Faculty Advertisement 2024 (Main Campus)

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INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, MUMBAI Category-| Deemed-to-be-University, Elite Status & Centre of Excellence - Govt. of Maharashtra Matunga, Mumbai- 400 019, India Website: www. ictmumbai.edu. in; Ema: ict [email protected]; Tel 022-3361-1111/ 2222 No. ICT/Main Campus/Faculty Recruitment/159 Date: 23° February, 2024 Applications are invited in the prescribed form available on Institute website www.ictmumbai.edu.in for the following teaching posts to be filled at the Mumbai Campus of the Institute on permanent basis. The online application form can be submitted on the portal htps:/ecruit.ctmumbai.eduin from 23% February to 17" March, 2024, Candidates are also required to submit three signed copies of PDF print ous ofthe submitted form alongwith supporting documents which should reach the Institute on or before 24 March, 2024 Paylevel in Entry , Department Designation Pay ee ee (oe) appointment 1. } Chemical Engineering Profesor 00 it g ‘Asociate Profesor —| 131400 DAL 2 “Assistant Professor — | — $7700 To = Z| Pharmaccrial Senos and Technology “Asian Profesor —| — 7700 To si “Technology 2, Pharma “Assistant Professor | 57700 10 a 3 | Fes and Fetes Processing | Technology Professor 142007 it 1 Technology [Associate Profesor —| 131400 BAL 1 [Assistant Professor —| $7700 10 4 exile Chemistry | Assistant Professor —| — $7700 10 1 | Polymer and Surface Engineering ‘Associate Profesor —| 131400 BAI am | ‘Assist Professor —| $7700, 10 7 3. | Food Enginesring and TechnoToay Professor 14200 ut 1 | ‘Asocite Profesor —[ “131400 Bal T | ‘Assistant Profesor —| $7700 0. zi © | Specialty Chemical Technology Professor 14200 is 1 ‘Aisoeiate Profesor —| 131400 BAT T ‘Assistant Professor | $7700 in . 7. Os, Ofeochenieas and Surfactant Technology Professor 140200 i 1 “Aciate Profesor | 131400 BAT i | ‘Assistant Profesor —| $7700 10 3 | Chemisry Associate Profesor | 131400 BAT z | ‘sistant Professor —| $7700 | 10 + Physies ‘Associate Professor | 131400 BAI 1 Be ‘Assistant Professor | _ $7700. _10. T 10.) Mathematies Professor [148200 1 r ‘Associate Profesor —| 131400 Game 1s] ‘ssisant Professor | — $7700 0 3 Ti] General Enaineering Hleseal ‘Associate Professor | 131400 TAT 1 “Associate Professor | 131400 BAL H eae Assistant Professor 57700, 10 1 iolgical Sciences and BoiecnoTogy Assisant Professor —[ 57700 To z 13:] Humanities, Behavioral and | 425 eocw scene” [Associate Professor —| —131400 Bai i Social Sciences mee . Assistant Professor 57700, 10 1 Soil MamaORE a | assay Profesor | $7700 ‘0 1 ntrsprencurship Languages “Assisnat Profesor —| — $7700 0 7 @ Page 1 of 9 As directed vide Government Notification, Higher and Technical Education Department No.-Misc- 2019/C,R.94/19/Vishi-1, dated 7 April, 2022, the reservation of posts for direct appointment with respect to various caste /tribes / special backward category / other backward classes and economically weaker sections shall be at the Institute level and accordingly seat distribution of various teachers cadre (in the same scale! level of pay) against available vacancy shall be in accordance with the roaster approved by Government of Maharashtra vide Roaster Check certificate, dated 23-06-2022. The details of Caste Reservation for various cadres are as following: SN. Designation [OPEN [SC [ST DINT@_ NT [NTO [NTD) | SBC [OBC [Tout 1._| Professor 0 0 2 0 i 1 0 0 3 [07 2. | Associate Professor! 