9th English Second Semister 80 Marks 2020

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Q.1 Do as directed. (Any Four) (10 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters.
(i) Tr_th (ii) C_oud (iii) Bra_e (iv) _peak
(2) Arrange the words in alphabetical order.
(i) fields, battles, ships, arrows
(ii) stammer, scatter, speaker, slave
(3) Punctuate the following.
(i) the king said what a strange appeal
(ii) this is what happens with the spoken words
(4) Make four words (minimum 3 letters) using the letters in the word
(5) Write the related words as shown in the example.


(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘Adjectives’. Add four words, each beginning with the
last letter of the previous word.
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Q.1.B ) Do as direct
1) ( attempt any 0ne )
a) Make a meaningful sentence using „ to wake up‟
b) Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully.
I saw a man…………………………………………………………...
2) (a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words. (2 words)
(i) sorrow (ii) dark
(b) Use any one of the following words in your own sentence.
(i) help (ii) dark
Q.2 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
(A1) Complete the following sentences.
(1) Our ears are like funnels because .
(2) The two rows of teeth are like a fence because .
(3) The two lips are like a fence .
(4) Once you have spoken a word you
Man was meant to listen more and talk less. That is why as the great British
statesman Benjamin Disraeli said: “Nature has endowed man with two ears and one
mouth. If man was meant to talk more and listen less, he would have two mouths and
only one ear.” Imagine how we would have looked, how strange with two mouths on the
two sides and one ear at the center.
And mind you, the ears are like funnels, open all the time. There is no door with
which you can close them. Whereas if you have to speak even one single word, that
word must pass through two walls-two fences. There is firstly the fence of these two
rows of teeth. There is secondly the fence of the two lips. Before a word can be
spoken, it has to pass, it has to pierce through these two walls, through these two
fences. Therefore we must think at least twice before we utter a word.
A very wise man once remarked that of the unspoken word you are a master, of the
spoken word, you are a slave. Once you have spoken a word you cannot get it back, do
what you will. Therefore you must be very careful about the words that you speak.
Once the word has left your lips, you will not be able to get it back.
What are unspoken words? They are things you want to say, but remain unsaid, as
thoughts in your mind. Once you have put the thoughts into words, once the words
have left your lips, you cannot change them or control them.

(A.2) What are the two fences from where the words has to pass ?
(A3) Find out the Antonyms from the passage for the following.
(i) close _____________ (ii) careless____________
(iii) slave_____________ (iv) spoken_____________
(1)Nature has endowed man with two ears and one mouth.
(Choose correct alternative to change it into Passive Voice.)
a) Man has endowed with two ears and one mouth by nature.
b) Man has been endowed with two ears and one mouth by nature.
c) Man have been endowed with two ears and one mouth by nature.
(2) The ears are like funnels. (Add a question tag)
(A5) Self Response:
What would you do if your spoken words hurt someone?
Q.2B. Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10 Marks)
A1. State whether the following statements true or false:
1) Prospero wanted to become Duke of Milan.
2) Prospero spent most of his time reading books.
3) The king of Naples was Prospero‟s friend.
4) Antonio managed to take over Prospero‟s wealth and power.

Prospero was the Duke of Milan, in the kingdom of Naples. He was such a
studious and learned scholar that he spent most of his time reading books, while his
brother Antonio managed the business of ruling his dukedom.
Now, Antonio was a treacherous man, and he wanted to become Duke of Milan in
his brother‟s place. In fact, Antonio would not have hesitated to kill Prospero-but he
knew that the people loved their Duke, and would never forgive his murderer. So
Antonio got together with Alonso, the king of Naples, who was Prospero‟s enemy.
They took Prospero to sea, and when they were far away from land, they put Prospero
and his baby daughter Miranda into a broken, old boat and sailed away. Prospero and
Miranda were left to drift into the wide, open sea.
Thus Antonio managed to take over the Dukedom of Milan, with all its wealth and
Now, among Prospero‟s courtiers was a true and loyal Lord called Gonzalo. Out
of love and loyalty for the rightful Duke, Gonzalo had secretly placed in the boat
fresh water, food and clothes-and along with them, Prospero‟s most valued
possessions, his books.
A2. Answer in 3-4 sentences:
What had the faithful Lord Gonzalo done to help Prospero?
A3. Matching:
Match the following words with their synonyms:
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
i. loyal a) foe
ii. rightful b) float
iii. enemy c) faithful
iv. drift d) correct
A4. Language Study:
1. Prospero was a studious and learned scholar. (Use „not only… but also‟)
2. Antonio wanted to become Duke of Milan.
(Rewrite the sentence and underline the infinitive)
A5. Personal Response:
What will you do if somebody leaves you alone in the wide open forest?


