Wireless Communications

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Wireless Communication b). Macrocell
Q1. Reflection is? c). Picocell
a) Propagation mode d). None of the above
b) Propagation mechanism Q11. The cell having the same number in the adjacent
c) Spread spectrum cluster using the same set of RF
d) None of the above channels are termed as
Q2. Which type of handoff used in CDMA? a). adjacent cell
a) Soft handoff b). Co channel cell
b) Hard handoff c). Macro cell
c) Soft & hard handoff d). Selective Cell
d) None of the above Q12. Higher value of Q is achievable in
Q3. What is intersystem handoff? a). big cluster size
a) During a course of a call, b). small cluster size
b) Hard handoff c). medium cluster size
c) Soft & hard handoff d). None of the above
d) None of the above Q13. The process of channel coding, Encryption, Multiplexing
Q4. The type of access used in GSM technology is and modulation for Trans
a) FDMA/TDMA direction and reverse for reception are to be carried out by
b) CDMA a). BTS
c) OFDMA b). BSC
d) None of the above c). MS
Q5. Which of these is not true for TDD? d). None of the above
a) TDD uses different time slots for transmission and Q14. The terminal is under observation from the network for
reception paths the possible problems. Under
b) Single radio frequency can be used which list will this belong in EIR
c) Duplexer is required a). White List
d) It increases the battery life of mobile phones b). Grey List
Q6. The coverage & capacity of CDMA system is more than c). Black List
that of GSM system d). None of the above
a). True Q15. Modulation technique used in DECT is
b). False a). GFSK
c). Equal b). QPSK
d). None of the above c). BPSK
Q7. The type of Access technology which can enhance the d). None of the above
battery life is Q16. The broad spectrum of the transmitted signal gives rise
a). CDMA to
b). TDMA a). Fadiing
c). OFDMA b). Noise
d). None of the above c). Spread Spectrum
Q8. The uplink frequency of P-GSM system is d). All Of the above
a). 1850-1910Mhz Q17. Which of these are Digital Cellular Technologies
b). 1710-1785Mhz a). IS:54 / IS-136 – N America
c). 890-915 Mhz b). GSM – Europe and Asia
d). None of the above c). IS-95 – N America
Q9. The technique adopted to increase the system capacity d). All of the above
and reduce co-chl interference is Q18. Which of these block processes CDMA channels, and
a). High power BTS performs digital and analogue
b). By installing the Omnidirectional antenna signal processing for IS-95A calls of each channel and
c). Sectorisation interface with the RF block.
d). None of the above a). BHI
Q10. The remote and sparsely populated areas will be b). CCB
covered by c). TCP

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d). None of the above called _______, which covers the
Q19. What is channel assignment ? what are the types? physical and data link layers.
a) For efficient utilization of radio spectrum a frequency A) IEEE 802.3
reuse scheme with increasing B) IEEE 802.5
capacity and minimizing interference is required. C) IEEE 802.11
b). For efficient utilization of radio spectrum a frequency D) IEEE 802.2
reuse scheme with increasing 2. In IEEE 802.11, a ___ is made of stationary or mobile
capacity and maximizing interference is required. wireless stations and an optional central
c). a & b base station, known as the access point (AP).
d). None of the above A) ESS
Q20. what are the types of channel assignment? B) BSS
a) Fixed channel assignment, dynamic channel assignment. C) CSS
b). moderate channel assignment D) none of the above
c). a & b 3. In IEEE 802.11, a BSS without an AP is called an
d). None of the above _________.
Q21. What is fixed channel assignment? A) an ad hoc architecture
a) If the channels in each cell are allocated to the users B) an infrastructure network
within the cell, it will be called as C) either (a) or (b)
fixed channel assignment. If all channels are occupied, the D) neither (a) nor (b)
call Will be blocked. 4. In IEEE 802.11, a BSS with an AP is sometimes referred to
b If the channels in each cell are allocated to the users within as ____________.
the cell, it will be called as A) an ad hoc architecture
fixed channel assignment. If all channels are occupied, the B) an infrastructure network
call Will not be blocked. C) either (a) or (b)
c). a & b D) neither (a) nor (b)
d). None of the above 5. In IEEE 802.11, communication between two stations in
Q22. What is dynamic channel assignment? two different BSSs usually occurs via
(a) If the voice channels are not allocated permanently in a two ________.
cell, it will be called as A) BSSs
dynamic channel assignment. In this assignment, channels B) ESSs
are dynamically allocated to C) APs
users by the MSC. D) none of the above
b). If the voice channels are allocated permanently in a cell, 6. In IEEE 802.11, a station with ________ mobility is either
it will be called as dynamic stationary (not moving) or moving
channel assignment. In this assignment, channels are only inside a BSS.
dynamically allocated to users by A) no-transition
the MSC. B) BSS-transition
c). a & b C) ESS-transition
d). None of the above D) none of the above
Q22. What is hand off? 7. In IEEE 802.11, a station with ________mobility can move
(a) When a mobile moves into a different cell while from one BSS to another, but the
conversation in progress, the MSC movement is confined inside one ESS.
automatically transfers the call from one cell to other cell A) no-transition
without any interference. This B) BSS-transition
is called as hand off. C) ESS-transition
b). When a mobile moves into a different cell while D) none of the above
conversation in progress, the MSC 8. In IEEE 802.11, a station with ________ mobility can move
automatically transfers the call from one cell to other cell from one ESS to another.
with interference. This is called A) no-transition
as hand off. B) BSS-transition
c). a & b C) ESS-transition
d). None of the above D) none of the above
1. IEEE has defined the specifications for a wireless LAN, 9. In IEEE 802.11, _______ is an optional access method that

