Applsci 13 13339
Applsci 13 13339
Applsci 13 13339
Securing Construction Workers’ Data Security and Privacy with
Blockchain Technology
Alvina Ekua Ntefua Saah 1 , Jurng-Jae Yee 2 and Jae-Ho Choi 2, *
Abstract: The construction industry, characterized by its intricate network of stakeholders and diverse
workforce, grapples with the challenge of managing information effectively. This study delves into
this issue, recognizing the universal importance of safeguarding data, particularly amid rising
concerns around unauthorized access and breaches. Aiming to harness the potential of blockchain
technology to address these challenges, this study used hypothetical biographical and safety data
of construction workers securely stored on a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Developed within the
Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform, this blockchain infrastructure emerged as a robust
solution for enhancing data security and privacy. Anchored in the core principles of data security,
the model emerges as a potent defender against the vulnerabilities of traditional data management
systems. Beyond its immediate implications, this study exemplifies the marriage of blockchain
technology and the construction sector, and its potential for reshaping workforce management,
especially in high-risk projects and optimizing risk assessment, resource allocation, and safety
measures to mitigate work-related injuries. Practical validation through transaction testing using
Hyperledger Explorer validates the model’s feasibility and operational effectiveness, thus serving
as a blueprint for the industry’s data management. Ultimately, this research not only showcases
the promise of blockchain technology in addressing construction data security challenges but also
underscores its practical applicability through comprehensive testing, thus heralding a new era of
data management that harmonizes security and efficiency for stakeholders’ benefit.
Citation: Saah, A.E.N.; Yee, J.-J.; Choi,
J.-H. Securing Construction Workers’ Keywords: blockchain technology; Hyperledger Fabric; Amazon Web Services (AWS); construction
Data Security and Privacy with workers; privacy; safety
Blockchain Technology. Appl. Sci.
2023, 13, 13339.
workers [5–7]. Safeguarding the privacy and security of workers’ personal information is
not only a legal and ethical obligation but also essential for maintaining trust and protecting
their rights [8]. This aligns with the work of Xu et al. [9], which highlights that privacy
protection is of utmost importance as it forms a key element in societal norms and law;
nevertheless, it is often traded away in favor of “good causes,” like security, safety, efficiency,
or productivity.
Furthermore, the construction industry has long grappled with the persistent challenge
of a shortage of skilled labor, and the workforce is rapidly aging [10–13]. These factors
further emphasize the importance of effectively managing construction workers’ personal
information. With a limited pool of skilled workers, prioritizing the protection of their
personal data becomes crucial to attract and retain talent. Construction workers invest their
time and expertise in projects and deserve the assurance that their sensitive information is
handled with the utmost care [14].
Additionally, ensuring the efficient handling of safety-related data concerning con-
struction workers is crucial for establishing a healthy work environment. This significance
arises from the fact that the construction industry, recognized for its job-related safety risks,
involves constantly changing and physically strenuous tasks of an unpredictable nature.
These tasks compel workers to execute actions in precarious and uncomfortable stances
over extended periods, leading to instances of non-lethal injuries [15–17]. These injuries can
have long-lasting consequences, leading to permanent disabilities for construction workers.
One specific type of injury is musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), which are often caused
by external factors, such as repetitive movements, overexertion, and awkward postures
in occupational settings. WMSDs can affect different areas of the body, such as the lower
back, upper limbs, and lower limbs, and they are associated with impairments in physical
tissues, like the joints, bones, muscles, and tendons [16,18]. By effectively managing data on
high-risk construction activities in a secure and reliable system, construction stakeholders
can make informed decisions that prioritize the safety and well-being of their workforce.
Data manipulation presents a significant risk within the construction industry due to
the intricate network of stakeholders involved in data exchange. Unsanctioned alterations
or tampering with information regarding workers’ credentials, certifications, employment
history, and safety records can lead to grave consequences. These include jeopardizing the
credibility of projects, compromising the safety of workers, and undermining trust among
stakeholders [19]. Addressing this issue is vital, as highlighted by Perera et al. [20], who
emphasize that identity theft is a widespread concern across various sectors, including
construction. Malicious individuals might exploit the personal details of construction
personnel, such as ID numbers and addresses, for fraudulent purposes. Thus, safeguarding
workers’ personal data from identity theft emerges as a critical need. Doing so not only
protects their well-being but also upholds the integrity of the construction field and fosters
a secure work environment.