6 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 5 16 3. | Assistant Professor] 20| 6 3 3 2 0 0 2 16 [32 The above details of caste reservations may be revised as per Government Resolution, Higher and Technical Education Department No. MISC 1111/28/16/TE-2, dated 3" June 2022, subjected to the final verdict of Hon'ble Maharashtra Administrative Tribunal in the matter of O.A, No.817-2022 and O.A. No.1050/2022 which may be as following: SN Designation [OPEN [SC [ST [DINTA NTH [NTO [NT | swc_[ OBC [Tour 1. | Professor 1 1 2 1 1 L 1 0 3 WL 2._| Associate Professor] 5 T Z 0 0 0 1 1 5 15 3._| Assistant Professor] 20 3 3 3 1 0 0 2 7 149 ‘+ 10% of total vacaney positions each under Open category in the cadres of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors are reserved for candidates from Economically Weaker Section (EWS). ‘* 3% of the Reservation shall be applicable to the disabled persons having minimum of 40% disability as per GR: NYP 2011/P.K. 129/ Sudhar -3 dt. * August 201 1, subject to availability / suitability ‘© Reservations applicable to the Nomadie Trl iterchanged as per the Government Poli the candidates are available as per prescribed merit limits for the selections. ‘+ The above data of caste reservations is further subjected to change as per the change in Govt. policy (if any) related to caste reservation in education field, A. Pay scales/ level and other essential conditions for appointment to above faculty positions are as following - provided 1. Professor— i) Entry Pay and level in the pay matrix table — Basic pay Rs. 1,44,200/- in level-14 ii) Qualification and Experience ~ a. i) For appointment in related branch of Engineering/ Technology! Pharmacy, Candidate should possess first class or equivalent either at Bachelor's Degree or at Master's Degree in the relevant field of employment in Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy areas ii) For appointment in related field of science, Candidate should possess first class or equivalent at Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree in the relevant field and '. possesses Ph.D. in the relevant field of Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy / Sciences and ©. have minimum 13 years of experience in teaching / research / industry out of which a least 3 years shall be a the post equivalent tothe Associate Professor and 4. have published at least 15 research publications as fist or corresponding author in SCI Joumals or Scopus indexed Journals with cumulative impact factor of 40 as per Thomson Reuters reports. or have independent involvement of at least 5 years related to quality up gradation / quality assurance with National level certification inthe field of related industrial production processes. and €. Should have successfully guided 2 two) Ph.D. students as Associate Professor or should have ample documentary evidence of involvement in project implementation or worked as industry experts / external examiner / research project reviewer with academic Institutes of repute at the Master's / Ph.D. level or with industries as Leed Project Coordinator or equivalent for at Page 2 of 9 N least 3 years and must have working experience in the implementation of commereialization process of Developed Technologies at the industrial level. iii) Age Limit Unless already in the service of Institute / Government / Semi Government organisations are not ‘more than $5 years of age which may be relaxed under the recommendation of scrutiny / selection ‘committee in favour of candidates having exceptional qualification and experi 2. Associate Professor— i) Entry Pay and level in the pay matrix table ~ Basic pay Rs. 1,31,400/- in level- id Experience — Qualification 1a, i) For appointment in related branch of Engineering/ Technology/ Pharmacy Candidate should Possess first class or equivalent either at Bachelor's Degree or at Master's Degree in the relevant. field of employment in Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy arcas, For appointment in the field of Management Candidate should possess first class oF equivalent cither at Bachelor's Degree in any branch of Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy or at Master's Degree in any branch of Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy/Management iii) For appointment in related field of science, Candidate should possess first class or equivalent at Bachelor's Degree and Master’s Degree in the relevant field, and '. possesses Ph.D. in the relevant field of Engineering/ Technology / Pharmacy / Science / Management