G12 - Social Science

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Name:_______________________ School:____________________ Date:_________

Read and analyze each questions carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and shade
the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.

1.What is Applied Social Sciences?

A. A social science that deals with people’s thinking and behavior
B. An application of social science theories, concepts and methods.
C. It deals with service-giving through outreach and external approaches.
D. An integrated physical science dealing with the environment and its people.

2.Donna cried in front of her counsellor due to family problems. The counselor let her
do the thing for her own sake. What principle was presented in this situation?
A. Reassurance C. Communication
B. Reorientation D. Clarified thinking

3.Mrs. Santos, a guidance counsellor asked her client all the time to draw and paint
her most memorable experience in life. In this way, the client might recover from her
trauma and remember only the happy moments. What approach was made by Mrs.
A. Achievement of goals
B. Realizing a change in behavior and attitude
C. Plan her future in accordance with her needs
D. Helping a client to develop potentials to the fullest

4.These professional work with people suffering from addictions. They may range
from drugs, alcohol, sex, eating disorder, and gambling.
A. Genetic counselors C. Marriage and family counselor
B. Mental health counselor D. Addictions and behavioral counselors

5.Social work promotes social change and empower the marginalized and vulnerable
citizens of the country. In the Philippines, the following are programs created to give
service to people in need, EXCEPT.
A. Social Amelioration Program C. Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program
B. Sustainable Livelihood Program D. Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion

6.During the pandemic, each barangay established their own community pantry to
sustain the basic needs of the people. What functions of social work was presented in
this situation?
A. Promote social justice
B. Improve the operations of social work
C. Enhance social functioning
D. Link client’s system with needed resources
7.The following are ways of social workers in showing professional integrity,
A. They should not abuse their position for personal benefit
B. They should use their power and authority for personal financial gain
C. They should recognize the boundaries between personal and professional life.
D. They should not abuse the relationship of the trust with people using their

8.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the clients and audiences of social
A. Street children C. Minority migrants
B. Business Owners D. Marginalized families

9.Media freedom is essentially a practice of reporting freely on matters of public

interest as a crucial indicator of democracy. What ethical principle was BEST shown
in the practice of media freedom?
A. Differentiates between fact and opinion
B. Does his/her utmost to correct harmful inaccuracies
C. Strive to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate,
and fair.
D. At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of
freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed.

10.In the Philippines, to achieve censorship and confidentiality on media,

interviewees were protected by blurring their faces, changing their voices, and other
techniques. What ethical principle is attained?
A. Resist threats or any other inducements to influence, distort, or suppress
B. Protects the identity of sources who supply information in confidence and material
gathered in the course of his/her work
C. Does nothing to intrude into anybody’s private life, grief, or distress unless
justified by overriding consideration of the public interest.
D. Produces no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of a
person’s age, gender, race, color, legal status, disability, marital status, or sexual

11Jessica calls her friend on phone. Meanwhile, by having their conversation, the
phone suddenly turned-off, resulting to disruption of message from both sides. What
level of communication has been presented in the scenario?
A. Practical B. Semantic C. Technical D. Pragmatic

12.Ms. Aguinaldo, a field reporter, hurriedly went to a place on fire and documented
the scene. What function of journalist BEST describes the actions of Ms. Aguinaldo?
A. To communicate is to deliver truth and facts
B. Professional communicators and journalists are at the service of truth
C. Gather facts and information that are critical to public life and well-being
D. Being present where the news is happening and having the record what is
happening accurately with available technology
13.A journalist does nothing to intrude anybody’s private life, grief, or distress unless
justified by overriding consideration of the public interest. Which among the choices
is UNLIKELY a consideration?
A. If the journalist received consent and permission from the client
B. If the information threatens the life of the individual and public
C. If the information will be used for personal agenda by the journalist
D. If the supreme or local court issued a subpoena or ordering someone to attend the
14.The Kalinga Foundation preserved the local practices of Mangyan people by
establishing a small hall situated in their area. The foundation also published
numerous booklets, brochures, and articles about the Mangyan that show their
ethnicity, culture, and life. What characteristic of audience was taken into
A. Job Type B. Age Range C. Race and Ethnicity D. Information Source

15.“We become aware of who we are as individuals, because of the presence of others
with whom we share our existence. “ What effect of applied social sciences is
describes in this adage?
A. Structural change C. Attitude change
B. Structural change D. Self-awareness and Social awareness

16. Abigail wants to discover why there is an upsurge in the prevalence of depression
among young people in Bagong Barrio. Which area of social science would be
most helpful to Abigail's research?
A. Anthropology B. Economics C. Psychology D. Sociology

17. Paulo is a criminology student, and his professor asked him to submit
recommendation policies that would protect people from harassment on the street.
Which discipline of social science could be beneficial to Paulo in his research?
A. Demography B. History C.Political Science D. Psychology

