Scorchfire (FG&G)

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Your party successfully emerges from whatever dark hole you were conquering (or fleeing from) to
be greeted by fire-swept terrain; a burning hell! A wildfire leaves a blackened and charred
landscape. Ash storms blanket the smoldering remnants of charred trees and smoke blurs vision. Is
the nearby town unscathed? Any survivors? Is there safe passage through the inferno? The
adventure isn’t over….it just begun.

An OSR adventure for Levels 7-9.

Author/Maps/Layout: Malrex
Editor: John F. Pare’ “Milo”

Cover Artist: V-Shane

Backcover Artist: Patrick E. Pullen

Artists: V-shane, Patrick E. Pullen, Indi Martin,

some artwork copyrighted by Robert
Hemminger–used with permission, Gary
Dupuis, Maciej Zagorski-The Forge Studios,
Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick
Hershey/Fat Goblin Games, Joe Calkins, some
artwork used with permission William
McAusland,Matt Morrow, Nathan Attebery.
and–Tobias Strunz

Contributions: Kevin Mannell, the

Supplementalist Patreon level, for the Mana
Nail magic item.

Author’s Note

This adventure is dedicated to

Sonoma County #SonomaStrong
for surviving the Tubbs Fire of 2017.
From the ashes, we shall rebuild!

I would like to thank my patrons on

Malrex’s Modules. Really
appreciate the support guys!

I’d like to thank V-shane for sending

me the cover piece! Check out his

I would also like to personally thank

Nathan Attebery for his artwork of
Artist: Patrick E. Pullen
the Fusaka, which I renamed to
Phellinus and Leptographium (both
real plant pathogens). I found his
art piece on Facebook and he
graciously allowed me to use it! I
will be using this creature with a
more active role in a future
adventure–A Thorn in the Side.
Introduction: Forest fires have swept through the Roll Environment Result
Winds begin to pick up, moving fires towards the west.
landscape, devouring every tree, bush and fuel 1
source with its burning wrath. The sky is hazy, while The entire area is smoldering, smoky, and hard to see and
breathe. Each party member rolls a saving throw vs. Dragon
drifts of smoke billow through the valley. Conditions 2 breath or sustain 1d3 damage from walking through a hot spot,
are prime for watery-eyes making breathing difficult. being hit by a burning fallen branch, or collapsing through the
The destruction is jaw-dropping, and the safety of the ground from a burnt out root structure.
nearby town is questionable. The moisture from a light 3 Winds direct fires swiftly to the east.

rain is a welcoming sight; blanketing the parched and Flash Flood! Water roars down a gully. 1d4 people effected. Save
4 vs. Breath Weapon or be taken by the flood. Take 1d6 damage
ash-ridden terrain. Artist: William McAusland from protrusions until a successful strength check to stop oneself.
5 Winds direct fires swiftly to the south.
Summary: The fire was 6 The area is still burning and impassable (without magic).
unintentionally created by an Mudslide! Save vs. Dragonbreath or get caught in an avalanche
ill-prepared wizard by the of mud and burning debris for 3d8 damage. A 25% chance that
7 characters become buried and suffocate without assistance.
name of Traevik. A fire
Each point of character's constitution is a round of time before
elemental summoning spell, suffocation.
gone horribly wrong, 8 Winds push the fires to the north, away from the general area.
unleashed the angry agent of Through the smoke and haze, an inferno of fire rapidly
fire upon Traevik, and 9 approaches the party, from three sides! Party has 1d6+2 rounds
continued its appetite upon to act before the fire is upon them.
10 Mudslide aftermath. Movement rate is halved.
the sleepy town of Rakle’s
Besides the stench of burnt debris and ash, the area is safe to
Stand (or a GM’s town). The 11
travel through.
town is destroyed and the few Flash Flood! Water roars down a gully. 1d10 people effected.
survivors are desperate for help! They beg the party to 12
Save vs. Breath Weapon or be taken by the flood. Take 1d6
lead them to safety through the fire-swept wilderness. damage from protrusions until a successful strength check to
stop oneself.
Not only is the fire a potential dangerous obstacle for
the party, but the challenge is to keep the townsfolk
alive through a dangerous environment that has Adventure Hooks: This adventure makes
drawn the attention of several fire-loving creatures. adventure hooks obsolete as a situation happened
and now it’s up the characters in how they wish to
GM’s Notes: With foresight by the GM, the party handle it (and give them free reign!). However,
may want to return to town to check on friends or foresight by the GM can include these hooks for why
favorite NPC’s, or their owned establishment, or to sell the party is there in the first place:
their loot, train, and recover from their dungeon
delving. The main challenge of this adventure is to 1. The adventurer’s were hired by someone in town to
keep 0-level townsfolk alive in a dangerous recover Rakle’s enchanted sword so that it could be
environment. It’s recommended to research wildfires buried with him. Rumors suggest it’s inside the old
before running the adventure. ruins, cave, dungeon, etc. nearby. Once collected,
the party can return it for a reward.

2. Typical beast(s)threatens the town and adventurers

are hired to slay it in its lair.
Artist: Joe Calkins

3. Characters were captured and recently escaped

to find a burnt landscape.

