Visual C++ Tips and Tricks
Visual C++ Tips and Tricks
Visual C++ Tips and Tricks
This section presents a collection of Visual C++ 6.0 tips w hich are often hard to find information about. All of the tips are useful in their ow n w ay, and many w ill w ork exactly as-is in Visual Studio .NET also, so take a moment to brow se through the collection.
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Devstudio\6.0\Format\Source Window\
Inside this key there are a series of binary data items, one for each user-definable entity in the source w indow - such as comments, keyw ords, strings and normal text. Each value is made up using the same format. The first four bytes are the foreground colour, in RGBA format (3 bytes for RGB and 1 byte for padding). The background colour follow s immediately afterw ards using the same format:
[ RR GG BB xx ][ RR GG BB xx ] Foreground Background
You can use the Registry Editor to Export and Import your colour settings from machine-to-machine.
6. Column-based selection
The Visual studio editor lets you select text in a line-by-line manner. However, holding the ALT key dow n w hilst making a selection w ith the mouse causes columns of text to be selected rather than row s (lines).s
9. Display Disassembly
Whilst debugging a project, press ALT+8 to sw itch to assembler mode.
marked positions w ithin each source-file.
You can bookmark lines of text for further reference, using the "Mark" commands. Press Ctrl+F2 to mark/unmark a line of text. Press F2 to skip between
The list of current bookmarks can be displayed by the Edit -> Bookmarks dialog or by pressing ALT+F2.
12. Callgraphs
Position the cursor over any function name and hit ALT+F12. If your project w as built w ith browse-information, a dialog w ill appear asking what you w ant to do. Select CallGraph to view a hierarchy of all sub-functions w hich are called by your function. This is a very useful feature often overlooked in Visual Studio.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\DevStudio\6.0\Keyboard HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\DevStudio\6.0\Layout
Use REGEDIT to Export these registry locations to an external file, then simply Import the settings w hen you need them on any new machine.
3. Select Code Generation from the Category combo-box. 4. In the Use run-time library drop-dow n-list, select: Debug Multithreaded DLL for Debug builds Multithreaded DLL for Release builds
Now add the follow ing line to the top of your main source file and you will have instantly smaller exes:
Description Displays the return value of a function after it returns. Display the current Win32 GetLastError value
string,su value,hr value,wm value,x array,23 address,mb
4. Restart the IDE for the changes to take effect. Of course as soon as you accidently step into a function that you didn't w ant to be in, simply press SHIFT+F11 to step out again. Array Tip
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There are many useful commands available in the w atch w indow , w hich can alter the way variables and error values are displayed by the debugger. corporate gifts | promotional clothing | Promotional Products Array
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Warning: Table './strobede_catch22/accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO accesslog (title, path, url, hostname, uid, sid, timer, timestamp) values('', 'node/13', 'http://w w w PQzCSgt7t188zhX87GIp0fSmg', '', 0, '16b9a79dddaef7bc370f7936002b59bb', 165, 1301494550) in /home/strobede/catch22/includes/ on line 128