Geomorphology of Blue Nile Basin

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Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95 – 116

Slope failures in the Blue Nile basin, as seen from landscape

evolution perspective
Lulseged Ayalew *, Hiromitsu Yamagishi
Department of Environmental Science, Niigata University, 8050 Niigata, 950-251 Japan
Received 11 March 2002; received in revised form 13 January 2003; accepted 21 January 2003


The Blue Nile basin is severely affected by slope failures, and the characteristics of its deep gorges and rugged valley walls
called for a study on the relationships between topography and the process of landsliding and rock falling. Work was
commenced with the conception of nine types of landforms on the basis of a one-to-one combination of lateral and vertical
slope profiles and thence the determination of the effect of these landforms on the occurrence of slope failures. Observations
showed that topographic surfaces with concave lateral profiles shelter mudflows and some retrogressive rotational slumps while
slopes characterized by planar lateral profiles are sites mainly for translational slides. Landslides are rare in convex-shaped
slopes but when they occur, they are big and deep-seated. As an effort to understand the significant contributions of landslides
and rock falls to landscape development, direct and indirect methods are employed. Direct methods are based on quantitative
relationships between the volume of material that had been removed from the area and the amount that could, in principle, be
taken away based on available erosion rates. Indirect methods used the nature of river incision and the effect of the present-day
landslides on the landscape. In general, discrepancy in calculated figures in the first, and the overall drop and form of the Abay
River gorge coupled with the observed landslide-caused landform changes in the second, led us to deduce that slope failures
were part of the mega-forces that shaped the entire Blue Nile basin, and in fact, played the dominant role in landscape evolution.
D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Slope failure; Landslide; Rock fall; Landscape; Ethiopia; Blue Nile

1. Introduction region include deep-seated rotational slumps, massive

translational slides, progressive creep movements, and
Slope failures both in the form of landslides and debris- and mudflows. Rock falls on the other hand
rock falls affect much of the Blue Nile basin (the exist largely as discernible block topples and wedge
Abay River and its tributaries). They occur in various failures all along mountains, valley walls, and road
extents, starting roughly 150 km downstream from cuts. The effects of these landslides and rock falls are
Lake Tana, the probable source of the Abay River, up known to be severe in many localities and demanded
to the border of Ethiopia and Sudan. Landslides in the an integrated study since the beginning of the 1990s.
The process of landsliding and rock falling in the
Blue Nile basin is a function of several factors, topo-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +81-25-2627289. graphic constraints being the most substantial causes
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Ayalew). of instability. This was widely discussed by EIGS

0169-555X/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
96 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

Fig. 1. Regional setting of the study area.

L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116 97

(1987, 1994), Ayalew and Temesgen (1995), Almaz of river networks may also be taken as a third
(1998), Ayalew (1999, 2000), and Ayalew and Yama- alternative since it contributes a certain amount of
gishi (2002a). On the other hand, little has been said information towards a complete assessment of the
about the contribution of landslides and rock falls to relationship between the two. This study used all of
the characteristics of landscapes. Several investigators these three approaches with the first as a direct means
believe that a series of tectonic disturbances during and the second and third as indirect methods to draw
the geological past, together with drainage-aided sur- conclusions. The entire work was supported by data
face erosion, led the geomorphology of most parts of from aerial photo interpretations, field surveys, and
the northwest Ethiopian highlands including the Blue 25-m digital elevation model (DEM) analyses in a
Nile basin into the form that is observed today. GIS.
Evidence for such conclusions came from (1) the
presence of scarps of several meters in extent (Mohr,
1983; Chorowicz et al., 1998), (2) the proximity of the 2. The study area
highlands to the Ethiopian rift valley where faulting
and jointing in the latter led to disturbance and Much of the Blue Nile basin is covered by Mes-
denudation in the former (McDougall et al., 1975; ozoic sedimentary rocks and Trap Series basalts of
Mohr, 1983; Mohr and Zanettin, 1988), (3) the Middle Tertiary (Jespen and Athearn, 1961; Mohr,
numerous heaps of rock fragments available in low- 1983; Mohr and Zanettin, 1988). The study area in
lands and agricultural fields (Westphal, 1975; Virgo particular provides long cliffs of sandstone, limestone,
and Munro, 1978; Nyssen et al., 2000, 2002), and (4) and gypsum intercalated with relatively soft units of
the high amount of dissolved solids in rivers and mudstone, shale, and marl (Getaneh, 1991; Russo et
streams (Hurni, 1985; Abate, 1990; Shiferaw and al., 1994) capped by a succession of lava outpourings
Holden, 1999; Tegegne, 2000). which stand out in relief along gorges and depressions
But, the unusual characteristics of the Abay River (McDougall et al., 1975). The Abay River and its
gorge and its tributaries raised some issues such as how tributaries cut deep into these rocks (Fig. 2) to form
the type of diffusive-form, drainage-aided surface what is known as ‘‘Africa’s Grand Canyon’’ in the
erosion observed today was successful after or togeth- study area and further downstream, and it drains west
er with tectonic disturbances to create very deep and while collecting water and sediments from perennial
wide gorges without a relatively rapid consumption of streams originating from the highlands. Its major
abundant cliffs by other forces as is evident from steep- tributaries are usually characterized by steep-sided
sided valleys, degraded mesas, and tabular hills. More- valleys with V-shaped cross-sections. In some places,
over, the principal phases of basin development and/or frequent rapids and waterfalls are not uncommon in
landscape evolution in the region were so far not these tributaries especially at times when summer
hammered out well. rains are high.
In this study, a survey was carried out on a portion Although there is a thin forest cover in the lower
of the Blue Nile basin that stretches from Gohatsion to part of the Blue Nile basin, the upstream portion
Yet Nora, a small village about 8-km north of Dejen including the study area has been used intensively
(Fig. 1), to examine mainly the contribution of land- for agriculture and now contains little vegetation.
slides and rock falls to the development of deep Despite the shortage of precipitation in most part of
gorges and thence to landscape evolution. The rela- northern Ethiopia, areas close to the Blue Nile Basin
tionship between the two is thought to depend on usually get high, anomalous summer rains. These
cause and effect chains. In this regard, the role of rains are at present responsible for incidents of many
slope failures in shaping landscapes can be ap- landslides and rock falls in the study area. Because of
proached in two ways; either through a quantitative material heterogeneity, knowledge on groundwater
determination of the contribution of mass movements conditions and the existence of regional hydraulic
at a larger scale or by studying the processes operating continuity is still a matter for detailed borehole
at the level of individual landscapes in a small area investigation and instrumentation. But, the role of
(Cendrero and Dramis, 1996). Investigating the nature groundwater in landslide initiations can generally be
98 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