While traditional data management approaches, such as centralized databases, physi-
cal safeguards, and the need-to-know principle, have had some level of efficiency, critical
challenges, including lack of transparency, susceptibility to unauthorized access, breaches,
and theft [21], necessitate a shift towards more advanced privacy management practices and
the adoption of secure and efficient digital solutions. Moreover, the increase in digitization
and data-driven processes in the construction industry have further amplified the impor-
tance of protecting workers’ personal information [22–24]. By implementing these digital
solutions, the construction industry can streamline privacy-related processes, including
consent management [25,26], handling data subject requests [27], and conducting privacy
impact assessments [28], thus resulting in improved efficiency and compliance. However,
it is vital for the construction industry to carefully select and implement these digital
solutions by considering various factors, such as data security, scalability, interoperability,
and alignment with privacy regulations.
Recognizing these challenges, this study aimed to address the problem of effectively
managing construction workers’ personal information while prioritizing their privacy and
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 3 of 25
safety. To achieve this, this study focused on leveraging the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain
framework, which offers a permissioned and modular architecture tailored for business
networks, to develop an information management model that provides secure storage and
controlled access to workers’ data. The adoption of a private blockchain specifically built
on the Hyperledger Fabric framework was a strategic choice driven by the unique needs
and considerations of the construction industry [29]. Unlike public blockchains, private
blockchains restrict access to authorized participants, thus offering a heightened level of
control and privacy, which is imperative when dealing with sensitive information [30],
such as construction workers’ personal and safety data. The permissioned nature of
the blockchain ensures that only designated stakeholders, including project managers,
engineers, and regulatory bodies, have access to the stored information. This enhanced
control mitigates the risks associated with unauthorized access, a critical aspect when
prioritizing the privacy and security of construction workers’ data.
The integration of blockchain technology within the construction industry marks a sig-
nificant scientific advancement. The application of blockchain principles, including decen-
tralization, immutability, and transparency, offers a novel approach to address the intricate
challenges associated with information management in construction projects. According
to Politou et al. [31], the scientific underpinning of blockchain ensures a tamper-resistant
and decentralized data storage system, thus fundamentally altering the conventional land-
scape of information management. The scientific principles of data security and privacy
are integral to this study. By leveraging cryptographic techniques and a decentralized
structure, blockchain enhances the security of sensitive data in the construction sector. As
noted by Pan et al. [32], the immutable nature of blockchain ensures that once data are
recorded, they cannot be altered or manipulated, thus providing a robust foundation for
securing construction workers’ personal information. This consequently fosters trust and
collaboration among the various stakeholders in the construction industry.
ties within a renovation project to generate worker safety data, practical implementation
of GDPR-compliant biodata, and relevant safety data assessment techniques. Through
phases of experimental design, including blockchain infrastructure creation, chaincode
development, and real-world deployment on AWS, this research establishes a fundamental
change in information management practices, thereby emphasizing worker safety, privacy,
and the overall success of construction endeavors.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Traditional Methods of Data Management
Traditional methods of data management for construction workers have long been
utilized to safeguard their personal information even before the emergence of advanced
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 5 of 25
2.2. Advanced Privacy Management Practices and the Adoption of Secure and Efficient
Digital Solutions
In response to the limitations of traditional data management methods, the construc-
tion industry is increasingly turning to advanced management practices and adopting
secure and efficient digital solutions [3,44,45]. These practices leverage technological ad-
vancements to enhance privacy protection, data security, and compliance with privacy reg-
ulations. One key aspect is the implementation of privacy-enhancing technologies [46,47],
such as encryption [48], tokenization [49], and data anonymization [50]. These techniques
ensure that personal information is protected both during storage and transmission, thus
reducing the risk of unauthorized access or breaches.
Additionally, the use of secure digital platforms and cloud-based solutions enables
companies to centralize and manage workers’ data more efficiently and securely. This
includes various features, such as access controls, audit trails, fire walls, and user authen-
tication mechanisms, to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to personal
information [51]. Furthermore, construction companies are implementing strict data gover-
nance and data retention policies to ensure that personal information is retained only for
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 6 of 25
as long as necessary and securely disposed of when no longer required [52]. By adhering
to these policies, companies can minimize the potential risks associated with retaining
personal information beyond its intended purpose [53].
