Benin CSA Profile
Benin CSA Profile
Benin CSA Profile
in Benin
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) considerations
• Agriculture is the mainstay for Benin’s national economy
P P• Livestock represents a major source of agricultural
employing over 70% of the population. Agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Promising CSA options in
practices are mainly rainfall-red and characterised by
A the livestock sector include the introduction of high-value
small land holdings, low inputs with maize, sorghum, rice, M species or crossbreeding with local breeds, conservation
cassava, yams, and groundnut as major food crops and of animal feed for the dry season, use of resistant varieties
cashew, shea nut and cotton as major cash crops. Major of fodder and seasonal livestock movement to find water
livestock include sheep, goat, cattle, pig and poultry. and pasture.
P• The agriculture sector is struggling to meet the food I• The potential for integrated agricultural systems and
security needs of its growing population particularly landscapes that incorporate crop, livestock and fish
in the face of highly variable weather and changes in
A production, as well as forestry need further exploration
climate. Factors such as declining soil fertility, poor M and promotion in the country. Other off-farm services
financial services, land tenure complications, limited P related to CSA also need to be enhanced, including
infrastructure and underdeveloped markets continue to climate-services, and index-based weather insurance.
hamper agricultural growth. Enhancement of CSA-related input and output markets
is also required.
P Climate change is set to exacerbate the already existing
challenges. Recent climate projections show both I• Various stakeholder institutions, strategies, policies and
increasing and decreasing trends of rainfall depending on programs are implemented in the field of agriculture and
M the agro-ecological zones. However, projections indicate A climate change. Coordination among policies, sectors
that temperatures across the country will continue to M and institutions will be crucial for sustained adoption of
increase (by 1 to 2°C on average per year depending on P CSA practices in Benin.
the GCM used), exposing smallholder farmers to serious
I• Funding for climate-smart agriculture is generally
limited and unfocused, although efforts are underway
• Crop-based CSA practices and technologies such as $ to ensure that Benin can access and utilise international
the use of short duration crop varieties, zai planting pits, climate finance from sources such as the Green Climate
P agroforestry, mulching, soil water conservation and Fund (GCF), through readiness and capacity building
erosion control are normally used among the farming programmes. At national level, the National Fund
population to avert climate-related risks. The use of crop for Environment and Climate (FNEC), which targets
rotations, intercropping and staggered/ relay cropping reforestation, agriculture and livestock, is a useful
are common in a number of commodities, such as maize, mechanism for directing climate finance to CSA-related
groundnuts and sorghum. activities.
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition that address challenges in environmental, social, and economic
to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate dimensions across productive landscapes. While the concept is
responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader new, and still evolving, many of the practices that make up CSA
development goals under a changing climate and increasing food already exist worldwide and are used by farmers to cope with
demand. CSA initiatives sustainably increase productivity, enhance various production risks [2]. Mainstreaming CSA requires critical
resilience, and reduce/remove greenhouse gases (GHGs), and stocktaking of ongoing and promising practices for the future,
require planning to address trade-offs and synergies between and of institutional and financial enablers for CSA adoption. This
these three pillars: productivity, adaptation, and mitigation [1]. country profile provides a snapshot of a developing baseline
created to initiate discussion, both within countries and globally,
The priorities of different countries and stakeholders are reflected about entry points for investing in CSA at scale.
to achieve more efficient, effective, and equitable food systems
National context People, agriculture and livelihoods in Benin
Economic relevance of agriculture
Benin’s economy is based on agriculture with 45% of the
population involved in primary production agriculture.
Agriculture contributes about 25% of the national gross
domestic product (GDP). Cotton accounts for 40% of
agriculture’s contribution to GDP and 80% of official exports
[3]. Although the economic growth of the country is largely
dependent on agriculture, fluctuations in rainfall amounts,
declining soil fertility, limited access to high quality seeds,
the high cost of agricultural inputs, and the low level of
mechanization negatively affect the country’s agricultural
growth and food security. In this regard, Benin imports
several food crops, particularly rice, representing 33% of the
total value of imported products and 81% of the imported
food products [3]; rice imports being imperative to meet the
food demands of the country’s rapidly growing population.
Benin benefits significantly from Nigeria’s anti-import
policies and customs regulations as a huge proportion of
exports to Nigeria enter through Benin. Major agricultural
exports include palm oil, maize, cotton, cashew nuts, rice,
pineapples, sugar and rice, with exports of unprocessed
agricultural produce valued at USD 467 million annually [3].
