Test Bank For Modern Business Statistics With Microsoft Excel 5Th Edition Anderson Weeney Williams 1285433300 978128543330 Full Chapter PDF

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Test Bank for Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel

5th Edition Anderson Weeney Williams 1285433300

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1. The minimum number of variables represented in a bar chart is

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

2. The minimum number of variables represented in a histogram is

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

3. Which of the following graphical methods is most appropriate for categorical data?
a. ogive
b. pie chart
c. histogram
d. scatter diagram

4. In a stem-and-leaf display,
a. a single digit is used to define each stem, and a single digit is used to define each leaf
b. a single digit is used to define each stem, and one or more digits are used to define
each leaf
c. one or more digits are used to define each stem, and a single digit is used to define
each leaf
d. one or more digits are used to define each stem, and one or more digits are used to
define each leaf

5. A graphical method that can be used to show both the rank order and shape of a data
set simultaneously is a
a. relative frequency distribution
b. pie chart
c. stem-and-leaf display
d. pivot table

6. The proper way to construct a stem-and-leaf display for the data set {62, 67, 68, 73, 73, 79, 91, 94, 95,
97} is to
a. exclude a stem labeled ‘8’
b. include a stem labeled ‘8’ and enter no leaves on the stem
c. include a stem labeled ‘(8)’ and enter no leaves on the stem
d. include a stem labeled ‘8’ and enter one leaf value of ‘0’ on the stem

7. Data that provide labels or names for groupings of like items are known as
a. categorical data
b. quantitative data
c. label data
d. generic data

8. A researcher is gathering data from four geographical areas designated: South 1; North 2; East 3; West
4. The designated geographical regions represent
a. categorical data
b. quantitative data
c. directional data
d. either quantitative or categorical data

9. Data that indicate how much or how many are known as

a. categorical data
b. quantitative data
c. label data
d. category data

10. The ages of employees at a company represent

a. categorical data
b. quantitative data
c. label data
d. time series data

11. A frequency distribution is

a. a tabular summary of a set of data showing the fraction of items in each of
several nonoverlapping classes
b. a graphical form of representing data
c. a tabular summary of a set of data showing the number of items in each of
several nonoverlapping classes
d. a graphical device for presenting categorical data

12. The sum of frequencies for all classes will always equal
a. 1
b. the number of elements in a data set
c. the number of classes
d. a value between 0 and 1

13. In constructing a frequency distribution, as the number of classes are decreased, the class width
a. decreases
b. remains unchanged
c. increases
d. can increase or decrease depending on the data values

14. If several frequency distributions are constructed from the same data set, the distribution with the
widest class width will have the
a. fewest classes
b. most classes
c. same number of classes as the other distributions since all are constructed from the
same data
d. None of the other answers are correct.

15. Excel's can be used to construct a frequency distribution for categorical data.
a. DISTRIBUTION function
b. SUM function
c. FREQUENCY function
d. COUNTIF function

16. A tabular summary of a set of data showing the fraction of the total number of items in
several nonoverlapping classes is a
a. frequency distribution.
b. relative frequency distribution.
c. frequency.
d. cumulative frequency distribution.

17. The relative frequency of a class is computed by

a. dividing the midpoint of the class by the sample size.
b. dividing the frequency of the class by the midpoint.
c. dividing the sample size by the frequency of the class.
d. dividing the frequency of the class by the sample size.

18. The sum of the relative frequencies for all classes will always equal
a. the sample size
b. the number of classes
c. one
d. 100

19. A tabular summary of data showing the percentage of items in each of several nonoverlapping
classes is a
a. frequency distribution
b. relative frequency distribution
c. percent frequency distribution
d. cumulative percent frequency distribution

20. The percent frequency of a class is computed by

a. multiplying the relative frequency by 10
b. dividing the relative frequency by 100
c. multiplying the relative frequency by 100
d. adding 100 to the relative frequency

21. The sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal
a. one
b. the number of classes
c. the number of items in the study
d. 100

22. In a cumulative frequency distribution, the last class will always have a cumulative frequency equal to
a. one
b. 100%
c. the total number of elements in the data set
d. None of the other answers are correct.

23. In a cumulative relative frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative relative
frequency equal to
a. one
b. zero
c. 100
d. None of the other answers are correct.

24. In a cumulative percent frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative percent
frequency equal to
a. one
b. 100
c. the total number of elements in the data set
d. None of the other answers are correct.

25. The difference between the lower class limits of adjacent classes provides the
a. number of classes
b. class limits
c. class midpoint
d. class width

26. A graphical device for depicting categorical data that have been summarized in a frequency
distribution, relative frequency distribution, or percent frequency distribution is a(n)
a. histogram
b. stem-and-leaf display
c. ogive
d. bar chart

27. A graphical device for presenting categorical data summaries based on subdivision of a circle
into sectors that correspond to the relative frequency for each class is a
a. histogram
b. stem-and-leaf display
c. pie chart
d. bar chart

28. Categorical data can be graphically represented by using a(n)

a. histogram
b. frequency polygon
c. ogive
d. bar chart

29. Fifteen percent of the students in a School of Business Administration are majoring in Economics,
20% in Finance, 35% in Management, and 30% in Accounting. The graphical device(s) that can
be used to present these data is (are)
a. a line graph
b. only a bar chart
c. only a pie chart
d. both a bar chart and a pie chart

30. Methods that use simple arithmetic and easy-to-draw graphs to summarize data quickly are called
a. exploratory data analysis
b. relative frequency distributions
c. bar charts
d. pie charts

31. The total number of data items with a value less than or equal to the upper limit for the class is
given by the
a. frequency distribution
b. relative frequency distribution
c. cumulative frequency distribution
d. cumulative relative frequency distribution

32. Excel's can be used to construct a frequency distribution for quantitative data.
a. COUNTIF function
b. SUM function
c. PivotTable Report
d. AVERAGE function

33. A graphical display of a frequency distribution, relative frequency distribution, or percent frequency
distribution of quantitative data constructed by placing the class intervals on the horizontal axis and
the frequencies on the vertical axis is a
a. histogram
b. bar chart
c. stem-and-leaf display
d. pie chart

34. A common graphical display of quantitative data is a

a. histogram
b. bar chart
c. relative frequency
d. pie chart

35. When using Excel to create a one must edit the chart to remove the gaps between
a. scatter diagram
b. bar chart
c. histogram
d. pie chart

36. A can be used to graphically present quantitative data.

a. histogram
b. pie chart
c. stem-and-leaf display
d. both a histogram and a stem-and-leaf display are correct

37. A(n) is a graph of a cumulative distribution.

a. histogram
b. pie chart
c. stem-and-leaf display
d. ogive

38. Excel's Chart Tools can be used to construct a

a. bar chart
b. pie chart
c. histogram
d. All of these can be constructed using Excel's Chart Tools.

