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OperTune Users Guide

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Honeywell Process Solutions

Scout Suite
Scout Suite OperTune
User's Guide

Release R310.1
This work contains valuable, confidential, and proprietary information. Disclosure, use or
reproduction outside of Honeywell Inc. is prohibited except as authorized in writing. This
unpublished work is protected by the laws of the United States and other countries.
Notices and Trademarks

Copyright 2010 by Honeywell International Inc.

Release 310.1 July 2010
© Honeywell International Inc., 1999-2009. All Rights Reserved.

While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell disclaims
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no
express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customers.

In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages. The
information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.

Honeywell is a U.S. registered trademark of Honeywell International. Loop Scout is a trademark

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Honeywell International
Process Solutions
2500 West Union Hills
Phoenix, AZ 85027
1-800 343-0228

ii Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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About This Document

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The following Honeywell web sites may be of interest to Industry Solution customers.

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R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide iii

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About This Document
Symbol Definitions

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Symbol Definitions
The following table lists those symbols used in this document to denote certain conditions.

Symbol Definition

ATTENTION: Identifies information that requires special


TIP: Identifies advice or hints for the user, often in terms of

performing a task.

REFERENCE -EXTERNAL: Identifies an additional source of

information outside of the bookset.

REFERENCE - INTERNAL: Identifies an additional source of

information within the bookset.

CAUTION Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, may result in equipment

or work (data) on the system being damaged or lost, or may result in
the inability to properly operate the process.

iv Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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About This Document
Symbol Definitions

Symbol Definition

CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used
to alert against unsafe practices.

CAUTION symbol on the equipment refers the user to the product

manual for additional information. The symbol appears next to
required information in the manual.

WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not

avoided, could result in serious injury or death.

WARNING symbol on the equipment refers the user to the product

manual for additional information. The symbol appears next to
required information in the manual.

WARNING, Risk of electrical shock: Potential shock hazard where

HAZARDOUS LIVE voltages greater than 30 Vrms, 42.4 Vpeak, or
60 VDC may be accessible.

ESD HAZARD: Danger of an electro-static discharge to which

equipment may be sensitive. Observe precautions for handling
electrostatic sensitive devices.

Protective Earth (PE) terminal: Provided for connection of the

protective earth (green or green/yellow) supply system conductor.

Functional earth terminal: Used for non-safety purposes such as

noise immunity improvement. NOTE: This connection shall be
bonded to Protective Earth at the source of supply in accordance
with national local electrical code requirements.

Earth Ground: Functional earth connection. NOTE: This

connection shall be bonded to Protective Earth at the source of
supply in accordance with national and local electrical code

Chassis Ground: Identifies a connection to the chassis or frame of

the equipment shall be bonded to Protective Earth at the source of
supply in accordance with national and local electrical code

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vi Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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1. INTRODUCTION TO OPERTUNE ...............................................11

1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 11
Purpose ................................................................................................................................11
Scope ...................................................................................................................................11
Acronyms .............................................................................................................................12
Key Features ........................................................................................................................12
1.2 Defining OperTune Concepts ...................................................................... 15
Guidelines ............................................................................................................................15
OP Step Size Selection ........................................................................................................16
Desired Closed Loop Settling Time ......................................................................................17
Controller Type Supported ...................................................................................................18
1.3 Loop Identification ........................................................................................ 19
Default Settings ....................................................................................................................19

2. WORKING WITH OPERTUNE .....................................................21

2.1 Getting Started with OperTune .................................................................... 21
Objective ..............................................................................................................................21
Overview of Procedure .........................................................................................................22
2.2 OperTune Displays ....................................................................................... 24
Overview ..............................................................................................................................24
Point Selection Display ........................................................................................................24
Trend Display .......................................................................................................................25
Pre-Tune Display .................................................................................................................28
Main Display.........................................................................................................................30
Tuning Constants Display ....................................................................................................33
Configurations Window ........................................................................................................37
Results Display ....................................................................................................................49
2.3 Starting OperTune from the Windows Start Button .................................. 52
Choose Start Method ...........................................................................................................52
2.4 Starting OperTune from Experion Point Detail Display ............................ 55
Optional Start Method ..........................................................................................................55
2.5 Select PID Control Strategy (point) to Tune ............................................... 60
Point Selection Display ........................................................................................................60
2.6 [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning ................................................ 64
Optional Procedure ..............................................................................................................64

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2.7 Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence ...................................70

OperTune Main Display....................................................................................................... 70
2.8 Selecting the best tuning solution ...............................................................76
Filtering ............................................................................................................................... 77
Writing Tuning Results to the DCS ...................................................................................... 78
2.9 [Optional] Accessing Tuning Solutions Display ........................................79
Tuning Solutions.................................................................................................................. 79
2.10 [Optional] Making Adjustments During Tuning ......................................81
OperTune Configuration Details .......................................................................................... 81
Changing OperTune’s OP Bias ........................................................................................... 83
PV Low/High Limits Change................................................................................................ 83
Change SP Value during tuning .......................................................................................... 84
2.11 [Optional] Other Operator Operations .....................................................85
Stop Command ................................................................................................................... 85
PV-SP –OP Trend Range Change ...................................................................................... 85
Close OperTune tuning session .......................................................................................... 86

3. APPENDIX ................................................................................... 87
3.1 Parameter Definitions ....................................................................................87
3.2 [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration ...........................................90
Key Configuration Steps...................................................................................................... 90
3.3 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................99
1. Error: Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this program .......................... 99
2. Error: OperTune Read conflict, the point is already in use ....................................... 100
To reset the configuration in Experion PKS system: ......................................................... 100
3. Connection issues: ........................................................................................................ 100
4. Opertune configured...................................................................................................... 101
5. When you launch OperTune you get an error message as shown in figure below: ....... 102
6. Error message – RDI Tag is not active.......................................................................... 102
7. When you launch OperTune you get an error message as shown in figure below: ....... 103
8. Not able to restart Uniformance RDI Server SE service: ............................................... 104

viii Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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Figure 1 OP Step Size Selection ............................................................................... 16
Figure 2 Closed Loop Settling Time Selection .......................................................... 17
Figure 3 Point Selection Display ................................................................................ 24
Figure 4 Point Name Entry ........................................................................................ 24
Figure 5 Trend Display............................................................................................... 25
Figure 6 Pre-Tune Display ......................................................................................... 28
Figure 7 Main Display ................................................................................................ 30
Figure 8 Tuning Constants Display............................................................................ 34
Figure 9 Tuner Settings ............................................................................................. 37
Figure 10 Tuner Limits Display ................................................................................ 41
Figure 11 Current Values Display ............................................................................ 43
Figure 12 Controller Settings ................................................................................... 45
Figure 13 Controller Limits Display .......................................................................... 47
Figure 14 Results Display ........................................................................................ 49
Figure 15 OperTune short cut key from windows menu .......................................... 53
Figure 16 OperTune Splash Screen ........................................................................ 54
Figure 17 OperTune first window for tag name entry............................................... 54
Figure 18 Experion station display ........................................................................... 56
Figure 19 Experion Station – Loop Tune tab ........................................................... 57
Figure 20 Experion Station – OperTune shortcut .................................................... 58
Figure 21 ActiveX warning ....................................................................................... 58
Figure 22 Point selection Display window ................................................................ 59
Figure 23 Point name entry window ......................................................................... 60
Figure 24 LoopScout LSmetrics location ................................................................. 61
Figure 25 OperTune Trending Tool.......................................................................... 62
Figure 26 OperTune Pre Tune - Skip ....................................................................... 63
Figure 27 OperTune pre-requisites check................................................................ 65
Figure 28 OperTune Trending Tool.......................................................................... 65
Figure 29 OperTune Pre-tuning ............................................................................... 66
Figure 30 OperTune Pre-Tune - change OP size .................................................... 67
Figure 31 OperTune Pre-Tune - PV target crossing ................................................ 68
Figure 32 OperTune Pre-Tune Completion ............................................................. 69
Figure 33 OperTune main tuning form ..................................................................... 72
Figure 34 OperTune initialization successful ........................................................... 73
Figure 35 OperTune working status ......................................................................... 74
Figure 36 OperTune results display ......................................................................... 75
Figure 37 OperTune results display ......................................................................... 76
Figure 38 OperTune results display – PI only option ............................................... 78
Figure 39 OperTune Tuning solutions tab................................................................ 79
Figure 40 OperTune Tuning Constants display ....................................................... 80
Figure 41 OperTune Configurations ......................................................................... 81

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Figure 42 OperTune Tuner settings tab ...................................................................82

Figure 43 OperTune current settings tab ..................................................................83
Figure 44 OperTune PV target settings ....................................................................84
Figure 45 OperTune SP settings ..............................................................................84
Figure 46 OperTune Stop button ..............................................................................85
Figure 47 OperTune trending options .......................................................................85
Figure 48 OperTune PV trend option .......................................................................86
Figure 49 Opertune OP trend option ........................................................................86
Figure 50 OperTune main tune form ........................................................................91
Figure 51 OperTune default design values ..............................................................92
Figure 52 OperTune configuration display ...............................................................93
Figure 53 OperTune modes-controller type ..............................................................94
Figure 54 OperTune manual OP mode ....................................................................95
Figure 55 OperTune OP high, low value setting.......................................................96
Figure 56 - OperTune PV alarm options ...................................................................97
Figure 57 OperTune Configuration Confirmation display after changes ..................98

x Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.1 Overview
The purpose of this document is to introduce and explain OperTune, a closed loop tuning
tool that automates much of the complicated tuning technology into a simple package.
OperTune automates PID tuning that helps instrument technicians or anyone who may
not have a thorough knowledge about control systems, system identification or statistics.
Tuning can be done with closed-loop or open-loop excitation in conjunction with
iterative refinement of PID tuning parameters.
Basically this means that OperTune will calculate the tuning parameters for up to 10
different levels of controller aggressiveness (fast to slow). The tuning parameters will be
calculated each second and OperTune will attempt to give the tuning parameters that best
fit the problem defined by the desired closed loop settling time.
OperTune uses desired closed -loop settling time and OP step size to define tuner
operation. The tuner excites the PID output (OP) using a zero-mean pseudo-random-
binary-sequence (PRBS) input.
At every sampling instant, the OperTune adapts a set of PID controllers that optimize
input-disturbance rejection properties of the loop. Under closed-loop excitation, the
OperTune maintains the PV around SP through incremental adjustment of the OP with a
joint PRBS.

