Low Birth Weight Literature Review

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Crafting a comprehensive literature review is a daunting task that requires a significant investment of

time, effort, and expertise. For those delving into the realm of Low Birth Weight, the challenges are
even more pronounced. Navigating through a vast array of scholarly articles, research papers, and
academic publications demands a keen understanding of the subject matter, as well as the ability to
synthesize and critically analyze the available literature.

The intricacies of a Low Birth Weight literature review lie in the need to identify relevant studies,
discern key findings, and synthesize the information coherently. Researchers must grapple with the
complexities of statistical analyses, methodological approaches, and varying perspectives across a
multitude of studies. The synthesis of diverse sources into a cohesive narrative requires a nuanced
understanding of the topic and the ability to draw meaningful connections between disparate pieces
of research.

Moreover, the sheer volume of available literature on Low Birth Weight can be overwhelming.
Researchers often find themselves immersed in a sea of information, struggling to sift through the
wealth of studies to pinpoint the most pertinent and impactful contributions to their specific focus.
This process demands both time and expertise, making it a challenging endeavor for those navigating
the intricacies of academic research.

In light of these challenges, individuals seeking assistance with their Low Birth Weight literature
reviews may find solace in seeking professional support. ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ offers a reliable and
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The purpose of this study is to discuss the risks of low birth weight, preterm birth, and birth defect
for children conceived by assisted reproductive technology in Taiwan. Risk of cancer in children
conceived by assisted reproductive technology. The purpose of the study was to determine the
relationship between a history of LBW and the development of children under five. Sign up for
email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when
they're released. Preterm Birth See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics
Job Board We're Hiring. Since 2007, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, MOHW (previously known
as the Department of Health under the Executive Yuan) has requested all participating ART clinics
and hospitals to register cycle-specific information for all ART treatment cycles. IJAR Indexing HIV
in pregnancy may result in mother to child transmission. Furthermore, the prevalence of chromosome
abnormalities could not be accurately assessed in children conceived by ART because prenatal
genetic diagnoses (PGD) and artificial abortions were routinely applied if the patients were desired
while ART conceptions was performed in Taiwan. CURRENT DOMAIN OF STUDY Keeping in
mind the earlier done researches and the introduction of the problem at hand it has been aimed that
the current domain of research would be spanned over a number of factors. Stress was investigated
by the perceived stress scale, PSS, and distress by both the general health questionnaire, GHQ, and
the State Trait Anxiety inventories, STAI. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The
study included all 8219 second-order low-birthweight (LBW) singleton Danish births, 1980-94, of
whom 7811 were liveborn. Objectives of the study to assess the level of knowledge among antenatal
mothers regarding prevention of low birth weight babies. Objective: We aimed to identify the
association between pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and gestational weight gain on birth
outcomes. Earlier studies conducted by other researchers also showed educational programs are
helpful in increasing the knowledge of antenatal mothers See Full PDF Download PDF See Full
to the expected baby’s health one of the basic factors that is bought into consideration is the tendency
of the expectant mother to smoke. Hansen et al. studied more than 210,000 children born in Western
Australia between 1994 and 2002 and found an increased risk of intellectual disability for children
conceived by ART ( 10 ). Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements
that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. The review comments
and draft manuscript remain confidential to protect the integrity of the deliberative process. And this
can be the result of premature birth of growth restriction. Growth in very preterm children: a
longitudinal study. Studies have shown that later on in life babies that have been born with low birth
weight are very likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes and obesity. The present study was conducted
with aim to find out the maternal risk factors related to VLBW of newborn.Methods: This
prospective case control study was conducted in Govt. R.S.R.M Lying in Hospital, which is affiliated
to Stanley Medical College, during the period from January 2005- December 2005. For instance, in
some HICs smoking is still a huge problem. Yet there is still a large gap between the outcomes in
developing and developed countries. Yet achieving this practically, especially in emergency settings
or weak health systems, remains a challenge. Below is this extraordinary work in her own words.
Method: Articles were collected from several databases including Medline, CINAHL, EBSCOhost,
Google Scholar, PubMed, and Proquest. The percentage of births by ART increased from 0.86% in
1998 to 1.44% in 2007, and then to 4.33% in 2016, with an annual increase of 41.23% ( 1 ). Possible
social factors contributing to the increase of using ART are many; such as women postponing their
childbearing age, busy jobs, higher social pressure, or even same-sex marriages. An increased
incidence of preterm birth has been reported ( 8 ), and the risk could not be reduced even by elective
single embryo transfer ( 9 ).