39. To construct a bar chart using Excel's Chart Tools, choose as the chart type.
a. column
b. pie
c. scatter
d. line

40. To construct a pie chart using Excel's Chart Tools, choose as the chart type.
a. column
b. pie
c. scatter
d. line

41. To construct a histogram using Excel's Chart Tools, choose as the chart type.
a. column
b. pie
c. scatter
d. line

42. Excel's Chart Tools does not have a chart type for constructing a
a. bar chart
b. pie chart
c. histogram
d. stem-and-leaf display

43. A tabular method that can be used to summarize the data on two variables simultaneously is called
a. simultaneous equations
b. a crosstabulation
c. a histogram
d. a dot plot

44. Excel's can be used to construct a crosstabulation.

a. Chart Tools
b. SUM function
c. PivotTable Report
d. COUNTIF function

45. In a crosstabulation
a. both variables must be categorical
b. both variables must be quantitative
c. one variable must be categorical and the other must be quantitative
d. either or both variables can be categorical or quantitative

46. A graphical display of the relationship between two quantitative variables is

a. a pie chart
b. a histogram
c. a crosstabulation
d. a scatter diagram

47. Excel's can be used to construct a scatter diagram.

a. Chart Tools
b. SUM function
c. CROSSTAB function
d. RAND function

48. When the conclusions based upon the aggregated crosstabulation can be completely reversed if
we look at the unaggregated data, the occurrence is known as
a. reverse correlation
b. inferential statistics
c. Simpson's paradox
d. disaggregation

49. Before drawing any conclusions about the relationship between two variables shown in
a crosstabulation, you should
a. investigate whether any hidden variables could affect the conclusions
b. construct a scatter diagram and find the trendline
c. develop a relative frequency distribution
d. construct an ogive for each of the variables

50. A histogram is not appropriate for displaying which of the following types of information?

a. frequency
b. relative frequency
c. cumulative frequency
d. percent frequency

51. For stem-and-leaf displays where the leaf unit is not stated, the leaf unit is assumed to
equal a. 0
b. .1
c. 1
d. 10

52. Which of the following graphical methods is not intended for quantitative data?
a. ogive
b. dot plot
c. scatter diagram
d. pie chart
53. Which of the following is least useful in studying the relationship between two variables?
a. trendline
b. stem-and-leaf display
c. crosstabulation
d. scatter diagram

54. The sum of the relative frequencies in any relative frequency distribution always equals
a. the number of observations
b. 1.00
c. 100
d. the number of variables

55. The sum of the frequencies in any frequency distribution always equals
a. the number of observations
b. 1.00
c. 100
d. the number of variables

Exhibit 2-1
The numbers of hours worked (per week) by 400 statistics students are shown below.

Number of hours Frequency

09 20
10 19 80
20 29 200
30 39 100

56. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The class width for this distribution
a. is 9
b. is 10
c. is 39, which is: the largest value minus the smallest value or 39 0 39
d. varies from class to class

57. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The midpoint of the last class is

a. 50
b. 34
c. 35
d. 34.5

58. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The number of students working 19 hours or less
a. is 80
b. is 100
c. is 180
d. is 300

59. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The relative frequency of students working 9 hours or less
a. is 20
b. is 100
c. is 0.95
d. 0.05

60. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The cumulative relative frequency for the class of 20 29
a. is 300
b. is 0.25
c. is 0.75
d. is 0.5

61. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The percentage of students working 10 19 hours is

a. 20%
b. 25%
c. 75%
d. 80%

62. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The percentage of students working 19 hours or less is
a. 20%
b. 25%
c. 75%
d. 80%

63. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The cumulative percent frequency for the class of 30 39 is
a. 100%
b. 75%
c. 50%
d. 25%

64. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The cumulative frequency for the class of 20 29
a. is 200
b. is 300
c. is 0.75
d. is 0.50

65. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. If a cumulative frequency distribution is developed for the above data, the
last class will have a cumulative frequency of
a. 100
b. 1
c. 30 39
d. 400

66. Refer to Exhibit 2-1. The percentage of students who work at least 10 hours per week is
a. 50%
b. 5%
c. 95%
d. 100%

Exhibit 2-2
Information on the type of industry is provided for a sample of 50 Fortune 500 companies.

Industry Type Frequency

Banking 7
Consumer Products 15
Electronics 10
Retail 18

67. Refer to Exhibit 2-2. The number of industries that are classified as retail is
a. 32
b. 18
c. 0.36
d. 36%

68. Refer to Exhibit 2-2. The relative frequency of industries that are classified as banking is
a. 7
b. 0.07
c. 0.70
d. 0.14

69. Refer to Exhibit 2-2. The percent frequency of industries that are classified as electronics is
a. 10
b. 20
c. 0.10
d. 0.20

Exhibit 2-3
The number of sick days taken (per month) by 200 factory workers is summarized below.

Number of Days Frequency

05 120
610 65
1115 14
1620 1

70. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The class width for this distribution
a. is 5
b. is 6
c. is 20, which is: the largest value minus the smallest value or 20 0 20
d. varies from class to class

71. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The midpoint of the first class is

a. 10
b. 2
c. 2.5
d. 3

72. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The number of workers who took less than 11 sick days per month
a. was 15
b. was 200
c. was 185
d. was 65

73. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The number of workers who took at most 10 sick days per month
a. was 15
b. was 200
c. was 185
d. was 65

74. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The number of workers who took more than 10 sick days per month
a. was 15
b. was 200
c. was 185
d. was 65

75. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The number of workers who took at least 11 sick days per month
a. was 15
b. was 200
c. was 185
d. was 65

76. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The relative frequency of workers who took 10 or fewer sick days
a. was 185
b. was 0.925
c. was 93
d. was 15

77. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The cumulative relative frequency for the class of 11 15
a. is 199
b. is 0.07
c. is 1
d. is 0.995

78. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The percentage of workers who took 0 - 5 sick days per month was
a. 20%
b. 120%
c. 75%
d. 60%

79. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The cumulative percent frequency for the class of 16 20 is
a. 100%
b. 65%
c. 92.5%
d. 0.5%

80. Refer to Exhibit 2-3. The cumulative frequency for the class of 11 15
a. is 200
b. is 14
c. is 199
d. is 1

Exhibit 2-4
A survey of 400 college seniors resulted in the following crosstabulation regarding their
undergraduate major and whether or not they plan to go to graduate school.

