Nutrients 11 02781
Nutrients 11 02781
Nutrients 11 02781
Relationships Between Health and Environmental
Information on the Willingness to Pay for Functional
Foods: The Case of a New Aloe Vera Based Product
Castellari Elena 1 , Ricci Elena Claire 2 , Stranieri Stefanella 3, *, Marette Stéphan 4 ,
Sarnataro Martina 1 and Soregaroli Claudio 1
1 Department of Agri-Food Economics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Via Emilia Parmense,
84, 29122 Piacenza, Italy; [email protected] (C.E.); [email protected] (S.M.);
[email protected] (S.C.)
2 Department of Business Administration, Università degli Studi di Verona, Via Cantarane 24, 37129 Verona,
Italy; [email protected]
3 Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 2,
20133 Milano, Italy
4 UMR Économie Publique, INRA, Université Paris-Saclay, F-78850 Grignon, France;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-0250316460
Received: 29 September 2019; Accepted: 11 November 2019; Published: 15 November 2019
Abstract: There is an increasing interest in healthy and sustainable product characteristics. Consumers
determine their dietary intake and frame production systems with their choices. However, little is
known about the relationships between health and environmental information in influencing
these choices, especially when considering functional foods. This study assessed the influence of
health-related and environmental-friendliness-related product information on the willingness to pay
(WTP) for functional foods. To this end, a WTP elicitation experiment was set up using a jam-like fruit
compote enriched with Aloe vera gel. Participants were provided with different messages related to
the health and environmental benefits of Aloe vera products, and were also asked to taste the product.
Results indicated that providing new information significantly increased the WTP for the enriched
compote. This increase was significant for both health and environmentally based benefits, with the
health message leading to a higher WTP. Combining health and environmental messages produced
an additive effect on WTP which was independent of the sequential order in which the two messages
were given. Results contrasted the view that health messages are the main drivers of WTP, and open
a broader range of communication in terms of marketing strategies and sustainable policy objectives.
Keywords: food choices; functional food; health information; environmental information; choice
experiment; sustainability
1. Introduction
Consumers are increasingly interested in healthy and sustainable product characteristics when
buying food [1]. Most consumers have concerns about environmental issues and look for sustainable
products with environmentally friendly characteristics which can also positively affect their health [2,3].
In recent decades, the prevalence of food with nutritionally enriched characteristics and functional
ingredients aimed at improving human wellbeing has increased considerably [4]. Functional food
captures this trend of food demand by offering products that impact positively on human health.
The market for functional food is steadily increasing, even if making an estimate of the market
dimension for these products is complicated, mainly because of the lack of a common, internationally
recognized definition of such products [5]. In Europe, functional food is defined as “natural or processed
foods that contain known or unknown biologically active compounds which, in defined, effective
non-toxic amounts, provide a clinically proven and documented health benefit for the prevention,
management, or treatment of chronic disease” [6]. Diplock et al. [7] considered a broader definition
by considering products to be functional when it has been satisfactorily proven that they positively
affect human health and wellbeing beyond nutritional effects. Moreover, Poulsen [8] introduced an
even broader definition, identifying four characteristics that could cause a product to be considered
functional: (i) the enrichment of food with a substance which is already part of the product; (ii) the
substitution of a nutrient with another one; (iii) the adding of a new substance in the product; or (iv)
the elimination of a component of the product.
Plant food supplements like aloe-based food products can be considered products with functional
characteristics according to the above definitions. Plant food supplements are foodstuffs with a high
concentration of botanical preparations that have nutritional or physiological effects, alone or in
combination with vitamins, minerals, and other substances which are not plant-based.
Literature to date has explored the market response of functional food mainly by investigating
the factors influencing consumer acceptance of such products [9–11]. This includes socioeconomic
characteristics such as gender [12–14], age [15,16], knowledge [17–19], and lifestyles [5], as well as
cognitive and attitudinal drivers [5,17,20–24] including cultural factors [25], and the role of beliefs [26].
In addition, some quality product characteristics, such as price, convenience, and taste [27] have been
found to influence consumer acceptance for functional foods.
A relevant body of literature has also explored the effect of labeled health information on consumer
preferences and willingness to use novel foods with functional characteristics. Most of the empirical
results have highlighted a positive influence of health claims on the evaluation and choice of functional
foods [28,29]. Other studies have concentrated their attention on the information most able to enhance
consumer response to health claims for functional foods, highlighting how physiology-related health
benefits [30], or health benefits more generally [24,31], are positively impacting motivation to purchase
or are evaluated better than nutrition claims or disease-risk claims [17]. At the same time, the negative
trade-off between healthy characteristics and taste seems to reduce the acceptance of functional foods
over time [27].