The OperTune User’s Guide covers the following topics:

Introduction to OperTune Covers the core concept of OperTune and explains

the purpose of the software.

Working with OperTune Explains the procedures involved in operating the


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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.1. Overview


Acronyms Description

SP Set Point

PV Process Variable

OP Output

PIN Plant Information Network

PID Proportional, Integral and Derivative

MAN Manual

PRBS Pseudo Random Binary Signal

DCS Distributed Control System

Key Features
OperTune is highly automated and integrated with Experion PKS. You can read the
following configuration parameters from the system:

• PV engineering unit (EU) range

• Controller action

• OP operating limits

• Mode

• Filter constants

• Current PID tuning parameters

The resulting PID constants can be downloaded to the controller from OperTune. You do
not have to manually enter any of this information.

12 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.1. Overview

OP Excitation
OperTune automatically generates movements in the OP using a PRBS input. You do not
have to step (bump) the loop manually. You can control the excitation using OP step size,
and closed loop settling time parameters. These parameters can be changed during
OperTune operation.

Closed Loop Operation

OperTune operates in closed loop mode under default settings. A continuously adapting
controller is used to keep the PV trained to its SP after the tuning process is started, and
when OP excitation is generated. This is important for level loops as well as slow loops
that are affected by disturbances.

OperTune systematically deals with the limitations of controller performance including
disturbances, loops with non-minimum phase characteristics (delays) and unreasonable
closed loop specifications. OperTune performance is measured in terms of a fit error that
expresses all of these effects in one number. It is desirable to reach a fit error of less than

Safety limits on the OP are configurable through OperTune. During OperTune operation
the limits are never exceeded. You can stop the tuning process at any time during the test.

Multiple Solutions
For every sampling instance, OperTune simultaneously computes ten potential solutions.
The principle of iterative refinement is used in computing the estimates. The candidate
solutions cover a wide range of settling times from twice-as-fast to five-times-slower
than the user specification. The operator can provide a reasonable estimate of the closed
loop settling time as a starting point or can let OperTune estimate it automatically.

Multiple Sessions
Using OperTune several loops can be tuned at the same time from the same console. You
can start multiple sessions of OperTune to take advantage of this feature.

Key features of OperTune in this release

Faster Tuning
OperTune internal algorithm is improved to ensure 50% reduction in tuning time, Also,
ensures more efficient tuning results

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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.1. Overview

Improved Internal Controller

OperTune internal controller is improved to ensure better SP tracking and disturbance
rejection while tuning

Op Bias
User can use OP Bias value to give additional inputs to OP while tuning

Level Loop Objective

User can choose Level loop objective of Surge or Regulation for tuning. This selection
option is provided in Trend display window

PV Alarm dead band

PV Alarm dead band is changed from 5% to 10% for additional safety.

Limit CLST Reinitialization

If the CLST(Closed loop settling time) entered by the user is too fast for the loop,
OperTune calculates an appropriate value and starts the tuning session with the newly
calculated CLST. This is called CLST re-initialization. OperTune limits CLST re-
initialization up to 4 times.

14 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.2. Defining OperTune Concepts

1.2 Defining OperTune Concepts

In order to ensure successful loop tuning with OperTune, effective process excitation is
Two user-defined parameters, the desired OP step size change (expressed in percent), and
the desired closed loop settling time (expressed in minutes), directly impact the
characteristics and quality of the PRBS excitation signal. These parameters define the
PRBS sequence and directly influence OperTune’s tuning sequence.
OperTune will always assume a 1 minute settling time but will actually calculate 10
different settling times:
• 0.5 mins
• 1 mins
• 1.25 mins
• 1.5 mins
• 2 mins
• 2.5 mins
• 3 mins
• 3.5 mins
• 4 mins
• 5 mins
This effectively minimizes the user effort to tune a loop since many loops can be tuned
with this default settling time. The user however can choose a specific settling time if
there is a prior knowledge of the loop dynamics.

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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.2. Defining OperTune Concepts

Guidelines for choosing the OP step size change and desired closed loop settling time are
described in the following subsections.

Figure 1 OP Step Size Selection

OP Step Size Selection

Select OP step size change (magnitude), such that the signal-to-noise ratio is high. If
Honeywell Loop Scout is available, OperTune reads in the OP step size directly from the
Loop Scout data, but OperTune’s manual pre-tune step can also be used to help make this
Otherwise, Honeywell recommends that you first assess the noise level when the loop is
in Manual mode (MAN). At times it may be necessary to filter the raw PV before the
PID controller processes it.
In the Experion system, this can be done using a Control Module Data Acquisition block
called DACA. After an appropriate filter is selected, step the OP manually to select an
appropriate step size change. The OP Step Size Selection figure displays the selection
for a typical loop. The size of the step should be larger than the noise level in the PV

16 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.2. Defining OperTune Concepts

Desired Closed Loop Settling Time

The desired closed loop settling time is defined as the time in minutes for the PV to track
a step SP change.

Figure 2 Closed Loop Settling Time Selection

Conceptually, the closed loop settling time defines how quickly the controller recovers
from an upset. The desired closed loop settling time is defined as the time in minutes for
the elimination of 95% of the PV error (difference between the SP and the PV) after a
setpoint change or significant disturbance. For many processes, the closed loop settling
time is roughly set to three times the dominant process time constant, if this is known. If
you are used to Lambda Tuning, this value is three times the Lambda parameter.
The Closed Loop Settling Time figure displays the selection of the closed loop settling
time for a typical loop.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 17

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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.2. Defining OperTune Concepts

OperTune attempts to tune a loop within the range of two-times-faster to five-times-

slower than the value entered for closed loop settling time. This parameter can also used
for PRBS signal design, and to estimate the time required for tuning.
The closed loop settling time value does not have to be precise, as OperTune calculates
PID tuning parameters for a range of settling times and presents these in the form of
candidate tuning solutions for your consideration. In general, this range is defined as
from half the entered settling time to five times the entered settling time.
The estimated time entered by the operator should be practical and within reason. For
example, a slower temperature parameter cannot be forced to track its setpoint in thirty
seconds. Likewise, a fast flow-loop can be expected to track its setpoint well before a 30
minute time interval. Typically, most fast-flow and pressure loops can be tuned using a
one minute settling time. The shortest time interval supported by OperTune for closed
loop settling time is 0.2 minutes.

Controller Type Supported

Only controllers with Experion equation type EQN A, EQN B & EQN C are supported.
The Experion PKS C-Series Controllers (C200 and C300) are supported by OperTune.
Only DACA and PIDA blocks are supported in Experion.
Future versions will support OPC and SCADA controller types with appropriate scaling
and transformation functions.

18 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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1. Introduction to OperTune
1.3. Loop Identification

1.3 Loop Identification

Default Settings
OperTune identifies the loop type by referencing the point’s tag name. The inferred
control loop type is then displayed on the main OperTune display during control strategy
When pre-tuning is not performed, OperTune has the capability to set defaults for the
desired closed loop settling time and tuning ranges based on the loop type, however
OperTune always starts with a default settling time of one minute with a wide open range
on the tuning constants. If the loop type identification is incorrect for any loop it does not
affect the tuning process. Level loops are of particular interest since they can be used for
a regulatory task (like a tray level) or a surge attenuation task (tank or bottoms of a large
vessel) If level loops are detected, then you have an option to select level loop objective.
Loop type can be adjusted by clicking on the loop type label on the trend display screen.
The OperTune algorithm looks for the following strings and puts the control loop into the
appropriate classification as shown in the following table.

If the tag name contains… OperTune assigns this Loop Type…

FIC or FC Flow Loop

PIC or PC Pressure Loop
LIC or LC Level Loop
TIC or TC Temperature Loop
<None of the above> Other

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20 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
OperTune offers the latest and most robust technology for tuning a PID loop. The
algorithm gives you new freedom in tuning loops, and is packaged in a straightforward
fashion, so that the process of tuning is as simple as possible.
OperTune enables you to keep the loop under control while a signal is injected. The
injected signal gives OperTune the information required to calculate tuning constants for
the loop.

2.1 Getting Started with OperTune

Two user-defined parameters, the desired OP step size change (expressed in percent), and
the desired closed loop settling time (expressed in minutes), directly impact the
characteristics and quality of the PRBS excitation signal. These parameters define the
PRBS sequence and directly influence OperTune’s tuning sequence. These two
parameters can be set:
• Completely on defaults, or
• OP Step size can be suggested automatically by
o Loop Scout (requires Loop Scout), or
o Experion history (requires R400)
• OP Step size and settling time can be suggested from the pre-tune step (manual
initialization), or
• The user can manually set both the OP step size and the desired closed loop
settling time.
ATTENTION: There may be cases where OperTune cannot reach a
successful solution. This can occur, for example, when:

• The loop has a sticky valve, and the PV is not responsive to

changes to the OP.

