Int001 2211
Int001 2211
Int001 2211
Issue 47
Age Pension
Disability Support Pension
Carer Payment.
If we send you a Proof of Life form, you will need to do all of the following:
Date we’ll issue Direct deposit Cheque customers Payment covers the period
your payment customers should should get
get payment by payment by
Outside Australia pension rates and thresholds are re-assessed in January, March, July and September
each year.
How much Per year Per year Per year Per year each
pension 1, 2, 3
Outside Australia SINGLE COUPLE both COUPLE one COUPLE
pension rates eligible eligible partner separated due to
and thresholds ill health
Full pension up to up to up to up to
A$4940.00 A$8736.00 A$8736.00 A$8736.00
Part pension Less than Less than Less than Less than
A$55,016.00 A$84,427.20 A$84,427.20 A$108,888.00
Part pension — Less than Less than Less than Less than
Homeowner A$601,000 A$904,500 A$904,500 A$1,061,000
Part pension — Less than Less than Less than Less than
Non-homeowner A$825,500 A$1,129,000 A$1,129,000 A$1,285,500
Keep up to date with the latest pension payment rates and dates
For the latest information about pension rates and payment dates outside Australia go to and search for Outside Australia pension rates. We update pension rates,
and income and asset thresholds on our website as soon as they change.
This newsletter is also available on our website at
Disclaimer: The Commonwealth of Australia has attempted to ensure the information in this publication
is accurate. However, the Commonwealth does not warrant that the information is accurate or complete
nor will it be liable for any loss suffered by any person because they rely on it in any way. You should
contact the Australian Government Services Australia for full details of any entitlements and services to
which you may be eligible or how any pending changes in legislation, programs or services may affect
How to contact us
Go to to find out information about your payment as well as our other
payments and services.
Call us Monday to Friday, between 8 am to 5 pm Hobart time.
Phone calls from the following countries are Freecall™. Dial the number shown without any international
or country codes before it.
Austria Freecall™ 0800 295 165
Canada Freecall™ 1888 2557 493
China (North)* Freecall™ 10 800 6100 427
China (South)* Freecall™ 10 800 2611 309
Denmark Freecall™ 8088 3556
Germany Freecall™ 0800 180 2482
Greece Freecall™ 0080 0611 26209
India Freecall™ 000 800 61 01098
Indonesia Freecall™ 001 803 61 035
Ireland Freecall™ 1800 200 333
Italy Freecall™ 800 781 977
Korea Republic Freecall™ 003 081 32326
Netherlands Freecall™ 0800 0224 364
New Zealand Freecall™ 0800 441 248
Philippines Freecall™ 1800 1611 0046
Poland Freecall™ 00 800 6111 220
Portugal Freecall™ 800 861 122
Singapore Freecall™ 800 6167 015
Spain Freecall™ 900 951 547
Thailand Freecall™ 001 800 611 4136
Turkey Freecall™ 00 800 6190 5703
United Arab Emirates Freecall™ 800 061 04319
United Kingdom Freecall™ 0800 169 5865
USA Freecall™ 1866 3433 086
* China (North) includes the provinces of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang,
Liaoning, Jilin, Shandong and Henan. We consider all other provinces as China (South) for this purpose.
Note: a Freecall™ may not be available from every location within the country. It may not be free from
mobile or public phones. If using a pay telephone, you’ll need to insert coins or a card as for a local call.
You may not get a refund at the end of the call.
If you’re in a country that’s not in the list, or if you’re not able to use the Freecall™ number listed, please
contact us on +61 3 6222 3455.
You can also fax us on +61 3 6222 2799, or write to us at:
International Services
PO Box 7809
Canberra BC ACT 2610
Please include your name, Centrelink Customer Reference Number and your telephone number in your