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can be implemented in an avoidance.
infrastructure network (not in an ad hoc network). A) NAV
C) either (a) or (b) D) none of the above
D) neither (a) nor (b) 18. In IEEE 802.11, the MAC layer frame has ______ fields.
10. In IEEE 802.11, when a frame is going from one station in A) four
a BSS to another without passing B) five
through the distribution system, the address flag is _____ C) six
A) 00 D) none of the above
B) 01 19. In IEEE 802.11, the addressing mechanism can include up
C) 10 to ______addresses.
D) 11 A) four
11. In IEEE 802.11, when a frame is coming from an AP and B) five
going to a station, the address flag C) six
is _______. D) none of the above
A) 00 20. The original IEEE 802.11, uses _________.
B) 01 A) FHSS
C) 10 B) DSSS
D) 11 C) OFDM
12. In IEEE 802.11, when a frame is going from a station to D) either (a) or (b)
an AP, the address flag is _____. 21. The IEEE 802.11a, uses _________.
A) 00 A) FHSS
B) 01 B) DSSS
C) 10 C) OFDM
D) 11 D) either (a) or (b)
13. In IEEE 802.11, when a frame is going from one AP to 22. The IEEE 802.11b, uses _________.
another AP in a wireless distribution A) FHSS
system, the B) DSSS
address flag is _____ C) OFDM
A) 00 D) either (a) or (b)
B) 01 23. The IEEE 802.11g, uses _________.
C) 10 A) FHSS
D) 11 B) DSSS
14. The IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LANs defines two C) OFDM
services: ______ and _______. D) either (a) or (b)
A) BSS; ASS 24. The original IEEE 802.11, has a data rate of _____Mbps.
B) ESS; SSS A) 1
C) BSS; ESS B) 6
D) BSS; DCF C) 11
15. In IEEE 802.11, the access method used in the DCF D) 22
sublayer is _________. 25. IEEE 802.11a, has a data rate of _____Mbps.
D) none of the above D) none of the above
16. In IEEE 802.11, the access method used in the PCF 26. IEEE 802.11b, has a data rate of _____Mbps.
sublayer is ______. A) 1
A) contention B) 2
B) controlled C) 5.5
C) polling D) none of the above
D) none of the above 27. IEEE 802.11g, has a data rate of _____Mbps.
17. In IEEE 802.11, the ______ is a timer used for collision A) 1

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B) 2 MAC sublayer in LANs.
C) 11 A) radio
D) 22 B) baseband
28. The IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs use ________ types of C) L2CAP
frames. D) none of the above
A) four 37. In Bluetooth, the L2CAP sublayer, is roughly equivalent to
B) five the LLC sublayer in LANs.
C) six A) radio
D) none of the above B) baseband
29. Bluetooth is a _______ technology that connects devices C) L2CAP
(called gadgets) in a small area. D) none of the above
A) wired LAN 38. The access method in Bluetooth is ________.
B) wireless LAN A) FDMA
D) none of the above C) CDMA
30. A Bluetooth network is called a ________. D) none of the above
A) piconet 39. In Bluetooth, the _____ link is used when avoiding
B) scatternet latency (delay in data delivery) is more
C) bluenet important than integrity (error-free delivery).
D) none of the above A) SCO
31. In Bluetooth, multiple ________ form a network called a B) ACL
_________. C) ACO
A) scatternet; piconets D) SCL
B) piconets: scatternet 40. In Bluetooth, the _____ link is used when data integrity is
C) piconets: bluenet more important than avoiding
D) bluenet; scatternet latency.
32. A Bluetooth network consists of _____ primary device(s) A) SCO
and up to ____ secondary devices. B) ACL
A) one; five C) ACO
B) five; three D) SCL
C) two; six 41. Bluetooth uses ______method in the physical layer to
D) one; seven avoid interference from other devices
33. The RTS and CTS frames in CSMA/CA ____ solve the or other networks.
hidden station problem. The RTS A) DSSS
and CTS frames in CSMA/CA ____ solve the exposed station B) FHSS
problem. C) FDMA
A) can; cannot D) none of the above
B) cannot; can 42. Some examples for wireless communication system are:
C) can; can (a) Cordless phones,
D) cannot; cannot (b )handheld walkie-talkies,
34. In Bluetooth, the current data rate is ____Mbps (c) pagers
A) 2 (d) all of these
B) 5 43. The terms “data” and “information” mean the same
C) 11 thing.
D) none of the above (a) True
35. In Bluetooth, the _______ layer is roughly equivalent to (b) False
the physical layer of the Internet (c) Same
model. (d) None of these
A) radio 1. What is the frequency range of the IEEE 802.11a
B) baseband standard?
C) L2CAP A.2.4Gbps B.5Gbps
D) none of the above C.2.4GHz D.5GHz
36. In Bluetooth, the _____layer is roughly equivalent to the 2. What is the maximum distance running the lowest data

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rate for 802.11b? 3. _______ cable consists of an inner copper core and a
A. About 100 feet second conducting outer
B. About 175 feet Sheath.
C. About 300 feet A) Twisted-pair
D. About 350 feet B) Coaxial
3. What is the maximum distance with maximum data rate C) Fiber-optic
for 802.11a? D) Shielded twisted-pair
A. About 65-75 feet 4. In fiber optics, the signal is _______ waves.
B. About 90-100 feet A) Light
C. About 150 feet B) Radio
D. Over 200 feet C) infrared
4. What is the frequency range of the IEEE 802.11b D) Very low-frequency
standard? 5. Which of the following primarily uses guided media?
A.2.4Gbps B.5Gbps A) Cellular telephone system
C.2.4GHz D.5GHz B) Local telephone system
5. You have a Cisco mesh network. What protocol allows C) Satellite communications
multiple APs to connect with many D) Radio broadcasting
redundant connections between nodes? 6. Which of the following is not a guided medium?
A.LWAPP B.AWPP A) twisted-pair cable
C.STP D.IEEE B) Coaxial cable
1. The sharing of a medium and its link by two or more C) fiber-optic cable
devices is called _______. D) Atmosphere
(a) modulation 7. What is the major factor that makes coaxial cable less
(b) encoding susceptible to noise than?
(c) line disciple Twisted-pair cable?
(d) multiplexing A) Inner conductor
2. Which multiplexing technique transmits analog signals? B) Diameter of cable
(a) FDM C) Outer conductor
(b) TDM D) Insulating material
(c) WDM 8. In an optical fiber, the inner core is _______ the cladding.
(d) a&c A) Denser than
3. What is the frequency reuse factor in CDMA? B) Less dense than
(a). 0 C) The same density as
(b). 1 D) Another name for
(c). 10 9. The inner core of an optical fiber is _______ in
(d). infinity composition.
4. In CDMA, Reduction of co channel interference due to A) Glass or plastic
processing gain allows frequency B) Copper
reuse factor of ________. C) Bimetallic
(a). zero D) liquid
(b). one 10. When a beam of light travels through media of two
(c). ten different densities, if the angle of
(d). infinity Incidence is greater than the critical angle, _______ occurs.
1. Transmission media are usually categorized as _______. A) Reflection
A) Fixed or unfixed B) Refraction
B) Guided or unguided C) Incidence
C) Determinate or indeterminate D) Criticism
D) Metallic or nonmetallic 11. When the angle of incidence is _______ the critical angle,
2. Transmission media lie below the _______ layer. the light beam bends along
A) physical The interface.
B) Network A) More than
C) Transport B) Less than
D) Application C) Equal to

