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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Solution Manual for Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity 9th

Edition Kotz Treichel Townsend and Treichel ISBN
1133949649 9781133949640
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Chapter 2
Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Although much of this chapter will be review for many students who have taken high school chemistry, the ideas
included are so central to later study that class coverage will probably be necessary. Key topics are the structure of
the atom and related information (atomic number, isotopes), the mole unit, the periodic table, chemical formulas
and names, and the relationships between formulas and composition. Three to five class periods will probably be
necessary in order to address the essentials in this chapter unless your students are well-versed in some of these

Some points on which students have some problems or questions are:

(a) The rule of determining the charges on transition metal cations tells students that they can assume such ions
usually have 2+ or 3+ charges (with 2+ charges especially prominent). They are often uneasy about being
given this choice. We certainly emphasize that they will see other possibilities (and that even negative charges
are possible but that they will not see them in the general chemistry course).
(b) Students have to be convinced that they have no choice but to learn the language of chemistry by memorizing
the names and charges of polyatomic ions. They can be reminded that correct names and formulas are
required to prevent serious consequences, such as the use of the wrong medicine which can have tragic results
or the purchase of the wrong substance which leads to wasted resources.

(c) A very common problem students have is recognizing that MgBr 2, for example, is composed of Mg2+ and
two Br– ions. We have seen such combinations as Mg2+ and Br22–.

1. Properties of Elements
Take as many samples of elements as possible to your lecture on the elements and the periodic table.
See the series by Alton Banks in the Journal of Chemical Education titled “What's the Use?” This series
describes a different element each month and gives references to the Periodic Table Videodisc.
Pinto, G. “Using Balls from Different Sports to Model the Variation of Atomic Sizes,” Journal of
Chemical Education 1998, 75, 725.
2. Atomic Structure
Hohman, J. R. “Introduction of the Scientific Method and Atomic Theory to Liberal Arts
Chemistry Students,” Journal of Chemical Education 1998, 75, 1578.
3. Elements That Form Molecules in Their Natural States
Use samples of H2, O2, N2, and Br2 to illustrate elements that are molecules.

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

4. Formation of Compounds from Elements and Decomposition of a Compound into Its Elements
Bring many samples of compounds to your lecture. Ignite H 2 in a balloon or burn Mg in O2 to show how
elements are turned into compounds. Also burn Mg in CO 2 to show CO2 is made of C and that MgO can be
made another way.
5. Ionic Compounds
Bring a number of common, ionic compounds to class.
6. The Mole Concept
To illustrate the mole, take 1 molar quantities of elements such as Mg, Al, C, Sn, Pb, Fe, and Cu to
the classroom.
When doing examples in lecture, it is helpful to have a sample of the element available. For example, hold
up a pre-weighed sample of magnesium wire and ask how many moles of metal it contains. Or, drop a pre-
weighed piece of sodium metal into a dish of water on the overhead projector, and ask how many moles of
sodium reacted.
7. Molar Quantities
Display molar quantities of NaCl, H2O, sugar, and common ionic compounds. Especially show some
hydrated salts to emphasize the inclusion of H2O in their molar mass.
Display a teaspoon of water and ask how many moles, how many molecules, and how many total atoms
are contained.
Display a piece of CaCO3 and ask how many moles are contained in the piece and then how many
total atoms.
8. Weight Percent of Elements
When talking about weight percent of elements, use NO2 as an example and then make NO2 from Cu and
nitric acid.
9. Determine the Formula of a Hydrated Compound
Heat samples of hydrated CoSO4 or CuSO4 to illustrate analysis of hydrated compounds and the color
change that can occur when water is released and evaporated.
For the discussion of analysis, heat a sample of CoCl2·6 H2O in a crucible to illustrate how to determine the
number of waters of hydration and also discuss the distinctive color change observed during this process.

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2


2.1 Atoms contain the fundamental particles protons (+1 charge), neutrons (zero charge), and electrons (–1
charge). Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus of an atom. Electrons are the least massive of the
three particles.