Fig. 2. A geological cross-section along the north – south section of the Abay River gorge (modified from Ayalew, 2000).

inferred from the existing seepages and springs in primary topographic attributes that can be used to
exposures and other evidence such as localized weath- describe landforms and thence examine other pro-
ering and stains in rock joints. cesses that are linked to them. Among these attributes,
the most important for the study of landslides are
probably elevation, slope gradient, slope aspect, and
3. Geomorphologic considerations slope morphology as pointed out by Moore et al.
(1991). Beven and Kirkby (1979) and O’Loughlin
The influence of topography on slope movements (1986) derived different forms of the wetness index,
has been well known for decades or even centuries. which was used by Montgomery and Dietrich (1994) to
Accordingly, many works today focus simply on gen- model the effect of topography on shallow landslides.
eralizing this idea by trying to correlate individual Currently, advances in computer graphics have
landscape attributes and the processes of landsliding allowed many investigators to construct digital eleva-
and rock falling. Speight (1980) sorted out around 16 tion models (DEM) and extract primary and secondary
L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116 99

topographic attributes in order to study the relation- topples exist along sandstone cliffs and supply the
ships between topography and slope movements. In river with abundant boulders. The percentage of rock
this study, we relied on this approach as there is an fall decreases upward starting from roughly 1300-m
advantage of getting a statistical clue on how topo- elevation mark on both flanks, with the degree of
graphic attributes can be linked with the distribution of reduction being higher in the south. Landslides start to
landslides and rock falls. For this purpose, we used a appear at an elevation of around 1700 m and cover a
25-m DEM prepared from the 1:50,000 scale topo- wider area thereafter with a maximum percentage of
graphic map of the study area. Thematic maps of pri- slope failures recorded in the range between 1900-
mary topographic attributes were produced from this and 2000-m altitudes in the north, and 2100 and 2200
DEM, and together with landslide and rock fall inven- m in the south. Looking back at Fig. 2, these ranges of
tories, they became the basis for our investigations. elevations are marked by the contact between lime-
stone (marl) and lava flows. Instability is common at
3.1. Elevation, slope gradient, and slope aspect these elevations because the summer rains that perco-
late through vertical joints of basalt can easily soften
The geomorphology of the Blue Nile basin as a the marls lying below (Ayalew, 2000). From 2200 m
whole seems to be a reflection of the underlying upward, slope failures decrease significantly as the
geology with steep-sided cliffs and associated valley grades to interfluves.
benches occurring at each of strong rock units and The concentration of landslides near the middle
long, gentle slopes and topographic breaks found on portion of a valley is probably not a new phenom-
soft rocks. Three deep gorges are available in the enon observed in Abay River gorge only. Dalrym-
study area, which correspond to the Abay, Muga, ple et al. (1968) indicated the presence of flow,
and Bechet rivers as is shown in the relief map slide, slump, and creep in what they called ‘‘trans-
given in Fig. 3. The gorge of Abay River extends portational mid-slope’’ of a valley while explaining
roughly east – west and its shape is slightly asym- their hypothetical nine-unit land-surface model.
metrical with the north side of the valley wall having Gritzner et al. (2001) also observed a correlation
11.1 km straight line distance and the southern flank between relief and landslides in the Payette River,
8.9 km. Taking the horizontal imaginary line Idaho and ascribed the situation to the concentration
between the north and south apexes as a reference, of timber and road building activities at specific
the gorge is incised into a plateau with an altitude of altitudes. Moreover, landslides and elevation were
2500 m and a depth of about 1.5 km, although the strongly correlated by Dai and Lee (2002) in
total elevation difference in the study area is approx- Lantau Island, Hong Kong, where the presence of
imately 1532 m with the maximum height of 2532 thick colluvium at mid-elevations led to high degree
m registered near the villages of Yekoza and Yet of instability.
Nora (Fig. 3). The overall drop of the Abay River in Slope gradient has a great influence on suscepti-
the study area is roughly 20 m. Gorges of the Muga bility of a slope to landsliding and rock falling. This
and Bechet rivers have north – south orientations and has been illustrated in Fig. 4 for both flanks of the
are located on the northern side of the Abay River Abay River. The strong variation in slope gradient
(Fig. 3). Apart from the three gorges, there are many with elevation is also demonstrated in the same figure.
small river valleys which seem to be still at a young Generally speaking, deep-seated rotational and trans-
stage of development. lational landslides occur when the gradient is in the
Fig. 4 presents the distribution of slope failures range of 10j to 35j. For an angle of 5j, inventorying
against valley depth for the north and south flanks of creeps and small-scale slumps are possible. A gradient
the Abay River. For simplicity, data were organized of more than 40j often favours rock falls and rock
on 100-m elevation basis, and the percentages of topples. Gradient may explain the slight altitudinal
landsides and rock falls were calculated using area variation in the concentration of slope failures on the
proportions in the lateral direction. As it is shown in south and north flanks of the Abay River.
this figure, landslides are not common in the lower Slope aspect can influence the distribution and
portion of the valley. Instead, rock falls and rock density of landslides by controlling the concentration
100 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

Fig. 3. Relief map of the study area.