The adoption of such digital solutions enables the construction industry to streamline
privacy-related processes, such as consent management [25,26], data subject requests [27],
and privacy impact assessments [28], thus leading to increased efficiency and compliance.
However, it is essential for construction companies to carefully select and implement
these digital solutions by considering certain factors, such as data security, scalability,
interoperability, and alignment with privacy regulations.
Thus, utilizing advanced technologies, such as blockchain, can offer potential solutions
to enhance privacy in the construction industry [3,20,54]. For example, in the realm of
securing construction workers’ data, the adoption of blockchain technology over classical
encryption methods is driven by its inherent features that address specific challenges in data
management. Blockchain, as a decentralized and distributed ledger, ensures enhanced se-
curity through its consensus mechanisms and cryptographic hashing. Classical encryption
methods, while effective, lack the transparency and immutability that blockchain provides.
The construction industry demands a system where data integrity is guaranteed and any
alteration is immediately noticeable. Blockchain’s decentralized nature ensures that there
is no single point of failure, thus reducing vulnerability to attacks [55]. Furthermore, the
transparency of the blockchain allows for secure and traceable transactions, which fosters
trust among stakeholders [56]. Classical encryption methods, although capable of securing
data, may not offer the same level of transparency and resistance to tampering [57].
Blockchain technology, with its decentralized and immutable nature [31,58,59], pro-
vides a secure and transparent platform for storing and managing data. This decentralized
approach minimizes the risks associated with centralized databases, as it requires consen-
sus among network participants (in the case of the construction industry, stakeholders) to
validate and record transactions, thus ensuring data integrity and security. Implementing
blockchain-based systems in the construction industry can foster a climate of trust and
transparency [60]. Construction workers can have confidence that their personal infor-
mation is securely stored and accessed only by authorized parties, thereby enhancing
accountability and reducing the likelihood of privacy breaches [14].
the blockchain are self-executing digital contracts that automatically fulfill predetermined
conditions [65]. By eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries, such as banks, smart
contracts enable efficient and cost-effective transactions on the blockchain [68].
structure of
of aa block
block in
in aa blockchain.
3. Methodology
This study proposed a blockchain system architecture designed to safeguard the
privacy and security of personal information for construction workers, particularly their
biographic and safety data. The approach involved securely storing hypothetical biodata
and safety data and managing this information using the proposed blockchain system. The
biodata of workers adhere to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation
3. Methodology
This study proposed a blockchain system architecture designed to safeguard the pri-
vacy and security of personal information for construction workers, particularly their bi-
ographic and safety data. The approach involved securely storing hypothetical biodata
and safety data and managing this information using the proposed blockchain system.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 9 of 25
The biodata of workers adhere to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regula-
tion (GDPR), including certain details, such as names, ages, addresses, identification num-
bers, qualifications, certifications, and employment records. The safety data include scores
the risk including
level basedcertain
on thedetails, suchinformation
joint angle as names, ages,
the imageidentification
process usingnumbers,
qualifications, certifications, and employment records. The safety data
based motion capture technology and occupational assessments using the Rapid Entire include scores of the
risk level based on the joint angle information from the image process using
Body Assessment (REBA) observational tool [90,91] to evaluate the risk of musculoskeletal image-based
motion capture technology and occupational assessments using the Rapid Entire Body As-
sessment (REBA)
This system observational
utilized tool [90,91]Fabric
the Hyperledger to evaluate the riskonofthe
blockchain musculoskeletal disorders.
AWS cloud platform,
This system utilized the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain on the AWS
thus ensuring decentralization and immutability. The outcome was a robust information cloud platform,
thus ensuring
management decentralization
model that enhances and immutability.
the privacy and The outcome
safety was a robust
of construction information
workers’ data.
management model that enhances the privacy and safety of construction
This model permits authorized construction stakeholders to access trustworthy and veri- workers’ data.
This model permits authorized construction stakeholders to access trustworthy
fied data, thereby enabling informed decision making that prioritizes the well-being of the and verified
data, thereby
workers. enabling
The overall informed
framework of decision making
this approach that prioritizes
is depicted in Figure the2. well-being of the
workers. The overall framework of this approach is depicted in Figure 2.
conductedinintwo twophases.