• The desired closed loop settling time input parameter is too

small to cause an effect.

• The OP percent change input parameter is too small to cause an

• The loop is switched back to its normal mode before OperTune
completes its tuning operation.

21 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.1. Getting Started with OperTune

Overview of Procedure
This section explains the procedures required to complete PID loop tuning using
Typically you will follow the general order of the steps in the following table. Detailed
instructions for each modular procedure are included in subsections of this document on
the page number shown. Other OperTune R310 documents referenced in this section can
be found on the Scout_Suite_Opertune_Document.zip that is available in loopscout
Complete the steps in the order given to begin working with OperTune.
Step Action Doc Ref
1 Ensure that you have met all prerequisites for OperTune. Release
2 Follow detailed instructions to successfully install Installation
OperTune R310. Guide
3 A: Starting OperTune from the Windows Start Button Section 2.3

Or Page 52

B: Starting OperTune from Experion Point Detail Display Section 2.4

Page 55
4 Select PID Control Strategy (point) to Tune Section 2.5

Page 60
5 [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning Section 2.6

Optionally you can perform manual open loop pre-tuning Page 64

to identify reasonable starting values for Closed Loop
Settling Time and OP Move Size inputs.
6 Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence Section 2.7

Page 70
7 Selecting the best tuning solution Section 2.8

Page 76
8 [Optional] Accessing Tuning Solutions Display Section 2.9

Page 79

22 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.1. Getting Started with OperTune

Step Action Doc Ref

9 [Optional] Making Adjustments During Tuning Section 2.10

Page 81
10 [Optional] Other Operator Operations Section 2.11

Page 85

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

2.2 OperTune Displays

This section describes the five key displays found in the OperTune user interface,
including the buttons and fields found in these displays. Use this subsection as a
reference for later discussions on loop tuning. Displays are presented in the order they
typically would be encountered while tuning a PID control strategy.

Point Selection Display

1. On starting OperTune, Scout Suite OperTune R310- Select Tagname window

Figure 3 Point Selection Display

2. Enter the required tag name that needs to be tuned. You are also allowed to start
multiple threads of the program to tune different loops simultaneously.

Figure 4 Point Name Entry

Tagname: The name of the control strategy. Click the
text field to type a new tagname. For Experion, the
tagname does not include the block name.

24 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Field Description

Loop Scout analysis is Un select Loop Scout analysis is not done only when
not done you have subscribed for Loop Scout Services

Help Click Help, OperTune Help is displayed

3. Click the Next, button Trend Display window is displayed

Trend Display




13 14

Figure 5 Trend Display

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 25

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl No Field Description

1 Tag Name Displays the tag name

2 Tag Description Displays the description of the tag

3 Tuning Pre-requisites Pre-requisite checks should be met in order to begin

Check the tuning. If any of these buttons are in red color
then OperTune will not move to the next step.
Ensure the following before starting OperTune
• PV is within 5% of SP
• OP is in between 10% and 90%
• Control loop is in P-MAN mode

4 Confirm loop type Click on the loop type and select the appropriate
loop type from the options given in the window.
• Flow
• Pressure
• Temperature
• Level loop

If the Loop type is level then the two options

enabled will be Surge or Regulation loop. Select the
most appropriate type of level loop.

5 Inform the operations You can inform the operations and get the
and get the necessary permits
necessary permits

6 Obtain safe operating Obtains a safe operating window from operations

window from

7 PV Clamping You need to update PV clamp values (PV High and

PV Low), if safe operating window for PV is
intended while tuning. By default, OperTune will
take DCS configured PV limits. Note that the new
PV limits are applicable during OperTune tuning and
cannot be written back to the DCS You can find tool
tips when you hover on the field.

26 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl No Field Description

8 OP Clamping You need to update OP clamp values (OP High and

OP Low), if safe operating window for OP is
intended while tuning. By default, OperTune will
take DCS configured OP limits. Note that the new
OP limits are applicable during OperTune tuning
and cannot be written back to the DCS. You can
find tool tips when you hover on the field.

9 Trend Range Preset Series of buttons, appearing to the far left of each
Buttons trend Y-axis label, used to reset the trend range.
The Full button will reset the range to the full range
of the DCS point. The Auto button will automatically
adjust the range to include all data points +/- 5% of

10 Trend Range Field A text box appearing on the left side, above and
below each trend’s engineering units. These
textboxes control the displayed range for Y-axis of
each trend. Initially, these textboxes are set to the
control system-configured PV and OP ranges.

11 PV, SP, and OP The current process value, PV; setpoint, SP; and
output, OP, of the control strategy. These values are
updated from the control system once per second.

12 Trend Time Buttons A row of buttons labeled with time intervals

appearing at the bottom of the display. These
buttons control the time interval associated with
both trends shown on this display.

13 History Button Shows the previous tuning solutions for the loop.

14 Next Click the Next, button Pre-Tune Display is


R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 27

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Pre-Tune Display
The Pre-Tune Display is the main interface for OperTune pre-tuning.


Figure 6 Pre-Tune Display

Sl No Field Description

1 Tag Name Displays the tag name

2 Tag Description Displays the description of the tag

3 OperTune Pre- The following steps as shown in the figure

Tune Step are performed in order to calculate
CLST(Close Loop Settling Time) and OP
change size

28 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl No Field Description

4 Trend Range Series of buttons, appearing to the far left of

Preset Buttons each trend Y-axis label, used to reset the
trend range. The Full button will reset the
range to the full range of the DCS point.
The Auto button will automatically adjust the
range to include all data points +/- 5% of

5 Trend Range Field A text box appearing on the left side, above
and below each trend’s engineering units.
These textboxes control the displayed range
for Y-axis of each trend. Initially, these
textboxes are set to the control system-
configured PV and OP ranges.

6 Change OP Size Change size by: Select the change size by

OP+ / OP- Buttons text box and enter the value. Using increase
or decrease button to add the percentage
input to the OP value. The percentage value
will be added or subtracted from the current
OP value.

7 PV Control Limits The two fields appearing to the left of the SP

Fields and PV fields are the high and low control
limits for the pre-tune test. When process
history is available, the control limits are
calculated from it. To complete the pre-tune
test, the user must excite the process
beyond these control limits.

8 Completion The color in the text box of PV Target High

Indicators and PV Target Low turns to green when the
process has been excited beyond the control

9 PV, SP, and OP The current process value, PV; set point,
SP; and output, OP, of the control strategy.
These values are updated from the control
system once per second.

10 Trend Time A row of buttons labeled with time intervals

Buttons appearing at the bottom of the display.
These buttons control the time interval
associated with both trends shown on this

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 29

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl No Field Description

11 Skip If the operator wants to skip the pre tune

step and start the tuning then, Click the Skip
button. Main Display window is displayed

12 Point Details Shows the DCS parameters of the controller

Main Display
The Main Display is the primary interface during control strategy tuning. This display
contains the main control elements for starting, stopping, and monitoring the tuning run.
The Main Display contains buttons to access more detailed configuration and monitoring
Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes.

Figure 7 Main Display

Sl no Field Description

1 Tag Name Displays the tag name

2 Tag Description Displays the description of the tag

3 Select Controller Type Specifies whether to include the derivative term
PI/PID while optimizing the tuning. Click PID to include
derivative action or PI for PI only control. Once
default = PI
the tuning process starts, this parameter cannot
be modified.

4 By what % can The magnitude of the OP excitation signal during

OperTune move the tuning. This excitation signal is added (as a
OP? (OP Change Field) pseudo random variation) to the base OP value
at the start of the test and is shown as a percent
default = 2 % of the base OP value. The entered excitation
signal must be large enough to move the process
outside its noise band, but should be small
enough to avoid major process upsets. If the pre-
tune test step is performed, this value is set to
the result of the pre-tune analysis. If Loop Scout
is present this value can be read in from the

30 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description
Loop Scout data.

5 Select Desired Closed Textbox for entering the desired closed loop
Loop Settling Time Field setting time for the control strategy, expressed in
minutes. OperTune uses this setting to optimize
default = 1 min the response of the PID strategy. If the desired
Auto and fixed options closed loop settling time is too fast for the
process, OperTune will automatically select a
default = Auto slower response depending upon a series of
convergence criteria. If the pre-tune test step is
performed, the desired settling time is filled in
with the result of the pre-tune analysis. Once the
tuning process starts user cannot change this

Radio buttons appearing to the right of Desired

Closed Loop Settling Time field. By design,
OperTune tunes the control strategy for a series
of settling times from 0.5 to 5 times the entered
desired value. If the desired value is too far out of
range (too fast), OperTune will calculate a new
desired settling time and repeat the tuning
procedure. Select OperTune auto adjust to
allow this automatic recalibration of the desire
value. Or select Fixed to prevent automatic
recalibration. If the desired value is too fast,
OperTune will fail to converge to an answer.

6 OperTune Mode Displays the actual selected mode of the

OperTune. For more information on this refer to
Tuner Settings

7 OperTune Internal Displays the current operating mode of the

mode OperTune. It is same as above in all OperTune
modes except Safe Auto. In Safe Auto mode,
OperTune Internal mode is Open initially and
changes to AUTO after sometime

8 Initialization Count Displays the current OperTune Tuning session.

This shows the number of times OperTune is
Default = 4 initialized. When AUTO option, mentioned in
point no.5 is selected, Initialization count may
change but, when Fixed is selected the value will
always be 1.