L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116 101

Fig. 4. The distribution of slope failures against valley depth and variation of slope gradient with elevation along the north – south section of the
Abay River gorge.

of soil moisture (Wieczorek et al., 1997) or the and landslides and rock falls were observed on all
orientation of tectonic fractures (Temesgen et al., surfaces, with variation in frequency unlikely to be
2000). A variation in the degree of weathering and controlled by slope aspect.
basal erosion due to slope aspect was also reported by
Ayalew and Yamagishi (2002b) with an effect on 3.2. Slope morphology
slope failure distribution. But, no correlation between
slope failures and aspect was observed in the Abay Slope profiles are basic attributes of the land
River gorge. While slopes in the north and south surface useful for the description of the landscape
flanks are facing each other, those in Bechet and and the analyses of landslides and rock falls. Given
Muga rivers are oriented dominantly west and east, the concentration of groundwater within concave
102 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

slopes and the resulting high pore water pressure in landslide analyses, although some of their terminol-
the axial areas, most deterministic, limit-equilibrium ogies have little to do with slope morphology.
models, albeit their 2D features, have their bases in Here, we attempted to divide the topography of the
slope morphology. While 2D limit-equilibrium mod- study area into nine landforms, giving emphasis to
els might be enough to analyze landslides on hills both lateral and vertical profiles, so that we could
and valley walls, slope failures in plains and moun- benefit from the classification to investigate the influ-
tains need much complex and integrated approaches. ence of slope morphology on the occurrence and
It might be for this reason that Ahnert (1976) distribution of landslides and rock falls. Our approach
introduced a 3D process-response model of landform is simply based on the recommendation of Kirkby
development, although the method needed some sort (1987), who stressed how difficult it is to aggregate
of refinement. 3D analyses are possible but are often the effect of individual landslides to the assemblage of
ignored in restricted engineering applications because slope failures over a long period of time and a wider
there is a need to maintain analytical simplicity of space and advised the use of slope profiles as a unit of
the slip surface geometry (Brunsden, 1999), or they study. Like Dikau (1989), we combined plan and
can be averaged by considering a series of 2D profile curvatures, but unlike him, our classification
sections (Chen and Chameau, 1983; Bromhead, did not depend on the radius of curvature. Consider-
1986). ing the nearly horizontal stratification of rocks of the
It is known that landscapes are widely described study area, we assumed that adjacent layers share
as convex, concave, or planar (straight, rectilinear). similar plan curvatures. While naming these land-
These intuitional expressions, useful as they are for forms, we tried to adhere to old expressions when
communications and conventional analyses, are we found it appropriate. Besides, we took a gradient
limited for regional investigations of landforms since of 2j as a lower threshold to exclude horizontal
they are usually used to describe the 2D outline of surfaces such as interfluves, peneplains, and thalwegs,
the topography. Instead, many authors often adopt or channel beds. It must also be realized that we did
working terminologies like hollows, cirques, drum- not consider the variation in the degree of curvature
lins, facets, segments, etc. Hollows are discrete between lateral and vertical profiles as we were most
depositional environments on hillslopes where long- interested on differences in shape.
term storage of colluvium typically alternates with
brief episodes of erosion by landsliding or gully 3.2.1. Types of landforms
formation (Dietrich and Dunne, 1978; Okunishi and Fig. 5 presents the schematic illustration of land-
Iida, 1983). Cirques and drumlins are concave and forms developed under the above conditions and
convex landforms delimited by convex and concave assumptions. The simplest among these is the land-
rims, respectively (Evans, 1998). They are also form where both the vertical (profile curvature) and
defined as steep bowl-shaped hollows occurring at lateral (plan curvature) profiles are planar (P –P). This
the upper end of a mountain valley and elongated kind of landscape is common in localities where the
hills or ridges of glacial drift, respectively (AHDEL, slope is inclined smoothly in one direction, and the
2000). A facet is a horizontal, inclined, or vertical underlying geology is relatively homogeneous.
plane, while segments are defined as smoothly Blaszczynski (1997) called these kinds of topographic
curved concave or convex upward surface areas surfaces sloping flats, and we simply adopt this
(Savigear, 1965). Dikau (1989) classified landform nomenclature. Landslides on such types of landscapes
elements by plan and profile curvature to define are translational or rectilinear, shallow and diffuse,
basic relief units in 3D for soil mapping purposes. and are usually confused with massive forms of sheet
Blaszczynski (1997) divided convex surfaces into erosion. The infinite slope analysis of limit-equili-
crests and side slopes and concave areas into brium models (Skempton and Delory, 1957) probably
troughs, side slopes, open basins, and closed basins. had its basis in such landforms.
He also used expressions like sloping and horizontal Concave – planar (C – P) landscapes are observed in
flats to describe planar landforms. Dai and Lee the upper parts of gorges where weathering along
(2002) used 10 categories of slope profiles for their vertical joints of basalt was strong in the past, allow-
L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116 103

Fig. 5. Schematic illustration of the nine landforms developed on the basis of combinations of lateral and vertical profiles.

