Review of Related Literature of Acid Rain

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If organisms lower in the food chain are reduced, this obviously with effect species higher up that
rely on these organisms for food. But recovery will likely take a long time since the chemical
composition of the soil and groundwater, affected by the acid rains, is not a speedy process. Being
responsible citizens, one should remember the harmful effects they cause and the industries that give
out Nitrogen and sulphur compound wastes unethically. Damage to soils (noted above) can also
cause problems. High altitude forests are especially vulnerable as they are often surrounded by clouds
and fog which are more acidic than rain. They choose the earth’s surface after coming down within
the sort of precipitation. At pH levels lower than 5, most fish eggs will not hatch, and lower pH
levels can kill adult fish. The relationship between acid rain and atmospheric pollution was found in
1852 by Robert Angus Smith. The intent here is to give operators economic incentives to install
pollution controls. The main cause is the burning of fossil fuels and coal: their waste gases contain a
lot of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). While this progress is going on the acid
eventually soaks up and then gets absorbed into the soil. The reactant energy and the product energy
remain the same and only the activation energy is altered. Acid rain is caused by a reaction that
begins when compounds like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. It is these
lakes that we must be worried about for. The Effects Of Acid Rain Environmental Sciences Essay.
Vegetation is caused by the acids that have dissolved it the clouds, until it precipitates. If this is true
then this will show me that the rate of dissolving limestone increases as well. As lakes become more
acidic, biodiversity is reduced. To do this we had to learn a bit of knowledge about acid rain and
how it was formed. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide undergo oxidation, and then they react
with water resulting in the formation of the sulphuric acid and nitric acid, respectively. It was,
however, not until the late 1960s that scientists began widely observing and studying the
phenomenon. What can we do to stop destruction of the rain forests? Getting rid of acid rain will be
good but due to get rid of it there will be major major problems in years to come e.g. the build up of
soil in earth. One example is the Sulphur Emissions Reduction Protocol under the Convention on
Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. As it alters the chemical composition of the water, to make
which is harmful to the marine ecosystem to survive and causes pollution. The major biological
source of sulfur containing compounds is dimethyl sulfide. Acid rain causes problems as many years
go past or even decades, it eventually transforms into an acid lake. Notably, the SO2 program
includes the use of a creative emissions cap-and-trade program that combines the best of American
science, government, and market-driven innovation. In this respect, energy production is
accompanied by oxidation of the environment. We did this for 70 seconds and then finally read the
results and jotted them down onto a table. In most cases, Kumar notes that Acid Rain falls under a
PH of between 5.
The most important oxidation reactions are with, and. If this is true then this will show me that the
rate of dissolving limestone increases as well. As I was diluting the acid into the specific
concentration I first had to make enough 0.4M acid for three runs so by following the table I made
100ml of 0.4M hydrochloric acid. Lime or limestone in slurry form is also injected into the tower to
mix with the stack gases and combine with the sulfur dioxide present. Comprehension questions and
suggested mark scheme included. We repeated this whole process of getting the marble chips and
acid, emptying and cleaning the equipment 3 times for every concentration of acid until we got a
total of 18 successful results. In cultivated areas, limestone may also be added to increase the ability
of the soil to keep the pH stable, but this tactic is largely unusable in the case of wilderness lands.
Answer: They ought to use alternative energy sources, like solar and wind generation, atomic power,
hydropower, and geothermal heat. Question 3. What are the two strong acids present in acid rain.
Early finishers also love these passage and questions. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Acid rain also causes the corrosion of
water pipes. The only precaution that we will take against acid precipitation has a check at the
emission of oxides of Nitrogen and sulphur. It damages the buildings and monument made from
stones and metals. Rain is formed when water that has evaporated from oceans fresh water and land
masses condenses in high cool air forming clouds. That, however, is a virtue of the illustrations and is
nowhere explicitly called out in the text (although Asimov does point out that acid rain eats away at
ancient buildings). The relationship between acid rain and atmospheric pollution was found in 1852
by Robert Angus Smith. Getting rid of acid rain will be good but due to get rid of it there will be
major major problems in years to come e.g. the build up of soil in earth. Fuel oil and sour coal provide
the most saturated sulfur dioxide emissions. Fossil fuels offer more energy than renewable energy
sources. This occurs when particles and gases stick to the ground, plants, or other surfaces. They
choose the earth’s surface after coming down within the sort of precipitation. The intent here is to
give operators economic incentives to install pollution controls. Wet sediments are any form of
precipitation that removes acids from the atmosphere and places them on the earth’s surface. In the
United States, public awareness of the problem was heightened in the 1990s, after the New York
Times promulgated reports from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire of the
myriad deleterious environmental effects resulting from acid rain. In lakes and streams that become
acidified, microorganisms may be affected. It is these lakes that we must be worried about for. ACID
RAIN: CAUSES, EFFECTS, AND SOLUTIONS - Google Sites. Acid rain as it is on its own is not
a very big problem. What is Acid Rain? What are the effects of acid rain?
In cultivated areas, limestone may also be added to increase the ability of the soil to keep the pH
stable, but this tactic is largely unusable in the case of wilderness lands. In 1852, he reported the
relationship between acid rain and atmospheric pollution. It damages the buildings and monument
made from stones and metals. When precipitation falls from the clouds it is highly acidic, which
normally consists of PH levels from 6 and lower. But recovery will likely take a long time since the
chemical composition of the soil and groundwater, affected by the acid rains, is not a speedy process.
