1242101E - Welding For Fired Heater Tubes

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1242101eh.doo TEG 1-1242-101E ISSUED FEB.28,98 ENGINEERING GUIDE FOR PROCESS PLANT DESIGN OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITY WELDING FOR FIRED HEATER TUBES oO Toyo ENGINEERING CORPORATION TOKYO JAPAN sone @ saean ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG Toxo Evcineeninc Cone. WELDING FOR 1-1242-101B ISSUED | FER 28,98 FIRED HEATER TUBES PAGE 1 OF 1M CONTENTS PAGE 1. GENERAL 11 Scope of Application 2 1.2 Codes and Standards 2 2. CHECK POINTS FOR WPS & PQR 21 General 2 22 Precautions for Welding Process 2 23 Precautions for Base Material 3 24 Frecautions for Selecting Mlectrodes and Welding Rods 4 23 Welding Procedure Qualification Test 7 2.6 Pichcating aud Tntexpass Temposstuse 7 2.7 Postweld Heat Treatment 8 Table1 Applicable Base Materials Specifications 10 Table2 Selection of Electrodes and Welding Rods u Table3 Comparison Table for Preheat Requirement 2 Table 4 Comparison Table for PWHT Requirement B TableS AWS D10.8 Suggested Minimum Preheat Temperature 4 Table6 AWS D10.8 Suggested PWHT Temperature 4 Appendix (1) Checking Points ot WES (P.1/16 ~ F.16/16) Appendix (2) Lxplanation (written in Japanese) (7.1/8 ~P.6/8) History (P.1/1) 12421012.doo Basle Format of WPS and Explanation of Each Column (P.1/13 ~ P.13/13) sone BD snean ENGINEERING GUIDE eta ‘Toyo Encrveeninc Corr. WELDING FOR 1-1242-101B IssueD | FER28, "98 FIRED HEATER TUBES PAGE 2 OF 1. GENERAL LAL Seupe of Application 12 a 24 2d 2a 22 221 ‘This manual stipulates the technical background of the licenser’s requirements and check points of welding procedure specification (WPS) and procedure qualification record (POR) applied for pressuze pars, such as process coils, boiler coils and exterual crossovers and their related attachments for fired heaters. ‘This manual to be referred as a check list of WPS/POR which was submitted from heater manufacture. In ease of conflict between the contents of this TEG and the licenser’s specification, the licenser’s specification shall govern all decisions. Codes and Standards ‘The following codes and standards shall be referred to the latest edition unless otherwise specified: ASME Sec.II Part C Specifications For Welding Rods, Electrodes, Filler Metals ASME Sec IX Qualification Staudard for Welding aud Bracing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Operators ANSV/ASME B31.1 Power Piping ANSV/ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping. ASTM A486 Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel API 560 Fired Heaters for General Refinery Services CHECK POINT FOR WPS & POR General Prior to production welding, the corresponding Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) and supporting. Procedure Qualification Records (OK) shall be submitted to TEC tor approval. All WPS and FUR specified on Para, 2.1.2 cball be qualified in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Cod, Sec IX. (ee APPENDIX-B Nonmandatory Welding and Brazing Forms based on ASME 1X) Care umust be taken for the applicability of ASTM A488 for the procedure and personnel qualification, especially for centrifugal casting materials specified in Table 2 as “Base Metal No. 16, 17”, since licensers such as Lummus require A488 for the material applied for the radiant section. (refer to Lummms “Heater Radiant Tube Coil Fabrication” PS-BA-1.4.2 Par.6.0) Precautions for Welding Processes Basically, GTAW, GTAW+SMAW shall be applied. In case of GMAW, applicability is subject to the manufacturer's past experience. Where the manufacturer does not have enough experience, GMAW will not be acceptable In ease of GMAW, the following precaution shall be followed, GTAW+GMAW is acceptable where GMAW spray transfer is applied. GMAW, short circuit transfer is not permitted, since this method is usually applied for the thin plate welding with 9.2mm (3/8 in.) a less and may resulted in the lack of fusion. ‘Short circuit transfer is prohibited in the following specifications Kellogg “Turnace Tubes" (B14-1M-94) 41242101e.doc von BD saean ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG ‘Toyo EncivgERinc Corp, WELDING FOR 1-1242-101B ISsuED | _FERI8,98 FIRED HEATER TUBES In case of PAW and EBW, applicability shall be consulted with licenser prior to the production welding, considering the manufacturer’s past experience, since those welding methods are subject to the licenser’s approval. 2.2.2 GTAW shall be applied for the root pass. GVAW process with an internal purge of argon or helium (backing gas) is specitied in the following. specification. ‘The purpose of the back shielding is to prevent not only the harmful welding defects likely to ‘cen on the root pass hut also the excessive. internal protrusions and tn make smonth inside canton. ‘Where back shield is applied, column No.48 of the WPS form (Appendix (2)) to be checked where the Dacking gas is specified. In case maximum inside protrusions are specified in the licenser’s spec. maximum, protrusion chall be specified on the WPS. (1) Requirement for protrusion Kellogg “Shop Fabricatiou of Provess Coils aud Exterual Crossovers Spec.No.B21-3F-98Ra tax. protrusion 3mm (1/8 in.) Kellogg “Furnace Tubes Centrifugally Cast” Spec.No. B14-2M-94 max. protrusion 1.6mm (0.06 in.) @)_ Requirement for back shielding for GTAW root pass Kellogg “Furnace Tubes” Spec, No.B14-1M-94. Material grade 2.25Cr-1Mo and higher shall be back shielded, ‘Lumnwus “Hester Radiant Tube Coil” Spee No PS-BA-1.4.2. All the radiant coil joints shall be back shielded, 2.2.3 The applications of backing rings and consumable inserts are probibited, unless otherwise specitied by the process Hicenser. 2.2.4 Gas composition and flow rate of the shielding gas and backing gas shall be recorded in the POR and specified in the WPS, where applicable. (check column on No.44, 48 of the Appendix (2) form of WPS that the gas composition and the ow rate is equivalent to the ones specified on POR) 23 Precautions for Base Materials Following matter shall be clarified with heater manufacturer before material purchase. 231 When 25Cr-20Ni (Type 3108S) is specified, the tube or pipe shall be subjected to heat treatment which will provide an austenitic average grain size of No.6 or coarser as determined and classified by ASTM E112 and carbon content shall be 0.0 4 % min. (see ASME Il Part D general notes, grain size for 10SOFdeg. and over, Content for 1000Feg. and over). However, where 310H "H grade” is specified, grain size requirement shown above is specified in ASME SA480 Par. (new sequiement fiom ASME 95°). 23.2 When 18Cr-8Ni (Type 304, 316SS) is specified, min. carbon content shall be 0.04 % forthe services above 11000Fdeg, (see ASME II Part D general notes). However, in cases 304H, 3161 are specified, min, carbon content 0.04 % ts specitied on the material specification ASME Il Fart A) 233. When Alloy 800, ROOH, SN0HT (R407) are specified max. phasphons content for hase material shall he 0.15 % to prevent micro fissure of deposited weld metal. ‘Since 800H, SOOHT is applied for high temperature services 593Cdeg. (1100Fdeg.) and over, those ‘materials are cubject to heat treatment which will provide an austenitic average grain cize of No.S or coarser as determined and classified by ASTME112 in order to obtain the creep rupture strength. Precaution shall 1242101e.doe somo BD sree ENGINEERING GUIDE TEGO ovo Encinneinc Cone. WELDING FOR 1-1242-101E issued | FEB.28/98 FIRED HEATER TUBES PAGE 4 OF 11 ‘be made to ASME Code Case No.1325-15, No.1987-2 for the supplement requirement or Alloy 800H and Alloy 800HT respectively (Al, Ti, C content limitations are specified in the Code Case for Alloy 800HT) 234 When tabilized ctainleee steel (ype 324, 347, 3214, 347H) ic epecitied, the following requirement to be clarified. Requirements for the materials, (1) Where 321, 347 is applied for high temperature service, care must be taken for the carbon content (see Par. 2.3.2) (2) Where solution annealing temperature exceeds 1063Cideg., stabilized heat treatment shall be applied for the tube. (solution annealing temperature and the ncecasity of stabilized heat treatment are to be clarified between heater manufacturer and mill supplier) 3) Where low carbon material Ti/C or CbyC to be checked