ing many gullies to develop in parallel. It seems that less common in the lower and middle portions of
with time, these gullies converged and eroded the land gorges. Like their P – P and C – P counterparts, their
surface to form an inclined valley. The name sloping gradient is constant down-slope. But unlike them,
valleys is, therefore, quite appropriate to these land- there is a relatively high degree of stability. When it
forms. Lateral concavity is a function of rock falls. happens, landsliding is deep-seated.
Landslides, if present, are dominantly in the form of Slopes with planar – concave (P – C) profiles are
rapid creep. During the rainy season, debris flows and observed in localities where ladle-shaped, gently slop-
mudflows are also common. ing marl- or mudstone-covered surfaces are confined
Topographic surfaces with an outline of convex by resistant basalt or limestone cliffs from above and
lateral and planar vertical profiles (Cx –P) are found in below. They are termed sloping open basins since they
the study area squeezed into two sloping valleys. resemble depressions with no clear lateral limits.
Hence, they are called here sloping hills. They are Based on the definition of AHDEL (2000), these
104 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

topographic features are more or less similar to cirques are not uncommon on these types of landforms. Rock
but with a relatively less curved vertical profile. They fragments derived from rockslides and elongated
are common on the middle portion of valley walls. In blocks of rocks are also available covering fields
the Abay River gorge, there are more of these land- immediately below.
scapes on the northern than the southern flank. The The P –Cx forms of landscapes were observed in
vast majority of landslides on these surfaces have areas where terrains are dissected by sub-parallel,
common features such as a surface of rupture similar deeply incised ravines which can serve as lateral
to the vertical slope profile, a main scarp which is a limits of convexity. They are usually long laterally,
mirror-image of the overlying cliffs, a landslide trail sometimes in hundreds of meters, and considering
where mass transport predominates, and a temporary their convex vertical profile, it might be correct to call
base where the majority of the landslide mass is them sloping open ridges. Landslides on these surfa-
deposited. Hence, most of them can be modelled by ces are complex, deep-seated, and need a long time to
2D conventional methods of slices. develop, and if they occur, they are more likely to do
C – C profiles are characteristics of landscapes so in localities where groundwater flow is vigorous on
which were dissected by long curved joints, along account of lenses of permeable materials. They are
which gully and rill erosion was selectively intensive, less sensitive to short-term water influxes than those
allowing the flanks to stand out and form bowl-shaped landforms discussed above. Slip planes on these land-
topographic surfaces. Because of the high amount of scapes are usually concave. Landslides often initiate
moisture, these types of landscapes are found to be the rock falls at the top.
locations of many retrogressive upward-propagating Landforms with C – Cx slope profiles are abundant
landslides which slowly revert to multiple rotational on the surface of soluble bedrock such as gypsum and
slumps. On these surfaces, failure develops in two limestone. While the overall morphology still resem-
distinct forms: rotational slips at the toe and middle bles the structure of a hill, cave collapses initiated by
portion and major retrogressive sliding in the upper selective and deep subsurface dissolution in gypsum
part of the slopes. Hence, slip surfaces are usually not and limestone were extended with time to adjacent
a set of single circles, rather multi-tiered envelopes weak rocks such as shale, mudstone, and marl to form
whose extents are limited by the slope angle and the big depressions. With their high standing shoulders
characteristics of the materials underneath. Given their and the surrounding cliffs, they resemble hills that are
biconcavity, they can be known as sloping closed in the process of recession. Hence, they are referred to
basins. It is also logical to consider them as hollows as as sloping recessing hills. During summer rains, small
they are places where a significant amount of collu- slips created by rill erosion usually converge towards
vium and boulders of basalt come to rest from above. these depressions to form mudflows. Large-scale land-
Topographic surfaces made up of Cx – C slope slides are rare, but rock falls, rockslides, and subse-
profiles are usually present in areas where existing quent toppling effects are common in cliffs above.
cliffs portray strong lithological variations in the Cx – Cx forms of landscapes are commonly adja-
horizontal direction. Examples are limestone cliffs in cent to their C – Cx counterparts. The convex shape of
a matrix of marl, common in the middle portion, or the topography drains water away from the region to
gypsum terrains surrounded by shale and mudstone, make them the most stable landforms in the study
found in the upper part of the lower half of the study area. But, if conditions suitable for instability are
area. The limestone and gypsum layers, being rela- created once, the resulting slope failures involve a
tively strong, can resist the process of degradation, or wide area, are usually a mixture of landslides and
even landslides en-masse, to produce hills which are rock falls, and have biconcave slip surfaces. In order
rimmed by concave lateral surfaces. Despite their to echo their biconvex shape, we called them as
appearance of being rocky protrusions, we preferred sloping inflated hills. Sometimes, the scarps at the
to call them sloping protuberant basins in order to top shed some gravels and rock blocks but they are
give much emphasis for the concave vertical profile. taken downhill quickly and accumulate in valley
As far as slope failures are concerned, rock slides near floors or at topographic breaks. Later, runoff trans-
the crown and small-scale slumps at the toe of slopes ports them further downstream.
L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116 105

Fig. 6. (top) A slope curvature map for the north – south section of the Abay River gorge.
Fig. 7. (bottom) A statistics on the relative abundance of the nine landforms.
106 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