and ‘c. have minimum 8 years of experience in teaching / research / industry out of which at least 3 years shall be atthe post equivalent to the Assistant Professor and. 4d. have published at least 10 research Publications as first or corresponding author in SCI Journals or Scopus indexed Journals with cumulative impact factor of 25 as per Thomson Reuters reports. or Have independent involvement of at least 3 years in Industrial Management related projects OR hhave independent involvement of at least 3 years related to quality up gradation / quality assurance with National level certification in the field of related industrial production processes. and ©. Should have suecessfully guided 1 (one) Ph.D. student as Assistant Professor or should have ample documentary evidence of involvement in project implementation ot worked as industry experts / external examiner / research project reviewer with academic institutes of repute at the Master's / Ph.D. level or with industries as Lead Project Coordinator or equivalent for at least 2 years and must have working experience in the implementation of commercialization process ‘of Developed Technologies at the industrial level/ including Management Practice relevant field of Management. ili) Age Limit — unless already in the service of Institute / Government / Semi Government organisations are not more than 50 years of age which may be relaxed under the recommendation of serutiny / selection committee in favour of candidates having exceptional qualification and experience. 3. Assistant Professor- i) Entry Pay and level in the pay matrix table — Rs, 57700/-, Level - 10, li, Qualification and Experience — ai) For appointment in related branch of Engincering/ Technology’ Pharmacy/Languages, Candidate should possess first class or equivalent either at Bachelor's Degree or at Master's Degree in the relevant field of employment in Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy areas ii) For appointment in the ficld of Management Candidate should possess first class or equivalent either at Bachelor's Degree or at Master’s Degree in the relevant field of employment in any branch of c Page 3 of 9 Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy or at Master's Degree in any branch of Engineering ‘Technology / Pharmacy/Management For appointment in related field of Science! Languages, Candidate should possess first class or ‘equivalent at Bachelor's Degree and at Master’s Degree in the relevant field ‘and b. i, For appointment in related branch of Engineering/ Technology/ Pharmacy / Sciences / Languages, ‘Candidate should possess Ph.D. in the relevant field of Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy / Sciences / English For appointment in the field of Management, candidate should have two years of professional ‘experience in Industry/ Research after acquiring Master's Degree and «. i) have published at least 3 research publications in SCI Journals or Scopus indexed Journals! Book ‘Chapters published by international publisher / Granted Patents for appointments in the field of Engineering/ Technology/ Pharmacy /Sciences ii) have published at least 3 research publications’ book chapters published by international publisher in UGC Care Publications Journals for appointments in the field of Management / Languages Age Limit Unless already in the service of Institute / Government / Semi Government organisations are ‘not more than 45 years of age which may be relaxed under the recommendation of scrutiny / selection committee in favor of candidates having exceptional qualification and experience. B. Details of Qualifications- i) ‘Relvan/Equivalentquliicaions as per UGCZAICTE Norms for appointment on ficult postions against tvalable vane postions in varow depriments sal be as peered under AICTE notation 0 27/RIFD/Pay/01/2017-18, dated 28” April, 2017 and additionally as prescribed in a table below B(ii) ii 1 stall be mandatory to have degree in core branching either at Bachelor's or Masters level however preference