9 Start OperTune /Stop When this button is labeled Start OperTune it is

used to start OperTune analysis. When

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 31

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description
Button OperTune is tuning, the button is relabeled Stop,
allowing you to stop tuning. Stopping the run,
voids any results.

10 Tuning Solutions Button used to access the Tuning Solutions

display. For more information on this refer to
Tuning Constants Display

11 Configurations Button used to access the OperTune Tuning

Options display. For more information on this
refer to Configurations Window

12 Loop Scout If you are using Loop Scout, four key loop
Metricsection (optional) performance metrics are displayed in this
section, as determined by the last execution of
• Loop Scout Loop Scout. If Loop Scout is not used, these
analysis done on fields are not populated with values.
• Performance
• Criticality
• Valve Stiction

Trend Range Preset Buttons, Trend Range Field, Trend Time Buttons are
identical to the fields found on the Pre-tune Display. Refer to the
descriptions in Pre-Tune Display section for more details.

13 Future OP Biased Displays next 10 minutes PRBS signals and OP

Values Bias values

14 OP Bias Enter the value of OP Bias and press Enter. The

percentage value will be added or subtracted
from the current OP value.

15 PV High, PV Low Represents the PV clamp values for the current

tuning session opted in the OperTune Trending

16 Loop Type Indicator Label shown in the lower left corner of the
Controller frame, shown as Flow Loop in Figure
7. This indicator displays the inferred loop type
for the control strategy (Flow, Pressure,
Temperature, Level, or Other). The inferred loop
type can be used to restrict the range of tuning
constants calculated; however by default
OperTune uses a wide range for the tuning
32 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1
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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description
constant calculations.

17 SP Field Set point for the control strategy. When

OperTune runs in closed loop (Auto mode), SP
default = DCS SP represents the internal set point used by
OperTune and may not match the SP on the
control system. Use this port to alter the
controller set point during a tuning run.

18 OP Field When OperTune is in stop or in manual mode,

OP text box is editable

19 Point Details Button Button used to access the control system Point
Detail display.

20 Exit Button Closes this display as well as all other OperTune

displays and quits the OperTune application.

If you Exit the OperTune Main Display at any time during any procedure
or while using other OperTune screens, the application will quit and
your data will not be retained.

Tuning Constants Display

The Tuning Constants Display is displayed when you click the Tuning Solutions button
in the Main display window. This shows the updating, working results being produced
during the OperTune analysis. Each candidate solution is displayed in a row of
characteristic values, which are updated in real time as OperTune progresses. This
display is intended to be read-only and is provided for advanced users or for trouble
shooting purposes.

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays





Figure 8 Tuning Constants Display

Sl no Field Description

1 Tag Name Displays the tag name

2 Tag Description Displays the description of the tag

3 Current DCS Tuning The current values for the PID gain, integral time,
Constants section and derivative time as read from the control
system. The Tf (filter) value is the filter time
associated with the PV filter.

4 OperTune Calculated The current values for the PID gain, integral time,
Tuning Constants and derivative time as read from the Internal
OperTune Controller

5 OperTune Working Displays the ten working solutions generated by

Solutions section the OperTune analysis in ten rows. These values
update and change as OperTune analyzes the
34 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1
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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

6 Tf (filter) field Displayed in the in OperTune Working Solutions

section, this field contains the optimized value for
the PV filter time, in minutes.

7 Closed Loop Settling Column of ten fields showing the settling times
Time column for which the PID parameters are being
optimized, for each of the ten candidate

8 Status column Column of status indicators showing the progress

of the PID tuning analysis for each of the ten
solutions. When the analysis is no longer being
performed, the status will change to either
Complete or Failed.

9 K (proportional) Displays the working PID gains for each of the

column ten indicated analysis results. These values
change with each iteration of OperTune.

10 Ti (integral or reset) Displays the working PID reset time in minutes

column for each of the ten indicated OperTune analysis

11 Td (derivative or rate) Displays the working PID rate in minutes for each
column of the ten indicated OperTune analysis results.

12 Fit Error column Column indicating the quality of OperTune’s

convergence for each of the ten working
solutions. The fit error must be less than 0.2
before OperTune completes its analysis.

13 KPI KPI - Key Performance Indicator. This parameter

will indicate the tuning status of the session
whether tuning is progressing in the right
direction and how close we are to the tuning
completion. It will be in the scale of 0 to 1, where
1 represents success and 0 means failure. The
intermediate value during tuning will help us to
know the tuning progress.

14 Stop OperTune and This button becomes active as soon as the first of
Take Successful ten candidate solutions reaches a Complete
Solutions Button status. When clicked, this action stops OperTune
analysis and invokes the OperTune Results

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

OperTune analysis for five-times-longer than the Desired Closed Loop
Settling Time can take an extended amount to time to complete. You can
use this button to stop OperTune sooner and work with available solutions.

15 OK Button Closes this display.

36 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Configurations Window
The Configuration Window is displayed when you click the Configurations button in
the Main display window. Configuration window consists of five tabs

Tuner Settings
In the Configurations window, click the Tuner Setting tab.



Figure 9 Tuner Settings

In general fields that are displayed with a gray background are Read-
Only. Fields that are displayed with a white background accept input.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 37

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

1 OperTune Mode Specifies whether OperTune corrects the PV error while

Default = AUTO
Value Meaning

0 OPEN – OperTune will not add a control

signal to the OP – just the PRBS

1 SAFE AUTO – OperTune will not add a

control signal to the OP – just the PRBS
until the controller is partially converged
and then the control signal will be added

2 AUTO – Control signal + PRBS from the


3 Manual op mode, user has full control to

execute the OP signal from the start

OperTune modes are changed before the start of

tuning. If you change the OperTune modes, the
following dialog box appears

38 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

2 Status Indicates the overall OperTune status, as described


Value Meaning

0 OperTune is in the process of tuning

the controller

1 OperTune calculations have been

temporarily paused

2 OperTune has successfully identified

new controller tunings

3 OperTune has successfully identified

controller tunings for some of the
closed loop settling times but not others

4 OperTune has failed to converge for

any of the settling times. Other
problematic conditions can cause
OperTune to fail

3 OP Signal PRBS The magnitude of the OP excitation signal during

Step Magnitude tuning. This excitation signal is added (as a pseudo
Field random variation) to the base OP value at the start of
the test and is shown as a percent of the base OP
default = 2% value. The entered excitation signal must be large
enough to move the process outside its noise band, but
should be small enough to avoid major process upsets.
Same as OP Change field on Main Display. If Loop
Scout is present this value can be read in from the Loop
Scout data.

4 OP Signal PRBS Minimum time (in minutes) between PRBS steps.

minimum Setting a minimum switch time prevents rapid up and
switching time down changes in the OP, but can impede OperTune’s
ability to identify best controller tunings, especially
default = 0.016667 derivative time.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 39

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

5 Desired Settling Textbox for entering the desired closed loop setting time
Time for the control strategy, expressed in minutes.
OperTune uses this setting to optimize the response of
default = 1 min the PID strategy. If the desired closed loop settling time
is too fast for the process, OperTune will automatically
select a slower response depending upon a series of
convergence criteria. If the pre-tune test step is
performed, the desired settling time is filled in with the
result of the pre-tune analysis. Same as Desired
Settling Time field on Main Display.

6 X Parameter Internal parameter. Set to 6 for non-integrating

processes and 2.55 for integrating (non-self correcting)
default = 6 processes. Automatically set and adjusted by
(auto adjusted for
OperTune. Do not change this parameter unless
level loops to 2.55)
advised to do so by Honeywell. Further details on this
parameter in Parameter Definitions

7 Controller Type Specifies whether to include the derivative term while

optimizing the tuning. Set to 1 to include derivative
Default = PI (zero) action or to 0 for PI only control.

8 Integrator Flag Flag indicating whether the process is integrating (non-

self correcting). Set to 1 for integrating processes (e.g.
Default = off (zero) some level controllers) or to 0 otherwise. This default
value for this flag changes with the loop type.

Note: OperTune automatically sets the integrator flag to

ON (1) for Level loops

9 Detune Factor Detune Factor represents Gain value of the OperTune’s

internal controller. Default value for this parameter is
Default = 0.75 0.75.

10 Detune Flag When this flag is 0, OperTune’s internal detuned

controller is used.
Default = off (zero)
When the flag is set to 1, the existing tuning parameters
from the DCS controller are used for the closed loop
control while tuning is going on.

11 Estimated time to It is the estimated time to complete tuning

complete tuning
Default = 0

40 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Tuner Limits
In the Configurations window, click the Tuner Limits tab.

Figure 10 Tuner Limits Display

Sl no Field Description

1 Gain Maximum / Gain Maximum and minimum bounds on the controller

Minimum Fields gain. Default values of these bounds are read from
the DCS. If the values are changed it only affects
the OperTune calculations – nothing is written back
to the DCS.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 41

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

2 Integral Time Maximum and minimum OperTune bounds on the

maximum / Integral integral time calculated in minutes. Default values
Time minimum Fields of these bounds are read from the DCS If the
values are changed it only affects the OperTune
calculations – nothing is written back to the DCS.

3 Derivative Time Maximum and minimum OperTune bounds on the

maximum / Derivative derivative time calculated in minutes. Default values
Time minimum Fields of these bounds are read from the DCS. If the
values are changed it only affects the OperTune
calculations – nothing is written back to the DCS.