4. Characters fought a fire-breathing beast or cast a

poorly placed fireball that started a fire. Winds
whipped it into a frenzy.
A Environment Result Table is provided to assist the
GM with the direction and/or intensity of the fire. 5. Characters were tasked to bring something to
Currently, the wind has guided the fire north and east someone in Rakle’s Stand. An easy trip that just
into the forested hills, but pocket fires are prevalent in became more difficult!
the area and the landscape is continually burning
and smoldering. Luckily rain has arrived, dampening Wandering Monsters: Most of the forest and
the area and slowing the spread of fire, but rain on mountain inhabitants have fled, but some are
bare earth and hydrophobic soils is causing additional attracted to the fire. Roll for each hex a d12, a result
problems with sudden mudslides and flash-floods. It’s of 1 signifying an encounter, or roll a d12 twice a day.
suggested to roll on the table once per 2 mile hex.
Roll Wandering Monster twigs, stirring up ash clouds, and roaring
(2) Fire Giant: AC -1, Move 12, HD 15+, hp 88, 76, THACO 5, Attack 1 (slam 1d8 or by a bestial growl.
weapon +10), Size H, Morale 13-14, XP 11,000 ea. Special: Fire resistance, hurl boulders.
Items: Bag with 125 gp and 77pp. This loving couple is in a great mood due to the
chaotic fires, but is seeking their pet, 'Sparky' (hellhound). ●The Cave Bear is mad with pain from
(5) Fire Mephits: AC 5, Move 12 (24 flying MC 2), HD 3+1, hp 20, 18, 18, 17, 15, THACO 18, burnt paws. It has a 50% to notice the
Attack 2 (2 claws 1d3) Size M, Morale 8, XP 175 ea. Special: Breathweapon jet 15' long 1' party as it makes its way to the stream.
wide 1d8+1 damage. These mephits are joyfully throwing and breathing fire upon
anything that burns.
A second one follows in 1d3 rounds.
(8) Deer: AC 8, Move 24, HD 1, hp 5 ea, THACO 20, Attack 3 (2 hooves 1d2, bite 1d2), Size
M, Morale 4, XP 7. These deer crash through the burnt brush and hop pass quickly. (2) Cave Bears: AC 6, Move 12, HD 6+6,
(2) Pyrolisks: AC 6, Move 6, HD 6+6, hp 38, 32, THACO 13, Attack 1 (bite 1d8) size M,
hp 48, 42 Attack 3 (2 claws 1d8, bite
Morale 12, XP 2,000. Special: Immolation, immunity to fire. Save vs death or be engulfed
in raging flames, slain instantly. Successful saves take 1d12+1 damage. These bright red 1d12), Size L, Morale 13, XP 650 ea.
scaled basilisks are tromping about the terrain. They attack once they notice the party. Special: A hit of 18 or greater results in a
(1) Druid (human): AC 7, Move 12, Level 6, hp 35, THACO 18, Attack 1 (spear 1d6), Size M, hug for an additional 2d8 damage.
Morale 10, XP 975. Orias preaches that fire is a natural occurrence and can even be
beneficial to the ecosystem. Although aloof of people's sadness and frustration of losing
Once at 0 hp, Cave Bears fight for 1d4
everything, Orias means well and offers to heal wounds, etc. rounds or until -9 hp before collapsing.
The Party stumbles upon a half-burnt, abandoned campsite. Evidence of tents, a pot,
odds and ends, and a bag with 45 gp.
Treasure: The bear hides could fetch
(9) Vultures: AC 7, Move 1/27 (flight, MC 1), HD 1, hp 4 each, THACO 19, Attack: 3 (1
beak 1 damage, 2 claws 1d3 damage) Size S, Morale 6, XP 35 each. These vultures are 150 gp each.
seeking an easy dinner. They may land nearby and harass the party with squawkings but
are harmless. 3. The Chase: Baying and barking dogs
(12) Centaurs: AC 4, Move 18, HD 4, hp 26 ea, THACO 17, Attack: 2 hooves (1d6) or by
weapon, Size L, Morale 14, XP 120 each. The centaurs are armed with spears, shields,
can be heard for 1d4 rounds. 5 deer
and shortbows. These centaurs are stressed out and in a foul mood. They are trying to bound down the hill, dodging
avoid the fires and find a new home. smoldering stumps and smoking piles of
(4) Hill Giant: AC 5, Move 12, HD 12, hp 88, 78, 76, 65, THACO 9, Attack: 1 (slam 1d6 or by fallen trees. Several dark, reddish furred
weapon +7 damage, Size H, Morale 13, XP 6,000 ea. These giants evacuated their caves
and are thrilled with any easy targets. In a few sacks, they have 500 cp, 350 sp, 2,300 gp,
pony-sized hounds chase the deer, not
and 2 ambers (75 gp ea). bothered by the smoldering land.
The party stumbles upon a scene of terror. Scorched bones of humans and/or Behind them, a huge dog howls in
humanoids that didn't escape the fires.
challenge and the glowing eyes of the
hounds light up to a new scent.
1. Dungeon: The entire area from the exit is
completely scorched. Trees are charred and ● The Hell Hound Leader is huge and definitely
blackened, reaching through the billowing smoke stands out from the others.
clouds towards the sky like long skeletal fingers.
Manageable fires still hungrily devour fallen trees and (1) Hell Hound Leader: AC 4, Move 12, HD 8, hp 60,
debris. Ash continues to fall from the sky. THACO 13, Attack 1 (bite 3d6), Size L, Morale 15, XP
1,400 ea. Special: Breath weapon up to 10 feet for 8
● The environment has changed drastically! This hp of damage.
could potentially lead to destroyed landmarks,
trails, roads, and other features the party used to (8) Hell Hounds: AC 4, Move 12, HD 6, hp 42 ea,
find their way to this location. 95% of the green THACO 15, Attack 1 (bite 1d10), Size M, Morale 12, XP
vegetation is destroyed and only sticks, char, and 975 ea. Special: Breath weapon up to 10 feet for 6 hp
ash remain. of damage.
● The air is hard to breathe, and vision is obscured
by smoke and ash. Those not taking precautions Treasure: The Hell Hound leader wears a belt-sized
may become fatigued and light-headed after a spiked collar inset with diamonds (1,700 gp) with a
few hours of travel due to the floating particulate inscribed name inside, “Sparky”.
● Vision is extended from the lack of vegetation-- 4. Stream Crossing: The once beautiful forest stream is
hampered by occasional billows of smoke and now murky and debris choked. Several muddy boot
heavy spurts of blackened rain. prints emerge from the stream and head east.

