Dizien Math

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School: WESTERN Grade Five


GRADE 5 Student DIZIEN GALLEGO Learning Math

DETAILED Teacher: Areas:
Teaching Quarter: 3rd
Dates and Quarter
a. Content Standard The learner demonstrates
understanding of polygons,
circles, and solid figures.
b. Performance Standard The learner is able to construct
and describe polygons, circles,
and solid figures.
c. Learning Competency/Objectives: The learner visualizes and
describes solid figures.

Objectives: At the end of the

lesson, the students should be
able to:

1. Identify solid figures.
2. Describe each solid figure.
3. Create a three-dimensional
figure model using a paper.
Topic Visualizes and Describes Solid
A. Reference
2. Teacher Guide Pages K to 12 Mathematics
Curriculum Guide August
2016, page 164
3. Learner’s Guide Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Mathematics for Everyone
Resources Grade 5.
B. Materials for Teaching PPT, Laptop, Bond paper,
Scissors, Glue, Instructional
C. Appreciation Appreciate various solid
figures in the environment.
D. Integration’s English, Values, Arts, Music,
E. Teaching Strategy Collaborative and Cooperative
Teacher Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities

Good morning class. Good morning teacher.

Let’s all stand, Angel kindly lead the prayer. (Pupil will pray)

Before you take you seat, kindly arrange your chairs.

Are you done? Yes teacher.

You may now take your seat. How are you class? We’re fine teacher.

It’s nice to hear that class. Is there any absent today? None teacher.

Very good! I’m glad that no one is absent today.

I would like to remind you our classroom rules.

First, I don’t want to see anything in your arm chair.
Second, raise your hand if you want to answer or you
have clarification and third and most important,
don’t talk if someone is talking in front. Understand? Yes teacher.
A. Reviewing previous lesson

Before we proceed to our new lesson, let’s make a

short review about our lesson yesterday.

Do you still remember our lesson yesterday? Yes, teacher!

Who wants to share what is our lesson yesterday?

Teacher, I want to share.
Tyson, share what is our lesson yesterday.
Our previous lesson is about
Visualizing and Describing a
Circle, teacher.
Very good! We talked about visualizing and
describing a circle.

Again, what is circle?

Yes, Elijah? A circle is a shape that is made
up of curved line. It’s round,
and all points on the curved
line are an equal distance from
the center point.
Correct! Now I know that you really remember our
past lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Now let’s have a game! I want you to listen carefully.

This game I called it “Show me” or the “Bring me

game” you just need to listen to me and show to me
the things or object that I say. The student who can
show to me the things or object that I say, will get the
points and will get rewards after our discussions.

Is it clear class?
Are you all ready? Yes teacher.

Can anyone show me a pencil?

Regina show first.
One point for Regina.

Can anyone show me a ball?

Perly shows first.
One point for Perly.

Can anyone show me a rubrics cube?

Janile show first.
One points for Janile.

Show me a dice. Tyson show first.

One point for Tyson.

Show me any type of canned goods.

Regina show first.
Regina have two points.

Great Job everyone!

Now as we can see, the student who get 2 points is

Let’s give Regina a very good clap.

1,2,3, 1,2,3 Very good! Very good, Very good!

I hope everyone enjoyed our game.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the
new lesson

Now let’s move on to our lesson for this day. The

game that we played is connected to our lesson for
this day.

So, what did you observed to the object that you

showed to me? What shapes it is? They have different shape
Very good!

So, our lesson is all about Visualizing and Describing

Solid Figure, but before anything else kindly read our

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able
1. Identify solid figure.
2. Describe each solid figure.
3. Create a three-dimensional figure model
using a paper.

What is a Solid Figure?

Yes, Jona? Solid figure are object with a
length, width, and height and
take up space.
Very good!

The figure in my screen are what we call solid figures.

They are three-dimensional figures.

I have here a video let’s watch and listen to the song.


What are the 3D shapes that mentioned?

Yes, Pia?
Sphere and Cube teacher.
Very good! Another?
Yes, Mica? Rectangular Prism and Cone
That’s right! What else?
Yes, Ana?
Cylinder and Pyramid teacher.
Very good everyone!
A Polyhedron is a solid bounded by flat surfaces that
are polygon. The flat surfaces formed by polygons
and their interiors are called faces. The faces
intersect at line segments called edges. The edges
intersect at the point is called vertex.

What do we called to the edges intersect at the point

of a polyhedron?

Yes, Bryan?
Vertex, teacher.
Very good!

This solid figure is a Cube. Each side of the cube is a

face. Two faces meet at an edge. Three edges meet at
a vertex.

Can you give me an example of an object shape like

a cube?

Yes, Arrian?
Ice cube, teacher.
Very good, Arrian! Another?
Yes, Renafe.
Teacher, a box.
Very good, Renafe!

A Prism is a solid figure with two congruent bases.

The shape of the base is used to name the prism. The
other faces are parallelogram.

What do we call to a solid figure with two congruent

Yes, Irene?
Prism, teacher.
Okay, very good!

A Pyramid is a solid figure with one base. The shape

of the base is used to name the pyramid. The other
faces are triangle.

Can you give me an example of an object shape like

a Pyramid?

Yes, Angel?
Tent, teacher.
Very good!

Now, these are solid figures without straight edges.

A Cone has one circular base and a curved surface

with a vertex.