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D) None of the above 21. ______ cables are composed of a glass or plastic inner
12. Signals with a frequency below 2 MHz use _______ core surrounded by cladding,
propagation. All encased in an outside jacket.
A) Ground A) Coaxial
B) Sky B) Fiber-optic
C) line-of-sight C) Twisted-pair
D) None of the above D) None of the above
13. Signals with a frequency between 2 MHz and 30 MHz use 22. ______ cables carry data signals in the form of light.
______ propagation. A) Coaxial
A) Ground B) Fiber-optic
B) Sky C) Twisted-pair
C) line-of-sight D) None of the above
D) None of the above 23. In a fiber-optic cable, the signal is propagated along the
14. Signals with a frequency above 30 MHz use inner core by _______.
_______propagation. A) Reflection
A) Ground B) Refraction
B) Sky C) Modulation
C) line-of-sight D) None of the above
D) None of the above 24. _________ media transport electromagnetic waves
15. A parabolic dish antenna is a (n) _______ antenna. without the use of a physical
A) omnidirectional Conductor.
B) Bidirectional A) Guided
C) Unidirectional B) Unguided
D) Horn C) Either (a) or (b)
16. A (n) _____ medium provides a physical conduit from D) None of the above
one device to another. 25. Radio waves are _________.
A) Guided A) omnidirectional
B) Unguided B) unidirectional
C) Either (a) or (b) C) Bidirectional
D) None of the above D) None of the above
17. ________ cable consists of two insulated copper wires 26. Microwaves are _________.
twisted together. A) omnidirectional
A) Coaxial B) Unidirectional
B) Fiber-optic C) Bidirectional
C) Twisted-pair D) None of the above
D) None of the above 27. _______ is used for cellular phone, satellite, and wireless
18. _______ cable is used for voice and data LAN communications.
communications. A) Radio waves
A) Coaxial B) Microwaves
B) Fiber-optic C) Infrared waves
C) Twisted-pair D) None of the above
D) None of the above 28. ________ are used for short-range communications such
19. __________ consists of a central conductor and a shield. as those between a PC and
A) Coaxial A peripheral device.
B) Fiber-optic A) Radio waves
C) Twisted-pair B) Microwaves
D) None of the above C) Infrared waves
20. _____ cable can carry signals of higher frequency ranges D) None of the above
than _____ cable. 1. Location Area is an area covered by ______.
A) Twisted-pair; fiber-optic (a). BTS
B) Coaxial; fiber-optic (b). BSC
C) Coaxial; twisted-pair (c). MSC
D) None of the above (d). Operator

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2. GSM is a digital system with an over-the-air bit rate of (a) is bell shaped
_________ (b) is U-shaped
(a). 9.6 kbps (c) has a raised cosine shape
(b). 56 kbps (d) has a rectangular shape
(c). 144 kbps Q7. GSM can best be called a system for
(d). 270 kbps (a) cordless telephony
3. The separation between adjacent carrier frequencies is (b) cellular telephony
called . In GSM, this is __________. (c) wireless communication
(a). 100 kHz (d) none of these
(b). 200 kHz Q8. What is the multiple access scheme used in GSM?
(c). 225 kHz (a) Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
(d). 250 kHz (b) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
4. GSM uses linear predictive coding (LPC). The purpose of (c) Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)
LPC is to ____________ the bit rate (d) A combination of TDMA and FDMA
(a). reduce Q9. What is IS 95?
(b). increase (a) a standard for cellular CDMA
(c). maintain (b) a standard procedure for measuring indoor multipath
(d). None of the above propagation charcteristics
Q1. In free space transmission, the signal attenuation (c) the 1995 edition of the conference proceedings on
increases Information Systems
(a) proportionally with distance (d) a standard interconnecting base stations
(b) proportionally with the square distance Q10. The better measure of spectrum efficiency of a wireless
(c) proportionally with distance cube system is
(d) none of these (a) bits per second per Hertz
Q2. When transmitting over a perfectly reflecting, smooth, (b) bits per second per Hertz per km2
plane earth, the path loss tends to (c) bits per second per km2
increase (d) none of these
(a) linearly with distance Q11. A handover is initiated by the base station.
(b )with the square of distance (a) This is true for DECT and GSM
(c) with distance cube (b) True for DECT but not for GSM
(d) with the fourth power of distance ( c) True for GSM, but not for DECT
Q3. Consider a cellular operator, who must select an (d) none of these
appropriate frequency reuse distance. Q12. The cluster size of the frequency reuse pattern of a
If radio propagation attenuation increases rapidly with hexagonal cellular system can only take
distance, his cellular systems will be on a particular values. Namely
(a) relatively inefficient. (a) 1,3,5,7,9,...
(b) relatively efficient (b) 1,4,9,16,25,..
(c) poor performance (c) 1,3,4,7,9,11,...
(d) none of these (d) 1,3,4,6,7,9,10,..
Q4. Consider propagation over a perfectly reflecting, Q13. The reuse distance increases with the cluster size, more
smooth, plane earth. Doubling the antenna precisely
height of a mobile receiver near the cell boundary (a) with the square root of the cluster size
(a) does not change the received power (b) proportional to cluster size
(b) leads to 3 dB power increase (c) with the square of the cluster size
(c) leads to 6 dB power increase (d) with the logarithm of the cluster size
(d) none of these Q14. propagation phenomena as experienced in wireless
Q5. The Doppler spread depends on communication tend to improve the
(a) the fade margin stability of an ALOHA random access method
(b) the speed of the antenna (a) True
(c) the delay spread (b) False
(d) none of these (c) same
Q6. If reflected waves arrive with uniformly distributed (d) none of these
angles of arrival, the Doppler spectrum, Q15. In a packet data transmission system with Rayleigh