Phase1 1involved
involvedthe theexperimental
the proposed blockchain system and the storage of the workers’ hypotheticalbiodata
proposed blockchain system and the storage of the workers’ hypothetical biodata
Phase1 1was
outinin4 modules.
4 modules.These
These included
includedthe theimplementation
Module 1, which focused on developing the blockchain using the HyperledgerFabric
1, which focused on developing the blockchain using the Hyperledger Fabric
platformon onthetheAWS
Module2 2encompassed
encompassedthe thedevelopment
developmentofofthe the
chaincode.Module Module 3 involved
3 involved thethe
creation of aof
creation server-side Application
a server-side ApplicationProgramming
Programming In-
terface (API),
Interface which
(API), whichallows
allowsclient applications
client applications to to
requests totothe server
the serverand
responses. Finally, Module 4 entailed integrating the blockchain system
responses. Finally, Module 4 entailed integrating the blockchain system onto a third-partyonto a third-party
graphicuseruser interface
interface (GUI),
(GUI),thus enabling
thus enabling easy visualization
easy visualizationof the
of data. In phase
the data. 2, the2,
In phase
results from the
the results from experimental
the experimentaldesigndesign
and management
and managementof the blockchain led to the
of the blockchain leddevel-
to the
opment of a conceptual
development information
of a conceptual management
information modelmodel
management for enhancing the privacy
for enhancing and
the privacy
safety of construction
and safety workers’
of construction personal
workers’ information
personal and its
information andpractical implementation
its practical implementation to
validate its usability
to validate and and
its usability benefits for the
benefits for construction
the constructionindustry.
breaches and unauthorized access and allowed for real-time updates and synchronized
data [93] across all relevant stakeholders, including employers, regulatory bodies, and
project managers. Smart contracts or chaincodes are implemented to automate key pro-
cesses related to construction workers’ management, such as verifying trade type or skills,
certifications, high-risk-level workers, and tracking training programs.
Figure 3 below shows the system structure for the proposed Hyperledger Fabric
blockchain developed on AWS. The system structure was organized into five (5) layers to
among relevant
facilitate parties. The
the functioning ofGossip protocol facilitated
the blockchain network. peer-to-peer
The layeredcommunication and
structure can be described
data synchronization in the network. It efficiently disseminated information through in-
from bottom to top as follows:
terconnected peers, thus ensuring scalability and efficient communication.
AWS Infrastructure Layer: This layer served as the foundational layer for the proposed
blockchain system, and it was built using Amazon Web Services (AWS). It established a
cloud computing platform for setting up and managing the network. This layer utilized
various AWS components, like virtual machines, storage services, and networking resources.
To ensure scalability, Auto Scaling was implemented, which dynamically adjusted resources
as per demand. AWS’s Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) provided virtual servers for running
applications. This infrastructure was created in the Asia Sydney AWS region on a Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC) network to ensure network isolation and security for the blockchain
network. An EC2 instance on the Ubuntu platform was set up within this network to
establish a secure environment. This infrastructure configuration was designed to support
the secure and efficient functioning of the blockchain system.
Hyperledger Fabric Layer: This layer implemented the Hyperledger Fabric protocol,
which is designed for secure and efficient permissioned networks. This layer consisted of
various components, including 2 organizations, 1 Orderer node, 2 Peer nodes, 1 Certificate
Authority (CA), a Membership service provider (MSP), the Channel, a Gossip, a LevelDB
storage library, and blocks. In this blockchain framework, organizations represented stake-
holders with authorized access, such as project managers, engineers, regulators, etc. Peer
nodes were crucial for network maintenance, storing copies of the blockchain, participating
in consensus, validating and sharing transactions, and upholding decentralization. These
peers communicated to verify and synchronize data, thus ensuring the reliability of the
distributed ledger.