as follows 0.02< € <0.08 THC> 10, CyC> 15 0.032 € 0.05 TyC>7, CC 10 ‘TEG1-1130-0058 specify the following requirements for recommendation. Low temperature solution anncal of base metal under 1060Cdeg. and Ti/C > 7 and Ch/C >12 is effective for preventing sensitization by operation. Requirements for welding (8) Hleat affected zone (HAZ) is exposed to the temperature exceeding 106SCdeg,, therefore sensitization may occur during the operation and may cause polythionic acid stress corrosion during the shut down period. To avoid polythionic acid following should be considered. (This matter to be clarified with the client considering operation and maintenance methods of the heater) (a) stabilized heat treatment for the welded seam and heat affected area. (©) apply 347AP material from SUMITOMO METAL. (347AP is a special material with the carbon content of 0.02 % and below to avoid the risk of sensitization. In case this 347AP is applied, stabilized heat treatment for the weld seam specified on (a) is not required. Applicability of 347AP shall be discussed with the elient. (©) nitrogen purging, alkelytic cleaning during the maintenance period specified in NACE RPO170- 93 (without stabilized heat treatment) 24 Precaution for Selecting Electrodes and Welding Rods 24.1 24.2 Electrodes and welding rods shall be selected from TABLE 2 SELECTION OF ELECTRODES AND WELDING RODS with the following (1) Electrodes and welding rods shall be specified and identified in WPS and POR by ASME specification and AWS classification, (2) Brand names and chemical compositions of welding electrodes applied for centrifugal castings shall be specified on WPS / POR, since welding rods for centrifugal casting materials are developed and produced from each welding rod manufacturer and not classified in the ASME Code, Precaution for selecting electrodes has been summarized as follows. Check points for WPS / POR for the cach categories are specified in Appendix (1) (1). category “A” 1242101e.doo roxio BD snvan Toxo Encmvenninc Conr. FEB.28,'98 ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG WELDING FOR 1-1242-101E FIRED HEATER TUBES _|page s OF i (@) For GTAW the filler metals shall meet the chemical and mechanical requirements of SFAS.18 classification ER70S-2, ER70S-3, or ER70S-6. TGS-50 (ER70S-G:Kobe Steel) is acceptable for use, where POR is qualified with the same Giller material that is TGS-50, siuce. welding rods with AWS classification “.G" and “GS” are the filler metals which chemical requirements not specified in the ASME (as only tensile strength is specified). (©) For SMAW the electrodes designated AWS classification 157016 or E7ULS shall be used. (©) Incase of dissimilar welding between feritic material, welding material which mechanical properties and chemical composition equivalent to the lower grade material is applied as shown in TABLE 2. This selection is based on the idea thatthe difference between the thermal expansion Coefficience of the both materials is not large and the service condition exposed to the diacimsilaz weld part io beaicallycufficient for lower grade materials. ‘This idea io originally form AWS D10.8-92 “Recommended Practice for Welding of Cr-Mo Steel Piping and Tubing”. This idea is also the base of the Major Specifications. However, combination of carbou steel and 3Cr-IMo stee] where Cr content is much of the 4ifference, 1.25C* filler material is applied as a butler material to prevent the carbon migration problem, as much as possible (refer to category “D”). This idea of the buffer material is based on the Kellogg “General Welding Requirement”. @ category "D", “E*, “F* 1.25Cr filler material (category “D") is applied for buffer material to prevent the carbon migration problem as much as possible for the dissimilar ferritic stee! weld where Cr content is much of the difference, As for the Cr-Mo steel welding, Siler material with AWS class E8O1S-RIL, E9Q18.ROL with a ‘maximum carbon content of 0.05 % can be applied in addition to the ones specified in TABLE 2, ‘here the joint strength is qualified by the procedure qualification test. category “G Filler material supplied from KOBELCO as shown on Table 2 shall be applied for 9Cr-1Mo-V (Modified 9Cr) steel. Requirements for preheat, interpass temperature and PWHT temperature shown (ou Par. 2.6.5, 2.7.5 shall lx applied to avoid low tenuperature cracking aud excessive harduess of weld metal. Filler material other than KOBELCO needs prior approval from licenser. ‘Welding Procedure shall be qualified with the same filer material and base metal combination applied for the production welding, Hardness test of weld metal to be measured during procedure qualitication. category “I”, “MI, “P” ‘When “H” grade i specified for the base material such as Type 304H, 316H, filler metal with the min, carbon content of 0.04 % shall be applied. (eq. Where the base materials 304H, 316H stainless stel, 308, 316 welding material with a min. carbon content of 0.04 % or 308H, 316H welding material cball be applied for the design temperature above S38Cdeg.) In case of 304, 316 materials, a min. carbon content of 0.04 % above 538 Cdeg. is specified on ASME Sec-II Pant D. ‘category “R” ‘Type 309 welding materials shall not be used where the design temperature exceeds 35UCdeg. ‘This is: based on the idea specified in Mobil Specification. 124210 1e.doc ronro BD saan ENGINEERING GUIDE ela ISSUED ‘Toxo Enoienninc Cone. FEB.28,'98 WELDING FOR 1-1242-101B FIRED HEATER TUBES PAGE 6 OF 14 © The temperature limit of Type 309 welding materials is based on the idea that specified in AWS D10.8-92 “Recommended Practice for Welding of Cr-Mo Steel Piping and Tubing” as 315Cdeg. since Ue dreruial stress due ( the difference of thermal expausion cueffiieut aud varbou usigration problem from low carbon side to the austntic steel side is critical where exceeding 315Cdeg. Inconel electrodes’ specified as category “T” to be used for the design temperature exceeding 350Cdeg, ‘The temperature limits ot ‘Type 309 specitied on the Major specification are specitied below. Kellogg “General Welding Requirement” 4-7T8-90 700Fdeg. (371Cdeg.) Mobil “Welding and Welding Inspection” EGEO0-B-21 350Cdeg. ‘Due to the came reason specified above, Type 309 welding materials chall not be used where the deposited weld metal subject to PWHT. Inconel electrode specified as category “T” isto be used when PWHT is required category “TY, “U" Inconel specified as category “T” can not be used where the design temperature exceeds 815Cdeg. Inconel 617 and 117 (Inconel specified as category “U”) shal be used for the design temperature exceeding 815Cdeg,, since 815Cdeg. is the upper limit for applying 18Cr-8Ni material considering the high temperature oxidizing atmoophere ond 10000h ereep rupture strength of ENiCrFs-3 (INCONEL 182) decreased by 50 % of the Alloy 800 base material in the temperature range above 815Cdeg, (Creep Rupture Properties of HK-40 and Alloy 800 Weldments “by D.B.Roach and J.A.Vanecho NACE paper Nov.1981). INCONEL 617, 117 is applied above 1500Fdeg in Kellogg Spee. in accordance with the idea specified above, (“General Welding Requirement” 4-7TS-90 P11, Par H) In case of Lummus specification, INCONEL 617, 117 is applied above 760Cdeg. (INCONEL 625, 112 may be applied in chort torm decigns). Care must be taken for applying TABLE 2 for Lummue job, since TABLE 2 was made based on the idea that INCONEL 617. 