English Maha Revision

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Lost Spring Lost/Spring Metaphor Childhood lost or Stolen Saheb-e-Alam ¥ ¥ y + + + Ragpicker Bangladeshi Refugee Seemapuri _Tea Stall Child Labour Mutesh f 7 + T 3, Bangle Maker Poor Child Labour DarestoDream Motor Mechanic Seemapuri t 4 + (On the outskirts of Delhi Devoid of basic amenities Bangladeshi Refuges Firozabad f + Glass Furnance Child Labour Vicious circle (Industrialists, Policeman, Politicians, Moneylendors) Minor Preraciers f Women at Seemapuri IMukesh’s Grandmother Bangle Makers & Rag Pickers The Third Level Theme ae Lee + :, Mysterious Gateway Escape from harsh reality of —_Interweaves fantasy and reality to the past (1894) modern world com (narrator) t + 31 yroldstrumbled — Passionaté shout —Yamed tovsitGaleshurg, Consulted paychianist upon third level Philately in 1894 Reflects his stress Sam Weiner t T t + Psychiatrist Friend Dismisses Charlye’s Discovers third level Settles down in Views initially Galesburg in 1894 (ironical) Minor Gharacters Louisa! (Charley's wife) Clerk at the ticket office Cueines in 1894 ‘ + : + ty + ldylic Wonderful Spacious. Huge Lawns ToweringTrees Peaceful Environment Town Houses Journey to the end of the Earth Beginning of the Journey t [ + + Boarded Russain 13.09 Degrees North Crossed - Travelled over 100 Research Vessel of Equator *.9 Time Zones hours in car, ship 4 *. 6 Check Points aeroplane The Akademik Shokalskiy *, 3 Water Bodies *.3 Ecospheres Gondwana - Southern Supercontinent f t + t, - Existed 650 NoHumans Climate much warmer _—Variety of Flora_ Extinction of Dinosaurs Million years back & Fauna 4 Age of Mammals Landmass Separated into Countries Huma impact f t - 1 Created a rockus Increasing Population Unmitigated burning of (arranged nature) fossil fuels Limited Resource Blanket of Carbon Dioxide Global Warming Studenty once Programme headed Inoperation for Provides inspiring educational Fosters new understanding by Geoff Green 6 yrs opportunities to high school and respect for the planet students Ph inkton t ‘Threatened by depletion rasdas ofthe See Sustains Stra Southern Uses Sirs Enersy T ‘Ocean's food chain ee at oeone rer Assimilate Carbon ‘Synthesie Organic I batapttlaia gat Single ~ celled Plants ‘Compounds metaphor for existence Walk * the Ocean f + 7 + t Most Shokalskiy Climbed down 52 persons Meter-Thick Saw Crabeafter seals Thrilling Wedged into the gangplank Ice Pack enjoying themselves Experience thick white $ stretch of ice Underneath 180 m of living, breathing, salt water Deep Water DEEPWATER Theme of fhe story Incident and its effects William Douglas ' it Knocked down Thrown into deep Joined YMCA Rejoined YMta poo! Sea waves in water at YMCA to learn at a mature age to. childhood swimming when get rid of fear 9 or 10 years old Instructor + Built him Useda Trained him in Trained him to a swimmer pulley water and out ‘exhale and of water inhale in water Moghar Did not allow Narrated the Sent him to him to swim at of every drowning YMCA poo! Yakima River at Yakima Waters he tried YMCA pool Wentworth Lake Warm Lake Conrad Meadows The Tiger King The Tye King 4 + + Indian Prince In British India Jung Bahadur Propheey atout Tiger King went T - + Killed by Tiger By royal astrologers Result (King strated killing tigers) Irgny Killed by a Wooden tiger Dramatic irony (readers knew — tgar iad by hunters) Pratibandapuram Indian state Burdened by Tiger King’s whimsical Sayre t ] 1 At indian Princes People in'Power Diwan British Officers Minor Spprncets ¥ + + Diwan Jilani Hunters On the Face of It Mr. Lamb died the same day but before death, he had passed on his legacy of positivity, which was to stay with Derek for the rest of his life. ON THE FACE OF IT Derry (half burnt face, inferiority complex) "Tin Leg Meets Mr.Lamb in a garden *. Lamey Lamb” “People are afraid of my face, even | am” Got acid on my face “| ate my face up. It ate meup.” Agreen plant Difference of Perception Flower Weed Beauty and the Beast Mother Kisses me because she has to Women in street, whispering.... “a