3.2.2. Discussions and statistics objectively so that description of slope failures at a

The classification of landforms given above lends particular level of detail is possible.
itself to slope profile description at a decipherable In order to know how the nine landforms are
scale. This is to say that we gave little attention to the distributed in the study area, we produced thematic
effect of minor scale roughness. Some properties such maps of profile and plan curvatures using the 25-m
as the runout distance of landslides can be affected DEM mentioned earlier. Later, we combined these
equally by both small-scale undulations and large-size maps to obtain a plot which shows how the landforms
topographic irregularities. There is no universally are scattered. That part of this plot, which corresponds
accepted definition for what a runout distance is, but for the north – south section of the Abay River gorge,
it is known as the distance from the top part of the is presented in Fig. 6. In this figure, it is possible to
plane of rupture to the lower rim of the displaced distinguish some types of landforms (such as bicon-
material measured parallel to the slope (Okura et al., vex and biconcave landscapes), but others, especially
2003). Our sporadic observations on both flanks of topographic surfaces with planar lateral profiles, are
the Abay River gorge allowed us to conclude that extremely difficult to identify. This shows how the
while movements of landslides on landforms with spatial variation of landforms is strong in the study
planar vertical profiles are affected largely by small- area. The specific combination occurring at a certain
scale undulations and roughness in the lateral direc- place is a function of differences in factors such as
tion, the run-out distance on concave and convex lithology, stratigraphy, relief, microclimate, slope
vertical profiles showed little variation in relation to aspect, gradient, weathering and dissolution, land
curved-in or curved-out geometry. cover and land use, and drainage.
Having said this, let us review some important In order to enhance our work further, we calculated
points. The type of landslide occurring in a certain the percentages of distribution of landforms both on
landform is usually a function of the lateral profile, as the north and south flanks of the Abay River and
mudflows are common when the latter is concave. throughout the study area. The bar diagram shown in
Vertical profiles govern the run-out distance of dis- Fig. 7 are results of this calculation. It is seen that
turbed materials as is discussed above. Some other sloping inflated hills or biconvex landforms dominate
properties like the distribution, frequency of occur- the Abay River section with virtually no difference
rence, the shape of rupture surface, etc. are functions when the study area as a whole is taken into consid-
of both lateral and vertical profiles. Besides, while the eration. Sloping closed basins, the little expected
distribution of landforms can to a certain extent be protuberant basins, and recessing hills follow in this
correlated with elevation, we saw no apparent rela- order in terms of abundance. It is ironic but a fact that
tionship between the former and either slope gradient sloping open ridges, sloping open basins, and sloping
or aspect. Even elevation itself affects mainly the flats are available only in smaller proportions. Sloping
vertical profile, in that concave-shaped landscapes valleys and sloping hills are extremely rare. The
such as P – C, C– C, and Cx – C are common at mid- implication of this statistical observation is that,
altitudes, whereas other types of landforms are spread although slip surfaces do not exactly follow the shape
ubiquitously in the lower and upper portions of the of the landscape and could be concave or planar in
river gorges. convex-shaped landforms, the use of 2D limit-equili-
Apart from such observations which may be in brium models with an assumption of P –C or P – P
complete contrast with cases in other areas, the slope profiles where in fact such topographic surfaces
classification given above can conventionally be are rare, leads to wrong conclusions.
adopted to describe the influence of landforms on
the occurrence and distribution of slope failures. But,
the classification system makes no claim that topo- 4. Slope failures and landscape evolution
graphic surfaces should take one of those landforms
given here especially in regions where geological In the previous section, we attempted to describe
complexity is strong. It simply provides a method how topographic attributes in general or the nine
whereby actual profiles of landforms can be combined landforms in particular can control the occurrence,
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type, and distribution of landslides and rock falls. In high for a long time, slope instability could be the
this section, we will concentrate on the contribution of dominant agent responsible for the formation of land-
slope failures to the formation of the landforms scapes. They suggested the use of a series of sectors
themselves. By doing so, we are aiming to highlight characterized by combinations of conditioning mor-
the cause and effect relationship between slope fail- pho-dynamic processes to describe slope evolution in
ures and topography throughout landscape evolution. large areas. They also stressed that landslide activities
The role of slope failures in landscape evolution in directly create different landforms and provided several
general has been discussed by several authors includ- clues, or what they called possible indicators, to study
ing Arnett (1971), Brunsden and Kesel (1973), Rad- topographic surfaces shaped by slope failures.
bruch-Hall and Varnes (1976), Selby (1982), Sorriso- Densmore et al. (1997) used red and white beans to
Valvo (1985), Johnson (1987), and Lomoschitz et al. demonstrate the evolution of slopes by landslides and
(2002). Hutchinson (1973) explained how a sequence rock falls under laboratory conditions. The beans
from large deep-seated rotational landslides in London approximated the behaviour of a rock mass whose
Clay cliffs towards smaller and shallower slides had strength depends on both the shear strength of the
occurred while the profile declines in average gradient zones of weakness within it and the anisotropy of
to a rather uniform slope at an ultimate threshold individual blocks. After running several experiments,
value. Francis (1987) used the threshold concept to they suggested that the first landforms to be formed in
point out that slopes with greater angles develop hillslopes are steep lower segments, mainly because of
mainly by mass movements, not by surface erosion basal undercutting. This leads to large, infrequent,
as is generally expected. slope-clearing events and finally to resetting of the
The fact that a single slope movement can have a stable slope. They acknowledged some of the short-
large enough impact on landscapes to strongly influ- comings of their experiment, as for example the fact
ence the course of subsequent development of the that the strength in beans did not change with time
topography and thence loadings and pore-water dis- like that of the rock masses and the stresses in terrains,
tributions has been extensively discussed by Kirkby but insisted that their results largely reflect what is
(1987). While revising existing slope evolution models happening in nature. According to them, smaller
incorporating landslides and rock falls, he acknowl- slides, which are restricted to the lower part of a hill,
edged that forecasts of long-term slope evolution by are responsible for most of the observed variations in
slope failure are very imperfect. The reason which he slope morphology.
gave at that time was the fact that most of these models Here, we want to echo the opinion of Kirkby
did not attempt to cover the full range of possible (1987), Cendrero and Dramis (1996), and Densmore
processes and types of mass movements, concentrating et al. (1997) through a discussion on how slope
mainly on shallow soil landslides or surface erosion; failures were able to modify landscapes in the Blue
partly because they aim at average evolution rather Nile basin. By doing so, we are aiming to highlight
than identifying the effect of individual, large slope our concern that many works simply focus on drain-
failures stochastically or analytically; and partly age-aided surface erosion while trying to address
because existing mass movement theories were largely issues such as environmental degradation or even
concerned with stability analysis rather than subse- landscape evolution in the area. Actually, the deep
quent movement of failed material. He also raised the gorges of the Blue Nile basin are not consonant with
threshold concept and stated that when slope move- the action of erosion alone, which unlike landslides
ments are compared with water-produced soil erosion, need the formation of soils first. In fact, the contribu-
it is seen that the former is characterized by a lower tion of surface erosion was largely limited to the
threshold below which their rate is negligible and removal of unconsolidated materials, with an end
above which it increases rapidly and becomes vital result of modifying and amplifying small-scale topo-
for landscape evolution. graphic features such as pits and peaks, and increasing
After discussing the pros and cons of several slope roughness. This has also been pointed out by Weissel
evolution models, Cendrero and Dramis (1996) pointed et al. (1995). There is also no evidence for intensive
out that in an area where hydraulic conductivity was Pleistocene glaciation in the Blue Nile basin in north-
108 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