Can you give me an example of an object shape like

a Cone?

Yes, kianah?
Pencil tip, teacher.
Very good!

A Sphere is the set of all points in space that are at

the same distance from a fixed point called center.

Can you give me an example of an object shape like

a Sphere?

Yes, John Paul? Globe, teacher.

Okay, Correct!

A Cylinder has two congruent circular bases and a

curved surface.
Faith give an example of an object like a cylinder? Drinking glass, teacher.

Very good! Give yourself 10 claps!

D. Discussing new concept and practicing
new skills #1

At this time, we will have another activity for you to

fully understand the lesson.

I will divide the class into three groups. Each group

will perform a task. I give you 5 minutes to do your
task. You should work as a group so you could finish
your task on time.

Rubrics for Group Activity:

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Time Management
Total: 15

Group 1: Draw different solid figures.

Name of Solid Figure Draw the figure

1. Cone
2. Sphere
3. Cylinder
4. Cube
5. Pyramid
6. Rectangular Prism

Group 2: Identify each solid figure. Write the

answer on the space provided.

1. ___________

2. ___________

3. ___________
4. ___________

5. ___________

6. ___________

Group 3: Make a paper cube.

- Cut along the outside edge.
- Fold inward along the inside lines.
- Glue the flaps to hold the cube.

E. Discussing new concept and practicing

new skills #2 (Guided Practice)

Let's proceed to your group presentation.

Group 1: Draw different solid figures. Group 1: Draw different solid

Name of Solid Figure Draw the figure
1. Cone Name of Draw the
2. Sphere Solid Figure figure
3. Cylinder 1. Cone
4. Cube
5. Pyramid 2. Sphere
6. Rectangular Prism

3. Cylinder

4. Cube

5. Pyramid


Group 2: Identify each solid

Group 2: Identify each solid figure. Write the figure. Write the answer on
answer on the space provided. the space provided.
1. ___________ 1. Pyramid

2. Sphere
2. ___________

3. Cylinder
3. ___________

4. Rectangular
4. ___________ Prism

5. Cone
5. ___________

6. Cube
6. __________

Group 3: Make a paper cube.

Group 3: Make a paper cube. Procedure:
Procedure: - Cut along the outside edge.
- Cut along the outside edge. - Fold inward along the inside
- Fold inward along the inside lines. lines.
- Glue the flaps to hold the cube. - Glue the flaps to hold the

All group got a perfect score!

Did you enjoy your activity today? Yes we are teacher!

I'm glad to hear that. Give yourself a very good clap.

Do you have any question regarding to our topic

class? None, teacher.
Since you have no question, let's proceed to our
independence activity.
F. Developing mastery lead to Formative
Assessment (Independence-Practice-

Associate the following object with the given solid
figures by matching column A and column B.


1. party hat a.

2. shoe box. b.

3. ball c.

4. can of sardines d.

1. f
5. rubrics cube e. 2. d
3. a
4. e
f. 5. c
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living.

Now, I have a question to you. Why do you think it is

important to know the solid figures? Teacher to know and describe
the differences of each figure.
Okay, very good!

Solid figures play an important role in our daily lives

because most of our actions revolve around and rely
on them. As we all know, numerous figures, sizes,
and forms can be found in our surroundings. This
allows us to become familiar with a thing and enjoy
it's beauty.
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson

Okay! Very good. Now let’s look back.

It is a three-dimensional figure that has length,

width, and height. What is it?

Yes, Reida? Solid figure, teacher.

Very good! Next.

This are a space figure with flat surface called faces?

Yes, John Paul. Polyhedron, teacher.

Very good!
Can you give me an example of solid figure without
straight edges?

Yes, Laica. Sphere.

Very good! Another?

Cone, teacher.
Yes, Madonna?

Alright, very good! Last?

Yes, Michelle? Cylinder, teacher.

Very good!

Next question. What are the example of a


Yes, Ryan? Pyramid.

Very good!

What else? Cube, teacher.

Yes, Elijah?

Very good! Last? Prism.

Yes, Reah?

Very good! Give yourselves 10 claps!

I. Evaluating learning

Test I: Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. A Solid figure with one base and it's faces are

A. Cube
B. Prism
C. Sphere
D. Pyramid

2. What do we call to a solid figure with two

congruent bases?
A. Cone
B. Cube
C. Pyramid
D. Prism

3. What is the shape of Globe?

A. Cube
B. Cone
C. Sphere
D. Cylinder

4. It is a three-dimensional figure that has length,

width, and height.
A. Prism
B. Pyramid
C. Solid figure
D. Cylinder

5. The following are example of cube, Except.

A. Dice
B. Book
C. Ice cube Test I:
D. Watch box 1. D
2. D
Test II: Identify the solid figure represented by the 3. C
following. Select your answer in the box. 4. C
5. B
Cone Cylinder Cube Pyramid Sphere
Test II:
_______ 6. Dice 6. Cube
_______ 7. Tent 7. Pyramid
_______ 8. Can of milk 8. Cylinder
_______ 9. Ice cream cone 9. Cone
_______ 10. Tissue roll 10. Cylinder
J. Additional activities for application or

Write at least 5 equipment/appliances inside your
home that look like the solid figures discussed.

Prepared by:

BEED-2A Student

Checked by:

Teacher in MATH102B

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