wil be given fo the candidates ving doesn core bane dailies Bachelor's Io [Relevant / Equivalent] Relevant / Equivalent Lh pee ge le base Todegte in | Relat Rr] ,Aameot | Engineering | Engineering/ | Equivalent Preferred are of Interest "| - Technology/ —_ [Technology / Pharmacy, Doctoral Degree armas /Sence | Sec - Saale Engng ‘Renewal egy Engnecting “Envronmel Eagotng Sic ds Me ets ; TgmccingBeraplcatns BEsBten/ MEsMtTsh/Mchon} Choi Saleseaiass chem nge | Engin | Enpomoin’ | “ental Eaenstng pace 1] ,Ctemica | SPemign nes | ChemiSHENEE / Tipinay” | Ilene Process daa anaes Poaeing | preewmimse | MresnauuMse | wean cies casl/ eelatee (Teck) in Chemical | (Feeh) in Chemical | Engineering and | *Biochemical engineering Tssholgyings, | “Tssinolopings | Technolgy | * Computational Matos n Chemical -Sommonditrmintonring ‘oaeolues sree engnesing ‘Cale and Rear Engng Page 4 of 9 JB Se(Techy7 B.Tech in] MSe(Tech) (M-Tech in ] Pharmaceutical | Pharmaceutical Chemisty Pharmaceutical | Pharmaceutical Chemistry! Medicinal Chemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences and Fine Chemistry! Pharmaccutical | Technology’ Pharmaceutics! Chemicals! Pharmaceutical ‘Technology! | Industrial Pharmacy/Drug Delivery Pharmaceutical Technology relevant eross- | Systems! Biopharmaceutics/ (Chemistry and or sisciptinary areas in| Pharmacognosy! Herbal Technology! Technology | M.Tech/M.E/M.Se | Engineering and | Pharmacology’ Clinical or (Tech) in Chemical} Technology Pharmacology? Pharmaceutical P BeTecBEBSe | Technology/Engs ‘Analysis/ Biotechnology Pharmaceutical | ech in Chemical 2) Science and | “Technology/Enge. Technology F. Pharmacy M, Pharmacy? Pharmaceutical | + Pharmaceutical Chemisty? Msc. (Tech, /M.Tech. | | Chemistry/ Medicinal Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical inPharmaceutical | Pharmaceutical | Technology’ Pharmaceutics! ‘Chemisty! Technology! | Industri Pharmacy/Drug Delivery Pharmaceutical relevant cross- | Systems/ Biopharmaceutics! Technology’ | disciplinary areas in| Pharmacognosy/ Herbal Technology! equivalent rss Engg and Pharmacology’ Clinical iseipinary relevant} Technology Pharmacology’ Pharmaceutical areas of Technology Analysis! Biotechnolo BSe. (Techy) | MSe.(Tech.yM. Tech, BTeeh/B.Text. in in Fibres and Textile | + Fibre/Yarw Textile manufacturing Fibres and Textile | Fibresand‘Testile | Processing/ ‘ibe science/ Fibre Modification Processing! Processing’ [Textile Technology’ | _ like polyester/MMF ete! ‘Textile Technology! Textile Engineer Textile Technology! ‘Textile Engineering! [Textile Engineering! Fibre Science! ‘Advanced Sustainable/Conventional processing of textiles / Technical / Fire Scienee’ | Fibre Scene’ | Tentechemisy’ | Insti Functional Textiles Textile Chemisry | TetleChemiry | televaateose | /Etiuent retmen Fitersand Textiles) or oe sscininary resin ssi chemical 3] Procesing | BTechBWBSe | MTecWNtEiMSe | Enggend | mangemenproict Technology | (ech) in Chemical | (Techn Chemie! | Technology | Mewarshipny ronment FeskoologyEnge | Technology/Engs compliance an cerifcions Me. in Chemisty” | Chon Tete Texte Chemists’ | Chemisty” | « Biochemisn/ Biotecnology/ Be. Geneaitonor| Otic Chemisty’ | Biotechnology | " Environment scene) Senza tionrs| spate Chemisty! | Bloshemsty” | —NanecnolgsElesochemisty Bioeshnology” | Environmental | Green hemisin/Dyes Armin Bioshmisty/ | sclene/ Allied | ysis Environmental scence | “suiets Be BED. Se | Mi TechMEM Se] Polymer Evga ® ee in (Test in Tech PolymerEngg& |Plymer Enge & Tet | Surtice Coane | p.m compo Techl | Plsicengg Tec’ | Tec Ralye compose! Bens Polymerand | Plastic Engg & Tech| Surface Coating Tech! | sevant ros | Alles polymer craton polymer 4) "Sure" [Sore Coming Toa| Pantech aii aes in| Peano chemist : yer ecg Secs coating epee Pe a Engg and development) Additive synthesis! or Mtechhentse | Techology | Stlopmend Adve st TeehBEm Se | (Tein Chemie ta useeaie polymers ech) in Chemical | ‘TeshnaogyEngs Technology Eg B.TecBEIB.Se |W, TechALHAI Se ood bison] » Food