2.2 Mass number is the sum of the number of protons and number of neutrons for an atom. Atomic mass is the
mass of an atom. When the mass is expressed in u, the mass of a proton and of a neutron are both
approximately one. Because the mass of electrons is small relative to that of a proton or neutron, the
mass number approximates the atomic mass.
2.3 Ratio of diameter of nucleus to diameter of electron cloud is 2 × 10 −3 m (2 mm) to 200 m or 1:10 5. For
the diameter of the atom (i.e., the electron cloud) = 1 × 10 −10 m (1 × 10−8 cm), the diameter of the
nucleus is 1 × 10−10 m/105 = 1 × 10−15 m = 1 × 10−13 cm = 1 fm.
2.4 Each gold atom has a diameter of 2 145 pm = 290. pm
36 cm · 1 m · 10 pm · 1 Au atom = 1.2 109 Au atoms
100 cm 1m 290. pm
2.5 (a) 12 Mg (b) 48 Ti (c) 62 Z
22 30
59 244 184
2.6 (a) 28 Ni (b) 94 Pu (c) 74 W

2.7 electrons protons neutrons

(a) 12 12 12
(b) 50 50 69
(c) 90 90 142
(d) 6 6 7
(e) 29 29 34
(f) 83 83 122

2.8 (a) Number of pro tons = number of el ectrons = 43; number of neutrons = 56
(b) Number of pro tons = number of el ectrons = 95; number of neutrons = 146
mass electron 9.109383 10 g
2.9 = = 5.446170 10–4
mass proton 1.672622 10–24 g
The proton is 1834 times more massive than an electron. Dalton’s estimate was off by a factor of about 2.

2.10 Negatively charged electrons in the cathode-ray tube collide with He atoms, splitting the atom into an
electron and a He+ cation. The electrons continued to be attracted to the anode while the cations
passed through the perforated cathode.

2.11 Alpha particles are positively charged, beta particles are negatively charged, and gamma particles are
neutral. Alpha particles have more mass than beta particles.
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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

2.12 Atoms are not solid, hard, or impenetrable. They have mass (an important aspect of Dalton’s hypothesis),
and we now know that atoms are in rapid motion at all temperatures above absolute zero (the kinetic-
molecular theory).

2.13 O/12C = 15.995 u/12.000 u = 1.3329

2.14 15.995 u · 1.661 × 10−24 g/u = 2.657 x 10-23 g

57 58 60
2.15 27 Co (30 neutrons), 27 Co (31 neutrons), and 27 Co (33 neutrons)

2.16 Atomic number of Ag is 47; both isotopes have 47 protons and 47 electrons.

107 Ag 107 – 47 = 60 neutrons

109 Ag 109 – 47 = 62 neutrons

2.17 protium: one proton, one electron
1H, deuterium: one proton, one electron, one neutron
1H, tritium: one proton, one electron, two neutrons

19 20 21
9 X, 9 X, and 9X are isotopes of X

The atomic weight of thallium is 204.3833. The fact that this weight is closer to 205 than 203 indicates
2.18 that the 205 isotope is the more abundant.

2.20 Strontium has an atomic weight of 87.62 so 88Sr is the most abundant.

2.21 (6Li mass )(% abundance) + (7Li mass)(% abundance) = atomic weight of Li
(6.015121 u)(0.0750) + (7.016003 u)(0.9250) = 6.94 u

2.22 (24Mg mass)(% abundance) + (25Mg mass)(% abundance) + (26Mg mass)(% abundance)
= atomic weight of Mg
(23.985 u)(0.7899) + (24.986 u)(0.1000) + (25.983 u)(0.1101)
= 24.31 u

2.23 Let x represent the abundance of 69Ga and (1 – x) represent the abundance of 71Ga.
69.723 u = (x)(68.9257 u) + (1 – x)(70.9249 u)
x = 0.6012; 69Ga abundance is 60.12%, 71Ga abundance is 39.88%

2.24 Let x represent the abundance of 151Eu and (1 – x) represent the abundance of 153Eu.
151.965 u = (x)(150.9197 u) + (1 – x)(152.9212 u)
x = 0.4777; 151Eu abundance is 47.77%, 153Eu abundance is 52.23%

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

2.25 titanium thallium

symbol Ti Tl
atomic number 22 81
atomic weight 47.867 204.3833
period 4 6
group 4B 3A
metal metal

2.26 silicon tin antimony sulfur selenium

symbol Si Sn Sb S Se
atomic number 14 50 51 16 34
period 3 5 5 3 4
group 4A 4A 5A 6A 6A
metalloid metal metalloid nonmetal nonmetal

2.27 Periods 2 and 3 have 8 elements, Periods 4 and 5 have 18 elements, and Period 6 has 32 elements.

2.28 There are 26 elements in the seventh period, the majority of them are called the Actinides, and many of
them are man-made elements.