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fading, error correction coding is more d. LMP
critical in a system e. RFCOM
(a) with short packet duration compared to the average fade 4. Bluetooth security Mode 2 is:
duration a. Link lever security
(b) with long packet duration compared to the average fade b. No security
duration c. Baseband level security
(c) with short packet duration compared to the mean fade d. Service level security
duration e. None of the above
(d) none of these 5. The IEEE 802.11b standard is also known as:
Q16. In an analog narrowband-FM cellular network, an a. Bluetooth
operator can choose between a transmit b. Hiperlan
bandwidth of 12.5 or 25 kHz. Which bandwidth would you c. Wi-Fi
choose, if spectrum efficiency is your d. IrDA
prime concern? e. HomeRF
(a) 12.5 kHz, because the system can accomodate twice as 6. Which of the followings are the characteristics of WPAN?
many channels per MHz of system a. Short range
bandwidth b. Low power
(b) 25 kHz, because it allows much denser frequency reuse c. Low cost
than with 12.5 kHz. d. Small networks
(c) 25 kHz, because it allows much denser frequency reuse e. All of the above
than with 125.5 kHz. 7. HCI is one of the Bluetooth transport protocols
(d) none of these (a) False
Q17. The IS 95 Cellular CDMA uses the following spreading (b) true
code in the downlink: (c) same
(a) a Walsh Hadamard code (d) none of these
(b) a Maximum Length PN sequence 8. Bluetooth devices use maximum of 79 RF channels
(c) Gold code throughout the world
(d) a combination of Walsh-Hadamard and a PN-sequence (a) False
Q18. a cellular telephone network, random access inevitably (b) true
occurs (c) same
(a) during call set-up initiated the mobile (d) none of these
(b) during call set-up initiated a fixed subscriber of the PSTN 9. Bluetooth ACL link is a best-effort link
(c) during a handover (a) True
(d) during roaming (b) false
Q1. Bluetooth profiles are also referred to as: (c) same
a. Interfaces (d) none of these
b. Protocols 1. In ________ each station sends a frame whenever it has a
c. Applications frame to send.
d. Procedures A) pure ALOHA
2. Power consumption level changes when a Bluetooth B) slotted ALOHA
device is in different states. Which C) both (a) and (b)
of the following options represents the incremental trend of D) neither (a) nor (b)
power consumption among all 2. In pure ALOHA, the vulnerable time is ______ the frame
possible states? transmission time.
(a) Standby  Park  Sniff  Hold  Active A) the same as
(b) Standby  Sniff  Park  Hold  Active B) two times
(c) Standby  Park  Hold  Sniff  Active C) three times
(d) Standby  Hold  Park  Sniff  Active D) none of the above
3. Which of the following protocols is NOT part of Bluetooth 3. The maximum throughput for pure ALOHA is ________
core protocol? per cent.
a. Baseband A) 12.2
b. SDP B) 18.4
c. L2CAP C) 36.8

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D) none of the above B) three
4. In __________, each station is forced to send only at the C) four
beginning of the time slot. D) five
A) pure ALOHA 12. In ___________ methods, no station is superior to
B) slotted ALOHA another station and none is assigned
C) both (a) and (b) the control over another.
D) neither (a) nor (b) A) random access
5. In slotted ALOHA, the vulnerable time is ______ the frame B) controlled access
transmission time. C) channelization
A) the same as D) none of the above
B) two times 13. In ______, the chance of collision can be reduced if a
C) three times station senses the medium before
D) none of the above trying to use it.
6. The maximum throughput for pure ALOHA is ________ A) MA
per cent. B) CSMA
A) 12.2 C) FDMA
B) 18.4 D) CDMA
C) 36.8 14. ________ requires that each station first listen to the
D) none of the above medium before sending.
7. The vulnerable time for CSMA is the ________propagation A) MA
time. B) CSMA
A) the same as C) FDMA
B) two times D) CDMA
C) three times 15. __________ augments the CSMA algorithm to detect
D) none of the above collision.
8. In the _________ method, after the station finds the line A) CSMA/CA
idle, it sends its frame B) CSMA/CD
immediately. If the line is not idle, it continuously senses the C) either (a) or (b)
line until it finds it idle. D) both (a) and (b)
A) nonpersistent 16. In ________, a station monitors the medium after it
B) 1-persistent sends a frame to see if the
C) p-persistent transmission was successful. If so, the station is finished. If,
D) none of the above however, there is a collision, the
9. In the ________method, a station that has a frame to frame is sent again.
send senses the line. If the line is A) CSMA/CA
idle, it sends immediately. If the line is not idle, it waits a B) CSMA/CD
random amount of time and then C) either (a) or (b)
senses the line again. D) both (a) and (b)
A) nonpersistent 17. To avoid collisions on wireless networks, ________was
B) 1-persistent invented.
C) p-persistent A) CSMA/CA
D) none of the above B) CSMA/CD
10 In the _______method, after the station finds the line idle C) either (a) or (b)
it sends or refrain from D) both (a) and (b)
sending based on the outcome of a random number 18. In _______, collisions are avoided through the use of
generator. If the line is busy, it tries again. three strategies: the interframe
A) nonpersistent space, the contention window, and acknowledgments.
B) 1-persistent A) CSMA/CA
C) p-persistent B) CSMA/CD
D) none of the above C) either (a) or (b)
11. We have categorized access methods into _______ D) both (a) and (b)
groups. 19. In _______ methods, the stations consult one another to
A) two find which station has the right

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to send. and a successor.
A) random access A) reservation
B) controlled access B) polling
C) channelization C) token passing
D) none of the above D) none of the above
20. In _______ methods, a station cannot send unless it has 28. In the _________ method, a special packet called a
been authorized by other ______ circulates through the ring.
stations. A) reservation: control frame
A) random access B) polling: poll request
B) controlled access C) token passing: token
C) channelization D) none of the above
D) none of the above 29. _________ is a multiple-access method in which the
21. We discussed ______ popular controlled-access available bandwidth of a link is
methods. shared in time, frequency, or through code, between
A) two different stations.
B) three A) Random access
C) four B) Controlled access
D) none of the above C) Channelization
22. In the ________ method, a station needs to make a D) none of the above
reservation before sending data. Time 30. We discussed ________ channelization protocols.
is divided into intervals. A) two
A) reservation B) three
B) polling C) four
C) token passing D) none of the above
D) none of the above 31. In ________, the available bandwidth is divided into
23. In the _____ method, time is divided into intervals. In frequency bands.
each interval, a reservation frame A) FDMA
precedes the data frames sent in that interval. B) TDMA
A) reservation C) CDMA
B) polling D) none of the above
C) token passing 32. In ______, each station is allocated a band to send its
D) none of the above data. In other words, each band is
24. In the ______ method, all data exchanges must be made reserved for a specific station, and it belongs to the station
through the primary device even all the time.
when the ultimate destination is a secondary device. A) FDMA
A) reservation B) TDMA
B) polling C) CDMA
C) token passing D) none of the above
D) none of the above 33. In _______, the stations share the bandwidth of the
25. In the _______ method, the primary device controls the channel in time.
link; the secondary devices A) FDMA
follow its instructions. B) TDMA
A) reservation C) CDMA
B) polling D) none of the above
C) token passing 34. In _____, each station is allocated a time slot during
D) none of the above which it can send data. Each station
26. In the _______ method, the stations in a network are transmits its data in its assigned time slot.
organized in a logical ring. A) FDMA
A) reservation B) TDMA
B) polling C) CDMA
C) token passing D) none of the above
D) none of the above 35. In _____, each station transmits its data in its assigned
27. In the _______ method, each station has a predecessor time slot.

