(An Autonomous Institution)
1.1Sources and types of municipal solid 1.2- Public health and environmental impacts of improper disposal of
solid wastes- 1.3sampling and characterization of wastes – 1.4factors affecting waste generation rate and
characteristics – 1.5Elements of integrated solid waste management – 1.6 Requirements and salient features of
Solid waste management rules (2016)--1.7Role of public and NGO‟s- Public Private participation –
1.8Elements of Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan.
Q.No Questions CO CL
1 How many major sources of solid waste are there based on their origin? CO1.1 CL1
a) 10 b) 5 c) 9 d) 6
2 Which of the below is not an idea behind solid waste management? CO1.1 CL1
a) Control of waste generation b) Storage and collection
c) Disposal d) Stop waste generation
3 The number of functional components of solid waste management is: CO1.2 CL1
a) 5 b) 3 c) 6 d) 4
4 The term ISWM refers to: CO1.3 CL1
a) International Solid Waste Management
b) Integrated Solid Waste Management
c) Integrated Solid Waste Machine
d) International Solid Waste Mechanism
5 Under which rule of Government, guidelines for solid waste management are foll CO1.2 CL1
a) Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2000
b) Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2016
c) Solid Waste Rules, 2000
d) Solid Waste Rules, 2016
6 The average composition of Municipal solid waste is: CO1.3 CL1
a) 41% organic, 40% inert & 19% recyclable
b) 20% organic, 60% inert & 20% recyclable
c) 30% organic, 20% inert & 50% recyclable
d) 19% organic, 41% inert & 40% recyclable
7 There are ways to treat waste thermally. CO1.2 CL1
a) 5 b) 3 c) 2 d) 4
8 Bio-medical waste can be effectively managed by the thermal process. CO1.4 CL1
a) True b) False
9 The WHO has classified the bio-medical waste into categories. CO1.4 CL1
a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2
10 Which gas produced in open dumps from the decomposition of biodegradable wa CO1.5 CL1
a) Ethane b) Methane c) Propane d) Ethane
11 Waste removal system was established in which of the following cities for the firs CO1.5 CL1
(a) Athens (b) Lahore (c) Paris (d) London
12 Which of the following solid wastes describes the term ‘Municipal Solid Waste’? CO1.6 CL1
(a) Toxic (b) Hazardous (c) Non-toxic (d) Non-hazardous
15 Why is recycled paper banned for use in food containers? CO1.7 CL1
(a) Because it creates a lot of spaces
(b) Because it creates contamination
(c) Because paper can be used only one time
(d) Because paper is very thick and can’t cover the food containers
16 Which of the following plans is used as a waste management plan? CO1.7 CL1
(a) Plan for reuse (b) The integrated plan
(c) Plan for recycling (d) Plan for reducing
The organic material of the solid waste will decompose CO1.7 CL1
17 (a) By the flow of water
(b) By the soil particles
(c) By the action of microorganisms
(d) By oxidation
18 Which of the following wastes is called the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)? CO1.7 CL1
(a) Food wastes
(b) Wood pieces
(c) Plastic cans
(d) All of the above
19 The process of burning municipal solid wastes under suitable temperature and con CO1.8 CL1
a specific furnace is called .
(a) Landfill
(b) Incineration
(c) Recycling
(d) Vermicomposting
20 The burning of solid waste is not recommended because CO1.8 CL1
(a) It is very costly
(b) It requires a lot of space
(c) It requires modern technologies
(d) It causes several environmental issues
1 Describe solid waste management. CO 1.1 CL2
2 List the essential reasons for an analysis of the composition,characteristics and CO 1.1 CL1
quantities of solid wastes.
3 Describe about the interrelationship of the functional elementsin a solid waste CO 1.2 CL2
management system.
4 Enlighten about the public health and aesthetic considerations CO 1.2 CL2
in solid waste management system
5 Describe solid waste and a hazardous waste in generalterms. CO 1.3 CL2
6 Classify the solid waste based on sources. CO 1.3 CL1
7 Examine public health and environmental effects due CO 1.3 CL3
to improper handling of solid waste
8 Outline the key role of public in solid waste management. CO 1.4 CL3
9 Compose the factors that contribute to variation incomposition of solid waste CO 1.4 CL1
10 Illustrate any four hazardous wastes. CO 1.4 CL2
11 Justify various roles of NGO. CO 1.5 CL4
12 Discuss the composition of municipal solid waste CO 1.5 CL2
2.1Waste Management Hierarchy - Reduction, Reuse and Recycling -2.2 source reduction of waste –
2.3On- site storage methods – Effect of storage, materials used for containers –2.4 segregation of solid
wastes – Public health and economic aspects of open storage – 2.5 case studies under Indian conditions
2.6 Recycling of Plastics and Construction/Demolition wastes.
1 When the organic matter present in the sanitary landfill decomposes, CO2.1 CL2
it generates
(a) Methane (b) Nitrogen
(c) Hydrogen (d) All of the above
2 Which of the following is the oldest and the most common method used CO2.3 CL2
to dump solid wastes?