ern Ethiopia (Messerli and Rognon, 1980; Hurni, km 2 year 1 (0.012 mm year 1) over the past 23.5
1989). Slope failures were, therefore, the main factors Ma. They also found a value of 15 F 7.5 m3 km 2
which brought about large scale modifications in the year 1 (0.015 mm year 1) by calculating the volume
landscape. We will try to reason out this in the of rock eroded from the Abay River and its major
following sections based on direct and indirect tributaries using contour maps and acknowledged that
approaches. modern erosion rates are far higher than this value.
Then, they came up with a suggestion of 0.12– 0.24
4.1. Volume-based valley section analyses mm year 1 for current situations comparing the con-
tribution of the Blue Nile and White Nile to the sedi-
In order to verify the contribution of landslides to ment accumulation in Nile Delta basin. There was,
landscape evolution in the study area, first we used the however, no indication from when this value holds true.
relative difference between the amount of soil and On the basis of the 25-m DEM, the total area
rock materials removed from the study area since the considered in this study is around 7.6  108 m2. Ear-
beginning of valley incision and the amount that could lier, it was mentioned that the lower limit of valley
be removed from the region based on suggested incision in the area is about 1000 m. Although the
erosion rates as direct quantitative evidence. As men- original summit of lava flows could be higher than the
tioned earlier, this is in accordance with the sugges- current ridge-top contour lines, we assumed that over-
tion given by Cendrero and Dramis (1996). It is all surface lowering was far outweighed by valley
known that the Abay River crosses several geologic incision in the past and has little influence in our
units. The first 150 km of its course lies on lava flows. quantitative analyses. This is also based on the obser-
It reaches the study area after it travels about 195 km, vations of Clayton (1997) in United Kingdom and
by which time it is already 1200 m deep into Meso- Mather et al. (2002) in Spain for river valleys. Hence,
zoic sedimentary rocks. we considered the present-day maximum elevation
The first comprehensive study of the denudation of (2532 m) of the study area as the historical apex of the
Trap Series basalts in the Blue Nile basin was most plateau. From the elevation difference (1532 m) and
probably that of McDougall et al. (1975). After surface area, it was possible to calculate the volume of
collecting interstitial glass-containing rock samples, rock mass that was originally deposited as 1.16  1012
they determined the age of lava flows in the study m3. Besides using the 25-m DEM and mean valley
area, which was found to be less than 30 Ma, almost sections, the amount of material still available in the
similar to the 29.6 F 0.1 Ma of Hoffmann et al. site was determined to be 6.10  1011 m3. The differ-
(1997). According to them, this could be a lower ence between the two volumes, which is 5.5  1011
limit to the age of incision by the Abay River into the m3, is in principle the amount of material that was
highlands. Weissel et al. (1995), while studying the taken away by river erosion, assuming that the latter
development of the southern part of the north –west- was the sole process responsible for the formation of
ern highlands of Ethiopia including the Blue Nile landscapes.
basin on the basis of fractal analyses, stressed the lack To check whether this is true or not, we took into
of evidence for the existence of pre-lava well-devel- account the various rates of erosion suggested by
oped river systems in the region. McDougall et al. (1975) and considered that the
For determination of denudation rates, McDougall longest probable age of lava flows (30 Ma) corre-
et al. (1975) assumed that the Abay River and its sponds to the lower limit of valley incision in the area
tributaries supply the main Nile River with more than as is mentioned above. The amount of soils and rocks
90% of the sediment load, which was later confirmed that could be removed from the study area under the
by Abate (1990). After taking into consideration the rate of erosion of 0.012 mm year 1 was then
lower age of formation of lava flows, allowing for the 2.74  1011 m3. With 0.015 mm year 1 erosion rate,
difference in bulk density between deltaic sediments in this value was changed into 3.42  1011 m3. Ironi-
Egypt and eroded bedrocks in Ethiopia, and assuming a cally, both of these figures are less than the 5.5  1011
30% loss in solution from the highlands, McDougall et m3 volume of soils and rocks that had been already
al. (1975) suggested a mean erosion rate of 12 F 6 m3 taken away from the area. In fact, there are deficits of
L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116 109

2.76  1011 and 2.08  1011 m3, respectively. Even

assuming a value of 0.24 mm year 1 starting from
Late Pleistocene (1 Ma), the total volume of rocks
eroded from the area was found to be 5.1  1011 m3.
This value is still 4  1010 m3 short of 5.5  1011 m3.
This discrepancy in calculated figures is a rational
proof for the removal of soils and rocks from the area
by processes other than surface erosion, or in this case
by slope failures. The latter was not considered by
McDougall et al. (1975) to determine rates of ero-
sions, or completely neglected by many others, prob-
ably because it was difficult to incorporate the
cumulative effect of individual landslides and rock
falls as it was pointed out by Kirkby (1987).