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A) FDMA achieve specific goals.
B) TDMA A) Frequency
C) CDMA B) Bandwidth
D) none of the above C) Amplitude
36. In ______, the stations use different codes to achieve D) None of the above
multiple access. 7. ________ can be achieved by using multiplexing; ______
A) FDMA can be achieved by using spreading.
B) TDMA A) Efficiency; privacy and anti jamming
C) CDMA B) Privacy and anti jamming; efficiency
D) none of the above C) Privacy and efficiency; anti jamming
37. _______ is based on coding theory and uses sequences D) Efficiency and anti jamming; privacy
of numbers called chips. 8.________ is the set of techniques that allows the
A) FDMA simultaneous transmission of multiple signals across
B) TDMA a single data link.
C) CDMA A) Demodulating
D) none of the above B) Multiplexing
38. In _______, the sequences are generated using C) Compressing
orthogonal codes such the Walsh tables. D) None of the above
A) FDMA 9. In a multiplexed system, __ lines share the bandwidth of
B) TDMA ____ link.
C) CDMA A) 1; n
D) none of the above B) 1; 1
1. Which multiplexing technique transmits digital signals? C) n; 1
A) FDM D) n; n
B) TDM 10. The word ______ refers to the portion of a _______ that
C) WDM carries a transmission.
D) None of the above A) channel; link
2. Which multiplexing technique shifts each signal to a B) link; channel
different carrier frequency? C) line; channel
A) FDM D) line; link
B) TDM 11. ______ can be applied when the bandwidth of a link (in
C) Both (a) and (b) hertz) is greater than the combined
D) None of the above bandwidths of the signals to be transmitted.
3. In synchronous TDM, for n signal sources of the same data A) TDM
rate, each frame contains _______ slots. B) FDM
A) n C) Both (a) or (b)
B) n + 1 D) Neither (a) or (b)
C) n - 1 12. FSM is an _________technique.
D) 0 to n A) analog
4. In TDM, the transmission rate of the multiplexed path is B) digital
usually _______ the sum of the transmission C) either (a) or (b)
rates of the signal sources. D) none of the above
A) greater than 13. ____ is designed to use the high bandwidth capability of
B) less than fiber-optic cable.
C) equal to A) FDM
D) not related to B) TDM
5. Which multiplexing technique involves signals composed C) WDM
of light beams? D) None of the above
A) FDM 14.______ is an analog multiplexing technique to combine
B) TDM optical signals.
D) none of the above B) TDM
6. _________ utilization is the use of available bandwidth to C) WDM

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D) None of the above A) FDM
15____ is a digital process that allows several connections to B) DSSS
share the high bandwidth of a link. C) FHSS
B) TDM 23. The ______ technique expands the bandwidth of a signal
C) WDM by replacing each data bit with n bits.
D) None of the above A) FDM
16_____ is a digital multiplexing technique for combining B) DSSS
several low-rate channels into one high-rate C) FHS
one. D) TDM
A) FDM 24. _______ is a first-generation cellular phone system.
D) None of the above C) GSM
17. We can divide ____ into two different schemes: D) none of the above
synchronous or statistical. 25.__________ is a second-generation cellular phone
A) FDM system.
D) none of the above C) GSM
18. In ________ TDM, each input connection has an D) none of the above
allotment in the output even if it is not sending 26.____________ is a digital version of AMPS.
data. A) GSM
A) synchronous B) D-AMPS
B) statistical C) IS-95
C) isochronous D) none of the above
D) none of the above 27.___________ is a second-generation cellular phone
19. In ________ TDM, slots are dynamically allocated to system used in Europe.
improve bandwidth efficiency. A) GSM
A) synchronous B) D-AMPS
B) statistical C) IS-95
C) isochronous D) none of the above
D) none of the above 28________ is a second-generation cellular phone system
20. In ________, we combine signals from different sources based on CDMA and DSSS.
to fit into a larger bandwidth. A) GSM
A) spread spectrum B) D-AMPS
B) line coding C) IS-95
C) block coding D) none of the above
D) none of the above 29. The __________ cellular phone system will provide
21. _______ is designed to be used in wireless applications in universal personal communication.
which stations must be able to share the A) first-generation
medium without interception by an eavesdropper and B) second-generation
without being subject to jamming from a C) third-generation
malicious intruder. D) none of the above
A) Spread spectrum 30. In a ______ handoff, a mobile station only communicates
B) Multiplexing with one base station.
C) Modulation A) hard
D) None of the above. B) soft
22. The _______ technique uses M different carrier C) medium
frequencies that are modulated by the source signal. D) none of the above
At one moment, the sign modulates one carrier frequency; 31. In a ______ handoff, a mobile station can communicate
at the next moment, the signal modulates with two base stations at the same time.
another carrier frequency. A) hard

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B) soft C) 1900-MHz
C) medium D) either (a) or (c)
D) none of the above 42. IS-95 uses the _______ satellite system for
32. _______ is an analog cellular phone system using FDMA. synchronization.
B) D-AMPS B) Teledesic
C) GSM C) Iridium
D) none of the above D) none of the above
33. AMPS operate in the ISM _____ band. 43. In an IS-95 system, the frequency-reuse factor is
A) 800-MHz normally _____.
B) 900-MHz A) 1
C) 1800-MHz B) 3
D) none of the above C) 5
34. In AMPS, each band is divided into ______ channels. D) 7
A) 800 44. In the third generation of cellular phones, _______ uses
B) 900 W-CDMA.
C) 1000 A) IMT-DS
D) none of the above B) IMT-MC
35. AMPS has a frequency reuse factor of _______. C) IMT-TC
A) 1 D) IMT-SC
B) 3 45. In the third generation of cellular phones, ________ uses
C) 5 CDMA2000.
D) 7 A) IMT-DS
36. AMPS uses ______ to divide each 25-MHz band into B) IMT-MC
channels. C) IMT-TC
B) TDMA 46. In the third generation of cellular phones, ______ uses a
C) CDMA combination of W-CDMA and TDMA.
D) none of the above A) IMT-DS
37. D-AMPS uses ______ to divide each 25-MHz band into B) IMT-MC
channels. C) IMT-TC
B) TDMA 47. In the third generation of cellular phones, _______ uses
D) both (a) and (b) A) IMT-DS
38. GSM allows a reuse factor of _______. B) IMT-MC
A) 1 C) IMT-TC
B) 3 D) IMT-SC
C) 5 Q1. The spacing between subcarriers in 802.11a
D) 7 specifications is
39. GSM is a digital cellular phone system using ________. (a) 100 kHz
A) FDMA (b) 615 kHz
B) TDMA (c) 312.5 kHz
C) CDMA (d) none of these
D) both (a) and (b) Q2. The duration of an OFDM symbol in 802.11a
40. IS-95 is based on ____________. specification is
A) FDMA (a) 0.8us
B) CDMA (b) 2.4us
C) DSSS (c) 3.2us
D) all of the above (d) 4us
41. IS-95 uses the ISM _______band. 3. The coding scheme used in 802.11a specifications is
A) 800-MHz (a) Hamming Code
B) 900-MHz (b) Convolutional code

