Network Intrusion Detection System Using
Network Intrusion Detection System Using
Network Intrusion Detection System Using
Available online at
Procedia Computer Science 185 (2021) 239–247
Complex Adaptive Systems Conference Theme: Big Data, IoT, and AI for a Smarter Future
Malvern, Pennsylvania, June 16-18, 2021
The widespread use of interconnectivity and interoperability of computing systems have become an indispensable necessity to
enhance our daily activities. Simultaneously, it opens a path to exploitable vulnerabilities that go well beyond human control
capability. The vulnerabilities deem cyber-security mechanisms essential to assume communication exchange. Secure
communication requires security measures to combat the threats and needs advancements to security measures that counter
evolving security threats. This paper proposes the use of deep learning architectures to develop an adaptive and resilient network
intrusion detection system (IDS) to detect and classify network attacks. The emphasis is how deep learning or deep neural
networks (DNNs) can facilitate flexible IDS with learning capability to detect recognized and new or zero-day network
behavioral features, consequently ejecting the systems intruder and reducing the risk of compromise. To demonstrate the model's
effectiveness, we used the UNSW-NB15 dataset, reflecting real modern network communication behavior with synthetically
generated attack activities.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Complex Adaptive Systems Conference, June 2021.
Leveraging A.I. and Machine Learning for Societal Challenges
Keywords: Cybersecurity; Zero-day attacks; Deep learning; Intrusion detection systems
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-608-333-7520.
E-mail address: [email protected]
1. IDS Intrusion Detection System
2. ICT Information and Communication Technologies
3. NIDS Network Intrusion Detection System
4. HIDS Host Intrusion Detection System
5. CNN Convolutional Neural Network
6. RNN Recurrent Neural Network
7. LSTM Long Short Term Memory
8. GRU Gated Recurrent Unit
1. Introduction
Advances and widespread use of interconnectivity and interoperability of information and communication
technologies (ICT) have become necessary to reshape our relations to daily activities. The vibe of reliance on ICT
has enhanced individuals and organizations' posture allowing real-time global business continuity that continuously
evolves to offer convenience-related interoperability frontier solutions [1]. The exchange of digital information
across networks has opened a path to exploitable vulnerabilities that may have detrimental effects on both
individuals and organizations, thus deeming an effective network security solution crucial to maintaining
confidentiality, integrity, and availability [2]. Among the layered defensive mechanisms that address different
attack vectors, network security controls are recognized as the first defense line. An intrusion detection system (IDS)
scans network traffic to identify and report a violation based on the preconfigured customized detection levels.
Early detection will deter an intrusion and eject it from the system before any damage to the data. IDS assumes that
intrusions behavioral features differ from legitimate users' behavior; therefore, IDS quantifies intrusion behavior in
terms of its features. However, an exact distinction cannot be deciphered, creating an overlap between normal and
abnormal behavior that can be more obvious by deploying an intelligent intrusion detection system [3].
The main types of intrusion detection systems include:
A network intrusion detection system (NIDS) may consist of both hardware (sensors) and software (console)
to control and monitor network traffic packets at multiple locations for a potential intrusion or anomaly.
Host intrusion detection system (HIDS) resides on a particular computer or server, identified as the host, and
monitors activity only on that system. Although tapered to only one system, it offers higher capabilities than NIDS,
as it can access encrypted information traversing the network, including system configuration databases, registries,
and file attributes.
A Cloud intrusion detection system is a combination of cloud, network, and host layers. The cloud layer
provides a secure authentication into the demand-based access to a shared group or application programming
interface (API). Similarly, it will create a bridge between existing IDS and hypervisors.
To examine network traffic flow, IDSs deploy various detection techniques. Most common detection methods
● Signature-based detection, also known as knowledge-based, examines network traffic to identify patterns that
match existing or known signatures. This detection method looks at existing attacks associated with a distinct
signature, yet it requires continuous updates to account for unknown attack patterns.
● Anomaly-based detection, also known as behavior-based detection, examines network traffic to identify
patterns that deviate from normal or baseline behavior. This type of detection samples network traffic and
deploys statistical methods to scrutinize deviations; once a threshold is exceeded, it will alert the
administrator of an anomaly. Anomaly-based detection can detect new anomalies, but at the same time,
require much more processing power to compare behavior patterns continuously, and even a minute change
from baseline may trigger an alarm increasing false positives.
● Stateful protocol analysis, unlike signature-based, compares recognized protocol profiles to network traffic.
