Comercial Law Meet 5
Comercial Law Meet 5
Comercial Law Meet 5
Transfer of shares
Cooperatives are based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution and are based on the
principle of kindship
Cooperative aims to promote the walfare of mambers in particular and society in
Elements of cooperative
Consumption cooperative
Service cooperative
Multipurpose cooperative (KSU)
Production cooperative
Saving and loans cooperatives
Organ Cooperative
1. Meeting of members
Articles of association
General policy in the field of managhement organizations and cooperative
Selection, appointment, dismissal of executive and supervisiors
Work plan, cooperative renevue and expenditure budget plan, ,as well as
ratification of financial reports
Ratification of the executive accountability in carrying out their duties
Distribution of the remaining income from the bussiness
Merger, consolidation, division and dissolution of cooperative
2. Executive board
Managing cooperatives and theur businesses
Submit a draft work plan as well as a draft income and expenditure budget
plan for cooperatives
Hold a member meeting
Submit financial reports and accountability for the implementation of task
Maintain a list of members and administators books
3. Supervisor board
Supervise the implementation of polices and management of cooperatives
Make a written report on the result of its supervision
1. Internal
Main saving
Mandor saving
Reserved fund
2. Loan
Other cooperative and/their
Banks and or other financial institutions
3. Capital investment
Commmunity members
Business entity
Other agenciy
Main saving : only pay in one time since join
Mandatory saving/ wajib : tergantung pada aturan asosiasi pada koperasi