SFH Module 1

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1) What are the main factors that contribute to good mental health?
A. Exercise, sleep, nutrition
B. Social support, positive relationships, Personal copying skills
C. Financial stability, career satisfaction, Leisure activities
D. Medication, Therapy, Self-care
Answer: Social support, Positive relationship, personal copying skills

2) Which of the following is not a common lifestyle disease?

A. Diabetes
B. Heart disease
C. Cancer
D. Scurvy
Answer: Scurvy

3) What is a key factor in maintaining good cardiovascular health?

A. Eating junk food regularly
B. smoking cigarettes
C. Leading a sedentary lifestyle
D. Engaging in regular physical activity
Answer: Engaging in regular physical activity

4) What can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer?

A. Maintaining a health weight and diet
B. Regular exercise
C. Smoking and alcohol consumption
D. Spending time in the sun
Answer: Smoking and alcohol consumption

5) Why is health important?

A. It improves quality of life
B. It helps prevent diseases
C. It increases life expectancy
D. All of the above
Answer: All of the above

6)What is the most important benefits of being healthy?

A. Increased lifespan
B. Improved quality of life
C. Reduced healthcare costs
D. All of the above
Answer: All of the above

7) Which of the following factors is NOT a determinant of health?

A. Genetics

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B. Lifestyle choices
C. Environmental factors
D. Income
Answer: Income

8) Which of the following is NOT a part of a healthy lifestyle?

A. Eating a balanced diet
B. Getting regular exercise
C. Avoiding tobacco use
D. Consuming alcohol in excess
Answer: Consuming alcohol in excess

9) What is the most effective way to reduce stress?

A. Avoiding stressors
B. Taking medications
C. Engaging in physical activity
D. Talking to a friend
Answer: Engaging in physical activity

10) What is the most important reason to practice safe health habits?
A. To prevent the spread of diseases
B . To maintain in personal hygiene
C. To improve overall health and well-being
D. All of the above
Answer: All of the above

11)What is the most important factor that influences our health?

A. Genetics
B. Lifestyle choices
C. Environmental factors
D. social determinants
Answer: Lifestyle choices

12) which of the following is not considered as a social determinants of health

A. Education
B. income
C. Occupation
D. Height
Answer: Height

13) what is the most significant environmental factor that affects our health?
A. Air pollution
B. water pollution
C. Soil contamination
D. All of the above
Answer: All of the above

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14)How do lifestyle choices influence our health?

A. by affecting our physical health
B. by affecting our mental health
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a nor b
Answer: both a and b

15)what role does genetics play in our health?

A. it determines our health status
B. it influences our health status
C. it has no impact on our health
D. it protects us from health issues
Answer: it influences our health status

16) How does behaviour impact our health?

A. Positively
B. Negatively
C. Both a and b
D. neither a nor b
Answer: both and b

17) which of the following behaviours can have a negative impact on health?
A. eating a balanced diet
B. exercising regularly
C. Smoking
D. all of the above
Answer: Smoking

18)What is the relationship between stress and health?

A. stress has no impact on health
B. stress positively impacts on health
C. stress negatively
D. impacts on health
Answer: stress negatively impacts on health

19) How does sleep impacts our health?

A. it has no impact
B. it positively impacts health
C. it negatively impacts our health
D. it depends on the individual
Answer: it negatively impacts our health

20) What is the relationship between physical activity and health?

A. Physical activity has no impact on health
B. Physical activity positively impacts on health

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C. Physical activity negatively impact on health

D. it depends on the individual
Answer: Physical activity positively impact on health

21) How does an individual 's beliefs about health influence their behaviour?
A. They don't
B. positively
C. Negatively
D. It depends on the individual
Answer. positively

22)How do advertisements impact an individual's

beliefs about health?
A. They don't
B. positively
C. Negatively
D. It depends on the individual
Answer. Negatively

23)what is the relationship between an individual's beliefs about health product and their
likelihood of purchasing it ?
A. There is no relationship
B. The more they believe in the product, the more likely they are to purchase it
C. The less they believe in the product, the more likely they are to purchase it
D. It depends on the individual
Answer. The more they believe in the product, the more likely they are to purchase it

24)what role do advertisements play in shaping an individual's beliefs about health?