(a) River (b) Ocean
(c) Landfill (d) None of the above
3 The disposable wastes contain CO2.4 CL3
(a) Solids (b) Slurries
(c) Liquids (d) All of the above
4 Find the correct statement CO2.2 CL4
(a) The waste from one process becomes the input for another process
(b) All the processes related to consumption and production produce
some kind of waste
(c) There is no real waste in nature
(d) All of the above
5 Which of the following methods is better for the solid waste problem? CO2.2 CL2
(a) Recycling (b) Land filling
(c) Both a and b (d) None of the above
6 Which of the following statements is incorrect for plastic wastes? CO2.3 CL2
(a) It is used to make compost
(b) It lasts for a longer period of time
(c) Toxic fumes are produced when burnt
(d) All of the above
7 The most serious environmental effect posed by hazardous wastes is CO2.3 CL3
(a) Air pollution
(b) Contamination of groundwater
(c) Increased use of land for landfills
(d) None of these
8 Which of the integrated waste management is reduced on an CO2.4 CL3
individual level?
(a) Source reduction (b)Recycling
(b) Disposal (d)Burning
9 How Does an Organic Material Decompose in the Buried Solid Waste? CO2.4 CL2
(a) By the action of microorganisms
(b) By the action of oxidation
(c) By the soil particles
(d) By the flow of water
10 Social, economical and ecological equity is the necessary condition CO2.5 CL1
for achieving
(a) Social development (b) Economical development
(c) Sustainable development (d) Ecological development
11 . is the separation of biodegradable waste from non CO2.5 CL1
biodegradable waste for proper disposal and recycling.
a) Separation b) Segregation c) Removal d) Composting
12 What is the amount of waste generated in urban India per CO2.5 CL1
day? a) 155500 b) 188500 c) 175800 d) 168500
16 What is the area of land required for 4000 people for disposal of waste? CO2.5 CL1
a) 1.25 hectares b) 1.5 hectares c) 1.75 hectares d) 2.0 hectares
19 How does organic material in the buried solid waste will decompose? CO2.6 CL1
a) By the action of oxidation
b) By the action of microorganisms
c) By the flow of water
d) By the soil particles
20 Why the recycled paper is banned for use in food containers? CO2.6 CL1
a) Because it creates contamination b) Because it creates a lot of spaces
c) Because paper can be used only one time d) Because paper is
very thick and can’t cover the food containers
1 List out the methods for the primary collection of solid CO 2.1 CL1
2 List the various stages at which sorting can takes place inthe waste CO 2.1 CL1
3 List the key components of the receiving area of an CO 2.2 CL1
MSWprocessing facility.
4 Describe mechanical collection of solid wastes? CO 2.2 CL1
12 Rate the impacts of house hold waste storage in tropical CO 2.7 CL4
1 As per CPCB, how much solid waste is generated per capita per day CO3.1 CL1
in large cities? a). 0.1 kg b). 0.5 kg c). 0.3 kg to 0.4 kg d) . 2.8
2 In solid waste management, waste utilization is achieved by CO3.1 CL1
a). Recover, reclamation of reproduce b) Reuse, Reclamation and
c) Recover, Recycling and Reproduce d) Reuse, Reproduce and
4 Which of the following is correct regarding disposal of waste by land filling? CO3.1 CL1
a) Economical method b) Preferred in low lying areas
c) Foul gases are not produced d) Separation of different types of waste not
5 The density of ash produced in the municipal solid waste is CO3.1 CL1
a) 100 kg/m3 b) 450 kg/m3 c) 700 kg/m3 d) 1000 kg/m3
6 The waste produced in cotton mills are CO3.1 CL1
a) Municipal solid waste b) Non biodegradable waste
c) Hazardous waste d) Non hazardous waste.
7 . Which of the following is not the land filling method? CO3.1 CL1
a) Bangalore method b) Area method
c) Depression method d) Trench method
8 . is a liquid that passes through solid waste and extracts suspended CO3.1 CL1
impurities from it.