The Orderer node maintained transaction sequencing and consistency. It organized
transactions into blocks, thus maintaining their chronological order and integrity. By broad-
casting these blocks to peers, the Orderer enabled consensus on transaction validity and
ensured a synchronized view of the blockchain across the network. Certificate Authorities
(CAs) played a crucial role in establishing trust and verifying the identities of network
participants. They issued digital certificates that linked public keys to specific identities,
thus enabling authentication and secure communication. CAs managed certificates, verified
identities, and ensured secure interactions and transactions, thereby enhancing network
security and trust. Channels enabled secure and confidential communication and transac-
tions between specific stakeholders. Private channels ensured data privacy and compliance
with regulations, thus facilitating secure information exchange among relevant parties.
The Gossip protocol facilitated peer-to-peer communication and data synchronization in
the network. It efficiently disseminated information through interconnected peers, thus
ensuring scalability and efficient communication.
LevelDB, an open-source key-value storage library, was used to store and retrieve
blockchain data efficiently. It provided a simple key-value data model, allowing users
to insert, retrieve, and delete data based on unique keys. Blocks represented collec-
tions of transactions organized sequentially and added to the blockchain. They formed
the fundamental units of the blockchain, encapsulating multiple transactions within a
single entity.
Integration Layer: The integration layer facilitated the integration of the blockchain net-
work with external systems and services. It included APIs, which were tested successfully
in Postman (an API platform), a middleware, and connectors that enabled communication
and data exchange between the blockchain network and other external applications. This
layer ensured seamless integration and interoperability between the blockchain network
and existing infrastructure.
Application Layer: The application layer was made up of business-specific applica-
tions and chaincode developed with Java version 11.10.18. Java was chosen for its broad
adoption and versatility, thus streamlining the implementation process and ensuring the
flexibility of the chaincode. The chaincode was built to be highly secure, deterministic, and
transactional. It served as the foundation for the construction workers’ information manage-
ment system, offering various functions. These included adding workers’ biodata and safety
information, retrieving data, and making updates to details like qualifications, certifications,
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 12 of 25
and work history. These features were customized to cater to the construction industry’s
specific requirements.
Representation layer: The representation layer was a vital part of the proposed
blockchain application’s user interface. It included the Controller, User Interface (UI),
and Hyperledger Explorer. The Controller acted as a link between the UI and the appli-
cation’s logic, facilitating communication and coordination. The UI offered a graphical
or command-line way for users to engage with the blockchain app, such as submitting
transactions and accessing ledger data. The Hyperledger Explorer, a visualization tool, gave
a comprehensive overview of the blockchain network, displaying block, transaction, and
participant details. This layer was crucial for stakeholders to interact with the blockchain
effectively while ensuring user-friendliness and transparency.
Step1.2:Hyperledger Fabric
Installing and components.
configuring the Hyperledger Fabric components
The AWS infrastructure
Container ID was set up, followed by the installation and configuration
of Hyperledger Fabric components. This involved deploying peers, orderers, and cer-
tificate authorities on AWS, each with specific configurations. The network’s structure,
e7a5f020a84f cli
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 13 of 25
peer roles, orderer nodes, MSP, and CA infrastructure were established meticulously to
meet the network’s needs. These components facilitated decentralized consensus, secure
transactions, and identity management, thus ensuring the privacy and security of worker
data. The proper deployment and configuration led to the creation of a robust and efficient
Hyperledger Fabric blockchain system, with detailed information provided in Table 1.
Container ID Names
e7a5f020a84f cli
442b5b213879 couchdb0
d1d9090efa1f couchdb1
d453f4b69751 ca_orderer
c8b1ea1a7c9b ca_org2
817296bd5f4a ca_org1
dev = fabric-dev-servers; org = organization; cli = fabric-tools; ca = certificate authority.
Algorithm 2 described the safety data of the workers. The algorithm represented a
Java class called “SpreadingMortar”, which served as a data structure to store information
related to risk assessments of the tilers during mortar spreading. The class contained
various properties, such as “id”, “numberOfFrames”, “neckAngle”, etc., which represented
different aspects of the worker’s posture and movements when spreading the mortar, and
properties like “rebaScore” and “levelOfMSDRisk” to indicate the calculated risk score
and the level of work-related musculoskeletal disorder risk associated with the worker’s
activities. The class also provided getter and setter methods for accessing and modifying
these properties.
