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Research Paper

EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review-Peer Reviewed Journal

Volume - 11, Issue - 2, February 2023 | e-ISSN: 2347 - 9671| p- ISSN: 2349 – 0187

SJIF Impact Factor: 8.302 || ISI Value: 1.433 || Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2012



Prof. Satyajitsinh Gohil1, Khushbu Vinchhi2, Neha Yewale3

Assistant Professor, Parul Institute of Management and Research
Student MBA Department, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat
Student MBA Department, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat

ABSTRACT DOI No: 10.36713/epra12530 Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra12530

Mobile payments are becoming increasingly popular as consumers become accustomed to the technology and merchants
offer contactless transactions. Indian mobile payments are expected to grow five times by 2025. Digital payments have a
major impact on the Indian economy. Government efforts to make India cashless are going well, but it will take time to
become completely cashless due to other challenges. This study examines the impact of smart phones in mobile payments,
their acceptability, and the impact of age in online payment methods.This research is based on Descriptive Research and
uses Survey and Questionnaire methods for data collection. Statistical tools used include Chi-Square test, case
processing, and data analysis.
KEYWORDS: Mobile payment, Payment behaviour, Digital payment, UPI.

1-INTRODUCTION into software and mobile apps to help users keep

Mobile payments through digital wallets were track of what, where, and how often they spend
already becoming more popular as consumers grew money. Customers can also be provided electronic
accustomed to the technology and as more merchants receipts to make it easier to keep track of their
started offering terminals that take mobile payments spending, reduce paper waste, and lower costs for
from devices at the point of sale. Naturally, COVID- retailers.
19 makes contactless transactions even more • Transactions on mobile are swift.
welcome. 67% of customers today prefer mobile self- The time it takes to tally money or wait for a smart
checkout options. card exchange will increase. When using mobile
• Mobile payments are useful. payments, customers simply display their device and
A smartphone is more available than a pocketbook confirm the transaction, frequently by quickly
for many people, who make up more than 81% of scanning their phone for face recognition. Companies
American smartphone owners. The daily functions profit from faster transfers, while customers benefit
that smartphone users expect from them, like from a quicker, more streamlined experience.
checking the weather and updating their social media Today, the market for e-commerce is expanding very
accounts, lead logically to mobile payments. Paying quickly. In 2012, the use of electronic payment
for a frequently used device is now easier and methods increases by 21% as a result of the
handier than ever. proliferation of tablets and cellphones. (Rau, 2013).
• All financial activities are now entirely digital In many trading markets, credit cards are the most
thanks to mobile payments. popular method of foreign online payment.
A household budget must include consumer spending According to estimates, credit cards are used in 95%
as a key item. Digital wallets are easily integrated of all e-commerce purchases in the US. Debit cards,

2023 EPRA JEBR | EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review | https://eprajournals.com/ 32
SJIF Impact Factor: 8.302 || DOI: 10.36713/epra2012 | Volume–11 | Issue-2 | February 2023 | e- ISSN: 2347-9671 | p- ISSN: 2349-0187

which have an increasing number of users globally, Prof. Hariom Tyagi and Dr. Abhishek Shukla
and online payment platforms like PayPal, Stripe, or (2016) conducted research on research on electronic
Skrill are additional common alternatives to payment system. This study focuses to identify the
traditional online payment methods. problems and challenges of the electronic payment
system and propose solutions to improve its quality.
Indian mobile payments to grow five times by 2025 Successful implementation depends on how security
Currently valued at INR 25,000,000, mobile and privacy aspects are managed to improve
payments are anticipated to increase at a CAGR of customer satisfaction.
58% to reach INR 245,000 in finance 25 years from
now. High levels of consumer satisfaction with Dr Hem Shweta Rathore (2016) conducted research
mobile payments compared to other methods will on consumers Accepting Digital Wallets. This study
fuel this development. focused on the factors that influence a customer's
decision to use a digital payment method. The
Government initiatives like the elimination of MDR, researcher made recommendations to educate
the requirement of QR UPI for companies with consumers about the benefits of using digital wallets,
revenues of 50 crore INR or more, Video KYC, and and concluded that digital wallets will quickly
others encourage businesses to use their services become a popular payment method due to their
more frequently. convenience and acceptance.

Digital Payments and Their Impact on the Indian N Ramya D Sivasakthi and Dr. M Nandhini
Economy (2017) conducted research on Cashless Transactions:
India has huge potential for digital payments. In Methods, Advantages and Disadvantages. This study
1996, ICICI introduced online banking services, and focuses on the efforts of RBI and Government of
in 1999, banks such as HDFC, IndusInd and Citi India to promote digital payment methods and
launched online banking services. In 2008, NPCI was achieve a "less liquid society". It studied different
established to create a robust settlement and payment cashless transaction methods such mobile wallets,
infrastructure. UPI apps, debit/credit cards.