To the best of our knowledge, there is currently a gap in the evaluation of other types of information,
apart from health-based, on consumer intention to use functional foods. For example, the effect of
information about the environmentally sustainable attributes of such products has received only
limited attention, even if consumers have been shown to have interest in such characteristics in
food products [32–34]. Moreover, there is also little evidence on the possible synergic or additive
effects of using different types of information on the willingness to pay for products with functional
characteristics. Only a recent study conducted by Goetzke et al. [35] has studied the effect of healthy
consumer lifestyle on the consumption of organic and functional food. More generally, it appears
that the impact of environmental information on food consumption has been much less researched
compared to health-related information and the combination of these two types of information has
garnered very little attention [36].
Study on the effects of health-related and environmental sustainability information is particularly
important as it contributes to the knowledge that could favor a transition toward healthier diets and
sustainable food systems [37]. This is a widely recognized goal among scientists, institutions, and the
public. Information influences consumer demand, and this demand decides the healthiness of diets and
frames production systems [38,39]. There is a growing understanding of the interrelationships between
diet, health, and the environment [40]. Actions in this direction are already visible. For example,
as highlighted by Hoek et al. [41], although dietary guidelines worldwide are mostly focused on
health, some governmental bodies are starting to introduce indications from both environmental and
nutritional science to frame new guidelines.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2781 3 of 16
On the basis of the above research gaps, the aims of the present paper were: (i) to assess the
influence of health-related and environmental friendliness product information on the willingness
to pay for functional foods; (ii) to empirically estimate the presence of possible synergic or additive
effects of health and environmental-friendliness-related information on the overall evaluation of
functional foods.
In our empirical analysis we referred to a unique, jam-like, aloe-based fruit compote that
has not been commercialized. The health characteristics of this product relate to the absence of
added sugar and to a high concentration of Aloe vera. The gel has a wide array of pharmacological
attributes including: anti-viral, anti-bacterial, laxative, protection against radiation, anti-oxidant,
anti-inflammation, anticancer, anti-diabetic, anti-allergenic, and immuno-stimulation activities. As far
as the food industry is concerned, the potential use of Aloe vera gel has mainly focused on the
development of functional foods due to its beneficial properties in treating constipation, coughs, diabetes,
headaches, arthritis and immune system deficiencies, and digestive effects [42]. The environmentally
friendly properties of such products relate to the sustainable cultivation practices of Aloe vera, as the
plant can grow in arid and marginal areas without the need for chemicals and with a very limited
water consumption.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the experimental design and the data
analysis procedure, Section 3 presents the results, and Section 4 discusses the results in the context of
the available literature, and highlights suggestions for future research and study limitations.
Hypothesis 2. Providing
(a) Health-related additional
message aboutproduct information
the benefits of Aloeonvera
the health-related
consumption properties of Aloe vera and/or on
the environmental impacts of its production affects the WTP;
“Aloe gel has been used for centuries for its healing and therapeutic properties. Frequent use of aloe-
Hypothesis A health
based foods3.brings messagetodirected
benefits highlighting
The gel hastheanti-viral,
private benefits for consumers
anti-bacterial, is more effective
anti-oxidant, anti-
than one about environmental
inflammatory, anti-diabetic,sustainability,
anti-allergic, which is associated
immune- with public
stimulatory, and benefits,
wetting i.e.,
andthe health message
wound healing
induces a greater
properties, increase
and burn in WTP;
action. It is also used to support the health of the digestive tract. The use of aloe
gel in the food industry is mainly focused on the development of functional foods. Thanks to its
Hypothesis 4. The twoittypes
beneficial properties, of information
is mainly used ininteract and impact
the treatment the size of theircough,
of constipation, effects; diabetes, migraine,
arthritis, and immune system deficiency. Aloe-based products are suitable for consumers of all ages
and offer a diverse range of health-related properties”.
(b) Environmental message about the environmentally friendly characteristics of Aloe vera
“Aloe vera is an evergreen, xerophytic, greasy plant that has a tissue in the leaves allowing it to store
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2781 5 of 16
Hypothesis 5. The ordering of the information provided, i.e., whether the health-related or the environmental
message is provided first, impacts the evaluation of the product (manifested by different WTP values).