4 PV High Limit / PV PV engineering high and low limits. This value is

Low Limit Values read-only.

5 OP High Limit / OP OP high and low limits used to clamp the output.
Low Limit Values These values can be adjusted to limit the range of
OP movement from OperTune. Changes to these
defaults = DCS OP limits values do not change the DCS OP limits.

42 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Current Values
In the Configurations window, Click Current Values tab.


Figure 11 Current Values Display

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 43

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

1 Internal SP Internal set point when tuning. When

OperTune runs in closed loop (Auto mode),
SP represents the internal set point used by
OperTune and should match the SP on the
control system. The Set Point cannot be
changed from this field.

2 Starting PV Value of the PV at the start of the tuning run.

This value is read-only.

3 OperTune SP Effective SP while OperTune is running. The

while running user can change this field without changing
the DCS set point while OperTune is running.
When a value is entered here it will update
the Internal SP on the next iteration.

4 PV current, SP The current process value, PV; set point, SP;

current, and OP and output, OP, of the control strategy.
current These values are updated from the control
system once per second. Same as PV, SP,
and OP on Pre-Tune Display. This value is

44 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Controller Settings
In the Configurations window, click the Controller Setting tab.


Figure 12 Controller Settings

Sl no Field Description

1 Execution OperTune’s execution period, in minutes. This value is

Time Value fixed at 0.0167 minutes (1 second) and is read-only.

2 Control Control strategy execution period, in seconds. This value

Execution is read-only.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 45

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

3 Equation Type Type of control equation. OperTune supports the tuning

of type EqA, EqB, and EqC only. Read-only parameter.

Value Meaning

0 Honeywell PID EqA

1 Honeywell PID EqB

2 Honeywell PID EqC

3 Honeywell PID EqD

4 Honeywell PID EqE

4 PV Tracking PV tracking flag value as read from the control system.

This value is displayed as 1 if PV tracking is enabled and
to 0 in not enabled. This is a read-only parameter.

5 Control Action PID control action as read from the control system. This
value is displayed as 1 if control action is Reverse and
displayed as 0 if set to Direct. This value is read-only.

6 Filter Constant PV filter time constant, in minutes, as read from the

TF control system. This value is read-only.

7 Calculated TF Optimized PV filter time constant calculated by

OperTune and expressed in minutes. This value is read-

8 OP Resolution Flag indicating the resolution of the final control element.

Field If the control element has a low resolution, OperTune
may falsely interpret this element is not under control
default = 1 (low because changes in OperTune’s output are not enough to
cause a change in the final control element. If the box
level controller has fewer than 16 bits of resolution, you
may need to set this flag to 1.

46 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Controller Limits
In the Configurations window, click the Controller Limits tab.

Figure 13 Controller Limits Display

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 47

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

1 PV Alarming Flag enabling PV cutoff values during closed loop

default = ON (1)

2 PV HIGH Alarm / PV PV high and low cutoff values for closed loop
LOW Alarm control. If during the course of a closed loop test,
the PV exceeds the PV cutoff value, the OP
default = DCS limits excitation signal is temporarily halted and the OP
is programmatically moved by OperTune to bring
the PV back within bounds. Once the violation is
cleared (by more than the deadband), the
excitation signal is restarted.

3 PV Alarm Deadband Deadband associated with PV high / low cutoff. PV

must return within limits by more than the PV
default = 10 deadband before OperTune will continue its
excitation signal.

48 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Results Display
The OperTune Results Display shows the final result of the tuning run. It displays
automatically on completion of the OperTune tuning run.

Figure 14 Results Display

OperTune will find the lowest error solution and change the
background color to green. This solution will appear first, but can be
found again by looking for the green background.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 49

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

Sl no Field Description

1 Current DCS Tuning The current values for the PID gain, integral time,
Constants section and derivative time is as read from the control
system. The Tf (filter) value is the filter time
associated with the PV filter.

2 OperTune Calculated Displays details of each of the ten working solutions

Tuning Constants generated by the OperTune analysis one at a time.

3 Tuning Solution # Label of the currently displayed tuning solution

results generated by OperTune.

4 Tf (filter) field Optimized value for the PV filter time, in minutes.

5 Closed Loop Settling Displays the resultant settling time for which the PID
Time parameters are being optimized.

6 Status Status indicator showing the progress of the PID

tuning analysis for the currently displayed solution.
Status is either Complete or Failed.

7 K (proportional) Displays the working PID gain for the currently

displayed analysis result

8 Ti (integral or reset) Displays the working PID reset time for the currently
displayed OperTune analysis result.

9 Td (derivative or rate) Displays the working PID rate for the currently
displayed OperTune analysis result.

10 Fit Error Indicates the quality of OperTune’s convergence for

the currently displayed working solution.

11 Result Indicator Lever Located near the bottom of the display, this lever
indicates which of tuning results for different closed
loop response times is displayed in the Results
display. Clicking the indicators to the left reveals the
results for faster control (smaller closed loop settling
time) and clicking to the right displays results for
slower control. Initial results default to the solution
with the user-entered settling time. While OperTune
may converge for a fast settling time, the result, when
implemented, may have an undesirable amount of
overshoot. Using a resultant solution with a slower
control interval eliminates this overshoot.

50 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.2. OperTune Displays

12 Faster / Slower Buttons Method of selecting faster or slower results to the left
or right by one speed interval.

13 SP Change response The tuning plot at the bottom left displays the
plot response of the loop when there is a change in the
set point.

14 Load change response The tuning plot at the lower right displays the
plot response of the loop when there is a change in load.

15 PI Only Button PI download button – used to send the shown gain

and integral time to the controller. The derivative time
is downloaded as 0.

16 PID Button PID download button – When controller type = PID

this button is used to send the shown gain, integral
time, and derivative time to the controller. In general,
it is better to either download all three terms or
configure OperTune to optimize for PI control instead
of PID. Refer to TIP

Some basic rules of thumb on page 71.

17 Undo Button Allows the user to restore the original tuning

parameters with the selection of this button.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 51

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2. Working with OperTune
2.3. Starting OperTune from the Windows Start Button

2.3 Starting OperTune from the Windows Start Button

Choose Start Method
You can choose to skip this step and optionally launch OperTune from
a specific Experion Point Detail Display as described in the next

After prerequisite steps are complete (You can refer OperTune Quick start Guide for pre-
requisite steps), perform the following steps to start the OperTune application from the
windows Start button menu.

52 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.3. Starting OperTune from the Windows Start Button

Step Action

1 Set the desired controller mode on the DCS to Manual and Mode Attribute to
Program before starting OperTune. (OperTune will post a warning

In any DCS systems where OperTune is installed, click

Start >All Programs > Scout Suite > OperTune

Figure 15 OperTune short cut key from windows


R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 53

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2. Working with OperTune
2.3. Starting OperTune from the Windows Start Button

Step Action

The Scout Suite OperTune splash screen is displayed for a few seconds.

Figure 16 OperTune Splash Screen

2. The Scout Suite OperTune R310- Select Tagname display appears.

Figure 17 OperTune first window for tag name entry

To proceed, see Section 2.5.

54 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

Honeywell 07/10
2. Working with OperTune
2.4. Starting OperTune from Experion Point Detail Display

2.4 Starting OperTune from Experion Point Detail Display

Optional Start Method
You can choose to launch OperTune from the Windows Start button
as described in the previous section.

After prerequisite steps are complete (You can refer OperTune Quick Start Guide in Help
for pre-requisite steps). Perform the following steps to Start OperTune application from a
specific Experion PID Point Detail display.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 55

07/10 Honeywell
2. Working with OperTune
2.4. Starting OperTune from Experion Point Detail Display

Step Action

1 Ensure the control system Mode is set to Manual and Mode Attribute is set to
Program before starting OperTune. OperTune will present a warning
message and will not start unless the mode is correct.

From the Experion Operator Station (Flex Station or Console Station),

navigate to the Experion Point Detail display for the loop you wish to tune or
launch Microsoft Command Prompt and type the tag name of the PID point.

The specific Experion PID Point Detail display for the point appears.

Figure 18 Experion station display

56 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

Honeywell 07/10
2. Working with OperTune
2.4. Starting OperTune from Experion Point Detail Display

Step Action

2 Click the Loop Tune tab to select.

Figure 19 Experion Station – Loop Tune tab

The Loop Tune tab is displayed.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 57

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2. Working with OperTune
2.4. Starting OperTune from Experion Point Detail Display

Step Action

3 Click the OperTune button to start the automatic loop tuner for this point.

Figure 20 Experion Station – OperTune shortcut

4 A warning dialog may optionally appear, depending on security settings.

Click Yes to continue.

Figure 21 ActiveX warning

58 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.4. Starting OperTune from Experion Point Detail Display

Step Action

5 The OperTune Point Selection display is presented.

Figure 22 Point selection Display window

To proceed, go to Section 2.5,Select PID Control Strategy (point) to Tune

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 59

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2. Working with OperTune
2.5. Select PID Control Strategy (point) to Tune

2.5 Select PID Control Strategy (point) to Tune

Point Selection Display
In this section you will select or confirm a PID loop to tune. You will also decide
whether to use OperTune’s open loop pre-tuning function to let OperTune help you
choose the initial values for the desired closed loop settling time and the percent OP
move inputs.
Step Action

1 After starting OperTune from the Windows Start button, Scout Suite OperTune
R310-Select Tagname display appears, the tag name text box indicates.
Please key in the controller name

Click to enter tagname or type the controller name.

