War On Drugs Research Paper Topics

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Are you struggling with choosing a compelling topic for your War On Drugs research paper?

a thesis can be an incredibly challenging task, especially when it comes to selecting a topic that is
both relevant and engaging. With the complexities surrounding the War On Drugs, finding the right
research paper topic can feel like navigating a maze of information.

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within the realm of drug policy and enforcement. However, pinpointing a topic that allows for in-
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Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. According to Fagin (2-6), police easily target drug transactions
among the Black because they happen to carry the operations in pub. Narcotic trafficking is
considered as a means of normalizing illegal behavior, by subverting the justice system as well as
other civil institutions that eventually undermine and corrupt such a society. This is where the
common image of the “Coffee shop” comes to mind. This has put the Obama administration in the
awkward position of deciding whether to enforce the federal laws that have increasingly become
unpopular with the public and members of the president’s party or look the other way and allow
members states to ignore federal statutes. The implementation of IMC in fighting the wars against
drugs would have brought much more fruitful results then the implementation of mass media
advertising as advertising may be an effective medium of persuasion but are limited to one aspect of
the goal while IMC deals with multiple approaches to address the issue. The US has been largely
criticized for racially molding the war on drugs. The drugs will continue to be consumed regardless
of the cost because addiction knows few bounds. The answers to these questions lie in the politics
behind our current laws. The schedules start at Schedule I, and then progress down to Schedule V
based on the drug’s safety and potential for addiction. Drugs are consumed to cope with real-life
tension, stress, peer pressure, failure or even just for fun. It abolished the selling of drugs like
cocaine and heroin. It compiled that the details that there were 180 million illicit users of drugs all
over the world have also collected the information that the use of tobacco enhanced among teens
and females not only in the developed countries but also in the developing countries (Mentor
Foundation). In response to this, some states wanted to reduce the supply of methamphetamine
grown in the home by regulating even more chemicals, which drastically reduced small-scale
production. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have ushered in a new way of life. The use of
inhalants among teens and adults is very high due to the easy access they have to wide varieties of
them. Long term effects from rophynol use are physical and psychological dependence.
Imprisonment in the war against drugs can serve to be a deterrent as the individual considers the
expected costs and benefits associated with criminal activities. Though the tactics are somehow
successful, ironically they enhance instead of reducing violence in the country. The very first laws
against narcotics were bans on opium dens in San Francisco in 1875. Rohypnol has many names but
is most commonly know as roofies or the “date rape drug”. Reagan and his wife began publicizing
anti-drug campaigns all while the public grew more and more concerned on illicit drug use due to the
media and the way they were “portraying the addiction of the smokable form of cocaine dubbed
“crack”,” (A Brief History of the Drug War, 2019). Therefore in addition to being a health issue,
illicit drugs are a serious welfare social problem as it impacts the lives of the individual users and
those of society in a variety of ways (Parrillo 2008, p. 256). Social welfare policies relative to drug
abuse in the US have also been focused on production and criminalization of drug use and drug
production. The article however does not give its definition of the terms that would form a basis of
argument on the matter, instead it recommends for further research. Drug use and drug-related
offenses have not diminished as a result of the punishment strategies and community members
therefore question whether or not the criminal justice system is capable of adequately dealing with
the drug problem and any other social problem. The unfortunate consequence is that on a state basis,
there was a 800 percent increase in the “number of African-American women” incarcerated for
possession of illicit drugs from about 1986 to 1991. If the consumption of drugs is not controlled and
overdosed, then it may prove to be fatal. Some state that drug abusers continue to be the main
criminals filling up prisons, while others state that the way drugs have been addressed is being
successful and crime rates have dropped. Today, with a more critical analysis and understanding of
the war on drugs, it seems as though these steps are only now beginning.With Colorado and
Washington voting for decriminalization of marijuana in the 2012 election, and with the Obama
administration’s refusal to use the term “war on drugs”, it seems as though a more progressive look is
soon above the horizon. The hallmark of the policies involves increasing supply disruption strategies
that have been favored as opposed to demand curtailment.