To this aim, the questionnaire consisted of different rounds of WTP elicitations using a multiple
price list (MPL) approach. The MPL approach relies on eliciting WTP asking to the participants their
willingness to buy a specific product in an array of ordered prices ranging from a maximum to a
minimum. For each price the subject is asked to indicate his willingness to buy indicating “yes”, “no”
or “maybe”. The WTP results on the value where the subject switch from “yes” to “no” or “maybe”.
In case the subject answer to any price of the array either always “yes” or always “no” or “maybe”,
the WTP corresponds either to the maximum or to the minimum of the listed prices. For a further
explanation of the MPL and its applications please refer to Andersen et al. [43].
The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. At the
beginning of the experiment, initial explanations were read, and participants decided whether they
wanted to provide their consent and thus agree to take part in the study. They were informed that all
of their replies were anonymous, since they were identified only by a number. Participants were asked
to indicate choices as if they were in a supermarket. It was clarified that there were no “good” or “bad”
replies, so they were strongly suggested to freely indicate choices reflecting their preferences.
The framing of the experiment in its timeline is illustrated in Figure 1. Following
Castellari et al. [44], after providing instructions for the experiment, the first section of WTP elicitation
was carried out without any message related to the health or environmental benefits of Aloe vera. For this
first round, instructions about the experiment were given, with only a few indications describing each
product which were basically focused on the composition of the fruit compote.
The health and environmental messages were written after studying articles from the nutrition,
agronomic, and environmental fields. The messages were relatively short, because previous works
have underlined the benefit of providing a concise message when conveying complex information [45].
The messages provided were the following:
(a) Health-related message about the benefits of Aloe vera consumption
“Aloe gel has been used for centuries for its healing and therapeutic properties. Frequent use
of aloe-based foods brings benefits to health. The gel has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant,
anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-allergic, immune- stimulatory, and wetting and wound healing
properties, and burn action. It is also used to support the health of the digestive tract. The use of
aloe gel in the food industry is mainly focused on the development of functional foods. Thanks to
its beneficial properties, it is mainly used in the treatment of constipation, cough, diabetes, migraine,
arthritis, and immune system deficiency. Aloe-based products are suitable for consumers of all ages
and offer a diverse range of health-related properties”.
(b) Environmental message about the environmentally friendly characteristics of Aloe vera
“Aloe vera is an evergreen, xerophytic, greasy plant that has a tissue in the leaves allowing it to
store a high water content and to survive in dry regions with reduced rainfall. Thus, it grows and can
be cultivated even in arid and/or marginal areas without the need for chemicals, and hence with a
highly sustainable agricultural process. It follows, therefore, that the cultivation of aloe has no negative
effects on the environment”.
The layout of these messages was precisely controlled by equally varying their order across
four different groups of participants (Group1 (G1), Group 2 (G2), Group 3 (G3), and Group 4 (G4).
Two groups started with the health-related message preceding the environmental message (G1 and
G3), and two other groups started with the environmental message followed by the health-related
message (G2 and G4). Furthermore, two of these groups tasted the products during the first round
(G3 and G4). Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four groups (G1, G2, G3, G4). (For a
clearer picture of the survey structure, refer to Table A2 in Appendix A).
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2781 6 of 16
At the end of the third round, participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at identifying
the consumer in terms of sociodemographic characteristics. They were asked to answer general
questions concerning their age, gender, job type, family composition, monthly income, purchasing
habits, and their previous knowledge about Aloe vera and Aloe-vera-based products.
These distributions indicate that globally, the sample might have slightly favored consumer
segments more interested in the nutritional and environmental aspects of food (for example, for gender
and education levels). However, having included such variables in the analyses controlled for possible
effects related to sample representitaveness.
introduced to model possible positive dependencies among answers by the same individuals induced
by individual specific preferences toward fruit compotes. The dataset indeed included six answers by
each individual, given that answers were pooled for the elicitation round (Round 1 to 3). In detail,
we estimated the model as follows:
WTP*Ri = β0 + β1 XR + β2 Xi + νi + Ri
WTPRi = 2 if WTP*Ri ≤ 2
WTPRi = 18 if WTP*Ri ≥ 18
where β0 is the intercept, β1 is a vector of a parameter associated with the experimental design variables
(related to the presence of Aloe vera, the information provided, and tasting of the product), XR is the
vector of dummy variables coding the experimental design, β2 is a vector of a parameter associated
with individual characteristics (age, gender, education, income, and occupation), Xi is the vector of
regressors associated with the individual sociodemographic characteristics, νi is the individual specific
random effect, and Ri is the error term.