A. No role
B. positive role
C. Negative role
D. Neutral role
Answer. Negative role

25)How can advertisements mislead individuals about the health benefits of products ?
A. By providing false information
B .By overstating the benefits
C. By hiding negative side effects
D. All of the above
Answer. All of the above

26)What is one short term benefit of good health?

A. Reduced risk of chronic illness
B. Improved mood and cognitive function
C. Increased lifespan
D. Better management of chronic conditions

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Answer. Improved mood and cognitive function

27)What is one long term benefit of good health?

A. Increased energy levels and physical performance
B. Reduced risk of chronic illness
C. Improved stress management
D. Enhanced immune system function
Answer. Reduced risk of chronic illness

28) How does good health impact mental health?

A. Increases the risk of depression and anxiety
B. Reduces the risk of depression and anxiety
C. Has no impact on mental health
D. Enhances the risk of depression and anxiety
Answer. Reduces the risk of depression and anxiety

29) What is one advantage of good health for financial stability ?

A. Increased need for medical intervention
B. Increased healthcare costs
C. Reduced healthcare costs
D. No impact on financial stability
Answer. Reduced healthcare costs

30) What is one way good health can improve overall health outcomes ?
A. Increased need for medical intervention
B. Reduced ability to manage chronic conditions
C. Improved management of chronic conditions
D. No impact on overall health outcomes
Answer. Improved management of chronic conditions

31. How does good health in society impact economic outcomes?

A. Decreased productivity and increased healthcare costs
B. Improved productivity and reduced healthcare costs
C. No impact on economic outcomes
D. Decreased productivity and no impact on healthcare costs
Answer: Improved productivity and reduced healthcare costs

32. What is one way good health in society can reduce healthcare disparities?
A. By increasing access to quality healthcare
B. By reducing access to quality healthcare
C. By having no impact on healthcare disparities
D. By enhancing healthcare disparities
Answer. By increasing access to quality healthcare

33. How does a healthy population impact community well-being?

A. Decreases community well-being

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B. Enhances community well-being

C. No impact on community well-being
D. Increases community well-being
Answer: Enhances community well-being

34. How does good health in society promote social cohesion?

A. Increases health-related social stigma
B. Decreases social cohesion
C. Enhances social cohesion
D. No impact on social cohesion
Answer: Enhances social cohesion

35. What is one way a focus on health in society can improve public health policy?
A. By reducing reducing investment investments in preventative care and health promotion
B. By enhancing investments in preventative care and health promotion programs
C. By having no impact on public health policy
D. By decreasing investments in preventative care and health promotion programs
Answer: By enhancing investments in preventative care and health promotion programs

36.How does good health in family members impact family dynamics?

A. Decreases communication and overall family dynamics
B. No impact on family dynamics
C. Enhances communication and overall family dynamics
D. Increases conflict and overall family dynamics
Answer: Enhances communication and overall family dynamics

37. What is one way good health in family members reduces caregiver burden?
A. By increasing the need for care and support
B. By decreasing the need for care and suppott
C. By having no impact on caregiver burden
D. By enhancing the need for care and support
Answer: By decreasing the need for care and support

38. How does good health in families impact financial stability?

A. Decreases financial stability
B. Enhances financial stability
C. No impact on financial stability
D. Increases financial instability
Answer: Enhances financial stability

39. What is one way good health in families promotes physical and emotional well-being?
A. Enhances the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress
B. Decreases the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress
C. No impact on physical and emotional well-being
D. Increases the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress

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Answer: Decreases the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress

40. How does good health in families impact quality of life?

A. Decreases quality of life
B. Enhances quality of life
C. No impact on quality of life
D. Increases quality of life instability
Answer: Enhances quality of life

41. How does health impact self esteem?

A. Decrease self esteem
B. no impact on self esteem
C. enhance self esteem
D. Increases self-esteem instability
Answer: Enhances self-esteem

42. What is one way good health can promote emotional regulation?
A. Increases the risk of mood swings, anxiety, and depression
B. Decreases the risk of mood swings, anxiety, and depression
C. No impact on emotional regulation
D. Enhances the risk of mood swings, anxiety, and depression
Answer. Decreases the risk of mood swings, anxiety, and depression