2. Cave Bears: Water and ash mix together to form a ● The stream is about 15 feet wide and 3’ to 6’
dark and foreboding rain. The soil crunches like dry deep.
crackers as each step breaks through the soil crust ● Boot prints are from townsfolk who took refuge in
formed by high heat conditions, revealing dry soil the stream during the fire.
underneath. Hydrophobic soils repel water, sheeting it
off the hillside quickly and into gullies, creating a
turmoil of dirty water. Suddenly a giant creature
hurtles down the hillside, snapping burnt trees like
5. Lake Kelspin: Sedimentation has clouded the once ● Palisa is horrified as she saw the huge Fire
crystal clear lake that spans a great valley. Loud, Elemental that erupted out of Traevik’s manor
bellowing laughter echoes off the mountainous hills as (completely destroyed) and keeps babbling
a flaming tree is hurled towards the lake from behind about it uncontrollably.
a rock outcrop. A sizzling splash and a plummet of ● Most of the townsfolk have scraped together 1d2
smoke are the only remaining signs of the tree days of food and water, 50% have blankets or
followed by more howls of deep laughter. clothing, and most are ill-equipped for any sort of
traveling (no shoes, in sleepwear, etc.). A two
● Two fire giants and two dozing hell hounds have wheeled cart and a donkey are their most
been patrolling the lake for any creatures that valuable possessions.
attempted to escape the fire. Both giants are ● The townsfolk are adamant about sticking to one
pretty inebriated. of the roads (GM’s choice) if it’s decided to travel
● The giants can be negotiated with, provided the to Port Hollowvane and they beg the party for
party is willing to part with 2 people for them to assistance and protection.
eat and 75% of their treasure.
● Plenty of boulders lie around for the Fire Giants to GM’s Notes: All the survivors have mixed emotions
employ. of fear, anger, sadness, and depression. A group of
heroes showing up definitely brings hope to these
(2) Hell Hounds: AC 4, Move 12, HD 6, hp 37, 40, souls who have lost everything. Most of the NPC’s
THACO 15, Attack 1 (bite 1d10), Size M, Morale 12, XP follow orders to the best of their ability but most are
975 ea. Special: Breath weapon up to 10 feet for 6 hp not helpful during fights. Some of these NPC’s could
of damage. potentially become followers or permanent hirelings if
treated favorably. If the party takes the townsfolk with
(2) Fire Giants: AC -1, Move 12, HD 15+, hp 82, 91, them, give them a bonus of 100-300 XP per surviving
THACO 5, Attack 1 (slam 1d8 or by weapon +10), Size NPC.
H, Morale 13-14, XP 11,000 ea. Special: Fire resistance,
hurl boulders. Roll Name Notes
1 Croal Lev el 1 Fighter, hp 8, spear. Hardened, determined, and gruff. Grizzled v eteran.
Treasure: The giants have 3 sacks. 2 I rella 0-lev el, seamstress. Scared out of her mind.
Sack #1 2,500 gp, and 2 rubies (250 3 Belv uk
0-lev el. He can't stop w eeping, lost his w hole family. Worked at stable, decent w ith
gp ea). Sack #2 Half-eaten bloody Lev el 1 Fighter, (17 str), longsw ord, w eaponsmith. Angry, gets annoyed by people
4 Ghorglum
deer. Sack #3. 700 sp, statuette of crying. Keeps trying to motiv ate people. Has taken responsibility for these people.

a dragon with sapphire eyes (750 5 Jarra

0-lev el, barmaid, strong sense of surv iv al (puts herself first), head strong. Bickers at
Ghorglum constantly.
gp), a brooch of an obsidian raven 6 Kaleb 0-lev el, young boy--12ish, follow s orders surprisingly w ell, calm.
(125 gp), and a Potion of Speed (2 Tarim
0 lev el, tow n drunk. No one is sure how he surv iv ed. Mostly useless and drinks w hen
he can. Sometimes calls out false alarms.
doses). One keg is empty, but
0 lev el, this w oman is unhinged and manic. Ev entually tries to kill herself by drow ning
another is half full with a rich 8 Palisa
if not w atched carefully.
dwarven ale (25 gp). 9 Ratchet
Lev el 1 Thief, hp 6, can shoot a bow . Ditched the grav erobbers (Area #7) and w ants
to get to safety. Sticky fingers, but good natured for most part.
0 lev el, 7 year old girl. Won't let go of w ooden 'dolly', shy, scared, cries a lot. She is
10 Merta
6. Rakle’s Stand: Named in honor frightened of Zurliss and tends to av oid her.
of General Rakle who made his last Lev el 1 Fighter, (18/64 str) hp 9, club. Tow n bully w ho lost his cohorts. Although
11 Vortek intimidating, people look upon him w ith disrespect and no fear as they hav e nothing
stand against an army of orcs, only else to lose. Secretly keeps an eye on Merta to protect her.
wisps of smoke cling to the charred 12 Zurliss 0 lev el, blind, old w oman. Sharp-w it and tongue. Surpisingly self-sufficient.

skeleton of what remains of Rakle’s

Stand. Every building is burnt and only a few stone
walls remain erect. The area is eerily silent until a sob 7. Rakle’s Tomb: A band of men and women with
breaks the air and a general muttering of people tools hover near the historic marker of Rakle’s Tomb.
conversing comes from deeper within the town’s The heavy lid is removed and a few crushed, armed
remnants. skeletons litter the entrance. A rope is tied around
another grave marker and is dangling down the hole.
● Several survivors (see NPC table) have gathered
what supplies they could find and are discussing ● If aware, all the townsfolk are angered if the tomb
next steps. A debate has started between is desecrated or looted. However, with the lid off,
heading for Lake Kelspin (Area #5) to wait out the they are open to having Rakle’s Amulet be
fires by Jarra, or Ghorglum’s idea to make the retrieved so that it can be safely brought back to
long journey to Port Hollowvane down south. the town when rebuilt or to cover the costs of a
rebuilding effort. Refer to Appendix A: Rakle’s
Tomb. Continued

● The ruffians use intimidation techniques to protect Mana Nail
their dig, with the ring leader being Grobo the Bull.
They grow bold if scared townsfolk are with the The Mana Nail is an electrum earring that looks like a
party. nail or small spike. When worn, it causes continual
● Tactics: The fighters wade in and focus on bleeding of the ear, effectively reducing 1 hp to the
spellcasters. The thieves shoot bows at wearer permanently until taken off. However, while
spellcasters. Grobo targets other warriors. Sareak the Mana Nail is worn, it allows a caster to cast two
casts Sleep if townsfolk are there and other extra 1st level spells per day. XP 1,200.
crowd-control spells (i.e Irritation, Grease). If things
go badly, Sareak casts Wraith Form and flees 8. Old Bandit Caves: The road winds its way through a
inside the Tomb to attack later if an opportunity steep-cliff canyon. Cave mouths, once hidden by
presents itself. thick vegetation are now clearly obvious among the
cliffs. Fires still burn loose clumps of vegetation and
(4) Ruffians (humans): AC 5, Move 12, Level 5 Fighters, wind blows hot air through the narrow canyon. In the
hp 36 ea, THACO 16, Attack 3/2 (by weapon +1 to hit, distance towards the east, the glow and flames of the
+2 damage), Size M, Morale 10, XP 270 ea. Items: wild fire can be observed.
Chain mail, longswords or battle axes, 1d10 cp, 1d10
sp, 1d12 gp. ● Please refer to Appendix B: Old Bandit Caves.