Source: [3, 4]
Source: [3, 4, 5]
As defined by the Ministry of Agriculture in the framework of the Integrated National Agricultural Statistics System project (SNISA)
Benin 3
Production systems key for food security in Benin
Source: [4]
Source: [3, 4, 7]
The proportion of hungry in Benin reduced from 28.1% in 1990/92 to 7.5% in 2014/16 with the total number of hungry falling from 1.5 million people to 0.8 million in the same
Benin 5
Greenhouse gas emissions in Benin Challenges for the agricultural sector
The agricultural sector of Benin faces many challenges.
Limited access to land in the peri-urban production zones
and in some regions such as Atacora and Couffo (where
there is high pressure on land resource) is one of the
problems to crop intensification. The lack of land titles
by most smallholder farmers hinders the ability to invest
in equipment such as irrigation facilities and on-farm
machinery. Major agricultural challenges also include the
poor agriculture credit system and market infrastructure,
which limits market assess to farmers.
Obtained using DSSAT modelling-with the GCM climate 2050
Baseline is defined as a “stable” climate
Benin 7
CSA technologies and practices The following graphics present a selection of CSA practices
with high climate-smartness scores according to expert
CSA technologies and practices present opportunities evaluations. The average climate smartness score is
for addressing climate change challenges, as well as for calculated based on the practice’s individual scores on eight
economic growth and development of the agriculture climate smartness dimensions that relate to the CSA pillars:
sector. For this profile, practices are considered CSA if they yield (productivity); income, water, soil, risks (adaptation);
enhance food security as well as at least one of the other energy, carbon and nitrogen (mitigation). A practice can
objectives of CSA (adaptation and/or mitigation). Hundreds have a negative, positive or zero impact on a selected CSA
of technologies and approaches around the world fall under indicator, with ±10 indicating a 100% change (positive/
the heading of CSA. negative) and 0 indicating no change. Practices in the
graphics have been selected for each production system key
In crop production, CSA practices identified in Benin for food security identified in the study.
include the use of improved varieties, soil mulching (use
of crop residues), polyethylene films, water harvesting and
small-scale irrigation (drip or micro actor) and efficient
sowing practices. The use of crop rotations, intercropping
and staggered/ relay cropping are common in a number of
commodities, such as maize, groundnuts and sorghum. For
rice production, common climate-smart practices include
production in inland valleys and flooded areas as well as
staggered planting, both of which largely focus on increasing
productivity and resilience. The use of flood irrigation in rice
cultivation is however, one of the major sources of methane
production in the country and needs to be addressed if the
rice cultivation system is to become truly climate-smart.
Benin 9
Case study: Field schools’ to promote the use of climate information
in agriculture in Benin
For Initiatives pour un Developpement Integre Durable (IDID)-ONG, a local NGO operating in the field of climate
change in Benin, adapting to climate change will depend on improving farmers’ access to climate information. A
climate simulation exercise in Benin shows that by 2025, yields of maize, peanuts, cassava, cowpeas, and rice, may
fall by six per cent and production of all-important cash crops such as cotton could decline by almost one-third. An
action research project7 engaging a broad spectrum of relevant stakeholders to strengthen rural Benin’s capacity
to adapt to climate change is looking into (1) how farmers can access information that would enable them plant
and harvest on time under varying climate conditions; and (2) how farmers could be involved in the information
gathering process and in developing measures to address climatic upheaval.
The project brings together researchers, farmers, and local decision-makers in ‘farmer field schools (FFS) to discuss
and disseminate climate information (meteorological forecasts). Key partners were in the Ministry of Agriculture
(MAEP), the National Agricultural Research System (INRAB), National Universities, and the National Meteorological
Service (Meteo Benin). The project operated through multi-stakeholder meetings, which normally take place
between January and March, before the planting season in early April to determine what the coming rainfall season is
expected to be like. The ‘field schools’ offer the opportunity for farmers to interact with meteorologists and research
actors, and help farmers make informed choices about when to sow and harvest crops. During the rainy season
from farmers together with researchers, also use the field schools as a means of testing and sharing knowledge on
different CSA practices, which could improve their resilience and productivity given the expected rainfall scenario.
Climate-smart options that have been tested include mulching, planting pits, and use of organic fertilizers/ manure.
As part of the initiative, more than 300 farmers were enrolled in sixty ‘field schools’ across six districts in the country
to test the use of climate information in agriculture.
