Literature Review On Teacher Effectiveness
Literature Review On Teacher Effectiveness
Literature Review On Teacher Effectiveness
Crafting a literature review on teacher effectiveness is no easy feat. It demands meticulous attention
to detail, a thorough understanding of the subject matter, and a knack for synthesizing vast amounts
of scholarly literature into a cohesive narrative. Whether you're a graduate student embarking on
your dissertation journey or a researcher aiming to contribute to the field of education, mastering the
art of writing a literature review is essential.
The process begins with extensive research to identify relevant scholarly articles, books, and other
academic sources that shed light on the topic of teacher effectiveness. However, navigating through
the sea of literature can be overwhelming, especially for those new to academic writing. It requires
not only the ability to locate pertinent resources but also the discernment to evaluate their credibility
and relevance to your research questions.
Once the literature is gathered, the real work begins. Synthesizing the findings of various studies,
identifying common themes, and highlighting gaps in the existing research are crucial steps in
crafting a literature review. However, this process requires more than just summarizing individual
studies; it demands critical analysis and interpretation to provide insights that contribute to the
existing body of knowledge.
Moreover, maintaining coherence and logical flow throughout the literature review is paramount. It
involves organizing the information in a way that effectively communicates the progression of ideas
and arguments. Without proper structuring, even the most insightful insights can get lost in a sea of
disjointed paragraphs.
Given the complexities involved, many individuals find themselves grappling with the task of writing
a literature review on teacher effectiveness. Time constraints, lack of familiarity with academic
writing conventions, and the pressure to produce high-quality work can all contribute to the
challenges faced by researchers and students alike.
By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and
uncertainty associated with this daunting task. Their commitment to delivering high-quality, original
work ensures that your literature review on teacher effectiveness will be a comprehensive and
insightful contribution to the field of education.
Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review hinder your academic or research endeavors.
Take advantage of ⇒ ⇔'s expertise and experience to craft a literature review that
showcases your understanding of teacher effectiveness and makes a meaningful contribution to the
discourse in education.
After that, there is an option to highlight the key points and give recommendations for future
studies or research. The researcher transcribed the correspondence between the instructor and a
student or students in the second viewing. For example, an effective teacher is expected to meet the
indicators in each of the seven performance standards. Dinham, S. (2004a). Effective Teaching in the
Context of a Grade 12 High Stakes External Examination in New. Oral defense power point Oral
defense power point 69 69 Curriculum implementation in religious education in nigeria Curriculum
implementation in religious education in nigeria 239675418 assignment 239675418 assignment 084
119e 084 119e 084 119e 084 119e Learning (1) Learning (1) Academic and Social Effects of
Inclusion Academic and Social Effects of Inclusion The attitude of students towards the teaching
and learning of social studies. The use of the fifth competency is important as strategies are
determined. The main character does not demonstrate this practice. Some experts also think that
effective teachers should add instructional strategies ( Harding and Parsons, 2011 ), classroom
management ( Gordon, 2012 ), and knowledge of the subject matter ( Stronge and Tonneson, 2012 )
to their attributes and teaching practices. Cashmere’s Perspective Cashmere (1999) views effective
teaching as an art and a sci- ence. This is manifested in Season 1, Episode 2 when he justified his
personalized curriculum to the Ministry of Education’s local inspector. The author listed some
scholarship such as feminist studies and critical race studies, which approach representation with a
primary focus on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, colonization, and its aftermath, class, and
ability. An effective teacher is able to clarify concepts (clarity). Conference on: Teachers Make A
Difference: What is the research Evidence. Various studies have demonstrated the positive role of
films in enhancing the professional practices of student teachers. Regarding the establishment of
English communication to ensure that students needs are met as adult learners, Mr. Brown adopts the
concept of repetition by checking students’ understanding. This is because the fourth seasons’
unavailability on YouTube (the most extensive video sharing and depository in the world). The most
important view of effective teaching is its role as a component of accountability. Implementation of
the material then becomes critical. Moorman, R.H. and Blakely, G.L. (1995): Individualism And
Collectivism As An Individual Difference Predictor of Organizational. Understanding review of
literature needs focus and keenness for better evaluation of grasping what they portray. Download
Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently
unavailable. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31 (5), 428-436. Conscious efforts must be made by
teachers to give praise and constructive feedbac k—effective teachers plan to informally assess
students as the lesson is being implemented. Creativity and flexibility becomes necessary in making
adjustments which require the teacher to use skills and exhibit behaviors of engag- ing in competent
practices and serving students. Darling-Hammond, L. (2000). Teacher Quality and Student
Achievement: A Review of State Policy Evidence. British Educational Research Journal, 30 (1), 141-
165. The interaction had to have lasted at least 5 s to count as important and is expected to be crucial
for advancing the story. Planning precedes presentation and evaluation of instruction, and it is
essential for the effective delivery of instruction; it requires teachers to ana- lyze learner needs in
order to determine appropriate goals and objectives, which is the third skill suggested by Olivia and
Pawles (2008). Alternatively, characterization is the method and process of creating and developing
character in fiction ( Latif, 2016 ). Teaching students with disabilities in an inclusive classroom may
be regarded, as a challenge for teachers.