(2) Ruffians (humans): AC 5, Move 12, Level 6 Thieves, 9. Raging Fire Elemental: Fire is raging across the
hp 25, 31, THACO 18, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size M, countryside and the heat is intense making it hard to
Morale 12, XP 270. Items: shortswords, short bows, breathe. The road comes to a crossroad. The southern
thieves tools, cloaks, 2d10 gp, one has a garnet (50 road is more the same—burning copses of trees and
gp) in boot heel. patches of unburnt areas as the fire moves towards
the east. The eastern road disappears into a firestorm
Grobo the Bull (Dwarf): AC 3, Move 9, Level 8, hp 68, hell and vision is completely obstructed by the
THACO 14, Attack 2, (The Jarl, 1d8 +3 to hit, +5 conflagration and burning forest. In the midst of the
damage), Size S, Morale 15, XP 650. Items: Chain mail, burning chaos, an intense, towering fiery shape
The Jarl, 30 sp, and 50 gp. moves among the fires. Easily indistinguishable from
the wildfire except for its two blueish flames for
Sareak (female human): AC 7, Move 12, Level 6 eyes….a huge fire itself at 16’ ft tall!
Mage, hp 19, THACO 19, Attack 1 (Quarterstaff 1d6),
Size M, Morale 13, XP 975. Spells: Floating Disc, Grease, ● The Fire Elemental is huge and is moving away
Magic Missile, Sleep, Level 2: Irritation, Knock, Level 3: from the party, intent on burning the countryside.
Lightning Bolt, Wraith Form. Items: Spellbook, lantern, ● Townsfolk with the party immediately try to flee
Mana Nail, and a Ring of Human Influence. the area seeing the fire elemental. Roll d6 for
each with a result of1-3 going back the way they
The Jarl came and 4-6 heading south.

The Jarl is a double bladed, barbaric Battle Axe +2 (1) Fire Elemental: AC 2, Move 12, HD 16, hp 118,
that has engravings of bears on its blade and handle. THACO 5, Attack 1 ( fist 3-24 damage), Size H (16’),
A thong of blue and white feathers is attached near Morale 17, XP 10,000. Special: +2 or better weapons to
the blade. The feathers are magical and provide a hit.
40% resistance to cold effects (magical or non-
magical). However, if the feathers are removed from 10. Smoldering Stump: A humongous hole smolders
the axe, they lose their magical effects. The Jarl is the with flame as the last of a sprawling stump and root
weapon of the late Chieftain of the Bear Clan, a complex is devoured by fire. Inside the hole, smoke
barbarian tribe of the North. Hunters of the Bear Clan emits from a series of caves created by the fire-
are continually searching for The Jarl to return it to engulfed roots. Along the outside stump edges are
their people. XP 1,500. sizeable white fungal conks that give off an
unpleasant smell. A small burning humanoid seems to
be lying amid the burning roots below.

● Please refer to Appendix C: The Smoldering


Artist: Indi Martin

11. Decisions: Fires rage on either side of the road, 13. The Stand: A patch of impressive trees stands
though far enough away not to affect those with too untouched amid the tongue of flames that continue
much heat. The wind has died down providing hope traveling to either side of it a mile or so away.
that the area may be traversed safely. Another option
is to travel through the wilds a couple miles to the ● Entering the grove causes the party to be
river. challenged by a pixie asking what they are doing!
Favorable reactions through roleplay and the
● There is an argument among the townsfolk on pixie may ask for help from the party to protect
which is the better path. Some may challenge the the grove. It leads them deeper into the grove to
PC’s decision. “We should go to the river so we a Dryad’s tree and where other pixies are
don’t get burned!” “I can’t swim!” “The road is frantically discussing plans to battle the fire.
quicker…who knows what’s off the road!” “Who ● The fires reach the grove after 4 turns and destroy
put these guys in charge anyways?” everything unless stopped.
● Make a check on the Environment Result Table ● The dryad, at her wit’s end, attempts to charm a
when the party travels towards the stream or party member or town person (if they are with the
continues along the road. party) to gain loyalty from someone to help
● Swimming in the river attracts two hungry giant protect her tree at all costs!
Gar. ● Successfully saving the grove (or most of it) results
in a bonus of 400 XP to each party member. The
(2) Giant Gar: AC 3, Move 30 (swimming), HD 8, hp 60, dryad presents a pouch with a fist sized emerald
51, THACO 13, Attack 1 (bite 2d10), Size L, Morale 9, (750 gp). One pixie, smitten with the heroes offers
XP 975 ea. Special: Swallows prey on a roll of 20. his services for 1 full month to one party member
chosen at random (or if someone really stood out
12. Fire Lizard: Low burning fires dot the landscape as in fighting the fire). Treated favorably, the pixie
grasslands burn with patches of scrub brush and may become a follower.
copses of trees. The charred land appears like a
‘moonscape’ with constant sizzling, popping, and (1) Dryad: AC 9, Move 12, HD 2 hp 14, THACO 19,
crackling of the hungry fires. A copse of trees nearby Attack 1 (by weapon), Size M, Morale 12, XP 650.
shudders and a 30’ long monstrous reptilian beast Special: MR 50%, charm, tree-bond. The dryad has
crashes through it sending flames and fiery obstacles another 120 gp stashed inside her tree.
every which way. Its reddish head lets out a loud hiss.
(14) Pixies: AC 5, Move 6, fly 12 (MC 2), HD ½, hp 4 ea,
● The Fire Lizard shakes its head, as if confused for 1 THACO 20, Attack 1 (by weapon but half damage
round before attacking. due to size), Size T, Morale 11, XP 650 ea. Special: MR
25%, Invisibility, spells.
(1) Fire Lizard: AC 3, Move 9, HD 10, hp 88, THACO 11,
Attack 3 (2 claws 1d8, bite 2d8), Size G, Morale 11-12, 14. Pranksters: Cackling and exasperated laughter
XP 5,000. Special: Breath weapon, fire immunity. are heard up ahead through the smoldering scrub
brush. Two hulking demon-looking creatures wreathed
in flames are setting things ablaze by touch, pulling
pranks and hijinks upon one another.

� The creatures have horned heads, arrow

tipped tails, and a deep orange color. They
are in an incredibly jolly mood and won’t
attack right away. They focus their attacks on
those that look the most scared, reveling in
their fear.

(2) Fire Demons: AC 0, Move 12, HD 8+1, hp 63, 58

THACO 13, Attack 3 (2 claws 1d8 +2 damage, bite
1d10,), Size L (9’ tall), Morale 14, XP 7,000. Special:
Cause Darkness 10’, Fear, Levitate, Telekinesis (300
lbs.), Magic Resist 25%, regeneration 1 hp/round,
immune to fire based attacks. Breath weapon, every
other round, can breathe fire for 2d10 damage, save
vs. breath weapon for half.
Artist: Robert Hemminger