sanabiliyincding cc (Tes in (Feet) in | Food Engineering | "economy and lie cycle anysi Food Engineering an| Food Engincringand | and Tecnology” | Waste Managemen’ Food Chums Technolgy! Tesinalogy! Food Plat | Commodity Tesiologes Food Prcesingand | Food Testa’ | Operations | ‘Tradional Koowindge stem Food Engineering Prsevation’ | Food Biteciology/ | Management” | asoited with Food and. Heli 5) andTechnolog’| Food Processing | Food Plant Operations | Food Process | Bnchemisy and Nutiton Technology! Managemen’ | Engnecingand | Nuaccucals and Functional Foods Fond Techralog/ | FaodProces | Management” | Food Packaging Fermentation Food Technology and| Engineringand | Food Prcesing/ | —Tethnology Food Bitehnoog) Maragenest | Management” | Food Procesing | Traionl Fonds ood Guay and or Food Procesing’ | "Teciaiogy/ | Say’ "Food and” Blochomia remit Technology | Food Proceing | FoodSaetyand | Enginering’ Computaon and e Page 5 of 9 TEnge Technology7 [Food Safety and Quality} _ Management! Management Food Technology and Management Process and Food Engg | Process and Food Quality Food Technology! Food Technology and Management’ ‘auiomation in food Provesing]| Predictive Microbiology’ Nutrigenomies and Nutrigeneties ‘Molecular Nutrition! Gut health = py CenizaTectoogy | lean srs es (dcp oe ag Todolog T ‘B TechiB.E/B.Se ‘M.Tech/M.E/M Se ‘Chemical ean Tea) [sence Sprciiy | Dye Tecnology | Dyes Tatmmlog | rclent cs ‘ «| owe or | Petey Teg isin sin | ld tetintonl ys ‘Technology ‘Chemical or JEngg & Technology| * ae Teceometngs | Chal Tedeolog a BTeSRER SS |W TSRATERL SS ‘resin ‘Tea a oitssamlog and oafechmingy | on ctnongy |" enerces ois, | ort oumenteas | of Otten | icity ass of] «Oils /olechemias/sufacnts/ [omc and “end Suriconts | andSurncoms "|" "Chnied | "pertumy choles /eormetes/ Saicama| "Tecaoogy | “Tedaolgg | Tecotay | lomual oe! froma! Tenolny C3 foots ease | (Cnomal | Splcaons and lied ls, Chemical or Engineering/ Food! Teclopitage | Chiat [ram Paso) resolving CiemsayT BS. Msc inChemisty! | “Araytica | » inorganic Chemistry Physical 1] caenty | Scomatinen | ate emy! | tie | ° Chea ert Eertocten| | inchemisry | Oremechemity’) | Siyecs | isy/caabsiyNMRUnusal nega Cent roms Oana City BSe. + Computational Material Science Geneon Pins andl | & Compton Bays 9] myun | Sinem” | atse ines | Poss aied | » Computime Phe B.E./ B.Tech Physics’ statistical mechanics © Opti tion Techniques / Geometry. Rin ante ory Bails Degree Dilan Fantom inMiabenaiey™ | Sc in Matemaics | Matemaics/ | Any! Matemaal Bioegy Md) Matemaice | Sttsis/Enge/ | Sinise! Comte Kut /Compuc| Compusonal Fd Dyonis “inlog Soca Scio "| Dude Matenanes /Opraion Rescash/aplo Saes Data fais /Mecze Leen end Anal nego TETRIS Electrical! MEM Techn | allrtevantcross- Meena | Plt Mest! 2 oy rer, el / Meta 1 ener sical / Mechanic Eagisr Engineering mee nggand ee ical Hoes = reall aes, Eau Page 6 of 9 “Appropriate branch BELBTeah in : of Chemical : MEAMTedh in Gane Comical ree Engince + Bioreactor Bioenergy ad Ve- Cl enica Tecnology | Jectnses! | * Satteaiegeatagitag plectloey) P'“pitechology” | Dintesbology’ | atu Tecnology / Alga ow Biopoces Bioprocess) | TexhmalogyCell Clue Technolgy Texnaogy Teteoeey | neler arnof iotogat | Phmey/ | Baging nd 12 Sciences and echnolegy, Biotechnology + Acroic an amacrobie fermentation for waste-valoization, bioenergy and| value-added compounds) Genet B.Sc. in Biological | M.Sc. in Biological | Appropriate branch | Engincering/ Metabolic Engineering} Sciences! Sciences! ‘of Biological | Synthetic Biology/ Agricultural Bioinformatics! Bioinformatics! jences and | Biotechnology. with emphasis on Biotechnology Biotechnology Technology environment biotechnology, nano-| agro biotechnology based applications, biofertilizers andl pees [| Humanities, Wehavioral and Social Scenes S| Maser Deg Ta eee any branch of er Bey. Engineering/ amgenen | trot | EOS ay | eBnainering/ Pharmacy! | — Engineering) | Texheloy Management | Technology! | sfanagement or | | ca equivalent | Bachelors | Master's