More specifically, the two estimated models differed in how we modeled the experimental design.
In the first model, XR was a vector of dummy variables indicating the presence of Aloe vera (aloe),
the provision of a health-related message for the fruit-only/conventional compote (h_conv) or for the
Aloe vera compote (h_aloe), and the provision of an environmental-friendliness-related message for the
fruit-only/conventional compote (en_conv) or for the Aloe vera compote (en_aloe). For all of the above
dummies, 1 indicated the presence of Aloe vera or of the information provision. The same was true
for the variable tasting (in both models) which was meant to control for the difference in taste of the
two compotes.
Model 2 deepened the investigation into the impact of information provision and, in particular,
possible saturation and/or order effects in relation to the health and environmental aspects. In this
case, XR was a vector of two variables: treatment and tasting. Tasting (taste variable) was codified as a
dummy variable that was assigned a value of 1 when respondents tasted the compote (in groups G3
and G4), and 0 otherwise (in groups G1 and G2). The “treatment” was codified through five dummy
variables describing the six treatments: (i) when the WTP was elicited for the fruit-only compote,
(ii) for the Aloe vera fruit compote with no additional information (Round 1), (iii) for the Aloe vera fruit
compote with only the health-related information (Round 2 for G1 and G3), (iv) for the Aloe vera fruit
compote with only the environment-related information (Round 2 for G2 and G4), (v) for the Aloe
vera fruit compote with the health-related information plus the environmental information—in this
order (Round 3 for G1 and G3), and (vi) for the Aloe vera fruit compote having received both types of
information, but in the opposite order (Round 3 for G2 and G4). This new set of variables allowed us
to evaluate ceteris paribus the willingness to pay across the different treatments. As before, we coded 1
when the condition was verified and 0 when it was not.
Finally, we used the delta method to verify via hypothesis tests whether the coefficients that
emerged and their differences were statistically different from one other. All analyses were performed
using Stata 15.
3. Results
Data were first analyzed via descriptive statistics. In particular, we have reported mean, standard
deviation, and extreme values for the elicited willingness to pay for the two types of compote in the
different experimental conditions (Table 2). What emerged is that the WTP for the aloe compote was
always greater that for the conventional fruit-only compote. Moreover, the WTP for the enriched
compote increased as more information on the positive properties of Aloe vera was given, i.e., from Round
1 to Round 2, and from Round 2 to Round 3 in all cases. However, there seemed to be a greater
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2781 9 of 16
increase in average WTP when the information regarded health, at least when the first information
was provided.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of elicited willingness to pay for the two compotes in the different
experimental conditions.
Variable Experimental Condition Round Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
WTP_conv No information 1 112 6.0 1.3 2 9
WTP_aloe No information 1 112 8.1 1.8 4 13
WTP_conv Health information 2 60 6.2 1.3 3.5 9
WTP_conv Environmental information 2 52 5.9 1.1 3 8
WTP_aloe Health information 2 60 9.9 2.1 6 15.5
WTP_aloe Environmental information 2 52 9.2 1.9 6 15
WTP_conv Environmental + health information 3 52 6.0 1.3 3 8.5
WTP_conv Health + environmental information 3 60 6.2 1.4 3.5 9.5
WTP_aloe Environmental + health information 3 52 10.1 2.2 6 15.5
WTP_aloe Health + environmental information 3 60 11.0 2.2 7 15.5
Notes: In this table we report the descriptive statistics of the willingness to pay (WTP) elicited for the two compotes
(conventional fruit-only compote and aloe-enriched compote) in the different treatment conditions. The treatments
differed in information provision. The information the subjects were given is reported in the second column.
WTPs are measured in euros for a 250 g jar.
To further investigate the impacts of information and other variables on the willingness to pay for
the fruit compotes, we applied a set of regression models. Table 3 reports the results of the first model,
while Table 4 presents the results of the second model.
Table 3. Tobit model with random effect for the WTP for the fruit compote (Model 1).
Table 4. Tobit model with random effect for the WTP for the fruit compote (Model 2).
What emerged from the results of Model 1m reported in Table 3, was that the presence of aloe
induced a higher willingness to pay for the fruit compote (confirming H.1). Moreover, providing
information on the health benefits of Aloe vera did not significantly affect the willingness to pay
of the conventional fruit compote, but it did significantly increase the willingness to pay for the
Aloe-vera-enriched compote. Similarly, the provision of the environmental message also did not impact
the valuation for the conventional compote, but it increased that for the enriched one (confirming H.2).