15. Confluence: The road eventually comes to a 17. Mortek’s Marauders: Smoke is prevalent in the air
groaning wood bridge that crosses the muddy river and ash drifts down from the heavens. However, from
right above a river bifurcation. Several logs, trees, and the rise of the last hill, Port Hollowvane and the sea
wooden debris are jammed against the bridge were visible, a few miles away. Five grim men block
causing a debris jam and the backed up river water the road ahead. One raises a hand in greeting.
threatens to jump its bank.
● 10 men are hidden and dispersed about the scrub
● The bridge creaks and groans but is relatively safe brush and boulders surrounding the party.
to cross. ● Taking advantage of the fires, Mortek and his men
● One turn after the party arrives, the bridge is are capturing refugees from the fires for slaves to
destroyed by the force of water and debris and a pirate captain stationed near Port Hollowvane.
taken downstream. The debris flow causes ● Mortek forcefully asks for the party’s surrender.
erosional havoc along both streams as it heads ● A half mile up a game trail is Mortek’s camp. 8
towards Port Hollowvane and the swamps. slaves have been captured and if taken to Port
Hollowvane, the party should receive a bonus 400
16. Swamp: The road travels through a swampy XP each.
wetland area created by the river and the tidal ● A rolled parchment in Mortek’s tent shows a
influences of the nearby sea. Moss and plants grow contract for capturing slaves by a Captain
from the trees, and in some places the road is Gwurve Kettleroar.
submerged by a few inches of the murky water.
Mortek: AC 1, Move 12 (24 horse), Level 9 Fighter, hp
● At night, a Will O’ Wisp attempts to draw the 80, THACO 12 Attack 2 (by weapon +3 to hit, +4
attention of the party and townsfolk (if they are damage), Size M, Morale 14, XP 2,000. Items: Plate
with the party) deeper into the swamp towards 2 mail +1, spear (for horse), Longsword +1, Potion of
Shambling Mounds. Gaseous Form, griffon shaped ruby pendant (500 gp),
● During the day, there is only a 50% chance the and 76 gp.
Shambling Mounds are encountered.
(14) Marauders: AC 4, Move 12 (4 on horses, 24), Level
(1) Will O’ Wisp: AC -8, Move 18 (fly, MC 1), HD 9, hp 4 Fighters, hp 26 ea, THACO 17, Attack 3/2 (by
53, THACO 11, Attack 1 (shock 2d8), Size S, Morale 17, weapon), Size M, Morale 10, XP 175 ea. Items: Chain
XP 3,000. Special: Magic immunity. mail, shield, longsword, battle axe, or morningstars. 4
men use crossbows. Each has 1d10 sp, and 1d8 gp.
(2) Shambling Mounds: AC 0, Move 6, HD 9, hp 66, 57,
THACO Attack 2 (Fists 2d8), Size L, Morale 11, XP 2,000 18. Port Hollowvane: Port Hollowvane is a bustling
ea. Special: Suffocation seaport. The guards at the gate are very interested to
hear about the fire’s intensity and may have the
Treasure: The Will O’ Wisp leads the party to the group questioned by the Captain of the Guard. A
Shambling Mound’s lair only at night, but tracking and camp has been set up for refugees.
taking the time to search may reveal the treasure.
Inside a massive rotten log are 4,000 cp, 2,000 sp, Conclusion: Party members are regarded as hero’s
1,500 gp, 200 pp, a Scroll of Protection from by any surviving townspeople (if they decided to take
Possession, a Scroll of (9th level), and a Rod of them). Party members could be involved in helping
Beguiling. take supplies back up to Rakle’s Stand to rebuild, or
perhaps decide to fight the fire. The party may also
get involved in other adventures around Port
Hollowvane, such as tracking down Captain Gwurve

Artist: Gary Dupois

Appendix A: Rakle’s Tomb 4. Rat’s Nest: The chamber is cramped with various
bits of 5’ high junk piles strewn about the room. Pieces
Rakle’s Tomb is a symbol of honor, centered in the of wooden debris, miscellaneous pottery, cloth bits,
graveyard for the warrior-general Rakle and his final plates, and rusted pieces of armor are jumbled
stand against a massive assault of orcs. Rumors everywhere. A slight wind whistles from an opening in
suggest that Rakle’s Amulet, a item of mystery, was the eastern wall. Squeaks and movement from furry
buried with him and has unknown value. critters erupts from everywhere!

1. Entrance: Ropes or a ladder are needed to enter ● This is the lair of Murpherus the Wererat. Months of
the Tomb. Immediately, sound seems to vanish within prowling Rakle’s Rest has spread the lycanthropic
these halls, leaving only an eerie silence. Darkness disease. Due to the fires, most of the ‘family’ is
creeps in, hovering on the light’s perimeter like a held up in this room. They panic when the doors
hungry predator. Ash sprinkles down from the open as they are aware of the undead presence.
opening, floating lazily down to the dusty stone floor. ● Giant rats stream in to attack while wererats
attempt to sneak in to surprise the party. 20 Giant
2. Alcoves: These dusty alcoves each hold a skeletal Rats and 8 wererats attack. After 1d3+2 rounds,
warrior gripping two handed swords, with tips in the the sounds of more rats entering the room from
ground. They each wear a suit of plate mail. A brass the opening are apparent. Murpherus casts an
plaque (10 gp) is above each warrior with a name. Invisibility 10’ Radius on the 15 additional Giant
Rats and 4 Wererats before entering the room.
● These skeleton warriors only animate when Room ● Murpherus does not hesitate to casts Web, even if
#3 and/or Room #5 are entered. trapping his companions.
● Names are Jarek, Brom, Worte, Asaliv, Farge,
Lerolik, Halkur, Morkinis, (35) Giant Rats: AC 7, Move 12, swim 6, HD ½, hp 2
Pilkis, Uranakor, Emrik, ea, THACO 20, Attack 1 (bite 1d3), Size T, Morale 5-7,
and Coralin. XP 15 ea.

(12) Skeleton Knights: AC 3, (12) Wererats: AC 6, Move 12, HD 3+1, hp 22 ea,

Move 12, HD 6, hp 45 ea, THACO 17, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size M, Morale 11-
THACO 15, Attack 2 (2- 12, XP 270 ea. Special: lycanthropic, silver or magic
handed sword 1d10 +2 to weapons to hit. Items: shortswords, daggers, and
all Attack rolls), Size M, longswords
Morale 18, XP 650 ea.
Special: Cold immunity, half Murpherus: AC 6, Move 12, Level 6 mage, hp 24,
damage from slashing and THACO 17, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size M, Morale 11-
piercing weapons, spell 12, XP 650. Special: Lycanthropic, silver or magic
immunities-see skeleton. weapons to hit. Spells: Burning Hands, Grease,
Lerolik’s sword pommel is a Spiderclimb, Spook. Level 2: Mirror Image, Web, Level
diamond (500 gp). 3: Invisibility 10’ Radius, Suggestion
Artist: Maciej Zagorski