Q.3 (A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities. (5 Marks)
A1. Answer the following questions.
i. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
ii. How many lines are there in each stanza?
iii. Who holds the storm by the hair?
iv. What type of boat do the fishermen use?

Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to the morning light,
The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like a child that has cried all night. Come,
let us gather our nets from the shore and set our catamarans free,
To capture the leaping wealth of the tide, for we are the kings of the sea!

No longer delay, let us hasten away in the track of the sea gull‟s call,
The sea is our mother, the cloud is our brother, the waves are our comrades all. What
though we toss at the fall of the sun where the hand of the sea-god drives? He who holds
the storm by the hair, will hide in his breast our lives.

Sweet is the shade of the coconut glade, and the scent of the mango grove,
And sweet are the sands at the full o' the moon with the sound of the voices we love; But
sweeter, O brothers, the kiss of the spray and the dance of the wild foam‟s glee; Row,
brothers, row to the edge of the verge, where the low sky mates with the sea.

A2. Write the lines that show that the fishermen are not afraid of the sea or of
A3. Write two pairs of rhyming words from the stanzas.
Q.3 (B) Appreciation of the poem. (05 Marks)
Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the points given

To a Butterfly Oh! pleasant, pleasant were the days,

STAY near me-do not take thy flight ! The time, when, in our childish plays,
A little longer stay in sight ! My sister Emmeline and I
Much converse do I find in thee, Together chased the butterfly !
Historian of my infancy ! A very hunter did I rush
Float near me; do not yet depart ! Upon the prey-with leaps and springs
Dead times revive in thee: I followed on from brake to bush;
Thou bring‟st, gay creature as thou art ! But she, God love her, feared to brush
A solemn image to my heart, The dust from off its wings.
My father‟s family ! - William Wordsworth

Title --------------------------
Poet --------------------------
Rhyme Scheme --------------------------

Figures of Speech (any one) --------------------------
Theme / Central idea (in 2 to 3 lines) --------------------------
Q.4 Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
A1. Choose the correct alternatives from the following & complete the sentences
given below :
(1) is the latest facility available on the mobile phones.
(a) MP3 music (b) A camera (c) A calculator (d) Internet
(2) Mobile phone is a must during ............. .
(a) loneliness (b) leisure time (c) holidays (d) natural calamities
(3) Mobile phone keeps you connected to your .............. all the time.
(a) office (b) intemet (c) friends and family (d) alarm clock
(4) You can operate a mobile from ............ .
(a) tower (b) anywhere (c) wherever (d) nowhere
Besides being a telephone that you can operate wherever you are, the mobile
phone can tell the time, has an alarm clock, an FM radio and even has the facility of a
calculator. Hence there is no need to wear a wristwatch, carry a transistor or own a
calculator. You can send or receive SMS messages whenever you want and wherever you
The mobile phone has a number of features that make it an attractive instrument
to own. More advanced varieties of mobiles have the facility of MP3 music. Many mobiles
provide the facility of a camera. You can take pictures and store them in your mobile
phone. The quality of the pictures in more advanced versions of the mobile is very good;
it is as good as some superior quality cameras in the market.
Of late the mobile even offers the facility of being connected to the computer
network. Thus you can have the facility of Internet on your mobile phone. You can now
also send messages via Internet through the mobile phone.
The mobile phone has ensured that the individual does not live a lonely life. You are
connected to your friends and family all the time. This becomes especially necessary
during the time of natural calamities such as storms or floods or heavy rains.