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(c) Reed Solomon Code (a) The interference between the signals from co channel
(d) Turbo code cells is called as co cannel interference.
4. The number of used subcarriers in 802.11a specification is (b) In CDMA system, BSC selects received signals from a
(a) 52 variety of base stations with the help
(b) 64 of software.
(c) 48 (c) The interference between the signals from channel cells is
(d) 24 called as co cannel interference.
5. The modulation used in SIGNAL field in 802.11a (d) None of these
specification is Q3. Define co-channel reuse ratio.
(a) BPSK (a) The interference between the signals from co channel
(b) D-BPSK (differential-BPSK) cells is called as co cannel interference.
(c) QPSK (b) It is define as the ratio between the distance between
(d) 64QAM the centers of nearest co channel
6. The acronym CCA in 802.11a specification stands for cells to the radius of the cell. Q = D/R
(a) Cross Correlation Algorithm (c) The interference between the signals from channel cells is
(b) Clear Channel Assessment called as co cannel interference.
(c) Cross Coupled Antenna (d) None of these
(d) Co Channel Access Q4. Define adjacent channel interference.
7. The number of short preambles used in 802.11a (a) The interference between the signals from co channel
specification is cells is called as co cannel interference.
(a) 2 (b) Interference resulting from signals which are adjacent in
(b) 3 frequency to the desired signal is
(c) 8 called adjacent channel interference.
(d) 10 (c) The interference between the signals from channel cells is
8. The duration of the long preamble in 802.11a specification called as co cannel interference.
is (d) None of these
(a) 3.2us Q5. Define Grade of service.
(b) 4us (a) The interference between the signals from co channel
(c) 8us cells.
(d) 10us (b) It is defined as the measure of the ability of a user to
9. The number of TAIL bits in 802.11a specification is access a trunked system during the
(a) 6 busiest hour.
(b) 9 (c) The interference between the signals from channel cells.
(c) 12 (d) None of these
(d) 18 Q6. What is blocked call clear system (BCC)?
10. The transmitter center frequency tolerance in 802.11a (a) In a system, a user is blocked without access by a system
specification is when no channels are available in
(a) +/-10 ppm the system. The call blocked by the system is cleared and the
(b) +/-20 ppm user should try again. This is called
(c) +/- 40 ppm BCC system.
(d) +/- 50 ppm (b) It is defined as the measure of the ability of a user to
Q1. What is soft handoff? access a trunked system during the
(a) In CDMA system, MSC selects received signals from a busiest hour.
variety of base stations with the help (c) The interference between the signals from channel cells.
of software. This is called as soft handoff. (d) None of these
(b) In CDMA system, BSC selects received signals from a Q7. What is blocked call delay system?
variety of base stations with the help (a) If a channel is not available immediately, the call request
of software. may be delayed until a channel
(c) In GSM system, MSC selects received signals from a becomes available.
variety of base stations with the help of (b) It is defined as the measure of the ability of a user to
software. This is called as soft handoff. access a trunked system during the
(d) None of these busiest hour.
Q2. What is co channel interference? (c) The interference between the signals from channel cells.

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(d) None of these over very short travel distances (a few wavelengths) or short
Q8. Define cell splitting. time duration.
(a) If a channel is not available immediately, the call request (d) None of these
may be delayed until a channel Q13. What is free space propagation model?
becomes available. (a) The free space propagation model is used to predict
(b) Cell splitting is the process of subdividing congested cells received signal strength, when
into smaller cells each with its own unobstructed line-of-sight path between transmitter &
base stations and a corresponding reduction in antenna receiver.
height and transmitter power. It increases (b) Propagation models that predict the mean signal strength
the capacity of cellular system. for an arbitrary transmitter –
(c) The interference between the signals from channel cells. receiver separation distance are useful in estimating the
(d) None of these radio coverage area of a transmitter.
Q9. What is sectoring? (c) The propagation models that characterize the rapid
(a) If a channel is not available immediately, the call request fluctuations of the received signal strength
may be delayed until a channel over very short travel distances (a few wavelengths) or short
becomes available. time duration.
(b) Sectoring s a technique for decreasing co-channel (d) None of these
interference and thus increasing the system Q14. Explain path loss?
performance by using directional antennas. (a) The free space propagation model is used to predict
(c) The interference between the signals from channel cells. received signal strength, when
(d) None of these unobstructed line-of-sight path between transmitter &
Q10. What is propagation model? receiver.
(a) If a channel is not available immediately, the call request (b) Propagation models that predict the mean signal strength
may be delayed until a channel for an arbitrary transmitter –
becomes available. receiver separation distance are useful in estimating the
(b) Propagation models that predict the mean signal strength radio coverage area of a transmitter.
for an arbitrary transmitter – (c) The path loss is defined as the difference(in dB) between
receiver separation distance are useful in estimating the the effective transmitted power &
radio coverage area of a transmitter. the received power, &may or may not include the effect of
(c) The interference between the signals from channel cells. the antenna gains.
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Q11. Define large scale propagation model? Q15. What is scattering?
(a) If a channel is not available immediately, the call request (a) The free space propagation model is used to predict
may be delayed until a channel received signal strength, when
becomes available. unobstructed line-of-sight path between transmitter &
(b) Propagation models that predict the mean signal strength receiver.
for an arbitrary transmitter – (b) Propagation models that predict the mean signal strength
receiver separation distance are useful in estimating the for an arbitrary transmitter –
radio coverage area of a transmitter. receiver separation distance are useful in estimating the
(c) The propagation models that characterize the signal radio coverage area of a transmitter.
strength over large T-R separation (c) When a radio wave impinges on a rough surface , the
distances (several hundreds or thousands of meters. reflected energy is spread out in all
(d) None of these directions due to scattering.
Q12. What is small scale model? (d) None of these
(a) If a channel is not available immediately, the call request Q16. Explain small scale fading?
may be delayed until a channel (a) Small scale fading is used to describe the rapid
becomes available. fluctuations of the amplitudes, phases, or
(b) Propagation models that predict the mean signal strength multipath delays of a radio signal over a short period of time
for an arbitrary transmitter – or travel distance.
receiver separation distance are useful in estimating the (b) Propagation models that predict the mean signal strength
radio coverage area of a transmitter. for an arbitrary transmitter –
(c) The propagation models that characterize the rapid receiver separation distance are useful in estimating the
fluctuations of the received signal strength radio coverage area of a transmitter.