The integration, as
The integration, as shown
shown in Figure 5,
in Figure 5, confirms
confirms that
that the
the Hyperledger
Hyperledger components
were successfully running. Furthermore, the results shown in Figure 6 display
were successfully running. Furthermore, the results shown in Figure 6 display the the fabric
components, including
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW includingthe
thecontainer IDs,
container status,
IDs, ports,
status, names,
ports, andand
names, commands, which
commands, sug-
of 26
gest thatthat
suggest the the
Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger blockchain
Fabric developed
blockchain waswas
developed running successfully.
running successfully.
In Figure
Figure 7,
7, the APIs tested
the APIs tested on
bebe true,
true, as
as the transactions for construction workers’ personal information and risk assessment
the transactions for construction workers’ personal information and risk assessment data
werewere carried
carried out added
out and and added
to thetoblockchain
the blockchain successfully.
Figure 6. Fabric components of the proposed blockchain.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 In Figure 7, the APIs tested on POSTMAN revealed the transaction status to be true,16 of 25
as the transactions for construction workers’ personal information and risk assessment
data were carried out and added to the blockchain successfully.
4.1.1. A Conceptual Blockchain-Based Model for Enhancing the Privacy and Safety of
Construction Workers’ Personal Information
The results from the experimental design led to the development of a robust infor-
mation management blockchain model aimed at enhancing the privacy and safety of
construction workers (Figure 8). The model functions because (i) it allows pertinent stake-
holders, such as the Human resource manager, project manager, contractor, health and
safety officer, regulatory bodies, inspector, and certification body, to register as members
of the network to endorse the construction workers’ data; (ii) construction workers’ bio-
data and safety data are stored and require the participants in (i) to sign and endorse
the information digitally, and the governance of the network is established based on the
consensus and consent of all of the stakeholders; (iii) every time information is requested
by a permitted stakeholder, the smart contract (chaincode) converts it into a transaction and
sends it to the ordering service through which transactions are packed into blocks; in this
way, the transactions are then secured cryptographically before being added to a blockchain
system to create an immutable chain of records; (iv) to further enhance the security of
the information during the endorsement process, the proposed model uses a consensus
algorithm to ensure complete protection of the privacy of the data; and (v) each participant
(stakeholder) on the blockchain sets up a copy of the ledger to keep track of the endorsed
transaction information, and the smart contract can retrieve the stored transactions from
the ledgers whenever requested by the stakeholders.
Figure 8. A8.blockchain-based
A blockchain-based model
model for enhancing
for enhancing the privacy
the privacy and safety
and safety of construction
of construction workers’
information. (i) Membership registration; (ii) Information management; (iii) Ordering
information. (i) Membership registration; (ii) Information management; (iii) Ordering Service; Service; (iv)
Consensus mechanism; (v) Decentralized ledger of construction workers’ biodata and safety
(iv) Consensus mechanism; (v) Decentralized ledger of construction workers’ biodata and safety data. data.
scenario, a total of five blocks, each containing a set of transactions, were generated. These
transactions represented various interactions related to the management of construction
workers’ data. The involvement of three nodes in the network underlines the decentralized
nature of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain, where multiple stakeholders collaboratively
maintain the integrity of the network and validate transactions. Furthermore, the presence
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW
of one chaincode emphasized the smart contract’s role in governing the rules and logic 19 offor
managing data on the blockchain.
Security Details of the
comprehensive Conceptual
testing Blockchain
phase not Developed
only ensured on AWS robustness of the
the technical
blockchain systemprovides
This section but alsoademonstrated
detailed overviewits applicability in a real-world
of the rigorous construction
security measures inte-
context. The blockchain system exhibited its capability to securely manage
grated into the conceptual blockchain hosted on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) plat- and provide
access to authenticated
form. Four and verified
specialized security groupsconstruction workers’ information.
(sg-08f3f412cb81a7901, The successful
sg-0f83feae57f50dfdd, sg-
visualization of transactions
053f91c3d59af2214, using Hyperledger
and sg-03462527444c032a7) Explorer
were showcased
meticulously the transparency
implemented to gov-
and tamper-resistant
ern network access tonature
specificof instances.
the data stored. The outcomes
Functioning as virtualoffirewalls,
this testing contribute
these security
groups offerto the advancement
heightened controlof blockchain
over technology
communication within the
channels, constructionin
as represented industry,
empowering stakeholders with informed decision making capabilities, enhancing
10. Each security group is customized to fortify the overall resilience of the blockchain safety
measures, and streamlining workforce management practices.
network, thus addressing stringent security requirements and mitigating the risks associ-
ated with unauthorized access.