Undergraduate Major
Graduate School Business Engineering Others Total
Yes 35 42 63 140
No 91 104 65 260
Total 126 146 128 400

81. Refer to Exhibit 2-4. What percentage of the students does not plan to go to graduate school?
a. 280
b. 520
c. 65
d. 32

82. Refer to Exhibit 2-4. What percentage of the students' undergraduate major is engineering?
a. 292
b. 520
c. 65
d. 36.5

83. Refer to Exhibit 2-4. Of those students who are majoring in business, what percentage plans to go
to graduate school?
a. 27.78
b. 8.75
c. 70
d. 72.22

84. Refer to Exhibit 2-4. Among the students who plan to go to graduate school, what percentage indicated
"Other" majors?
a. 15.75
b. 45
c. 54
d. 35


1. Thirty students in the School of Business were asked what their majors were. The following
represents their responses (M Management; A Accounting; E Economics; O Others).


a. Construct a frequency distribution and a bar chart.

b. Construct a relative frequency distribution and a pie chart.


a. and b.

Major Frequency Relative Frequency

M 12 0.4
A 9 0.3
E 6 0.2
O 3 0.1
Total 30 1.0

PTS: 1

2. Twenty employees of ABC Corporation were asked if they liked or disliked the new district
manager. Below are their responses. Let L represent liked and D represent disliked.

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both upper and lower radial nervules uniting with the posterior branch of
the subcostal. It has been treated as a moth by several entomologists.
Aurivillius considers that it is certainly a butterfly; but as the
metamorphoses are unknown, we cannot yet form a final opinion as to
this curious form. The extraordinary Peruvian Insect, Styx infernalis, is
also placed in this family by Staudinger; it is a small, pale Insect, almost
white, and with imperfect scales; a little recalling a Satyrid. It appears to
be synthetic to Pieridae and Erycinidae.

Fig. 180—Pupation of the Orange-tip butterfly, Euchloe cardamines. A,

The completed pupa; B, the larva, with its girdle, prepared for the

The caterpillars of Pieridae are perhaps the least remarkable or

attractive of all butterfly-caterpillars; their skins are as a rule bare, or
covered only with fine, short down or hair; their prevalent colour is
green, more or less speckled with black and yellow, and they are
destitute of any prominent peculiarities of external structure. Pupation is
accomplished by the larva fixing itself to some solid body by the
posterior extremity, with the head upwards (or the position may be
horizontal), and then placing a girdle round the middle of the body. The
pupa never hangs down freely as it does in Nymphalidae. It has been
ascertained by experiment that if the girdle round the larva be cut, the
pupation can nevertheless be accomplished by a considerable
proportion of larvae. Some of the pupae are of very peculiar form, as is
the case in the Orange-tip (Fig. 180, A) and Brimstone butterflies. The
Orange-tip butterfly passes nine or ten months of each year as a pupa,
which is variable in colour; perhaps to some extent in conformity with its
surroundings. The North American E. genutia has a similar life-history,
but the larva leaves its Cruciferous food-plant, wanders to an oak tree,
and there turns to a pupa, resembling in colour the bark of the tree.
Fig. 181—Newly-hatched larva of Euchloe cardamines. A, The larva in
profile; B, one segment more magnified, showing the liquid-bearing
setae; C, one of the setae still more magnified, and without liquid.

It is not unusual for caterpillars to change their habits and appearance

in a definite manner in the course of the larval life. The caterpillar of
Euchloe cardamines exhibits a larval metamorphosis of a well-marked
character. The young larva (Fig. 181) is armed with peculiar setae,
furcate at the tip, each of which bears a tiny ball of fluid. In this stage
the caterpillar makes scarcely any movement. In the middle of the
caterpillar's life a new vestiture appears after an ecdysis; numerous fine
hairs are present, and the fluid-bearing spines nearly disappear, being
reduced to a single series of spines of a comparatively small size on
each side of the upper middle region of the body (Fig. 182). The colour
is also a good deal changed, and concomitantly there is a much greater
voracity and restlessness.

Fig. 182—Larva of Euchloe cardamines in middle life. A, the larva in

profile; B, one segment more magnified.

Fam. 5. Papilionidae.—All the legs well developed. Claws large,

simple, without empodium. Front tibiae with a pad. The metanotum
free, conspicuously exposed between mesonotum and abdomen. This
series of butterflies includes some of the most magnificent of the
members of the Insect world. It is considered by some authorities to be
the highest family of butterflies; and in one very important feature—
sexual differentiation—it certainly is entitled to the rank. There are
about 700 recorded species, the larger portion of which are included in
the genus Papilio. The great variety of form has led to this genus being
divided; the attempts have, however, been partial, with the exception of
an arrangement made by Felder, who adopted 75 sections, and a
recent consideration of the subject by Haase, who arranges Felder's
sections into three sub-genera. Many of the sections have received
names, and are treated by some authors as genera, so that an
unfortunate diversity exists as to the names used for these much-
admired Insects. The genus is distributed all over the world, but is
perhaps nowhere more numerous in species than in South America.

Fig. 183—Ornithoptera (Schoenbergia) paradisea, male. New Guinea. ×

1. (Colours, velvet-black, golden-yellow and green.)

Wallace informs us that the great majority of the species of the Amazon
valley frequent the shady groves of the virgin forest. In many cases the
sexes are extremely different in appearance and habits, and are but
rarely found together in one spot. The genus Ornithoptera is closely
allied to Papilio, and contains some of the most remarkable of
butterflies, the homes of the species being the islands of the Malay
Archipelago, and outlying groups of islands, there being a smaller
number of species in the neighbouring continents. The females are of
great size, and are so excessively different from their consorts of the
other sex, as to arouse in the student a feeling of surprise, and a strong
desire to fathom the mysteries involved.
Fig. 184—Ornithoptera (Schoenbergia) paradisea, female. × 1. (The wings, on the
right side, detached, showing the under surface. Colours, black, white, and gray.)