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(c) When a radio wave impinges on a rough surface , the slower than the transmitted baseband
reflected energy is spread out in all signal. This type of a channel is called slow fading channel.
directions due to scattering. (b) The channel impulse response changes rapidly within the
(d) None of these symbol duration. This type of a
Q17. What are the factors influencing small scale fading? channel is called fast fading channel.
(a) Speed of surrounding objects (c) The shift in received signal frequency due to motion is
(b) Multipath propagation called the Doppler shift.
(c) Transmission bandwidth of the signal. (d) None of these
(d) all of these Q23. What is multiple access?
Q18. Define Doppler shift? (a) Multiple access schemes are used to allow many mobile
(a) Speed of surrounding objects users to share simultaneously a finite
(b) Multipath propagation amount of radio spectrum. It is required to achieve high
(c) The shift in received signal frequency due to motion is capacity by simultaneously allocating
called the Doppler shift. the bandwidth to multiple users.
(d) None of these (b) The channel impulse response changes rapidly within the
Q19. What flat fading? symbol duration. This type of a
(a) If the mobile radio channel has a constant gain & linear channel is called fast fading channel.
phase response over a bandwidth (c) The shift in received signal frequency due to motion is
which is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted called the Doppler shift.
signal, then the received signal will (d) None of these
undergo flat fading. Q24. What is frequency division duplexing?
(b) Multipath propagation (a) It is duplexing done using frequency techniques.FDD
(c) The shift in received signal frequency due to motion is provides two distinct bands of
called the Doppler shift. frequencies for every user. The forward band provides traffic
(d) None of these from the base station to the mobile,
Q20. What is frequency selective fading? and the reverse band provides traffic from the mobile to the
(a) If the mobile radio channel has a constant gain & linear base station.
phase response over a bandwidth (b) The channel impulse response changes rapidly within the
which is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted symbol duration. This type of a
signal, then the received signal will channel is called fast fading channel.
undergo flat fading. (c) The shift in received signal frequency due to motion is
(b) If the channel possesses a constant gain & linear phase called the Doppler shift.
response over a bandwidth that is (d) None of these
smaller than the bandwidth of the transmitted signal, then Q25. What are the multiple access techniques?
the channel creates frequency selective (a) Frequency division multiple access
fading on the received signal. (b) Time division multiple access
(c) The shift in received signal frequency due to motion is (c) Code division multiple access
called the Doppler shift. (d) all of these
(d) None of these Q26. What is a wide band system?
Q21. Define fast fading channel? (a) In wideband system, the transmission bandwidth of a
(a) If the mobile radio channel has a constant gain & linear single channel is much larger than the
phase response over a bandwidth coherence bandwidth of the channel. Thus multipath fading
which is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted does not greatly vary the received
signal, then the received signal will signal power within a wideband channel.
undergo flat fading. (b) Time division multiple access
(b) The channel impulse response changes rapidly within the (c) Code division multiple access
symbol duration. This type of a (d) None of these
channel is called fast fading channel. Q27. What are the nonlinear effects in FDMA?
(c) The shift in received signal frequency due to motion is (a) In FDMA, many channels share the same antenna at the
called the Doppler shift. base station. The powers amplifiers
(d) None of these are nonlinear which causes signal spreading in the frequency
Q22. Define slow fading channel? domain and generate inter
(a) The channel impulse response changes at a rate much modulation frequencies. It is undesirable and can result in

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interference. Q34. Define efficiency of TDMA
(b) Time division multiple access (a) The efficiency of a TDMA is a measure of the percentage
(c) Code division multiple access of transmitted data that contains
(d) None of these information as opposed to providing overhead for the access
Q28. What is time division multiple access? scheme.
(a) Time division multiple access systems divide the radio (b) CDMA has soft capacity limit.
spectrum into time slots and in each (c) Multipath fading may be substantially reduced
slot only one user is allowed to either transmit or receive. (d) None of these
(b) Time division multiple access Q35. What are the features of TDMA?
(c) Code division multiple access (a) TDMA shares a single carrier frequency with several
(d) None of these users, where each user makes use of
Q29. What is fast and slow frequency hopping? non overlapping time slots.
(a) If the rate of change of the carrier frequency is greater (b) Data transmission occurs in bursts.
than the symbol rate, then the system (c) Handoff process is much simpler
is referred to as fast frequency hopping. If the rate of change (d) All of these
of the carrier frequency is lesser Q36. What are the features of TDMA?
than the symbol rate, then the system is referred to as slow (a) Duplexers are not required, since transmission and
frequency hopping. reception occurs at different time slots.
(b) Time division multiple access (b) Data transmission occurs in bursts.
(c) Code division multiple access (c) Handoff process is much simpler
(d) None of these (d) All of these
Q30. Define capacity of cellular systems Q37. What is time divison multiplexing?
(a) It can be defined as the maximum number of channels or (a) TDD uses time instead of frequency to provide both a
users that can be provided in a fixed forward and reverse link. Multiple
frequency band. users share a single radio channel by taking turns in the time
(b) Time division multiple access domain.
(c) Code division multiple access (b) Data transmission occurs in bursts.
(d) None of these (c) Handoff process is much simpler
Q31. Define forward channel interference (d) None of these
(a) It can be defined as the maximum number of channels or Q38. What are the features of FDMA?
users that can be provided in a fixed (a) FDMA channel carries only one phone circuit at a time
frequency band. (b) The bandwidth of FDMA channels is relatively narrow as
(b) For a particular subscriber until, the desired base station each channel supports only one
will provide the desired forward circuit per carrier.
channel while the surrounding co-channel base stations will (c) a & b
provide the forward channel (d) None of these
interference. Q39. Why the second generation was developed?
(c) Code division multiple access (a) FDMA channel carries only one phone circuit at a time
(d) None of these (b) The bandwidth of FDMA channels is relatively narrow as
Q32. Define adaptive channel allocation each channel supports only one
(a) It can be defined as the maximum number of channels or circuit per carrier.
users that can be provided in a fixed (c) The second – generation systems have been developed to
frequency band. provide higher quality signals,
(b) Adaptive channel allocation in TDMA eliminates system higher data rate for support of digital services and greater
planning since it is not required to capacity.
plan frequencies for cells. (d) None of these
(c) Code division multiple access Q40. What are second generation are available?
(d) None of these (a) Global System Mobile (GSM) in Europe
Q33. State some of the features of CDMA (b) Interim standard
(a) Users of CDMA share the same frequency. (c) Pacific Digital Cellular
(b) CDMA has soft capacity limit. (d) All of these
(c) Multipath fading may be substantially reduced Q41. What are second generation are available?
(d) All of these (a) Interim standard-95