4.1.3. Security Details of the Conceptual Blockchain Developed on AWS
This section provides a detailed overview of the rigorous security measures inte-
grated into the conceptual blockchain hosted on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) plat-
form. Four specialized security groups (sg-08f3f412cb81a7901, sg-0f83feae57f50dfdd, sg-
053f91c3d59af2214, and sg-03462527444c032a7) were meticulously implemented to govern
network access to specific instances. Functioning as virtual firewalls, these security groups
offer heightened control over communication channels, as represented in Figure 10. Each
security group is customized to fortify the overall resilience of the blockchain network,
thus addressing stringent security requirements and mitigating the risks associated with
unauthorized access.
form. Four specialized security groups (sg-08f3f412cb81a7901, sg-0f83feae57f50dfdd
053f91c3d59af2214, and sg-03462527444c032a7) were meticulously implemented to
ern network access to specific instances. Functioning as virtual firewalls, these sec
groups offer heightened control over communication channels, as represented in Fi
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339
10. Each security group is customized to fortify the overall resilience19 of the blockc
of 25
network, thus addressing stringent security requirements and mitigating the risks as
ated with unauthorized access.
Figure 10. Security 10. Security
groups groups
developed developedblockchain.
on developed on developed blockchain.
Figure 11
11 provides
provides aa snapshot
snapshot ofof the
the database
database housing
housing the
the comprehensive
comprehensive data data of
construction workers securely stored on the blockchain. It confirms the database’s
construction workers securely stored on the blockchain. It confirms the database’s availabil- availa-
bility status,
ity status, highlighting
highlighting theintegration
the active active integration of group
of the security the security group sg-
08f3f412cb81a7901 by rds-ec2-1.
by rds-ec2-1. The “Publicly The “Publicly
accessible” accessible”
parameter status isparameter status
set as “No,” is setsignifies
which as “No,”a
secure,signifies a secure, non-publicly-accessible
non-publicly-accessible blockchain
blockchain environment. environment.
This configurationThis configura-a
robustestablishes a robust defense
defense mechanism, mechanism,the
thus safeguarding thus safeguarding
blockchain againstthe blockchain external
unauthorized against
unauthorized external access and aligning with the stringent security standards
access and aligning with the stringent security standards embedded in the AWS ecosystem. embed-
This in the AWSunderscores
depiction ecosystem. the
underscores the stringent
protocols security
meticulously protocols
meticulously implemented
within our AWS-hosted within our
blockchain, thusAWS-hosted
ensuring theblockchain, thus ensuring
confidentiality the confi-
and integrity of the
dentiality and integrity
stored construction of the
worker stored construction worker data.
Figure 11.
11. Database
Database snapshot
snapshot and
and security
security status.
These robust security measures are pivotal in addressing concerns related to data
vulnerability, identity theft, and misuse. By systematically controlling access to critical
information stored on the blockchain, these security configurations act as a bulwark
against unauthorized entry. This deliberate emphasis on security aligns with industry best
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 20 of 25
These robust security measures are pivotal in addressing concerns related to data
vulnerability, identity theft, and misuse. By systematically controlling access to critical
information stored on the blockchain, these security configurations act as a bulwark against
unauthorized entry. This deliberate emphasis on security aligns with industry best prac-
tices, thus aiming to create a blockchain environment resilient to external threats and
unauthorized access and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the stored data.
4.2. Discussion
The development of the conceptual blockchain model for information management
presents a significant improvement in addressing the privacy and safety concerns sur-
rounding construction workers’ personal information. The model establishes a secure and
transparent process for registering and endorsing construction workers’ data.
The process involves the storage of construction workers’ biodata and safety data,
and it requires digital signatures and endorsements from authorized participants, thus
restricting access to unauthorized personnels and thereby controlling the vital challenges
of data manipulation and breach, as highlighted in [19–21]. The governance structure
ensures that each participant’s input is valued and authenticated. When information is
requested, the smart contract converts it into a transaction, sending it through the ordering
service to be included in blocks, which are then cryptographically secured and added to
the blockchain. This creates an immutable chain of records, safeguarding the integrity and
privacy of the data.