Policy frameworks should examine the potential impact of a policy (or a series of policies) on other
social policies, social problems, and the overall public good (p. 27). You also have the option to opt-
out of these cookies. Another plus would be the eradication of Mexican cartels that supply marijuana
to the US. Center for Disease Control, 20 May 2010. Web. 9 May 2011. Unmapping the Golden
Triangle or the World on drugs. Today, more than 70% of all heroin addicts in Switzerland receive
treatment. Many of the problems that we associate with the use of drugs are actually caused by the
war against them. They, instead, transferred their focus onto those using the substances. These
cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Respect for law has not increased, but
diminished. ” Nearly 90 years later and this is still perfectly applicable today with the United States’
war on drugs. Ax, R. and Fagan, T. (2007) Corrections, Mental Health, and Social Policy:
International Perspectives. I need help thinking of a specific topic that isn't broad and has a lot
written about it on both sides. Small amounts of these “soft” substances, like marijuana, are tolerated
by the government not only for medicinal use, but for recreation as well. Adobe Express Go from
Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. The social cost is the higher likelihood of recidivism
once the untreated drug addict is released from prison (Banks 2005, p. 115). The effects are tragic
and this dilemma has become a major problem for the government. They are also very knowledgeable
about the subject matter, ensuring that all information is accurate and well-researched for you. It will
serve as a reference to the topics discussed within the body of the paper. Decriminalization deals with
the supply side and the deadly nexus of money and violence because I believe drugs have little
intrinsic value; hence, prohibition results in the astronomical prices that support traffickers. This is
because crack cocaine is less expensive to obtain and “members of the white middle class” are more
apt to use the more expensive cocaine powder (Banks 2005, p. 114). It is doubtful that by
distinguishing between crack cocaine possession and cocaine powder possession, that policy-makers
intended that African American communities would be the primary target while middle-class whites
would be virtually free to engage in cocaine powder abuse. War on Drugs.I need to present an
argument or prove something that relates to the war on drugs, but it has to be academic, meaning I
must use online databases. Therefore, I maintain that US has not persisted nor applied its full
coercive resources to fight drugs with the policy being a clash between prohibition and protection in
the cold war. The final step is to motivate the patient to completely give up on drugs and show them
it is possible and that they can do it. United States Government. Web. 7 May 2011. Reefer Madness.
By Lawrence Meade, Arthur Hoerl, Paul Franklin, Jack Greenhalgh, Hans Weerin, Abe Meyer, and
Carl Pierson. Dir. Louis J. Gasnier. Prod. George A. Hirliman and Robert Priestley. Perf. Dorothy
Short, Kenneth Craig, Lillian Miles, Dave O'Brien, Thelma White, and Carleton Young. Why do we
continue fighting the war on drugs, what results have we drawn from the war on drugs, and what
should be done about the future of the war on drugs?The reasons behind fighting the war are varied
and debatable amongst both sides of the political spectrum, however one of the most frequently
used points for the war on drugs are the health risks involved with drug use, and one of the more
commonly used examples for this case are the dangerous of cannabis. A meticulous and careful
approach will not only protect the lives of the police, military, and civilians but it will ensure victory
and a clean approach to saving lives as against dangerous drugs. At a press conference in the White
House, the then President of United States Richard Nixon officially declared War On Drugs. In
Massachusetts, voters approved legalization of medical marijuana, while in Montana voters approved
legislation that imposes further regulation on the existing medical marijuana program. Although these
numbers do not look like much for a borderland compared to worldwide, the Drug Trafficking
Across Borders made the following statement. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader
engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns.
Second, neoliberal trade reforms allowed for larger quantities of drugs to be shipped into the U.S.