It uses predetermined, vendor-provided profiles to identify a random sequence of commands in both the
network and application layer.
Nevertheless, each detection method associates weaknesses when dealing with the overlap between normal and
abnormal traffic patterns; some drawbacks lead to false positives, false negatives, slow networks, increased CPU
Lirim Ashiku et al. / Procedia Computer Science 185 (2021) 239–247 241
usage, etc. To overcome some of the detection method limitations, deployment of traditional machine learning
techniques such as Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, etc., are sought. These methods have
significantly contributed to improved detection accuracy yet require expert knowledge and involvement to process
the extensive data. These techniques or shallow classifiers discover algorithms that permit machines to learn
without human intervention eventually may deliver suboptimal performance for multiclass problems with an
increased number of features [5]. Research has further advanced self-learning intrusion detection systems to detect
and classify recognized and zero-day intrusions; such detection methods facilitate proactive measures to identify and
deter malicious network traffic. Deep learning is characterized as the complex model, or advanced subset, of
machine learning algorithms to conquer some of the shallow networks' limitations. Deep learning algorithms have
demonstrated significance in speech recognition results, image processing, natural language processing, and many
other domains [6].
This paper focuses on the effectiveness of deep learning architectures for network security solutions that scans
network traffic to identify and report a violation based on the intrusions behavioral features identified in the dataset
UNSW-NB15 that reflect real modern normal behavior with synthetically generated attack activities [7]. Section 2
introduces related literature for IDS models followed by the approach utilized in this problem. Nest, the profound
learning model results are presented. And finally, section 5 summarizes the conclusions and future directions.
2. Background
Attributable to technology advancements for enhancing the digital society's lifestyle, intruders use the advances
for exploitation purposes. Exploitations include attempting to remotely access a network and cause a compromise of
integrity, confidentiality, or accessibility. The exploitations cause a detrimental effect to the affected and leverage
for capital gain for the intruder. Network IDS aims to analyze network traffic to identify network traffic patterns
that can cause damage to systems or networks. Although recognized practices are incorporated in the detection
methods' configurations, filtering traffic that measures up to rules may cause a decline in communication speed,
exploring options for deep learning approaches.
Deep neural networks consist of simultaneous multi-layer feature extraction that has gained popularity and have
significantly impacted the world of science [8]. Existing work within the domain of network IDS offers an
improved detection accuracy across a range of datasets. However, due to privacy and security issues, there is a lack
of openly available intrusion detection labeled datasets. Such limitation influences researchers to simulate network
traffic with real-life feature representativeness, and as a result, the collection of KDDCup, a DARPA project, was
the pioneer in IDS datasets. Lincoln Lab-created KDDCup using tcpdump using closed network generated traffic
with manual injected attacks to simulate traffic in U.S. Air Force bases. Failure to validate that the simulated dataset
represented real network traffic and many redundant records, especially for attacks, led to the creation of the next
version NSL-KDD [9]. Although with a significant redundancy improvement, the revised dataset is still being
criticized for real traffic representation, yet continually referenced as the most used and useful benchmark dataset
related to NIDS research. Other network IDS datasets include NSL-KDD, Kyoto, WSN-DS, CICIDS, etc. The
most recent publicly available dataset, UNSW-NB15, is created by Moustafa and Slay [7, 10] at the University of
New South Wales, Australia. The dataset was replicated to the KDDCup dataset using Association Rule Mining
(ARM) approach in feature selection but with very few standard features making it difficult for dataset
comparisons. UNSW-NB15 identifies nine families of attacks discussed in [7], which reflect common
vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE); CVE is a dictionary of publicly disclosed types of attacks that evolves upon
discovery of potential vulnerabilities [11]. Like earlier IDS datasets, UNSW-NB15 offers more than 40 features to
represent real network traffic with nine modern attack types elaborated on [12] with over 2.5 million records. The
architects provide abridged training and testing datasets commonly utilized for research. If not directly accessed
through university websites, some sources have reversed the partitions of training and testing datasets and have used
the smaller dataset for training, which resulted in reduced classification accuracy due to small instances on some of
the attack types. The partitioned datasets have been amended and processed to data cleansing, editing, reduction,
and wrangling techniques to accommodate use requiring only minimal deep learning pre-processing.