A2.Complete the following web with suitable words/phrases from the passage:

We can take and

Facilities provided It can tell

by a mobile phone
We can listen to

We can send

A3. Match the adjectives with the nouns:
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
i. Superior a. instrument
ii. lonely b. Rains
iii. Attractive c. quality
iv. Heavy d. life
A4. Language Study:
Do as directed:
1. There is no need to wear a wristwatch. (Underline the infinitive)
2. You can take pictures and store them in your mobile phone.
(Use „Not only ...but also‟)
A5. Personal Response
How mobile phone is useful to a student?
Q.4B) Write a summary of the above passage and suggest a suitable title for it.
Q.5 (A) Read the following leaflet and write any one of the letters given. (05 Marks)
Attempt any one of the following letters with the help of the following leaflet: Look
at the notice issued by the Supervisor of your school.

Save Water for Our Survival

Every year we face severe water shortage. Let us:
 Save every drop of water.
 Begin recycling of water.
 Start rain-harvesting programmes.
 Prevent wastage in households and industries.
 Build storage tanks in fields and use drip irrigation.
Come; let us join hands to overcome water shortage.

(A1) Informal letter (A2) Formal letter

Formal Letter Write a letter to the Chief Officer, Municipal
Write a letter to your friend describing Council of your city requesting him/her to
bad condition in your city due to water provide better facilities to face water shortage.
shortage and the action to be taken. Add Add your own points.
you own points.

Q.5 B) Do any one of the following – B1 or B2.

B1) (a) Prepare a dialogue by arranging the given sentences in proper order.
 No. But I got the first rank in the term – end exams.
 Hi everyone, I have got ice-cream for everyone.
 Congratulations and thanks for the ice-cream.
 Wow! We all love ice-cream. Is it your birthday?
(b) Complete the following dialogues.
i) I want to pay the fees. Where is the office?

ii) Is the office open just now?

(c) Complete the dialogue on the given theme.

Write a six line dialogue between two friends over telephone. They are
planning to go for a movie together.
Your school has organized an elocution competition on World Health Day. You are
taking part in it. The topic for the elocution competition is: „Eat vegetables, Live
Longer‟. With the help of the points given below, prepare a speech on the given
topic to be delivered at the competition. You may add some of your own points.
Vegetables – complete food. Nutritive – cheap – easily available. Healing properties
– medicinal qualities. Full of vitamins, minerals and other life supporting elements.
Easy to digest. Wide variety of foods. Affordable to all. Healthy, longer life.
A) Do any one of the following – A1 or A2.
The pie – chart below shows the results of 100 students of Standard X in the
exam. The diagram shows the number of students who failed in the subjects
mentioned. Write a short paragraph using the information. [Note : S.S. = Social
Science, M = Marathi]

A2) Read the following paragraph and draw a tree-diagram on it.

The word „Literature‟ is really hard to define. Many interpretations are made
about the word. But all are incomplete. Some define that literature is the mirror
of life, some others say that it is the criticism of life. Whatever may be the
controversy about the word, we may say that literature is that which reflects life.
The branches of literature are poetry, drama, novel and short- stories. Poetry is
of two kinds imaginative and realistic. Drama is either a comedy or a tragedy.
Novel is also of many kinds, historical, psychological, realistic, scientific and
regional. Short – story is the one which stands very close to life inspite of little

B) Do any one of the following - B1 or B2.

Expand the news line – “PEACOCKS FOUND DEAD ON A HILL NEAR
Story Writing – Develop a story which begins with following line.Suggest a
suitable title.
One evening, I had to go to my village. I travelled by a bus. Inside the bus, it was
all crowded. Many passengers climbed on the roof...........................
Q.7 A) Translation. [5]
(a) Translate the following words into Marathi. (Any four) 2
1. Temple 2. victory
3. Paper 4. Bicycle
B) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two)
(1) Eyes are very delicate. (2) Don‟t spit on the road. (3) Umred is a clean city.
C) Translate the following idiom/proverb into your medium of instruction. (Any one)
(2) Knowledge is power. (2) Honesty is the best policy.


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