Benefits of Mobile Payments Sujith T S, Julie C D (2017) conducted research on

Both customers and retailers simply want the opportunities and challenges of electronic payment
checkout procedure to move more quickly. Mobile system in India. This study focuses to identify the
payments may be the quickest form of money. problems and challenges of the electronic payment
Usually, people transport them to a location that is system and propose solutions to improve it. Research
quick and easy to get to. To make the purchase, they shows that the reach of mobile networks, internet and
typically only need to press them on the screen. electricity is extending digital payments to remote
areas, which will increase the number of digital
Online Payment System payments.
Koponen (2006), who has studied various electronic Ashish Baghla (2018) conducted research on the
payment systems, that there are numerous online Future of Digital Payments in India. This study focus
payment systems that have emerged in recent years on the adoption of digital payments in India. This
and that these systems can be generally categorized study focuses to understand people's attitudes
as electronic money and account systems. These towards the adoption of digital payment methods in
programs provide a variety of payment options, such India. It concluded that government efforts to make
as: India cashless are going well, but it will take time to
• Electronic payment cards (debit, credit, and become completely cashless due to other challenges.
payment cards)
• Virtual credit cards K. Suma Vally and Dr. K. Hema Divya (2018)
• Mobile payments. conducted research on a study of digital payments in
India with perspectives of consumers. This study
2-LITERATURE REVIEW focuses to verify the perception of customers about
Sanghita Roy and Dr. Indrajit Sinha (2014) digital payment in India and suggest appropriate
Conducted a study on the determinants of customer steps to raise awareness and security of using digital
acceptance of electronic payment systems in Indian payments.
banks. The purpose of this study is to identify the
most used electronic payment system among various Prof. Sana Khan and Ms. Shreya Jain (2018)
payment methods. Ensure awareness and use of conducted research on the use of electronic payments
electronic payment technologies. for sustainable online business growth. This study
The main purpose of the study was to identify all the focuses on the frequency and problems that
factors that affect customer acceptance. consumers face when using payment methods. The
researchers also examined the influence of the

2023 EPRA JEBR | EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review | https://eprajournals.com/ 33
SJIF Impact Factor: 8.302 || DOI: 10.36713/epra2012 | Volume–11 | Issue-2 | February 2023 | e- ISSN: 2347-9671 | p- ISSN: 2349-0187

contribution of electronic payments on the 5- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

sustainability of business growth in India. 5.1 Research Design
This research is based on Descriptive Research
Priyanka S Kotecha (2018) conducted research on method.
empirical Study of Mobile Wallets in India. This 5.2 Sources of Data
study examines the importance of M-Wallet in India For this research, primary data is used.
and highlights its pros and cons. It also shows the 5.3 Data collection method
growth of mobile wallets in India from 2012 to 2016, In this research, we use Survey and Questionnaire
mainly due to the convenience of mobile wallets. methods for data collection.
5.4 Sampling method
3- PROBLEM STATEMENT/RATIONALE Simple Random Sampling method is used.
OF THE STUDY 5.5 Sampling frame
The reason for conducting this research is to know The sample size for the research includes 84
about impact of smart phones in mobile payments, respondents.
their acceptability, to examine the impact of age in 5.6 Tool used
online payment method. Statistical tools are involved in carrying out a study
include planning, designing, collecting data,
4- OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY analysing, drawing meaningful interpretation and
 To know the impact of smartphone users reporting of the research findings. The tools are used
towards the mobile payment system in is
today’s youth, India  Chi-Square test
 To know the acceptability of the mobile
payment system. 6- DATA ANALYSIS AND
 To know whether cashless has helped the INTERPRETATION
Indian economy. 1) Table showing the association between Gender
 To examine the impact of age in digital and often use mobile payment apps.
payments. Null hypothesis (H0):There is no positive relation
 To analyse the trend of online payment between the gender who use mobile payment.
apps. Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is positive
relation between the gender who use the mobile

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
gender * Which of these 84 100.0% 0 0.0% 84 100.0%
Mobile payment gateways
are you prefer using the

Gender * Which of these Mobile payment gateways are you prefer using the most Crosstabulation
Which of these Mobile payment gateways are you Total
prefer using the most
Goole Phone pe Paytm Any
Pay other
Gender Male Count 21 11 11 1 44
Expected Count 24.6 10.5 7.3 1.6 44.0
Female Count 26 9 3 2 40
Expected Count 22.4 9.5 6.7 1.4 40.0
Total Count 47 20 14 3 84
Expected Count 47.0 20.0 14.0 3.0 84.0

2023 EPRA JEBR | EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review | https://eprajournals.com/ 34
SJIF Impact Factor: 8.302 || DOI: 10.36713/epra2012 | Volume–11 | Issue-2 | February 2023 | e- ISSN: 2347-9671 | p- ISSN: 2349-0187

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymp. Sig.
Pearson Chi-Square 5.459a 3 .141
Likelihood Ratio 5.742 3 .125
N of Valid Cases 84

Interpretation 2) Table showing association between age and

Null Hypothesis is accepted Since p value is greater mode of payment
than 0.05, we accept Null hypothesis and reject Null hypothesis (HO): There is no significant
Alternative hypothesis. Therefore, there is a no difference between the Age and Mode of payment.
positive relation between the gender who use mobile Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is significant
payment. difference between the Age and Mode of Payment.

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Age * Mode of 84 100.0% 0 0.0% 84 100.0%

Age * Mode of payment Crosstabulation

Mode of payment Total
Debit Credit Mobile Any
card card payment other
Age 18-30 Count 8 1 66 2 77
Expected Count 8.3 .9 64.2 3.7 77.0
31-50 Count 1 0 4 2 7
Expected Count .8 .1 5.8 .3 7.0
Total Count 9 1 70 4 84
Expected Count 9.0 1.0 70.0 4.0 84.0

Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymp. Sig.
Pearson Chi-Square 9.901a 3 .019
Likelihood Ratio 5.700 3 .127
N of Valid Cases 84

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