The purpose of this article is to review perspectives of teaching over a period of several decades in
the literature and to investigate the perceptions of practicing teachers enrolled in graduate school
regarding necessary components of effective teaching. Dinham and his colleagues (1995) conducted
case study into three schools in NSW and. Effective The Importance Of A Teacher Leadership
Program ppt. The difficulty in understanding, reviewing and writing of literature mainly emanates
from failure right from the inception to clearly identify what precisely the reviewer wants and how to
go about looking for it in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Teaching jobs give you the chance
to help others learn different subjects and make out extra money. Its systematic process however,
remains mysterious, complex and problematic especially to postgraduate students most of whom
undertake research for the first time at graduate level. The teacher is also monitored continuously by
the principal to ensure that the goal of fostering the students’ English proficiency is fulfilled. Journal
of Learning Disabilities, 31 (5), 428-436. Consequently, it helps them to become highly effective
teacher. Table 2 (at the conclusion of the paper) includes a chart that depicts the findings from the
survey; One hundred percent of the candidates reported that the characteristics of effective teaching
from the literature are “highly effective” or “effective” teaching competenci es. Teachers are
categorized as high performers or low performers. In its application, numerous school administrators
believe the evaluation system is valuable in communicating with teachers regarding their instruction (
Schoenlank, 2017 ). Effective Teaching in Inclusive Classroom: Literature Review. This includes the
ability to use different approaches and strategies needed to improve students’ learning and
achievement ( Stronge et al., 2011 ) and possessing personal attributes such as perseverance and
dedication in fighting for one’s beliefs, a willingness to take risks to achieve students’ academic
goals, and pragmatism ( Colker, 2008 ). For instance, Mr. Brown’s effectiveness is based on his
character as an EFL teacher that teaches only adult learners. That explains the copious of studies on
constructing teachers’ identity by the media ( Farhi, 1999; Kirby, 2016 ). Blog:- Top 10 Evidence
Based Teaching Strategies Blog Link:-. In another study in terms of social outcome for students with.
While the sample in the study was diverse in its composition, a larger sample from a broader
geographic region would allow for greater generalizability. Effective teachers foster student
participation (interaction). Oral defense power point Oral defense power point 69 69 Curriculum
implementation in religious education in nigeria Curriculum implementation in religious education in
nigeria 239675418 assignment 239675418 assignment 084 119e 084 119e 084 119e 084 119e
Learning (1) Learning (1) Academic and Social Effects of Inclusion Academic and Social Effects of
Inclusion The attitude of students towards the teaching and learning of social studies. The researcher
matches the themes with the evidential characters and teaching strategies of each performance
standard. In lesson planning a nd implementa tio n, effective teachers use the knowledge of their
students’ in terests as a motivational tool to help meet the needs of their students. NCES 1999-080,
Washington, DC: US Department of Education. Conference: Priorities, Partnerships (and Plum
Puddings), Armidale. But there’s no need to worry about the quality of the writing if you get
inspired by the examples presented here. The student was not fluent in the first season of the Show,
but she becomes fluent by the end of the second season. Therefore, this field of education still is
opening for more knowledge to be. Secondary Schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 33
(4), 36-58. The digital classroom brings with it a range of unknown and Leadershhip territory, mostly
in part to its relative newness when compared to traditional teaching methods.