The ‘field schools’ are a good example of a joint multi stakeholder’s process to scaling climate information. Based
on information, dialogue, and trial of climate smart technologies, the project has strengthened farmers’ capacity. It
supported the introduction of innovative agricultural practices that retain soil moisture, as well as the introduction
of drought-adapted varieties, and better management of rainwater runoff practices. Crucial information garnered
through this project will also help local leaders to better realize the agricultural potential in their communities; be
better able to plan agricultural production choices (such as variety choice and timing of planting); and make targeted
investments in agricultural storage and marketing infrastructure.
The project on “Strengthening the Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change in Rural Benin,” led by Initiatives pour un développement integré durable (IDID-ONG),
is supported by the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) research and capacity development program. The CCAA program is jointly funded by Canada’s
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID).
Increases the yield per unit area. Diversifies
farm activities and income (fruit, fodder,
timber, fuelwood etc.).
Reduces maize heat stress and other
climatic shocks. Maintains soil moisture and
systems (alley 30-60%
fertility. Promotes gender equity. Conserves
wildlife habitat.
Reduces emission of methane and other
GHG related with excessive use of fertilizers.
Increases atmospheric carbon capture
above- and below-ground.
Crop diversification can improve yields,
with potential benefits for food and
nutrition security and income.
Crop Promotes soil structure conservation and
association <30% minimizes erosion. Direct benefit on soil
(leguminous and on-farm biodiversity. Contributes to
crops e.g. spread crop failure risk due to a pests or
Mucuna) diseases attack.
Allows reduction in nitrogen-based
fertilizers. Maintains or improves above-
and below-ground carbon stocks and
organic matter content.
Increases household income. Organic
inputs from the system itself can enhance
long-term soil productivity and reduce
production costs.
Promotes soil and water conservation.
Increases soil health and biodiversity upon
systems (Alley 30-60% decomposition of organic matter. Promotes
empowerment of women. Minimizes
erosive processes.
Increases carbon storage above- and
belowground. Reduces use of synthetic
fertilizers and related GHG emissions/
carbon footprint.
Benin 11
Region and Predominant
adoption rate farm scale
(%) S: small scale Climate smartness Impact on CSA Pillars
M: medium scale
<30 30-60 60>
L: large scale
Potential increases in profits due to
increased crop yield and produce quality.
Integrated crop Potential of byproducts generation.
management Adaptation
(use of Increases farmers’ capacity to limit the crop
improved 30-60% exposure to crop damage caused by pest,
varieties, diseases and climate shocks. Favor aeration
grafting, and microclimate conditions.
pruning) Mitigation
Maintains or improves soil carbon stocks
and organic matter content. Serves as
alternative source of fuelwood.
Enhances production per unit area.
Diversifies income and food sources.
Reduces use of external inputs hence
reducing production costs.
Contributes to spread crop failure risk,
improves soil water retention. Reduces
tree species
exposure to adverse climatic conditions,
e.g. Gliricidia) 30-60%
reducing animal’s stresses. Promotes
alternative to
ecosystem health.
system Mitigation
Increases above- and below- ground
carbon capture and storage. Reduces
methane emissions and other GHG
emissions associated with nitrogen-based
Increases crop yield stability and produce
quality hence household income.
Promotes soil structure and moisture
conservation. Contributes to make efficient
including 60% use of rainwater and other agricultural
increased size
inputs. Reduces losses due to changing
of yam sticks
weather patterns.
Allows medium- to long-term increases in
soil carbon stocks.
Higher profits due to increased crop yields
and reduced production costs. Diversifies
income sources.
The inclusion of trees in fields can provide
Agroforestry shade for alleys reducing heat stress
systems (Alley 30-60% and preserving soil moisture. Promotes
cropping) ecosystem health and welfare of people.
Increases above- and below- ground
carbon capture and storage. Crop residues
can be composted and used as organic
fertilizers, therefore reducing the related
GHG emissions.
Promotes high yields per unit area, hence
potential increase in income due to
reduced production costs.
Use of Adaptation
improved Increases farmers’ capacity to limit the crop
varieties exposure to climate risks. In the long term,
(drought- increases in soil biomass accumulation can
resistant and enhance soil fertility.
short-cycle) Mitigation
Promotes above- and below-ground
carbon sinks and soil organic matter
content. Long-term reduction in nitrogen-
based fertilizers.
Increases animal yield and production
stability in dry seasons hence maintains
income throughout the year.