43. How does good health impact resilience?

A. Decreases resilience
B. Enhances resilience
C. No impact on resilience
D. Increases resilience instability
Answer: Enhances resilience

44. What is one way good health can improve relationships

A. Decreases relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners
B. Enhances relationships with fiiends, family, and romantic partners
C. No impact on relatiopships
D. Increases relationship instability
Answer: Enhances relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners

45. How does good health impact cognitive functioning?

A. Decreases cognitive functioning
B. Enhances cognitive functioning
C. No impact on cognitive functioning
D. Increases cognitive functioning instability
Answer: Enhances cognitive functioning

46. How does good health impact job performance?

A. Decreases job performance

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B. Enhances job performance

C. No impact on job performance
D. Increases job per formance instability
Answer: Enhances job performance

47. What is one way good health can enhance career opportuities?
A. Decreases opportunities for professional growth and advancement
B. Enhances opportunities for professional growth and advancement
C. No impact on career opportunities
D. Increases career opportunity instability
Answer: Enhances opportunities for professional_ gro wth and advancement

48. How does good health impacf work-life balance?

A. Decreases work-life balance
B. Enhances work-life balance
C. No impact on work-life balance
D. Increases work-life balance instability
Answer: Enhances work-life balance

49. What is one way good health can increase earning potential?
A. Decreases earning potential
B. Enbances earning potential
C. No impact on earning potential
D. Increases earning potential instability
Answer: Enhances earning potential

50. How does good health impact job satisfaction'?

A. Decreases job satisfaction
B. Enhances job satisfaction
C. No impact on job satisfaction
D. Increases job satisfaction instability
Answer: Enhances job satisfaction

51. Which group is more likely to experience poor health outcomes?

A. Wealthy individuals
B. Individuals living in poverty
C. Rural populations
D. Urban populations
Answer: individuals living in poverty

52. Which population experiences higher rates of certain diseases?

A. Rural populations
B. Urban populations
C. Wealthy individuals
D. Individuals living in poverty
Answer: Rural populations

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56. what is the relationship between good physical health and good mental health?
A. They are not related
B. Good mental health has no impact on good physical health
C. Good physical health has no impact on good mental health
D. They are closely linked
Answer: They are closely linked

57. How can the way in which individuals cope with physical health challenges impact their
overall well-being?
A. It has no impact
B. It can have a positive impact
C. It can have a negative impact
D. It depends on the individual
Answer: It can have a positive impact

58. How can chronic stress impact both physical and mental health?
A. It has no impact
B. it can have a positive impact
C. It can have a negative impact
D. It depends on the individual
Answer: It can have a negative impact

59 .What is the impact of health behaviours, such as physical activity and diet, on physical and
mental health?
A. It has no impact
B. It can have a positive impact
C. It can have a negative impact
D. It depends on the individual
Answer: It can have a positive impact

60. How can having a strong social support network improve both physical and mental health?
A. It has no impact
B. It can have a positive impact
C. It can have a negative impact
D. It depends on the individual
Answer. It can have a positive impact

61. What is one method to improve mental health?

A. Not exercising
B. Consuming a diet high in processed foods
C. Skipping sleep
D. Regular physical activity
Answer: Regular physical activity

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62. How can eating a balanced diet impact mental health?

A. It has no impact
B. It can have a negative impact
C. It can have a positive impact
D. It depends on the individual
Answer: It can have a positive impact

63. Why is sufficient sleep important for good mental health?

A. It has no impact
B. it can increase symptoms of anxiety and depression
C. It can improve cognitive function
D. It can worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression
Answer: It can increase symptoms of anxiety and depression

64. What is the impact of mindfulness and relaxation techniques on mental health?
A. It has no impact
B. it can have a negative impact
C. It can have a positive impact
D. It depends on the individual
Answer: It can have a positive impact

65. How can maintaining strong relationships with family and friends impact mental health?
A. It has no impact
B. it can have a negative impact
C. It can have a positive impact
D. it depends on the individual
Answer: It can have a positive impact

66. What is a common type of psychological disorder?

A. Schizophrenia
B. Diabetes
C. Heart disease
D. Cancer
Answer: Schizophrenia

67.What is a factor that can contribute to the development of psychological disorders?