Tasting the compote with Aloe vera did not seem to have a significant effect. Among the individual
characteristics, younger respondents seem to value the product less than older ones. Table 3 also
indicates that the predicted value of willingness to pay for male respondents was lower compared
to that of women. Similar results were found for unemployed consumers. Respondents with higher
levels of income were found to have a higher estimated WTP.
The results reported in Table 4 confirmed the strong role of the presence of Aloe vera and information
provision on the willingness to pay. Indeed, compared to the conventional fruit-only compote, adding
Aloe vera significantly increased the WTP (confirming H.1). Providing one set of information on either
the health benefits or the low environmental impact also significantly increased the WTP for the
Aloe-vera-enriched compote (confirming H.2). The health message showed a higher coefficient and a
greater increase compared to the no information treatment (Table 4). The difference was confirmed
statistically by the hypothesis test reported in Table 5 (confirming H.3).
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2781 11 of 16
Table 5. Hypothesis testing on the statistical difference among Model 2 regression coefficients β.
Moving to Round 3 of the experiment, i.e., when an additional informational message was
provided, we found that, again, both types of additional information increased the WTP for the
Aloe-vera-enriched compote (Table 4). Again, the increase was higher when the message regarded the
health benefits compared to the low environmental message (confirming H.3).
Moreover, when we tested the differences between the two health-information-related increases
in WTP, we found that they were not significantly different from each other (Table 5). A similar result
was found for the environmental messages. Thus, there seemed not to be a diminishing return for
the additional information provided nor an amplification of the informational effect; instead, the two
effects seem to be additive (confuting H.4).
Furthermore, the final WTP was the same whether the health information was given before or
after the environmental information. Indeed, the two coefficients associated with “full” information
provision (associated with the variables “aloe_health + env” and “aloe_env + health” in Table 4) were
not statistically different from each other (as emerging from Table 5). Thus, the order in which the
information was provided did not seem to influence the consumer evaluation of the product elicited as
the willingness to pay for it (confuting H.5).
Furthermore, the results reported in Table 4 also indicated that previous knowledge about Aloe vera
may have had a positive significant effect on the willingness to pay for the Aloe-vera-enriched compote.
Table 5 reports the results of the seven hypothesis tests that used the delta method to test whether
the regression coefficients β (or some combinations of these) emerging from Model 2 (Table 4) were
statistically different from each other.
4. Discussion
The presented results lead to several interpretations and implications for practice. First of all,
without considering the effect of information, adding a food ingredient such as Aloe vera increased
the WTP for the fruit compote. This result suggests that the new ingredient changed the reference
price thinking of the potential consumer [47]. The absolute value of the price change, which was
about €2, also suggested that the product had the potential to move away from the fruit compote
category to a “functional” food category. Therefore, it seems that the attribute Aloe vera was already
perceived as a quality-enhancing attribute, independently of the level of knowledge of the product
itself. This introduces a first implication for management: It appears that enhancing an existing product
with the Aloe vera ingredient might result in a concrete repositioning of the product within its category
or even move the product to a different category.
Although Aloe vera was perceived to be a quality attribute, the results suggest that there was
no full awareness and understanding of its properties. Providing new information significantly
increased the WTP for the enriched compote. This increase was significant for both health and
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2781 12 of 16
The presented research also carried some limitations and areas in need of further investigation.
First of all, there is a difference between stated WTP and actual behavior. Participants reported their
answers in a11,controlled
Nutrients 2019, x FOR PEERenvironment,
REVIEW which might be substantially different from the contextual 13 of 17
situation during a purchase. Information might not be read or noticed in the same way. For this reason,
should field
not experiments
be generalized couldto help
the to improve Moreover,
category. the externalthevalidity of this typeand
environmental of study. Secondly,
information foods
wasare not specific
very a homogeneous category in the
to the combination of eyes of consumers
the product [24], and
and Aloe vera results should
attribute. not
be generalized to the category. Moreover, the environmental and health-related
external validity could be gained from extending the analysis to other products in the functionalinformation was very
the combination
the analysisofwould
the product
benefitand Aloe
from vera attribute.
a larger Again,
sample that external
could allowvalidity could be
the definition of
differentfrom extending
clusters the analysis
of consumers to other
and take products
cultural effectsininto
functional domain.