When starting OperTune from the Experion PID Point Detail display, the tag
name should be displayed in the text box.

Figure 23 Point name entry window

60 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.5. Select PID Control Strategy (point) to Tune

Step Action

2 The OperTune Loop Scout Information appears if Loop Scout information is

not configured yet (or turned off).

Figure 24 LoopScout LSmetrics location

Use the Select LSMetrics.xml button to select the Loop Scout information file if
you have moved this file to this station – otherwise select OK.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 61

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2. Working with OperTune
2.5. Select PID Control Strategy (point) to Tune

Step Action

3 In this step all the Tuning Pre-requisites are checked and clamping values for
PV & OP are entered.

After all the conditions are passed, Click Next to proceed to OperTune PreTune

Figure 25 OperTune Trending Tool

62 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.5. Select PID Control Strategy (point) to Tune

Step Action

4 In this step you choose to pre-tune the loop in open loop mode or skip this step
and proceed to OperTune's main display to execute the automated closed loop
tuning sequence. Choose either A or B.

A. Jump right to tuning. Use skip button to Jump to tuning. OperTune starts
tuning with default values.

Figure 26 OperTune Pre Tune - Skip


B. Use the pre-Tune function to estimate the settling time and OP move size.
Perform this option if you want to use OperTune in open loop mode to
perform a pre-tuning step and let the loop tuner recommend the initial
values to use for desired closed loop settling time and percent OP move
during closed loop tuning.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 63

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2. Working with OperTune
2.6. [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning

2.6 [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning

Optional Procedure
If you want to use OperTune in open loop mode to perform a pre-tuning step and let the
loop tuner recommend the initial values to use for desired closed loop settling time and
percent OP move during closed loop tuning, perform the optional procedure described in
this section.
In this procedure you will work with OperTune to observe how much change in the OP is
required to excite the process. OperTune uses what it learns during this step to
recommend an estimated Desired Closed Loop Settling Time (in minutes) and reports a
recommended OP Move Limit to use with this settling time.
The estimated values recommended by OperTune and produced at the end of this
procedure are considered high fidelity, and so can be used with confidence. However, it
is noted that this optional step takes a few minutes longer to accomplish.
In some cases, you can decide to enter the two key data output values directly to
complete your PID loop tuning session. You can also choose to use these two data values
as reasonable estimated starting values for OperTune’s use during closed loop tuning.
How OperTune’s automated closed loop tuning sequence uses the estimated values
generated during this pre-tuning step is described in a later step in this document.
Perform the steps in the following table to complete the optional open loop pre-tuning

The controller must be in Manual, with a mode attribute of Program –

otherwise OperTune will not be able to write to the DCS point.

64 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.6. [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning

Step Action

1 After the Tagname is valid, click Next to go to the Trend Display.

Figure 27 OperTune pre-requisites check

2 In this step all the Tuning Pre-requisites are checked and clamping values for
PV & OP are entered. After all the conditions are passed, Click Next to
proceed to OperTune Pre-Tune Display. PV, OP & SP values are updated
from the control system.

Figure 28 OperTune Trending Tool

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 65

07/10 Honeywell
2. Working with OperTune
2.6. [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning

Step Action

3 Open loop pre-tuning begins automatically. Trending of the current PV and

OP as read from the control system starts immediately.

Figure 29 OperTune Pre-tuning

4 The current PV is displayed in the lower trend, which also includes the current
PV High and PV/Low limits displayed as upper and lower control limits. The
noise band around the current PV is shown in the trend.

5 The current OP is trended in the upper trend display, and the values shown in
the Controller section on the right are read from the current values on the
control system.

66 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.6. [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning

Step Action

6 Select the change OP size by text box and enter the value. Using increase
or decrease button to add the percentage input to the OP value. The
percentage value will be added or subtracted from the current OP value.

Figure 30 OperTune Pre-Tune - change OP size

It is recommended that you make slight changes, one increment at a time and
wait for the response to settle.

When the PV High target is exceeded, then the text box is highlighted by a
green color.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 67

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2. Working with OperTune
2.6. [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning

Step Action

7 Based on the OP value, the PV value oscillates between low or high targets.
When the PV value is above the PV target high then, the PV target high box
is highlighted by a green color .

Figure 31 OperTune Pre-Tune - PV target crossing

68 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.6. [Optional] Perform Open Loop Pre-Tuning

Step Action

8 After both the PV High and PV Low targets are exceeded and PV is brought
back within the PV High & Low targets, OperTune automatically moves to
Scout Suite OperTune 310 tuning display.

Figure 32 OperTune Pre-Tune Completion

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 69

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2. Working with OperTune
2.7. Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence

2.7 Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence

OperTune Main Display
Follow these instructions to tune the selected loop from the OperTune Main Display.
Step Action

• The DCS point must be in MAN, and if it is a Honeywell controller the
MODE ATTRIBUTE must be in PROGRAM for OperTune to work.

• OperTune works best if the loop is stable with the PV on SP before

the Start OperTune button is pressed.

70 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.7. Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence

Step Action

Some basic rules of thumb:
• Flow loops should usually use a closed loop settling time of under 3 mins

− Usually is a PI (T2=0) controller

− If tuning ad-hoc, K=0.1 and T1=0.1 is a good start

• Pressure loops can have many variations and are dependent upon
process vessel size and valve sizing.
− Use PI for fast pressures

− Use PID for slower loops where disturbances may occur

• Level loops with a surge attenuation objective should use slower settling
− Are usually integrators therefore use PI (T2=0)
 Integrator means that if you freeze the OP the vessel will
overflow or empty with no further moves on the OP – other
processes tend to steady out at a new operating point
− Be clear whether the objective is surge or regulation
 Regulation will require faster settling times
 Surge attenuation will require slower settling times
− Number one issue is that the integral time is too fast (T1 smaller on
Honeywell systems)
 T1 being too small causes level and downstream flow oscillation
• Temperature loops have the slowest dynamics of all loop types

− Consider selecting PID unless the signal is noisy

− If the settling time of the loop can be estimated or is known be sure to
enter this value before selecting start

Note: PI is the default, but PID may allow faster tuning and OperTune will
usually calculate a very small D component.


If OperTune is installed on two separate consoles, there is no cross-

checking between consoles. Therefore errors in tuning could occur if the
same point is tuned from two different stations.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 71

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2. Working with OperTune
2.7. Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence

Step Action

OperTune will read in the OPHI and OPLO limits from the controller. To
constrain the OperTune OP moves to a specific range refer to page 42 and
look for OP High Limit / OP Low Limit Values. Changing these values will
ensure that OperTune never moves the OP beyond these limits. Changes to
the limits here are not written down to the DCS.


OperTune will react differently if set for an integrating loop. By default

OperTune assumes that only level loops are integrators. If you are dealing
with an integrating loop refer to page 40 and look for Integrator Flag. This flag
should be adjusted before the start button is pressed.

1 The OP moves and desired closed loop settling time are initialized from the
pre-Tune step, or from Loop Scout, or from defaults. You can change either
or both of these values before the tuning starts.

To begin automated PID loop tuning, from the OperTune Main Display, click
Start OperTune.

Figure 33 OperTune main tuning form

72 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.7. Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence

Step Action

2 As the OperTune tuning sequence is executed, you can read the status bar
displayed in the lower left corner of the OperTune Main Display to monitor
OperTune’s progress. A short initialization period begins where the future OP
bias moves are displayed as a flat line.

Figure 34 OperTune initialization successful

When the initialization period is complete, this status is displayed in the status
bar: Initialization Successful.

If you want to change OperTune’s mode to MAN to run in open loop, it is
recommended to do so before OperTune has started. Complete this change
from the Configuration Details Display, if desired.

Running OperTune in MAN is a custom tuning mode – please reference

section [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration on page 90 for detailed

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 73

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2. Working with OperTune
2.7. Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence

Step Action

3 OperTune status changes to Working. The Future OP Bias Values window

begins anticipating future behavior of OperTune, based on calculations.

Figure 35 OperTune working status

The future values show a PRBS signal as soon as the initialization period is
completed. The future OP bias value plot shows the future PRBS signal which
gets added to the control OP signal.

4 OperTune will continue iterating until:

• Successful tuning solution is reached, or
• Tuning fails
o If controller is a flow loop OperTune will stop
o If controller is not a flow loop OperTune will re-calculate the
desired closed loop settling time and reinitialize for 4 times.

NOTE: OperTune can be configured to fix the settling time (radio button) so
that the re-calculation and re-initialization does not occur.

5 To see the tuning solutions as OperTune works, refer to[Optional] Accessing

Tuning Solutions Display.