A. Genetics
B. Exercise
C. Good nutrition
D. Social isolation
Answer: Genetics

68. What is the form of treatment for psychological disorders?

A. Surgery
B. Physical therapy
C. Medication

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D. Chiropractic care
Answer: Medication

69. What is the importance of early treatment of psychological disorders?

A. It can improve symptoms
B. It can enhance functioning
C. It can reduce quality of life
D. It can increase anxiety
Answer: It can improve symptoms

70. What is the role of therapy in the treatment of psychological disorders?

A. To diagnose the disorder
B. To monitor medication side effects
C. To help individuals understand and cope with their symptoms
D. To perform surgery
Answer: To help individuals understand and cope with their symptoms.

71. What is the main characteristic of Depression?

A. Happiness and excitement
B. Persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness
C. Constant energy and motivation
D. Unpredictable mood swings
Answer:; Persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness

72. What is a common cause of Depression?

A. Lack of sleep and exercise
B. Abundance of leisure activities
C. Consistent exposure to stress and trauma
D. High levels of financial stability
Answer: Consistent exposure to stress and trauma

73. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of depression?

A. Changes in appetite and sleep patterns
B. Constant high levels of energy
C. Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
D. Increased focus and productivity
Answer: Constant high levels of energy

74. What is an effective treatment for Depression?

A. Self-medication with over-the-counter drugs
B. Isolation and avoidance of social situations
C. Therapy and medication
D. Exposure to stressful situations
Answer: Therapy and medication

75. What are anxiety disorders?

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A. A group of physical health conditions

B. A group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive fear, worry, or mease
C. A type of sleep disorder
D. A condition caused by an unhealthy diet
Answer: A group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive fear, worry, or

76. What are some common types of Anxiety Disorders?

A. Sleep Apnea and Insomnia
B. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder
C. Arthritis and Migraines
D. Asthma and Allergies
Answer: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder

77. What are the causes of Anxiety Disorders?

A. A sedentary lifestyle
B. A combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors
C. Lack of calcium in the diet
D. Excessive caffeine consumption
Answer: A combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors

78. What are common symptoms of anxiety disorders?

A. Fatigue and muscle aches
B. Excessive worry, rapid heartbeat, sweating, shaking, and difficulty sleeping
C. Lack of appetite and weight loss
D. Nausea and dizziness
Answer: Excessive worry, rapid heartbeat, sweating. shaking, and difficulty sleeping

79. What is Schizophrenia?

A. A type of physical disorder
B. A severe mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality
C. A sleep disorder
D. A condition caused by an unhealthy diet
Answer. A severe mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality

80. What are common symptoms of Schizophrenia?

A. Fatigue and muscle aches
B. Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behaviour, and decreased motivation and
C. Lack of appetite and weight loss
D. Nausea and dizziness
Answer: Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behaviour, and decreased
motivation and emotion

81.What are the causes of Schizophrenia?

A. sedentary lifestyle

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B. A combination of genetic, environmental, and brain chemical imbalances

C. Lack of calcium in the diet
D. Excessive caffeine consumption
Answer: A combination of genetic, environmental, and brain chemical imbalances

82. How is Schizophrenia diagnosed?

A. By a physical examination and blood test
B. By a comprehensive evaluation including a medical history, physical examination, and
psychiatric evaluation
C. By a single laboratory test
D. By self-diagnosis
Answer: By a comprehensive evaluation including a medical history, physical examination

83. What are eating disorders?

A. A group of physical health conditions
B. A group of mental health conditions characterized by an obsession with food and bodyweight
C. A type of sleep disorder
D. A condition caused by an unhealthy diet
Answer: A group of mental health conditions characterized by an obsession with food and
body weight

84. What are some common types of eating disorders?

A. Sleep Apnoea and Insomnia
B. Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and others
C. Arthritis and Migraines
D. Asthma and. Allergies
Answer Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and others

85. What are the causes of eating disorders?

A. A sedentary lifestyle
B. A combination of biological, psychological, and `environmental factors
C. Lack of calcium in the diet
D. Excessive caffeine consumption
Answer: A combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors

86. What are common symptoms of eating disorders?

A. Fatigue and muscle aches
B. Extreme weight loss of gain, abnormal eating habits, distorted body image, and
preoccupation with food and weight
C. Lack of appetite and weight loss
D. Nausea and dizziness
Answer: Extreme weight loss or gain, abnormal eating habits, distorted body image, and pre
occupation with food and weight