3. Hall of Deeds: The walls are adorned with 6’ tall ● Mixed with the junk
brass plating (13 plates, 100 gp ea, 50 lbs. each) piles are rat feces,
detailing the deeds of 12 knights and General Rakle. dried vomit, and
Compact, unlit copper braziers (35 gp ea) rest below other
each plate. Unmentionables.
Those sifting
● No matter the named plate, characters studying through the piles
the brass plates observe several deeds that each with bare hands
knight and Rakle completed. They notice their have a 5%
names being etched in the plates near the chance of
bottom “(Character name) slayed by Jarek (or contacting a
whichever knight’s plate). If unsuccessful in the random disease
slaying, the character’s name is removed. determined by
● After two rounds, clanking noises from the skeleton the GM. One turn
knights in Room #2 can be heard from the hall of searching Artist: Rick Hershey
and they arrive in 1d4+1 rounds. They attack reveals an item of
anyone in this room hoping to add another foe to interest on the table below.
their plate. Continued

Roll Item of Interest 6. Hall of Glory: The door has been wizard locked
1 Scroll of Protection versus Gas by Murpherus. A lever opens the stone door up
Small bag with 200 pp.
2 and down. Two crossed halberds with a shield in
A painting by famed Artist Ilevina LeBrock. Scene is of a castle with a
3 the middle are engraved on the stone.
lake beyond. Cleaned up, worth 4,000 gp to a collector.
A necklace/choker in the shape of a bird with wings outspread with
several garnets and ambers (900 gp). The opened door reveals a statue of a charging
Oil of Timelessness
5 armored warrior (Rakle) gripping a 2-handed
Ring of the Ram
6 sword. The warrior’s mouth is open in a scream of
120 gp in a rotted sack and a Scroll of (7th level).
7 defiance. The statue stands between a set of wide
A statuette of a panther (600 gp).
8 stairs that lead to a room with 37 stone coffins.
9 Half rotted backpack with 300 ep, and a Dagger +1
Potion of Healing and a 300 gp amethyst.
10 ●The coffins are stuck but can eventually be
opened and an armored skeleton lies within. Each
5. Rakle’s Rest: Stairs descend into a clean, organized coffin holds a velvet pouch with 25 gp inside (total
room. A stone coffin rests in the center of the room. A =925 gp). Those who take the gold are Cursed
deep blue banner with a golden unicorn hangs from with -1 to Attack Rolls for a full week.
behind the coffin. Two copper braziers (35 gp) rest to ● Rotted, dark blue banners with golden unicorns
either side of the stone coffin. cover the walls.
● After 6 rounds, the coffins open on their own and
● When the coffin opens, Rakle stands immediately 37 skeletons emerge to attack.
and gazes down upon his visitors. Rakle won’t ● In the shadows of the room is a master specter
attack first but defends himself. Rakle asks and its 4 thralls. They all appear as ghostly orcs
questions: “Why have you disturbed my rest?” Are and emerge from the shadows when the
you here to loot my tomb?” “Have you defiled my skeletons awaken.
● Rakle utilizes his amulet to tell if the party is lying or (37) Skeletons: AC 4 or 5, Move 12, HD 1, hp
not. Lies draw him to attack. Honesty brings him to 8 ea, THACO 19, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size
ask the party for a request. Rakle knows about the M, Morale 17, XP 120. cold immunity, spell
orc specters in the Hall of Glory. He seeks immunities (same as skeleton), half
assistance to destroy them but failed to open the damage from slashing and piercing
door. weapons. Items include longswords,
battleaxes and maces. Some use
Rakle, Skeleton Champion: AC 1, Move 12, HD 10, hp shields.
90, THACO 11, Attack 2 (two-handed sword 1d10+3 to
attack rolls), Size M, Morale 18, AL LG, XP 2,000. (4) Specters: AC 2, Move 15, Fly 30
Special: Requires +2 or better magic weapons to hit, (MC 2), HD 7+3, hp, 40 ea, THACO
cold immunity, spell immunities (same as skeleton), 13, Attack 1 (touch 1d8), Size M,
half damage from slashing and piercing Morale 15, XP 8,000. Special:
weapons. Items: 2-handed sword, golden Energy drain, magical weapon
crown with rubies (1,200 gp) with needed to hit, spell immunities.
matching bracelet (625 gp), and
Rakle’s Amulet. Artist: Rick Hershey (1) Specter (Master): AC 2, Move 15,
Fly 30 (MC 2), HD 7+3, hp, 56,
Rakle’s Amulet THACO 13, Attack 1 (touch 1d8),
Size M, Morale 15, XP 8,000. Special: Energy drain,
Rakle’s Amulet is a golden amulet with matching magical weapon needed to hit, spell immunities.
chain inset with a brilliant red fire opal that continually
glows a burning scarlet. It has the following powers: Conclusion: Rakle gifts the party with his amulet if
Detect Evil—3x per day, Detect Lie—2x per day, they assist him against the specters. Other adventures
Detect Invisibility—1x per day, and gives the wearer may attempt to enter the tomb and unwittingly
infravision to 90 feet. XP 2,500. release the skeleton army and specters to haunt
Rakle’s Stand if anyone returns.

Artist: Vshane
3. Water Haven: Dripping
water collects in a sizeable,
natural pool. Several lanky
greenish humanoids splash
at each other in the pool,
fouling its waters.

●These trolls fight to the

death to protect their
water source. They do not
pursue outside the cave.
●Some of the trolls have
scorch marks on them that
haven’t regenerated fully.
●Noise of battle attracts
the residents in Area #4,
arriving in 1d6 rounds.
Artist: Maciej Zagorski

Appendix B: Old Bandit Caves (4) Trolls: AC 4, Move 12, HD 6+6, hp 48, 44, 37, 32,
THACO 13, Attack 3 (2 claws 1d4+4 damage, bite
These caves are usually hidden by thick brush and 1d8+4 damage) Size L, Moral 14, XP 1,400. Special:
rock outcroppings, but the fires have made them Regeneration.
clearly visible. A favorite area for ambushes by
bandits, new inhabitants have arrived to take shelter 4. Troll Leaders: Crates, boxes, chests, and bolts of
from the fires. cloth are stacked against walls or broken open with
contents spilled across this spacious chamber. Two
1. Wolves: Scraps of rabbit fur and the stench of dingy piles of furs are against the south wall. The top
animal are signs that this cave may be inhabited. A half of a gnawed human corpse lies haphazardly
low, warning growl emerges from the depth of against the north wall. Loud sniffing betrays the
the caves to confirm it. Artist: William McAusland
presence of several hulking creatures.