Constitution Adaptation
of food Can be done manually by any type of
reserves for farmer. Animal production less weather-
the dry season dependent. Provides higher feed quality
(haylage, bale through leaf preservation and possible
silage, etc.) nitrate reduction.
Removes GHG such as carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere. High-quality feed reduces
methane emissions from ruminants.
Increases in productivity stability due to
increased resilience to stress caused by
Use of
<30% Increases resilience to biotic stress and
forage varieties
climate shocks. Enhances water use
Provides moderate reduction in GHG
emissions per unit of food produced. Long-
term accumulation or dry matter in the soil.
Benin 13
Region and Predominant
adoption rate farm scale
(%) S: small scale Climate smartness Impact on CSA Pillars
M: medium scale
<30 30-60 60>
L: large scale
Sheep (NA)
Increases total production and productivity
per unit area during the year. Increased
income stability and food security.
Decreases drought vulnerability and feed
of food
scarcity for animal production. Increases
reserves for
30-60% preservation and retention of nutritional
the dry season
forage characteristics compared to dry
seasons. Minimizes hay barn structures
silage, etc.)
Removes GHG such as carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere. High-quality feed reduces
methane emissions from ruminants.
Reduces costs of production through
reduction in external input use. Increases in
income through high quality food.
Builds soil fertility by improving physical
and bio-chemical soil characteristics.
Promotes biodiversity conservation.
and fodder <30% Provides alternative food source, increasing
adaptive capacity to dry season. Reduces
crop residues,
soil erosion.
forage etc.) Mitigation
Reduces GHG emissions (carbon footprint)
by reducing consumption of energy,
synthetic fertilizers and other agricultural
inputs. High-quality feed reduces methane
emissions from ruminants.
Increases productivity. Reduces costs of
production through reduction in input use.
Increases in income through high quality
and healthy produce.
Enhances soil health, water retention,
Soil Fertility
dynamic functions of soil’s biology and
Management 30-60%
long-term fertility, increasing the system’s
(use of organic
potential to overcome climate shocks.
Reduces use of nitrogen-based synthetic
fertilizer, thus reducing related GHG
emissions. Contributes to minimize
methane emissions upon aerobic
Increases and diversifies household
income. Reduces production costs.
IPromotes soil and water conservation.
Multi-layered Increases soil health and biodiversity upon
agriculture decomposition of organic matter. Promotes
(inclusion 30-60% empowerment of women. Minimizes erosive
of trees and processes.
vegetable Mitigation
gardens) Reduces the need for nitrogen fertilizer
application when leguminous crops are
introduced. Reduces GHG emissions
(carbon footprint) by reducing use of
synthetic agrochemicals. Maintains and/or
improves soil carbon stocks.
Increases yields due to fertility restoration.
Diversification of farm incomes.
Integrated Reduces environmental degradation.
Soil Fertility Increases biodiversity in the soil as well
Management as on the farm. Reduces transmission of
(use of organic diseases and break down pest cycles.
fertilizers, Mitigation
inoculants) Reduces the need for nitrogen fertilizers
application when inoculants are
introduced. Reduces GHG emissions
(carbon footprint) by reducing use of
synthetic agrochemicals.
Enhances production per unit area.
Diversifies income and food sources. Allows
constant production throughout the year.
Enhances production per unit area.
Diversifies income and food sources. Allows
constant production throughout the year.
rotation and 30-60% Increases farmers’ capacity to limit the crop
intercropping exposure to climate risks. Reduces soil
erosion. Increases water and nutrient use
efficiency per unit of output.
Introduction of leguminous crops increases
the efficient use of Nitrogen-based
fertilizers, and reduces related nitrous oxide
emissions. Maintains or improves above-
and below-ground carbon stocks.
Benin 15
Region and Predominant
adoption rate farm scale
(%) S: small scale Climate smartness Impact on CSA Pillars
M: medium scale
<30 30-60 60>
L: large scale
Increases in household income and
profit due to harvesting of multiple areas.
Increases production per unit area.
Cultivation in
inland valleys
30-60% Minimizes water use per unit of product,
and flooded
increasing water use efficiency. Promotes
resilience to climate conditions.
Maintains or improves soil carbon stocks
and soil organic matter content.
Reduces cost of production and increases
Reduces soil degradation and erosion.
Increases water availability. Improves soil
(re-sowing, <30% health by enhancing soil structure and
fertility. Frees up time for decision-making.