87. What are Personality Disorders?

A. A group of physical health conditions

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B. A group of mental health conditions characterized by long-term deeply ingrained patterns

of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours
C. A type of sleep disorder
D. A condition caused by an unhealthy diet
Answer: A group of mental health conditions characterized by long-term, deeply ingrained
patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours

88. What are some common types of Personality Disorders?

A. Sleep Apnoea and Insomnia
B. order line Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality
Disorder, and others
C. Arthritis and Migraines
D. Asthma and Allergies
Answer: Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial
Personality Disorder, and others

89. What are the causes of Personality Disorders?

A. A sedentary lifestyle
B. A combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors
C. Lack of calcium in the diet
D. Excessive caffeine consumption
Answer A combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factor.

90. What are common symptoms of Personality Disorders?

A. Fatigue and muscle aches
B. Intense and unstable emotions, distorted sense of self, difficulties in relationships, and
impulsive or reckless behaviour
C. Lack of appetite and weight loss
D. Nausea and dizziness
Answer: Intense and unstable emotions, distorted sense of self, difficulties in relationships and
impulsive or reckless behaviour

91. What is mindfulness?

A. Ignoring present thoughts and feelings
B. Being fully present in the moment and paying attention to thoughts, feelings, and physical
sensations without judgment
C. Focusing on the past or future
D. Criticizing present thoughts and feelings
Answer: Being fully present in the moment and paying attention to thoughts, feelings, and
physical sensations without judgment.

92. What are the benefits of mindfulness practice?

A. Increased stress and decreased mood
B. Improved mood and reduced stress
C. Decreased cognitive function and physical well-being
D. Increased anxiety and depression

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Answer: Improved mood and reduced stress

93. What are some techniques for practicing mindfulness?

A. Ignoring thoughts and feelings
B. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and intentional activities
C. Focusing on the past or future
D. Criticizing thoughts and feelings
Answer: Meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and intentional activities

94. How can mindfulness be incorporated into daily life?

A. By ignoring thoughts and feelings
B. Through activities such as mindful eating, walking, and communication
C. By focusing on the past or future
D. By criticizing thoughts and feelings
Answer: Through activities such as mindful eating. walking, and communication

95. What is the evidence for the benefits of mindfulness?

A. Lack of research supporting its benefits
B. Growing body of research supporting its effectiveness in managing anxiety, depression, and
chronic pain
C. Evidence suggesting it is out effective in managing physical and mental health
D. No evidence supporting its benefits
Answer. Growing body of research supporting its effectiveness in managing anxiety,
depression, and chronic pain

96. What is spiritual health?

A. Lack of connection to anything greater
B. Lack of purpose and inner peace
C. A sense of purpose, connection to a higher power, and inner peace
D. Disconnection from personal values and beliefs
Answer: A sense of purpose, connection to a higher power, and Inner peace

97. What is important for spiritual health?

A. Disconnection from something greater
B. Lack of personal values and beliefs
C. Connection to something greater, personal values and beliefs, and mindfulness
D. No connection to personal values and beliefs
Answer; Connection to something greater, personal values and beliefs, and mindfulness

98. How can mindfulness and self-reflection promote spiritual health?

A. By ignoring thoughts and feelings
B. By deepening a person's connection to something greater
C. By providing insight into thoughts and emotions and promoting a sense of inner peace
D.B y criticizing thoughts and feelings
Answer: By providing insight into thoughts and emotions and promoting a sense of inner peace.

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99. How can engaging in spiritual practices enhance spiritual health?

A .By disconnecting from something greater
B. By ignoring personal values and beliefs
C. By deepening a person's connection to something greater and enhancing overall spiritual
D. By criticizing personal values and beliefs
Answer: By deepening a person's connection to something greater and enhancing overall
spiritual health.