a) Leachate b) Sludge c) Distilled water d) Municipal waste
9 . is the cutting and tearing of municipal solid waste. CO3.1 CL1
a) Land fills b) Shredding c) Pulverization d) Composting
10 is the crushing and grinding of municipal solid waste. CO3.1 CL1
a) Land fills b) Shredding c) Pulverization d) Composting
11 Which among the following is used to dump the waste collected in the cities? CO3.1 CL1
a) Landfills b) Oceans c) River d) All of the above
12 The gas produced from the landfill wastes is known as CO3.1 CL1
a) Liquified Petroleum Gas b)Natural Gas c) Biogas d)None of the above
13 In which city used rail transport to disposal of solid waste ? (CO-III CL1) CO3.1 CL1
a) Mumbai b) Chennai c) pune d) Bangalore
19 The hand picking separation technology was targeted the following materials CO3.1 CL1
a) large film plastics b) Recyclable Materials b) Non- Ferrous Metals d)
Glass& Gravel.2
20 choose the advantage of drums in size reduction technology (CO-III CL1) CO3.1 CL1
a) to take of gravity to tumble, mix, and homogeneous of waste
b) To Rapid decomposition and verity of devices are used
c) Internal structure of the particles , enhancing the opportunities
for decomposition d) None of the above
1 Describe about the criteria for selection of location for transfer stations. CO3.1 CL1
Q.No Questions CO Level CL
1 The separation of biodegradable waste from non-biodegradable CO4.1 CL2
waste for proper disposal and recycling is,
a) Separation b) Segregation c) Removal d)
2 The amount of waste generated in urban India per day CO4.1 CL3
will be (in tons)
a) 155500 b) 188500 c) 175800 d) 168500
3 Methane gas is released due to which of the following CO4.2 CL1
a) Proper segregation b) Improper segregation c) Disposal
d) Dumping
4 The active life of landfill in years will be CO4.2 CL1
a) 10-25 b) 10-20 c) 20-30 d) 20-50
5 The following type of treatment methods are used for CO4.2 CL1
municipal and industrial waste waters
a) Main stream b) Slow rate c) Overflow d) Rapid
6 The different numbers of forms of nitrogen, are present in CO4.2 CL1
waste water is
a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2
7 Percentage of solids does waste water contain CO4.3 CL2
a) 0.1% b) 1% c) 0.5% d) 5%
8 The minimum diameter of pipes used for drainage of CO4.4 CL1
waste water is
a) 105 mm b) 50 mm c) 100 mm d) 75 mm
9 The following city was the first one to establish a CO4.4 CL1
system of waste removal
a) Athens b) Lahore c) Paris d) London
10 The following source is used in the production of Plastic CO4.5 CL1
a) Mercury
b) Lead
c) Vinyl
chloride None of
11 The waste optimizing activity about Aerobic bacteria is CO4.5 CL2
a) Flourish in the presence of free oxygen
b) Consume organic matter as their food
c) Oxidise organic matter in
sewage All
12 The most serious environmental effect posed by hazardous CO4.6 CL3
wastes is
a) Air pollution
b) Contamination of groundwater
c) Increased use of land for
landfills None of these
13 The integrated waste management is reduced on an CO4.6 CL2
individual level process is
a) Source reduction
b) Recycling
c) Disposal
d) Burning
14 The recycled paper is banned for use in food containers CO4.6 CL3
a) Because it creates contamination
b) Because it creates a lot of spaces
c) Because paper can be used only one time
d) Because paper is very thick and can’t cover the
food containers
15 Social, economic and ecological equity is the necessary CO4.7 CL3
condition for achieving
a) Social development
b) Economic development
c) Sustainable development
d) Ecological development
16 Making new containers from crushed glass helps to CO4.7 CL1
a) Save materials
b) Save fuel
c) Both of these
d) None of these
17 The gas produced from the landfill wastes is known as CO4.7 CL1
1 Describe the various options for the disposal of solid wastes and the CO 4.1 CL2
relative merits of disposal options.
2 Describe the incineration technologies and air emissions and its control CO 4.1 CL2
3 Describe the mechanical methods of volume reduction of solid waste CO 4.2 CL2
4 a) Write how incineration helps in the management of solid waste. CO 4.2 CL2
b) Describe the incineration technologies and air emissions and
its control indetail.
5 a) Outline a flow chart showing the steps involved in the CO 4.3 CL2
aerobic composting process.
b) Enlighten the factors affecting composting process.
6 Discuss the major types of gaseous emissions from a mass burn CO 4.3 CL2
incineratorand how each may be effectively removed from flue?
7 Explicate the working of a continuous feed mass fired municipal CO 4.3 CL2
incineratorwith a neat sketch.
8 Illustrate the facilities needed for air pollution control due to incinerator. CO 4.4 CL3
9 Illustrate CO 4.4 CL3
(i) Composting micro biology (ii) Gases in sanitary landfill
(iii) Air pollution problems in incineration process
10 Describe briefly about the composting facilities and various types CO 4.4 CL2
of composting techniques.