Research publications on IDS machine learning begin with the original DARPA datasets initiating machine
learning research with shallow neural networks such as Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, Random Forests,
etc., yielding high accuracy but significantly failing on underrepresented attack types [13,14]. Like related IDS
datasets, the UNSW-NB15 dataset offers binary classification demonstrating whether an instance is considered
242 Lirim Ashiku et al. / Procedia Computer Science 185 (2021) 239–247
benign (normal) or malignant (attack) and categorical classification where the type of attack is classified. Most
researchers develop two models to account for both binary and categorical classifications. In addition to the said
models, the KDDCup dataset offers sub-categorical classification (24 attack types); however, it is not commonly
disclosed in research due to training dataset misrepresentation discrepancy of sub-categories, while testing dataset
accounts for all classes. One way to handle such class imbalances is to merge the data and deploy sampling
approaches that divide the data for training and testing purposes. A revised LaNet-5 model to classify network
threats for the NSL-KDDD dataset is discussed by [15]. The image-reshaped NSL-KDD dataset's cross-validation
scheme showed significant improvements for both consequential types of intrusion threats and attack sub-categories.
Upwards dimension reshape is not a common practice, but in this case, it proved influential to the results observed
with the originally shaped dataset [15]. Time-series modeling of the network traffic events for the one-dimensional
data is discussed in [16]. Time-series modeling included a hybrid of both CNN and recurrent neural network
approaches such as LSTM and GRU. Open-source data flow engine TensorFlow, with a single Nvidia Tesla k40
GPU, was used for the KDDCup dataset. Hyperparameter tuning and many network topologies with a sampling of
underrepresented classes showed significant improvements for the given network dataset [16]. A deep neural
network (DNN) was staged by [17], indicating that the ReLU activation function helps overcome the vanishing
gradient and works faster than other nonlinear functions. Although many network traffic datasets are discussed in
the literature, UNSW-NB15 is considered an inclusive dataset of lower-level network attacks using modern network
traffic to meet real-world network activities. The binary classification for the UNSW-NB15 yielded 78.4% accuracy,
whereas the multiclass classification model yielded 66% accuracy [17]. The binary classification was best with a
single hidden layer, whereas the multiclass was similar for both 2 and 3 layers DNN. An increase in the number of
layers caused performance degradation using the hyperparameters discussed in [17]. A deep learning model with
ten hidden layers, each with ten neurons per layer, with ten-fold cross-validation is carried out under three
experiments [21]. The initial investigation is searching for the best activation function to use for the ten-fold cross-
In contrast, the second experiment is searching for principal features, and finally, the model is utilized and
achieved significant accuracy improvements. However, the authors in [21] do not disclose whether they
experimented on a binary or multiclass classification model, and neither did they show the proposed architecture. A
deep random neural network for UNSW-NB15 presents the multiclass classification's best performance using five
hidden layers [22]. Compared to other deep learning models with an 87%, 91%, and 95% respectively presented by
[23-25], the proposed scheme of deep random neural network yielded a 99% accuracy with the lowest detection rate
of 97% for the underrepresented classes.
3. Approach
The proposed deep learning model includes CNN, with regularized multi-layer perceptron, instead of a fully
connected feed-forward neural network (FNN). As opposed to FNN, CNN uses convolution as a mathematical
operation instead of multiplication or dot product. Convolution operation involves custom hyperparameters such as
dimensions of filter, number of filters, and strides for generating the output matrix. To handle diminishing tensor
dimensions as the input propagates through multiple convolutional layers, we introduced input padding. The
pooling layer is used between successive convolutional layers to reduce the or downsample feature dimensions
across the layers. Finally, a fully connected layer with regularization is remarked, followed by the classification
output layer. The dataset used to experiment with our model, as denoted, will be UNSW-NB15 primarily selected
for its representation of real-world network traffic designated to the common vulnerabilities and exposures. The
dataset has been examined through numerous models yielding suboptimal results conceding to opportunities for
model improvements. Although raw dataset reaches beyond two million instance simulations, the architects
characterize imputed datasets for training and testing purposes with nine attack families. Table I depicts the types of
attacks followed by a short description for each attack.
Lirim Ashiku et al. / Procedia Computer Science 185 (2021) 239–247 243
The model uses Keras library as a prototype working on top of the TensorFlow framework. Similarly, the
framework offers comprehensive and flexible tools and libraries that support deep learning architectures such as
CNN and RNN while enabling seamless exhibition for CPU, GPU, and TPU usage [18]. Google Colab serves as a
free cloud-based Jupyter notebook environment that supports training machine learning or deep learning models
using their computing units. To increase optimization momentum, we trained our deep learning model on GPU
enabled framework of Google Colab. The network IDS dataset required some pre-processing to convert objects
into numerical vectors to serve as input into the network. Data encoding was used to convert object features into
vectors and simultaneously created a distinct feature-category for missing data. The features were normalized and
reshaped for CNN input, while the labels were one-hot encoded to represent the number of classes. The multiclass
model characterizes ten classes, nine related to various attacks and then the normal traffic flow. Semi-dynamic
hyperparameter optimization included regularization techniques, learning rate, optimization algorithm, and batch
size. Similar to the hyperparameter optimization on the fly [26], we start midway from grid-search to establish a
baseline. Then we advance into trajectories that generate candidate hyperparameters from the search space. The
next dominant model replaces the baseline model and continues into the course until a decline in performance.