100. What is the importance of having a clear understanding. of personal values and beliefs for
spiritual health?
A. No importance in having clear understanding of personal values and beliefs
B. Lack of purpose and guide for decision-making
C. Provides a sense of purpose and guides decision-making, promoting spiritual health
D. Disconnects personal values and beliefs
Answer: Provides a sense of purpose and guides decision-making, promoting spiritual health

101. What is intellectual health?

A. Lack of critical thinking and learning abilities
B. Ability to think critically, make informed decisions, and engage in continuous learning
C. Disinterest in new ideas and perspectives
D. Inflexibility in problem-solving
Answer: Ability to think critically, make informed decisions, and engage in continuous

102. What is the importance of critical thinking for intellectual health?

A. Promotes lack of informed decision-making
B. Reduces the ability to analyse and evaluate information
C. Enhances the ability to analyse and evaluate information, make informed decisions, and
solve problems
D. Promotes inflexibility in problem-solving
Answer: Enhances the ability to analyse and evaluate information, make informed decisions,
and solve problems

103. What is the impact of cultivating a curious mindset on intellectual health?

A. Decreases personal growth and development
B. Reduces lifelong learning
C. Enhances personal growth and development and leads to lifelong learning
D. Limits understanding of the world
Answer: Enhances personal growth and development and leads to lifelong learning

104. Why is being open to new ideas and perspectives important for intellectual health?
A. Limits understanding of the world
B. Promotes inflexibility in problem-solving
C. Broadens understanding of the world and engages in lifelong leaming
D. Decreases critical thinking skills

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Answer: Broadens understanding of the world and engages in lifelong learning

105. What is the importance of mentally stimulating activities for intellectual health?
A. Decreases ability to think critically and make informed decisions
B. Reduces mental agility
C. Maintains and improves intellectual health
D. Decreases lifelong learning
Answer: Maintains and improves intellectual health.

106. What is the recommended approach to changing health habits?

A. Making major changes overnight
B. Making gradual, incremental changes
C. No change needed
D. Instant change
Answer. Making gradual, incremental changes

107. What is the advantage of focusing on specific health habits to change?

A. Diffuse effort
B. Decrease success
C. Focus effort and increase success
D. No impact
Answer: Focus effort and increase success

108. How can establishing a consistent routine help with changing health habits?
A. Makes healthy habits unpredictable
B. Increases the likelihood of success
C. Decreases the likelihood of success
D. No impact
Answer: Increases the likelihood of success

109. Why is it important to get support when changing health habits?

A. Decreases the likelihood of success
B. Increases the likelihood of success
C. No impact
D. Makes success unpredictable
Answer: Increases the likelihood of success

110. What is the importance of tracking progress when changing health habits?
A. No impact
B. Decreases motivation
C. Increases motivation
D. Makes motivation unpredictable
Answer: Increases motivation

111. What is stress management?

A. A technique to increase stress

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B. A method to ignore stress

C. A way to cope with stress
D. A method to increase anxiety
Answer: A way to cope with stress

112. What is a common source of stress?

A. Money
B. God nutrition
C. Sleep
D. Social support
Answer: Money

113. What is an effect of chromic stress on health?

A. Improved physical and mental health
B. Increased energy levels
C. Decreased anxiety
D. Increased risk of physical and mental health problems
Answer: Increased risk of physical and mental health problems

114. What is a stress management technique?

A. Ignoring stress
B. Exercise
C. Alcohol consumption
D. Increased caffeine intake
Answer: Exercise

115. Why is stress management important?

A. It can increase stress levels
B. It can promote overall health and well being
C. It is not necessary
D. It can lead to increased anxiety
Answer: It can promote overall health and well being

116. What is an important aspect of maintaining good health?

A. Consuming a balanced diet
B. Inactivity
C. Poor sleep hygiene
D. Increased stress levels
Answer: Consuming a balanced diet

117. What is a benefit of regular physical activity?

A. Decreased energy levels
B. Increased heart health
C. Decreased mood
D. Increased weight
Answer: Increased heart health

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118. How many hours of sleep are recommended for overall health?
A. 2-3 hours
B. 4-5 hours
C. 6-7 hours
D. 7-9 hours
Answer: 7-9 hours

119. What is a stress management technique?

A. Ignoring
B. Exercise
C. Alcohol consumption
D. Increases caffeine intake
Answer: Exercise

120. Why is visiting a healthcare provider important for maintaining good health?
A. To ignore health problems
B. To detect and manage health problems early on
C. To wait until a health problems is severe
D. To increase stress levels
Answer: To detect and manage health problems early on

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