The pH value of normal rainwater is around 5.7, giving it an acidic nature. Emissions are dispersed
over vast areas due to the height of the power plant pipes (Granier, Artaxo, and Reeves 54). Acid rain
is extremely harmful to agriculture, plants, and animals. In addition after the first few runs we started
marking the allocated point every 10 seconds with a marker pen as we found this was easier to
collect the results instead of trying to figure out the amount upside down. Often called acid rain as
this concept contains many types of acidic precipitation. During this experiment we will discover
whether this theory is correct. I would definitely recommend it to an elementary school student with
an interest in the subject. The term “acid rain” was introduced by Robert Smith, English engineer, in
his book Air and Rain: The Beginning of a Chemical Climatology (1872) (Myers 267). This is a very
big situation because we as human beings need to eat our fish and plants and we also need to drink
this very same water. Depending on the composition of a certain fuel there may be more or less of
these dioxins. In What Causes Acid Rain?, Isaac Asimov explains how acid rain forms and how it
can be prevented. There was a incident which took place 20 years ago when famous scientists from
Norway and Sweden believed that acidic rain may be causing damage to the planet. Although acid
rain was discovered in 1852, it was not until the late 1960s that scientists began to study this topic.
Furthermore, when the acid rain pollutes water, it penetrates the soil and enters underground waters.
In lakes and streams that become acidified, microorganisms may be affected. However, it also means
losing many unique biomes, such as in the Rocky Mountains and some parts of the northwest and the
southeast US. To describe this phenomenon, experts and media began to use the term
“environmental crisis” (Mangun and Henning xii). Tons of sulfur dioxide emitted into the
atmosphere resulting from chemical reactions turn into weak acid solution. Many of them are
generated by human activity, such as electricity generation, factories, and motor vehicles. These
chemicals become acidic after mixing with the rainwater and precipitate in the form of rain, fog, and
snow and exert various effects on the ecosystems, forests, plants, soil, buildings, monuments, and
water bodies as well as on human health. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Acid rain is a really big problem to the wildlife as a lake
were to get acidic then the wildlife will cause a chain reaction that will kill all the things in the lake.
The most important oxidation reactions are with, and. It has a pH of less than 5.6. The main purpose
of the review is to emphasize the causes of acid rain, its various effects, and different ways to control
acid rain. Being responsible citizens, one should remember the harmful effects they cause and the
industries that give out Nitrogen and sulphur compound wastes unethically.
After many researches they had found the problem, the problem was very common metal called
Aluminium. It damages the buildings and monument made from stones and metals. When sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere react with oxygen in the air forming sulfuric acid and
nitric acid, acidic precipitation occurs in the form of rain, snow, or dust. In cultivated areas,
limestone may also be added to increase the ability of the soil to keep the pH stable, but this tactic is
largely unusable in the case of wilderness lands. When atmospheric pollutants like oxides of
Nitrogen and sulphur react with rainwater and are available with the rain, this leads to Acid Rain. It
also can influence humans since the acid goes into fruits, vegetables and animals. I learnt the process
that results in the formation of acid rain generally begins with emissions into the atmosphere, which
consists of gasses like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. This is due to reactions in the liquid water
droplets. Acid Rain can be prevented in a numseveral in future. In other words, the scrubber turns
sulfur pollution into industrial sulfates. Credit is due under the terms of this license that can
reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of
the Wikimedia Foundation. We repeated this whole process of getting the marble chips and acid,
emptying and cleaning the equipment 3 times for every concentration of acid until we got a total of
18 successful results. The alkalinity of aqueous solution is determined by the presence of hydroxyl
ions OH- and is characterized by a concentration of OH ions. Disadvantages include damage to
crops building and. SO2 and NOx emissions can lead to the formation of. We had a few limits on
our method because we only had a certain amount of time so we could not make the method very
accurate, also because of the amount of people and how much water we were using, it took us a
while to start the next run as we had to wait for the water and acid. Acid precipitation also causes
water pipes’ corrosion, which further leads to leaching of heavy metals like iron, lead and copper
into the beverage. Pollution and acid rain accelerate the corrosion of buildings and monuments,
causing concern about the loss of historical buildings. It has however been associated and shown to
have adverse health effects especially on those who have respiratory disorders. The depletion of the
ozone layer, noise pollution, global warming and Acid Rain are some of the dangerous affects of the
increased pollution that are concerning the scientists nowadays. Acidity affects the availability of
nutrients essential for plant growth and increases leaching of aluminum and mercury (toxic to plants
at high levels). In addition, while the catalyst lowers the activation energy, it does not change the
energy of the original reactants or products. They choose the earth’s surface after coming down
within the sort of precipitation. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The most
important oxidation reactions are with ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and oxygen. (Reactions with
oxygen are catalyzed by iron and manganese in the cloud droplets). It can also be explained as the
minimum energy necessary for a specific chemical reaction to occur. In What Causes Acid Rain?,
Isaac Asimov explains how acid rain forms and how it can be prevented. Report this resource to let
us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. The acidic discharge takes place in two
ways: wet and dry. After many of researches they have discovered a little bit of sodium in their blood.

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