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(b) Interim standard bursts due to different path delays
(c) Pacific Digital Cellular and to give the transmitter time to turn on and off.
(d) All of these (d) None of these
Q42. Write advantages 2G over 1G. Q50. What is the need of pilot channel?
(a) Natural integration with the evolving digital wireless (a) Dummy burst is used as filter information for unused
network time slots on the forward link.
(b) Higher data rate (b) Burst The pilot channel is intended to provide a reference
(c) Flexibility for capacity expansion signal for all MSS within a cell
(d) All of these provides the phase reference for coherent demodulation.
Q43. What is service offered by GSM? (c) The guard period is used to avoid overlapping with other
(a) Telephone services bursts due to different path delays
(b) Bearer or Data services and to give the transmitter time to turn on and off.
(c) Supplementary services (d) None of these
(d) All of these Q51. Define Piconet.
Q44. What is the function of NSS in GSM? (a) The simplest Bluetooth networks called piconet can have
(a) The NSS managing the switching function of the systems from two to eight nodes. Piconet is
and allows the MSCs to a collection of Bluetooth devices which are synchronized to
communicate with other networks such as PSTN and ISDN. the same hopping sequence.
(b) Bearer or Data services (b) Burst The pilot channel is intended to provide a reference
(c) Supplementary services signal for all MSS within a cell
(d) None of these provides the phase reference for coherent demodulation.
Q45. Define the bursts. (c) The guard period is used to avoid overlapping with other
(a) Data is transmitted small portions called bursts. bursts due to different path delays
(b) Bearer or Data services and to give the transmitter time to turn on and off.
(c) Supplementary services (d) None of these
(d) None of these Q52. What is Bluetooth?
Q46. Write types of TCH channels of GSM? (a) The simplest Bluetooth networks called piconet can have
(a) Full-rate TCH from two to eight nodes. Piconet is
(b) Half-rate TCH a collection of Bluetooth devices which are synchronized to
(c) both a & b the same hopping sequence.
(d) None of these (b) Bluetooth is an open specification for the short range
Q47. What is the need guard period (space)? wireless voice and data communication
(a) Full-rate TCH that’s was originally developed for cable replacement in
(b) Half-rate TCH personal area networking to operate all
(c) The guard period is used to avoid overlapping with other over the world.
bursts due to different path delays (c) The guard period is used to avoid overlapping with other
and to give the transmitter time to turn on and off. bursts due to different path delays
(d) None of these and to give the transmitter time to turn on and off.
Q48. Why Dummy burst is used? (d) None of these
(a) Dummy burst is used as filter information for unused Q53. What is Scatternet?
time slots on the forward link. (a) The simplest Bluetooth networks called piconet can have
(b) Half-rate TCH from two to eight nodes. Piconet is
(c) The guard period is used to avoid overlapping with other a collection of Bluetooth devices which are synchronized to
bursts due to different path delays the same hopping sequence.
and to give the transmitter time to turn on and off. (b) One Bluetooth devices can operate simultaneously on
(d) None of these two piconet acting as a bridge between
Q49. Define burst formatting in GSM. the two.
(a) Dummy burst is used as filter information for unused (c) The guard period is used to avoid overlapping with other
time slots on the forward link. bursts due to different path delays
(b) Burst formatting adds binary data to the ciphered blocks, and to give the transmitter time to turn on and off.
in order to help synchronization and (d) None of these
equalization of the received signal. Q54. What is T1 data rate?
(c) The guard period is used to avoid overlapping with other (a) 1.544 Mbps (b) 15.44 Mbps

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(c) 544 Mbps (d) None of these (a) Wireless Application Protocol (b) Wire-line Application
Q55. ISM stands as_________. Protocol
(a) Industrial, Scientific, Medical (b) Industrial, Scientific, (c) Wireless access protocol (d) none of these
Matrix Q64. WLL stands as
(c) Inter, Scientific, Medical (d) None of these (a) Wireless Local Loop (b) Wire-line Application Protocol
Q55. The Fresnel zone clearance, radius of Fresnel circle at (c) Wireless access protocol (d) none of these
K=4/3: Q64. DECT stands as
(a) R (d1d 2 ) / 2 (b) R (d1d 2 ) (a) Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (b) Wire-
(c) R (d1) / 2 (d) None of these line Application Protocol
Q55. The Fresnel zone clearance, radius of Fresnel circle at (c) Wireless access protocol (d) none of these
(a) R (d1d 2 ) / 2 (b) R (d1d 2 )
(c) R (d1) / 2 (d) None of these
Q56. The equation for ray bending is expressed as:
R (d) None of these
Q57. Effective earth radius is
(a) r
r' (b) r
(c) r
r' (d) None of these
Q58. The frequency range for infrared link is
(a) 300 GHz to 400THz (b) 30 GHz to 40THz
(c) 3000 GHz to 4000THz (d) None of these
Q59. _________ for microwave and VHF band.
(a) LOS Propagation (b) Ground wave propagation
(c) Sky wav Propagation (d) none of these
Q60. The total bits per frame in T1 carrier is
(a) 193 bits/frame (b) 192 bits/frame
(c) 194 bits/frame (d) none of these
Q61. MAC stands as
(a) Medium Access Control (b) Introduce of the multipath
(c) Multipath propagation (d) none of these
Q62. Fresnel zone clearance is
(a) Elimination of the multipath reception (b) Introduce of
the multipath reception
(c) Multipath propagation (d) none of these
Q63. WAP stands as

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