face only a mother could love” You can tock tops in a room and still not be safe ‘Aman who did that — didn’t go anywhere afraid of dying ~ locked in a room Died ofa picture falling on his head World is beautiful. Enjoy. Sit in sun. Read Enjoy the world You have got everything to get on as others. Mpy be better - “not friends” - “neither enemies” fete ‘on streets ~"people are never = nothing Burn yourself from inside. Negativity will do more harm than acid. Parents won't let me Coming Back AtHome: You won’t let yourself Mother stops him “wil be back, you wait.” If don’t go back there, Derryjcomes back ———*" | twitt never go anywhere in the world. Signifies coming out of his complex Mr.Lamb has fallen off the ladder and broken his neck Mr.Lamb Died Passed on his positivity and enthusiasm to Derry. The Last Lesson The Last Lesson Last Lesson of French Last Lesson delivered by M.Hamel M.Hamel t + ¥ + by + + Symbolises Teacher of Truthful Patriot Tragic Hero. © Honest_-—Pathos new French consciousness of France Franz f T T 1 Symbolises entire Frerich Boy Poor Happy-go-lucky France (Slumber) Alsace apd Lorraine Two distriets in France Passed into Prussian hands Fen School fi + + All the children sitting together One teacher ‘Commotion lessons repeated Opening & closing rapping sound in unison ental of ruler Minor Char: i, Houser (ld and illiterate) Ll Villagers (in Gassroom) old posimaster former Mayor Memories of Childhood Memories ich Childhood Bitter Membres, Reminding them Childhood days of Bhima and Humiliation, exploitation and struggle Zitakala Sa (And the marginalized Communities} tala -Sa f t t t —4 Cried at Hair got Chopped —_ Found difficult to Isolated Alienated new place eat with formula Bama f t y { + + An indian Experience Stood first in Found difficult Suffered from caste Made education a Dalit girl untouchability herclass to digest the stigma in Indian Society tool to fight against In childhood humiliation injustice *. Met Harl *. Not married needlessly Hana, at Prof. ley’s home ‘Sadao not sent With troops: * Working on medicine *. General might need Ope: ration *. White guy *. ‘Sailor, US Navy’ Pow . Escaped shot The Enemy ‘THE ENEMY’ ROAD MAP Dr. Sadao Uapanese surgeon & scientist) ‘ America Japan War between Japan & America Found a man on shore (on 21 Feb) Carried to father’s room es Hana Washed him Sadao operated the soldier Studied Surgery & Medicine Father met Hana Marriage in old Japenese way Dilemma: ~ Can't shelter an American - Would die if handed over - Can't throw into sea, injured Yumi didn’t Obey Gardener: “Sea and gun would take revenge” The Rattrap The Rat Trap The whole Word ina at trap The Rattrap Seller Metaphorical f t t + + Lonely Poor Hungry Vagabond Thankless —Theory-the world a rat trap The Rat sid Seller f 1, t 7 i Beggar,thiet Cheats the crofter _Thankless to blacksmith Thinks all good Thankful to dla and apprentice things are baits and gets transformed Iron fester t y v + 1 Owner of Had been Mistook rattrap seller Stayed with his Enjoyed good financial Ramsjo iron in army for captain Nils Olof daughter at and social status ills manor house Edla f t + 1, Iron master’s Believes inessential Transforms the Understands the things A true christian Daughter goodness of human vagabond into a better than her father Beings civilized man The fe ¥ + + + + Worked at ‘Lonely man Offered food, tobacco Cheated by the rat Very talkative and Ramsjo iron and shelter to the trap seller friendly mill vagabond The Interview Opinions on interviews t } Source of Unwarranted Diminishes and Serviceable medium truth -an-art intrusion victimizes personalities of communication Umberto Eco } Renowned chit iarests Popular novelist Known for ideas Academic scholar philosophical and —_—_(The name of the Rose) on Semiotics ethical in nature Umberto Eco : Style of Writing } + 1 Playful and Discovered his style Developed taste Informal touch unlike Personal quality when submitting for narration all academic works doctoral thesis The Name of the Rose + Murder mystery with Anovel Delves into Sold between 10 