4.2. River incision as indirect clue

Evidence for the role of slope failures in modifying

the landscape can also be inferred from the nature of
river incision that was once characteristic of the study
area. It is known that to form a deep canyon of the
Blue Nile type, there needs to be a strong incision
through the bedrock in the geologic past. Incision
could have begun along extensional joints of basalt as
modern springs do or simply following regional
tectonic fractures as Weissel et al. (1995) suggested.
Once started, however, the degree of incision seemed
to be largely controlled by the strength of rocks, the
change in the baselevel, relief, and climate. Fig. 8
presents the unconfined compressive strength of rocks
as a function of elevation in the study area. High
values correspond to basalt in the upper part, lime-
stone in the middle, and sandstone in the lower potion
of the basin. The difference in strength of rock masses
means a possible variation in incision rate as is
discussed by Selby (1987). But, strength helps little
in quantifying incision rate or in answering questions
such as when and where the latter was strong and
what were the short-term consequences. In order to
Fig. 8. The unconfined compressive strength of rocks as a function
answer these questions, one must look at the way the of elevation.
baselevel, relief, and climate were changing through-
out the history of the development of the Blue Nile
While discussing the response of a river to a change responses are concerned. He noted that, if baselevel
in the baselevel, Schumm (1993) stated that, although lowering is small, a channel can adjust to a change of
the direction of change in the baselevel determines slope by changing its pattern, by increasing bed
whether a river aggrades or degrades, the magnitude of roughness, or by changing shape. If the change is
this change is the most important factor as far as river large, strong river incision is likely, and if it is very
110 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

large, rejuvenation of the entire drainage network may Little is known of the pre-Quaternary climate of the
result. The author also pointed out that a change in Ethiopian highlands. However, wetter conditions are
relief or regional uplift would rejuvenate the upper part largely expected (Yemane et al., 1985). In the Pleis-
of a river, so that the latter can erode large quantities of tocene, glaciation is thought to be not strong around
sediments. Besides, Schumm (1993) concluded that the Blue Nile basin and its surrounding highlands
base-level changes could affect a valley for perhaps compared with those mountains south of the Ethio-
300 km, as in the Mississippi, whereas increase in pian rift valley (Hurni, 1989). The Holocene has had
relief and climate change can affect the entire fluvial the attention of some investigators, and the presence
system. Yoxall (1969) stressed that, apart from mag- of three major wet periods (ca. 4000 –3500, 2500–
nitude and direction, the rate of change of baselevel is 1500, and 1000 –960 year BP) alternating with dry
also important to control the nature of river incision. period has been reported for the northern part of
According to this author, when the lowering of base- Ethiopia (Machado et al., 1998). This could also be
level is fast, a stream incises vertically with little true for the area around the Blue Nile basin where
lateral migration, whereas when the change is slow, variations in climate have an identical effect at the
considerable lateral migration takes place, permitting present time.
the channel to adjust its slope. The fact that there was major uplift in the Pleisto-
It is mentioned that the Abay River starts from cene, and the existence of strong climatic variations in
Lake Tana and drains on a flat plain before it reaches a the Holocene, implies the existence of strong rejuve-
vertical scarp, around 30 km downstream, which nation and valley incision during the Quaternary.
forced it to form a waterfall. From there the river is Given the major uplift occurring in the Pliocene–
confined to a narrow valley but still flows east with Pleistocene, considering the strength of lava flows
little drop. At around 95-km mark, it sharply rotates to compared to the underlying sedimentary rocks, and
the south apparently starting a gradual turn to the observing the current morphology of the relatively
west. It switches to the southwest, then to the west at less deep portion of the upstream part of the Blue Nile
the locality where Mesozoic sedimentary rocks out- basin, we assume that valley incision was initiated in
crop, about 150 km downstream from Lake Tana. the upper 150 km of the Abay River course before or a
Weissel et al. (1995) suggested that this shift towards little after the beginning of the Quaternary. Then, the
the west occurred as a result of flexural uplift of that degree of incision increased rapidly given the abrupt
part of the plateau found east of the Blue Nile in and rapid uplift of the Pleistocene, and it is at that time
response to Late Miocene rifting of the Ethiopian rift that slope failures started to play a major role in
valley. According to them, this process reorganized landscape evolution by modifying the pre-existing
the existing drainage system in a relatively short time landforms.
and also inaugurated a new template so that today, the In order to investigate how incision progressed
entire river and stream system flows to the west. during the Quaternary, let us compare the ratio
A series of regional uplifts was expected to be the between channel length and drop for three sections
norm for the Blue Nile basin and its surroundings in of the Abay River. For the first 150 km, there is a drop
the geologic past as is reported by several investiga- of 300 m. For the stretch between the 150-km mark
tors. Merla (1963) suggested that uplift in the Ethio- and the study area (195 km), the drop increases to
pian highlands occurred in Miocene and Pliocene – 1200 m. From the study area to the Sudan border, the
Pleistocene epochs (cited by McDougall et al., 1975). drop becomes around 400 m. Looking at these values
Between these two, the Pliocene– Pleistocene uplift and recalling the discussion by Schumm (1993), it is
was relatively abrupt and rapid (Mohr, 1967). Faure possible to deduce that change in the base-level was
(1973) suggested an uplift of 0.1 mm year 1 from so slow initially (probably from Oligocene to Quater-
Middle Tertiary to the Quaternary and 0.5– 1.0 mm nary) while the river was incising into the lava flows.
year 1 during the Late Pleistocene (cited by McDou- Then, incision into the sedimentary rocks was rela-
gall et al., 1975). Uplift since the last 8 Ma of the Tana tively rapid, maybe as a result of uplift and a high rate
basin region through some 1000 m was indicated by of change of the baselevel. But, only when the
Yemane et al. (1985) from Paleo-floral evidence. incision of the gorge was about 300– 400 m in depth
L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116 111

Fig. 9. The drop and sinuosity of streams and gullies in the study area.

and reached the marl should the first rock falls and interpretation is correct, then the rock falls are prob-
rock topples of the upper-lying lava flows occur. ably of Middle to Late Pleistocene age and form part
Good evidence for these rock falls and rock topples of a long history of slope instability.
to predate other slope failures is that some blocks are A channel confined within a narrow valley can only
now found beyond the immediate fall area, having aggrade or degrade, and degradation was what seems
been transported by landslides occurred later. If this to happen to the Abay River at the end of Pleistocene

Fig. 10. A landslide with biconcave slip surface developed on biconvex hill.
112 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

Fig. 11. First time rotational slump on the southern side of Abay River gorge.