The fourth category of the profile is praise and accountability. Successful teachers challenge
students’ abilities by setting good quality tasks. Further, peer acceptance was significantly higher for
the non-categorized. According to one of the students, she testifies, “a new teacher won’t be as nice
as Mr. Brown.” With respect to the local inspector official from the Ministry of Education, Mr.
Brown is commended as a remarkable man for his teaching style. British Educational Research
Journal, 30 (1), 141-165. Available online at: (accessed September 9, 2021). Given the Stronge
evaluation system’s efficacy in helping school administrators to communicate with teachers
regarding their instruction in several disciplines ( Schoenlank, 2017 ). Ukeje, D.O. (1990):
Performance Oriented Teacher Education. Effective teachers according to Murphy and others (2004)
are patient, caring, respect their students, organize. A study has also shown that perceived factuality
is likely to influence viewers’ involvement with an audiovisual stimulus, which causes the high
intensity of emotional responses ( Murry and Dacin, 1996 ). Table 2 (at the conclusion of the paper)
includes a chart that depicts the findings from the survey; One hundred percent of the candidates
reported that the characteristics of effective teaching from the literature are “highly effective” or
“effective” teaching competenci es. More research is needed to better understand how this TV show
can be used to promote philosophical reflections in preservice English teachers’ education.
Correlation between Teacher-Effectiveness and Students’ Academic Achievement. A value of.
Furthermore, the analyses of coding and categorization from the focus group suggested that effective
teachers are student centered; possess specific knowledge and skills; and exhibit specific
dispositions. The teacher needs to develop the understanding of inclusive pedagogy as a new
approach towards the diversified classroom teaching as the need of an hour for the growing and
developing generation-next. Norris (1993): Evaluation, Economics and Performance Indicators. In
simple words, what key points will be added to the body part. Topics such as music, the royal family
of England and Shakespeare were adopted to teach British culture. Its aim is to make sure students
get easy way of understanding and doing literature review for their research. Below are the general
guidelines on which this part is usually based. Olivia and Pawlas (2008) also noted the importance of
providing students with feedback as a means of being skilled in the systematic approach as opposed
to older approaches. The article shall describe how literature review is understood as well as strength
and weaknesses in such understanding. TPES is a rational and rigorous evaluation system that
provides sufficient detail and accuracy so that both teachers and evaluators reasonably understand
job expectations. This paper explored the challenges, strengths and mysteries with which literature
review and writing was undertaken by graduate students at both master's and Doctoral levels.
Teaching students with disabilities in an inclusive classroom may be regarded, as a challenge for
teachers. This study has shown that the character is a highly effective teacher because his personal
and professional characteristics are evidenced by all the seven performance standards of the
evaluation system. In addition, this sample included individuals who personally sou ght out
professional growth through higher education. Cook, B. (2001). A Comparison of Teachers' Attitudes
Toward Their Included Students With Mild and Severe. These concepts are also embedded in the six
competencies of Olivia and Pawlas (2008). Effective Teaching in Inclusive Classroom: Literature
The literature review is the nucleus of a research work that might when gotten right spotlights a work
and can as well derail a research work when done wrongly. Ofoegbu, F.I. (2004): Teacher-
Motivation: A factor for classroom Effectiveness And School Improvement. More research is needed
to better understand how this TV show can be used to promote philosophical reflections in
preservice English teachers’ education. Table 2 (at the conclusion of the paper) includes a chart that
depicts the findings from the survey; One hundred percent of the candidates reported that the
characteristics of effective teaching from the literature are “highly effective” or “effective” teaching
competenci es. They speak at appropriate volumes; they speak clearly; and they speak at an
appropriate pace. Fourth, the researcher extracted the factors that can influence students’
achievement. The carefully examined examples can be like a treasure with multiple tips. Starr, L.