74 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.7. Execute OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence

Step Action

To adjust the trajectory of the PV or change the limits while tuning, refer to
Section 2.10,

6 After the tuning is successful, the Scout Suite OperTune R310 Results
window is displayed. Click <<Faster or Slower>> to select the required tuning

Figure 36 OperTune results display

7 Select the required result, and click Send Selected Tuning to Controller to get
the selected result to your system. For information on how to pick the best
solution refer to 2.8 Selecting the best tuning solution.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 75

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2. Working with OperTune
2.8. Selecting the best tuning solution

2.8 Selecting the best tuning solution

OperTune provides the opportunity to use the best math available yet still allow
experience to guide the final selection of the tuning constants for the loop.
OperTune will also provide the user with guidance to the best solution based upon the
solution convergence, parameter stability, and the chosen settling time. Once OperTune
completes the suggested solution will have a green background, as shown here:

Figure 37 OperTune results display

If you click away from the suggested solution, the green background changes to grey
OperTune does not offer the ability to manipulate tuning constants once the solution is
complete because any change affects the response of the system, and ultimately the

76 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.8. Selecting the best tuning solution

In most cases you should be able to pick the recommended solution from OperTune and
use it directly. Ensure you take care of the operational conditions and configurations
considered if the tuning is much more or much less aggressive than the original values.
Special care should be taken with level loops if the objective of the loop is regulatory.
OperTune by default picks a slower settling time in an attempt to smooth the flow out of
the vessel. If the level loop objective is regulatory, consider carefully whether a faster
settling time is required or not. Refer to the TIP- Some basic rules of thumb in Execute
OperTune’s Automated Tuning Sequence section on page 71 for more tips and

Tuning constants are calculated with the filter in place. If the PV filter has a lag that is
“slow” relative to the desired closed-loop settling time it will affect solutions. Typically
the filter lag should be 1/90 to 1/120 times the settling time. In OperTune the suggested
filter lag is the higher of 0.05 min or 1/90*settling time. So if the chosen settling time is 1
min the recommended filter would be 0.05 min and if the chosen settling time is 9
minutes the recommended filter would be 0.1 minutes. The value of the current filter
overrides this calculation as long as it is greater than 0.05. If the filter is in an upstream
device and if you know the value of the filter lag you can manually enter it in the
configuration page. And Yes, if there is NO filter the “calculated/recommended” filter is
incorporated in the dynamics calculated for tuning.
Generally it is best to implement the filter as recommended by OperTune directly on the
controller point if filtering is available with the controller algorithm (controller algorithm
and hardware dependent).
NOTE: Filter constants are not written automatically to the DCS. The user has to
configure filter constants manually.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 77

07/10 Honeywell
2. Working with OperTune
2.8. Selecting the best tuning solution

Writing Tuning Results to the DCS

Step Action

1 From the OperTune Results Display, click the appropriate button to send the
result down to the DCS. If the controller type selected was PI – then PI Only
selection will be enabled.

Figure 38 OperTune results display – PI only option

If the controller type selected was PID, then both buttons will be enabled.

Note: Usually if PID is selected the D (T2) component is usually small enough
that you can download only PI to the controller if desired, however care must be
taken to understand the loop type and desired operational characteristics. Refer
to the TIP- Some basic rules of thumb in Execute OperTune’s Automated
Tuning Sequence section on page 71 for more tips and explanations.

78 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.9. [Optional] Accessing Tuning Solutions Display

2.9 [Optional] Accessing Tuning Solutions Display

Tuning Solutions
Step Action

1 From the OperTune Main Display, click Tuning Solutions.

Figure 39 OperTune Tuning solutions tab

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 79

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2. Working with OperTune
2.9. [Optional] Accessing Tuning Solutions Display

2 The Scout Suite R310 Tuning Constants window appears. It displays the 10
sets of tuning constants and updates as OperTune performs the analysis.

Figure 40 OperTune Tuning Constants display

The tuning constants iterates and moves around as OperTune attempts to

converge on all solutions

If OperTune has converged for one or more solutions the ‘Stop OperTune and
take successful solutions’ button will be enabled. The user can then stop the
tuning and select the successful solution(s) immediately.

3 After tuning is complete, Tuning Solutions button on the tuning form will show
the Scout Suite R310 Tuning Constants window and the Scout Suite R310
Results window, when it was closed prematurely.

80 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.10. [Optional] Making Adjustments During Tuning

2.10 [Optional] Making Adjustments During Tuning

OperTune Configuration Details
This option displays the configuration information for the controller that is being tuned.
Step Action

1 From the OperTune Main Display, click Configurations.

Figure 41 OperTune Configurations

The Scout Suite Opertune R310 Configurations window appears.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 81

07/10 Honeywell
2. Working with OperTune
2.10. [Optional] Making Adjustments During Tuning

2 From the Configurations display, you can view the current configuration
settings for the different tabs of OperTune.

Figure 42 OperTune Tuner settings tab

In the required tab you can click any of the non-read-only text boxes to
change the value.

82 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.10. [Optional] Making Adjustments During Tuning

Changing OperTune’s OP Bias

Step Action

1 Select the OP Bias text box and enter the value. The percentage value will be
added or subtracted from the current OP value.

It is recommended that you make slight changes, one increment at a time

and wait for the response to settle.

Figure 43 OperTune current settings tab

PV Low/High Limits Change

This option is used to change the PV low/high limits. The tuning limits will cause the
PRBS signal to flip the other way if the PV reaches these limits.
Note: these values should be used for safety/operator comfort limits. If the Hi and Lo
values are set too tight, tuning will be hampered by a limit cycle.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 83

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2. Working with OperTune
2.10. [Optional] Making Adjustments During Tuning

Step Action

1 Click PV High/PV Low text boxes. The OperTune PV Target window


Figure 44 OperTune PV target settings

2 Type the PV value, and click OK. This changes the PV High/Low limit as per
the selection.

Change SP Value during tuning

This option is used to change the SP value during the tuning. This option is enabled only
after you click Start OperTune.
Step Action

1 Click Start OperTune. Now the SP text box is enabled.

2 Click the SP text box. The Write SP window appears.

Figure 45 OperTune SP settings

Note: The SP can also be changed from the tuning options page on page 37

84 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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2. Working with OperTune
2.11. [Optional] Other Operator Operations

2.11 [Optional] Other Operator Operations

This section covers the other operator operations that are used while
tuning/starting/stopping OperTune.

Stop Command
This option is used to stop the tuning in progress. You can use this option when you want
to stop the current tuning process.
Click Stop to stop the tuning process as shown in the figure.

Figure 46 OperTune Stop button

PV-SP –OP Trend Range Change

Using this option, you can manually change the PV-SP and OP trend.
Step Action

1 Click the selected range button as shown in the window.

Figure 47 OperTune trending options

2 For example, if you chose to click Full, then the trend maximum and
minimum values are set to high and low limits of OP/PV for respective OP
and PV trends. If you chose to click Auto, then the trend maximum and
minimum values are set to Max + 5% of the range and Min - 5% of the range.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 85

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2. Working with OperTune
2.11. [Optional] Other Operator Operations

3 If you want to change the value manually, then click in the text box. The High
PV Range window appears.

Figure 48 OperTune PV trend option

4 Type the high PV range in the text box and click OK. The PV values changes
as per the input.

5 Similarly the changes are done for the OP. To manually change the OP
value, click OP text box.

6 The High OP Range value window appears. Type the high OP value and
click OK.

Figure 49 Opertune OP trend option

7 Similarly, you can manually change the low OP range.

Close OperTune tuning session

You can close OperTune any time by clicking Exit.
To close OperTune tuning session, follow the instructions given below:
1. Click the Exit button.
2. You will receive a message Are you sure you want to exit, click Yes.
Note: You may receive a message Do you want to set OP back to the original value;
click Yes if you want to set OP back to the original value. Else, click No.

86 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.1. Parameter Definitions

3. Appendix
3.1 Parameter Definitions
Parameter Name Description Usage in Algorithm

Desired Closed- Provide input for the Desired This key parameter sets the
Loop Settling Closed Loop Settling Time (in expected closed-loop settling time
Time minutes). This is the desired for the PV following a step- SP
time in minutes for PV to track change. The value is equal to
a step SP change. This value three times the time constant of
should be greater than 0.2 the closed-loop system. OperTune
Min. attempts to tune a set of loops two
times faster and ten times slower
than what you have entered for
the desired closed- loop settling
time. The parameter is also used
for PRBS signal design, and
setting the duration of the test.

How much % can Operator input of the step size OP step size sets the magnitude
OperTune move for the PRBS signal. of the PRBS signal. Under open-
the OP? (OP Step loop excitation, the signal is
Size) designed to switch between
(OP0+OP step size) and (OP0-OP
step size). Under closed loop
excitation, OP calculated by the
algorithm also contains some
contribution from a PID. The PID
used is a detuned version of the
best-ranked current tuning.
Operator may change this value
during testing.

Controller Type Operator Input of PI or PID Set PID_flag=0 for PI and

(PID flag) tuning. PID_flag=1 for PID

Integrator Flag Operator input to designate an Set Integrator = 0 for stable

integrating or stable system. systems and Integrator =1 for
integrating systems like level

Integrator = 1 can also be used for

slow temperatures if a more

87 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.1. Parameter Definitions

Parameter Name Description Usage in Algorithm

aggressive response is required.

OP High Limit Operator input for the Maximum limit on the OP.
Maximum OP value. Operator may change this value
during testing.

OP Low Limit Operator input for the Minimum limit on the OP.
Minimum OP value. Operator may change this value
during testing.

Current OP bias Displayed OP bias Value of the OP at the start of the

signal tuning run.

Effective OP Bias Operator input for the OP bias This value can be adjusted
Value during tuning This could be
useful where the PV is drifting too
far from the SP for the operator’s
comfort. Simply enter a positive
or negative value to move the OP
up or down respectively. For
example, setting this value to 2
will result in an immediate 2%
increase to the OP while
OperTune is tuning. Similarly
setting this value to -1 will result
in an immediate decrease of 1%
to the OP. Changing this value
does not stop the tuning – the
tuner simply sees an additional

Internal SP Internal value of SP used by During the initialization period this

the algorithm. value is updated using a root-
mean-square estimate of the PV.