117 is applied above 815Cdeg. Hii Nickel alloys including INCONEL is subject to sulfation when applied in the high temperature sulfinie atususplicte. Care inust be takeut forthe provess Loudition for cates tubes atthe tie of material selection, ‘Temperature limitation requirement for Hi Nickel alloys under sulfuric atmosphere are specified in the following codes and standards. - ASME VIII Div.t NF-14 ‘The atmosphere of the furnace in which heating is done should be essentially sulfur free. A city ‘gas or natural gas containing less than 25 grains per 100 cu ft ora fuel oil containing less than 0.5 % sulfur will be satisfactory for heating. Coal and coke are not satisfactory. Limiting service temperature for oxidizing 15 00Fdeg. Limiting service temperature for reducing _—_1000F deg. - _ ASME.BS1.3 APPENDIX F Pat. (d) Ni alloys not containing Cr 600Fdeg. ‘Mialloys containing Cr Limiting service temperature for oxidizing 1400Fdeg. 1242101e.doe ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG WELDING FOR 1-1242-101E FIRED HEATER TUBES voxro BD savans ‘Tovo Excineninc Corr. ISSUED FEB.28,'98 Limiting service temperature for reducing —-1100Fdeg, - EXXON ERE Basic Practice Wel 1g Procedures BP18-7-1 Par.6.7 INCONEL welds should not be exposed to sulfur above T00Fdes, (D) category "x”,"Y" Since the filler material specification for the eentrifngal casting material is nat specified in ASME, those filler materials are supplied under the manufacturer's standard. ‘Therefore, those filler material shall be qualified individually (filler material specified on WPS / POR shall have the same brand name). Centrifugal castings shall be welded with welding rods or electrodes depositing weld metal of equivalent chemical content. Application of the filler material not specified in ASME is subject to the licenser’s approval. (see Kellogg “General Welding Requirement” Par.2.3.5, Mobil EGE 00-B-21 Par 5.1.9) In case of dissimilar welding between centrifugally cast mater INCONEL 617 or INCONEL 117 shall be applied (see TABLE 2) snd Alloy 800 or Type 310, 2.5 Welding Procedure Qualification ‘Lest 2.5.1 WPS shall be requalified whenever : (1) AGiller metal in AWS."G" classification is changed to any other manufacturer or manufacturer's designation, siuce chemical compositions are nol specified in the ASME Code (welding material with AWS."G” classification may have different chemical compasition for each brand, since tensile strength is the only information specified in ASME II part C). Alllfiller metal not listed in the ASME code, Sec.ll Fart C shall be individually qualitied. @) Change of the PWHT temperature range and PWHT holding time deviate from the requirement specified on ASME IX Par. QW 407.6 (25 % increase of holding time) According to the Mobil EGE 00-B-21, a decrease in PWHT time of more than 15 % and/or temperature of 10 % or more from he range qualiied for P-3,4,5 and 6 materials will need requalification 26 Preheating and Interpass Temperature 2.6.1 Preheat temperature specified on WPS may be decrease 100Fdeg. (56 Cdeg,) fiom the temperature qualified fon the POR. (refer to ASME See TX Par.W406.4) 2.6.2 Unless otherwise specified on the licenser’s specification, preheat temperature shall be in accordance with the applicable Code as shown on TABLE 3. In case of dissimilar welding between ferritic materials (base metal No.1.3.4,5.6.1 of TABLE 1), higher temperatures are to be applied based on the ideas specified on AWS D10.8 “Recommended Practices for Welding of Chromium-Molybdenumm Stee! Piping and Tubing.” In cases of dissimilar welding between ferric and austen{tic matertal (base metal No.9,12,14,15,16,17,18) and preheating {s required for the forstic material side. Basically a higher temperature is to be applied based on AWS D10.8 (TABLE 5). However, the preheating temperature may be decreased considering the possibility of high temperature crack for austenitic materials based on the heater manufacturer's past experience (check the procedure qualification when the preheat is based on the decreased temperatures). ‘This decreased temperature may be applied based vn the diswussion between the liceusex and the latex mawufactuscs, 1242101 0.doe ronre BD savan ENGINEERING GUIDE = ‘Toro Evcmwasnine Corr WELDING FOR 1-1242-101B ISSUED | _FEB.28/08 FIRED HEATER TUBES 2.63 ‘The maximum interpass temperature for austenitic stainless stels shall not exceed 180Céeg. considering 2.68 205 2 271 2712. 213 274 the risk of high temperature cracking and shall be checked on WPS. This temperature is based on the requirement specified on Mobil EGEOO-B-21. (G50Fdeg. (177Cdeg.) is specified on Kellogg specification 4-7TS-90). Tn cases where the maximum interpass temaperature is specified on the licenser's specification, the figure specified on the specification shall be applied. ‘The maxinum iuterpass temperature for fenitc sicels shell uot exceed 300Cdeg, ‘This temperature is bused ‘on the requirement specified on Mobil EGEN0-B-21. Tn case where the maximim interpass temperature is specified on the licenser’s specification, figure specified on the specification shall be applied. reheat temperature for YCr-1Mo-V material shall be min, 200 °C. Post heating of 300 °C min. 1h shall be applicd to avoid low temperature cracking. Condition shown in Par. 2.7.5 may be applied for 9Cr-1Mo-V dissimilar joint. Postweld Heat Treatment (PWHT) ‘Tomperature range and the holding temperature shall be checked on WPS / PQR (refer to Par.2.5.1), Unless otherwise specified on the licenser’s specification, conditions specified on the applicable code (TABLE 4) are to be referred to, PWHT for dissimilar joint between ferritic materials shall he atthe higher of the temperatwee range for the ‘materials in the joint based on the idea specified on AWS D108 “Recommended Practices for Welding of Chromium-Molybdenum Steel Piping and Tubing,” ‘However, temperatures are to be carefully decided considering the tempering temperature or lower critical temperature of the lower grade material which may affect the mechanical strength of the lower grade material. In case PWHT is required for the ferrtic side of dissimilar joint between ferrtic and austenitic material, sensitization of austenitic material side may oveut in case austeuitic material is exposed to the teuperatuse range af 497 - 871CAeg., hased on ASME B31.3 APPENDIX-F F323.4(C), In this case following methods are to be considered for determine the PWHT temperature. (1) Buttering of INCONEL weld metal on the ferritic material ‘Buttering of INCONEL weld metal (see TABLE 2) to be applied on the ferritic material side before PWHT, Final welding shall be applied after PWHT ia completed for the fertitic steel aide. Since final ‘welding is not exposed to the PWHT temperature, sensitizing does not occur during the fabrication period. @) PWHT afer butt welding (without buttering) In case austenitic stainless steel is selected for the heater tube under the operating temperature of sensitizing temperature range, this material is assumed to be selected based on the high temperature strength and crevice corrosion which is not much of a concern. In this case PWHT may be applied after the butt welding of feuitic aud austeuitie material afiet the wousultation with the Ticeuses. Rasically PWHT temperature for the ferstic material side is applied (check the PWHT temperature of procedure qualification). One of the guide lines of PWHT temperature for dissimilar welding is specified on AWS D10.8 (TABLE 6). Governing thickness of butt welded pipe ia nominal wall size of the applicd piping. In case of the welding of the different pipe size, thicker pipe size shall povern. Governing thickness for fillet weld throat thickness. 1242101 e.doe rome BD snean ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG ‘Toyo Encinneninc Conp. WELDING FOR 1-1242-101B issueD | _FEB.28,'98 FIRED HRATER TUBFS PAGE 9 OF M4 218 Governing thickness of the nozzle or branch connection is throat thickness ofthe fillet weld plus nominal ‘wall thickness of the pipe which the bevel provides (refer to ASME B31.3 Par 331.1.3, Fig 328.540). PWHT for the branch piping connection is required when the governing thickness of the connection exceed 2xt (Lis the material thickness which is subject to PWHT).. PWIT for the lugs and pipe support attachment welding is seyuited wheu the guveiming thickuess of the connection exceed 2xt, unless exempted in the following paragraph ({ is the material thickness which is subject to WHT). ~ Fillet weld attachment of P No.1 material with the throat thickness Jess than 16mm. ~ Fillet weld attachment of P No.3,4,5,10A material to the material with min. tensile strength less than 490Mpa (71ksf) with a throat thickness less than 13mm, Billet weld of SO Mange or threaded connection of DN 50 ot less PWHT for 9Cr-1Mo-V sball be 750 °C min. 2h to avoid excessive weld metal hardness. (Lammus acceptance criteria for 9Cr-IMo-V material hardness test is HB275 for ROC Project. 