18.Which of the following dominant approaches is a sociological framework that

focuses on the different meanings individuals attach to objects, peoples, and
A. Institutionalism C. Structural Functionalism
B. Marxism D. Symbolic Interactionism

19.According to the theory of Structural functionalism, why is it important to have a

structure or level in society?
A. It determines a person's future within society.
B. Each has a role within a society and is important to its order.
C. It brings the certainty that society will move according to its set role.
D.Everyone's role is linked to every part of society to ensure that actions within it
will be balanced and meaningful.
20.The ego blocks upsetting or overwhelming experiences from awareness, causing
the individual to refuse to acknowledge or believe what is happening. Which type
of defense mechanism is this?
A. denial C. reaction formation
B. regression D. projection

21. Fluctuating exchange rates affect purchasing power in relation to other

currencies. As one nation’s currency devalues against another, goods in the
second country will be higher in the first country’s currency. This shows....
A. Currency exchange considerations C. Prices changes due to inflation
B. Availability of Credit D. Wages and Employment

22. How does oil price hike affects the purchasing power of the people?
A. It implies an increase in the production costs of different sectors.
B. It implies decrease in the production costs of different sectors.
C.A large share of household’s budget is likely to be spent on oil or gasoline.
D. Lower oil prices tend to make it more expensive for households do the things
they normally do.

23. Starbucks is a well-known US coffee company and coffeehouse chain. “Product

is not customized to local tastes” is an example of..
A. Strengths B. Weaknesses C. Opportunities D. Threats

24. The following activities contribute in diversifying and increasing the value of
agribusiness outputs in our country except ....
A. Creating stable supply chains
B. Establishing transport
C. Research and Doing continuous development
D. Increasing monetary value on supply

25. Which of the following activities can contribute most on how to prevent
environmental issues regarding different business and industry in our country?
A. Collaborating with the United Nation to solve the problem.
B. Prohibiting the use of plastic to reduce environmental problems.
C. Implementing a program that prohibits the person from disposing of waste.
D.Organizing a campaign to understand the importance of the environment and
people in the development of a country.

26. What is the effect if citizens in a country have access to high income from
employment and business ventures?
A.People are likely to spend on luxurious products.
B. People tend to save more money
C. People may not be able to afford basic commodities.
D.People spend more money for donations.

27. How do socioeconomic factors affect businesses?

A.The socioeconomic factors are well understood to help you make better
decisions about the future and direction of your business,
B.Prior knowledge about the country’s standing in international trade is
C.Understanding the main cause of poverty and how does it affects the economy
is clearly explained.
D.Better understanding on sustainable development of one’s country.

28. Donna is a businesswoman, who plans to sell “apple” products . What should
Donna do in setting up her business?
A.Look for a shop in an up market area with access to high income earners.
B.Look for cheap suppliers and set up shop near the low income earners.
C. Find for cheap suppliers and set up shop near high income earners.
D.Find for a shop in an up market and set up shop near high income earners.

29. Which of the following best describes the “Voice of the Customer”?
A.Thoroughly understand your message before expecting others to get it.
B.Set a personal goal to improve everything in the business.
C.Do your very best to delivery what the customer actually wants rather that
what you think they ought to have.
D.Set a personal goal to learn something new about the job.

30. Raphael offers janitorial services using ecofriendly cleaning products. What
statement reflects his practice?
A.Choose the right equipment C. Educate the employees
B.Pick the right supplies D. Practice recycling

31. In a democratic society, people can make or amend the general rules under
which they live. Which of the following is not an acceptable way of achieving this?
A. Joining armed rebel group C. Signing petitions
B. Participating in peaceful protest D. Voting wisely

32. Liberalism is often described as the ideology of the industrialized West. Which
of the following is not a concept related to this ideology?
A. Government is based on the “consent of the governed”
B. Liberty is given priority over, say, equality, justice, or authority
C. Experience and pragmatism are better than abstract principles.
D. It believes in the supreme importance of the human individual as opposed
to any social group or collective body.

33. Traditional order is often depended by the conservatives. Which of the

following statement is not related to conservatism?
A. Shared values and a common culture are important to the maintenance of
social cohesion.
B. The maintenance of order requires a strong state to enforcement of strict
laws, and harsh penalties
C. It promotes debate and intellectual progress by ensuring that all beliefs are
tested in a free market of ideas.
D. Authority is always exercised “ from above”, providing leadership, guidance
and support for those who lack the knowledge, experience, or education to
act wisely in their own interest.

34. During the height of the pandemic, government severely restricted movement
to contain the spread of the virus. What type of power was demonstrated by
government when they imposed the lockdown?
A. Force C. manipulation
B. Exchange D. persuasion

35. Global order is shaped by the power and influence of dominant states. Which
of the following situation represents a unipolar global order?
A. Several states can claim regional power status as they began to assert
their influence over neighboring countries.
B. China continues to spread its influence over other countries and
undermine the global order established by the United States.
C. The hegemonic power of the United States and its allied states continue to
dominate the global political and economic sphere.
D. The rivalry of the United States and its rival, the Soviet Union during the
Cold War greatly shaped the way states interact with one another.