88 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.1. Parameter Definitions

Parameter Name Description Usage in Algorithm

X parameter Operator’s Input to control the When Xparameter = 0, a first

order of the loopshaping order loopshape is used. A
algorithm. second order loopshape is used
when Xparameter is greater than
zero. For integrators, Xparameter
should be between two and four.
The default value is six for non-

OperTune’s default
recommendation for stable plants
is based on not having overshoot.
If you can afford to allow some
overshoot and thus want to get
more aggressive tuning solutions,
then you can set the Xparameter
between two and four instead of

Estimated time to Estimated Time to Complete --

complete (mins) the tuning in Minutes.

OP signal PRBS Operator shall enter limit on PRBS is designed not to switch
minimum the minimum switching time for faster than this limit.
switching time the PRBS signal.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 89

07/10 Honeywell
3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

3.2 [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Key Configuration Steps
Follow these instructions to configure the key parameters that influence OperTune’s
tuning sequence.

90 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Step Action

1 From Pre-Tuning: The OperTune Main Display is launched automatically from

the OperTune Pre-Tuning display when pre-tuning is complete.

The screen label is displayed in the following format:

< PID Tag Name > Scout Suite OperTune R310

Review the estimated values calculated during pre-tuning displayed in these

fields to ensure they are reasonable.

Desired Closed Loop Settling Time (Minutes) < pre-tune value >

How much % can OperTune move the OP? < pre-tune value >

Scout suite recommends using the values generated during pre-tuning for
best results.

Figure 50 OperTune main tune form

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 91

07/10 Honeywell
3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Step Action

2 From Point Selection: Or, if you chose not to perform the pre-tune step, then
use skip button from the pre-tune tune window.

Review the default values displayed in these fields to ensure they are

Desired Closed Loop Settling Time (Minutes) 1

How much % can OperTune move the OP 2

Figure 51 OperTune default design values

During execution of the automated tuning sequence in the next procedure,

OperTune will use the displayed values first, and then proceed with analysis
to produce multiple candidate tuning solutions.

92 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Step Action

3 From the OperTune Main Display, click Configurations to begin detailed


Figure 52 OperTune configuration display

The OperTune Configuration Details Display appears.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 93

07/10 Honeywell
3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Step Action

4 Address the following values on the Configuration Details display to ensure

proper configuration of OperTune.

Figure 53 OperTune modes-controller type

OperTune Mode – A

Configure in open mode to determine tuning will be done in open loop (PRBS
signal only). AUTO configuration specifies closed loop tuning (control signal +
PRBS). Safe auto mode will put the open loop mode for initial period of time,
and then once the solution starts converging; it will be put into auto mode. In
Manual OP mode (mode =3), user has full control to execute the control
signal during tuning. If you want to change to any mode, it is recommended
to do so after starting OperTune and select the configure window and change
the mode.

Controller Type - B

Configure the OperTune tuning sequence to calculate Proportional, Integral

and Differential (PID) tuning values or Proportional and Integral (PI) values

94 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Step Action

5 In Manual OP mode (Mode =3), you need to enter the OP value in the
Change OP box.

Figure 54 OperTune manual OP mode

Making a change to the Controller Type during tuning is not allowed.
OperTune asks for a restart in tuning.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 95

07/10 Honeywell
3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Step Action

6 The OP High and OP Low Limits for OperTune can be changed (these values
are not sent to the DCS). From this display. In most cases, the defaults read
from the control system are acceptable to use for the tuning sequence. – C

Figure 55 OperTune OP high, low value setting

96 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Step Action

Figure 56 OperTune PV alarm options

OperTune can respond to the PV. By setting these limits OperTune will
change the direction of its response to keep the PV away from the alarm
limits. The user can adjust these here or on the main tuning display as
described in [Optional] Making Adjustments During Tuning on page 81.

Note: The PV HIGH Alarm and PV LOW Alarm values do not correspond to
the values by the same name on the control system. These values are the
same values as on the main tuning display as described in PV Low/High
Limits Change.

R310.1 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide 97

07/10 Honeywell
3. Appendix
3.2. [Optional] Advanced OperTune Configuration

Step Action

8 To change the values in this display, click in the text box. The dialog appears,
confirming the field to be edited in the dialog title.

Figure 57 OperTune Configuration Confirmation

display after changes

9 When edits to the OperTune Configuration Details Display are complete, click
OK to close the display.

98 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.3. Troubleshooting

3.3 Troubleshooting
1. Error: Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this program

When OperTune is launched for the first time after installation, you may receive a
message stating that Windows has blocked some features. Please choose the
appropriate check box, and then click Allow access. This will add opertune.exe
to the firewall exception list. Once OperTune.exe is added to the windows firewall
exception list, you will not receive this message in future.

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3. Appendix
3.3. Troubleshooting

2. Error: OperTune Read conflict, the point is already in use

If OperTune fails to do a complete shutdown then the configuration file will still
have the last tuned controller marked as being in use. OperTune will check to
ensure a point is not currently being tuned before it will successfully connect to a
controller. If this happens there will be a record in the OperTuneError.log file as
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss OperTune Read conflict, the point is already in use. RDI
name = EPKS1 [frmSelectPoint:lblPointName_Click]
If this error occurs, then use the following steps to reset the RDI configuration
XML file. This will reset the configuration and allow you to tune to work any PID

To reset the configuration in Experion PKS system:

• In the …\Program Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\RDIServer\config\ folder the
configuration file EPKS1.xml should be deleted
• In the …\Program Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\RDIServer\config\ folder
make a copy of the file EPKS1x.xml
• In the …\Program Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\RDIServer\config\ rename
the copy of EPKS1x.xml  EPKS1.xml

3. Connection issues:
If connection issues are suspected, OperTune log files can be found in the
…\Program Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\RDIServer\LogFiles\ folder.
If the OperTune log files do not point to the problem, the data engine (RDIServer)
log files can be found in the
…\Program Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\RDIServer\SiteTemp\ folder.
For Experion systems look for RDIEPKS1.OUT

100 Scout Suite OperTune User's Guide R310.1

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3. Appendix
3.3. Troubleshooting

4. Opertune configured
Application path: C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\RDIServer
OperTune Log path:
OperTune Log File names: OperTuneError.log
RDI log path: C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\RDIServer\SiteTemp
RDI Log File names: RDI<DCS type>1.out ex: RDIEPKS1.OUT
Service that should run while using OperTune: UniformanceRDIServerSE
Registry information available at:
Importance of some of the registries:
Username: represents the LoopScout user name
LastRDIName: represents the DCS type last connected
DataFilePath: tuning session result upload folder
AutoselectFilterX: filters used to decide loop type from loop name
Currentversion: version of OperTune
Application name: Application name
ReInitCount: Number of times re-initialisation will happen when tuning is done in
auto mode
RDI key:
Service for RDI:

Registry for RDI service:


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3. Appendix
3.3. Troubleshooting

5. When you launch OperTune you get an error message as shown in figure below:

Uniformance RDIServer SE service is stopped or not running.
• Start uniformanceRDIServerSE service.
• Wait for few seconds and then launch OperTune.

6. Error message – RDI Tag is not active

When OperTune is launched, it displays an error indicating RDI is not active. In
such a scenario perform the following steps to resolve the error.
Step Action
1 Through Control Panel, verify if Uniformance RDI Server SE service is
2 When OperTune has to get data from the remote OPC Server, ensure that
this Service is running under a valid account that has “launch & access”
privileges for the remote OPC server.

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3. Appendix
3.3. Troubleshooting

7. When you launch OperTune you get an error message as shown in figure below:

When Opertune_1_0.dll does not get registered while installation, Matlab object
cannot be created and hence you get this error
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\RDIServer
2. Locate Opertune_1_0.dll
3. Execute the following command from Start> Run as shown in the figure:

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3.3. Troubleshooting

4. Type the following command in the Run window regsvr32 "C:\Program

5. You a message box is displayed confirming that the DLL is registered.

8. Not able to restart Uniformance RDI Server SE service:

This is an issue with the windows service. Exact reason provided by
Microsoft is:
The ServiceBase class calls the OnStop method directly from the Service
command handler that is defined in the ScDispatcherLoop of the
Advapi32.dll f ile. After 30 s econds, i f t he S cDispatcherLoop t hread i s not
ready to receive a new service command from the service control manager,
Windows Service Controller marks the service as "time out." Therefore, you
receive this error message.
This exception message is generated by the Operating System. Please
follow the Microsoft support link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/839174 to
resolve this problem.

Restarting the machine can be a quick work around
for the problem.

9. All point parameter values are read as 0.

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3. Appendix
3.3. Troubleshooting

This error can occur when there is some issue in the loop or RDI service is not
running properly.
• Check in the station for any issue in the loop
• If OperTune is connected to the serve remotely then check DCOM
• Check if OperTune is violating the limit of number of connection to the server
• Connect to the server via some third party OPC client to check if OperTune
only is having problem.

10. Dynamic Read error exception is generated when multiple OperTune

sessions are running.

This exception is generated by OperTune, when OPC server is heavily loaded,
or when the OPC server is unable to provide required data due to some other
It is recommended not to run more than 3 instances of OperTune when this
exception is generated.
11. Error number 11021 is generated during the invoking of OperTune.

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3. Appendix
3.3. Troubleshooting

This exception is generated when there is a security related issue between the
RDI and the OPC server, and hence, the connection cannot be established.
Check the OPC server (or redirection manager if used) for any issue. Invoke
Opertune when the issue is resolved and server is able to provide data
continuously. This can be tested via any third party OPC client.

Honeywell International
Process Solutions
2500 West Union Hills
Phoenix, AZ 85027

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