750°C 2h PWHI is provided to meet the H15275 criteria). {In case 9Cr-IMo-V steel is applied for the line where ASME D 31.3 is applicd, vendor shall deviate the hardness test criteria specified on Table 4 (HB241), since the hardness value of weld metal after PWHT (750°C 2h) is around HB275 and can not meet HB241 acceptance criteria. PWHT temperature for dissimilar joint between 9Cr-IMo-V and 2.25Cr-1Mo may be decreased to 730 °C ‘min, 2.5h considering the tempering temperature of 2.25Cr-1Mo. In this case, min, preheat (emperature of 250 °C, post heating of 300 °C min. 0.Sh to be applied. Welding condition of 9Cr-1Mo-V dissimilar ‘welding shall be checked by procedure qualification test with the same condition as production weld. 1242101e.doe rome BD savas ‘Toxo Enciexnsc Con. ISSUED | FEB28,08 ENGINEERING GUIDE WELDING FOR FIRED HEATER TUBES TEG 1-1242-101E PAGE 10 OF 14 TABLE 1 ees Ss GLAS ere GASEOLTS srt GrCOSOCL (rest sccuro fsssar Pt SE Jano orScrOL 2 sss Gros lhe exch CLES lasers —— se Teea se Tee [ara Tea APPLICABLE BASE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS ater Spectatn oes arD. [aco Gr Pom ise ori eae anv laee arria [nasa cr wera Cut (ATES, [Aas WPS [azea WP [pose ce PRT [aes PCs [esas [area Fao asa roa fae We soa aaa (asso we 2 [area rato [asco WP a10% ines aeereeLt ISSA [aie GrFot area raoe Te FHa fase Grice TSE [area roo Lar Sera esr SeceaT — [senna Gabe = 7 |Wisafoy 25:35 0 Wiese, 255 NoWA wut RSE Kaba SSC seh ase etme 852 irs 1242101e.doe voxvo D saean ENGINEERING GUIDE era ‘Toyo Encrvgerinc Corp. WELDING FOR 4-1242-101B issued | FEB28 "08 FIRED HEATER TUBES PAGE 11 OF 14 TABLE 2 SELECTION OF ELECTRODES AND WELDING RODS [Nomian! Type of Bate Metle 1 @Nol) _[CarboaSeet alalalalo|o [erlerlar[r[r{[r[F 3 (Nes) _[CA2Mo clcl[clp] plarlet[at| tir] r{r 4 Nod) _[ce1/2Mo.1"% Ge¥2Mo p{o]fo|oarfarlar] + |t|[r{r 5 @NoSA) [2"%Cr-1Mo elele larjar|ar|t [ri rr © Pes) |SCrIzMo F|F fetjatet|]t|t|t|t 7 NoSB) [9GrIMo, SorMOV @fatlariar] + |t{t[t > Now) _ [ype 304, 304, tts tatt{ritlr 12 Nos) [Typesi0, 0H ™{(“[+lr]r][7 14 Nea) [Type 98h wad Type 847 riltpr}r[s 15 @Nna) [Type at0 w [rere oo 16 asce-200% CO) x | y [ow 7 25CeSSNiNb (HP MOD) y |w 18 (Neds) [Alloy 800, 8008 1 Nomenclature: (Reler to Para.2.4.2 fr detail) ‘Shen GFA) ‘AWS (Cas) ‘Shee SAD "AWS Cas A] 518 |prs2” M50 _|enoie 51 [eroie7018 34 ___|esis1sia6 c | 528 [emxsc? P| 59 (ener SS [BIOI-ALBIOIG AL 34 |esarasiis _ D | $28 (ERBOSE2 R | 59 [ERa0e. 53 [Bso1eB2/ER01e Ea” 34 [Esoe-15/16 = | sae [eros T Sid [BRNICrS 53 |ooienesoie ns on [eNorree =| s0__[ansoa sa fewicere 3 Sa fase Tse [eRNiwcantnt G [ss |ensos® 5.11 [ENIGrGove-4 34 [esosasrie” ws __[ersto” z 59 [ERs08 34 [esioasrae® 54 [esosasia6 x 2 Y i 1) Applceblo welding mato see Para.2.4.2 2) Welding materiel wit equlvelent chemical compositon to base material shal be applied 9) ENICHFe- (INCONEL 182) to be applied 540Cdog and below 44) Carbon content is 0.06 - 0.15 and 0.08 -0.20 as epeced in SFA 5.4, 59, respectively 5) €R00S-52, EREOS.BAL ie specified on AWS D 10.8 ac auggocted filer molale 8) KOBELCO TGS 8cb (GTAW), CM-Scb (SMAW) shall be applied fr 9Cr-tMo-V materia 1242101e.doc Dm | ENGINEERING GUIDE Toxo Excinesninc Cone. WELDING FOR ISSUED | FEB.28,08 FIRED HEATER TUBES TEG 1-1242-101E PAGE 12 OF 14 TABLE 3 COMPARISON TABLE FOR PREHEAT REQUIREMENT ANSI B31.3 P.No. Requirements Preheat (Cieg) ‘Remarks 1 [182490 MPa or t>1 in (25.4 mm) 80Cdeg recommended fother than above 10Cdeg recommended 3 [S>490 MPa or (90.5 in (12.7 mm) 80Cdeg recommended fother than above 10Cdeg recommended 4 fan 149Céeg, required su I71Céeg required ANSI B31.1 P.No. Requirements Preheat (Céeg)” Remarks 1 [e503 % and t>1 in 80Cieg. other than above 10Cdeg 3 [TS5413.7 MPa or 0.5 in (13 mm) 80Cdeg other than above 10Cdeg 4 [824137 MPa or 600.5 iw (13 un 1200eg, other than above 1oCdeg > [AS>413.7/ MPa or f>U.9 in and C6 % 200Cdeg lother than above 150Cdeg Preheat temperature for Kellogg Sp accordance with B313 ‘Mobil “Welding and Weld Inspection” P.No. Requirements Preheat (Cieg) Remarks 1 |-1in oF C03 % or Coq>0.43 ot highly 93Cdeg lestrained arca (nozzle attachment) other than above 0Cdeg Welding is not permitted below 0Cdeg. ant 95Cdeg a0 150Cdeg ait 200Cdeg 1) Mandatory minimum value Notes: ) TS specified fo 1242101e.doo Tensile Strength t specified for base metal thickness ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG WELDING FOR 1-1242-101E FIRED HEATER TUBES PAGE 13° OF 14 somo BD saran ‘Toxo Bwomezninc Cone. ISSUED FER 28,'08 TABLE4 COMPARISON TABLE FOR PWHT REQUIREMENT Asiana [PN | _emuirements PWHT (Cdes) | dng Time | Ramana 1 fest NA - 19am 593-649 | Thin (ninth 3 ftct9 mm an T3190 MPa NA : Jakes han above 593-718 | vin (nina) [Hordes BIS 4 |ist27 my and TatB0 MPa NA : ater thn above Tot | vin (nin) | Harn DS 5 fest27mm NA : orm 74 160__[ vin (nin 2) [des BDH ANSI Batt PN aureners WHT (Gaeg) | Fang Tine | Femarka 1 p19 mm Bi in Cig pete WA eer than above 0-650 [un nin 1 i) 3 |tet6mm o 216 man with @5Cieg eben) ad] NA - aon content 25 ands fother than above 600 - 650 ‘Thrfin (min 15 min) 7 Ppp wth nin pipe six ENDS HT 2 mand oats oneal of he el wa its ors nd welded wth te peat ot cies ter an above 7750 [Tin ain ‘5 [pipe with nominal pipe size of NPS 4 or les with 13 mm aid carbon content of the water NA - 0.15 % and erome content 0.3 % or less and welded with the preheat of 150Céeg. other than above 700-760 | 1 hrfin (min 15 min) Mobil Welding and Welding Inspection" (EGE 00-B.21-1993) BN eauirerens PWHT (Gies) | Holding Tine Remarta 1 |t<=0.75 in NA - 7 [ose 610-63 | tin(win ty) | Hardns HBIS sn 620-720 | twin (nin th) | Hares HEDIS [at 705-145 | Lwin (nin ti) | Hrd HBS | : 720-160 [Ain (ni-24) [Hardness HBS Tablo for Mobil docs not apply to normalized and tempered or quench and tempered materials. PWHT of such materials shall be approved by Mobil and shall be such that weld and HAZ hardness do not exceed 225 HB. Also, mechanical properties are not less than the specification minimum, 1242101e.doo sonvo D saran ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG ‘Toyo Encivgenine Corr. WELDING FOR 1-1242-101E ISSUED | FFR 28,98 FIRED HEATER TUBES PAGE 14 OF 14 TABLES AWS D10.8 SUGGESTED MINIMUM PREHEAT TEMPERATURES FOR VARIOUS BASE METAL COMBINATIONS FOR WALL THICKNESS NOI EXCEEDING 3/4 IN, ee A. = No preheating, except when the ambient temperature is below 92 °F (0 (40°C) 200 °F ( 95°C) minimum, 250 “F (120 °C) minimum, 300 °F (150 *C) minimum 400 °F (205 °C) minimum, the weld joint should be preheated 19 100 °F moo > Seo AWS D 104, Recommended Practice for Welding Auctanitio Chromium Niskol Stainlass Stol Piping and Tubing. Notes: 1, For wall thicknoee exceeding 9/4 in. (19 mm) or conditions of high restraint, higher preheating temperatures and beneficial 2. Where the gas tungsten arc welding process is used to weld the root pass, lower preheating temperatures are often pecified for the root pase only. TABLE 6 AWS D10.8 SUGGESTED POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT TEMPERATURES FOR VARIOUS BASE METAL COMBINATIONS Se 1100° to 1200 °F (590° to 650 °C), Not required if wall thickness does not exceed 3/4 in. (19 mm) or for socked joints 1125° to 1250 °F (607° to 680°C). Not requited if wall thickness does not exceed 5/8 in, (16 mm) of for socket joints, 1175° to 1275 *P (635° to €80 °C) where the need fox high weep and replure suength is the rinin'y axidevation, 1275 0 1350? (690° to 730 °C) where resistance to corrosion or to hydrogen embattlement is the primary consideration. Not required for: (1) valves 2 in. (S1 mam) and smaller, (2) piping or tubing with a diameter of less than 4 in. (102 mm) and [Wall thicknesses under 1/2 in. (3 mm), and (3) socket joints. T= 1275* 19 1975 °F (600° to 745 °C). Not requited for: (2) valves 2 in. (51 mm) and emaller, (2) piping o tubing with 3 diameter of less than 4 in, (102 mm), and (3) socket joints. B= 1300° to 1400 °F (705° to’760 °C). Cool to preheat iemperature or below before applying postweld heat treatment. A B= c + Not considered in this document. See AWS D 10.4, Recommended Practices for Welding Austenitic Chromium Nickel ‘Stainless Steel Piping and Tubing. 1242101e.doo TEGI-1242-101E, Appeudix(l) - 1/16 Appendix(1) Checking Points of WPS Check Point of WPS for each welding category specified on TABLE 1 Is specified in this Appendix(1). Alll the numbers specified below with brackets are the numbers specified on the suggested format of WPS attached to Appendix(2). 