It would be difficult to surpass the effective coloration of the males in

many of the species of Ornithoptera; they are, too, very diverse in this
respect; O. brookiana is of an intense black colour, with a band of
angular green marks extending the whole length of its wings, while
behind the head there is a broad collar of crimson colour. Perhaps the
most remarkable of all is the O. paradisea, recently discovered in New
Guinea; in this species the sexual disparity reaches its maximum. The
female (Fig. 184) is a large, sombre creature of black, white and grey
colours, but the male (Fig. 183) is brilliant with gold and green, and is
made additionally remarkable by a long tail of unusual form on each
hind wing.

We may anticipate that these extraordinary cases of sexual total

dissimilarity in appearance are accompanied by equally remarkable
habits and physiological phenomena. In the case of O. brookiana the
female is extremely rare, so that the collector, Künstler, could only
obtain fifteen females to a thousand males. According to Mr. Skertchly,
instead of the crowd of males being eager to compete for the females,
the reverse is the case; the female diligently woos the male, who
exhibits a reluctance to coupling. This observer apparently considered
that the "emerald feathers" of the male are a guide or incitement to the

In Africa Ornithoptera is to a certain extent represented by two

extremely remarkable forms, Papilio zalmoxis and P. (Drurya)
antimachus. There are about a dozen other genera of Papilionidae;
most of them contain but few species. Parnassius, however, is rich in
species inhabiting the mountains and elevated plateaus of the northern
hemisphere in both the Old and New Worlds; it is remarkable for the
small amount of scales on the wings, and for the numerous variations
of the species. The female possesses a peculiar pouch at the end of
the body; although only formed during the process of coupling, it has a
special and characteristic form in most of the species. The curious
Indian genus Leptocircus has parts of the front wings transparent, while
the hind pair form long tails. This genus is of interest in that it is said to
connect Papilionidae to some extent with Hesperiidae. The larvae of
this family are remarkable on account of a curious process on the
thoracic segment called an "osmeterium." It is usually retracted, but at
the will of the caterpillar can be everted in the form of a long furcate or
Y-shaped process; there is a gland in the osmeterium, and as a result a
strong odour is emitted when the exstulpation occurs.

The pupation of Papilionidae is similar to that of Pieridae, the pupa

being placed with the head upwards, fixed by the tail, and girt round the
middle. A very curious diversity of pupation occurs in the genus Thais,
in which the pupa is attached by the tail as usual, and—which is quite
exceptional—also by a thread placed at the top of the head. Scudder
thinks there is also a girdle round the middle, but Dr. Chapman inclines
to the view that the thread attaching the head is really the median girdle
slipped upwards. The pupation of Parnassius is exceptional, inasmuch
as, like Satyrides, it is terrestrial, in a slight construction of silk.

Fam. 6. Hesperiidae (Skippers).—Six perfect legs: metanotum not

free, largely covered by the mesonotum. A pad on the front tibia. Claws
short and thick; empodium present. Although this family has been
comparatively neglected by entomologists, upwards of 2000 species
and more than 200 genera are known, and it is not improbable that it
may prove to be as extensive as Nymphalidae. We have already said
that Hesperiidae is generally admitted to be the most distinct of the
butterfly groups. It has been thought by some taxonomists to be allied
to Papilionidae, but this is a mistake. It is undoubtedly more nearly
allied to Heterocera, and when the classification of Lepidoptera is more
advanced, so that the various natural groups placed in that sub-Order
are satisfactorily distinguished, it is probable that Hesperiidae will be
altogether separated from Rhopalocera. We have already mentioned
that E. Reuter considers the Hesperiidae to be phylogenetically
unconnected with Rhopalocera proper; but though quite ready to admit
that he will probably prove correct in this, we think Lepidopterists will
not be willing to recognise the family as a sub-Order equivalent in value
to all Heterocera.

The body is shorter and thicker than it is in most butterflies, and is

pointed at the tip rather than knobbed or bent downwards; the wings
are less ample; the antennae are not truly knobbed, but are thicker
before the actual tip, which is itself pointed and more or less bent
backwards, so that the antennae are somewhat hook-shaped.

In habits as well as structure the family is markedly distinct from

butterflies; the pupation is peculiar, and the name Skipper has been
applied to the perfect Insects, because so many of them indulge in a
brief, jerky flight, instead of the prolonged aerial courses characteristic
of the higher butterflies.

There is great difference among the members of the family, and some
of them possess a very high development of the powers of locomotion,
with a correspondingly perfect structure of the thoracic region, so that,
after inspection of these parts, we can quite believe Wallace's
statement that the larger and strong-bodied kinds are remarkable for
the excessive rapidity of their flight, which, indeed, he was inclined to
consider surpassed that of any other Insects. "The eye cannot follow
them as they dart past; and the air, forcibly divided, gives out a deep
sound louder than that produced by the humming-bird itself. If power of
wing and rapidity of flight could place them in that rank, they should be
considered the most highly organised of butterflies." It was probably to
the genera Pyrrhopyge, Erycides, etc., that Mr. Wallace alluded in the
above remarks. Although the Hesperiidae are not as a rule beautifully
coloured, yet many of these higher forms are most tastefully
ornamented; parts of the wings, wing-fringes, and even the bodies
being set with bright but agreeable colours. We mention these facts
because it is a fashion to attribute a lowly organisation to the family, and
to place it as ancestral to other butterflies. Some of them have
crepuscular habits, but this is also the case with a variety of other
Rhopalocera in the tropics.

In their early stages the Skippers—so far as at present known—depart

considerably from the majority of butterflies, inasmuch as they possess
in both the larval and pupal instars habits of concealment and
retirement. The caterpillars have the body nearly bare, thicker in the
middle, the head free, and more or less notched above. They make
much greater use of silk than other butterfly-larvae do, and draw
together leaves to form caves for concealment, and even make webs
and galleries. Thus the habits are almost those of the Tortricid moths.