(2002): Measuring The Effects Of Effective Teaching. An inclusive classroom is shown when extra
attention is given to new students with lower level of English proficiency. It is critical for teachers to
have positive interaction with students. The conviction should be coupled with a clear framework
and practical tools. Its aim is to make sure students get easy way of understanding and doing
literature review for their research. The research determined a correlation between teacher s
effectiveness and students academic. The competency of following a model of instruction is critical
because teachers must plan the activities to engage students and then implement the strategies.
Disclosure implies explicitness regarding course re- quirements. Interestingly, candidates participating
in the data gathering processes of both surveys and focus group noted that the per- spectives of
effective teaching cited in the literature are impor- tant attributes of effective teaching. Download
Free PDF View PDF Reconstructing Academic Literature Review and Writing: A Paper on Graduate
Student Research QUEST JOURNALS Literature review and writing form the basis of research to
which it is indispensable. Literature Review Tutorial. (A multimedia tutorial. The key role
responsibilities of a teacher for creating inclusive school are highlighted in the following points: 1.
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. Application and evaluation of differentiation instruction in mixed ability cl.
They are the types of performance that will occur if a standard is being fulfilled. He believes that
failure to improve schools is not due to a lack of “know how.” That is, educators are aware of the
“hows” to improving schools. This suggests that the Show can be used as a reflective tool by
preservice EFL teachers to construct and enhance their professional identities and instructional
practices. This includes the ability to use different approaches and strategies needed to improve
students’ learning and achievement ( Stronge et al., 2011 ) and possessing personal attributes such as
perseverance and dedication in fighting for one’s beliefs, a willingness to take risks to achieve
students’ academic goals, and pragmatism ( Colker, 2008 ). This is owing to the belief that the
effective learning of students depends on effective teaching of teachers ( Alrefaee and Al-Ghamdi,
1987 ). However, there are many variations in the perspec- tives. Professional development should
obviously lead to im- provements in teaching and other professional dispositions. Schmoker (2011)
notes that it takes as many as seven years to effect positive change in schools. A focus group was
also conducted with the graduate class.
Developed over the course of three years at a University Writing Center, this lesson received
substantial support from students across the disciplines. The researcher will capitalize on the fact that
there is yet to be a study on how EFL teacher is represented in popular culture. Why do I need a
literature review Alfi Rahman This Study Guide explains why literature reviews are needed, and how
they can be conducted and reported. An effective teacher has content knowl- edge of their specific
subjects and knowledge of methodol- ogy—pedagogy which is the how to present the lesson. The
identified personality traits portrayed by Mr. Brown are consistent and overlap with those of Park
and Lee (2006), who identified pedagogical knowledge, English proficiency and socio-affective
skills as characteristics of effective teachers. That is an indication that the lesson was systematically
planned. Ofoegbu, F.I. (2004): Teacher-Motivation: A factor for classroom Effectiveness And School
Improvement. Because of the scarcity of peer-reviewed articles the researcher. Teachers who are
leaders model civil behavior, model intellectual engagement, and pro- vide intellectual challenges for
all levels of lea rner abilities. It can be observed that adjectives such as good, quality, and competent
have been adopted interchangeably to describe excellent educators in several studies ( Gower and
Byrne, 2012; Miller, 2012; Goodwin and Kosnik, 2013 ). Olivia and Pawles’ (2008) second
competency for teachers involves planning, presenting, and evaluating instruction. In general this
paper will discus human rights and social justice and include students with special needs and the
outcome of this inclusion, then literature relating to the effective school, after that the effective
teaching and finally the effective teacher's characteristics in the inclusive classroom and the factors
may influence students' achievement. Technology’s Use. Offer images, sounds, and information. The
researcher aimed to identify the teaching strategies and characteristics of the main character that
match the seven performance standards of the evaluation system. Thus, whenever students are not
making significant progress in their learning or causing a distraction during class activities, the
teacher assigns more homework to his students as a form of positive reinforcement. It is where these
theories overlap my specific research focus is positioned as demonstrated in the following Venn
diagram. Correlation; SRA-Simple Regression Analysis; TE-Teacher-Effectiveness; SAA- Students.