1242101eb1.doc TEGI-1242-101E Appendix(l) - 2/16 1) category “A” (14) sketch of bevel including the following dimensional data or only the following dimensional data shall be specie. root opening -rootface bevel augle - internal penetration (max ) syasyi7as) ‘Check base material P. No. and Group No. is the same as that ot PUK (21)@2) (check in conjunction with ((39) and (42) ) ‘Check the base metal thickness for WPS specified on (21) and (22) with PQR as specified below Base metal thickness specified on POR Min, th in (21) ‘Max. thk in (21) t< 1.6mm (1/16 In.) 1 a 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <= ¢ <-9.5mm (3/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 in.) 2 9.5mm (3/8 in.) <=t<38.1mm (1.5in.) 4.8mm G/16 in.) a ‘Thickness “Al” may be specified on (22) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR (see ASMD IX QW-451.4 ) 23) (24) Check the pipe diameter range for WPS specified on (23) and (24) with PQR as specified below, in case POR is qualified by pipe. ‘OD of test coupon specified on PQR Min. OD in 23) Max. OD in (24) less than 25.4mm (1 in.) size welded all 10 NPS2.5 [OD 73.1mm (2.87 in] 5.4mm (1 in.) all NPS2.5 and over NPS2.5 all 25) 07) OR) (29) ‘Check WPS is the same as that of POR For GTAW SFAS.18 shall be specified on (26) For GTAW ER70S-2, ER70S-3 or ER70S-6 shall be specified on (27). ER70S-G trom Kobe steel may be acceptable For SMAW E7016 or 57018 shall be specified on (27) Gne2) ‘Check the weld deposit thickness for WPS specified on (31) and (32) with PQR as below Deposit weld metal thickuess specified on POR Min. thk iu @1) Max. thk in 2) 1 1.6mm (1/16 in ) 1 2 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <= <=9.5mm (3/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 in.) 2 9.5mm (3/8 in.) <=t-<38.1mm (L5in) 48mm(/16in) 2 ‘Thickness “All” may be specified on (32) since all thickness of fillet weld io qualified by groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4 ) G9) ANSI B311 si. 10Cdeg. ( mrandatory ) ANSI B33. te=25.dmm (Lin.) 10Cideg, (recommended ) > 25.4mm (Lin.) 80 Caeg. ( recommended } Preheat used for dissimilar joint between ferritic materials shall be at the higher level of the temperature range for the ‘materials in the joint. 4243) ANSI B31 t<=19mm_ NA 1525.4mm (Lin.) with preheat 95Cdeg. NA other than above (600-650Cdeg. (Ahr/25.4mm (1 ia.) min. 1Smin) ANSI B313-— tc 19mm NA 19mm, 593-649Cdeg, (Ahr/25.4mm (1 in.) min. 1 hr) 1242101ebt.doc TEGI-1242-1018 Appeudia(l) - 3/16 PWHIT used for dissiusilar joint betweeu ferritic materials shall be at the higher level of the temperature range for the materials inthe, 2) category “C” (4) sketch of bevel including the following dimensional data or only the following dimensional data shall be specified. root opening root face bevel angle internal penetration max, (if required ) (asyaganas) Check base material P, No. and Group No. is the same as that of POR (21)(22) (check in conjunction with (9) and (42)) Check the base metal thickness for WPS specified on (21) and (22) with POR as specified below ‘Base metal thickness specified on POR Min. thk in (21) Max. thk in (21) t< Lomm (1/16 in.) t 2 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <= 1 <-9.5mm (9/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 in.) 2¢ 9.5mm G/B in.) <= 1 <38.1mm (1.5 in) 4.8mm (3/16 in.) 28 ‘Thickness “All” may be specified on (22) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4 ) (23) (24) “ ‘Check the pipe diameter range for WPS specified on (23) and (24) with POR as specified below, in case POR is qualitied by pipe. OD of test coupon specified on POR Min. OD in 23) Mex. OD in (24) less than 25.4mm (1 in.) size wld all 1 to NPS2.5 [OD 73mm (2.875 in} _—-25-4mm (1 in) a NPS2.5 and over NPS2.5, all 26) 27) @8) (29) Check WPS is the same as that of POR For GTAW SFAS.28 shall be specified on (26) or GIAW ER 8US-B2 of ERSUS-i2L shall be specified on (27). ERXXS-G from Kobe stee] may be acceptable. For SMAW SFA 5.5 shall be specified on (26) For SMAW F7016-A1 or F7018-A1 shall he specified om (27) G12) ‘Check the weld deposit thickness for WPS specified on (31) and (32) with PQR as below Deposit weld metal thickness specified on PQR Min. th ia 31) Max. thk in (32) a t< 1.6mm (1/16 in.) t 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <= t <= 9.6mm (3/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 in.) 2¢ 9.6mm (3/8 in.) <= t-<38.Lmm (L.5in,) 4.8mm 3/16 in.) 21 Thickness “AIM” may he specified on (32) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR ( see ASME IX QW-451.4) @9) ANSI E311 t127mm 80 Céeg. (recommended ) Preheat used for dissinullar joint between ferritic materials shall be at the higher level of the temperature range for the zmateriale in the joint (4243) ANS] E311 t<=16mm NA ‘te16mm with preheat 95CHey, NA 1242101eb1.doc ‘TEGI-1242-101E Appendix(1) - 4/16 aud Carbon <0.25% other than above 600-650C¥eg, (thr/25.4mm (1 in.) min. 15min) ANSI B313- t= 19mm NA ‘>1¥mm 593-T18Cteg, (Ahr/25.4mm (i) min, Ux) PWHT nsed for dissimilar joint between ferritie materials shall he atthe higher level of the temperature range for the materials in the joint A decrease in PWHT time of more than 15% and/or temperature of 10% or more from the range qualified is not acceptable. (re-qualification required ) 3) category “D” (aay sketch of bevel including the following dimensional data or only the following dimensional data shall be specified, root opening root face bevel angle ~ internal penctiation max. (if requited ) (15)(16)(17)(18) Check base material P. No. and Group No. is the same as that of PQR (2122) (check in conjunction with (39) and (412)) Check the base metal thickness for WPS specified on (21) and (22) with POR as specified below Base meal thicknes pecifed on POR Min hk in @1) Max thkin 21) t< 1.6mm (1/16 in.) a ‘émm (INGiny ot <= 95am (/8ia) 1.6mm (/AGia) 2 95mm G/Rin}<=t 381mm (15in) 4 Smm (3/16 in) ” ‘Thickness “All” may be specified on (22) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4) (23) (24) Check the pipe diameter range for WPS specified on (23) and (24) with POR as specified below, in case POR is qualified by pipe. OD of test coupon specified on POR Min. OD in 23) Max. OD in (24) lesethan 1 size welded al 1 to NPS2.5 [OD 73mm(2.87sin.)] _ 25.4mm (1 in) all NPS25 and over NPS25 all 25) 27 28) 29) Check WPS is the same as that of POR For GIAW SFAS.28 shall be specified on (26) For GTAW ERS0S-B2L shall be specified on (27) For SMAW SFA 5.5 sll be specified ou (26) For SMAW E8016-B2L or E8018-B2_ shall be specified on (27) [ER80S-B2, F8018-B2 and E8018-B2 may be applied in case PWHT condition and mechanical properties have been confirmed with Procedure Qualification TEST. ene) Check the weld deposit thickness for WPS specified on (31) and (42) with POR as below Deposit weld metal thickness specified on POR Min. thk in (31) Max. thk in 32) 2 t< 1.6mm (1/16 in.) t 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <=1-<= 9.5mm (3/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 in.) a 9.5mm (3/8 in.) <= <38.1mm (15 in.) 4.8mm (3/16 in.) m Thickness “All” may be specified on (32) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR ( see ASME IX QW-451.4) 1242101eb1 doc ‘TEG1-1242-101E Appendix(l) - 5/16 9) ANSI B31. t<-13mm 10Cdeg. ( mandatory ) t>13mm ‘120Céeg. (mandatory ) ANSI 531.3 all 149Cieg. ( mandatory ) Preheat used for dissimilar joint between ferrtic materials shall be atthe higher level of the temperature range for the materials in the joi (ays) ANSI B31.1 pipe with NPS4 or less and {teeL3mm, C<=0.19% welded NA with preheat of 120Cdcg, other than above (600-650Cdeg. (Thr/2S.dmm(1 in.) min. 15min) ANSI B31.3 t<= 12.7mm and TS<=490MPa NA other than above 600-650Cdeg. (1hr/25.4mm(L in.) min. thr) PWHT used for diesimilar joint between f materials inthe joint. je materials shall be atthe hi 1 level of the temperature range for the ‘A decrease in PWHT time of more than 15% and/or temperature of 10% or more from the range qualified is not acceptable. (1e-qualification requited ) 4) category “E” (ay sketch of bevel including the following dimensional data or only the following dimensional data shall be specified. root opening -rootface - bevel angle + juleiual pouctration uiex. (if required ) (15169017118) Check base material P. No. is the same as that of POR (Cheek P. No