Reduces GHG emissions related with soil
ploughing. Allows medium- to long-term
increases in soil carbon stocks when
implemented comprehensively.
Increases yield and quality of produce.
Allows round-year production.
Increases farmers’ capacity to limit the
crop exposure to climate risks. Facilitates
<30% diversification of livelihoods. Reduces soil
systems (Alley
erosion. Increases water and nutrient use
efficiency per unit of output.
Reduces GHG emissions (carbon
footprint) by reducing use of synthetic
agrochemicals. Maintains and/or improves
soil carbon stocks.
Increases productivity and income through
increased product quality.
Builds soil fertility by improving physical
Mulching and bio-chemical soil characteristics.
(use of crop 30-60% Increases moisture retention due to
residues) mulching. Reduces soil erosion.
Provides moderate reduction in GHG
emissions per unit of output. Maintains and/
or improves soil carbon stocks and soil
organic matter.
Benin 17
In Benin, different strategies and programs are implemented of Climate Change on Agricultural Production and Food
in the field of agriculture and climate change. Key policies Security in Benin9 [27]. The NAPA is also considered a sub-
dealing with CSA can be grouped into three categories: programme of the National Environmental Management
Policy under formulation (in phase of designing - writing/ Programme (PNGE) and the Growth and Poverty Reduction
consulting), legally formalized policies (enacted) and Strategy Paper (SCRP) of Benin.
policies actively implemented (implemented policies and
evidences are already visible). Many other policies and programs related to climate change
have been implemented in order to strengthen the resilience
Benin signed and ratified the United Nations Framework and adaptation capacity of food systems and water control.
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in June 1994. It
submitted its Initial National Communication to the UNFCCC • The Environmental Action Plan (EAP) defines the
in 2002 and its second National Communication in 2011 national environmental policy and strategy. It focuses
[21]. The Third National Communication is being developed, on changing behaviour and better management of
with identified priorities including energy, industrial natural resources.
processes, agriculture, waste, and land use (including
forestry). Benin has shown a strong commitment to issues • The National Action Plan for the Fight against
relating to the environment and sustainable development. Desertification, within the framework of the Convention
The core elements of the national communications relate to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) aims to identify
to information on carbon emissions and the removal of the factors contributing to desertification and identifies
greenhouse gases (GHGs) through a reduction in emissions practical measures necessary to combat desertification
and the use of carbon sinks. The country also signed and and mitigate the effects of droughts. The plan focuses
ratified the Kyoto Protocol in February 2002, and ultimately largely on forestry related initiatives.
submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
to the UNFCCC in August 2015 [16]. The initial actions • The National Forest Policy seeks to improve the
demonstrated a willingness to adapt to climate change conservation and management of forests with the
through complying with international policies on the participation of local communities.
subject, while the more recent submission of the INDC
demonstrated the willingness to also contribute to GHG • The Strategic Orientation Development Plan (2006-
mitigation where possible, including in the agriculture 2011) provides an orientation for different sectors to
sector. The compliance with these commitments involves achieve a “balanced development and sustainable
actions to protect the environment while exploring options national space”.
to intensify agricultural production.
• The National Strategy and Action Plan for Conservation
At the national level, one of the most important climate of Biological Diversity, within the framework of the
change policy instruments is the National Long-Term Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD), aims
Outlook for 2025 [27]. Through the support of several to contribute to national development and poverty
strategies and plans, it aims to make Benin an economically reduction through biodiversity management, including
prosperous and competitive country with a pledge to the management of plant, forest, livestock and fish
welfare of the people. In that frame, The National Strategy resources.
for Implementation of the UNFCCC from 2003 contains
measures for sectoral mitigation and adaptation to climate • Benin’s Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development
change. Strategy, 2016 – 2025.
In 2008, Benin’s NAPA was formulated, identifying the The graphic shows a selection of policies, strategies and
agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry sectors as programs that relate to agriculture and climate change
being particularly vulnerable to climate change. The topics and are considered key entry points for CSA in the
NAPA identified priority five areas of work including country.
climate information and early warning for food security;
promotion of renewable energy; and use of surface water
for climate change adaptation8 and specifically identified
activities/ practices such as promotion of small livestock,
integrated watershed management, community forestry,
wood saving stoves, agroforestry and improved irrigation
water management. The NAPA led among others to the
development of the USD 11 million Global Environment
Fund (GEF) Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF) project
on Integrated Adaptation Programme to Combat the Effects
Benin 19
Financing opportunities for CSA in Benin
1. The Integrated Production and Pest Management
programme which is supporting Beninese farmers to practice
balanced fertilization, crop rotations and optimal plant
spacing, to boost cotton, rice and vegetable production.