11 Elucidate composting process of bio degradable municipal solid waste. CO 4.5 CL4
12 Describe the following CO 4.5 CL2
a)Shredding and pulverizing b)Vermi-composting
( c) Incineration ( d ) In Vessel composting
13 Assess the factors affecting waste composting and the methods of its CO 4.5 CL2
14 Compose briefly about various magnetic separators with neat sketches. CO 4.5 CL2
At the disposal sites, which of the following methods is used to reduce the CO 5.1 CL1
volume of urban waste?
a) Bulldozer leveling b) Open burning
c) Fertilizer d) Incineration
4. What is the major environmental concern related to landfill? CO5.1 CL1
a) Limited space b) Limited technology
c) Less man-power d) Discharge of leachates
CO5.1 CL1
4 Which of the following treatment shouldn’t be used for pre-treatment of
solid waste?
a) Mechanical treatment b) Biological treatment
c) Thermal treatment d) Heavy metal treatment
Which of the following mechanism can’t be used to regulate mass from CO5.1 CL1
waste to leaching water?
a) Hydrolysis b) Addition of heavy metals
c) Biological degradation d) Solubilization
CO5.2 CL1
6 Which of the following phases is not identified in anaerobic degradation?
a) Anaerobic phase b) Methanogenic fermentation
c) Aerobic compost d) Acid fermentation
CO5.2 CL1
7 Which of the following is not an environmental monitoring method?
a) Ground water monitoring b) Landfill sealing
c) Quality of leachate d) Biodegradation
CO5.2 CL1
8 10. What is the method that fills in gas into the landfills?
a) Vermicomposting b) In-situ aeration
c) Incineration d) Recycling
Which of the following is a biodegradable waste? CO5.2 CL1
a) Polythene bags b) Synthetic fiber c) Food waste d) Paper
In which method of disposal of municipal solid waste, the waste is dumped CO5.3 CL1
in the soil?
a) Incineration b) Composting c) Land filing ,d) Shredding
Which of the following is correct regarding disposal of waste by land CO5.3 CL1
a) Economical method
b) Preferred in low lying areas
c) Foul gases are not produced
d) Separation of different types of waste not required.
The density of ash produced in the municipal solid waste is CO5.3 CL1
a) 100 kg/m3 b) 450 kg/m3c) 700 kg/m3d) 1000 kg/m3
The process of decomposition of biodegradable solid waste by CO5.4 CL1
earthworms is called
a) Land fills b) Shredding c) Vermi-composting d) Composting
The waste produced in cotton mills are CO5.5 CL1
a) Municipal solid waste b) Non biodegradable waste
c) Hazardous waste d) Non hazardous waste .
Which of the following is not the land filling method? CO5.5 CL1
a) Bangalore method b) Area method c) Depression method d) Trench
is a liquid that passes through solid waste and extracts suspended CO 5.5 CL1
impurities from it.
a) Leachate b) Sludge c) Distilled water d) Municipal waste
Which of the following waste can be decomposed by bacteria? CO5.5 CL1
a) Radioactive substance b) Ashes c) Food waste d) Rubbish
is the cutting and tearing of municipal solid waste. CO5.6 CL1
a) Land fills b) Shredding c) Pulverization d) Composting
. is the crushing and grinding of municipal solid waste. CO5.6 CL1
a) Land fills b) Shredding c) Pulverization d) Composting
1 Discuss, can u build anything on a landfill after it is closed? CO 5.1 CL1
2 Justify, what happens to garbage after it is put into a landfill? CO 5.1 CL1
3 Write, what are the factors which affect production of leachate and CO 5.1 CL1
landfillgas in the landfill?
4 Describe leachate and landfills. CO 5.2 CL2
5 Write about biomedical waste. CO 5.2 CL1
6 List the various gases generated in sanitary landfill. CO 5.2 CL1
7 Outline, how to minimize leachate generation in a sanitary landfill. CO 5.3 CL2
8 Discuss the types of municipal solid waste which are permitted for CO 5.3 CL2
landfiling as per Indian regulations.
9 Discuss the use of daily cover in a land fill. CO 5.3 CL2
10 Illustrate, what is a hazardous waste. CO 5.3 CL2
11 Illustrate, what is the covering materials used in a sanitary land fill. CO 5.3 CL2
12 Explain layer to layer disposal system. CO 5.4 CL3
13 Investigate, why disposal of solid waste is necessity. CO 5.4 CL3
14 Outline different types of landfills. CO 5.4 CL2
15 Identify the problems facing while disposing solid waste. CO 5.5 CL2
16 Decide, how to select disposal yard? CO 5.5 CL2
17 Prioritize the factors to be carried while selection of disposal site. CO 5.5 CL2
18 Predict, how to treat leachate water? CO 5.6 CL2
19 Invent leachate water and waste water. CO 5.6 CL2
20 Invent the various parameters to be taken in a disposal yard CO 5.6 CL2
1 a) List the issues to be considered before deciding on gas ventilation from CO 5.1 CL1
a landfill.
b) Describe a typical gas vents used in the surface of a landfill for
the control of landfill gas.
2 Describe the adverse effects of a landfill leachate and list appropriate control CO 5.1 CL1