● A wolf pack has taken shelter inside this cave ●These creatures attack with
from the fire scorched lands. frenzy, desperate to protect
● They growl and use intimidation (lunging, their haven from the fire. They
snapping jaws, etc.) to persuade intruders do not pursue outside the cave.
to leave rather than attack. ●Battle attracts residents from Area #3 in
● These wolves suffer a -1 to their Attack 1d6 rounds.
Rolls due to burn injuries on their paws
and there are four pups that won’t fight. (2) Two-headed Trolls: AC 4, Move 12, HD 10, hp
78, 69, THACO 11, Attack 4 (2 claws 1d4+4
(8) Wolves: AC 7, Move 18, HD 2+2, hp 15 ea, damage, 2 bites 1d12), Size L, Morale 15, XP
THACO 19, Attack 1 (bite 1d4+1), Size S, Morale 10, XP 3,000. Special: Regeneration.
65 ea.
(2) Trolls: AC 4, Move 12, HD 6+6, hp 48, 38, THACO 13,
2. Massacre: Bloody, human corpses litter the Attack 3 (2 claws 1d4+4, bite 1d8+4) Size L, Moral 14,
entrance of this cave with shredded leather armor XP 1,400. Special: Regeneration.
and blood-soaked clothing. A few mundane
weapons are strewn about and big, bloodied Treasure: Accumulated treasure from the bandits
footprints lead further into the cave. Broken kegs lay include 7 bolts of silk (150 gp ea), 3 kegs of elvish
against the south wall in a sticky puddle. Water Montanya wine (200 gp per keg), mundane
splashing and guttural laughter echo off the rock supplies—torches, lanterns, lantern oil, 6 coils of 50’
walls. rope, 42 iron spikes, miscellaneous tools (hammers,
picks, crowbars), copper pots and pans (45 gp total),
● A total of 13 corpses, all mangled and half-eaten. a crate with 6 ceramic vases (4—25 gp, 1—75 gp, 1--
● The kegs smell of ale but are empty. Nothing of 145 gp) and a few crates of dried oats.
● Footprints go both north and west.
● Guttural laughter comes from (Area #3). Continued
A dinged up locked chest (key lost): 700 cp, 200 sp, Appendix C: The Smoldering Stump
1,600 gp, a platinum holy symbol (300 gp—Deity is
GM’s choice), a broken crystal ball (worthless), a
Potion of Extra Healing, a Potion of Gaseous Form, and
a gaudy Mace +2.

#2 Locked Chest (key lost): holds richly lavished

clothing (pants, shirts, vest, etc. Buried within is a
velvet pouch with a platinum necklace adorned with
sapphires depicting a jumping dolphin (2,700 gp), a
trio of garnets (75 gp ea), and a pair of diamond
earrings (250 gp). A false bottom holds a Ring of Free Artist: Tobias Strunz
Action. A curious group of Fire Salamanders, attracted by the
wildfires have investigated this humongous stump and
5. Bugbears: This small cave complex appears empty have found sport within in the form of several Phellinus
except for the sound of dripping water that forms a (see New Monster). The Fire Salamanders are
cold pool of water. A lone humanoid stands before pillaging, looting, and burning the rest of the stump.
the pool, holding a great spear. He holds a hand up
in greeting. 1. Stump Heart: Ash, embers, and islands of hardened,
twisted wood create the floor of this giant 10’ deep
● The cave holds 5 battered and singed bugbears smoldering stump. A strange 3’ tall humanoid, with
who attempt to stealth behind the party. root-hardened skin and a long wooden head, burns
● Their leader Horkrish attempts to parlay with the next to a twisted root.
party in very broken common. He has lost most of
his tribe due to the fires and wants to be left in ● The burning corpse is unrecognizable but is a
peace. If pressed or intimidated, he offers to help Phellinus.
against the bothersome trolls in Area #3-4 (if they
are still alive) or attempts to leave. If trolls are slain 2. Rot: The ligneous cave enters a chamber with
and party is weakened, the bugbears attempt to scatterings of white pocket rot and fibers within the
slay the party. wooden walls of the bulbous root mass.
● Attacking Horkrish causes the 5 stealthy bugbears
to attack those in the back. ● Druids and rangers can determine that the wood
and roots of this stump are heavily diseased by a
Horkrish (bugbear leader): AC 4, Move 9, HD 4, hp 25, fungal plant pathogen.
THACO 16, Attack 1 (spear 1d8 +2 to Attack Rolls), Size ● Hissing noises can be heard from Area #3.
L, Morale 13, XP 175.
3. Phellinus Lair: Strange, short wooden creatures fight
(5) Bugbears: AC 5, Move 9, HD 3+1, hp 22, 20, 20, 19, two snake-like fire creatures wielding spears. One
18, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size L, Morale 11, XP 120. short creature has a burning spear stuck to him with
Items: morningstars, spears, and/or battle axes. some sort of sap. Several burning corpses of petite
root-like creatures suggest the fire salamanders are
Treasure: These bugbears don’t have much after winning…
fleeing the fires. Horkrish carries a pouch with 57 gp,
and a ruby (175 gp). ● The Phellinus lose the battle in a few rounds unless
assisted by the party. They help the party against
the salamanders but attempt to flee afterwards,
unless a form of communication is established (i.e.
Speak with Plant).

(2) Fire Salamanders: AC 5/3, Move 9, HD 7+7, hp, 54,

52, THACO 13, Attack 2 (constriction 2d6 damage
and spear 1d6 +1d6 heat damage), Size M, Morale
13, XP 2,000 ea. Special: Need +1 or better weapons
to hit.

(3) Phellinus: AC 3, Move 6, HD 5, hp 27, 24, 18,

THACO 15, Attack 1 (1d6+2 or by weapon +2
Artist: Matt Morrow damage), Size S, Morale 14, XP 975 ea. Special: Breath
weapon, spore form. Continued
Treasure: A stash of 7 gems lie among the burnt roots. 6. Burning Room: Blackened smoke is
The gems consist of 3 agates (40 gp ea), 2 pouring out of the entrance. This spacious
aquamarine (125 gp ea), an appatite (175 gp), and a root chamber is on fire and the billowing
fire agate (600 gp). The salamanders have 475 gp black smoke reduces visibility to only a few
between the 2 of them. feet.