Lastly, the U.S backed failed regime changes in Latin America as well as U.S Law Enforcement
supporting cartel leadership monetarily to advance differing investigations. Drug Free Communities
Support Program. (January 4, 2011) (Retrieved March 10, 2011). Also rophynol causes people to no
remember certain things that went on such as events at a party or bar. One of Richard Nixon's top
advisers was quoted saying “the war on drugs was created as a political tool to fight blacks”. Over
17 million people have experimented with inhalants. As counter insightful as it may appear, evidence
advocates that criminalization of drugs never prevents the use of illegal drugs; however,
decriminalization does. US Government. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. Xu, M.D, Jiaquan, Kenneth D. You
also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. What's needed, indeed essential, are reflection -
- and action. America's war against recreational drugs is an example of good intentions gone terribly
wrong. Drug addicts are affected financially as well as legally. Meanwhile, low-cost drugs have
become even more plentiful (288). It seems as though the stubbornness of our government to hold
traditional laws has fostered a generation of felons, as well as the lack of respect that police
complain about. The war on drugs campaign was initiated to define and thus reduce the illegal trade
of drug and fight against smugglers. Review and revise the paper if the writer finds it full of errors
whether grammatical or wrong facts. There is not less drunkenness in the Republic but more. In the
years of 1975, the Columbia police seized over 600 kilograms of cocaine from a small aircraft at the
Cali airport. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their
writing assignments. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication. The US
anti-drug policy targets production, consumption and distribution of illicit drugs with the aim of
increasing the cost of drug production and use. From a civil liberties perspective, the current
government is engaging in a situation very similar to Prohibition with regards to the ongoing and
exorbitantly expensive War on Drugs. Combined with immigrant tensions and competition between
small American Farmers and larger farms who benefit of the cheaper Mexican labor, “a whole host of
drug laws was created that made illegal Mexican marihuana amongst others,” (Thompson, G. O.,
2014). This agency’s objective was to handle all the aspects of the drug problem in America. This
includes personalized content and advertising. Students need to practice discretion and caution in
discussing the causes and effects of the war on drugs research paper. Drugs and their consequences
What is it about your general topic of interest that interests you. Also known as, superagency
considered of officers from the ODALE, Customs and CIA. Let us write or edit the research paper
on your topic. Not only are the drugs widely available, they are uninterrupted, and some medications
are purer than in the past due to repeated failed efforts by our government. Rapid industrialization
and urbanization have ushered in a new way of life.
Bush witnessed the “rapid escalation of the domestic drug law enforcement,” and then the growth of
drug war began to slow down, (A Brief History of the Drug War, 2019). Fourth, write what the
reader can expect in the next subsections of your paper and what the purpose is for writing such a
research paper. The effects are tragic and this dilemma has become a major problem in the society.
Not only do users commit crimes but they become victims as well of an addiction that is hard to
break. While the war against heroin soldiered on, a new drug was threatening the social fiber of the
US: crack cocaine. This threatens the society because such criminal activities involve murder and
sometimes rape. Answer: Drugs induces psychological, mental and emotional stimulation.
Nowadays, the results are of his decisions are clear: The War on Drugs is a tremendous failure with
devastating unintended consequences. This piece begins to unveil the United States and their
involvement to fuel the cartel through inviting them with a market gleaming with addicts, loose gun
regulations, and a policy of Mexican and South American political interest and failed regimes. In
1998, a new campaign was designed to address the issue by educating parents as well the youth
regarding the bad consequences of drug use as well as providing the techniques that can be utilized
while struggling resistance to abuse. In addition to the dangers associated with increased drug
addiction, proponents of the war of drugs social welfare policy also argue, that addiction would most
certainly increase if the war on drugs were to alter its policies so as to legalize the use of illicit drugs
(Brux 2008, p. 37). However, this is an extreme measure. The government must work in full force
with the military and police to lessen or to put an end to the wicked effects of dangerous drugs and
the lives it is destroying. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references.
In this context, the War on Drugs is a campaign being undertaken by The War on Drugs In essence,
drugs are so common in the society that, many countries have concentrated much on the War on
Drugs. For many adolescents around the world, it is as easy to obtain illegal drugs as it is to obtain
alcohol. Farrington, D. and Coid, J. (2003) Early Prevention of Adult Antisocial Behaviour. The
government of the United States has tried to stop its production simply by regulating the sale of
chemical products used to manufacture the drug. Illegal export and consumption of the drug is an act
of offence. Many Central governments are often earmarked as objects of its now age-old and
publicly pulverised “War On Drugs.” Many of these governments have been picked out as
cooperated in the production on the trafficking of drugs. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that,
or find out how to manage cookies. Banks, C. (2005) Punishment in America: A Reference
Handbook. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security
features of the website. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function
properly. Drug addiction is one of the life-risking problems faced by many people in the world today.
This leads to many arrests for non-violent crimes, namely the possession of illicit substances, which
are the most “common” arrests. Our writers have years of experience writing academic papers, so
they know exactly what it takes to get top grades and meet deadlines. Although these numbers do
not look like much for a borderland compared to worldwide, the Drug Trafficking Across Borders
made the following statement. At that time, drugs were only being taken by a small group of people,
and they were excluded from society. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for
your paper. Also if a person has overdosed on rohypnol it is possible they can have problems
breathing and fall into a coma.

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