36. The popularity of Korean popular culture (K-Pop) has led to adoption of its
music, dance, and fashion style to Philippine entertainment. What concept
related to globalization is shown in this example?
A. Homogenization C. supraterritoriality
B. Indigenization D. D. ultranationalism

37. Which of the following statement is not true about the concept of
A. It is a membership within a political community.
B. It is the relationship between an individual and a sovereign state.
C. It is a power concept the subordinate people to their government.
D. It is restricted to individuals who are citizens of democratic regimes.

38. All are examples of activities that sustain and promote democracy except
for what?
A. Participate in discussions about responsible voting.
B. Join an armed group that aims to overthrow the government.
C. Volunteering in literacy and storytelling activities for street children.
D. Creating a petition against destructive or unsustainable fishing

39. Who among the following individuals demonstrate active citizenship?

A. Peter leads a volunteer group that participates in disaster relief
B. Simon diligently follows rules and is honest with his dealing with other
C. Kenneth keeps to himself and does not interfere with any issues in his
D. George’s engagement with his community happens when it directly
affects his family

40. Active youth participation in constructive politics and nation-building is

a mark of a progressive society. Which of the following is not a positive
contribution of the youth to local politics?
A. They can advocate for regime change through armed struggle.
B. They can campaign against graft and corruption in government.
C. They can lobby for the enactment of an anti-political dynasty law.
D. They can lead in voter education and work for a peaceful, orderly, and
honest elections.

41. Which of the following elements is NOT appropriate in the group?

A. There is a free and fair elections created to select and switch the political
B. There is a dynamic engagement of citizens both in civic and politics.
C. There is a political power that concentrates in the hands of a leader.
D. It upholds human rights of every citizen.

42. Which of the following characteristics DOES NOT describe direct democracy?
A. It involves the citizen in policymaking itself, so that people can vote not
simply on whom they want to represent them, but say, in referendums which
are put to them.
B. It involves people in major issues and will be able to exercise their rights to
C. It provides a higher chance for citizens to participate in decision making.
D. It involves people to choose their lawmakers or representatives who will be
accountable to them for their state rulings.

43. Barangay Chairman Abusado launched a feeding program to address the

malnutrition in his community. He used the 25% of the Barangay funds to feed
the children. This practice shows _________.
A. proper use of public funds C. how to nurture the community
B. how compassionate the chairman is D. equality

44. President Demokratiko involves the citizen in policymaking and let them join
in the assembly as well as vote policies. This practice is called ___________.
A. direct democracy C. pluralist democracy
B. participatory democracy D. representative democracy

45. It is a product of convergence combining telephone, video, and other resources

that will result to the creation of new efficiencies.
A. Climate Change C. Global Warming
B. Globalization D. Emerging Technologies

46. The evolution of educational technology serves as a learning tool in the

education management. What benefit the students can get from this technology?
A. It helps the student to improve his/her performance inside the school.
B. It leads to dependence.
C. It fosters social communication.
D. It develops the wholistic personality of the student.

47. Which of the following best describe the definition of Network in terms of
building connections and relations?
A. It assembles the messages in a way that has meaning for us.
B. It attempts to solve human problems of the mind, communication and
C. It strengthens the work team to advocate issues provide credibility, attain
outcomes, give accurate information, plan activities, and support project,
and solve potential problems.
D. It ensures that the management team has a common understanding of the
current state of the organization, and what opportunities or threats they
should address in the future.

48. Which of the following DOES NOT show the resemblance of Neural Networks
with Social Networks?
A. It must have linkages and connections.
B. It looks at ways to deal with power conflicts in society.
C. Linking to other networks make the task easier and handy.
D. It works collaboratively.

49. The study of ancient societies and their cultural traditions is called__________.
A. Anthropology C. Economics
B. Geography D. History

50. It is a division of economics that is concerned more with how goods flow from
the business firm to the consumer and how resources move from the resource
owner to the business firms.

A. Economics as Social Science

B. Macroeconomics
C. Microeconomics
D. Applied Economics

1. B 6. C 11. C 16. C 21. A 26. A 31. A 36. A 41. C 46. A

2. D 7. B 12. D 17. C 22. C 27. A 32. C 37. C 42. D 47. C

3. D 8. B 13. C 18. D 23. B 28. D 33. C 38. B 43. A 48. B

4. D 9. D 14. C 19. D 24. D 29. C 34. A 39. A 44. B 49. D

5. D 10. B 15. D 20. A 25. D 30. B 35. C 40. A 45. D 50. B

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