Also, the dataset was analyzed by a single rater; therefore, the analyses were based on the
researcher’s interpretation. According to Sanders (2000), effective teachers engage in voice
relevancy. Also according to Dinham’s model of principal leadership, the. Goe, L; Bell, C; and Little,
O. (2008): Approaches to Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness: A Research Synthesis. Inclusive
pedagogy can help the educator to think beyond the regular classrooms converting it into diversified
classroom where learning difficulties of the learner will not matter, what will matter is just the
healthier and intellectual output with real life applications which can build up the strong confident
individuals towards education excellence and developing society. Including students with disabilities
and having the knowledge of how to treat them are important. In the final report (Salamanca
statement) the Participants proclaim that. They are the types of performance that will occur if a
standard is being fulfilled. Research Hypothesis: There is NO positive Correlation between Teacher-
Effectiveness And Students. In the past, schools have dealt with special needs students in terms of
their. The analyses of learner needs dictate that te achers should possess a sense of familiarity with
the l earners which may demand that teachers do research on individual students—researching
records, cumulative folders, and test scores to determine their students’ individual strengths and
weaknesses. Thus, based on representation theory, the writer will explore how image media depicts
an EFL teacher’s professional and personal characteristics. This is based on the notion that factual
realism with an audiovisual dimension of perceived realism is potent enough to stir up emotions
needed for reflection among preservice EFL teachers.
Redesigning instruction as it is being presented is important because it may be necessary for the
teacher to change a presen- tation style or change some component of the lesson for stu- dents to
grasp the concepts from the lesson. Teachers who provide feedback to students are teachers who
informally and formally assess students. Another perceptive study involves investigating Iranian EFL
teachers’ perceptions and attitudes toward teachers’ wants, likes, dislikes, and ideals as to what
constitute language teaching ( Mazandarani and Troudi, 2021 ). Thus, having identified Mind Your
Language TV show as the only existing sitcom that depicts the personal and professional
characteristics of a typical EFL teacher, the questions underlying this research was. Season 1, 2, 3
have 13, 8, and 8 episodes, respectively. Ukeje, D.O. (1990): Performance Oriented Teacher
Education. The interaction had to have lasted at least 5 s to count as important and is expected to be
crucial for advancing the story. Classroom management is embedded in plan- ning, presenting, and
evaluating instruction. Also, member-checking of the notes occurred for purposes of reliability. It is
critical for teachers to have positive interaction with students. Keeping the logical sequence is very
important, so having a good writing example will be a serious advantage. However, far too little
attention has been paid to the application of existing teacher evaluation systems in EFL education.
Arranging the class in a manner to facilitate effective learning is also demonstrated. New York:
Jossey Bass. Sanders, P. (2000). Characteristics of effective teaching. However, the latter’s
instrument does not cover EFL teachers’ professionalism, an aspect critical for assessing their
professional relationship with other teachers and school and student progress, which serves as a self-
assessment skill that helps teacher measure student learning progress. Abnormalities of hormones and
inflammatory cytokines in women affected with p. Then, make note cards you can refer to during
your speech, but try to memorize the key points so you can speak smoothly to your listeners. The
current study has shed more light on how Mr. Brown uses jokes and humor to carry out his English
instruction and management of the classroom. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing -
A Real-World Look, present. This review does not claim to be comprehensive or definitive but is
intended as a guide to the most important. The teacher needs to develop the understanding of
inclusive pedagogy as a new approach towards the diversified classroom teaching as the need of an
hour for the growing and developing generation-next. Strata or levels (h) No of students (Nh)
Sample drawn. An inclusive classroom is shown when extra attention is given to new students with
lower level of English proficiency. This, however, poses an intellectual challenge to produce a critical
review of the published research on a given topic. For example, the Crossroad Game for class activity
was prepared on the blackboard before the beginning of the class. Such affordance stimulates interest
and motivation vital for successful learning ( Guest, 1997 ). It is suggested that effective teachers are
organized and use a sequence of activities; however, a variety of teaching methods and materials are
used so that students do not become bored. However, if there are some points that need clarification
or are missing from the overall context, they should be mentioned. Be wary of saying that your
research will solve a problem, or that it will change practice. Alternatively, characterization is the
method and process of creating and developing character in fiction ( Latif, 2016 ).