Fig. 12. First time retrogressions at the head of a previous landslide.

L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116 113

or at the beginning of the Holocene. Once constricted various landslides and rock falls occurring at the
valley walls cut into the basalt, the river responded to present time affect the topography of the study area
further changes in the baselevel by degradation. With in particular or of the Blue Nile basin in general. A
the presence of incompetent sedimentary rocks such as landslide that occurred in October 1993 on the northern
marl and mudstone, conditions were then created for side of the Abay River gorge can be taken as an
landslides to occur. Valley widening occurred as a example (Fig. 10). The original topography was bicon-
result of these landslides and retreating rock cliffs as is vex with an inclination of roughly 16j. After failure,
now evident by the remaining tabular hills and mesas. the resulting landscape became biconcave. Rock falls
The three wetter episodes of the Holocene reported by and debris slides which occurred later in the aftermath
Machado et al. (1998) were probably a major cause of right at the head and shoulders of the failed slope
deep-seated landslides in the region which changed the modified the surrounding region and produced an
earlier convex topographic surfaces to the planar or undulating terrain whose geometries are even now left
concave slopes of today. Lobe-shaped deposits found at the mercy of new cycles of slope movement.
in the middle portion of the northern side of the Abay Of course previous and present-day landslides and
River gorge are probably remnants of slope failures of rock falls landscape development vary greatly either in
that generation. frequency or magnitude. In the study area, the effects
With further passage of time, it seems that rock
falls and landslides in the upper and middle portions
of the valley walls became less dependent on river
incision. Rather, they turned out to be a function of
susceptible stratigraphy, climatic variations, and
human activity. A slight decrease in average yearly
rainfall over the Ethiopian highlands since the begin-
ning of the 20th century was reported by Conway
(2000). While this may lead to an expectation of a
decrease in the influence of climate, anomalous high
amount of rains are still common in the Blue Nile
basin, and coupled with anthropogenic factors, control
the mechanisms of failure of present-day landslides
and rock falls (Ayalew, 1999, 2000). Evidence for the
beginning of the human impact on the environment
in Ethiopia dates back to 1500 – 2000 years BP
(Mohammed, 2002).
Today, there are more than 1000 gullies and
streams in the study area, as depicted on the 25-m
DEM mentioned earlier. The drop and sinuosity of
these gullies and streams are given in Fig. 9. It is
possible to see from this figure that the average drop is
around 136 m while the sinuosity is hardly above 1.4.
This indicates that most of the streams are still in steep
valleys where sideward erosion is difficult. More
slope failures are, therefore, yet to come, bringing
with them new landscapes.

4.3. Evidence from present-day slope failures

Another indirect way of justifying the role of slope

failures in landscape evolution is to look at how the Fig. 13. Long column of sandstone which is liable to rock falling.
114 L. Ayalew, H. Yamagishi / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 95–116

of Pleistocene landslides, if there were any, are now methods. The first was linked to volume-based valley
largely subdued and hard to recognize. But ancient, section analyses using DEM and calculations of the
ancient historic, and recent historic landslides (nomen- amount of materials that are supposed to have been
clatures taken from Flageollet, 1996), all of which eroded from the area according to available erosion
occurred in the Holocene, left their own geomorphic rates. A discrepancy in calculated figures allowed us
signatures at different scales. The fact that biconcave to conclude that slope failures were the dominant
landforms are next to biconvex slopes in abundance in forces that shaped not only the landscapes of the
the present-day landscape, as it was shown by statis- study area but also the Blue Nile basin as a whole.
tical analyses in the previous section, can be a result of Qualitative methodologies considered the process of
the action of Holocene slope failures. The absence of valley incision in the geologic past and evidence from
vegetation and the ever increasing human interference the action of the present-day landslides. By discussing
means that present-day landslides, which include how factors such as regional uplift and climatic
creep, first-time rotational slumps (Fig. 11), gravity- variation affected valley incision in the Quaternary
aided translational slides, mud flows, and first-time and by emphasizing the effect of the latter on slope
retrogressions at the head of previous landslides (Fig. failures and the drop and form of the Abay River
12) together with rock falls (Fig. 13), have a greater gorge, we attempted to explain the contribution of
influence on the current topography at a larger scale landslides and rock falls to landscape evolution,
than their ancient counterparts. especially once incision started into the sedimentary
rocks. Moreover, permanent changes caused by
present-day landslides indicate that this had been the
5. Conclusion case throughout the evolution of drainage basin.

Taking a portion of the Blue Nile basin as a study

area, we attempted to shed light on the cause and Acknowledgements
effect chain which links topography and slope fail-
ures. Discussion started with an illustration of the Financial support by the Japan Society for the
correlations between primary topographic attributes Promotion of Science (JSPS) is highly acknowledged.
such as elevation, gradient and aspect, and landslides We express our gratitude to two anonymous referees
and rock falls. Then, nine types of landform were for their strong critiques on an earlier version of this
developed based on a combination of lateral and manuscript.
vertical slope failures. The influence of these land-
forms on the type and distribution of landslides was
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