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‘’There is no traffic jam along the extra mile’’

The worst thing that I can think of is to not pursue our dreams that we thought we will pursue in
our lifetime. I am Ajay Reddy, from a small town In India. Having been born in India, with
different cultures and civilizations, I have grown up with a great appreciation and belief that
world relations could be made more positive through productive communication.
where engineering is seen as the only area to explore at my place, I have gone beyond the
boundaries by taking Pharmacy as a field of my interest and exploring the ways despite
everybody's disapproval.

My interest in the field of pharmaceutical sciences can be traced back to my earlier school days,
when I was in high school, I had a chance to put background knowledge to work in an
experimental setting, where I did an experiment on How Do Different Juices Affect the
Effectiveness of Antibiotics? And I was fascinated when I discovered that these juices did help
the antibiotics to create a larger area of inhibition. However, through my research I discovered
that while these juices have health benefits on their own, they also contribute to negative drug
interactions. I concentrated my studies as much as possible into biology related vectors, which
continued on into college.

I am interested in building my skills in pharmaceutical Sciences. My goal is to attain a

demanding, rigorous and rewarding post within this profession. This interest has started with my
love for chemistry. my undergraduate degree was in bachelors of pharmacy. I hold 7.5 on a 10-
point scale in CGPA. During my bachelors, I was able to honor not only my theoretical
knowledge, but also my ability to formulate scientific questions by designing an experiment to
test hypotheses Through collaborative research opportunities.
I have done my minor project on Nutraceuticals and major project on Formulation and
Evolution of Lipsticks. I also Attended seminars on Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Challenges for Emerging Prospects and Trends Percept, 2020. I took part and Topped the
Elective, which was conducted at our college on pharmacy day. Besides academics, I have
volunteered for the football team during college and won Accolades. I was conferred as an
Outstanding student in Campus activities.

I know that I still have a lot of things to learn, and I am very much willing to explore the
horizons, making myself very useful in this field. I'll be willing to take on new projects that
challenge me and help me grow as an individual.
During the corona days, I aided many patients in carrying out their daily activities and regain
mobility. The work taught me that being able to feel included and prescribe the right medicine
was paramount to a patient's recovery. My present goal is to become an occupational Medicist
that can help children and adults overcome their health issues and have more complete lives.
Although Basic education is free in our country, achieving a college degree and higher education
is a privilege for those who can financially sustain it. This is the reason why I want to be a part of
such discipline. I believe that it is a great opportunity to explore the field of pharmaceutical
sciences and to learn how diverse their roles can be in a healthcare setting.

As a science student, I have always had an avid interest in making medicine. My real interest
vests in the field of pharmacy and its development. I'm learning much about it and exploring the
other ways where medicine works even much quicker and I have greatly enjoyed my studies into
the field of pharmaceutical sciences. I hope to continue my studies in masters of pharmacy,
which will help me to enter the industry with abundant knowledge and confidence. My aim is,
everyone should have access to medicine at an affordable rate.

I would like to complete my dream of pursuing masters in your college. I am convinced that the
current Indian method of teaching is far behind the International Standard of education. I believe
that a master's degree in pharmaceutical sciences from your university will give me theoretical
knowledge and understanding, as well as in-depth ideas involved in practical approaches in
doing research skills. The reason why I am applying for your institution is that your university
comes with a time-honored background and history. You offer a promising programme , which is
highly recognizable with its counterparts within this field.
To me, an interesting shift in the field of pharmaceutical sciences is not really a challenge, but a
wonderful opportunity. Through the masters in pharmaceutical sciences, I hope to further
enhance my career while gaining a better understanding of different drugs that are available in
the market. I would appreciate the medicine and its uses in a plethora of different ways

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