Potential Finance
While the country has been stepping up efforts to access
international climate finance, local level climate financing
has also been emphasised. In May 2013, a Cabinet decision
on the transformation of the National Environmental Fund
(FNE) into the National Fund for the Environment and
Climate (FNEC) was passed and its statutory instruments
were then revised to enable the FNEC to mobilize climate
finance resources from the GCF and other international
funding sources. FNEC presents a great opportunity to
mobilize climate finance and direct it to climate-smart
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M. 2000. The influence of storage practices on aflatoxin Explorer (CAIT). Available at:
Benin 21
[25] Ramírez J; Jarvis A. 2008. High-resolution statistically
[16] Ministere De L’environnement Charge De La Gestion downscaled future climate surfaces. International Center for
Des Changements Climatiques Du Reboisement Et De Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); CGIAR Research Program on
La Protection Des Ressources Naturelles Et Forestieres. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
2015. Benin Contributions Prevues Determinees Au Niveau Cali, Colombia.
National. September 2015.
[26] Ramírez-Villegas J; Thornton PK. 2015. Climate
[17] Ba, M.N. 2016. Analysis of Agricultural Commodities change impacts on African crop production. Working Paper
Value Chains and Greenhouse Gas Emission in Rice and No. 119. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change,
Maize in West Africa: Impact on Food Security, Agricultural Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen,
Sciences, 7 (2016) 457. Denmark. Available at:
[18] Williamson, S. 2003. The dependency syndrome: [27] Frankfurt School - UNEP Collaborating Centre for
Pesticide use by African smallholders, Pesticide Action Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance. 2014. Case
Network UK, London Study: The National Environmental Fund Benin, http://www.
[19] Akogbeto, M.C., Djouaka, R., Noukpo, H. 2005.
Utilisation des insecticides au Bénin, Bull Soc Pathol Exot
98 (5), 400-405.
This publication is a product of the collaborative effort between the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) –
lead Center of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), The International
Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), and The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) to identify country-specific baselines on CSA in West Africa (Benin, the Gambia, Niger and Côte d’Ivoire). The
publication is based on data collected by FAO in collaboration with CSA stakeholders and partners in Benin and on previous
work commissioned and led by the World Bank Group to identify country-specific baselines and entry points for scaling out
CSA, through data analysis and series of dialogues with national stakeholders. The work complements the CSA Profiles series
developed since 2014 by the World Bank, CIAT and CCAFS for countries in Latin America, Asia, Eastern and Central Europe,
and Africa (
The document was prepared under the co-leadership of Albert Nikiema (FAORAF), Benjamin DeRidder (FAORAF), Mathias
Edetor (FAORAF), Edmond Totin (ICRISAT), Samuel Tetteh Partey (ICRISAT/CCAFS), Robert Zougmoré (ICRISAT/CCAFS),
Evan Girvetz (CIAT), Andrew Jarvis (CIAT/CCAFS) and Sebastian Grey (CIAT). It is based on a methodology prepared by CIAT,
the World Bank and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) in 2014 and revisited in 2015 by
Andreea Nowak, Caitlin Corner-Dolloff, Miguel Lizarazo, Andy Jarvis, Evan Girvetz, Jennifer Twyman, Julian Ramírez, Carlos
Navarro, Jaime Tarapues (CIAT/CCAFS), Charles Spillane, Colm Duffy and Una Murray (National University Ireland Galway).
Main authors: Edmond Totin (ICRISAT), Samuel Tetteh Partey (ICRISAT/CCAFS) and P. Irénikatché Akponikpe (Consultant/
Editors: Sebastian Grey (CIAT), Miguel Lizarazo (CIAT/CCAFS), Ivy Kinyua (CIAT) and Jamleck Osiemo (CIAT)
FAO; ICRISAT; CIAT. 2018. Climate-Smart Agriculture in Benin. CSA Country Profiles for Africa Series. International Center for
Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT); Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Rome, Italy. 22p.
This document has benefitted from comments received from: P. Irénikatché Akponikpe (Consultant/FAO).
The fieldwork that supported the preparation of the CSA country profile for Benin was funded by the Government of Norway
Benin 23
©FAO, 2018