In addition to the hyperparameter tuning, we considered callback functions such as EarlyStopping and
ModelCheckpoint. These functions expedite search space and eliminate process continuity when the model
converges, hence preserving weights of best model performance. Fig. 1 illustrates the semi-dynamic approach that
iterates through sample space of the dropout rate, batch size, and learning rate.
On the other hand, the proposed model architecture realized by trials when blended with the hyperparameter
optimization approach. The architecture includes a double stacked Convolutional layer, Max Pooling, and Dropout.
Double stacked Convolutional architecture supported accuracy improvements, whereas Dropout after each Max
Pooling layer reduced overfitting. Fig. 2 depicts the proposed classification architecture with Dropout between
hidden layers and an increase in Dropout with Dense layers as a regulator for overfitting. Hidden layers use ReLu
as a nonlinear activation function followed by a Softmax activation function in the output layer.
244 Lirim Ashiku et al. / Procedia Computer Science 185 (2021) 239–247
Although class discrepancy is not much of an issue for a binary model, the ten-class model suffers from class
imbalance with 56K instances on the uppermost class and only 130 cases on the bottom extreme. Class imbalance
causes significant model downgrade, thus validating the need for bootstrapping to supplement the under-sampled
classes. However, due to data redundancy and duplication of the training data and a fair comparison to the existing
models, we opted to remain with the original datasets. In addition to the original datasets, we investigated a second
option of merging the datasets and then splitting on 70-30 training and testing sets. For the remainder of the paper,
we reference the second option as user-defined datasets.
The architecture coupled with the semi-dynamic hyperparameter tuning approach is used for readily available pre-
partitioned UNSW-NB15 train and test datasets and the user-defined datasets.
the multiclass classification model. On the other hand, Fig. 4 illustrates the detection rate for the types of attacks.
As shown, the detection rate for the underrepresented classes was significantly lower.
The benchmarks on the user-defined partition of the UNSW-NB15 dataset with a full set of features using deep
learning models are significantly higher than the pre-partitioned data. The proposed architecture and hyperparameter
approach provided significant model performance resulting in 95.6% accuracy for the 25% testing dataset. Like the
other datasets, the algorithm suggested using 'categorical cross entropy' with the Nadam optimization algorithm with
momentum to prevent overfitting. The approach offers a slightly higher learning rate of 0.005 with the same
dropout rate pattern. Fig. 5 presents the learning curve accuracy for the multiclass classification model. On the other
hand, Fig. 6 illustrates the detection rate for the types of attacks. Similar to the pre-partitioned datasets model, the
detection rate for the underrepresented classes was significantly lower.
246 Lirim Ashiku et al. / Procedia Computer Science 185 (2021) 239–247
This paper addressed network intrusion detection systems using the latest simulated network traffic dataset,
incorporating relevant features and common cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exposures. The proposed deep-
learning classification architecture coupled with the semi-dynamic hyperparameter tuning approach demonstrated
significant improvements to multiclass models compared to the results of similar deep learning-based network IDSs.
The models showed that our proposed approach obtained an overall accuracy of 95.4% and 95.6% for the pre-
partitioned and user-defined multiclass classification.
Although the proposed models have achieved promising results, we acknowledge that there is room for
improvements, mainly using feature reduction methods. Future work calls for transfer learning with relevant
existing datasets to serve as a baseline for model classification improvements with the UNSW-NB15 dataset and
extend our models' capability to handle zero-day attacks. In addition to transfer learning, bootstrapping techniques
to produce a well-balanced dataset to train a multiclass classification model will be investigated. Deep learning
anomaly detection models will amend cybersecurity architectures to develop adaptive and resilient network
intrusion detection systems to detect common vulnerabilities and exposures correctly and zero-day network
behavioral features reducing the risk of compromise.
Lirim Ashiku et al. / Procedia Computer Science 185 (2021) 239–247 247
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