2.29 (a) C, Cl
(b) C, Cl, Cs, Ca
(c) Ce
(d) Cr, Co, Cd, Cu, Ce, Cf, Cm
(e) Cm, Cf
(f) Cl

2.30 There are many correct answers for parts (a) and (d). Possible answers are shown below.
(a) C, carbon (c) Cl, chlorine
(b) Rb, rubidium (d) Ne, neon

2.31 Metals: Na, Ni, Np

Nonmetals: N, Ne
2.32 (a) Bk
(b) Br
(c) B
(d) Ba
(e) Bi

24 24
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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

2.33 Molecular formula for nitric acid: HNO3

Structural formula:

The molecule is planar.

2.34 Molecular formula for asparagine: C4H8N2O3

Structural formula:

2.35 (a) Mg (b) Zn2+ (c) Ni2+ (d) Ga3+
2.36 (a) Se (b) F– (c) Fe2+, Fe3+ (d) N3–
2.37 (a) Ba (e) S2–

(b) Ti4+ (f) ClO4
(c) PO43– (g) Co

– 2–
(d) HCO3 (h) SO4
– +
2.38 (a) MnO4 (d) NH4 (b)
NO2– 3–
(e) PO4 (c)
H2PO4– (f) SO3

2.39 Potassium loses 1 electron when it becomes a monatomic ion. Argon has the same number of electrons as
the K+ ion.

2.40 They both gain two electrons. O2– has the same number of electrons as Ne and S2– has the same number
of electrons as Ar.

2.41 Ba2+, Br– BaBr2

2.42 Co3+, F– CoF3

+ 2– + 3–
2.43 (a) 2 K ions, 1 S ion (d) 3 NH4 ions, 1 PO4 ion
2+ –
(b) 1 Co ion, 1 SO42– ion 2+
(e) 1 Ca ion, 2 ClO ions
+ – + –
(c) 1 K ion, 1 MnO4 ion (f) 1 Na ion, 1 CH 3 CO 2 ion

2.44 (a) 1 Mg
ion, 2 CH3CO2– ions 4+ 2–
(d) 1 Ti ion, 2 SO4 ions
3+ – + –
(b) 1 Al ion, 3 OH ions (e) 1 K ion, 1 H2PO4 ion

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

(c) 1 Cu ion, 1 CO32– ion 2+ 2–
(f) 1 Ca ion, 1 HPO4 ion

2.45 Co2+: CoO Co3+ Co2O3

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

2.46 (a) Pt : PtCl2 Pt4+: PtCl4
(b) Pt : PtS Pt4+: PtS2
2.47 (a) incorrect, AlCl3 (c) correct
(b) incorrect, KF (d) correct

2.48 (a) incorrect, CaO (c) incorrect, Fe2O3 or FeO

(b) correct (d) correct

2.49 (a) potassium sulfide (c) ammonium phosphate

(b) cobalt(II) sulfate (d) calcium hypochlorite

2.50 (a) calcium acetate (c) aluminum hydroxide

(b) nickel(II) phosphate (d) potassium dihydrogen phosphate

2.51 (a) (NH4)2CO3 (d) AlPO4

(b) CaI2 (e) AgCH3CO2
(c) CuBr2

2.52 (a) Ca(HCO3)2 (d) K2HPO4

(b) KMnO4 (e) Na2SO3
(c) Mg(ClO4)2

2.53 Na2CO3 sodium carbonate NaI sodium iodide

BaCO3 barium carbonate BaI2 barium iodide

2.54 Mg3(PO4)2 magnesium phosphate Mg(NO3)2 magnesium nitrate

FePO4 iron(III) phosphate Fe(NO3)3 iron(III) nitrate

2.55 The force of attraction is stronger in NaF than in NaI because the distance between ion centers is smaller in
NaF (235 pm) than in NaI (322 pm).

2.56 The attractive forces are stronger in CaO because the ion charges are greater (+2/–2 in CaO and +1/–1 in

2.57 (a) nitrogen trifluoride (c) boron triiodide

(b) hydrogen iodide (d) phosphorus pentafluoride

2.58 (a) dinitrogen pentaoxide (c) oxygen difluoride

(b) tetraphosphorus trisulfide (d) xenon tetrafluoride

2.59 (a) SCl2 (b) N2O5 (c) SiCl4 (d) B2O3

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

2.60 (a) BrF3 (d) P2F4

(b) XeF2 (e) C4H10
(c) N2H4

28 28
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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

27.0 g Al
2.61 (a) 2.5 mol Al · = 68 g Al
1 mol Al
55.85 g Fe
(b) 1.25 10–3 mol Fe · = 0.0698 g Fe
1 mol Fe
40.1 g Ca
(c) 0.015 mol Ca · = 0.60 g Ca
1 mol Ca

