SCRIPT - Pregnancy Meditation and Yoga

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Introduction: (5 minutes)
(Start in a comfortable seated position)
"Welcome to our prenatal yoga and meditation session. Today, we'll focus on gentle movements
and relaxation techniques to support you on your journey through pregnancy. Remember to
honor your body and listen to its signals. Let's begin."

Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in. Exhale,
letting go of any tension. Inhale positivity, exhale stress. As you breathe, envision a warm
light surrounding you and your baby, creating a peaceful space for connection.
**Breathing Exercise: Diaphragmatic Breathing (5 minutes)**

Let's begin with some gentle breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose,
expanding your belly, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This helps to relax your
nervous system and increase oxygen flow to your baby.
(Transition to a comfortable lying position)
"Start by placing one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Inhale deeply through
your nose, allowing your belly to rise. Exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your belly fall.
Focus on deep, diaphragmatic breathing to center and calm your mind."
**Warm-up: Cat-Cow Stretch (7 minutes)**
(Come to hands and knees)

Transition to a hands-and-knees position for a seated cat-cow stretch.

"As you inhale, arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone. Exhale, round your spine, tucking
your chin. Flow between these movements, syncing breath with motion. This helps release
tension in your spine and pelvis."

[Gentle Sun Salutations - 10 minutes]

Now, let's flow through some modified Sun Salutations. Stand tall, inhale, and raise your
arms overhead. Exhale, gently swaying side to side. Inhale, reach for the sky, and exhale,
folding forward with soft knees. Repeat, focusing on the fluidity of movement and
connecting breath with motion.
**Standing Poses: Mountain Pose (10 minutes)**
(Stand with feet hip-width apart)

Rise slowly and stand with your feet hip-width apart. We'll move into gentle standing
poses to strengthen and stretch. This helps to open your hips and chest.
"In Mountain Pose, ground your feet, lift your arms, and engage your core. Transition to Warrior
II, opening your hips and extending your arms. Feel the strength and stability in these poses,
connecting with the earth."
**Seated Poses: Butterfly Pose and Side Stretch (10 minutes)**
(Sit with the soles of your feet together for Butterfly Pose)
"Gently flap your knees like butterfly wings, releasing tension in your hips. Transition to a side
stretch, lengthening your spine and reaching towards one side. Repeat on the other side. These
poses promote flexibility and alleviate lower back discomfort."
**Pelvic Floor Exercises: Kegels (5 minutes)**
(Sit comfortably)
"Engage your pelvic floor muscles by contracting and lifting them, then release. Repeat these
Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles that support your pelvic organs. This can help with
labor and postpartum recovery."

Sit comfortably and engage your pelvic muscles as if stopping the flow of urine. Hold for
a few seconds, then release. Repeat 10 times. These exercises support a healthy pelvic
floor for childbirth.
**Restorative Poses: Supported Child's Pose and Legs Up the Wall (10 minutes)**
(Use props for support)
"Sink into a supported Child's Pose, allowing your body to relax. Transition to Legs Up the Wall,
placing a bolster or cushion under your hips. This gentle inversion helps reduce swelling and
promotes relaxation."
**Guided Meditation: Body Scan (8 minutes)**
(Lie down comfortably)

Find a comfortable position on your side or using props. Close your eyes and let go of
any remaining tension, bringing relaxation to every cell. Starting from your toes and moving
up to your head. Imagine a wave of relaxation moving through each part of your body,
from head to toe. Stay here, breathing deeply, for a few minutes.
**Closing: Savasana (5 minutes)**

(Lie down)
"Find a comfortable Savasana, allowing your body to fully relax. Focus on your breath, and let go
of any remaining tension. Take this time for yourself, honoring the connection between your
body, mind, and baby. Close your eyes and visualize a peaceful scene, perhaps a serene
beach or a tranquil forest. Imagine warmth and love surrounding you and your baby.
Breathe in positivity, exhale any worries.

Slowly bring awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes,
gently waking up your body. As we conclude, take a moment to appreciate the time
you've dedicated to your well-being and that of your baby. Carry this sense of tranquility
with you throughout your day.
**Closing Words: (1 minute)**
"As we conclude our session, take a moment to thank yourself for dedicating time to your well-
being. Be gentle with yourself and your growing baby. Thank you for joining me in this
Prenatal Yoga and Meditation session. May your pregnancy be filled with love, joy, and
serenity. Namaste, and take care!

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