and a detective yarn about culture *, Metaphysics 15 million copies *, Theology *, Medieval History Umberto’s attitude towards interview + Humble about Shares hi secret Not peeved Relaxed-uses humour by questions to diffuse awkward instances his success On the Face of It On the Face of It 1 niece ice of Attitude paripccne Physical aebaaraac Perspectivg and Attitude postive Negative Mr Lamb Derry t Brings a Positive Change Mr pre f t t + + Alame Person _Bees Sing Weed is garden Offers jelly and Children call him But very positive to him toffees to children Lamey Lamb De t Aboyoffourteen Has a burnt face Negative attitude Believes his life is a burden Minor Characters 4 Derry’s Mother Two Women Children in the Street Kisses him on Unburnt Side of the face Never helps the child to become independent and positive Passed Negative Comments Teased Mr.Lamb about the boy Hurt Derry unknowingly Indigo ind First Civil Disobedience Acomynercial crop conflict between An important incident inindia used as dye Indian share Indian share croppers _taok place in 1917 at Croppers were forced and British Landlords ‘champaran togrow Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi ‘An important member Preached Noviolence and Proved is vison and wbestanding Of Indian National Self Reliance of people, knowledge of facts and laws, Congress in 1927 his modus-operandi Indian share Coppers $> Sd Poor Tenants of British Forcedto Paying rent of Land Maltreated& Crushing between Law Farmers Landlord — grow indigo in india Exploited courts and British landlords Arrangement between British Landlords and Indian Farmers Mast of the arable land ovmed Rent By Bitsh Landlord 15% af the land taken on rent was to be Cultivated with Indigo. The entire crop of Indigo was the rent patd by the Indian Farmers iculties fac hi at Chi . Went to Champaran on a farmer's request. . Went to Patna to see Dr Rajendis Prasad, Visited British Land Lord Associations secretary and Commissioner of Tirhut Division, |. Received notice refused to leave. ‘Went to see the farmer maltreated. - Started enquiry. . Collected a mountain of evidences against British Land Lords. . Recorder 10000 statements. 9. Sent report to the press. 10, Attended four protracted interviews with the Governor. 11. One single member of the commission comprised to look inta the grievances of Indian farmers. 12, Rehabilitation and Rebuilding, 13. Understood the tactis of British Govt. 14, Got first victory in India against the British Govt. 15. Accepted the 25% refund of the money. 16. Forced the British to surrender moiey and pride before indian farmers. 17. Taught self reliance. 18. Spent more than a year at Champaran and visited it several times. 19. Taught indian farmers that the British were not above the law and they too had rights and advocates. Poets and Pancakes Gemini ‘poitios Housidina Looked like Fiery Tights Vain Fotider Favourite haunt believedtobe —_hair-cutting and the Boss of poets Robert clive’s salon stables The make-up and the make-up men Pancake-popular Madeactorslook ‘The crew reflected Practiced strict Brand of make-up —_ more hideous-far national integrity hierarchy from presentable Kothamangalam Subbu y T Worked with No. 2at Cheerfuland Quick to create Had Enemies Story Dept. Gemini loyal delegate work Studious he Was a Brahmin Legal Adviser t + } Worked with Ended acting career wore pant, tie Lost Job when story dept. Story dept. of a young girl and coat was shut down The MRA Influence Audience highly impressed impact on Tamil Plays Acounter movement to *. White background international communism *. Curtain *. Scene of sunrise & sunset *. Turn of flute The unsopiained visitor f 7 t + + Tall Englishman Proclaimed Boss didn’t know incomprehensible Purpose of (Stephen to be a poet much about him acent visit a mystery Spender) Stephen Spender mystery solved } 4 Author's quest to fead the Later found spender’s Realise boss wanted him become prose writer Encounter essay-"The God that failed’ to share his views on communism

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