To reinforce information security during the endorsement, the model incorporates a
consensus algorithm, which provides a robust layer of protection and ensures the privacy
of workers’ information, thus addressing the identified threats, such as identity theft. The
model functions as a comprehensive information management platform and complies
with the European Union’s GDPR. It secures sensitive worker information, including
biodata and safety data, through encryption and decentralized control. This directly
responds to the identified threat of unauthorized access and breaches. The transparency
achieved through blockchain ensures auditable data management, thus fostering trust and
collaboration among stakeholders, which provides solutions for the shortcomings of the
traditional approaches.
Furthermore, one of the key challenges emphasized is the need for digital solutions
that accommodate the diverse nature of construction projects globally. The geographical
applicability of the proposed blockchain model is a critical consideration. Developed
within the Asia Sydney AWS region, scalability and adaptability to different regions are
fundamental aspects of this study. By examining the unique regional variations in con-
struction practices and data protection regulations, the model aims to be a global solution.
Understanding the global trends in the construction industry is crucial for ensuring the
applicability of innovative solutions across diverse geographical contexts. Referencing
global trends in the construction industry, it becomes evident that this study aligns with the
challenges faced by construction projects on a global scale. The need for standardized yet
flexible solutions that can accommodate regional variations underscores the geographical
relevance of this study.
5. Conclusions
The primary objective of this study was to leverage the potential of blockchain technol-
ogy to fortify data security, with a focus on the biographical and safety data of construction
workers. The developed solution, a robust Hyperledger Fabric blockchain deployed on the
AWS platform, was successfully implemented as a feasible solution to the vulnerabilities of
the traditional data management systems. Beyond addressing immediate concerns of data
security, this study points towards the promise of the blockchain model in significantly
optimizing risk assessment, resource allocation, and enhanced safety measures, especially
in high-risk construction projects.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339 21 of 25
Practical validation through transaction testing using Hyperledger Explorer has af-
firmed the feasibility and operational effectiveness of the proposed model. This validation
serves as a blueprint for the industry’s data management practices, especially in construc-
tion workers’ personal information management, thus providing a tangible pathway for
stakeholders to enhance security without compromising efficiency.
This study assumes pivotal significance as it not only addresses immediate challenges
of data breaches, identity theft, and misuse but also pioneers a fundamental change in
how the construction industry approaches decision making, data security, privacy, and
industry innovation.
1. Informed decision making for high-risk activities: By storing safety data, especially
work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) risk assessments, on the blockchain,
construction stakeholders gain access to verified and authenticated information. This
empowers them to make informed decisions related to workforce management dur-
ing high-risk construction tasks. Comprehensive safety data facilitate effective risk
assessment, optimal resource allocation, and the assignment of skilled workers to spe-
cific high-risk activities. This proactive approach enhances safety measures, reduces
accidents, and ensures the well-being of construction personnel.
2. Enhanced data security and privacy: Storing workers’ biographic data on the blockchain
enhances security and privacy compared to centralized systems. The blockchain’s
decentralized architecture distributes data across multiple nodes, making unautho-
rized manipulation challenging. Cryptographic techniques further safeguard sensitive
information, ensuring its confidentiality. This heightened data security fosters trust
between construction stakeholders and workers, assuring them that their information
is handled with the utmost security.
3. Promotion of Industry Innovation and Trust: The successful implementation of
blockchain within the construction sector sets a precedent for technological inno-
vation. Demonstrating the practical application of blockchain in enhancing data
security and privacy inspires confidence among stakeholders. This newfound trust
encourages further adoption of advanced technologies to modernize construction
practices, driving industry-wide innovation and fostering a culture of continuous
6.2. Recommendations
To optimize the adoption and effectiveness of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain for
construction workers’ data management, the following recommendations are proposed.
(1) Continuous Monitoring and Auditing: Ensuring compliance with data protection
regulations and preemptively identifying vulnerabilities require consistent monitoring
and auditing of the blockchain system. Regular updates and patches should be swiftly
applied to mitigate potential security risks, thus creating a robust environment for
data management.
(2) Real-world Testing and Iterative Enhancement: Real-world testing and pilot implemen-
tation of the blockchain platform in construction projects are essential. This approach
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