[25,26]. Finally,allow
This would the analysis
a better
tailoringbenefit from a larger
of marketing samplecommunications
and policy that could allowas, theasdefinition
Verain clusters of consumers
et al. [38], health and
and take cultural
environmental effects do
concepts into
go hand This would
in hand allow
across a better tailoring
consumer segments.of marketing and
policy communications as, as suggested by Verain et al. [38], health and environmental concepts do
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Elena Castellari, Elena Claire Ricci, Stefanella Stranieri, Stephan
not always go hand in hand across consumer segments.
Marette and Claudio Soregaroli; Data curation, Martina Sarnataro; Formal analysis, Elena Castellari and Elena
Claire Ricci; Investigation, Claudio Soregaroli; Methodology, Elena Castellari, Stephan Marette and Claudio
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.E., R.E.C., S.S., M.S. and S.C.; Data curation, S.M.; Formal analysis,
C.E. Supervision,
and R.E.C.; Claudio
Investigation, S.C.; Soregaroli;
Methodology,Writing—original draft,
C.E., M.S. and S.C.; Elena Castellari,
Supervision, Elena Claire Ricci,
S.C.; Writing—original draft,
C.E., Stranieri
R.E.C., S.S. andand Claudio
S.C.; Soregaroli;&Writing—review
Writing—review editing, S.S. & editing, Stefanella Stranieri.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: Authors
Acknowledgments: AuthorsthankthankLuigi
Dr. Lucini and theand
Luigi Lucini Department for Sustainable
the Department Food Process
for Sustainable Foodof Process
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy, for providing the fruit compotes used in this study and the information concerning,
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy, for providing the fruit compotes used in this study and the
product composition, nutritional contents, and production process.
information concerning, product composition, nutritional contents, and production process.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A. Additional Information on the Experimental Settings
Appendix A – Additional Information on the Experimental Settings
Figure A1. Fruit Compote
S1. Fruit Compote Visual
Appearance.Note:Note:(1)(1)visual appearance
visual diddid
appearance notnot
change between
change the
fruit compotes (Aloe vera gel vs. pectin); (2) no specific labels were used and the jars were the same
the fruit compotes (Aloe vera gel vs. pectin); (2) no specific labels were used and the jars were the for
the two products.
same for the two products.
Table A1. Average nutritional contents of the fruit compotes used in the experiments.
Table S1. Average nutritional contents of the fruit compotes used in the experiments.
Average Nutritional Values Per 100 g (% RI) Per serving (20 g), (% RI)
Average Nutritional Values Per 100 g (% RI) Per serving (20 g), (% RI)
Calories 795 kJ/190 kcal kcal
795 kJ/190 (9.5%) 159159
kJ/38 kcalkcal
kJ/38 (1.9%)
Total fat 0.83 g (1%) 0.16 g (<1%)
(9.5%) (1.9%)
Saturated fat 0 g (0%) 0 g (0%)
Total fat 0.83 g (1%) 0.16 g (<1%)
Total carbohydrate 39.7 g (15%) 7.94 g (3%)
Sugars fat 36.970 gg (0%)
(41%) 0 gg(0%)
7.4 (8%)
Total carbohydrate
Dietary fibre 39.74gg(15%) 7.940.8
g (3%)
Protein 36.97
3.87 gg(8%)(41%) 7.4 gg(8%)
0.77 (1%)
Sodiumfibre 1.01 mg4 (<1%)
g 0.202 0.8
Protein 3.87 g (8%) 0.77 g (1%)
Source: elaborations of the nutritional lab of Department for Sustainable Food Process, Università Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore, Italy. Note: 1.01 mgduring
(1) this information was available (<1%)the experiment but
0.202notmg (<1%) to participants
Source:explicitly requested;
elaborations (2) ifnutritional
of the asked, to better
labcontrol for the effect
of Department of Sustainable
for information, the nutritional
Food Process,contents of the
two fruit compotes were generically stated to be “similar”; (3) only a few participants asked this information and
only at the del
end Sacro Cuore, Italy. Note: (1) this information was available during the experiment but
of the experiment.
not provided to participants unless explicitly requested; (2) if asked, to better control for the effect of
information, the nutritional contents of the two fruit compotes were generically stated to be “similar”;
(3) only a few participants asked this information and only at the end of the experiment.
Treatment Name
G1 G2 G3 G4
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2781 14 of 16
Treatment Name
G1 G2 G3 G4
Round 1 No info No info No info No info
Information provided Round 2 Health Environment Health Environment
Round 3 Environment Health Environment Health
Taste No No Yes Yes
Participants (n) 30 30 30 22
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