20.18 g Ne
(d) 653 mol Ne · = 1.32 104 g Ne 1
mol Ne

197.0 g Au
2.62 (a) 4.24 mol Au · = 835 g Au

4.003 g He
(b) 15.6 mol He · = 62.4 g He
1 mol He
195 g Pt
(c) 0.063 mol Pt · = 12 g Pt
1 mol Pt

244.7 g Pu
(d) 3.63 10–4 mol Pu · = 0.0888 g Pu 1
mol Pu

1 mol Cu
2.63 (a) 127.08 g Cu · 63. 546 g Cu = 1.9998 mol Cu

1 mol Li
(b) 0.012 g Li · = 1.7 10–3 mol Li
6.94 g Li

1g 1 mol Am
(c) 5.0 mg Am · 3
· = 2.1 10–5 mol Am
10 mg 243 g Am
1 mol Al

(d) 6.75 g Al · 26.98 g Al = 0.250 mol Al

1 mol Na
2.64 (a) 16.0 g Na · 22.99 g Na = 0.696 mol Na
1 mol Sn
(b) 0.876 g Sn · 118.7 g Sn = 7.38 10–3 mol Sn
1 mol Pt
(c) 0.0034 g Pt · = 1.7 10–5 mol Pt
195 g Pt
1 mol Xe

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

(d) 0.983 g Xe · 131.3 g Xe = 7.4910–3 mol Xe

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

2.65 Helium has the smallest molar mass and will have the largest number of atoms. Iron has the largest molar
mass and the smallest number of atoms.
1 mol He 6.0210 He atoms
1.0 g He · 4.00 g He · 1 mol He = 1.5 1023 He atoms

1.0 g Fe · 1 mol Fe · 6.021023 Fe atoms = 1.1 1022 Fe atoms

55.8 g Fe 1 mol Fe

1 mol K
2.66 0.10 g K · = 0.0026 mol K
39.0983 g K

1 mol Mo
0.10 g Mo · = 0.0010 mol Mo
95.96 g Mo
1 mol Cr
0.10 g Cr · = 0.0019 mol Cr
51.9961g Cr

1 mol Al
0.10 g Al · = 0.0037 mol Al
26.9815 g

0.0010 mol Mo < 0.0019 mol Cr < 0.0026 mol K < 0.0037 mol Al
1 mol Ca
2.67 3.99 g Ca · = 0.0996 mol Ca
40.078 g Ca

1 mol P
1.85 g P · = 0.0597 mol P
30.9737 g

1 mol O
4.14 g O · = 0.259 mol O
15.9994 g O

1 mol H
0.02 g H · = 0.02 mol H
1.00794 g H

0.02 mol H < 0.0597 mol P < 0.0996 mol Ca < 0.259 mol O
1 mol Ga 6.02 10 Ga atoms
2.68 52 g Ga · 69.7 g Ga · 1 mol Ga = 4.5 1023 Ga atoms

1 mol Al 6.02 10 Al atoms

9.5 g Al · 27.0 g Al · 1 mol Al = 2.1 1023 Al atoms

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Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 2

6.022 10 As atoms
112 g As · 1 mol As · = 9.00 1023 As atoms
74.92 g As 1 mol As

Arsenic has the largest number of atoms in the mixture.

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Another random document with
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or Note of Admiration.

This Youth, so struck with admiration,

Is of a wondering generation,
With face so long, and thin and pale,
He cries, “Oh! what a wonderous tale!”
While you count four, he stops, and then,
Admiring! he goes on again.

The comma, plac’d as here you see,

From the word LOV’D has snatch’d a letter;
It bears the name APOSTROPHE:—
And, perhaps, you can’t contrive a better.
In poetry ’tis chiefly found,
Where sense should coincide with sound.
A dash — Circumflex ^ Breve ˘
Diæresis ¨ Hyphen - Acute Accent ´
Grave Accent ` Parenthesis ( )

A dash & a circumflex here form a hat;

A BREVE serves to mark out the face;
DIÆRESIS, too, & the HYPHEN come pat,
As a breast & a neck in their place:
The arms are the Accents, both grave & acute,
And for legs the PARENTHESIS nicely may suit.

The use of me.

Don’t you see

a Caret

A Caret, marked thus ^.

If you a letter are inditing
And make an error in your writing,
By leaving out a word, or two,
The caret may be us’d by you;
As “This new book to Charles I send,
And hope to please my dearest friend.”
A Section, marked thus §.