4. Root Tendrils: Root tendrils cover the ceiling and ●Trap: Burning has compromised the ceiling
hang down almost reaching the floor, partially and anyone making loud noises in this room
blocking movement from within. Fire salamanders has a 25% chance to make the ceiling
are scattered about this root cavern. A collapse. The collapsed ceiling drops soil to
few smother the fire, but also potentially
are poking at the northern walls with suffocate those inside the room.
spears where a splattering of white
root rot is apparent in the wall. Others 7. The Crack: Roots have dug through the
seem to have their attention focused soil and rock creating a deep crack (15’
in the eastern part of the room. deep) which is now exposed after the roots
burned. Gasping and rattled breath can be
● 2 Phellinus attempted to heard from down below.
escape using their spore form,
but have died from the ●A heavily injured Phellinus lies in the crack below
poking heated spears. Artist: Robert with multiple sappy wounds. It has used the limit of
his spore ability for the day but has 2 breath
(5) Fire Salamanders: AC 5/3, Move 9, HD 7+7, hp, 54, weapons left. Attacking it causes it to release its
50, 47, 44, 40, THACO 13, Attack 2 (constriction 2d6 breath weapon, otherwise it can’t move due to
damage and spear 1d6 +1d6 heat damage), Size M, injuries.
Morale 13, XP 2,000 ea. Special: Need +1 or better ● If communication is an option, it answers questions
weapons to hit. to the best of its ability. It refuses to join the party
and eventually seeks a new home.
Treasure: Two salamanders wear golden armbands
(150 gp ea), one wears a platinum hooped earring (1) Phellinus: AC 3, Move 6, HD 5, hp 7 (39), THACO 15,
(325 gp), and another wears a Ring of Mammal Attack 1 (1d6+2 or by weapon +2 damage), Size S,
Control (5 charges). In the corner is a pile of gems! Morale 14, XP 975 ea. Special: Breath
30 semi-precious stones (5 gp ea), 3 rubies (150 weapon, spore form.
gp ea), and a diamond (300 gp) at the pile’s

5. White Rot: A low ceiling dominates this earthy

smelling cavern. White pockets of rot are apparent
in the woody roots that create the chamber. A
patch of fungus and mushrooms cling to parts of
the roots and soil. Some of the bulbous heads are
black or shriveled from the heat.

● 3 Phellinus are watching the party in this

room while in spore form. They attack to
defend themselves (i.e. if the white fungus
is hacked or burnt). They assist the party
against salamanders if fighting occurs in
this room, otherwise they attempt to
remain hidden.

(3) Phellinus: AC 3, Move 6, HD 5, hp 38, 34,

28, THACO 15, Attack 1 (1d6+2 or by
weapon +2 damage), Size S, Morale 14, XP
975 ea. Special: Breath weapon, spore form.

Artist: Maciej Zagorski–The Forge

New Monster Both Phellinus and Leptographium are hunted for
their bark-like hide, which can be
Phellinus/Leptographium (Inspired by grounded into a fine dust
Nathan Attebery’s Fusaka creature) used for spices. Rumors
Climate/Terrain: Rotting stumps and suggest that the created
trees usually on steep slopes, spice has psychedelic
underground properties and can sell for a
Frequency: Rare high price to the right
Number Appearing: 1d12 collector.
Organization: Clan
Activity Cycle: Any Combat: Phellinus and
Intelligence: average to high Leptographium have the
Treasure: W (lair + individual) D same abilities and employ
(lair, Leptographium only) the same tactics, although
Alignment: Neutral (Neutral Evil- Leptographium are more
Leptographium) aggressive. Phellinus are incredibly
Armor Class: 3 strong, delivering 1d6+2 with their
Movement: 6 fists. They sometimes wield
Hit Dice: 5 weapons consisting of daggers or
THACO: 15 staves (+2 damage). When
Attack: 1d6+2 or by weapon +2 struck, Phellinus excrete a
Saving Throws: As 5th level powerful sap that makes
Fighter weapons stick to their wound.
Special Traits: Sap, spore form, A character must make a
double damage from fire. successful save vs breath
Magic Resistance: none Artist: Nathan Atterbery weapon to free their weapon, otherwise it’s stuck to
Size: S the Phellinus, rendering it useless. Phellinus have a
Morale: 14 strange, cone-shaped breath weapon (5’ long x 90
Experience: 975 degree horizontal arc from their mouth) that they can
do 3x per day. Those affected take 2d8 damage of
The Phellinus is a short, 3’ humanoid that is a type of acidic damage and after one month lose 1 point of
plant pathogen or root fungus. It has a wooden or charisma per month from a rotting disease. A
root-like body that has tiny roots extending successful save vs. breath weapon takes half
everywhere on their body, but usually the head. Their damage and no disease. The disease can only be
head is long, almost skull-like with dark, deep eye removed by a Remove Curse or Cure Disease spell.
sockets and slits for nostrils. They wear earth colored Finally, Phellinus have an innate ability to transform
robes or tunics and sometimes wield daggers or into a spore cloud 3x per day, much like Gaseous
staves. Phellinus are shy and shun outsiders unless the Form, and can ‘enter’ any type of wooden surface,
tree they feed upon is attacked. Leptographium are leaving a white mark (or black for Leptographium).
very aggressive and attack on sight. Both have an This is how they feed and spread their disease
affinity for gems and other sparkling treasure. They throughout trees. However, Phellinus can’t move
have their own language through telepathy with one through wood in this form and may be damaged if
another, although communication is possible through the wood surface is chipped or burnt. Employing this
the use of Speak with Plant or other similar spells. tactic to ambush enemies gives them surprise on a
Phellinus and Leptographiums feed off trees and they 1-4. A weakness is both Phellinus and Leptographium
are responsible for their death and decay over time. take double damage from fire attacks.
Trees are marked by great white conks or polypores
on the outside trunk and a mass of white fibers in the Phellinus and Leptographium hate each other, much
heartwood and sapwood. Phellinus feed off trees for like their opposing colors. They attack each other on
over 50-100 years before the tree dies. sight.

The darker cousin of the Phellinus, the Leptographium

or ‘Black rot” tend towards evil, devouring and
twisting trees after only 15 years, then moving on to
their next meal. Instead of white conks or fibers, their
signature markings are black in color.

Artist: William McAusland
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(e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, License.
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or 14. Reformation
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material
are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor Labyrinth Lord TM © 2007-2009 Goblinoid Games; Author Daniel Proctor
(g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, Labyrinth Lord TM Advanced Edition Companion © 2009-2010 Goblinoid
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Games; Author Daniel Proctor
Content. OSRICTM Chapter I Copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall. Additional
(h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. authors: Trent Foster, James Boney, Vincent Fruge, Chris Hopkins,
2. The License Robert Ross, Jeremy Goehring, Mike Davison, Daniel Proctor, B. Scot
This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice Hoover, Chris Cain, Bill Silvey, Floyd Canaday, Mathew James Stanham.
indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in For Gold & Glory, Copyright 2014, Justen Brown
terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Scorchfire, Copyright 2018. Malrex’s Modules and Merciless Merchants.
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this
License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or
conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using
this License.
3. Offer and Acceptance

The Scorchfire is an adventure suitable for characters of level 7-9 for the For Gold & Glory ruleset,
a retro-clone of 2nd edition of the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game. This product is
easy to convert for any of the old school rulesets (OSR) under the Open Gaming License v1.0a.

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