Fig. 185—Pupation of Badamia exclamationis. (After Dudgeon. J. Bombay

Soc. x. 1895, p. 144). A, One side of the leaf-cradle, the other
(nearest to the observer) being broken away; B, transverse section
of entire cradle, a, The pupa; b, fastenings of perpendicular threads
round pupa; c, cross thread retaining the leaf in cradle form; d,
margins of the leaf; e, midrib of leaf.

Pupation takes place under similar conditions; and it is interesting to

find that Chapman considers that the pupa in several points of structure
resembles that of the small moths. Not only does the larva draw
together leaves or stalks to make a shelter for the pupa, but it
frequently also forms a rudimentary cocoon. These arrangements are,
however, very variable, and the accounts that have been given indicate
that even the same species may exhibit some amount of variation in its
pupation. Scudder considers that, in the North American Skippers, the
cremaster is attached to a single Y-like thread. In other cases there is a
silk pad on the leaf for the cremaster to hook on. An interesting account
given by Mr. Dudgeon of the pupation of a common Indian Skipper,
Badamia exclamationis, shows that this Insect exercises considerable
ingenuity in the structure of the puparium, and also that the
arrangements it adopts facilitate one of the acts of pupation most
difficult for such pupae as suspend themselves, viz. the hooking the
cremasters on to the pad above them. Badamia uses a rolled-up leaf
(Fig. 185); the edges of the leaf are fastened together by silk at d; from
this spot there descends a thread which, when it reaches the pupa, a,
forks so as to form an inverted Y, and is fastened to the leaf on either
side; the two sides of the leaf are kept together by a cross thread, cc.
Mr. Dudgeon was fortunate enough to observe the act of pupation, and
saw that "although the anal prolegs of the larva were attached to a tuft
or pad of silk in the usual way, and remained so until nearly the whole
skin had been shuffled off, yet when the last segment had to be taken
out, the pupa drew it entirely away from the skin and lifted it over the
empty skin, and by a series of contortions similar to those made by an
Insect in depositing an egg, it soon re-attached its anal segment or
cremaster to the web, throwing away the cast-off skin by wriggling its
body about."

Series II. Heterocera. Moths.

Although Rhopalocera—if exclusion be made of the Hesperiidae—is

probably a natural group, yet this is not the case with Heterocera. The
only definition that can be given of Heterocera is the practical one that
all Lepidoptera that are not butterflies are Heterocera. Numerous
divisions of the Heterocera have been long current, but their limits have
become more and more uncertain, so that at the present time no
divisions of greater value than the family command a recognition at all
general. This is not really a matter of reproach, for it arises from the
desire to recognise only groups that are capable of satisfactory

Several attempts have recently been made to form a rough forecast of

the future classification of moths. Professor Comstock, struck by some
peculiarities presented by the Hepialidae, Micropterygidae (and
Eriocephalidae), recently proposed to separate them from all other
Lepidoptera as a sub-order Jugatae. Comstock's discrimination in
making this separation met with general approval. The character on
which the group Jugatae is based is, however, comparatively trivial, and
its possession is not sufficient, as pointed out by Packard,[230] to justify
the close association of Hepialidae and Micropterygidae, which, in
certain important respects, are the most dissimilar of moths. The
characters possessed by the two families in common may be
summarised by saying that the wings and wing-bearing segments
remain in a low stage of development. In nearly all other characters the
two families are widely different. Packard has therefore, while accepting
Comstock's separation of the families in question, proposed a different
combination. He considers that Eriocephalidae should be separated
from all others as "Protolepidoptera" or "Lepidoptera Laciniata," while
the whole of the other Lepidoptera, comprised under the term
"Lepidoptera Haustellata," are divided into Palaeolepidoptera
(consisting only of Micropterygidae) and Neolepidoptera, comprising all
Lepidoptera (inclusive of Hepialidae) except the Eriocephalidae and
Micropterygidae. The question is rendered more difficult by the very
close relations that exist between Micropterygidae and a sub-Order,
Trichoptera, of Neuroptera. Dr. Chapman, by a sketch of the
classification of pupae,[231] and Dyar, by one on larval stages,[232] have
made contributions to the subject; but the knowledge of early stages
and metamorphosis is so very imperfect that the last two memoirs can
be considered only as preliminary sketches; as indeed seem to have
been the wishes of the authors themselves.

Simultaneously with the works above alluded to, Mr. Meyrick has
given[233] a new classification of the Order. We allude, in other pages,
to various points in Mr. Meyrick's classification, which is made to appear
more revolutionary than it really is, in consequence of the radical
changes in nomenclature combined with it.

As regards the various aggregates of families that are widely known in

literature by the names Bombyces, Sphinges, Noctuae, Geometres,
Pyrales, we need only remark that they are still regarded as to some
extent natural. Their various limits being the subject of discussion and
at present undecided, the groups are made to appear more uncertain
than is really the case. The group that has to suffer the greatest
changes is the old Bombyces. This series comprises the great majority
of those moths that have diurnal habits. In it there were also included
several groups of moths the larvae of which feed in trunks of trees or in
the stems of plants, such as Cossidae, that will doubtless prove to have
but little connection with the forms with which they were formerly
associated. These groups with aberrant habits are those that give rise
to the greatest difficulties of the taxonomist.

The following key to the families of Heterocera is taken from Sir G. F.

Hampson's recent work, Fauna of British India—Moths.[234] It includes
nearly all the families at present recognised among the larger
Lepidoptera; certain families[235] not mentioned in this key are alluded
to in our subsequent remarks on the families:—

Key to the Families of Moths[236]

N.B.—This table is not simply dichotomic; three contrasted categories are used
in the case of the primary divisions, A, B, C, and the secondary divisions, I,

