals than the Web of Science and includes different, useful tools for more detailed descriptive
analyses. The GE articles were classified into 15 categories, with the three most important
representing 58% of the total. Regression results of the study validate all the hypotheses of the study
confirming the significant impact of green perceived value, g. The oldest publications on the BE and
the GE date back to 2008 and 2009 respectively, with an increase in the number of publications on
the GE since 2011 and on the BE since 2013 ( Figure 3 ). Twelve BE strategies are analysed for
Europe in general and Sweden, Germany, Finland, Belgium and Holland, specifically, showing that
there is a common direction based mainly on research and technological innovation. The authors
conclude the chapter giving the focus on future research directions in green marketing and green
practices to be followed by hotel industry. RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and
AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Many governments are also promoting use of green
composites as a strategy to reduce carbon emissions. Literature Review on Green Marketing Mix
Added on 2023-06-09 Show more Subscribe Now Subscribe Now Bookmark Share Related
Documents Running head: Literature review Literature Review Literature review Literature review
on Green Marketing Mix According to Baker 2016, green marketing is considered as a holistic
marketing approach. Powerful measures are needed, such as a carbon tax or a tax on natural
resources extraction, to boost government income to incentivise the transition to a GE, invest in
research, develop cleaner energies, finance ecological projects, and so on. Download Free PDF View
PDF Review on the Literature Available on Green Buildings iJSRED Journal Download Free PDF
View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable.
The increase in publications on the BE from 2013 onwards can be attributed to the publication of the
European Bioeconomy Strategy and the US National Bioeconomy Plan, both in 2012. Some papers
have proposed measures to know how the CE has been implemented in certain circumstances and
others measure its performance or impact. There are some proposals for practical guidelines for
correctly implementing models, decision-making and later analysis. Ferreira Gregorio, Valeria, Laia
Pie, and Antonio Terceno. Efforts have been made by the authors to study the supply chain of the
systems with the focus on its optimization and implementation. According to McCormick and Kautto
(2013), the BE is based on the more efficient use of resources, reduced dependence on non-
renewable resources, mitigating climate change, providing food security thanks to the use of
renewable resources for industrial purposes, and increasing competitiveness and employment in
companies. The shoes are designed in such a way that focuses on reducing the waste and use the
environmentally friendly materials. A Systematic Literature Review of Bio, Green and Circular
Economy Trends in Publications in the Field of Economics and Business Management.
It is concluded that measurements of the BE are still in the early stages and pose a real challenge for
the future. Compared to consumers in the developed countries, the Indian consumer has much less
aware of environmental issues like global warming. This study is to review ISO 26000 standards
effort (recognising social responsibility and stakeholder identification and engagement). Establishing
plant material on rooftops provides numerous ecological and economic benefits including
improvement of thermal performance, reduction energy consumption, mitigation of heat island
effect, storm water management and many more. A third focus is to take the BE as omnipresent and
not associate it with specific sectors. It seeks to implement economic models able to generate profit
while avoiding damage to the environment, considering eco-innovation, improved resource and
waste management, the reuse of raw materials and the transition towards sustainable consumption
and production. Based on the proposed research model, research hypotheses are being developed.
Ferreira Gregorio, Valeria, Laia Pie, and Antonio Terceno. Download Free PDF View PDF GREEN
Journal There are many definitions of what a green building is or does. Response within a few
minutes to a maximum of 6 hours Cost efficient pricing option(s) with an immediate call to action
Optional invitation to proceed with a 5 minute to 1-hour thorough discovery call based on your
business needs Fully outlined action plan with results guaranteed. The analysis is based on previously
conducted research from books and relevant journals and articles. A literature review can also be a
summary of multiple sources and normally has a chronological pattern that combines both synthesis
and summary. It was also observed that 68% of the journals were indexed in the Web of Science and
47% were in quartile 1, according to the Journal Citation Reports ( Table 1 ). These studies help
orientate other cities or regions that aim to adopt the CE in their development model. When writing a
literary review, we shall evaluate all primary and secondary literature sources to advise you on what
is most relevant or pertinent. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The focus of this company is to market
the products by considering the concept of green. And if you don’t have enough time to conduct
thorough research, we can help you write a comprehensive literature review that will provide you
with an overview. Like the Handbook for Green Housing, this tangible product pursues a bottom-up
approach by trying to convince people rather than to force them by regulations. The increase in
publications on the BE from 2013 onwards can be attributed to the publication of the European
Bioeconomy Strategy and the US National Bioeconomy Plan, both in 2012. In Brazil, the potential
of biomass from sugar cane is studied, identifying its uses and applications and demonstrating that it
is a viable alternative to fossil fuels. In the case of the CE, the number of publications on this topic
has increased considerably since 2009, and, based on our analysis of geographical origin, China was
shown to be the country where more authors have published on the topic of the CE, influenced by
the 2008 passing of a National Circular Economy Law. In this study, a review of identified peer-
reviewed literature from the most popular online databases was carried out and its contribution to
improve our understanding of urban open green spaces and their environmental benefits to the
human being are discussed. Response within a few minutes to a maximum of 6 hours Cost efficient
pricing option(s) with an immediate call to action Optional invitation to proceed with a 5 minute to
1-hour thorough discovery call based on your business needs Fully outlined action plan with results
guaranteed. BACKGROUND Green movement is becoming the buzzword of today’s business
world. Components of a solar water heater (Source: BK-IDSE Co 2012). The physical, mechanical
and chemical properties of green composites have made them rapidly accepted by aerospace,
automotive and transportation, construction, energy, military, healthcare and packaging industries,
among others. China was also shown to predominate in the third category, “Design or policy
analysis”, with 46% of the publications. As urban open green spaces contribute to human and social
well-being, they are essential for livable and sustainable cities. As concluded, coordination between
all stakeholders is essential.