Prevention of parent to child transmission can be executed as primary prevention strategies through
early testing and referring clients to ICTC during pregnancy or lactation. CURRENT DOMAIN OF
STUDY Keeping in mind the earlier done researches and the introduction of the problem at hand it
has been aimed that the current domain of research would be spanned over a number of factors. In
the long run, additional research in genuine LBW data collection methodology and improved
interventions in the social health determinants will be the key role factors that will bring further
improvements in reducing the proportion of LBW. Cases and controls were randomly selected
independent of the exposure status in the ratio of 1:2. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2007;
85: 583S-90S. Birth outcomes of intended pregnancies among women who used assisted
reproductive technology, ovulation stimulation, or no treatment. Lobert To evaluate: (1) the
associations between maternal psychological stress, distress and low birth weight (LBW),
prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR); (2) the interactions between maternal stress,
distress and smoking, alcohol and coffee intake; (3) the prevalences of stress and distress in
pregnancy. There’s a target of 30% reduction in low birth weight by 2025, which is why we did this
work to get some baseline tracking towards that target. Long-term problems that can occur in
children who have a history of LBW include growth and development. Researchers were able to
know addresses of mothers, as well as the birth weight of their babies, and combine that information
with data that included the location and dates of fracked gas wells.They first looked at infant health
data from mothers who lived within 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) of an active well site, and drilled down
to look at those that resided between three and 15 kilometers and those that lived less than three
kilometers. We know the start of health begins in-utero, so if unhealthy at that point, it will lead to
longer term problems. For more information, configuration and to withdraw your consent, please
click “Manage consent preferences.” Cookie settings ACCEPT ALL Manage consent. Growth and
development of full-term nonasphyxiated small-for-gestational-age newborns: follow-up through
adolescence. LBW newborns who survive have a greater risk of both short and long term adverse
health consequences. Below is this extraordinary work in her own words. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. Preterm Birth See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People
Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. Joan Casey is a postdoctoral scholar at the University of
California’s Berkeley School of Public Health. Zac1 plays an important role in neural stem cell
quiescence, proliferation and differentiation ( 26 ). The annual proportions of preterm births in ART
conception, ART conception singletons and natural pregnancy are in the Supplement Table 2.
However, health risks associated with ART-conceptions have been reported in both animal studies
and epidemiological surveys, which demands more attention and further considerations in future
clinic practices. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. Upon
initial study of the given data, the following queries arise. The following domain would be attempted
to be analyzed: The finding of the birth weights of babies belonging to different ethnic groups The
finding that whether the babies of smoking and non-smoking mothers weight the same or not
Having done the above two comparisons it would be assessed that whether smoking and ethnic
grouping both have any effect on the birth weight of the newborn or not. Methods: The present study
was conducted at Department of OBG, Niloufer Hospital, Hyderabad. Pembahasan: Hasil penelitian
ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas asuhan keperawatan pada BBLR untuk mencapai
kepuasan perawat dan orangtua dalam memberikan asuhan kepada bayi sehingga dapat menurunkan
angka kematian bayi. Effects of oocyte vitrification on epigenetic status in early bovine embryos.
Comparative descriptive research design with cross sectional approach. Results: The overall pretest
knowledge scores of role of ICTC in PPTCT of HIV was found to be 48.5% and the overall post test
knowledge score was found to 86.0% and enhancement in the mean percentage knowledge score
was found to be significant at 5% level for all the aspects under study. Because it is
UNCORRECTED material, please consider the following text as a useful but insufficient proxy for
the authoritative book pages.
Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: the thrifty phenotype hypothesis. This article has
been cited by the following publications. Also valuable in the early development of the report was
consultation with Helen Gelband, a paper prepared by Jeffrey Stringer, research provided by Patricia
Cuff, Katherine Oberholtzer, Vanessa Larson, and interns Kevin Crosby, Nikki Williams, and Maria
Vassileva. Currie says the shale gas boom has also provided economic benefits to some residents
living close to the activity. Responsibility for the final content of this report rests entirely with the
authoring committee and the institution. In recent years, more than two-thirds of all infant deaths in
the United States occurred to the slightly less than eight percent of infants born at low birth weight.
I’d see the same mothers coming back again and again with things that were preventable and we
could have done things about. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. There were so many small babies
coming in and dying unnecessarily, and I’d come from the UK where those babies wouldn’t have
died. The journal is a forum for community and Public health professionals to share their experience
and expertise with others in the field. If you are coming to LSHTM to study an intensive master's
degree or distance learning programme (PG Cert, PG Dip, MSc or individual modules) starting in