A. Fore wing with nervule 5 coming from the middle of the discocellulars, or
nearer 6 than 4 (Categories I, II, III = 1-18).
I. Frenulum rudimentary. .......... Fam. 38. Epicopeiidae, see p. 418.
II. Frenulum absent (Categories 1-8).
1. Proboscis present, legs with spurs (Cat. 2-5).
2. Hind wing with nervule 8 remote from 7 (Cat. 3 and 4).
3. Fore wing with nervule 6 and 7 stalked .......... Fam. 39. Uraniidae,
see p. 419.
4. Fore wing with nervules 6 and 7 not stalked .......... Fam. 5.
Ceratocampidae, see p. 375.
5. Hind wing with nervule 8 nearly touching 7 beyond end of cell ..........
Fam. 4. Brahmaeidae, see p. 374.
6. Proboscis absent, legs without spurs (Cat. 7 and 8).
7. Hind wing with one internal nervure .......... Fam. 3. Saturniidae, see
p. 372.
8. Hind wing with two or three internal nervures .......... Fam. 6.
Bombycidae, see p. 375.
III. Frenulum present (Cat. 9-18).
9. Antennae fusiform [spindle-shaped] .......... Fam. 9. Sphingidae, see
p. 380.
10. Antennae not fusiform (Cat. 11-18).
11. Proboscis absent .......... Fam. 7. Eupterotidae, see p. 376.
12. Proboscis present (Cat. 13-18).
13. Hind wing with nervule 8 curved and almost touching 7 after end of
cell; nervure 1a reaching anal angle .......... Fam. 12.
Cymatophoridae, see p. 386.
14. Hind wing with nervule 8 remote from 7 after end of cell (Cat. 15-
15. Tarsi as short as tibia, hairy; stoutly built moths .......... Fam. 11.
Notodontidae,[237] see p. 383.
16. Tarsi long and naked; slightly built moths (Cat. 17 and 18)
17. Fore wing with nervule 7 remote from 8, and generally stalked
with 6 .......... Fam. 40. Epiplemidae, see p. 420.
18. Fore wing with nervule 7 given off from 8; hind wing with
nervure 1a short or absent .......... Fam. 36. Geometridae, see
p. 411.
B. Fore wing with nervule 5 coming from lower angle of cell or nearer 4 than 6
[see figures 161 and 162, pp. 318, 319] (Categories 19-58).
19. Hind wing with more than 8 nervules (Cat. 20, 21).
20. Proboscis absent, no mandibles nor ligula; size not very small ..........
Fam. 23. Hepialidae, see p. 396.
21. Mandibles, long palpi and ligula present; size very small .......... Fam.
47. Micropterygidae, see p. 435.
22. Hind wing with not more than 8 nervules (Cat. 23-58).
23. Hind wing with nervule 8 remote from 7 after origin of nervules 6 and 7
(Cat. 24-51).
24. Frenulum absent (Cat. 25-29).
25. Hind wing with one internal nervure; nervule 8 with a precostal spur
.......... Fam. 31. Pterothysanidae, see p. 406.
26. Hind wing with two internal nervures (Cat. 27 and 28).
27. Hind wing with a bar between nervules 7 and 8 near the base;
nervure 1a directed to middle of inner margin .......... Fam. 30.
Endromidae, see p. 406.
28. Hind wing with no bar between nervules 7 and 8; nervure 1a
directed to anal angle .......... Fam. 29. Lasiocampidae, see
p. 405.
29. Hind wing with three internal nervures .......... Fam. 21. Arbelidae,
see p. 396.
30. Frenulum present (Cat. 31-51).
31. Hind wing with nervule 8 aborted .......... Fam. 15. Syntomidae,
see p. 388.
32. Hind wing with nervule 8 present (Cat. 33-51).
33. Antennae knobbed .......... Fam. 1. Castniidae, see p. 371.
34. Antennae filiform, or (rarely) dilated a little towards the tip (Cat.
35. Fore wing with nervure 1c present (Cat. 36-43).
36. Hind wing with nervule 8 free from the base or connected
with 7 by a bar (Cat. 37-42).
37. Proboscis present .......... Fam. 16. Zygaenidae, see
p. 390.
38. Proboscis absent (Cat. 39-42).
39. Palpi rarely absent; ♀ winged; larvae wood-borers ..........
Fam. 20. Cossidae, see p. 395.
40. Palpi absent; ♀ apterous (Cat. 41, 42).
41. ♀ rarely with legs; ♀ and larvae case-dwellers ..........
Fam. 19. Psychidae, see p. 392.
42. ♀ and larvae free[238] .......... Fam. 18. Heterogynidae,
see p. 392.
43. Hind wing with nervule 8 anastomosing shortly with 7 ..........
Fam. 26. Limacodidae, see. p. 401.
44. Fore wing with nervure 1c absent (Cat. 45-51).
45. Hind wing with nervule 8 rising out of 7 .......... Fam. 34.
Arctiidae, see p. 408.
46. Hind wing with nervule 8 connected with 7 by a bar, or
touching it near middle of cell (Cat. 47, 48).
47. Palpi with the third joint naked and reaching far above
vertex of head; proboscis present .......... Fam. 33.
Hypsidae, see p. 408.
48. Palpi not reaching above vertex of head; proboscis absent
or very minute .......... Fam. 32. Lymantriidae, see p. 406.
49. Hind wing with nervule 8 anastomosing shortly with 7 near
the base; proboscis well developed (Cat. 50, 51).
50. Antennae more or less thick towards tip .......... Fam. 35.
Agaristidae, see p. 410.
51. Antennae filiform .......... Fam. 37. Noctuidae, see p. 414.
52. Hind wing with nervule 8 curved and nearly or quite touching nervure 7,
or anastomosing with it after origin of nervules 6 and 7 (Cat. 53-58).
53. Hind wing with nervure 1c absent (Cat. 54-57).
54. Hind wing with nervule 8 with a precostal spur .......... Fam. 24.
Callidulidae, see p. 400.
55. Hind wing with nervule 8 with no precostal spur (Cat. 56, 57).
56. Hind wing with nervure 1a absent or very short .......... Fam. 25.
Drepanidae, see p. 400.
57. Hind wing with nervure 1a almost or quite reaching anal angle
.......... Fam. 28. Thyrididae, see p. 404.
58. Hind wing with nervure 1c present .......... Fam. 41. Pyralidae, see
p. 420.
C. Fore wing with 4 nervules arising from the cell at almost even distances
apart (Cat. 59-66).
59. Wings not divided into plumes (Cat. 60-63).
60. Hind wing with nervule 8 coincident with 7 .......... Fam. 13. Sesiidae,
see p. 386.
61. Hind wing with nervule 8 free (Cat. 62, 63).
62. Fore wing with nervure 1b simple or with a very minute fork at base
.......... Fam. 14. Tinaegeriidae, see p. 387.
63. Fore wing with nervure 1a forming a large fork with 1b at base ..........
Fam. 45. Tineidae, see p. 428.
64. Wings divided into plumes (Cat. 65, 66).
65. Fore wing divided into at most two, hind wing into three plumes ..........
Fam. 42. Pterophoridae, see p. 426.
66. Fore wing and hind wing each divided into three plumes .......... Fam.
43. Alucitidae (= Orneodidae), see p. 426.