specified on the POR shall be SA or the material forthe test coupon is 2.25 Cr- LMo material. Ke- 413Mpa or 127mm (0.Sin.) and Cr>6% ——200Cieg. (mardatory) other than above 150Cdeg. (mardatory) ANSI B313 all 177Cdeg, (maadatory ) Proheat used for cissimilar joint between ferritic materials shall be at the higher level of the temperatare range for the materials in the joint. (42048) ANSI B311 pipe with NPS4 cr less and tceL3mm, C<=0.15% and NA other than above 600-650Ceg. ( 1a4/25.4mm (1 ia. min. 1Smin} ANSI B3L3 <= 12.7mn NA other than above 60)-650Cieg. ( 1hr/25.4mm (1 ia. min. 1h) PWHT used for dissimilar joint between ferritic materials shall be at th: hizher level of the temperature range for the materials in the jeint. A decrease in PWHT time of more than 15% and/or temperature of 10% or more ftom the range qualified is aot acceptable. (re-qualification required ) 5) category “I” a4) sketch of tevel including the following dimeasinal dats or only the following dimensional data shall be specifiee. toot opening - reot face bevel ingle internal penetration mex. (if required ) as16)17)(18) Chock base material F. No, isthe same as that of POR (Check P. No specified oa the POR shall be SB or the material for the test coupon is 5 Cr-0.5Mo material. Re- ‘qualification is required for P.No. change from SA to SE or vise versa ) (21)(22) ( check in conjusetion with { (39) and (42) ) Check the base metal thickness fer WPS specified or (21) aad 22) witk PGR as specified below Biase metal thickness specified on POR Min. thk in (21) Max. thi in (21) t413Mpa or t20.Sin and Cr>6% 200Cdeg, (mandatory) other than cbove 150Cdeg, (mandatory) ANSI B313 all 177Cdeg, (mandatory ) Preheat used for dissimiler joint between fersitic matercls shall be at the higher level of the temperature range for the imcterials inthe jeimt. 4043) ANSI B31.1 pipe with NPS4 oc less and NA -with preheat of 120Cdeg, other than above 600.65CCdeg. ( 1h1/25.4mum (1 in.) min. 1Smin) ANSI B31.3 2.7m NA other than above 600.65CCdeg. (1hy/254mm (1 in.) sin. thr) PWHT used fer dissimilar joiat between ierritic materials shall be al the higher level o the teraperature renge forthe ‘materials in the joint. A decrzase in WHT time of mote than 15% anc/or tempersture of 10% or moze fiom the range qualified is rot acceptable. (re-qualification required ) 6) category “6” a4, sketch of bevel including the following dimeasional data or only the following dimensiona: data shall be specified. =rootopening - rcot face bevel angle ~ intemal penetration max. (if required ) (asaqcnas) Check base material P, No. isthe same as that of POR (Check P. No specified on the POR shall be SB or the material fr the tstcouon is 9 Cr- IM material. Re~ aulifiatien is required for PINo, change from 5A tc SBor vise versa) (21)(22) ( check in conjunction wth ( (35) aed (42) } Check ‘he base metal thickness for WPS specified on (21) and (22) with POR as specified below ‘Base metdl thickuess specified on POR Min. thk ia (21) Max. thk in (21) t< 1.6mm (1/16 in.) t 2 1.émn (1/16 in.) <=t <= 9.Smm 3/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 ia.) 2 1242101691.doc ‘TEG1-1242-1018 Appendix(1) - 8/16 9.5mm (3/6 in.) <= 1-<38.1mm (L.5in.) 4.8mm (3/16 in.) 2 ‘Thickness “All” may be specified on (22) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove wed POR ( see ASME IX QW-451.4 ) 23) 24) Cheek the pipe diameter range for WPS specified on (23) and (24) with POR as specified below, in ease POR is qualified by pipe. OD of test coupon specified on POR Min. OD in (23) Max. OD in (24) Jess than 1 size welded all 1 to NPS 2.5 [OD 73mm (2.87 in.)] 254mm (in.) all NPS2.5 and over NPS2.5 all (28) (27) (28) (29) ‘Check WPS is the same as that of POR For GTAW SFAS.9 shall be apecitied on (26) For GTAW ERSOS shall be specified on (27) For SMAW SFA 5.4 shall be specified on (26) For SMAW E505-16 shall be specified on (27) DE) Check the weld deposit thickness for WPS specified on (31) and (32) with POR as below Deposit weld metal thickness specified on POR Min. thkin 31). thk in (32) t< 1.6mm (1/16 in.) t ‘a 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <= t <= 9.5mm (3/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 in.) a 9.5mm G/8 in.) <=t<38.1mm (15 in.) 4.8mm G/16 in.) a ‘Thickness “All” may be specified on (32) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4) 2) ANSI B31.1 TS>413Mpa or t>12.7mm (0.Sin.) and Cr>6% 200Cdeg. (mandatory) other than above 12UCdeg, (mandatory) ANSI B31.3 all 177Ceg. (maandsiory ) Preheat used for dissimilar joint between ferritic materials shall be at the higher level of the temperature range for the ‘materials in the joint. (2)(43) ANST R311 pipe with NPSd or less and tee13mm, C<=0.15% and Cr <=0.3% welded NA with prebeat of 120Cdeg. other than above (600-650Cdeg, (Ihr/254mm (in. mia. 1Smin) ANSI B313°— tc= 12.7mm NA other than above 600-650Cieg, ( thr/25.4mm (Lin. min. 1ht) PWHT used for dissimilar joint between ferritic materials shall be at the higher level of the temperature range for the ‘materials in the joint, A decrease in PWHT time of more than 15% and/or temperature of 10% or more from the range qualified is not acceptable, (re-qualification required ) ‘Ty entegory “J” a4) sltetch of bevel including the following dimensional deta or only the following dimensional data shall be specified. root opening root face - bevel angle. - internal penetration max. (if required ) (15)(16)(17)(18) Check base material P. No. is the same as that of POR 1242101eb1 doc TEG1-1242-101E, Appendix(1) - 9116 ery Caeck the base nretal thickness for WPS specified on (21) end (22) with POR 4s specified below ‘Base metal thickness specified on POR Min. thkin (21) Max. thk in (21) t< L6mm (\/16 in.) t 46mm (1/16 in.) <= t <= 9.5mm (8/8 in.) 1.5mma (A 9Sum G/Sin.)<=t<28inm(15in) 43mm BG Thickness “All” may be specified on (22) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR ( see ASME IX QW-451.4) (23) G4) Check the pipe diameter cange for WPS specified on (23) and (24) with POR as specified below, in case POR is qualified by pipe. OD of test coupon specified on PQR Min. OD in (23) Max. CD ia (24) Tess than 1 size welded all to NPS 2.5 ( CD 73mm (2.875 in.) 254mm (1 in.) all NPS2.5 and over NFS25 all (25) 27) (28) (29) Check WPS is the same as that of POR Far GTAW SHA5.9 shall be specified on (26) For GTAW ER30B stall 5 specified on (27) Far SMAW SFA 5.4 shall be specified oa (25) For SMAW E308-16 shall be specified on (27) Incase of “H" grade welding, carbou content of the welding roc shall be min. 0.04% cr ER303H and E3(8H-16 may be applied. Ge?) (Check the weld depost thickness for WES speciied on (31) an¢ (32) with POR as below Deposit weld metal thickaess specified oa POR Min. thicin @21) Max. thk in @2) t< 16mm (1/16in.) t 2t 1.6mm (//16 in.j <=t <= 9.5mm (9/8 ia.) 1.émm (1/16 in.) a 95mm (/8 in.) <= 1<38.40m (1.5in.) 4.8mm (3/16 in) 2 ‘Thickness “All” may be specified on (32} since zll thickness of Sllet weld is qualified by groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4 ) ey ‘The maximum interpass temperature for austenitic stainless steels shall not exceed 180Cdeg. (a2y(as) Normally PWHT is not specified. In case solution anealing is specified on WPS at ‘he temperature of upper ‘tansformetior tersperatue, solution anealing condition shall be the same #8 that of POR and the thickness range of the material tobe welded shall be 1.1 times the thickness ofthe test coupon appliee for POR. 8) category “M” a4) sketch of bevel including the follewing dimensional data or only the following dimensional daa shall be specified. =rootopening - reot face - bevel angle internal penetration max. (if required ) A516 (17\(18) (Check base meterial No. isthe same as thet of POR, @h@2) (Check the base metal thickness for WPS specified on (21) ard (22) with PCR as specified below Base metal thickness specified 02 POR Min. thk in 21) Max. thk in 21) 1242101 eb1.doc TEGL-1242-101E Appendixil) - 10)16 t< L6mm (1/16 in.) t 2 1.6mm (1/15 in) <= <= 9.5mm @/8 in.) 1.6mm (/16in.) 2 9.5mm G/B in.) <=t <38.1mm (1.5 in) 7.8mm (3/16in.) a ‘Thickness “All” may be specified on (22) since all thickness of fillet Weld is qualified by groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW.451.4) (3) G4) Check the pipe diameter range for WPS