2024, you may be eligible for a 5% discount on your tuition fees. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Researchers also reported an
increase in arterial hypertension in children conceived by ART, probably due to ART-induced
premature vascular aging ( 13, 14 ). Appropriate feeding method to maintain nutrition of LBW. These
cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. You also have
the option to opt-out of these cookies. There were 50 neonates with lowbirth weight born to mothers
below the age of 18 years. We know the start of health begins in-utero, so if unhealthy at that point,
it will lead to longer term problems. Inclusion Criteria: All babies with birth weight between 1500-
2500gm were included in the study. The following domain would be attempted to be analyzed: The
finding of the birth weights of babies belonging to different ethnic groups The finding that whether
the babies of smoking and non-smoking mothers weight the same or not Having done the above two
comparisons it would be assessed that whether smoking and ethnic grouping both have any effect on
the birth weight of the newborn or not. These savings were estimated for a single year and consisted
of initial. Information regarding exposure status was assessed through interviews and medical
records. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this
website. Below is this extraordinary work in her own words. States specified a reduction in the low
birthweight rate as one of the objec. While the paper calls for accurate gestational age measurement,
which is a desperately needed component of high-quality antenatal care, birth weight remains a
highly important and relevant indicator since accurate gestational age measurement is unlikely to be
undertaken systematically in the immediate future in many settings where the burden is greatest.
Results: Nursing care services provided by the nursing team are hindered by several factors, such as
various level of nurses' knowledge, not optimal health education activities, incomplete standard
operational procedure, ethical dilemma, paramedic functions, and documentation system. Maternal
nutrition and risk of obesity in offspring: the Trojan horse of developmental plasticity. Spontaneous
preterm births Provider initiated preterm. It is owing to all these important factors that the causes
leading to low birth weight should be figured out and analyzed.
The objective of this study is to assess th effect of antenatal risk factors and mode of delivery on the
survival out come of low birth weight babies, in Niloufer Hospital, Hyderabad. Upon the authority of
the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to
advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters. Below is this extraordinary work
in her own words. Or they’ve not had long enough to grow in the womb and were born before 37
weeks, called preterm birth. A large number of mortality and morbidity can be prevented by
addressing the factors associated with low birth weight. This book addresses the steps needed to
reduce that gap. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY). Objectives of the study to assess the level of knowledge among
antenatal mothers regarding prevention of low birth weight babies. The committee has based its
study on data and information from several developing countries, and provides recommendations
that can assist the March of Dimes, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and NIH in tailoring
their international program and forging new partnerships to reduce the mortality and morbidity
associated with adverse birth outcomes. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security
features of the website, anonymously. The percentage of twin pregnancy was higher in ART
conceptions than that in natural pregnancy, but the rates of twin birth in ART decrease slightly
during the study period ( Supplement Figure 2 ). It has also been noted that birth weight of babies
varies from that of one ethnic group to another. Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the
Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. The journal is a forum for community and Public health
professionals to share their experience and expertise with others in the field. We need to give them
access to greater quality of care. I would also like to see investment in newborn inpatient care, and
postnatal care, coupled with improved support for mothers caring for these babies, enabling their
babies to survive and thrive. For those who just can't get enough Alternative Music in their lives.
Initially as an M.Sc student and then stayed on as staff PhD with the Maternal and Newborn Health
group within the MARCH centre at LSHTM. Query 2: Whether the birth weights of infants of
smoking mothers varied from those of nonsmoking mothers. Method: Articles were collected from
several databases including Medline, CINAHL, EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, PubMed, and
Proquest. Children conceived by ART, compared to those through natural pregnancy, had an
increased likelihood of developing any defects (0.83% vs. 0.42%, p Table 4 ), cardiovascular defects
(0.24% vs. 0.06%, p p p Supplement Tables 3, 4. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan
model pelayanan asuhan keperawatan pada BBLR dan menguji model tersebut. Also, you can type in
a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Pregnancy outcome in
nulliparous women 35 years and older. For instance, in some HICs smoking is still a huge problem.
Weight Gain Premature Birth See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics
Job Board We're Hiring. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that
page in the book. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie
settings. What would you advise anyone reading this to do if they wanted to make a difference.
Essentials of new born care Essentials of new born care Introduction to global strategy of iycf
Introduction to global strategy of iycf Monitoring of high risk of neonates.

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