Fam. 1. Castniidae.—The Insects of this family combine to a large

extent the characters of butterflies and moths. The antennae are
knobbed or hooked at the tip, there is a large precostal area to the hind
wing. The nervules of the front wing are complex and anastomose so
as to form one or more accessory cells (Fig. 162). This important, but
not extensive, family consists chiefly of forms found in tropical America
and Australia. The diversity of size, form and appearance is very great,
and it is probable that the members of the family will be separated;
indeed, taxonomists are by no means in agreement as to the limits of
the family. The Castniidae are diurnal Insects, and the North American
genus Megathymus is by many considered to belong to the
Rhopalocera. Euschemon rafflesiae (Fig. 186) is extremely like a large
Skipper with long antennae, but has a well-marked frenulum. The
members of the Australian genus Synemon are much smaller, but they
also look like Skippers. Their habits are very like those of the
Hesperiidae; they flit about in the hot sunshine, and when settling after
their brief flights, the fore wings are spread out at right angles to the
body, so as to display the more gaily coloured hind wings; at night, or in
cloudy weather, the Insect rests on blades of grass with the wings
erect, meeting vertically over the back, like a butterfly. Hecatesia,
another Australian genus, is now usually assigned to Agaristidae; its
members look like moths. The male of H. fenestrata is provided with a
sound-producing organ similar to that of the Agaristid genus Aegocera.
Fig. 186—Euschemon rafflesiae. Australia. (After Doubleday.)

The Castnia of South America are many of them like Nymphalid

butterflies, but exhibit great diversity, and resemble butterflies of several
different divisions of the family.[239]

The species are apparently great, lovers of heat and can tolerate a very
dry atmosphere.[240] The transformations of very few have been
observed; so far as is known the larvae feed in stems; and somewhat
resemble those of Goat-moths or Leopard-moths (Cossidae); the
caterpillar of C. therapon lives in the stems of Brazilian orchids, and as
a consequence has been brought to Europe, and the moth there
disclosed. The pupae are in general structure of the incomplete
character, and have transverse rows of spines, as is the case with other
moths of different families, but having larvae with similar habits.[241]
Castnia eudesmia forms a large cocoon of fragments of vegetable
matter knitted together with silk. These Insects are rare in collections;
they do not ever appear in numbers, and are generally very difficult to

Fam. 2. Neocastniidae.—The Oriental genus Tascina, formerly placed

in Castniidae has recently been separated by Sir G. Hampson and
associated with Neocastnia nicevillei, from East India, to form this
family. These Insects have the appearance of Nymphalid butterflies.
They differ from Castniidae by the want of a proboscis.

Fam. 3. Saturniidae.—This is a large and varied assemblage of moths;

the larvae construct cocoons; the products of several species being
used as silk. These moths have no frenulum and no proboscis. The
hind wings have a very large shoulder, so that the anterior margin or
costa stretches far forward beneath the front wing, as it does in
butterflies. The antennae of the males are strongly bipectinated and
frequently attain a magnificent development. The family includes some
of the largest and most remarkable forms of the Insect-world,
Coscinocera hercules, inhabiting North Australia, is a huge moth which,
with its expanded wings and the long tails thereof, covers a space of
about 70 square inches. One of the striking features of the family is the
occurrence in numerous forms of remarkable transparent spaces on the
wings; these window-like areas usually occur in the middle of the wing
and form a most remarkable contrast to the rest of the surface, which is
very densely scaled. In Attacus these attain a large size. In other
species, such as the South African Ludia delegorguei, there is a small
letter-like, or symboliform, transparent mark towards the tip of each
front wing. We have at present no clue to the nature or importance of
these remarkable markings. In the genus Automeris, and in other
forms, instead of transparent spaces there are large and staring
ocellate marks or eyes, which are concealed when the Insect is
reposing. In Arceina, Copiopteryx, Eudaemonia and others, the hind
wings are prolonged into very long tails, perhaps exceeding in length
those of any other moths.

Fig. 187—Larva of Attacus atlas, India. A, at end of 1st instar, profile; B,

4th instar, dorsal view; C, full-grown larva, in repose. (After Poujade.)

The cocoons are exceedingly various, ranging from a slight open

network to a dense elaborate structure arranged as in our Emperor
moth; in this latter case an opening is left by the larva for its exit after it
has become a moth, but by an ingenious, chevaux-de-frise work, this
opening is closed against external enemies, though the structure offers
no resistance at all to the escape of the moth. Fabre has recorded
some observations and experiments which seem to show that the
instinct predominating over the formation of the cocoon is not
cognoscent. The Insect, if interfered with, displays a profound stupidity.
Its method is blind perseverance in the customary.[242] The cocoon of
Saturniidae is more often continuous, i.e. entirely closed. Packard says
that Actias luna effects its escape by cutting through the strong cocoon
with an instrument situate at the base of the front wing. Other species
were examined and were found to possess the instrument; but Packard
is convinced that the majority of the species possessing the instrument
do not use it, but escape by emitting a fluid that softens the cocoon and
enables the moth to push itself through.[243] The cocoons of the
species of Ceranchia have a beautiful appearance, like masses of
filagree-work in silver. The pupa in Ceranchia is very peculiar, being
terminated by a long, spine-like process. In Loepa newara the cocoon
is of a green colour and suspended by a stalk; looking like the pod, or
pitcher, of a plant. The silk of the Saturniidae is usually coarse, and is
known as Tusser or Tussore[244] silk.

The larvae of this family are as remarkable as the imagos, being

furnished with spine-bearing tubercles or warts, or long fleshy
processes; the colours are frequently beautiful. The caterpillar of
Attacus atlas (Fig. 187) is pale olive-green and lavender, and has a
peculiar, conspicuous, red mark on each flank close to the clasper.