This Gentleman of deep reflections,

Divides a subject into Sections;
Ideas ranging under heads,
As gardens are laid out in beds;
That o’er the whole the eye may move,
Survey the plan, & then approve.
A paragraph ¶.

The PARAGRAPH, which here you view,

Always announces something new;
Distinct from what was read before,
As is the water from the shore.
This mark in Scripture oft is found,
As thriving best on sacred ground.

Two commas standing on their heads,

Their orders are obeying;
Two others, risen from their beds,
Their best respects are paying;
These four are ushers of much use,
As they great authors introduce.
These Brackets some words may enclose, without doubt:
The Brace several lines will unite;
Ellipsis is us’d where we letters leave out.
As k—t may be read for a knight.
The Parallels, Ob’lisk, & Daggers we find,
Like the ASTERISK only for ref’rence design’d.
Consisting of the most approved Novelties for the Nursery;
Printed in a superior manner upon good paper, 1s. 6d. each, and
illustrated with Sixteen Engravings neatly coloured.

1. Mother Hubbard & her Dog.

2. Dame Trot and her Cat.
3. Cock Robin, a Painted Toy.
4. History of the House that Jack Built.
5. Nursery Novelties, or a New Alphabet for Children.
6. History of the Apple Pie, an Alphabet for little Masters and
7. Dame Dearlove’s Ditties for the Nursery.
8. Peter Piper’s Practical Principles of Plain & Perfect
9. The Infant’s Friend, or Easy Reading Lessons.
10. The Snow-Drop, or Poetic Trifles for Little Folks.
11. The Hobby-Horse, being a revival of that favourite Alphabet,
A was an Archer and shot at a Frog.
12. Cries of London, or Sketches of Characters in the Metropolis.
13. The Courtship, Marriage, &c. of Cock Robin and Jenny
14. The Alphabet of Goody Two Shoes; “by learning which she
soon got rich.”
15. History of Sixteen Wonderful Old Women.
16. Spring Flowers, or Easy Lessons, not exceeding Words of
Two Syllables. By Mrs. Ritson.
17. The Phœnix, or a Choice Collection of Riddles and Charades.
18. Sir Harry Herald’s View of the Dignitaries of England,
shewing the Costume of different Ranks, and the Coronation
19. The Paths of Learning strewed with Flowers, or English
Grammar illustrated.
20. Tommy Trip’s Museum, or a Peep at the Quadruped Race,
Part I.
21. Ditto, Part II.—22. Part III.
23. The Costumes of Different Nations, illustrated.
24. Wonders, descriptive of some of the most remarkable in Art
and Nature.
25. The Monthly Monitor; or Short Stories, adapted to every
Season of the Year. By Mrs. Ritson.
26. The Picturesque Primer, with 72 Engravings.
27. The Peacock at Home; with The Butterfly’s Ball.
28. Simple Stories in Words of One Syllable, by the Author of the
“Stories of Old Daniel.”
29. The New Tom Thumb; and Account of his Wonderful Exploits.
30. Valentine and Orson, or Two Sons of the Emperor of
31. Take your Choice, or the Alphabet Community.
32. Lapland Sketches; or, Costume, &c. of Jens Holm and his
33. Tom Pickle’s Family History, versified by himself.
34. Tommy Trip’s Museum of Birds, Part I.
35. Ditto, Part II.
36. The Infant’s Grammar; or a Pic-Nic Party of the Parts of
37. The Monkey’s Frolic.
38. The Seven Champions of Christendom.
39. Little Rhymes for Little Folks.
40. Poetical Gems; or Short Pieces from the most admired
Authors, to commit to memory.
41. Punctuation Personified, or Pointing made Easy; by Mr.
42. Pug’s Travels thro’ Europe.
43. Peep at the Stars.
44. The Scripture Alphabet.
45. Portraits and Characters of the Kings of England, from
William Conqueror to Edw. IV. Part I.
46. Ditto, from Edward IV. to George III. Part II.
47. New Year’s Feast, on his coming of Age; a Poem illustrative
of the Festivals and Fasts.
48. Travels and Adventures of John Bull the Younger.
49. An Alphabetical Arrangement of Animals, by Sally Sketch.
50. The Three Cakes; a Tale in Verse, from the Original in Prose
by Mrs. Barbauld.
51. The Word Book.
52. The Rational Alphabet.
53. Royal Primer, or high Road to Learning.
54. Old Woman and her Pig.
55. Cinderella, or the little Glass Slipper.
56. Puss in Boots.
57. Whittington and his Cat.
58. Walks with Mamma.

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