Exploring The Impact of Modern Gadget

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Today, We are going to discuss that all teens can relate and of course even adults.
I’ts all about love, yes love is the typically a topic obviously on other teens range 14-18 years
old. But how can you find love? and be love? generally for us a boy i court the girl i like/love
and prove to her that i’m the guy can give her happiness and so much love every min and sec of
her life. But courting have different methods or ways it depends on the situation, Now let’s just
go way back on how courtship is different now and back then.

Courting under Filipino tradition gives very big importance on the value of
respecting the woman and her family and strictly adhering with proper rules set by society for
pursuing a lady. This practice which dates back to the Spanish times prohibits men to be very
aggressive or becoming even when they want the lady very much. One cannot just talk and
approach a lady in the street and ask her number or address. If a young man sees a lady he likes
he should seek out the help of a go-between, usually a common friend of both family, to ask the
permission of the girls father whether he can visit them in their house. This is the gentlemanly
thing to do so the parents will most likely approve unless of course the lady is just a child.

According to Michell (2017), as

cited in Ebreo et al. (2020), the
Philippine style of
courting has a structured flow
of actions and phases. Dating is
far more straightforward in
Western cultures than in the
Philippines, where the
procedure is much more
cautious and
subtle (Ebreo et al., 2020).
These involve the initial interest
stage, where the man hints at
feelings for the girl; the teasing
stage, where the man probes for
the women’s reply.
Following that, when the
woman shows a subtle hint of
approval, the teasing stage ends,
the next phase starts, which is
the informal meetup stage,
wherein the woman and the
will have a series of meetups
along with their friends to help
them get to know each other.
The next stage then comes,
which is the confession or
asking the woman officially to
them. The male would muster
his courage in this step to
confess to the girl that he likes
and if the girl agrees, he will
move on to the following stage
for confirmation. The meeting
the parents stage comes next. In
this stage, after meeting the
girl's parents, the man is obliged
to court her parents as well. The
girl's parents should also
approve if the man can court
daughter. Finally, the following
stage is the actual courting
process, where the man will do
series of actions such as singing
songs, writing letters, or doing
servitude in order to win the
woman over. Additionally, after
the courting stage, the pair
might decide to wed, at which
point the "pamamanhikan"
stage would come into play.
Normally, at this point, the man
his family would get together.
The man would approach the
girl's parents for permission to
marry their daughter. If the
relationship between the couple
was truly successful and they
received approval, they would
then be married and raise a
family (Ebreo et al., 2020)
According to Michell (2017), as
cited in Ebreo et al. (2020), the
Philippine style of
According to Michell (2017), as cited in Ebreo et al. (2020), the Philippines style
of courting has a structure of actions and phases. Dating is far more straightforward, in Western
culture, than in the Philippines, where the procedure is much more cautious and subtle (Ebreo et
al.2020). These involve the initial interest stage, where the main hints at his feelings for the girl;
the teasing stage, where the man probes for the women’s reply. Following that, when the woman
show a subtle hint of approval, the teasing stage ends, and the phase starts, which is the informal
meet up stage, wherein the woman and the suitor will have a series of meet up along with their
friends to help them get to name with other. The next stage then comes, which is the confession
or asking the woman afficially to court them. The male would muster this courage in this step to
confess to the girl that he likes her, and if the girl agrees, he will move on the following stage for

This study aims to provide analysis on the impact of people courting through the
use of technology which will bring awareness to everyone and will give an overview on how
important courtship through the use of technology can bring.
According to Michell (2017), as
cited in Ebreo et al. (2020), the
Philippine style
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to undernstand why people to court through the use technology.

1. What are the courtship styles of the respondents using modern gadgets?

2. How do modern gadgets affect the courtship styles of the respondents?

3. What is the implication of using modern gadgets towards courtship styles of the
respondents compared to traditional way?

Conceptual Framework


1. What are the

courtship styles of the
respondents using
modern gadgets?
● Make interview
2. How do modern questionnaire.
gadgets affect the
● Identify the subject
courtship styles of the
respondents? ● Interview the Impact of Modern
identified subjects Gadgets on Traditional
3. What is the Courtship Styles
implication of using ● Analyzing and
modern gadgets Interpreting the
towards courtship answers
styles of the
respondents compared
to traditional way?

Scope and Delimination

This study will be focus on determining the Exploring the Impact of Modern
Gadgets to Traditional Courtship Styles. The study will be conducted at Barucboc National High
School, Barucboc Quezon Isabela. The subject of the research will be the Senior High Students
who are enrolled for the year 2023-2024.

Significance of the study

The result of the study will provide findings on how effective courting through the use of
technology which will bring awareness to everyone and will give them an overview on how
important courtship to the use of technology can bring. This study also provides understanding to
the benefit of courting through the use of technology.

STUDENTS. Experience refers to the knowledge, skills, and understanding.

PARENTS. This study by gaining awareness of how modern gadgets are shaping
courting practices.

TEACHERS. This study to educate students about the envolving dynamics of courtship.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study could also serve as a basic for future research,
opening up new areas of inquiry related to technology’s impact on society.

RESEARCHERS. This study to further explore the modern gadgets on courtship styles.

Definition of Terms
COURTSHIP. A period in a romantic couple’s relationship when they are dating.

EXPERIENCE. The process of personally encountering or interacting with a thing. a

INTERNET. Connected network system that facilitates communication.



This chapter present the related literature and study which covers the mpact of
modern gadgets to traditional courtship styles where part of several literature materials will be
shown to fully understand the research to be done.

Foreign Literature
According to Alice Munro in her story Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship,
Marriage the compelling depiction of the major characters clothing fulfills myriad functions.


Local Literature
The dayunday courtship drama of the Magindanao, Muslim Filipinos, draw on
both traditional and innovation to entertain audiences with love poetry, romantic repartee, anf

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