About seventy genera and several hundred species are already known
of this interesting family. They are widely distributed on the globe,
though there are but few in Australia. Our only British species, the
Emperor moth, Saturnia pavonia, is by no means rare, and its larva is a
beautiful object; bright green with conspicuous tubercles of a rosy, or
yellow, colour. It affects an unusual variety of food-plants, sloe and
heather being favourites; the writer has found it at Wicken flourishing on
the leaves of the yellow water-lily. Although the Emperor moth is one of
the largest of our native Lepidopterous Insects, it is one of the smallest
of the Saturniidae.

The family Hemileucidae of Packard is included at present in


Fam. 4. Brahmaeidae.—The species forming the genus Brahmaea

have been placed in various families, and are now treated by Hampson
as a family apart, distinguished from Saturniidae by the presence of a
proboscis. They are magnificent, large moths, of sombre colours, but
with complex patterns on the wings, looking as if intended as designs
for upholstery. About fifteen species are recognised; the geographical
distribution is remarkable; consisting of a comparatively narrow belt
extending across the Old World from Japan to West Africa, including
Asia Minor and the shores of the Caspian Sea. Little has been recorded
as to the life-histories of these Insects. The larva is said to have the
second and third segments swollen and armed with a pair of lateral
spines projecting forwards. A cocoon is not formed.

Fam. 5. Ceratocampidae.—This is a small family. They are fine moths

peculiar to the New World, and known principally by scattered notices in
the works of North American entomologists. Seven genera and about
sixty species are known. The chief genus is Citheronia. Some of the
larvae are remarkable, being armed with large and complex spines. A
cocoon is not formed.

Fam. 6. Bombycidae.—In entomological literature this name has a

very uncertain meaning, as it has been applied to diverse groups; even
at present the name is frequently used for the Lasiocampidae. We
apply it to the inconsiderable family of true silkworm moths. They are
comparatively small and uninteresting Insects in both the larval and
imaginal instars; but the cocoons formed by the well-known silkworm
are of great value, and some other species form similar structures that
are of more or less value for commercial purposes. The silkworm has
been domesticated for an enormous period, and is consequently now
very widely spread over the earth's surface; opinions differ as to its real
home, some thinking it came originally from Northern China, while
others believe Bengal to have been its native habitat. The silkworm is
properly called Bombyx mori, but perhaps it is as often styled Sericaria
mori. Besides being of so great a value in commerce, this Insect has
become an important object of investigation as to anatomy, physiology
and development. Its domestication has probably been accompanied
by a certain amount of change in habits and instincts, the creature
having apparently lost its appreciation of freedom and its power of
flight; it is also said to be helpless in certain respects when placed on
trees in the larval state; but the importance of these points has been
perhaps somewhat exaggerated.[245]

Although the family Bombycidae is very widely distributed in the warmer

regions of the world, it includes only 15 or 20 genera, and none of them
have many species. The Mustiliidae of some entomologists are
included here. Like the Saturniidae, the Bombycidae are destitute of
proboscis and of frenulum to the wings, but they possess two or three
internal nervures on the hind wing instead of the single one existing in

Fam. 7. Eupterotidae (Striphnopterygidae of Aurivillius).—This family

has only recently been separated from Lasiocampidae; its members,
however, possess a frenulum; while none is present in the larger family
mentioned. Its limits are still uncertain, but it includes several extremely
interesting forms. The larvae of the European processionary moth,
Cnethocampa processionea, are social in habits; they sometimes occur
in very large numbers, and march in columns of peculiar form, each
band being headed by a leader in front, and the column gradually
becoming broader. It is thought that the leader spins a thread as he
goes on, and that the lateral leaders of the succeeding files fasten the
threads they spin to that of the first individual, and in this way all are
brought into unison. The hairs of these caterpillars are abundant, and
produce great irritation to the skin and mucous membrane of any one
unlucky enough to come into too close contact with the creatures. This
property is, however, not confined to the hairs of the processionary
moths, but is shared to a greater or less extent by the hairs of various
other caterpillars of this division of Lepidoptera. In some cases the
irritation is believed to be due to the form of the hair or spine, which
may be barbed or otherwise peculiar in form. It is also thought that in
some cases a poisonous liquid is contained in the spine.

The larvae of other forms have the habit of forming dense webs, more
or less baglike, for common habitation by a great number of caterpillars,
and they afterwards spin their cocoons inside these receptacles. This
has been ascertained to occur in the case of several species of the
genus Anaphe, as has been described and illustrated by Dr. Fischer,
[246] Lord Walsingham,[247] and Dr. Holland.[248] The structures are
said to be conspicuous objects on trees in some parts of Africa. The
common dwelling of this kind formed by the caterpillars of Hypsoides
radama in Madagascar is said to be several feet in length; but the
structures of most of the other species are of much smaller size.

The larvae of the South American genus Palustra, though hairy like
other Eupterotid caterpillars, are aquatic in their habits, and swim by
coiling themselves and making movements of extension; the hair on the
back is in the form of dense brushes, but at the sides of the body it is
longer and more remote; when the creatures come to the surface—
which is but rarely—the dorsal brushes are quite dry, while the lateral
hairs are wet. The stigmata are extremely small, and the mode of
respiration is not fully known. It was noticed that when taken out of the
water, and walking in the open air, these caterpillars have but little
power of maintaining their equilibrium. They pupate beneath the water
in a singular manner: a first one having formed its cocoon, others come
successively and add theirs to it so as to form a mass.[249] Another
species of Palustra, P. burmeisteri, Berg,[250] is also believed to breathe
by means of air entangled in its long clothing; it comes to the surface
occasionally, to renew the supply; the hairs of the shorter brushes are
each swollen at the extremity, but whether this may be in connexion
with respiration is not known. This species pupates out of the water,
between the leaves of plants.

Dirphia tarquinia is remarkable on account of the great difference of

colour and appearance in the two sexes. In the Australian genus
Marane the abdomen is densely tufted at the extremity with hair of a
different colour.

Fam. 8. Perophoridae.—The moths of the genus Perophora have for

long been an enigma to systematists, and have been placed as
abnormal members of Psychidae or of Drepanidae, but Packard now
treats them as a distinct family. The larvae display no signs of any
social instincts, but, on the contrary, each one forms a little dwelling for
itself. Some twenty species of Perophora are now known; they inhabit a
large part of the New World, extending from Minnesota to Buenos

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