spesified on (23) and (24) with POR s specified below, in case POR is qualified by pipe. OD of test coupon specified on POR Min. OD in(23) Max. CID ia (24) tess than 1 size welded all 1to NPS 2.5 [OD 73mm (2.875 in} 2.4mm (1 in) all ‘NPS2.5 and over NPS25 all 25) @7) 28) @5) Check WPS isthe same as that of POR Fer GTAW SFAS.9 shall be specified on (26) Fer GTAW ER316 shal be specified on 27) Fer SMAW SEA 5.4 shal be specified on (26) Fer SMAW E316-16 shal be specifisd on (27) Incase of HY gréde welding cacbor content ofthe welding rod shall ke min (.04% o: ERS16H er ES161-16 may be arpli G2) Check the weld deposit thickness for WPS specified on (31) and (32) with POR as below Deposit weld metal thickness specified on POR Min. thk in (31) Max. thk ie (32) t< 16mm (1/16in.) 1 Ey 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <= ¢ <= 95mm (/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 n.) 2 95mm G/8 ‘n.) <= '<38.1mm (1.5 in.) 4.8mm (3/16 in.) 20 ‘Thickness “AI” may be specfied on (32) since all thickness of fillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4) @%») ‘The maximum inferpass temperature for austenitic stainless stels shall ot exceed 180Cdeg. (42(43) Normally PWHT is not specified. In case solution anealing ‘s specified on WPS at the temperature of upper ‘transformation temperature, solution ancaling condition shall be the same as that of PQR and the thickness renge of the material to be welded shall be 1-1 times the thickness of the test coupon applied for PCR. 9) category “P” a4 sketch of tevel including the following dimeasional dats or only the following dimensional data shall be specified. root opening - root face bevel angle ~ internal penetration max. (if required ) as19)17)8) Check base material F. No. isthe same as that of POR ene) Check the base metal thickness for WPS specified ou (2:) and (22) with PGR as specified below Base metal thickaess specified on POR Min hein 21) Max. thi in 21) t< 15mm (1/16in.) t 20 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <=1 <= 9.5mm (38 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 ia.) 2 9.5mm 2/8 in.) <= (<38.1mm (1Sin.) 7.8mm G/16 ia.) 2 ‘Thickness “Al!” may be specified on 22) since all thickness of fille! weld is qualified ty groove weld POR (s:e ASME IX QW-451.4 } 1242101 eb1 doc TEG1-1242-101E, Agpendin(L) - 116 3) @4) Check the pipe diameter range for WPS specified on (23) and @4) with POR zs specified below, in case POR is svalified by pipe. OD of tet coupon specified on POR Min. OD in (23) ‘Max OD in 24) Iss than 1 size welded all JtoNPS2.5 (OD 73mm (2.875 in) «254mm (Lin) all NPS2.5 and over NPS25 all 25) @7) 28) @5) Check WPS isthe same as that of POR Fer GTAW SFAS9 shall be specified ot (26) Fer GTAW ER347 stall be specified on (27) Fer SMAW SFA 5.4 shall be specified on (26) Fer SMAW E347-16 shall be specified cn (27) Incase of “H" grade welding, ca-bor content of the welding rod shall ke min (.04%. @1)/32) Check the weld deposit thickness for WES soeccified on (31) and (32) with POR as below Deposit weld metal thickaess specified on POR Min. thk in (51) Max. thk in 2) (< 16mm (-/16in,) t 21 1.6mm (L/16 in.) <= <= 9.5mm (%/8 in.) 1.6mm (1/16 :n.) 2t 9.5mm (3/8 in.) <=: <38.1mm (15 in.) 4.8mm (3/16 in.) 2 Thickaess “Ail” may be specifiee on (32) since all thickness of fillet weld is quali ASME IX QW-451.4) sd by groove weld POR (see 9) ‘The maximum interpass temperature for auste 443) ‘Normally PWHT is not specified, In case solution anealing ‘s specified on WPS at the tempersture of upper transformation temperature, solution anealing condition shall be the same as that cf POR and the thickness renge of ‘the material to be welded shall be 1.1 times the thickness of the test coupon applied for PCR. itic stainless steels shall nol exceed 180Cdeg. As for stabilized stainless steel, solution snealing is uormally not applied ater welding, since heating above 1085Cdeg, mzy change the characteristic of stabilized stainless steel. Incase the solution ancaling is requiced after welding, stabilized heat treatment shall be applied after the solution anealing. 10) categery “R” as) sketch of tevel including ihe following dimeasional dats or only the following dimensional data shall be specifiec. root opening - root face - bevel engl ~ internal peretretion mex. (if required ) agaganasy (Check base material F. No. isthe same as that of POR ener Check the base metal thickness fer WPS specified or (21) and (22) with POR as specified below Base metal thickness specified on POR Min. thk in (21) Max. the in (21) t< 1.5mm (11 t at L6mm (1/16:in.) in.) 1.6mm (1/16 in.) 2 9.5mm (2/8 in.) <= <381mm (LSin.) 4.8mm B/16 ia.) 2t Thickness “Al may be specitied on (22) since all thickaess of fillet weld is qualified ty groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4 } (23) (24) 124210161 doc <242-101B 1216 Check the pipe diameter range for WPS specified on (23) and (24) with PQR 2s specitied below, in case POR is qualified by pipe. OD of test coupon specified on PQR_ Mir. OD in (23) Max. OD in (24) Jess than 1 ‘ ize welded all 1toNPS 2.5 (OD 13mm (2.875 in)) —25.4mm (1 in.) all NPS2.5 and over NPs2s all 25) 07) 28; @) ‘Check W2S is the same as that of POR. For GTAW SPAS.9 shal be specified on (26) For GEAW ER3(O shall be spectied on 27) For SMAW SFA S.A shall be spicitiod on (£6) For SMAW E30S-16 shall be specified on (7) @n@2) Check the weld deposit thickness for WPS specified on (31) and (32) with POR as below Deposit weld metal thickness specified cn POR Min. ‘hk in (31) Max. thk in 2) < L6mm (1/16in.) t 2 16mm (1/16 in) <= t <= 95mm (/8 in.) 16mm (VI6in) ———2t SSum G/Sin)<=t<38.1mm(1sin) 48mm @"6in) 24 Thickness “All may be specified on (32) since all thickness offillet weld is qualified by groove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4) @ ‘The maximum icerpiss temperature for austenitic ales sts shal: no: exceed 180Cie ae) ‘Type 309 welding materials shal. no: be used where the deposited weld metal subject to PWHT. Incorel electrode specified s category “T” isto be used wien PWHTT i required. 11) category “T* a sketch of bevel inching the following dimensicnal data or only the following dimensional data shall be specified rool opening reotace bevel ang “internal peaetration max. (if quired) asyasya7as) Check bass material P. No. is the same as that of PCR @@2) ‘Check the base metal thickness for WPS specified on (21) and 22) with POR as specified belew Base metal thickness specified on PQR Min.hk in 21) Max. thk in (21) t< 16mm (1/16in.) t a 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <=t <= 9.5mm (8/8 in.) 1.émme (1/16 in.) 2 9.5mm (/8 in.) <= t<38.1mm (15in.) 4.8mm G/16 ia.) at ‘Thickress “All” may 5 specified on (22} since all thickaes¢ of lle: weld is qualified by g-oove weld POR (see ASME IX QW-451.4) (22) (24) Check the pipe diemeter range for WPS specified on (23) and (24) with POR as specified telow, in case PORis qualified by pipe. OD of test coupon specified 22 FOR Mi OD in 23) Max. ODin (24) less than 1 size welded all 1 to NPS 2.5 [OD 73mm (2.875 in.)} 1.6mm (1:n.) all NPS25 and over NPS2.5 all 1242101 eb1 doc 25) e7) 28) 29) Check WPS is ths same as that of POR For GTAW SFAS.14 shall be specified on (26) For GTAW ERNiCr-3 shall be specified on (27) For SMAW SPAS.AI sll be specied on 26) For SMAW ENICiF(2 or ENICHFe3 shall be species on 27) @ne2 Caeck the weld deposit thickness for WPS specified on (31) and (32) with PQR as below Deposit weld metal thickness specified cn POR Min.thkin @1) Max. thk in (32) t< L6mm (U/16 in.) t 2 1.6mm (1/16 in.) <= t <= 9.5mm Q/8 in.) 1.5mm (1/16in.) 2 95mm G/8in.) Corrosion Resistant Weld Metal Overly O45 1 in. (25 ERC RERHELAT ZS, POR 2510 t OE : 10~25 om PQR 2550 t OMA : 25 mm and Over TONERGOGHORS OMNRBAS<. J APIA BRED PR LET HAD PL CFA CORED TES DE “M1 Thickness” YBuUTS wr, Kiet, “ax. to be Welded” RAKOWE PL Ep P-8 Inpacl HOME, Bead Sequence bf <0 SEM OBES Read Sequence ANS. Impact ABE, Group No. BALA SZ Uo SMS (Group No. ORM B) BPE. EH. 1242101 eb2.doc TEGI-1242-101E Appendix(2) - 7/13 RA f= BR (28) MALLILT SREORE 2-1/8" 0.D. and Over, 60.3 mm and Over LX. LPL, WPS c50VC BS Essential TB Non-essential TS FRY ore SHIA” THR THATS PEO AGA (23) LEU. €wftio Information ASME Sec. II Part COWEMHRORSE ANZ. GEIRIND SMAW Hla SPA 5.1, (ErSHRID SMAW HL SPAB.5, 5.1 EP5.5 SRFET TEA. LEG SFA OSE DE SIME VTS DIREC BNE (irk S85, SMAWHS), RRTNA- (GTAW Vines) Me BL. YD PUBIC AS PISA —A-DAYOFSROT Lo SAWIL HHl4 So. ASME SUBIC HUES 1 CUCU ROME, SEATS 0 HALO F No. QW-492 SFR SFA No. & ANS Class NOEL D F NOFA STD. P-4 EDP LEBK. (Hk) SFAS.A (APY VA) RA -ATIM PREC A DP WSEENSWAD FP Nos CAPT Ze QW-432 (SFA-P AWS Class) LAS WBA OMS F Note DIF BNRVOT, CIERMEANS. WHSROA No. W-H2ESIR. A No. ERAN OBIERSNTOS. OH-442 DBL ABT 1 DOME THN THD HOM Max. BHD to MIB, A No.1-CC:0.15 tk CxMax. 