Degree in Social ‘ay branch of "| Management Seen - Social Engineering/ entrepreneurship | a, ‘i Mangencatied| 208 | Tethnotgy’ | “and Pase” | *BAtepeneushipan nani Enuepencirshp| Bagneerin! Pheeaey ~ _ | spolley/ ener velopment Practices Masaganent or |? business pe equivalent administration Languages English English English <. | *Devesopanent ot eaaae laboratory i. Instructio |, The educational qualifications prescribed fora given post are the minimum and mere possession of the same shall not entitle a candidate to be called for an interview: 2. Candidates wito do not have formal Master's degree but have earned their Ph.D. (integrated) directly after Bachelor's degree shall be evaluated through the course credits earned during their doctoral work. 3. If Class/ Division is not awarded atthe Bachelor's! Master’ level, a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate shall be considered equivalent to First class division. IF Grade Point system is adopted, the CGPA will be converted into equivalent marks. 4. Co-guideship for Ph. D / Masters Students shall not be considered for calculating equivalence as Ph.D. guide. 5. The period of time taken by candidate to acquire M.Phil. and / or Ph.D. Degree shall not be considered as taching/ research experience to be claimed for appointment to the teaching postions, 6. Only those publications will be considered for calculation of impact factor where the applicant i the author for correspondence (Main author) or where at least one of the eo- authors is his / her own student under supervision. 7. In case of candidates who have guided Ph.D. / Masters Students, there should be publications! Patents arising out of the Ph.D. thesis in refereed national! international journals. Merely guiding ot co-guiding, Ph.D. will not gain any weightage inthe absence of publications. G Page 7 of 9 8. The research papers published in cited peer reviewed journals of repute in the relevant scientific areas shall only be considered for giving due merit. 9. In case of multiple author papers, or mult-institutional collaborations, the contribution of the candidate will be decided as per the status of the candidate whether s/he has worked as corresponding author’ supervisor, co-author or one of the students 10. The short-listed candidates will be required to make three types of presentations before the Departmental Committee prior to interview by the Selection Committee: i, Classroom teaching, Past research and future research interests and Plans for out-reach activities, The performance in these presentations will be one of the criteria for selection of the candidate for faculty position Important points to note before filling up the Application Form: Online application form is available on the ICT website www.ictmumbaizedu.in at portal hiips:/necruitictmumbai.edu in from 23" February, 2024. The Candidates are required 10 submit ‘online application form along with supporting documents on or before 17 March, 2024, ‘The PDF printouts (3 copies) of the online application along with self attested supporting documents ‘must reach tothe Institute on or before24™ Mareh, 2024 on following address ‘The Registra, Institute of Chemical Technology, ‘Nathalal Parekh Marg, Matunga, Mumbai ~ 400019. ‘The application fee of Rs.1000/- (for General Category) and Rs. S0O/- (for candidates belonging to reserved categories of State of Maharashtra),to be paid online before submitting the online form tothe following bank account details as provided below: a, Name of the bank:- Bank of Maharashtra b. Account Number:- 20019400624 ©. Branch name and address:- Kings Circle, Kaverineeta Bldg., Matunga, Mumbai 4000019 4. IFSC code:- MAHB0000339 Candidates employed in Government Organization must submit their applications through proper channel along with No Objection Certificate from present employer. Services of the appointed candidates can be availed by the Institute at any of the Off-Campuses as per the requirement. Candidates employed in Semi Government / Private