0.15 THSo tit CRENTVSMALMRD AV GHDCHS0 W442 ORITMTAEGRVSOIE, MIE TAN Ze ASHE Specification AWS Classification PORBRHBEC BU CORSETS RAD AR DH EAA WPS IS ATA. 1242101 eb2.doc TEGI-1242-101E Appendix(2) - 8/13 i AB # Fx RR (31) (32) (33) (24) (35) (38 HBS SVLBMEOR BREN ZNLOBS, KALTRATS. (Bl) GTAW: 2.4 mm, SHAW: 3.2, 4, 9, 6 um ROAAEBA LRURS, QH-A04.24 6 104.28, QH-404, 14 DBE SPAweier. + RIT EERE DIEPCANSHADTEOSH, THEE ANBo Lives DBE TEBE Cold Wire, Hot Wire COM, Trade Name (Kid Brand) €LCHIABEANC Fo BESRORS OF + RRBBEGLOMSLOSERTWREC LE ORBEAN * GTAW: 1.0~4 mm, 4.8~50 on SF ZED PRE 130 WS SHH TSA GLAU GTAW 20 +. POR X SMAW 30 + > POR GTAW C40) + SHAW OWS UR—-bLLSETSHS, RH ORE FA(21)id 4.8~40 um CHARROME OBIS CTAW : Max. 40 mn, SMAW: Max. 40 um C5 So FARWEOO LEO! (22) FBR “ALL Sizes” LBV TRV. Mild, Max. to be Welded, DAVEDT IP RODE UO ANB BBE BX 0 SAW FTAB-EHA A: As Weld, P : As PWilTed. PIIPRAOBADEEB So VIT—BR 9 TR ORA 297 AORMlLKD oT Essential TAWA, WHEL PROUP SAT SME HTT 50 HMDOBMIL HOM CH BV. RHEWTRS SREB TL LY EAN SPLS PES ay AVI-hEMATEBA, COMFRACHEAT So His CIN DB ORWSRCHN SNS. MEF ATAM AROS (EATER) 1G, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66 La<. PABERHRIC BU) TSR EDR DAR RES WRROLASERD Sati CRRAERTRAEA. GTA, PAW, BBWC yey Ye BOAR LD ELFE BTS. 1242101eb2.doe TEGI-1242-1016, Appendix(2) - 9/13 To. BARB F2yOR (37) | SLARHRO EH (Uphill) &, FE (Downhill) PEB<. (Forehand, Backhand IkBU(R% L) o 3G, dU, 6G, UF, DY PATER. SOLO BBL Lo (38) | BAS STAABRORM IF, 2, 3P, 4F, SF EEK. (39) | FARO RIORERA, (AUC, °F MRC) + POR OF AMEE D 56°C (1007) ETA KISO LATE Bo + RURPRETDRUGATH, WRMERERL LUTHA TSck (Bl) Min. OC VIEWOC, PRD MIRMASM CUVETTES Lio (40) | Rane OER + AOC FEEL FE ARE HC 0 (Bl) Max. 300°C + CUS Impact ORD SBSBTWALRITUTRSB Woe (PUR OM LY SCR TLEFSTLUCTE So Jo LBL, 2FYL ROM AREOM: SWC, BB BEDS, METRORAIL (SO CREME TA ECHS. (41) | FRBRORAE AIC OW TRAT So Cr-No BIE CRONE S (1) MASE EF 5A (Special Heating) (Bi) Post Heating 300~350°C x 1 H Hold (2) SPI PWT Sik Final -PWET ECPRERET SHE (Bil) Continous Heating : 200~350°C (3) COMO FRO AB (Gil) Propane Gas Riener Flane Heating (42) | Pratt ase PWIT, Norma., P-8 ® Stabilizing FOMUEOREMBE fA. + AL EDR SABA, WO(43) (HERA) > OBA AT Be (BI) 625°C 425°C BHC LY Up Rik Down DTA Tupact BR SBAME RED RARE EA 08 A(21) BORE OHA DS. (PMO 1.1 eax.) 1242101 eb2.doc ‘TEGI-1242-101E Appendix(2) - 10/13 No. BARR Fry HR (44) (45) (an) (48) (50) (51) MLLORROGA + GAMUT LICMEDZ Le + Impact 2535 SMA, INRA (QW-407.2 BiH) POR PHT AFTEHLLSEHUD PWT RFRIDD 0.8 HELLA CRIP TUL BEB. Yo FAADBE (Bl) Argon Gas, CO, Gas, Argon + C0, Gas /—WV RBAORA + BALE (1) fi Argon DIBA +++++ RON THA Ar. 100% Pure Ar. 99.99% Ar.srer+ (JIS SARSIC SHER Ar.) (2) BAAZDBSA Rett 80 % Argon-20 % CO, ed YrVEAADKROGA (Bl) 10~15 I/nin. bL-UyrHay—m i hail & oD aM «SL VET OWRSCRRE RS. BPSOARY—V ORR ADBAtORMEB» ie cd F2y DBE (62) (63) (4) (65) (68) (67) (68) (69) (7 (nm) (72) (73) MEDDSEMD. Single, Multi SEGRMOWHA (wo/min, m/min) + SAA PHL EE + YRVE-BHSSALTEAT So EMS eTIPHP. SHAW SAW CA YAEL LIST 9 SRD OLR Lis We EOALWPS O Essential Non-essential BUDS SHE BATS. aE deve, 2eve, 30Final- TB BV. Root Pass-++, Fill Passes---, Cover Pass: ++ sek BWR ARS LIAUEERAT S. SAW ++ SMAW += WATILD AWS Classification B7016, 2309-16, ER70S-G, FTAG-BHI4 (SOBA, Flux-wire DAE) BRAC HMADE Glrip Are, AUBTRVBALEOTA) BROS 4 TRUE ‘AC, DC/SP, DC/RP RE ME BBTLICAA EGE ai OR MORE, AMBRODIA Yee BROBS, BHP 1242101 eb2.doc ‘TEG1-1242-1018 Appendix) - 13/13 No. HARB VD ER (14) | @ 0 ft Hot Wire 9 Essential, Non-Essential (BES SHH AN bo BARE ME —DERDS BMA RUA BERS + POR ORE OK DAE CRT BRU. | SHEA, SEH, RERHORAHOMATIC LOT id, COBKARBE MA SHAS S2O CHER, (Bil) 45,000 J/cm + PROSDEMABVE be 4242101 eb2.doc 1a Ltd 1.2 at 2bed 2.2.2 ‘TEGL~1242-101E BBL - 1/8 LOM, E-P RYH LD RMSHZ WRT RRS (WSR) EF eID T AROS + YPBERELORCOV=AT VORMNGREMRT B AM THERE General ae SA HY HORE BRS SCMLT, 4 ey Y-WARREEL TS. PURE 29 7A OMRIER L, HEI JMFAMBIL, “process coil, boiler coi] and external crossover” RUOMEBH LENS IC BRET SIH (lugs, brackets REOMES OMB Bt. ) LTS. A—k 3S — FAS ASE B31.3, 31.1 WFHOBSS, WA TMBAMIL, CA SOMI— KIM RANTS ASME Sec. IX EWAT Se TJE Ly SINE AMO OE RRRAGIC EEL Cid, AST M86 ABLES BELA Ble %, AS M83 OMAGH a TOL CMMI SRB S (ox. Lumms “Heater Radiant ‘Tuba Coil Fabrication” (PS-RA-1.4.2) Par. 6.0 Tht, radiant section @isWeii T HEME ASTM A488 LEMS NTS ) Check point for WPS & PQR Senoral Appendix(2)Ic WPS/PQR F =v POMOBSE UT, ASME K ORAZ a—- Le SMICEMANS ASNT SRO MSN TS. Precautions for Welding Processes REA KE & LU TISSRAHIICIL. GTAW, GTASMAW ET Bo CHUAN OM AICORL Tk, A-A-OBRORSE+ARA LEE TRA MEL TSH, Appendix(Z)a&A7 a—L, 7 LA No.o3 OwswesT7HeHe, “Mode of Metal ‘Transfer for GNAN” OMe “globular” Rik “spray” LAMAHSTL SABI S ( “short circuit” it, — ARATE HR (3/8 in max.) MRROLOTH ERD, E—HF2—-FPREORBOLOCAWTDAF MPIC THEA DIK TA, ) wes, “short circuit” DMiblt, Kellogg © Furnace Tubes (B14-IN-94) CHMAN TVS. Kit, PAW, EBA DBI, D4 PIT —-ORBBRE > CHEB S LD, WML 12, A OBLORRSEA DRT LA LCAMABET Zo RSEVOROMBCIL, CW MATS LIC, WAM, MAC LOT. FROLSK. F WAY (AV ILTHH) ONY Y— WES BERS 30 N97 Y—MEMAOBERME BRCLRK, MERRSROF 2—-7AMADLNAGEMCBRRRRES OTHD, END BRE PMOL ICI CYT -OBRCMESN TW SHAVD So VEIT, WPS LIL, CTA LATRCMAS VCS CE EMRET SESE, 1 7 V3 BARC, WHY PY VENTS CE EMBL, Ff LPR RNAO MED BBB, max. WS CMBSN TST LEAHY THATS (RELLTESA PVE ORME FHICMT. ) o NYDY—Mik Appendix(2)HAT t—A, HL No.8 So ENDAMICA UTE, ADA No.4 OMAAT YF VRMAMSHTHSD, NAMED BRBSSPOVTHPEF =VPFS. 1242101ek.doc 2.2.3 2.24 2.3 2.81 2.3.2 2.8.8 ‘THG1-1242-101E ABR - 2/8 1) khdasoRE + Kellogg “Shop Fabrication of Process Coils and External Crossovers” Spec. Yo. B21-3F-8oka kk, TENIAG Bmax. sm (1/8 in.) + Kellogg “Furnace Tuboo Contrifugally Cast” Spec. No. BL4-2H-94 (lk, Reishee max. 1.fimm (0.08 in.) 2) NYDY—-VOBR + Kellogg “Furnace Tubes” Spec. No, B14-IN-94 ICIZ, 2.26Cr-1No MLOT L— Kat (ZOVSA7 VO TABLE 10 dase netal No.GULOHM) OBA, y7Y— VE FB LBOTHSL + Lumnus “Heater Radiant Tube Coil” Spec. No. PS-BA-1.4.2 (ld, radiant coil OF< TO GTN BBB LT DY VERDI CEL BROT So + APT 560 Par12.3.3 Cha, 2.25Cr-1Mo LEDS L— KMBDI— bz 2 YW BRD LROTH SS Alonized tube *UHARHSERUT, F4ELY—LOMERVBA, RSETHAGAR HW. KE consumable insert KMLCH, MASBMMMCRSL, L-PFa-FOHAUN YD Y—-NVEWAT SH, consumable insert EFIMAAR<, HILLTS. RETROB FRA, WIL NOD AMAT, GTAM AML Y YY — VHT DNSBAIL, DIL No.12 Ky MYDS MAOARKMRENSTLE RBM, WSC CMBTS KKAFA, No.l CBT FMS SBSERSTROMAMWVILEMBITS, AIA No BLTIE “YES” THOTHPRDRV. NFL No.35 O consumable insert tt “Hone” RiAsw@OwV CeeMBTS. GTAW “P GMAN DARED Y —IV KAA WADE Mase, RIE GTAW WIVY 7 Y—WARAOBRIE, WPS/POR (CHUA BTL SMELT LIE WY HA AOEMBLg WPS 2H POR LIRILA SRE RoTVSILEMAIS, BKIA-AOHS A Nod, 18 BHR Precaution for Base Material ZUr-ZUNi (lype 310), Dae THEN SASL, ASTM L112 THES NS Grain Size & No.6 DATEL, RX, C RAMS win. 0.04 OUT, MRMREMATS. TOMEI ASME Sev. 11 Part DOMARARO?” — bHICIRASS D , 1050Pdog. MA SRA Tid No.6 MF, 1000Pdeg. FHA AMATI C AARF C min 0.04 LO TALA RAMA. K Type 310K ¢ “i” grade) DBAlL, ASME A480 Para.t2.2.2.1 TC No.6 MFLISLIMMSHTWSED (ASHE 92 & DEFINE NRE), ASIC grain size A 6 FLAS. Typedl0 SHB CHAT SHS, MEX —A-ADEMORITOLS E-9 AY I-A CRBODELR Bo 18Cr-8Ni (Type 304, 316), MRMTMMSH SHA, C SARE win.0.04 CELT, BRR EHERT 5. COMIL ASME Sec. II Part DORBIMRABO) — MAURRAS Y, 1000Rdew. SAASMHT C SAME C nin. 0.04 HLF SLIMEMHS (grain size CHU TAACL FR0) o HEL Type 304H, 316 ( “H” grade) OBA, MBL CABIN. 0.04 KER THOMASH. ype 304, 316 SRMCHATSMAlt, MHA-A-—ADHMORMIBHL DEH SY IAN L CMDR LIEB Alloy 80, 800H, RNOHT (R407) HAS HABA, IMIC P SAMO AMID, 0.15 MAFIA SLIMWX—A—AMI SLI E—YAYY—UMGBT So P LIFE RANE LTB ACT LRBAIN EMT BARTS D, GAMO P DSIRE Hh, BRRMBCADAGCEELD, MNERCT. (HMBBOBRAT 7 Y7SR). RE 1242101ek.doo

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