Organizations will have to submit No Objection Certificate from the present employer atthe time of interview. Applications incomplete in any respect, without required supporting documents or those submitted after the last date of receipt will not be considered. Candidates are requested to refer ICT website from time to time as all information and circulars will be notified on the website As per the Notification No. SRV.2000/CR (17/2000) Xil, dated 28° March 2005 issued by General ‘Administration Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai, a candidate shall submit the declaration of the small, family inthe prescribed proforma attached to the application form. Candidates belonging to the reserved categories as recognized in the State of Maharashtra shall only be considered under reserved categories, The candidate belonging to the reserved categories from outside the State of Maharashtra will be treated as Open ‘The candidates belonging to the category VJ (A), NT (B, C, D) and OBC should submit Non-Creamy Layer Certificate issued on or after dt, 01-04-2023 by competent authority for claim under reservation However Women’s Reservation will be applicable as per Government Resolution dated 25" May, 2001, Non-creamy Layer certificate is not essential for women as per Government Resolution dated 4° May, 2023. ‘The age of the candidate shall be considered as on 23” February, 2024. ‘The decision of the appointing authority willbe final and binding on applicants and no correspondence inthis regard will be entertained. No correspondence with present at their own expenses. Candidates should invariably fill the information regarding court cases, pending criminal cases, disciplinary actions or equivalent, etc. in the relevant column of the application form. In such cases, the Page 8 of 9 sat Scrutiny Committee reserves the right to consider or not to consider the candidature for the recruitment. Any changes in this information as and when occurred after the submission of application form till the date of selection committee meeting for recruitment process should be brought to the notice of the Institute by the candidate, failing which the Institute reserves the right to cancel the candidature and to debar him/her from selection or after select 17, Any dispute related to this advertisement is subjected to Mumbai jurisdiction only, 18. Candidates must attach the self-attested photocopies of the following supporting documents with printouts of submitted application form — a, Documents for administrative serutiny — Document in support of Date of Birth. Copy of Government Gazette or any other appropriate certificate in case of change in name. ‘Small family declaration ‘No objection certificate from present employer. Caste certificate issued by the component authority if candidate belongs to any of the reserved category, namely, SC/ ST/ DT NT-A/ NT-By NT-C/ NT-D/ OBC/ SBC/ EWS. 6. Caste Validity Certificate/commitment to submit it within six months from the date of appointment order. 7. Non creamy layer certificate for the candidate belonging to the DT NT-A, NT- NT-D, OBC, SBC and EWS categories, issued by the component authority, 8. Physically Disabled Certificate from competitive authority as may be applicable b. Documents for academie’s scrutiny ~ 1. Photocopies of mark sheets and certificates supporting the educational qualifications from SSC and onwards. 2. Photocopies of appointment orders and joining letters. 3. Photo copies of Certificate of teaching experience and/ or Post Doctoral Research! Industrial Experience. 4. All related document to prove claims with regard to guideship for Ph.D/Masters students, certificate courses, reftesher courses, additional qualifications, publications, research papers, patents and commercialization of technologies. 19, All the photocopies of the documents must be self-attested. 20. Alllthe original certificates must be produced atthe time of Interview. Registrar , NT-C, Page 9 of 9

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